The Lakehouse Chapter 6

Story by SolidFox on SoFurry

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#6 of The Lakehouse

Well, the sixth of ten. I decided not to make the story so long as twenty chapters, because I have several others that I need to write that explain a lot about the characters. Up and Coming (when I finish this story) are Far From Home, the tale of two young Rangers fighting overseas; and Apple of My Eye, the story of a young fox adopted by a family of collies, and how he tries to adjust to the new family.

I am really sorry this one took so long, but I never got around to uploading it, what with school and all.

I hope you enjoy! (The characters belong to me, if you want to use them, please ask)

Jamie had finally calmed down several days later. After, of course, the long evenings of Weylin helping him cope with Josiah's absence. Again. Every time the older fox left Jamie was on the couch, watching the news or in his room crying for about a week. After this week of tears, after Weylin had lost lots of sleep and the rest of the house being worried sick: the little fox would emerge, apologise excessively and cook an elaborate (and very delicious) meal for everyone. It would take hours of him slaving in the kitchen, refusing all help, but for him it was worth it: seeing his friends enjoy his cooking. After they were done, he gather what little leftovers there were and munch on those for a while.

After he had finished the leftovers this time, he sat watching the television. He was riveted; it was a report on the war in the middle east. Many times he had seen these reports, many times he almost worried himself to death watching the casualty list slowly appear on screen....

But no Josiah.

He sighed in relief, thankful that his lover wasn't among the dead as he so feared. Instantly he felt guilty, and glad, but mostly guilty that he was happy that one of these men or women died instead of his lover. He couldn't help but imagine if one of these brave soldiers had thrown themselves on a grenade or stepped in front of a bullet to save a comrade: who could very well have been Josiah. He hugged one of the pillows he'd buried himself in, sobbing brokenly. How could he be so selfish...? How could he be happy that these people died instead...? How could he...

He wrestled with his consciense then like he had so many times before. It was the same story, every time. The same missions the same death count: the only differences were the names and faces, and the families who lost a loved one. But in the end, he was in fact, though guiltily, grateful that his lover was alive, and not one of these brave soldiers. He felt strong paws reach in to the pile of blankets and pillows he'd become so accustomed to staying in. He meeped, the two strong, fuzzy arms reaching around him and pulling him easily from the pile. "Now what do we have here?" a familiar, southern voice inquired as Jamie was pulled from his temple of soft things. "Now, we can't have this, can we?" Allen smiles and pulls the fox into a tight hug. "What's got ya' troubled?" He sat down on the huge couch lining the walls of the sun room, and sat the little (rather embarrassed) fox on his lap.

"W-well..." Jamie started, looking down. "I... I kinda..."

"C'mon, Jamie..." Allen sighs "Spit it out, li'l bro."

"Okay." he takes a deep breath "I f-feel guilty about b-being happy that Josiah is alive instead of the other marines and rangers that have d-died..." he looked down, expecting to be hit.

The collie sighed: Jamie had been like that since his family had adopted the little fox. "How many times do i have to tell ya, kiddo, I will never hit you. Ever." he draws the fox into a tight hug "C'mere..."

Jamie seemed confused "I... It's n-not wrong to think l-like that?" he asks

"Well, when you look at it that way, yes, there is something wrong with it." The collie adopted a stern tone "To be happy about another's death is terrible." Jamie pins his ears back, tears springing to his eyes.

"Im sorry..." he whimpered, pulling back from the hug.

Allen pulled him gently back "Now now... don't be like that." he rubbed the younger male's back soothingly, calming the fox "Now, it's not bad to be happy Josiah ain't dead, but it is bad to be happy it was someone else."

"B-but i always feel g-guilty when I think that." Jamie buried his face in the collie's chest "I... I never feel right when i think that way. I always cry..." Allen looked dwn at the fox. He was sensetive, very sensetive. Attempts to toughen him up had only ever made him more sensetive; his buttons easier to press. Allen felt terrible about being one of those people guilty of making the fox ever more sensetive: having tried to toughen him up before they got out of high school. Jamie needed a protector at essentially all times: and the only person he truly trusted for the job was away for months at a time.

"I know, Jamie, I know." Allen gives the fox a loving squeeze, hugging him tighter "C'mon... Ain't nothin' wrong with that... we all feel guilty about feeling that way. But i'm telling you, kiddo; it's perfectly okay to be happy your mate is alive: just not that someone else's is dead."

"I know..." Jamie mews.

"Look at it this way: Be sympathetic to the sufferin' of others who are going through a tough time, but don't be happy about it. If anything just be happy that Josiah is still kickin'." Allen kissed the fox's forehead. "Okay?"

"Okay..." the fox mewed, kissing Allen's cheek "Thanks, Allen." he smiled; a short but happy smile: and one of the rarest things in the world to see while the soldiers were away. Allen smiled back, happy to see the fox's smile.

"Well well well..." a rather girly voice said from the stairs "What do i tell Cody?"

Both of the adopted brothers looked at the stairway in surprise, and saw a very mischevious looking Weylin standing there, his hands on his hips.

"I promise this isn't what it looks like" Allen says, a heat in his floppy ears as he blushed. "I was just comforting Jamie-" "Uh huh." Weylin sauntered over "'Comforting'. Got it. "I'm sure that Cody sure would like to hear about this 'Comforting'." the fox giggled playfully, swishing his tail "I think i'll go explain it to him..."

"Oh hell no! I know what you're gonna do!" Allen put Jamie back on the pile of blankets and pillows and lunged for Weylin. The fennec eeped and dodged, running up the stairs.

"Cody! Your boyfriend's gonna hurt me!" he calls

"No I'm not!" The collie calls up to the wolf "Just gonna... teach him a new stretch!" he runs up the stairs, tackling the fennec. Weylin's head bumped the wall hard, and he started to cry.

Cody emerged, looking rather peeved, to find an aggressive looking Allen pinning a crying Weylin "Allen!" he huffs, pushing the collie off and pulling the fennec into a tight hug "How could you!?" He rubbed the fennec's back comfortingly "Sh... its okay baby... sh..." He turned angrily to the collie "You know damn well the foxes are fragile! How could you be so rough with him?" He pulls Weylin in to the room, slamming the door and locking it behind him; leaving Allen bewildered.

"B-but he..." he attempted to say, despite his boyfriend already having slammed the door. He gets up and knocks on the door "Cody... C'mon..."



"You get the couch tonight, Mr. Brewer!" Allen winced, Cody only called him that when he was very angry with the collie.



"I c-cant even explain?"

"Weylin can!" muffled talking came from the room "Oh..."

Weylin's voice was sad and kind of scared "So yeah... it was my fault... i was teasing..."

"Not your fault, little fox, but you will need to be punished."

Weylin whimpered "P-punished?"

"Yeah. Allen, come on in."

Allen heard the door unlock and walked into the room. Cody looked at the little fennec "Say you're sorry."

"Im s-sorry..." the scared, hurt little fox whimpered sincerely.

"Okay. Now go get the paddle"


"Yes." Cody pointed to the door and an ashamed little fox went to go get what the wolf asked for. The wolf then turned to Allen, who had a triumphant look on his face "You are gonna get paddled too."

"What-?" the collie's triumphant look was replaced with shock. "Why?"

"Because he was just teasing, you hurt him." Cody explained as the fennec appeared, carrying the heavy oak paddle. He handed it to the wolf, who beckoned him over. "C'mon, you only get three." The fennec bent over the bed, and Cody pulled his baggy shorts and underwear to his knees; exposing the fox's girly rump. Cody raised the paddle, and brought it down hard on the fox's ass, eliciting a pained gasp from the boy. "Two more..." Cody said, bringing it down twice more. When he finished, the fox's little white rump glowed a soft pink.

The wolf pulled up the fox's pants. He knew how much Weylin secretly loved getting a spanking, but would never tell Allen how many times he'd bent the fox over and made his rump glow a deep red. He smiled and gave the fox's bum a light pat "You can go." he said, and Weylin left the room, a small, almost unnoticable tent in his pants.

Cody turned to Allen, who was inching toward the door "Oh no, you too." He pulled his boyfriend sharply on to the bed, expertly bending him over and dropping the collie's pants to his knees.

"C'mon, Cody..." The collie said, his tone turning a little whiny "Please? I haven't been spanked since I was like, ten..." "Well you shouldn't have hurt Weylin." The wolf smiled, kicking the door closed behind him. He dropped his own pants, laying his hard, knotted member against Allen's butt. "Now you'll learn your lesson" he giggled, rubbing the paddle against Allen's butt cheek. He raised the paddle and gave a well placed, hard smack on one of Allen's butt cheeks. The collie gasped, tensing up. Cody smiled and alternated between the two cheeks, spanking his boyfriend until the collie's rump turned a deep red.

Allen looked behind him, kind of ashamed at the spanking. "W-we're d-done, right?" he asked, tears in his eyes. "Yes we are, hunny." Cody smiled lovingly, rubbing the collie's stinging bum until it starts to feel better. Had the wolf been anyone else Allen would've started throwing punches; but he knew the wolf was just playing, not actually meaning to be mean. In the wolf's mind this was fair, and a punishment divided equally based on what both of the guilty parties did.

"Okay good..." Allen growled, pulling the wolf in and bending him over "Now for striking your boyfriend... you get fifty..." He growled, breathing heavily in Cody's ear.

The wolf whined submissively and hinged up his hips as the collie pulled down his pants.


Downstairs Jamie heard the loud, pained whimpers and gasps coming from Cody. He grew concerned, and started up the stairs. The smacks grew louder and he could hear Cody saying "Stop! Stop oh please... it hurts so much..." It seemed like Allen was being way too dominant again. He huffed, putting his hands on his hips.

"Forty nine!" Allen growled

"Please no-" SMACK "Ah!"

"Fifty!" SMACK

"-whimper-... S-stop... stop p-please..." Cody whined.

Jamie sighed angrily "Allen!" he yelled, losing his temper. "Don't you DARE hit him again!" He kicked at the door twice "ALLEN I SWEAR TO MOTHER AND GOD OPEN THIS DOOR!"

The door opened and Jamie stromed in, pinning Allen against the wall. Small as he may have been, he could still pin the collie. He looked over at Cody, whose rump was a stinging red color. "Go Cody."


"GO!" The wolf limped out of the room, glancing apologetically to his mate. "What the hell were you doing?!" he yelled at the collie.

Despite being much bigger than the fox, the collie was kind of scared, tucking his tail between his legs. "I... I was j-just-"

"SPIT IT OUT!" Jamie yelled.

"Wewerejustbeingkinkyimsorry!" Allen blurted out. The fox was scary when he was angry, despite being completely adorable and mostly submissive and quiet. When he DID get angry, he was a force to be reckoned with.

"Speak clearly..." the fox said calmly, but the anger in his face was still very apparent. He was the mother of the household, and kept every one in line when things were getting out of hand. Usually he would get hurt somehow because of the situation and every one would stop: but here... when he got angry... everyone fell in line.

"Me and Cody w-were just being k-kinky..." The collie repeated.

"STOP MEANS STOP, ALLEN!" Jamie burst out.


"No! Stop means STOP! I wont have you hurting him, or anyone! You, mister, are sleeping in the GUEST ROOM until i deem you fit to LEAVE!" He pointed to the door, and a shame-faced Allen walked to the guest room with his tail tucked between his legs. Jamie rubbed his temples, feeling bad. "Oh... what have I done...?" he asked himself.

Cody peeks into the room "J-jamie?" he asked "I-is everything all right?"

Jamie looks over to the wolf and pulls him into a tight, motherly hug. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you too much... Oh Cody..." The wolf was much older than the fox, but Jamie had a motherly way about him. Comforting; but stern, and only stern when he was angry.

"I'm okay, Jamie, i promise." The wolf says. "I heard you yelling... I-is Allen really confined to the guest room?"

"Yes. Until I say he can sleep in your room again." Jamie explains, confident in his decision.

"But we were just being kinky, I promise." Cody insists.

"Stop means stop, did you really want him to?"

"Y-yes, but-"

"Then his punishment is deserved." Jamie resolves. "I will bring him his food. I will escort him for exercise. He is to be starved of you for two weeks." Jamie resolved. "And no less. He will learn to stop when you tell him too." He walked away, towing Cody behind him. He was back to his shy, loving self again almost as quickly as he had turned into the stern mother of the house. "H-help me in the k-kitchen, please?" he asks the wolf with big, gentle eyes.

"Okay." Cody followed the fox, bewildered once again at the sudden transformation.

The Lakehouse Chapter 7

Breakfast was an uncomfortable ordeal for Cody, who couldn't stop wondering how his boyfriend was holding up. So, sometimes the collie got a little rough... well, Cody could deal with it, though sometimes not voluntarily. The collie was far from...

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The Lakehouse: Chapter 5

It was always difficult to say goodbye, but dealing with the sudden emptiness, that was a serious problem. Jamie knew he couldn't drive down to the end of the road with Josiah, well, because the military had a bias against gays, and he'd probably be...

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The Lakehouse: Chapter 4

A week had passed, and it was a wonderful week for the two young soldiers. But, they had to leave in a few days and their boyfriends were getting anxious. Jamie had already started making Josiah promise he'd come back, and Weylin was being a little...

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