Spirit Bound: Chapter 109

Story by plainwalk on SoFurry

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#111 of Spirit Bound

This chapter was edited by Lycanthromancer

The four friends are sitting in the cafeteria and were about to dig into the leftovers of the large supper Nathanial made in honour of the alpha's supper, when Ahjeet Jhansi slithered up to their table with an ominous grin and a piece of paper. His words spoke of a promise to cause a lot of trouble, but perhaps Liam can fend the journalist off.

Chapter 109: The Serpent and the Dog

Liam saw Faelen plant his paws on the table and begin to stand up menacingly, so he just smiled with feigned indifference at Ahjeet Jhansi, waving at Faelen to sit. Inside, Liam was not so indifferent; he felt most annoyed at this juvenile attempt to bother him. He kept his tone rather bored. "Indeed? I sit here at every lunch period. It is not that difficult to find me. However, I was unaware that I ceased to be a Rottweiler at some point and instead became some Avian. That would be rather unfortunate; I quite enjoy being a Canid and truly dislike feathers."

The Serpent's features darkened, as was intended, at the tone and content. Jhansi knew he was being baited in turn and recovered quickly. He slithered up to 'stand,' as it were, between Liam and Nathanial, holding the piece of paper close to his body to hide the picture printed upon it.

*Liam.* Nathanial's voice echoed in Liam's mind -- a rather useful, if at times disconcerting, spell. The Mage continued, *It's a picture from the game last night. Um, from just before it, I think; you're staring at Mrs. Davis with an...odd expression.*

Liam was not surprised -- it was the only picture Jhansi had taken where Liam could be in a prominent position in it; most of the time he was hidden quite thoroughly by the much larger Furs on the players' bench in front of him. It would seem Jhansi had jumped to the same highly erroneous conclusion that Mr. Davis had reached. How...bothersome. It was pleasing to see that Jhansi took his admonition seriously and had approached him first.

The *ahem* reporter passed the photo over to Liam, picture side down, with a renewed smug expression. Liam took it while Jhansi spoke. "I thought I'd enjoy hearing you explain this before it was published. It certainly sheds a different light on where you spend the rest of your lunch. I hope Principal Davis is unaware of your...reason to hold this event of yours. If not, that could create a bit of trouble."

Liam glanced at the photo. Despite the distance of a soccer pitch between the camera and him, it was a very well-focused shot of him looking toward Mrs. Davis with an uncharacteristically fond look. Liam returned the photo with a shrug. "That expression gives no indication of the nature of the relationship between us; I was merely thinking of someone that Mrs. Davis reminded me of. Long ago, well over seven years past, there was a lady I was quite fond of. I was very close to her grandson and spent much time with him -- and her -- when I was able. I had recently met her once again and found her and her family occupying much of my thoughts. The friendly manner in which Mrs. Davis was speaking to those at the game last night made me think of my friend once more. I do not have any emotional attachment to our principal; our relationship is strictly professional." He smiled lopsidedly in response to Jhansi's uncomfortable fidgeting. "I do thank you for the opportunity to set the record straight before you sullied everyone's reputation, including your own. I would not have allowed such fallacies to be published unchallenged. It is a very impressive photo, considering the distance and the speed with which you took it."

Jhansi frowned disbelievingly. "Yet you sspend a surprising amount of time with her every day, alone, in her office. Your little tale exssplains none of that."

Faelen and Geoff growled loudly; Faelen even had planted his paws on the table once more and was about to act. Liam glanced at them discreetly, though he knew the annoying Serpent would notice, and they quieted down some. Liam returned his attention to Jhansi, ensuring his tone was dry. "I am -- as I get constantly reminded -- one of the schools 'charity cases,' along with being the youngest student here by far. Do you not think that Principal Davis would take interest in my wellbeing and seek to ensure I fare well? I am certain that you have heard of much of the tragedies that have occurred, so I am surprised that you would not immediately draw such a conclusion. Our principal is a kind woman and wishes to see everyone do well at school, despite any stresses or trying situations they may endure."

The Serpent looked at Liam closely, as if having great trouble believing the Rottweiler could ever be stressed, yet could not dispute anything said, nor find any grounds to openly state his disbelief. "I...thank you, Ssmith. I'm glad I got the sstory behind the photo; I wouldn't want to unjustly damage Principal Davis's reputation." There was no mention of Liam's reputation. "Remember, I wasn't here for the start of the year, so when you mentioned tragedies -- as if they directly affected you -- I think it deserves further explanation."

Geoff looked sadly at his meal, then at the Serpent with annoyance. "No, it doesn't. Liam's personal life isn't anybody's concern. He doesn't have to expose himself to anyone." Geoff paused. "Uh, expose his feelings or his story. Being a reporter isn't an excuse for being a nosy busybody; all of the relevant stuff has already been covered."

Jhansi stared at Liam with lidded eyes, his tongue flicking out several times, completely ignoring Geoff. His slitted pupils looked cold and malicious, reminding Liam of a statue he saw of the three Gorgon sisters in Athens a few millennia ago. Timeus had been quite happy to know they had been dealt with already. Fortunately, a reporter was not nearly as troublesome as those three cursed women.

The Serpent's eyes darted aside to look at the bento boxes that lay half-unpacked on the table. "I needn't get the answers from you, Smith; there are other ways to dig into this new mystery." His eyes were drawn to the roasted quail in Liam's lunch. "But..." The forked tongue tasted the air once more and he addressed Geoff and Nathanial. "Whose chef made those? Or were they catered? It looks a bit expensive for Smith to be eating."

Nathanial dipped his muzzle; his ears flattened against his head as he attempted to shrink from sight, knowing that Geoff would not pass by an opportunity to brag about his secret boyfriend. He was not disappointed.

The Dark Elemental's voice spoke of his pride and glee far more eloquently than mere words could. "Nathanial made it all." He leaned over and gently punched the horrifically embarrassed Akita's shoulder. "I said he was an awesome cook, and I meant it. He made all of it last night for a dinner for his family and mine... Well, and Faelen's, too. He just made sure to cook enough extra to make lunches for everyone, including Liam. I've never had French food anywhere near as good as what he cooks."

A soft rumble came from Jhansi's stomach. "Hmph. It probably would've been better last night, but I doubt many chefs would be ashamed to serve that, if looks and scents are any indication. Perhaps a fundraising banquet would be a good idea."

Nathanial's head snapped up while his eyes grew to the size of saucers and all the blood that had flooded his face drained away with the rapidity of a burst dam. "I-I-I..." Words failed the pup.

Even before Geoff could intervene, the Serpent rushed to console Nathanial. He put an arm around the Dog's shoulders and patted the far arm gently. "Ssorry, I forgot you found the idea terrifying. No one would make you do ssomething that upssetss you sso much. I sspoke in jest." Nathanial nodded quickly, but continued to shiver. Jhansi shook his head and released the pup, letting Geoff's arm takes his place. "I've intruded on your time enough; enjoy your lunch. I'll ssee all of you at the meeting."

Nathanial nodded again. "Th-Thank you. You, t-too."

Jhansi slithered back to his table, watched by five Dogs. It appeared the Pekinese, Betty Chan, found their conversation intriguing as well -- though Liam was certain she was too far away to hear anything, nor in a position to read their lips. Even if she were closer the noise in the cafeteria would drown out anything beyond a few metres.

Nathanial followed close behind Geoff as the white Wolf led them up to the conference room. He was ashamed at how tense he felt nearly fifteen minutes after Ahjeet suggested he actually run that stupid banquet. How could Geoff have even joked about something like that!? Not that he could blame Geoff. It was his fault he got worked up by the dumbest things, and Geoff was really sweet and terribly sorry right away. Nathanial hid a shiver and ducked his head embarrassedly when he noticed Liam and Faelen watching him closely. "I-I'm all right, guys. Really."

Liam arched an eyebrow. "I believe I am better able to determine that than you are. You are not 'all right.' You have been taking your medicine? I hope you have not developed a tolerance to it so swiftly. For any other individual I would say that would be impossible."

"I-I am. I mean, um, I'm taking it, not the tolerance part; well, I dunno, but yes, I take it like you said. Two drops." Nathanial took a quick breath. "I-It still makes my tongue f-feel all numb so I think it's working properly."

Faelen leaned over as they stopped by their lockers and whispered before Liam could answer. "Check on Ahjeet and Betty, please. I didn't like the way she was watching us." Liam nodded shortly in agreement while he slipped over to his locker. Faelen walked behind his boyfriend, smiling tenderly when he glanced down at Liam's tail, before moving on to grab his books from his own locker.

Geoff smiled broadly for a split second when he picked up a pencil from his locker and looked appreciatively at Faelen. Nathanial thought that was really odd; Geoff didn't have things like a favourite pencil...or did he? Nathanial paused. 'How well do I actually know Geoff? Does he have a favourite cookie? Or does he prefer salty snacks like pretzels, crunchy ones like chips or brittle, or savoury things like banana bread or pumpkin pie? He likes soccer and seems to like hockey, but does he swim much?' Nathanial blushed under his fur. 'He liked skinny-dipping with me, I know that much.' Nathanial brooded over the questions while he scanned the cafeteria.

Betty was just getting up from her table and she approached Ahjeet Jhansi as the Ophidian picked up his tray. She smiled demurely at him and batted her lashes. "Hi, Agie." The Cobra's hood flared momentarily in agitation, but Betty kept right on talking. "I heard you were the newspaper editor. I saw you talking to the runt and his friends; if you're looking at writing a story about him -- or any of them -- I'd like to help. I share a lot of classes with them, and it seems Lima knows my daddy. I could probably get some information on him more easily than you could about his business dealings. Apparently he does a lot of business with Daddy."

Ahjeet's annoyance had long vanished and was replaced by a very satisfied look. "Business dealings? Smith has business dealings with your father? Hao Chan, yesss? He runs an importing bussinesss, dealing with many Chinese products -- including folk medicines and..." He trailed off rubbing a finger along the top edge of his hood. His grin was scary; even Betty looked a little nervous.

Betty nodded quietly before saying, "Just remember that I never talked to you about this, okay? The runt has something I need."

"Dirt on dear old daddy? I can't say I'm ssurprised Smith blackmailss people, but it raises the question as to what sort of business a fourteen-year-old mutt can have with the infamouss Chan." The Cobra frowned when Betty's jaw dropped in surprise. "What? You don't even know what nature of businesss your father is in? For shame, Betty. I expected better. If you don't know that I really doubt you can get what I want. Well, I'll be in touch...if I think you can actually help. Try figuring out what business, hmm, interactionss they have, for starters."

Betty looked positively spooked but she nodded quickly and stumbled away. Ahjeet watched her go hungrily...and not in a sexual way.

Nathanial felt as spooked as Betty looked and returned to himself to see his friends clustered around him. He shook his head when Geoff opened his mouth. "Not here, Geoff." The Akita glanced at Faelen. "You were right, but I think Betty just got in over her head. I think she knows that, too." They began walking again, continuing the trip up to the conference room.

Liam arched an eyebrow. "Perhaps you are being somewhat overdramatic, yes? I assumed Chan approached Jhansi and offered to dig up dirt on me, which Jhansi jumped at."

Nathanial nodded, but added, telepathically, *Y-Yes, but he got really creepy and scared Betty. He seems to think Mr. Chan is a...smuggler, or worse. Betty said you do a lot of business with him, so Ahjeet jumped to some conclusions-- it kinda sounded like he thought you were prostituting yourself or selling drugs.*

*Hao Chan is a smuggler. How do you think my cane and sword were brought from London without being seized by the authorities? They are priceless antiques, and China would dearly love to claim them, as would the Arcane Society in the case of my sword. Chan has given me his word that he does not smuggle drugs or weapons, only things required by the Monks or Nightwalkers. It is most difficult for those like Vampires to move about the globe without smugglers willing to help them. The Society most certainly will not.*

Nathanial thought about that. It really did make sense, and it wasn't like the Knights hadn't infiltrated the transportation system for the exact same reason. Of course, they used it to primarily ship weapons around, from the sound of it. He put it out of his mind when he suddenly remembered he promised to get Liam to take a photograph of one of his paintings. *Oh! Liam! I was supposed to ask you to take a photograph of one of your paintings! Can I get you to take one now? I'll just quickly open a portal to your house.*

He saw Liam sigh and nod, so Nathanial quickly dragged the Rottweiler into a bathroom. He sent a message to Geoff. *Um, I need to get a photo of one of his paintings. We'll be back in a second.* Geoff nodded and whispered the message to Faelen while Nathanial opened a portal into Liam's art room. They quickly stepped through.

Nathanial looked around; he was still struck by the paintings of Faelen on the wall. The emotion in them was phenomenal, as was the physique of the Wolf in the Sleep painting. Nathanial, once more, was struck by feelings of inferiority. He forced himself to look away and examine the paintings sitting around Liam's easel.

Liam glanced at them too. He pointed at one of them. "That would be the best. It is not my favourite, but it would look the most pleasing when reduced in size. The others are too detailed to endure such treatment." He set it up while Nathanial pulled out his Xperia smartphone. Liam tapped his muzzle in thought. "I feel a lack of inspiration at the moment. I have two more paintings to complete, yet whenever I seek to find a subject I am drawn back to my memories of Yoishi. There is...was a painting on the wall of my Kaoru-sama's castle that I saw when I first arrived that I wish to do, yet I am loath to copy a painting still in existence. Even were it gone I would be most hesitant, though the thought of it being denied to so many fills me with regret. I found it to be one of the most arresting paintings I have ever seen."

Nathanial finished setting the painting -- the one of the lane in the Cork Clan -- against a white background and snapped several pictures. "Well, why not ask?" He stood up and let Liam put the painting back. "I'm sure you can think of some way to ask an art historian or gallery owner in Japan if there are any paintings left by the artist. Say you were doing research on whatever time period it was and heard mention of the artist, and you wanted to see if there was anything left. If it's destroyed, just paint a copy 'in memory' of the artist and say you painted it based on the description of the painting and using the style of the artist."

He could see the wheels turning in Liam's head. It baffled him how someone so smart could overlook such simple solutions...not that Liam was the only one to do that. Asking really would save a lot of needless work.

They stepped through a portal back into the washroom and made their way -- once more -- to the conference room.

Once there, they took their seats, noting that Ahjeet Jhansi and Gertrude -- Bokma? -- were still not there. Nathanial quickly scanned around -- Ahjeet was slithering up the hall and would be here momentarily, but Gertrude was in the Gay-Straight Alliance room talking to Jeff.

The Cow sounded a little worried. "So she hasn't been here in the last few days, either? I wanted to get her help in planning some events. She's very good at coordinating people." The dark brown Lab opened his mouth to answer but Gertrude continued. "Oh, don't worry. I have her number and address; I'll just swing by her place after school." Jeff nodded; his large, expressive eyes still showed he was worried. He was about to ask something else but, once more, Gertrude kept talking. "Oh, shoot! I'm late!" She turned around and began walking away quickly, her hooves clattering on the tile and her pink bow bobbing on her swaying tail. "Bye!"

The door closed loudly behind her, drowning out the soft, deep voice of the Lab. "Um, bye..."

Poor Jeff.

The door to the conference room clicked open softly and Ahjeet slithered over to the spot reserved for him. He placed a thick clipboard of papers on the table in front of him and nodded to everyone. Lucio Bonilla, a Tree Frog and the Student Council President, nodded back. The Gopher, Amanda MacPhee, merely marked him down as in attendance on her paper; she was keeping the minutes of the meeting as an extension of her duties as the Student Council's secretary.

Lucio looked at the clock. "It's time to start and we have a lot to cover. Does anyone know where Gertrude is?"

Nathanial stammered, "I-I think sh-she's gone to look for Michelle Eiklenboom f-for some reason." He hid a wince; he hated it when he sounded so dumb, even to his own ears.

Lucio frowned; his throat-sac expanded and emitted that cricket-swarm sound. "Well, we can get her report when and if she arrives. I call this meeting to order at twelve-sixteen." Amanda jotted that down. The Frog's tone became self-important as he intoned, "In attendance are..."

Amanda cut him off drily. "I already wrote that down, Luke. I'm not blind. Hurry it up, will you?"

Geoff hid his smile, but Ahjeet seemed to smile openly. The Ophidian was really hard to read at times.

Lucio huffed as if offended; Nathanial wasn't sure if that was sincere or an act. "Fine. Ahjeet, if you'll start."

The editor opened his clipboard and passed out a small stack of papers to everyone, including a stack for Gertrude. They were ten designs of flyers and pamphlets, with a blank spot on each for a picture of Liam's painting. "As you can ssee we have several designss to choose from; most of my sstaff prefer the first, but that can change depending on the picture we get, if we get one, from Liam."

Nathanial ducked his head and pulled out his phone. "I-I have some here. I can send them to you right now if you give me your e-mail address."

Amanda shook her head. "In a minute. Let's look at them on the projector first." She passed him a data cable. "Android, right? That should work. Just plug it into the USB connector on the front of the table and open the monitor."

Nathanial looked blankly at the surface in front of him while he plugged his phone in. He cast out his senses and found that each spot at the table had a laptop built into it. He lifted up a small wooden plate that hid the back of the laptop, and it automatically slid up so the keyboard was flush with the table top.

Ahjeet started talking again while Nathanial fiddled with the unfamiliar computer. "Then while we wait, let's jump to the next bit of business."

Lucio cut in. "Only because we're short on time. This is highly irregular for a proper meeting. So, Amanda, note we--"

The Gopher didn't even look up. "I know my job, Luke, just stop wasting time. We're talking about the auditions." Her interjection earned her a hurt and offended look from the president. Nathanial wondered if he'd been flirting with her earlier and got turned down.

"Yes, Amanda. I'm sorry." Lucio cleared his throat; it had sounded like he had a frog stuck in it. His tone was back to its self-important brusqueness, "Now. Today at three-twenty the auditions are being held in th--"

Liam's eyes widened in surprise. "What? What do you mean 'today?'"

Lucio smiled in evil triumph. Nathanial could almost hear the 'Imperial March' from Star Wars cuing up in the background. "It was sent out to everyone's school e-mail address. Didn't you see it?"

The four friends exchanged glances. Nathanial knew, of course, about the school's e-mail system, but hadn't really thought much about it since the first day. It wasn't like he was in any school activities that'd make it necessary to access it and that was the only time it was used. All other school correspondence was sent to the e-mail addresses the parents provided.

Lucio continued to chide them, "Now, now. Where is your school spirit? Didn't you read your activities booklet? How can you be good, active, members of the school body if you don't care enough about it to even read the student handbook and activities guide?"

Geoff shrugged. "I just want to play foot-- erm, soccer. I don't really care what else there is to do." He turned to look at the fuming Rottweiler. "So, you'll just have to skip kung fu today, Liam. Faelen and I have soccer practice, anyway."

Liam grimaced. "I should have refused the principal's request and let the hospital's charity department handle this. It has become a far greater hassle than I anticipated."

"Hah!" Everyone jumped at Nathanial's exclamation. He ducked his head and pointed at the computer. "I-I, um, I got it working." His ears flattened and he curled up a bit more when everyone stared at him in disbelief, except Geoff. Geoff looked like he was trying not to laugh...or jump him. Nathanial muttered, "Sorry."

Amanda tapped her pen on the clipboard. "Good." She put it down and slipped around the table and did some stuff on Nathanial's computer. The first photo shone dimly on the whiteboard behind Lucio. The door clicked open and Gertrude stepped in. Amanda looked over her shoulder at the Cow. "Get the lights, please, Gertrude. These are the pictures of the painting Smith wants to use on the pamphlets. Ahjeet's samples are at your seat."

Gertrude turned the lights off while Lucio rolled his chair out of the way of the screen. The Cow batted her eyelashes at Geoff and would've ran her hand over his back as she walked by but he just happened to lean forward to look at the examples Ahjeet gave him. "Sorry I'm late."

Amanda had quietly explained to Nathanial how to flip through the pictures while that was happening and went back to her seat; her long skirt swished loudly over her thick fur. "Did you find Michelle? She's been very quiet the last few weeks, ever since she was turned down by--" Her jaw clicked shut and she glanced at Geoff quickly before forcing herself to look at Gertrude. Geoff's jaw almost dropped before he composed himself.

Gertrude also looked surprised. "How did you know I was looking for Michelle? And that it was that Michelle, too?"

Liam drily interjected. "Time, please. We only have seven minutes left. We have yet to pick the photo and the pamphlets."

Lucio nodded and tried to take back control of the meeting. "Yes. Yes! Now, everyone, let's examine these photos together. Nathanial, slowly flip through them, one every five seconds or so, so we can get a quick look at them. We'll go through them individually after that."

Nathanial nodded and put the first one up on the screen. Gertrude hummedin surprise and looked at the small Rottweiler in appreciation. Lucio and Ahjeet frowned as they examined it critically.

Amanda smiled in approval. "That's looks really nice. It combines an Eastern painting style with a Western landscape surprisingly well. Let's look at the next few, Nathanial."

Lucio scowled at her. "I believe I--" He cut himself off when she looked at him flatly. "Sorry." There was obviously something going on there. "Yes, flip to the next one, please."

Nathanial did and waited a few seconds before flipping to the third. Ahjeet hissed unhappily. "I think you should stick to painting, Smith. Your aesthetic sense behind the lens leaves a lot to be desired."

Nathanial cringed. "I'm sorry!" Ahjeet looked at Nathanial guiltily before glaring at Liam accusingly, as if the Rottweiler set this up to make the Cobra look like a bully. Geoff pulled Nathanial over to hold him comfortingly, but Nathanial didn't really notice it -- or Ahjeet's glares -- at the time, he was too worried everyone would blame him for failing and get him in trouble. "I-I was in such a r-rush, I should've made time earlier b-but I was s-so busy. I f-forgot to tell him. It's all my fault!"

Ahjeet looked extremely annoyed with Liam, but the two girls looked even more annoyed with him, which added to Ahjeet's irritation. Liam merely shook his head and said consolingly, "Worry not, Nathanial, these photos will serve their purpose. Jhansi merely speaks as most artists do when seeing someone dabbling in their medium. He knows he could do better, so he unthinkingly compared these photos to his own work."

The Cobra didn't seem to know how to take that. He was complimented in a very casual way, which was actually a better and more sincere way than glowing praise, but he didn't want to be complimented by Liam, since it made Liam look better in other people's eyes at the same time.

Faelen glanced over at Nathanial. "Well, when will these be printed off? We could get Nick to run over to Liam's after school and take some more or you could, yourself, Nathanial. Liam has the auditions to oversee and Geoff and I have football practice, so we can't."

Ahjeet hissed again. "Unnecesssary. I think I can use the ssecond one. Please show that one and the third."

Nathanial flipped to the second one and waited a bit to show the third. Ahjeet shook his head and brought up the laptop at his position.

Gertrude flipped through the sheaf of papers in front of her and looked at the photos. She hummed, then thoughtfully said, "The colours of the painting won't be an issue; I think we can eliminate your fourth and fifth sheets, Ahjeet. Having bright colours around the picture will draw attention away from it. I think that only one and seven are serious contenders."

Lucio sighed. "I liked the fourth one."

Amanda smiled at him. "You just like green, Luke. I don't think it'd be a good shade for you. I agree with Gertrude, but I don't like the seventh. The pink line framing it evokes thoughts of the pink ribbon campaignsand we don't want that; Mrs. Davis doesn't have breast cancer and there are some public relations issues around the mere idea of it."

Lucio nodded. "Agreed, but are you talking about the risk of getting sued or the controversy around some of tactics used by the charities?"


Ahjeet was busy fussing with the laptop, while Geoff, Faelen, and Liam flipped through the papers. Ahjeet looked over at Nathanial. "If you please, put the pictures in the documents folder. I can access them from there." Nathanial did and soon Ahjeet took over the projector, displaying the second picture of the painting set in the place left for it in the first pamphlet. "Thiss is a decent look." He clicked again and the third photo replaced the second one. "I prefer thiss."

Everyone, including Liam, agreed. Nathanial didn't see much difference, but he figured there was a little less white showing on top and the giant oak trees looked a little more centred. Nick was the one who had a better eye for art, but Nathanial always thought he did all right in judging it -- at least when it came to picking out what would look good in a room.

Ahjeet looked at Liam again to get a confirming nod, but the Ophidian was cut off by Lucio. "Very well. Amanda, please--" He quickly changed what he was going to say; he was probably going to ask her to make a note of it or something. "--make sure Mrs. Davis gets a copy. I'd like to get her opinion, too."

The look the Gopher gave him seemed to indicate her thoughts ran along the same track Nathanial's did, but she merely said, "Sure. Ahjeet, since you have it right there, could you send a copy to her and the rest of us, too?"

"Already done."

The Frog intoned, "Good. Since we don't have any more time, I'll call the meeting adjourned." Lucio placed his webbed hands on the table and stood, followed by everyone else. He looked over at Liam. "Since you didn't get the e-mail, the auditions are at three twenty in the auditorium. Mr. Crosby will be supervising it." Mr. Crosby was Nathanial's Visual Arts teacher, as well the Vocal Music teacher. The Howler Monkey was a decent art teacher, but he was reputed to be a great -- if demanding -- teacher in his other class.

Liam nodded. "Thank you." The Rottweiler let Nathanial exit the room ahead of him, behind Geoff.

Faelen led them down the hall a bit, in the general direction of their next class, before stopping. He smiled at Liam. "Well, it seems Ahjeet and Lucio were happy to get under your fur, even just a little bit." His smile faded a little. "I was hoping to be there with you when you did the auditions."

Geoff shrugged. "It would've been interesting, I guess, but not nearly as much as soccer practice." He grinned evilly at Nathanial. "I'm dying to see if anyone has dropped out yet and if your da can top last week. Only a bit more than half the team could finish practice and most of them could barely walk the next day. If your da wasn't right there with us the whole time I think they'd have mutinied by now."

Nathanial looked at Liam sadly. "I was really looking forward to kung fu; I think the extra lessons are the only reason I'm keeping up." He sighed. "Oh, well, we can't change it now. I'll go keep you company for a bit, then watch soccer practice."

Liam shook his head. "I think you have a better use for your time, Nathanial. Doull gave you a number of textbooks to study, yes? You also have the other books you purchased to read, too. I wish to see my family soon, and they require my help."

Nathanial sagged under the weight of the responsibility he was just reminded of. "Right. Sorry. I should call Nanny and Poppy too, and see how that's going. I also should double check on the meal preparations for tomorrow; Aunt Naomi is coming over." He sighed again. "Oh well. I'll still stop by for a little bit to give time for Nick and Micah to settle in."

Faelen's eyes narrowed a touch -- he was still a little angry about getting charmed. His ears twitched as he listened for anyone approaching. "I know you talked to him, but does he realize how dangerous it was to Charm you? That light beam you used to shoot the bomb could've really hurt Geoff; the way the bomb blew up meant that it...converted the Dark into Light, or something. Final Fantasy bombs don't do anything odd when they blow up, and I know that's where Geoff copied it from."

Nathanial's tail involuntarily curled down. "I-I don't remember anything about what happened. I don't know what beam you mean or what it could've done. N-No, I didn't really talk about what could've happened, just how you guys see Charms. Well, I guess how most people see Charms. It's not something we -- that includes Dad -- had ever thought of, or were told about." He grimaced. "Look at who Dad's father is and I think you'll figure out why."

Nathanial's ear twitched toward Liam when the Rottie growled. "It is small surprise, my friend. I wish we did not require their help, but I am at a loss as to how to help your brother. I have never attempted to do such a thing before. I normally just slay those in his condition out of paw, not to mention those like your grandparents. They, I hunt down, regardless of risk or time, to put an end to once I am aware of their existence."

Much to the Akita's relief, the bell rang and put an end to the conversation.

Spirit Bound: Chapter 110

**Chapter 110: Elimination Round** Liam nodded to Faelen and Geoff as they put their books into their respective lockers after Integrated Science, the last class of the day. What a terribly infantile class that was. The only saving graces were that...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 108

**Chapter 108: Charming Trouble** Faelen trotted over to Geoff alongside Liam, taking care to avoid the deep cracks in the lawn, and waited while the Rottweiler quickly checked Geoff for damage. Micah and Garret went over to Nicholas -- Micah dashing...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 107

**Chapter 107: Fire and Shadow** Liam stopped beside everyone else by the back door of Nathanial's home, somewhat baffled by the reaction to Nicholas's challenge. He could understand Nathanial's, as he worried about both people, and his core...

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