Spirit Bound: Chapter 108

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#110 of Spirit Bound

This chapter has been edited by Lycanthromancer

The duel between Nicholas and Geoff has just finished and the dust is beginning to settle. Geoff, for all intents and purposes won, but it wasn't a clear win. Nick dominated him, figuratively (and the audience literally), but lost because he ran out of magic and could only use lethal or near lethal force to attack -- which was against the rules. Now that it's over, how will the Spirits and Garret react to having been Charmed, and how will they react to Nick's strong showing?

Chapter 108: Charming Trouble

Faelen trotted over to Geoff alongside Liam, taking care to avoid the deep cracks in the lawn, and waited while the Rottweiler quickly checked Geoff for damage. Micah and Garret went over to Nicholas -- Micah dashing and Garret walking -- and the Spirits followed Faelen. Nathanial remained where he was, looking back and forth between his brother and boyfriend, torn, but the body language of Nathanial and Nick seemed to indicate that they were talking telepathically.

Geoff waited with barely concealed impatience while Liam finished checking him. "Well?"

Liam stepped back. "You are unharmed. I expected to find some trauma after the explosion nearly rendered you unconscious, particularly when it seemed to...affect your powers."

Faelen raised his voice a little to ensure everyone could hear him. "Why don't we go inside and have some more cookies and tea? We can go over the highlights more easily with everyone all together."

Liam caught on right away -- Nathanial was obviously feeling ripped apart by the perceived need to 'choose' between Geoff and Nicholas, even if it was only checking to see they were both unhurt. "I agree. I am certain everyone has questions for both, and I need to check Nicholas, as well." Geoff nodded and started to walk toward Nathanial, but stopped when he saw his grandfather's expression.

Alpha McDougal stepped around Liam but pushed by Faelen rudely to glare furiously at Geoff. "I can't call that a win, pup. You let the Mage stomp all over you and barely managed to come back. I expected better from you; the bitch-boy is in the top tenth of the clan, now." He snorted and grinned over at the Markses evilly. "If people hear about this, he won't have a moment's rest. Everyone will want to duel him to measure his power for themselves, and they won't play as nice as you."

Conor shook his head. "Faelen's right; let's take this inside." He turned, motioning Geoff to move up to walk beside him. "I think you did great, Geoff. I was really impressed with the kraken, and you very quickly figured out the trap Nick made."

Geoff had looked crushed by his grandfather's words, but perked up a little at Conor's praise. Still, he sounded gloomy. "Grandda is still right, and Nathanial even more so. I've been really lax about developing my powers; if I put a tenth of the effort into it as I put into football, I wouldn't have had any problems...I think. Nathanial might've still knocked me head over tail, and Nick's gotten crazy powerful in the last month. From the sound of it, he sucked at magic before all of the troubles started."

Before Poppy Faedan turned to follow them, he manifested and waved a paw in front of him. All the fissures in the dirt sealed themselves, but the scars in the grass remained.

Everyone had reached the corner leading toward the patio door, including all the Markses when Conor shook his head. "Nick was a tough opponent; he did fantastic for a first duel, and you don't have much experience in them, either." He clapped Geoff on the back and nodded at a very pleased Nick.

Nathanial looked between his boyfriend and younger brother guiltily. "Um, I-I agree, Conor. They both did really well. I'm really glad th-they didn't hurt each other."

Alpha McDougal scowled at Nathanial. "Grow a spine, pup; you can't improve or test yourself without risk." Micah smelt furious again, and even Nicholas seemed angry at the tone being used by the giant Wolf. "Coddling the bi...boy won't do him any favours. Geoff is right to beat himself up over this; he's been sheltered for so long he threw away a match that should've been his with no effort. If he'd been allowed to get more experience and exercised his powers more, he would've won without even trying."

Garret growled. "This isn't the Neolithic era where the only way to survive is by clubbing your foe to death. Civilized societies aren't based on the archaic 'might makes right' mentality."

Alpha McDougal barked a laugh, but Faelen knew he wasn't amused in the slightest. "It was your cavefur that issued the challenge, and it's your people that are threatening everyone else with their might. We probably could do away with the challenges and warrior culture if you Mages didn't keep us locked up and afraid for our very survival. Not that I want to change our culture; I like knowing everyone around me has a sense of honour, unlike when I'm around Mages or Furs. You never hear of a Spirit becoming a Demon's toy."

Conor snapped angrily, cutting Garret off. "Da, stop it! Don't forget we're guests, and Nathanial didn't do anything wrong by worrying about the people he cares for. I worried, and I bet you did, too, when Nathanial shot Geoff out of the air."

Alpha McDougal looked away.

Nathanial's jaw dropped. "I what!?" He whirled to face Nick, who ducked behind Poppy Faeden. "This was supposed to be safe! A test, not a war!"

Geoff put his arm around Nathanial. "I'm fine, pup, let him be. You just shot a bomb I made and it exploded a bit more fiercely than anyone could've expected. He told you to attack the goal, not me. Don't you remember? Or do Charms prevent people from remembering what they do while they're being controlled?"

Faelen thought back; he remembered everything that happened; the pain in Geoff's voice still cut like a knife. He was surprised when Da looked a little befuddled, and most everyone else seemed foggy, too.

Garret looked back toward Nick with a dark expression. "I only remember Nick yelling 'no' and my yard tearing apart."

Conor opened the patio door and walked in, not waiting to let the alpha in first as would've been appropriate. "Everything is fuzzy, but I remember it all."

Faelen let Geoff and Liam go in before he did, but ensured he sat near his master, partly to satisfy himself that Geoff was all right and partly to fill the seats up so Nick couldn't sit near him. Faelen wasn't sure if he wanted to sit anywhere near Nick, either, so it worked out both ways. He was still angry with the middle Marks pup.

Liam smiled. "The more thoroughly that type of spell takes effect and the longer it is active, the less you recall. There is, of course, a great variation in mind-affecting spells, some of which are designed to affect memory, not to mention the variation in the subjects of the magic, as some people seem highly resistant to magic affecting their memories, while others are highly vulnerable."

Nathanial looked down and away before hurrying into the kitchen. "I'll put the kettle on. Can I get anyone anything while I'm up?"

Micah piped up, "Can I have a cookie?"

Nathanial stopped by the door to the kitchen and looked back with a frown. "You had one -- one I told you not to let anyone else see."

Micah's eyes widened pleadingly. "Please?"

Nathanial's frown faded into a fond smile. "No. You can spend the time you would've spent eating it thinking about how lucky you are not to be grounded for disobeying instead."

Micah pouted and flopped onto the couch. "Nuts."

Alpha McDougal dropped into a chair and leaned back into a corner of it so he could rest his leg over the arm. He looked at Nick with a hooded gaze, and the middle Akita watched him hopefully from a seat by Micah. It looked none too friendly. He grudgingly said, "You...did better than I expected." Nicholas's face lit up in glee, then fell when the alpha continued. "Though I could also say Geoff did a lot worse." He growled and rubbed his muzzle. "Both are true. I don't know what to do about it, now; I should inform the clan about your status, which is pretty bloody high, but that'd require me to say why you're an honorary member, and it'd set you up as a target for all the competitive members, like Rolph."

Nathanial's growl could be heard from the kitchen. "You sic Rolph on him and your son won't live long enough to get to the duel."

Faelen arched an eyebrow and exchanged glances with Liam. He really didn't get the antipathy between Rolph and Nathanial; they seemed to have instantly been at odds and, from what Geoff said, it might even be worse than the bad blood between Conor and Rolph. Maybe. Liam seemed surprised at Nathanial's outburst, too.

Alpha McDougal merely snorted. "Huh. You and your mood swings, pup. The second Rolph is mentioned or shows up you're ready to do murder or burn my lands to ash."

"I don't burn with fire, when foes face my ire. They all drown in fear when darkness draws near." Nathanial's tone perked up considerably as he laughed. "Hey! That rhymed! I usually suck at that, because, uh...I'm not...a...hat?"

Den chuckled. "A hat? Is that the best you could do? Because you're not a cat. Rhyming's not so square, cool cats don't need a dare, life without a care. Laying down the beat, jumping off the street, words all so sweet, poetry you can't repeat."

Garret shook his head in disbelief, a sentiment Faelen shared. "I thought you were from Ireland, not some hip-hop haven. You need work before you show your muzzle in public, though, even if you're probably better than I am." He grinned. "Not that I tried."

Liam rolled his eyes and walked over to Nicholas. "Stand, if you please." He ran his paws over Nicholas as soon as the Akita stood. "You showed remarkable development in your magic. I recognized a few of those spells; they are quite advanced. The Succubus Grimoire has chosen you, indeed."

Garret looked at his middle son warily. "How does that make a difference? Why in the hells are all three of my sons far more magically inclined than any Marks has ever been, that I've heard of?"

All the adults looked at Liam expectantly. The Rottweiler just shrugged and moved away from Nick to sit by Faelen and Geoff on the other couch. "He is well, but replenishing his energy in that way has left his system taxed." He looked at Nicholas. "You should go rest soon. Have a small snack, drink some water, then sleep."

Garret nodded. "Good advice. It's not like you'll have much else to do while you're grounded."

Nicholas bolted up in his seat. "Grounded? What for?" Nathanial walked in pushing a tea tray and began serving tea. Nick turned to him angrily. "Nats, tell Dad I'm not grounded. I didn't do anything wrong!"

Garret growled. "I'm your father, Nick, not Nathanial. I say you're grounded and that's that."

Nathanial passed the alpha a cup of tea. "Don't argue in front of guests, both of you." He looked at Nicholas as the rest of the tea began serving itself. "Nick, Dad said go to your room, so go. He didn't say how long you're grounded for yet, so don't make him angry and worse on yourself. And, yeah, you did do something wrong -- several somethings."

Nicholas swelled up in fury, but merely hissed as he asked in a semblance of politeness. "Like what?"

Nathanial arched an eyebrow. "You made an ass of yourself when you challenged Geoff and yelled at our company. You disobeyed me by continuing to flirt with the alpha. Worst of all, you cast a Charm spell on me and probably Micah. That's one of the biggest rules we have -- don't cast magic on one of us without permission."

Nicholas lost what little control he had and jumped to his hindpaws. "That was in the duel! That doesn't count!"

Nathanial shook his head. "There are no exceptions, Nick. Our rules stated you can cast magic on other people in self-defence and similar situations, but not us, especially not a Charm."

The young Demon Mage's muzzle curled up in a snarl. "Yeah, way to be selective. I guess you're grounded for casting magic on Mom when you killed her."

The room froze. Even the alpha stopped with his teacup pressed against his lips and a small stream of tea trickling down his chin -- this sort of thing normally seemed to amuse him, but this appeared to go too far, even for him. Nicholas realized he'd gone too far and was about to apologize, but couldn't make himself speak when he met Nathanial's eyes. Faelen didn't think he would've been able to, either.

Nathanial's voice barely qualified as a whisper. "Go to your room." Nicholas turned and was about to run off when Nathanial stopped him by saying, "And for your information I didn't break the rules. We weren't allowed casting magic anywhere around Mom, but Lily stopped being our mom when she tried to kill you, Nick. She was still our mother but not our mom. Call that 'selective' if you want, I don't care. You're still alive, that's all that matters. Now, go." Nick ran downstairs, rank with guilt and shame...and not a few tears.

Liam sat in the sitting room -- a rather pleasantly furnished and arranged one, and certainly a far more comfortable place to recline than Lorie's...even if the comparison was offset by the less stylish décor. Meanwhile, Nathanial took Garret into the kitchen to discuss Nicholas's outburst. Liam took a sip of his tea while he waited to see who would speak first and on what subject. Hmm, delightful; the tea was the Fujian white tea, a Bai Hao Yinzhen, like Nathanial had purchased for him. Everyone was most uncomfortable and fidgeted in their seats, except Micah, who remained perfectly still as he stared down at Nicholas's room with a highly worried expression.

It was Geoff who spoke first. The Elemental sounded a little annoyed, if unsettled. "Um, Liam? In the duel, why didn't you call the match when Nick Charmed everyone? Isn't that... Wasn't that dangerous and, well, cheating?"

Alpha McDougal shook his head angrily and looked, perhaps, ashamed. "No. The whole duel was...tame. It was pretty exciting to watch, like a good football match, but not really any more dangerous than one. We're allowed using anything in the area our powers can affect, as long as it doesn't damage private property or anyone not duelling. Since the rules explicitly stated there couldn't be any attacks designed to hurt the other person, Nick was allowed to use us because Nick couldn't use us as shields or as weapons against you -- directly. We've never had a Mage duel like this, but his spells count as his power and, since Charms aren't designed to actually hurt anyone, it didn't count as attacking us." He grimaced and grudgingly added, almost in a mutter, "You should've anticipated it and said that he wasn't allowed doing that. We should've resisted it. I can't believe the runt actually Charmed me. Me! The fucking alpha!" The alpha looked over at Liam respectfully and spoke at a normal volume. "I noticed he failed to get you, Ancient One."

Micah pouted at that and looked at the alpha before returning to his pensive state. It was almost heartbreaking to see the pup act so out of character due to his concern for his elder brother.

Liam arched an eyebrow at the giant Wolf. "Indeed, I was expecting such a gambit, but I was surprised at how powerful an effect it had regardless. Micah was also able to resist the spell, due to his anticipation of it and his near-immunity to all such spells and effects. I confess to being impressed with my love and how easily he threw it off. I suspect that he was key in allowing the rest of you to break free."

Dirk's chest puffed up in pride for his son, though there was a little confusion in his features due to his lingering memory problems -- an understandable reaction for anyone who had never experienced supernaturally induced memory loss. The Bone Spirit had probably never even experienced alcohol induced memory loss, either. Even little...rather, big Den was proud of Faelen.

Liam wondered, 'How long shall it be before I cease to see Den only as he was in my last life? He has long been fully grown -- indeed, even his son and grandson are older than he was when I last saw him as Lowell. He is no longer the little pup who shadowed me at every opportunity.'

Faelen scratched the end of his nose, a bit of pink showing through the thin fur surrounding it as he blushed. "Yeah, well, I've sworn to serve and protect Geoff. I can't very well go attacking him, even in a duel, when faced with the smallest bit of magic." The Mist Spirit quickly altered the subject, most likely to avoid giving Geoff a chance to broach the subject of 'sworn to serve' once more. "How would that go if it was Beriatana that cast the spell and not Nick? I'm kinda glad to get the experience, actually, so I know what to expect when we find her and go kick her arse."

Conor frowned. "When she's found it won't be you pups who deal with her. She seems to be more problematic than most Succubae, so leave her and her pet Mage to the adults -- either the Spirits and Fey in the area she turns up in, or the Society. She's done enough damage as it is."

Geoff smirked at his father, teasingly. "Come on, Da, what could she do to us? It's not like she could seduce the four of us the way she could get at--" He waved his finger at the four adult Spirits. "--you four... Uh, three. Sorry, Dirk."

Dirk chuckled. "No problem, Geoff. No, I doubt she could offer anything I'd want, either." He cracked his knuckles; his amusement vanishing. "I'd love to get a crack at her and that Gordon guy. What they've done to Nick is inexcusable."

Alpha McDougal snorted derisively. "Yeah, whatever, Geoff. No fucking Demon could offer anything I'd want. The second the wench showed up she'd be stabbed through with a stone spike."

Den looked down and away, his chi roiling to match his insides. "Don't be so sure, sir. You normally wouldn't want anything from Nicholas, either." His eyes flicked toward Micah, haunted with a painful memory. "I know I can never trust myself again."

Micah flinched, opening and closing his mouth before exclaiming, "I'm sorry! I-I thought adults, um... I thought only kids could hurt like that 'cause they mightn't be ready for sex. You have kids! How can sex be bad for you!? If I want it and enjoy it, and you enjoy it, what's wrong?"

Den seemed to curl in on himself, yet did not actually move at all.

Conor answered for him. "Because it wasn't willing on our part, Sprite. Because it was only the magic of Nick that made us do what we did. We had no free will. Any magic that influences the mind is dangerous and can cause a lot more long-lasting harm than a spell that only affects the body -- you're enslaving someone far more thoroughly than otherwise possible. I'm sure you noticed how angry everyone was when Nick's spell wore off in the duel, and that's why. He took control of our minds, our magic, and our bodies, forcing us to attack someone we love. It makes us doubt ourselves; it violates our very sense of 'self' like a physical rape would. Faeden will need time to understand and come to grips with what happened; even I will, and I'm far more familiar with that form of magic. I deal with the Fey more frequently than most, and many of your kin don't understand how others view Charm-type magic. Even a lot of Mages don't understand -- or care -- how it affects the people it's used on." He shrugged. "In the case of the duel, I can't be too upset. No real harm was done, and it was a valid move on Nick's part. I just wish I could've resisted it." He shook his head. "He's gotten very strong."

Micah was curled up on the love seat, rocking back and forth as he whimpered softly and stared at Den with large, tear-filled eyes. Liam could feel the undirected, almost nebulous, magic radiating from the pup, giving strength to the unspoken plea for forgiveness. While the sight of the tormented little Akita would be pitiable enough, this added element gave great impetus to Den's reaction.

The Dirt Spirit rose from his seat and moved over to sit beside Micah. He pulled the pup up into a hug and rubbed his back. "Hey, Micah. Don't beat yourself up; I forgive you. You're young, and you're bound to make mistakes. Sex can be an addicting thing, even without magical pheromones floating around or having a Nymph for a mother, especially during the teen years when hormones run wild. I'll be fine." Micah curled into the Spirit, sniffing dolefully.

Nathanial knocked at Nick's door a half-hour after the outburst upstairs. He'd talked with Dad for a bit about Nick, and Dad actually agreed -- without any argument -- that something must be really bothering Nick for him to act like this. It was more important to find out why he was acting out than just throwing months of curfews and restrictions at the problem, which might just make things worse.

Nick's voice reverberated through the door, muffled and choked. "Yeah, come in, Nats."

Nathanial walked in, closing the door behind him. Nicholas was lying crosswise on his bed, curled up so his back was to the door. He sounded so muffled because his head was mostly under one of his pillows. Nathanial smiled when he asked, "How did you know it was me? Can you see through doors, too?" He knew Nick wouldn't be able to resist a smart-alecky response.

Nick just sighed. "Because no one else will come in until you talk to me. It's only been the way things have been done for nearly a decade." So a little snarkiness made it in, but it was still less than normal. "What's the verdict, oh royal judge?" That was better.

Nathanial leaned against the doorframe, knowing Nick wouldn't want comfort yet. "Nothing's been decided. Dad and I wanted to hear from you, first. What's wrong? I can see how you can find the alpha really hot; I can see how your interests would make him desirable too, but I don't understand how that would make you challenge Geoff, yell at the alpha and me, or get you to keep chasing after him despite being told not to. He's been trying to discourage you ever since supper, Nick, and I told you Dad's forbidden it too, and not without reason. If you have sex with him again it could kill you. Besides, he's going back to Ireland tomorrow; even if all the problems standing between you worked out -- including the fact he's straight and married -- he wouldn't be here anyway. I..." Nathanial sighed. "Please, tell me what's bothering you so much."

"I already did."

Nathanial thought back; there were a few things that could apply. "The discomfort at school when you have to abstain from sex for several hours, the hunger caused by not enough violence during sex... Or is it because you think I don't take you seriously?" Nicholas stiffened up; he mustn't have been thinking about some or all of those. That was the trap Nathanial couldn't avoid; he either had to get Nick to tell him and sound like he wasn't listening -- which would've really made this worse -- or he had to offer several options up that could be what Nick was talking about and risk bringing in other problems to the conversation.

Nick curled up a bit more tightly and pressed the pillow over his head. "Gee, thanks for making me feel better. All of it, but I was mostly thinking of the last one."

Now Nick would accept Nathanial sitting by him, so Nathanial went over and sat by Nick's hindpaws and put his paw on his brother's leg. "I'm an overprotective shit-head, Nick." He could tell his brother smiled at that. "We've been through that already. It doesn't mean I don't take you seriously, it just means I can't stand the thought of you getting hurt. I'm trying to step back and let you do your thing, but there are some areas I can't -- your safety is one -- and I also have to balance what you want with what other people do. The way you and the alpha were acting was upsetting everyone, not just me. Micah was actually close to attacking him a couple times over the way he talked to you."

Nick rolled over and took the pillow off his head so he could glare at Nathanial. "You just said Mikey was 'upset,' not 'about to hurl his nuts.' There's a big difference. You aren't exaggerating just to get me to back off, are you?"

Nathanial sighed and squeezed Nick's leg. "No. I saw him about to pull them out twice that I can think of. We love you, Nick, and it hurts us to see you getting talked down to like that. I know it hurts more to see you getting treated poorly than it does to be the subject of it. I could accept a lot from Mo-- uh, Lily, because I knew it'd hurt less than having to watch you go through it. I'm sure you understand; you wouldn't be able to sit back and watch Micah or me get hurt, either. Even if you enjoyed the alpha degrading you, it looked painful, uh, emotionally, anyway, and we just couldn't stand it."

After Nick heard Lily's name he curled up in pain and kept looking more and more shamed and hurt as Nathanial kept talking. Nathanial was at a bit of a loss, but he just put it down to Nick feeling terrible for what he'd said upstairs. He stopped talking and rubbed Nick's thigh comfortingly.

The younger Akita stayed curled up; he sounded close to despair. "Just... Just go away, Nats. I'm not in the mood to talk. I'm sorry for what I said, I-- Let me get back to being grounded, would you?"

"I have to talk to you about something else, first. It's about Charms." Nicholas looked a little defensive, but he still seemed ashamed and guilty enough that Nathanial knew there wouldn't be much argument. Nathanial lay down on his side so he was facing Nick; he didn't want this to come across as a lecture, but a discussion. "You probably noticed everyone was pretty upset when you Charmed them." He waited for Nick to nod; it took a few seconds. "After you came downstairs, the Spirits talked a bit about how people see them. Charms, that is. Um, well, everyone but Mages and Fey." He sighed. He'd never really thought about how other people would see them, either. "I...should've thought about this more, but Charms are viewed as extremely...invasive. Almost worse than rape in some ways."

Nick's eyes grew wide, and he sat up with a start. "What!? How? Charms don't hurt, they're just..." The cogs visibly whirred in his mind as he thought it through. "They just...bend people to someone else's will. They're like the absolute worst thing you can get in those dystopian future books like 1984. Mind-slavery. Beriatana does that." He slumped forward, resting his elbows on his knees and burying his head in his paws. "I thought if I showed everyone that I'm not some weak little pup that I'd...be accepted. I-I'm not used to being kept out like this; I was always popular at school, and I always had you and Mikey here. Now...they're going to hate me. Conor, Dirk, Den...and Faelen and the alpha. I... Gods." He turned his head to look at Nathanial. Tears filled his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me? You always said to use Charms; that they were the safest way to protect ourselves without calling the Knights or the Society down on us. That Charms were harmless."

Nathanial sat up beside Nick and pulled him over, licking his ear comfortingly. "Look who taught me, and who taught him. Dad was raised by two Demon Mages; Poppy specializes in digging up people's secrets and blackmailing them. They were the ones who essentially created Gordon. Dad probably never realized how it feels to be on the receiving end before now, or if he did he just thought that it was the way things were done. And he was the one who taught me. It never occurred to me that it's a dangerous tool." He made his tone a bit brusquer. "That said, if someone is trying to hurt you or Micah, I want you to Charm the hells out of them. Your safety is far more important than some thug's feelings."

Nick flopped back on the bed. "I'm not a pup anymore, but, yeah, I know what you mean."

Nick was about to say something else, but Nathanial quietly interjected. "We'll need to talk about this more, Nick, all of us, to see what we can do to help. Just remember that what you're going through is way too big for any one person -- Fur, Mage, or Spirit -- to handle on his own, no matter how strong he is. And we can't help if we don't know what's wrong. You need to trust us and talk to us, Nick. I love you, and I will love you no matter what; never forget that."

Nick curled up on his side again; something was obviously bothering him, but Nathanial could think of many things that could be the cause -- though the latest outburst was the most likely culprit. Nick quietly asked, "Can you go away now and let me get back to being grounded?"

Nathanial patted his brother's leg and stood up. "If you want. I came down to try to find out why you're out of sorts and see what I can do to make it better. I don't know how to convince you that I take you seriously; Dad may be back, but I don't think he knows how to be a proper dad, so I feel you two are still my responsibility. I'm trying to step back some, but I can't just stop watching out for you."

"I know. But I'm not that much younger than you, so you don't need to act like I'm a kid."

Nathanial leaned over, placing his paw on the bed behind Nicholas's back and nipped his brother's ear. "We both are still kids in some ways, Nick. I feel like I was forced to grow up too fast, but I want to give you a chance to enjoy being you as you are right now. Have some fun, make mistakes -- even if I have to ground you on occasion -- and understand that I'll always worry about you because I love you."

Nick rolled over and pulled Nathanial down on top of him in a hug. "Stupid goof. I told you to go away." He nipped Nathanial's ear back and pushed him up. "Go away." He rolled over once Nathanial stood up and muttered, "Love you, too."

Nathanial slipped out of the bedroom and softly closed the door behind him.

Faelen sat quietly in his desk at school the following day. His grandfather and the alpha had returned to Ireland in the morning, before the students left for school, without any further trouble. Garret still seemed very annoyed with them, so it was probably unlikely that another invitation would be extended to the McDougals, allowing them to stay there. Geoff would be upset with that -- he loved sleeping with Nathanial, and he liked the Markses' house a lot more than theirs. Faelen liked the house, too, but he wished he could spend more time with Liam...and had more fog. He mentally shrugged; it didn't matter what he wanted or wished as long as his master was happy.

They were mere moments away from the end of German class (with Liam in his music class, and Nathanial in French), before lunch. Geoff was fidgeting a lot, tapping his mechanical pencil on the desk, and looking around. Faelen could even hear his master's stomach rumbling, so he carefully adjusted his posture and school materials, knowing that Geoff would be up and out of the room like a bolt the moment the bell rang.

The cacophonous noise echoed through the halls, instantly joined by the sounds of hundreds of teens jumping out of their desks. Faelen was a step behind Geoff as they moved to the door, though Faelen had to shift his books to grab the Elemental's pencil, which lay forgotten on the desk. It was his favourite, and Geoff would be upset to lose it. It was the same pencil Geoff had carried into homeroom on the first day of school and saw Nathanial for the first time...not that Geoff would admit that was the reason the pencil suddenly became his favourite, or even that it was his favourite. He always said that was a stupid thing to have -- one pencil is just like all the others.

The two Spirits quickly slipped through the rapidly filling halls toward their lockers and passed by the only dented locker in the bank to reach theirs. Faelen smiled as he remembered how Liam's locker got that dent. Liam and Nathanial had earned reputations around school as students with surprisingly dangerous tempers, despite the way they looked and acted. Faelen opened his locker, keeping an eye on his boss as best he could despite the crowds swirling around and the constant congratulations Geoff was getting over the football match last night.

Geoff's stomach growled loudly when he opened his locker and the smell of last night's leftovers spilt out. "Oh, gods, I'm starved. I feel like Tantalus, but I hope the gods are kind and let me eat this meal." He made a warding gesture as he grabbed the bento box and put his books away.

Faelen nodded in agreement and followed Geoff into the cafeteria; he'd made sure to move quickly, knowing Geoff was unlikely to think about waiting when presented with the smell of lunch. He also made sure to slip Geoff's pencil into his boss's locker.

They sat down at 'their' table and opened the boxes. There were multiple compartments and even a second tray stacked under the first, letting the box hold enough food to satisfy even the alpha. Geoff grabbed a roll and took a huge bite out of it, even as his eyes lingered over the quail. He mumbled around his mouthful, "They better get here soon or I'm going to start without them."

"You already did, sir."

Geoff shot him a dirty look, swallowed, but seemed to change his mind when he opened his mouth to say something and instead ate the rest of the roll. Faelen mentally shook his head. He knew calling Geoff 'sir' annoyed his master but he just couldn't help it. He tried so many times to break the habit, yet every time he was the least bit distracted he ended up falling back into it. At least he managed to avoid saying the dreaded 'm' word.

He smelt Ahjeet slither into the cafeteria, shortly followed by Liam and Nathanial; the Ophidian joined the line to get food -- nearly tripping several inattentive Furs in the process, to his great annoyance -- while the Canids trotted over to their table carrying their bento boxes.

Liam sat down silently and began unpacking his lunch. Those adorable ears twitched ever so slightly at the changes in the drone behind him, but remained almost entirely fixed on the centre of his attention. His nose was going mad as the scents assaulted it, drawing forth a cute murmur from his stomach. Gods, Liam was so...uh, handsome. He'd probably get upset at being called 'cute.' As if that was a cue, Liam looked up and met Faelen's eyes, his features softened into the subtle look of love; most people would miss it, but to Faelen it was as obvious as a mountain in the middle of a plain.

Nathanial sat down with a sigh. "I'm glad I can look forward to a quiet evening. No offense, Geoff, but your grandfather was a difficult guest. Really, he didn't do anything wrong, but he just seemed to set everyone else off."

Geoff grumbled around a mouthful of quail.

Faelen's lips quirked up into a grin as he translated in his best Dark Spirit impersonation. "'Yeah, I know. He does that at home, too. Why do you think Da' -- that's Conor, not my da -- 'does all the diplomatic stuff?'" Geoff shot him a dirty look, to which Faelen responded with his best innocent expression, then nodded to Nathanial and took another huge mouthful. Faelen smiled and scooped up some of the apricot salad.

Nathanial was prevented from responding when Liam's and Faelen's heads snapped up to watch Ahjeet approach their table.

The Ophidian put his tray on the table next to theirs and pulled out a piece of paper with a picture on it. His expression was predatory and fixed on Liam. "Ah, there'ss the little lovebird."

Spirit Bound: Chapter 109

**Chapter 109: The Serpent and the Dog** Liam saw Faelen plant his paws on the table and begin to stand up menacingly, so he just smiled with feigned indifference at Ahjeet Jhansi, waving at Faelen to sit. Inside, Liam was not so indifferent; he felt...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 107

**Chapter 107: Fire and Shadow** Liam stopped beside everyone else by the back door of Nathanial's home, somewhat baffled by the reaction to Nicholas's challenge. He could understand Nathanial's, as he worried about both people, and his core...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 106

**Chapter 106: Cookies and Challenges** Nathanial sat at the island in the kitchen and helped Micah decorate some sugar cookies. Micah made some rather..._interesting_ shapes when he was putting them on the tray to bake, so Nathanial made a dozen...

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