Set Down in Black and White

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#17 of The Spellsinger Tales

A non-chaptered continuation of The Spellsinger Tales. Jon-Tom's unicorn son finds his true love, and drags his father into what at first is a simple matter of gaining his mother's approval. The situation grows into a complicated mess that nonetheless straightens out in the end.

Many years had passed, and Jon-Tom's life had become rather sedentary. That's not to say he was unhappy, but he spent more time reliving his previous adventures in tales told to the local children than he did living new ones. He was much older now, and much wiser. His magic, while he had less use of it now, had become very honed. He could call forth most anything, but in his wisdom, did it only for great need.

Great needs did arise now and again, but never like in his glory days. He was sitting outside one day, enjoying the warm weather with its light breeze. His hearing caught the distinct step of an equine. Whoever it was, they were welcome to visit. He hated boredom. As the visitor came into view, Jon-Tom did a double take. "Rúndain?" The unicorn nickered warmly. "Hello father. I hope I'm not disturbing you?" The spell-singer jumped up and hugged him. "Hell no! I'm very glad to see you. What brings you here?" The unicorn lowered his head. "I have a problem."

Jon-Tom looked at him for a moment before answering. "My son, you're a unicorn. Unicorn's don't have problems." The unicorn let out a whinny, sort of a half laugh, half cry. "Don't I wish!" It had to be serious if a unicorn couldn't handle it. "Sit down and tell me all about it." Rúndain glanced at the chair, shook his mane and transformed into his human persona. Jon-Tom felt a little odd sitting across from a naked male, but since it didn't bother his son, he left the matter go. Silence was the only sound outside of the leaves rustling overhead.

"So," Jon-Tom asked, "what's on you mind? It has to be something big for you to come to me for advice."  Rúndain smiled. "Big? No, not really. It's a problem of love. I figured that since you weathered through three..." "Four," corrected his father. "Four then. How did you manage it? I'm in love with only one and it has caused me nothing but grief." Jon-Tom knew all about the stress of being in love can cause a person. He sometimes wished it he had limited himself to one. But when his memories flooded back, he had no regrets at all. "So son, tell me about her. It is a her, isn't it?"

The young man smiled. "Yes father, she is a she. Not to say I haven't dabbled in some unconventional relationships, but I'm fairly straight in that regard." Jon-Tom smiled. "I wasn't trying to judge you. I was thinking that I had better get this matter clear in my head before I tried to give you advice."  Rúndain nodded. His father continued. "So, you found someone you love. The next question is; is she also an equine? Your mother and I went to great lengths to see that the Clan Capell would carry on." "Oh father, she is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. Her black is as black as mine..." Jon-Tom interrupted. "I'll have you know your mother is the most beautiful equine in the world, at least in my opinion. As for your love's color, she sounds very fetching, particularly since I trust your judgment. But is she a horse?" "Yes, father, she is. The most wonderful, wild, fun, sexy..." Jon-Tom started laughing. "You keep that up, you're going to have an erection to hide!" His son looked abashed. "Sorry!"

"It's OK. Been there, done that. So you found your true love. What problem stands in the way." "Parents," was all he said. Jon-Tom thought it over. If Lorissa was unhappy, it had to be over the loss of the family line. Otherwise, she would be overjoyed for him. Since Dhoov Capell never stayed in the village all those many years ago, it couldn't be a mere matter of him leaving either. There was a possible source of difficulty. "Son, I take it her parents are against a pairing between the two of you?"  Rúndain smiled. "Not in the least. In fact, they're all for it. But therein lies the problem. They say that if we get paired, we must stay there. Mother objects." "Hmmm. That is a problem. Do you want me to talk with her?"

Rúndain shook his head. "No, not yet. But would be willing to meet with Taraza's parents?" "Who," asked Jon-Tom. "Taraza, the girl I've been telling you about!" The spell-singer scratched his head. "Sorry. That was the first you mentioned her name. And I don't know what I can do. If her parents are for the pairing, there seems to be no need of persuasion for the match." "Yes father, I know, but if you met them, then maybe you could convince mother to relent." He sat and mulled the possibilities over in his mind. Lorissa could be hot headed, but no worse than any of the females he had ever encountered. And she was only trying to protect her son and her clan. What this situation needed was a mediator, not a spell-singer. "Sure son. But I had better tell my wife that I'll be leaving." By the time he was packed and left the house, he knew HE would need a mediator upon his return.

Rúndain had changed back to a unicorn. Jon-Tom jumped up on his back. "Lead on McDuff!" The unicorn turned his head to stare at the human. "Who is McDuff?" Sigh. "It's a common misquote of a line from a famous play. Forget I mentioned it."  Rúndain geared up for a run. "Already forgotten!"  he yelled into the wind as they were launched into the depths of the Bellwoods. The spell-singer hung on tight, and kept his head lower than his steed's. It wasn't that he couldn't heal himself of any minor wounds he might receive, he just wasn't in the mood for unnecessary pain. They stopped only a few times, one for a call-of-nature break and another so Jon-Tom could focus on healing his very saddle-sore backside. This second stop gave him a chance to observe their surroundings.

The normal deciduous trees had given way to more exotic looking specimens, including a huge one with thick leaves that nearly blocked the sunlight. He walked under it and got a flashback. He even heard the songs he played, some good old ELO. He smiled at the remembrance. The unicorn came over, and observing the grin, asked, "What's the matter father? Does this place spark a memory?" "Yes it does. I was under a tree just like this one once, accompanying by two lovely ladies. We got stuck in a mild typhoon that day." Rúndain looked up and down the tree. "It looks like a tree to me. There are thousands of them around here. Are you sure it was this one?" The spell-singer smiled. "I have no idea where that tree is at. Like you said, there have to be many of them here. But it was this type, of that I'm certain."

"So father, who were the ladies?" This elicited a laugh from Jon-Tom. "Oh, it was right after you were born. I promised to see a couple of ladies back to their homelands. It was an eventful trip!" Rúndain pressed him further on the matter. "Who were they?" he asked politely. Jon-Tom was tempted to be evasive, but always liked telling the truth. "One was named Ruhgal, and the other was called Laila."  Rúndain was startled, as was visible on his equine face. "Tell me you do not mean Ruhgal the okapi?" It was Jon-Tom's turn to look startled. "Uh, yes, that's exactly who I mean." The unicorn groaned. "Tell me you didn't have sex with her, oh please tell me you didn't." "OK; I didn't." His son visibly relaxed."Thank goodness for that." "Uh, son, I hate to break the news to you, but we had plenty of sex." "Then why did you just tell me..." "Because, young man, that's what you told me to say. If you want the truth, she was a lot of fun. I take it that in your travels you've met her?"

The unicorn sat down on his haunches. "How is it that as far as I roam, I can't get away from people you've met, people you've helped, and people you've buggered the life out of?" Jon-Tom was both amused and pissed off by his son's reaction. "Listen  Rúndain, I've been farther around this world than you'll likely ever go. I've done a lot of things. I will not apologize for any of it, even to you. Why are you so worried?" The unicorn got up. "Ruhgal's daughter Trallin and my love are friends, though they only get to see each other occasionally, considering the distance between the villages." The spell-singer considered this. "Ruhgal lives in Ituri. Where does Taraza live?" "Maoria. It's many days trot for the less fleet of foot, though I can do it in a few hours."

In the good old days, Jon-Tom would have consulted his mental map, but years of neglect had caused it to fade as was originally intended. He could no longer consult it and see where he was going. It was too bad. "Well son, I don't know what to tell you. Ruhgal was a very nice person, though I learned more about her after I got her home than before. Did she never mention me?" His son looked poleaxed. "She did mention someone that helped her home after she had been lost, but I had no clue it was you. Where did you find her?" Jon-Tom coughed. "Uh, remember the whorehouse I bought in Desagi-End?" The unicorn flared his nostrils. "Tell me she wasn't working there..." "Truth? Or only what you want to hear?"

Rúndain looked like he was going to be sick. "If her daughter ever found out, she would be devastated.." Jon-Tom's advise was simple. "Then make sure she doesn't find out, about any of it. Her mother is a wonderful person, and whether or not it bothers your sensibilities, you'll just have to get over what went down between us." His son grimaced. "Did you have to put it that way?" Jon-Tom though about how worded it and busted out laughing. "No, I suppose that was a slip of the tongue." "Father! Stop it this instant!" They both started chuckling uncontrollably. When they gathered their whits about them, they sobered up enough to reach an agreement. "I'll tell you what father; you keep your mouth closed about it and so will I." "Done!"

The journey to Maoria was another blur filled, fast paced gallop through grasslands and jungle. The village was much more than that, a city proper in his estimation. Its construction reminded him of many such cities in places like Africa, on his own world. The buildings were tan-brown, often with thatched roofs. But in the center of it all was a magnificent white tiled edifice, with a solid wall topped by impressive towers. He had no idea such a place existed out here. He was glad that they weren't going there. Upon reaching the city, Rúndain changed to his human self. "Uh, father, do you mind if I borrow your cape? I prefer making my way through the city without attracting attention to myself." The cape was removed and handed over.

They made their way through markets, side streets and back alleys. "Son, were are we going?" "Don't worry father. I know the way. There is an easier route, but I prefer this one. For one thing, you tend to see more going the back way. The main streets are always scoured clean and made presentable to impress foreigners." "You mean, such as ourselves?" Rúndain laughed. "Yes, father, just like us. Though if you pave my way, I won't fall under that category for very long."  As they traveled through the dusty streets, the imposing towers of the palace seemed to loom ever closer. They weren't always visible, but here and there a space opened up, showing their immaculate white  faces pockmarked with dark windows. It was both lovely and foreboding.

All at once they came across a street that intersected the main thoroughfare running the length of the palace.  Rúndain disrobed, handed the cape to his father and transformed again to his normal self. Without a word, he headed up the street along the palace wall. "Uh, son? Where are you going?" "To see Taraza, of course." That sinking feeling hit his stomach. "And where does Taraza live. Rúndain pointed upward. "In this big white house of course!" Jon-Tom stopped dead. "Son, I'm not going any farther. Every time I get tangled with royals, I feel like I'm not going to get out of the situation with my sanity intact. " "But father, you have each and every time. Look at me, and Aerie, and Bastet and Silef. Look what you did for Ruhgal. You may not like your entanglements, but you seem to make them come out in the best way possible. Please do this for me?" Jon-Tom was motionless. He wished he had stayed home now. But it was his son asking. "Oh alright. But let's get this straight. I don't want any more surprises."

That street led to another, which ran down another side of the palace. There, smack dab in the middle, was the most ornate gate he had ever seen. It was gorgeous. It was also presently closed. The two halves were made of wrought metal. The bars had been artistically hammered and shaped into the form of a graceful horse, with a flowing mane and dancing hooves. The spaces between the bars allowed the backdrop of the palace proper to show through, highlighting the lovely artistry crafted within the gate. But  Rúndain wasn't looking at the gate. He was calling to the guards, who immediately opened the way for him to enter. They made as if to block Jon-Tom however.  Rúndain stopped them. "This is my father." They looked at him like he was nuts. Rúndain said in a stern voice. "Believe me when I say it is true."

They were allowed to pass. The unicorn knew where to go, and headed right up the shallow steps and through a large door. Again, Jon-Tom was stopped by the attending guards. And again he was allowed to continue. One guard came with them and then headed down a side hallway. They had gone no more than a hundred more feet when they stopped. "Well father, here goes." He nudged the door open and walked inside. Jon-Tom followed. Inside were a variety of equines. There were many he failed to recognize. Some were quite familiar. But the two that stood on what had to be their equivalent of a throne caught his eye.

He walked right up to them, ignoring the looks everyone was giving him for his audacity. Even his son seemed appalled by his actions As he neared the queen (or whatever title she carried) she looked down for the first time...and squealed in delight. The king, startled by the yell, looked down and yelled himself "Great Galloping herds, is it really you?" Jon-Tom's arms shot out and wrapped around their necks. He pulled them in close, in a very familiar and undignified way. "Kwagga! Razz! I never expected to see you here!" The king whinnied. "And where would you expect to find me except running my kingdom?" Jon-Tom remembered something about that, when they had returned him home. Something about a half brother. That story would have to wait.  Rúndain came up, completely shocked. "Father? First Ruhgal, and now Taraza's parents!"

It hit Jon-Tom like a ton of bricks. His son had fallen in love with Razzelle's daughter. Oh boy was he going to be pissed when he found out about..." "Razzelle eyed the human. She winked. Then she whispered. "Keep your mouth shut until we can talk in private." To those in the chambers she announced. "Behold, this is the wizard who saved your rightful king. All hail Rúndain who has brought him back to us. It is a time for celebration!" There was much cheering from the gathering. Jon-Tom felt alone and out of place. Razz stepped down and nudged him towards a door. "Head out into the hallway and turn left. He did. She brushed past him and hurried down the corridor. He had to jog to keep up.

They came to an ornate door. Inside was a lovely wonderland of curtains, furniture and paintings. Razz turned on him once the door closed. "Jon-Tom what the hell is going on?  Rúndain said he was going to find his father and bring him here..." All at once her eyes got huge. "Back then, all those years ago, you weren't kidding, were you? Ruhgal said you had a colt, but I thought it was all some big joke." Jon-Tom sat on a stool. "No, no joke. He is my son through my mate Lorissa, of the Clan Capell." She looked at him sternly. "You have other children?" He nodded. "I have my son with my wife Talea, and I have two girls with my love Roseroar, rest her soul, and I have a son, Aeire, with my wonderful Mel-Aura." "Human, you were a busy fellow. I didn't get to know you very well at the time. Perhaps that was a mistake. I assume you married a human?"" Yes, and that's where my son Buncan comes in. Through Roseroar I have two lovely tigress daughters, and through Mel-aura my phoenix son Aeire." Razz became completely unraveled. She regained her royal composure a few seconds later.

"Look Jon-Tom, there is a lot for you to explain to me, but now is not the time. Right now, there are more important matters. If I had known that I would one day be queen, I would never have been so open in taking you to bed. It was fun, I will admit, and you left a strong impression on me." He started to protest but she hushed him. "I am also aware that without you, my wonderful husband would be dead and I would never have met him to marry him and become queen. So I must ask you, in the strongest way possible, not to mention our activities together. My husband is wonderful and understanding, but..." Jon-Tom cocked his head, waiting to see if he had permission to talk. She motioned for his to reply.

"Look Razz, I remember our times together as well as any I participated in. But I will not lie, not for you, not for my son. He is already aware of my connection with Ruhgal. I only hope that by some unfortunate twist of fate your daughter is not...our daughter?" He left it go as a question. Razz shook her head. "No, thank the ancestors for that! And to think I wanted a child by you. No, Taraza belongs to Kwagga and myself, and is our heir. It is upon this point that has brought you here." The spell-singer weighed this in his mind. "I have no problem with the pairing, though I would like to meet your daughter before making a final judgment. I am unsure how she will deal with having a human father-in-law." Yes," said Razz, "about that. How did you impregnate a horse to produce a unicorn?" He shrugged. "How? How did I impregnate a tiger or an eagle. Magic of course. Need I say more?" She looked at him, decided he was telling the truth and asked nothing else of him...for the moment.

By this time Kwagga made an appearance. He was overjoyed at seeing Jon-Tom. "Spell-singer, I have wanted to thank you so many times for saving my life. I owe you a debt of gratitude. Without your help my kingdom would likely have been left in ruins" "Stop!" All eyes were on Jon-Tom. "You owe me nothing, for what I did, I did freely and of my own volition. In the end, it would appear that it has worked in my favor, or rather, in the favor of someone dear to me."  He had just espied his son enter the room, looking visibly shaken. "Come here  Rúndain." The unicorn stood by his side. "Kwagga, I would like you to meet my son." The king looked from one to the other. He then looked at his wife, who nodded. "There is some heavy explaining to be done this day," ruled the king. "I agree!" said Jon-Tom.

But before any sorting out could be done, another zebra entered the room. The sole human evaluated her appearance in a cursory fashion. He definitely could see what his son saw in her. But it dawned on him that  Rúndain had said that she was black. He whispered as much to him. The unicorn answered back tersely. "You never allowed me to finish my thought. I was going to describe her white in my next breath had you not interrupted." His son was correct, thought his father. At the same time it dawned on his that the gate out front had not been merely a depiction of a horse, but of a zebra, with the bar bars equaling the black stripes, and the white of the palace filling in the rest. How clever!

But to the present matters. Outside of keeping his mouth shut, there was nothing here for Jon-Tom to do. He and his son had the support of the king and queen. All that really remained was meeting Taraza. He drifted out of his revery to notice she was looking at him expectantly.  He bowed. "Hello my dear. I'm so glad to meet you!" She did a similar curtsy. "And I you. I understand that there is more going on than should be expected." She looked to her parents. "Would someone came to explain?" Razz looked away. The king knew little of their (Jon-Tom and Razz) time together so was a bit clueless. And Jon-Tom wouldn't lie. He walked right up to the young zebra mare and said, "Shall we take a walk? I'm sure that there is a lot to see in this palace, and I think a tour would be a perfect way for us to get to know one another. Without another word they walked off together. That left three behind who were very much wondering if a pairing was still going to be in the works once they returned.

Taraza opened the questioning as they walked down the hall. "So. Are you really Rúndain's father. I mean, this isn't some sort of prank is it." He smiled. "My dear, since you intend to pair with my son; and he is my son, then you need to be told the truth." He then launched into the story, going into more detail than he ever had with anyone, even his own son. She listened intently during his whole discourse. When he was done, she looked at him very intently. "I find this all very difficult to believe, though this is a shortcoming on my part, not yours, I'm sure. Could I ask for proof?" He shrugged. "What kind of proof do you expect me to have?" She coughed and looked embarrassed. "You said that you received the ability to heal, and that other one. Perhaps a demonstration of the latter would help sway me."

Jon-Tom stood up, outraged. "I have no intention of having an affair, especially not with my son's beloved." She was quick to correct him. "No, no,no,no! That's not what I meant. I mean, no male can adjust his size, leastwise not outside their normal limitations. If you have this ability like you say you do, I would ask for proof. I don't wish to engage you, I only ask that you offer something in the way of evidence." He was still angry. "So, you want me to drop my pants and give you a demonstration? Right here?" She shook her head. "No, not here. Pointing with her head, she indicated a door in the hallway. "There, in my room. It will take only the matter of a moment and we will continue on our way." The spell-singer thought it over. It wasn't something he relished, but he understood her concern. Her mother could verify that he was so equipped, but then that would open another can of worms.

"Alright Taraza, but let's make it snappy. I don't want people getting the idea that something is going on between us." In a flash her door was open and the two were alone, away from prying eyes. He wasted no time in dropping his trousers. "This," he said, "is me normally." He called up his power. "And this is me to my full potential. There, dragging on the floor was enough cock to make a she-elephant cry. He shrank it back down, forming it into a equine's penis. "And this is what helped bring  Rúndain into this world, only it was attached to a full-sized unicorn body." With that he returned it to normal, pulling up his pants. Before she could get her jaw back into place, he had the door open and was heading out into the hall. She followed, speechless. He took a few steps and leaned out a broad window overlooking the city. She stood beside him.

"I'm sorry I doubted you. You must see it from my perspective. I have never, ever heard of any cross-species breeding. There is even some concern among the royal physicians that Rúndain and I will not be able to have children." "Poppycock." She jerked to look at him. "What?" "I said poppycock." He grabbed her head and placed his forehead against hers, thinking belatedly that this would have been a better way of convincing her. She felt weird but didn't disengage. He removed his head and smiled. "Oh, you'll have children alright. The problem that remains is smoothing the way for Rúndain to rule in two places at once. You know, with his speed, he could do it. It's not like he has to be constantly in one place or the other." Taraza looked over at him, overcome with curiosity. "But why would he not choose to rule here?" "Because, my fine little mare, his first duty is to the Clan Capell. He knows this. He must provide an heir to keep the clan going."

Taraza protested. "The firstborn must rule Maoria. It is the law. If we are paired, Rúndain will be king and therefore confined to abiding the rules set down by our fore-stallions." He nodded sagely. "Yes, I am certain that is the truth. But not the whole truth." She eyed him suspiciously. "What aren't you telling me?" He smiled again. "I always speak the truth. But I don't always speak. Get used to it." He knew something; something important, and he wasn't telling her.  Rúndain was a bit like that at times. It was the one frustrating thing about him. As it was the only thing that bothered her about him, she was willing to let it go. But his father seemed to have a deeper knowledge of matters. The fact that her mother and father knew the man was even more amazing. There was no explanation as to why this was, and as she knew that he had to live far, far away, it bothered her to no ends.

Jon-Tom felt bad for the filly, but he wasn't going to make the present difficulties greater with too much truth. She  lived this long without the information, she could go the rest of her life without knowing. It would be too great a blow to her psyche to find out her lover's father screwed her mom. Then there was the matter of his son. What Rúndain did with his life was his business, as long as he provided an heir for the clan. Lorissa's hesitation at granting her blessing to the union was based solely on that argument. Leastwise, that is what he hoped. There was a way around it. All he had to do was make her see the light.

The tour lasted several hours, and he was genuinely tired when they were done. The two had engaged in some intelligent conversations, and he believed that he understood her as well as he could. She was a good person, this Taraza. She was a bit like her mom in some respects. In fact, at one point, he was listening to her and thinking of the other with some embarrassing results, though they passed unnoticed. He was certain his son enjoyed her as much as he had enjoyed her mother. It was just at that moment that they ran into Razz, who looked rather pensive. "So you two, how was the tour?" "Oh mother, it was great! Do you realize that this is really Rúndain's father. Can you imagine? A human and an equine having sex and having a baby? I would think that if that's possible, then a unicorn and I should have no problem having a colt" Her mother stuttered. "Yyyyes, it is an amazing feat of magic. So, he has had relations with horses?" she asked, dreading the answer. "Oh yes! As a huge black unicorn stallion, just like Rúndain."

She looked hard at Jon-Tom. "Yes, I think I had some prior knowledge about that miracle, but I didn't place too much credence to it. I found out a short while later that the man works them like you or  I eat grass. After all, he's the reason you even exist." Jon-Tom about choked. Had she lost her mind? She had already told him the child was not his. She carried on. "You see, this wonderful human found your father near death and extended his power to the point of nearly killing himself, to keep him alive. This human was unconscious for many days. All the while we thought we would lose him. It was a grand day indeed when he awoke. With his strength back, your father returned to his kingdom and overthrew your half-uncle. The rest of the story you know."

Taraza looked at Jon-Tom in a new light. "I wondered how you were connected with my parents. I never would have guessed." She actually got down on her front knees. "Please accept my humble apologies for earlier. I did myself a disgrace." He tapped her on the head. "Get up. You should question everything, but at the same time, be willing to accept the consequences that the answer may bring. Like I said, I always tell the truth. But I don't always speak; there is a reason. The truth can be hard to handle." Here he looked up at Razz, who smiled thinly.

Jon-Tom shooed her off. "Go find that son of mine. Tell him I'll talk with his mother and straighten things out." Her eyes grew wide. "Do you think you can?" He shook his head. "Yes and no. The fact is, you never needed me. Fate has apparently decided to quit fighting on the wrong side. The matter is already settled. I will bring her here, and there will be a pairing." She ran off at a gallop. Razz wasn't so certain. As she watched her daughter dart down the hall, she turned to Jon-Tom. "First off, I assume that you didn't mention our past history?" He smiled. "That didn't come up until we met you here. You told her more than I did." Razz let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you ever so much. I have kept it a secret that only a few are privy to. It would not sit well with some if they learned of it." Jon-Tom scolded her. "Secrets have a bad habit of rising up and biting you when and where you least expect it. My son knows of my time with Ruhgal. I'm glad I didn't mention our little fling. But if the truth ever comes out, I will not deny it."

"But you will not mention of your own accord?" He smiled. "Not a word of it, though I will tell you this. Just thinking of you got me going earlier. Those were good times." His compliment embarrassed her. "Oh Jon-Tom, shush. That was a long time ago. I left all of those exploits behind me." He guffawed. "You silly mare, all of those exploits were behind you!" She looked confused for a moment, but only a moment. The next instant he had his nose nipped, a bit harder than the first time they were together. "Keep your mouth shut Jon-Tom!" It was hard to laugh with his hand clamped over his nose.

The spell-singer looked up his son, who was sitting cozy with his love. "Look  Rúndain, here's the deal. You two will be pairing. You have her parents good will and you have my blessing. But we will not leave your mother out of this. She has the right to state her opinion, and the right to be present for the ceremony." The unicorn stood, hovering over his father. "Are you saying that you'll talk with her?" "I'll not only talk to her, I'll convince her to come here." "I believe you father, but what makes you so certain she'll come. I know for a fact that she said she'd not step a foot out of the village unless I promised to stay." Jon-Tom smiled, a little wearily perhaps.

"She'll come. It may cost me more than I'm willing to pay, but she'll come." Without another word, he pulled out his duar and strummed the strings. In a song and a flash he was gone. Taraza looked at the empty space he had so surreptitiously vacated. "Your father is something."  Rúndain agreed. "I didn't have a lot of time to really get to know him, since he was human and I was a unicorn. But from the time I have spent with him, he has done some wonderful things. If you would like, I can tell about them." He did a double take. "I can tell you about some of them." His love gave him a bewildered look.  He explained. "There are some that I have been asked to keep private. If father asks you to keep quiet, you had better listen."

The spell-singer meanwhile had covered the great distance faster than any being outside of a wizard could have managed. It was instantaneous. He hated using magic spuriously, but this need was pressing. He blinked to clear the spots in front of his eyes. He was standing in front of a familiar residence, the one that housed his lovely Lorissa. He knocked on the broad door, half expecting no one to be home. He heard the clop of hooves on the inner floor and waited for the door to open. Instead, he got this. "Who the hell is there? Village business is held on every other Tuesday. So unless you have food or good news, go away!" The footsteps turned direction and started to fade away. "Good news!" he shouted. The footsteps stopped. "Who says?" He called out in his best macho voice, "I do, you lovely mate of mine!"

He heard her voice squeak. "Jon-Tom?" "Who else dear?" The door flew open. Her face ran the gamut of emotions. She went from happiness and joy to anger and resentment in a split second. "I'd like to tell you how glad I am you're here, but I need to do this first." He knew what was coming. She stomped down hard on his foot. He didn't even flinch. She gaped at him. "That used to give me some satisfaction. Now you've even taken that away from me!" He leaned in, grabbed her mane and pulled her close. "You know, it's been too long. All you had to do was drop me a line and I would have come." She started crying. "And for what? You married a human and left me here all by myself." He felt she was right, but still chided her. "I left you with your dam and sire, and with our son. You knew full well that I couldn't stay, but it didn't mean I couldn't visit. Heavens; the last time we were together was at Rockhaven and Desagi-End."

She nodded, shaking her mane. "Yes it was. That was quite the experience. It was Rúndain's first real exposure to you. He was quite taken in, you know." Then her eyes narrowed. "But now the little ingrate has run off to some foreign land. He says that he will be made king of it some day. Which leaves me without my son and someone to carry on the clan name." She flared her nostrils at him. "I blame you, Mister Adventure!" He had to laugh. "And what does that make you? My Miss Adventure?" She started a retort, realized the double meaning and shut up. She finally found words. "Is that all you think of me?" She started to pout.

"Look dear, I am here on family business. The Clan Capell must carry on, or else we wasted our time." She stared at him for a moment. "How do you know about this?" Her eyes narrowed again. "He came to you, didn't he? That little sneak. Running around behind my back..." Jon-Tom stopped her there. "Lorissa, he's a unicorn, not a horse. You should have some idea what it's like, having been in both positions. He is not designed to be constrained to one place. I think that's your problem right now. You've been attached to this village, doing humdrum things for years. You need to get out. There can't be anything pressing right now, not with your attitude at the door. Come with me. Meet his love and her family. Go on an adventure!"

She turned around, refusing to face him. Her manner was stiff. Gradually her muscles relaxed and her head dropped. "I'd love to Jon-Tom, but there would be no reason for me to go." He came up and patted her butt. "It would be like old times!" She turned, facing him with a wily grin. "Really? It's agreed then. I'll go with you, just for old time's sake." Jon-Tom gulped, feeling rather suddenly that he had just been had. "Uh, Lorissa, I'm not sure..." She cut him off. "Excuse me, my dearest mate. I have some things to get in order before we leave. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable until I'm ready." With that she trotted off.

He sat down heavily on one of the few chairs in the room. This was part of the reason he had stayed away after he was married. They had spent some intimate times together after Rúndain was born, but always without others catching on to their activity. She was paired with Dhoov Capell, the huge black unicorn, not some skinny little human. Only a handful ever knew the truth. His wife was one of them. She never pried, but he knew she expected him to remain true to her. But at the same time, his partnering with Lorissa was equally valid in this world. There was no law or rule against it because prior to him coming  along, there had never been the possibility of it. Since few knew of his remarkable abilities, it was likely to remain that way.

His problem was, he really did want to be intimate again with her. He had been given one last chance with Roseroar, thanks to his wife, but not with Mel-Aura. Lorissa was still in prime shape thanks to his transformation of her into a unicorn. She would eventually die, but she might very well outlast him in that respect. It was rather unfair for her to continue through life like this. He pondered the matter for hours it seemed, until she returned. "Hello again lovely little man. I'm ready when you are. In fact, I don't have to be back for a month in the very least. Let's go meet this mare that has smitten my son so. And on the way, I expect to be entertained in a manner consistent with the expectations a lady has of her mate."

As they traveled, slowly at first, Jon-Tom wrestled with his dilemma. He hit upon and answer that should have been obvious. He accidentally said it out load. "I always speak the truth." Lorissa looked sidelong at him. "Yes, I know. But didn't you say once that withholding the truth when it was not asked for was not lying?" He nodded sheepishly. "Then whatever we do on this trip is no one's business but our own, unless we are directly asked. And even then, neither of us has to answer." "But Lorissa dear, you know how I am." She snorted. "No, not really. It's been a long time since you mounted me." He swatted her. "That's not what I meant." She snorted again. "Maybe not, but it is what I meant!"

That touched off an argument. It wasn't serious, but more like an old couple straighten matters that had been swept under the rug.  As it wound down, they engaged in more civil talk, which thankfully now centered on their son. He was glad to discuss the situation, despite the fact that he could climb up on her back and they would arrive in a few hours. There was a lot of catching up to do. "Jon-Tom, what is she like." "Taraza? She is a lovely mare with the loveliest set of stripes you could wish for." Lorissa leaned in to face him. "You're telling me she is a zebra?" He twisted his face up in an expression of distaste. "I don't like your tone. She is a horse, just like you were a horse. Just like any other horse in this world."

She got her hackles up. "I'll have you know that I'm not just anyhorse!" He leaned over and kissed her. "No dear, you're not. You're a unicorn, and your my unicorn. But that still doesn't explain your reaction." She sighed. "Zebras are cousins to horses, a bit like burros and donkeys. We can breed with them, but the results can be less than ideal." Jon-Tom's biology instruction during college had taught him that. "You mean like mules?" Lorissa spun around. "That term is unwelcome. But yes, They cannot carry on breeding and end up being used only for sex. I don't want my grandchildren to suffer such a fate. I would think her parents would feel the same way." Jon-Tom shook his head with laughter. "You ignorant girl you. After all of the verbal abuse you took when you were under that spell, now to turn around and dump it on someone else?" She was shocked speechless. "Lorissa, do you trust me?" She nodded. "Then believe it when I tell you that not only will this pairing prove fruitful, it will unite your clan with a kingdom far away, to the likely benefit of both." "And you know this how?" He smiled and said nothing.

Opting for a change of pace, he pulled out his duar for the first time on his journey. "What do you think you're doing?" asked the mare. "I intend to play some music, oh mate of mine." Without another word, he began playing those horse songs from so long ago. She remembered them well, and remembered also that they had been the start of her road to recovery. And that had taken magic. "Jon-Tom? Are you certain that you should be playing those songs? I mean, you might call up some magic." He strummed the strings like he wasn't paying attention to her. But he had heard her. The fact was, he was indeed trying to do some magic, but very minor magic indeed. If it worked, it would make the upcoming ceremony even more special, and perhaps get him off the hook in  another area.

He concentrated, trying to call forth just what he needed. Sure enough, the gneechees gathered around him, a certain sign his magic was working. He finished his song. They all faded away, except for two. He stood and nodded to the one. It bobbed and weaved and then dived into him. All at once he was standing in a familiar mental meadow, looking dead on into the eyes of Dhoov Capell. "What is it human? After all of these years, don't tell me that there is a problem with the family line." The human bowed. "No great one, not exactly. The problem that manifested itself was never a problem to begin with. It is I who have both a problem and an offer."

Dhoov looked down at him. "I see your problem. Its solution lies within your own interpretation of morality. You essentially have two wives and you do not wish to anger either of them." Jon-Tom nodded. "Yes, which is why I would like you to solve the problem for me." The big black stallion snorted in his face. "And how do you propose I do that?" Jon-Tom smiled. "I have no idea what it is like to be in an ethereal form. But you must remember what it is like to be in the flesh. How would you like to be flesh again? And with you your love, Fairy Hooves?"

"Go on." The spell-singer had him hooked. "I would like to propose that you inhabit my body, just like you did before, and your beloved inhabit Lorissa. While you are together, you can relive your past glories, which we will live with you, giving us the benefits while separating us from the actual act." Before the stallion could comment, he added, "And we will all be together to witness the pairing of  Rúndain with his love, Taraza." The stallion considered the offer. "I like it. But how do you know Lorissa will accept it?" "Simple. It's the only way her and I are going to have sex. She'll likely do anything. "

He was correct. What he didn't know was that Lorissa's many times great grandmother had popped inside of her head for a little talk while the men were occupied. She had popped back out again. The two little points of light held a conference. The one popped back into Lorissa's head. Her eyes lit up. She looked at Jon-Tom. "Is it possible? It would make for the grandest adventure!" He grinned from ear to ear as he removed his clothes. "Yes, I believe it would. Do you accept the offer then?" She shook with excitement. "Yes, I do." Without another word the lights dove into their respective hosts. Lorissa looked at Jon-Tom. "You don't look different." She spoke too soon. The same change that had come over him before, came again. In the time it took to take in a deep breath, the human was once again unicorn. She didn't feel any change in herself, other than having a second person inside her brain.

"That's because, my dear," said the voice, "you are already in the correct form. But I assure you, you look very different right now." She looked to Jon-Tom, but realized that it was not him, not quite anyway. She would have to wait to see herself. Dhoov spoke outloud. "I believe you and I know the way to Maoria my dear. What say you and I take a little trip and surprise our family heir and his mate. From what I see in this human's mind, there is some minor work to be done." Fairy stood still. "Look you big lunk. We get the chance to have bodies again, real bodies, and all you want to do is traipse around being Mr. Big Stallion? Nothing doing. First things first. I haven't had any action in several hundred years." She lifted her tail high. "I'm not moving until I do." He knew better than to argue. It had been a long time for both of them. .

The next day Dhoov was all set to get to the city and spend some time there. His love had other plans. "As long as I have you to myself, I intend to enjoy it. Besides, they whose bodies these are are enjoying themselves through us, to the point that at times I don't know who is getting more out of it." He snorted. "I am aware of the situation. But we should make our appearance at the palace sooner rather than later. I firmly believe that there will be time for more love-making later." She pouted. "But dear..." "No, we need to go." More pouting, "But dear, I can't possibly keep up with you. You're way to fast." He snorted. "Don't be a fool Fairy. You have hooves and there's nothing wrong with your legs." "But I'm not a unicorn, I'm simple horse!" He smacked her lightly with his head. "YOU are not a unicorn. This mare is. Therefore, call forth her power. It's not my fault you got so wrapped up in having sex that you ignored the potential hidden beneath the skin of this lovely filly."

She concentrated. A horn sprouted from her forehead, long and white and pearly. "Well I'll be..." She could feel the extra power course through her body. "This is grand. Let's call it a race, shall we?" She was off like a shot, and he was close behind. They tore up the ground, moving so fast that leaves often moved only after they were yards down the path. It seemed like no time before the city of Maoira rose from the plain. Once there, they trotted right into the main thoroughfare, drawing much comment from the local citizens. Dhoov rather figured they would be used to his son's coming and going. He wasn't aware until Jon-Tom supplied that bit of news. "And why does he do that?"  "He didn't say, other than he didn't like attracting attention. And you have to admit, you two are attracting a lot of attention."

The stallion snorted. "Oh well, I'll sort that out later. Where is this palace?...oh never mind." He had just gotten a glimpse of the impending structure looming over the center of the city. "It's a bit ostentatious, isn't it?" Jon-Tom answered. "Maybe, but it is very nice inside." The stallion said nothing. Fairy on the other hand was dancing with joy. "Oh look Merry (his old nickname), they built a castle just for me. Isn't it lovely!" He grunted quietly, "I've seen better." She kicked out with a hind foot and nailed him in the balls. He grunted again. Even Jon-Tom felt that! "Yes dear, it's very nice." She smiled. "I'm so glad you agree. And I would suggest you get yourself healed up quickly, because you'll need your parts in full working order."

Lorissa made a metal note. Be a little more forceful from now on. But what was really getting her attention was the city. It was large, as large as Colivra, the largest she had ever visited. The buildings were strange, but artistic in a simple way. But it was the palace that drew her attention, just as it did Fairy's. It was gorgeous. She had no idea her son's love lived in anything quite like this. Who could blame him for wanting to rule here? Back home was nothing in comparison to this citadel. Fairy broke into her thoughts. "Love is more than having a title or  living in a great big  palace. Love is love. A home is where your heart is. He knows who he is, and what his responsibilities are. He will chose wisely." Lorissa smiled. "I hope that you are right."

When they came to the palace gates, the guards were so awestruck that they opened the way without a word. Dhoov looked at them and bobbed his head in a semi-respectful greeting, one befitting their rank.  They dropped to one knee and lowered their heads. No wonder his heir had chosen moving through the city incognito.  He liked attention, but this was rather obsequious. "Get up! I have no need for such formalities. Which way to the king and queen?" One of the guards rose and ran ahead, motioning for them to follow. They wound their way through the lower levels until they met someone that looked much like the stallion. Jon-Tom's alert was unneeded. "Hello Rúndain." The young unicorn looked as awestruck as the guards. "Hello?" His eyes took in the lovely unicorn standing next to him. He shuddered. "And hello to you as well. I must sound stupid, but who are you and why are you here?"

Dhoov stomped his foot down hard on the floor, making the hallway shake. "To think that I would live to see the day a descendant of mine would wonder who I was." Fairy scolded him. "What do you expect you big ass! He's never met you before, leastwise not like this. His only vision of his father is the human." The young unicorn did a double take. "Uh. Dhoov Capell?" The unicorn to whom he spoke dropped to one knee. "My services are hereby granted, for the duration of my stay,  to the heir of the name Capell." Rúndain took a step back. "I was expecting my mother and father. If father and you were merged before, where is he now?" His question was answered with a glaring look. "Inside me, or rather, I am inside him. He made a proposal which would profit us both, unless you would rather we leave?"

"No, no; please stay! But I wanted to ask father how it went with mother. Is she going to come?" A laugh like chimes rang from the lady unicorn standing next to the big black. "Your mother is very proud of you young stallion. I am very proud of you as well. You do the whole clan proud." He was immediately smitten with this newcomer. She could tell and snapped him back to the present. "Eye's on my front! For one I'm already taken, for a second I'm already dead, and third, this body belongs to your mother." Rúndain stepped back in alarm. "What, what and what?" Dhoov grumbled out loud. "This boy did get your brains, human. Listen to him." Jon-Tom knew a ribbing when he heard one. "Like you would be doing any better under the circumstances?" "Oh shut up!" the unicorn ordered.

Jon-Tom's poor son was bewildered beyond belief. It would have helped had he known that the spirit occupying his mother was imbued with a magical talent. She had a latent ability to exude her natural sexual charisma to those around her. It was why she had gotten her hooks into Dhoov. Few things are proof against a unicorn. But turn on the sex appeal and they fall like a house of cards. That was how the virgin myth had started. Male unicorns are turned on by raw sexual purity, which is a general trait of virgins. Fairy exuded that essence to any and everyone, all the time. It was why Rúndain was in such a quandary. He was in love with Taraza, but was feeling strong emotions for this newcomer. True, she was very lovely, complete with a horn, just like his. But how could she be his mother?

The lovely unicorn understood his loss of composure. She went right up to him and touched horns. In his mind her heard two voices. The first said simply, "Listen to your mother." The second was his mother. "Hello son! I'm looking forward to meeting your prospective mate. In the meantime, get yourself pulled together. Our matriarchal ancestor seems to have thrown you for a loop. Remember who your love is, and the effect will fade." The horn was pulled away, leaving him in a daze. He gazed at the lovely unicorn, still not convinced it was his mother. Just looking her her caused a rise in his nether regions. Then he thought of Taraza and the urges faded away.

He shook his head to clear it. That was powerful magic! It was even weirder to think about it if it really was his mother in there. He shook his head again. He was saved from any other mistakes by his love. The pert little zebra came trotting down the hall just in time. Now it was Dhoov's turn to react. Taraza was the daintiest zebra he had ever seen. Jon-Tom could feel a physical reaction happening. He intervened. "Look, this is not the time or place, nor the horse for you to be attracted to." The stallion backed up a bit. "You're correct human. She seems to have as much appeal as my Fairy. I wonder where she gets it from?" Jon-Tom did his own snort. "Her mother, I'm sure." The unicorn got his meaning all to well." "Tell me you didn't..." "Oh, but I did. Thanks to your permanent enhancement, I have been known to satisfy the most amorous mares around. Who do you think got the king and queen together?" Dhoov let out a flabbergasted whinny. He had meant for it to be mental, but it came through loud and clear.

"What is it dear?" asked his mate "Nothing much my love. I was thinking that this area was getting a little crowed. Perhaps we should all retire to the throne room?" But it wasn't going to be that easy. For one, Taraza wanted to know who the newcomers were, considering that they were unicorns. Rúndain explained as best he could. Since he wasn't too sure, she ended up no more informed than before she asked. Fairy took over the introductions. "Hello my dear. Please call me Fairy, and this big fellow you can call Merry. I'm afraid our presence has rather flustered your handsome stallion, and for good reason." Taraza looked at Rúndain. He looked at her. "These are the originators of my family line, the clan Capell."

He had told her about those in his family history, but had never expected for her to actually meet them. After all, like she (Fairy was it?) said, they were dead. Or rather should be dead. His father's magic had really gone too far this time. Considering all of the stories that had been passed down through the resulting generations, these two were legendary in the local community. Taraza reacted in a most unusual manner. She knelt on one knee and bowed. "I am honored to meet the ancestors of my fine stallion Rúndain. I would like to thank you for him, since without you two, he would never have existed. And I would like to thank you also for coming this day. It is indeed an honor for the entire kingdom!" Dhoov returned the bow. He leaned in to his mate, "I like her. She has more sense than he does." Fairy whispered back. "Kind of like you and I, No?"

He ignored her remark and spoke to the zebra mare. "Your welcome is indeed kind. It has been along time since I had the pleasure of visiting this region. Much has changed. He continued. "We are here, as you may assume, to witness, and to grant our blessing to, your upcoming pairing. The same goes for Rúndain's sire and dam, whose bodies we presently reside in. They are here in spirit, and can hear and see everything we do. Do not forget to address them as well." That rattled the mare. "I don't understand. Neither of you look like them." The stallion snorted. Would it help if we changed? I would hardly have the mother of the future leaders of the clan be a disbeliever!" She was torn between saying yes and angering him, and saying no and being left wondering. He saved her the trouble. He bumped horns with the other unicorn and they changed.

But but happened was even stranger. The stallion shrunk until he was the human spell-singer again. The other dwindled in size as well, until a lovely human lady stood there, naked as he was. Jon-Tom's clothes had been with the stallion, though he was unsure how he had managed it. They lay in a pile on the floor. Lorissa as a horse had no need of clothes, but Lorissa the human rather did. But a horse, even a zebra, wasn't easily shocked by nudity. Taraza looked them up and down. "Now I'm really confused. She looked to  Rúndain. "Your parents are both human?" He shook his head; no." She turned to the couple in time to see Lorissa transformed back into a unicorn, only in her true form, not the spirit's. "Oh!," the zebra exclaimed, "this magic is getting too confusing for me. Now who are you?"

Lorissa came up and touched her horn to her head. The room was silent for many minutes before the bond was broken and the two separated. The zebra's eyes were wide with wonder. She looked at Jon-Tom and back to Lorissa. Then she looked at her mate-to-be. "I cannot possibly pair with you. My family is nothing compared to the history and lineage you carry." Lorissa was on her in a second. "Now see here! I gave you that information so that you knew just what you were getting into. That gives you no right to break off the pairing if you two are really in love. I happen to approve of the match, my mate approves, and your parents approve. You are of good stock, better than you know. Therefore, I forbid you from breaking it off unless you can tell me here and now that you do not love him."

The little mare actually started crying. "But I can't live up to the standards of your clan. I can't leave my home and everyone I know!" Jon-Tom stepped up and spoke gently to her. "Taraza, can you see the future?" She sniffed and indicated that she couldn't. "Well neither can I. If I had been able to see the future,  Rúndain would not be here to be with you, nor would his mother, bless her forelocks. You cannot go on wondering what's going to happen, or whether or not you can live up to unrealistic expectations. You must be you. It will work out in the end."

"But you said you couldn't see the future. How do you know?" He got the slightest of smiles on his face. "I wish I could tell you, but to do so would ruin the surprise every day brings into your life. Would you want me to do that? Do you really want everything laid out for you?" She nodded that she did. He patted her head. "That's a good choice. Too bad it doesn't work that way." He walked over to Lorissa. "Well dear, shall we go meet the king and queen of Maoria?" He turned to  his son and his mare. "Lead on you two. I didn't like being made to wait when I was king, and I'm certain that her father doesn't either." That brought forth a protest from Taraza. "YOUR FATHER WAS A KING TOO!"  Rúndain quieted her. "It was a quite a while ago, and it was only for a few months. I didn't think it was worth mentioning."

That got him a dirty look. Again Jon-Tom stepped in. "I'll tell you what. When we finally get things sorted out with you two, I'll fill you in on everything I think you should know. I always tell the truth, but I don't always tell everything. So if you wish to outsmart me, you had better start thinking of some questions. In the mean time, lead on!" Jon-Tom had already met the royal couple of course, but Lorissa still needed introductions. All four of them made their way to the throne room. Lorissa was much impressed by the king and queen. She hastily made apologies for not coming sooner, explaining her desire to retain her son as the heir of the clan. The king and queen understood, for the same reasons. Taraza was their only heir. If she left there would be no one to carry on this line. Jon-Tom sat, and listened, and chuckled. In his head he heard Dhoov. "You know human, you could just tell them." "Yes, I could. But why? Let them try to sort it out for themselves. It will be better in the end, don't you think?" All he got was a snort.

Since there was no roadblock to the couples pairing, a kingdom wide announcement was made of their upcoming ceremony. The city erupted in celebration. The king and queen wanted to have it several months down the road, but Jon-Tom insisted that it be immediate; within a few days. As he said it, "I have to return home sometime, and the sooner this couple gets together, officially anyway, the sooner we can straighten out the remaining problems. In the meantime, I have my own duties to perform. Could you please be so kind as to show us to our room?" Sumptuous quarters were given to them, suitable for equine or human. Lorissa looked around the room in awe. "I though I had it good. Look at this stuff Jon-Tom! It's all so wonderful!" As she turned three sixty about the room, she came face to face with him. He was naked.

She got the idea right away. "Are you really going to do it without our cover story?" indicating the spirit couple. "Look Lorissa, I've neglected your needs for too many years. So the only question right now is; do I become a unicorn, or do you become a human?" She glanced at the bed and swiftly shrunk down to her human form. Jon-Tom had seen her once already, but was more dutiful in observing her body now. She was older than when they had conceived  Rúndain, but she had aged far better then he. Her hair lacked any gray, her breasts were still pert, and there wasn't a wrinkle on her. She knew that he found her pleasing when his cock rose to greet her.

The next morning, after they both had exerted their healing powers, Lorissa lay snuggled up against his side. "You know lover boy, I wish that it could have been different. Dhoov and Fairy got to have a life together. We never did. I rather resent that." He hugged her close. "I know. I've got to be the worst male around, even worse than my old friend Mudge. He never left the messes I did." She pinched him in the side. "Are you calling me a mess?" she asked menacingly. "No I'm not. But I shouldn't have left you, even if Dhoov said I should. With  Rúndain getting paired, you'll have nothing left." She sighed. "Yes, you're right. I wish I had someone in my life again." In his head, Jon-Tom heard the stallion. What he said made no sense. "Done!" For some reason, it unnerved him.

Lorissa was talking again. "Jon-Tom, we should really thank my ancestors for doing what they have done. I know it was you who called them up, but isn't there something more you can do for them?" He chuckled. "What would you have me do?" She looked at him, her eyes full of emotion. "Fairy would like to live again. She told me that one life with Dhoov was not nearly enough. Could you spell them back to the living?" He would have scoffed at the idea, but it was asked in earnest. In the past, he had been told that bringing back the dead was beyond even the deepest magic. He had brought back Talea against all odds. But she still had her body to come back to. These two had been dead, buried and rotted for a couple of centuries.

He stroked her hair as he thought it over. Pulling them into existing bodies was one thing. But he would have to create two new bodies from scratch. A male one, and a female one. There simply wasn't any song in the known universe that would do that. The only time it had been done, in his experience, was in the... He looked at Lorissa. "What would you do to make your idea come true." She glanced up at him hope in her eyes. "Can you do it?" He was noncommittal. "I think it can be done, but there will be a high cost." "I'll do anything." Then she sobered up. "I mean, anything within reason." He sat up. Drawing on his mental link with Dhoov, he asked, "Are you for it?" Dhoov snorted. "I think you're crazy to try it, even if it does have a chance of working. You must know that you could kill yourself trying this?"

"And what if I don't. What if it works?" Dhoov sighed. "Then I will proclaim you the greatest wizard this world has ever seen. I urge you to think twice, thrice and then again before attempting it. But if you pull this off, I will be forever in your debt." Jon-Tom shut him down. "I refuse anyone to be in my debt. If I do this, I do it of my own accord." Dhoov said nothing about that. Instead he asked a more expedient question. "Are you going to try this before the pairing or after?" That was a good question. "I'll think that there is no time like the present." He jumped off of the bed, startling Lorissa. "Well my dearest little mare, it's now or never."

She shook with both fear and excitement. "What do you need me to do?" He ran through what he expected to happen. It was risky, but plausible. Her pupils glowed in wonder, and also because two pairs of eyes were looking through them simultaneously. Jon-Tom placed his duar in front of him and played. He had never been one for country music, but on his return back to his home world, he had packed as much music as he could. Kenny Chesney had one that he hoped would be a catalyst for the change. Me and You seemed well suited for the upcoming magic. He played, pouring every ounce of his being into it. He even channeled his healing power, as did Dhoov. The room light up impossibly bright. Gneechees filled every corner. Everything in the room glowed like fire; no, more like sunlight.

Even when the song was done, they remained fully visible. Jon-Tom stood up and changed. "It's time." He approached Lorissa and went to work. It took a full ten minutes for it to happen. Then it was his turn. It took even longer. The pain was incredible. He felt like he was in the center of the sun, burning away for eternity. All at once the lights went out. He went with them.

There was a dim glow on his retinas. He could see some movement, but blamed it on; well, he didn't rightly know. There was a buzzing in his ears, like a horde of angry wasps assailing his eardrums.

His bones ached like a herd of elephants had broken every single one. He had to be dead. But if he was dead, why did he hurt so badly? The buzzing was refining itself, becoming voices. At the same time he could feel three points of fairly severe pain resolving from the mass of hurt his body was wracked with. Suddenly he heard a single word come out of the noise. "Stupid." They had to be talking about him. He fit that description perfectly."

He forced open an eye. There, stuck in his forehead, was Lorissa's horn. It felt like it was in his brain (it was, by the way). Two more were stuck in his chest. They weren't merely placed against it, they were embedded. Lorissa's unicorn face was contorted into a mask of horror. When she saw he was awake, she summed up her feelings in a succinct manner. "If you live Jon-Tom, I'm going to take great pleasure in killing you!" The way he was feeling, he wished she would. But each passing minute found him feeling less miserable and more human. Lorissa finally withdrew her horn, as did the other two. The other two? He forced open both eyes and saw an incredible sight. There stood Dhoov Capell, huge, black and radiant. Beside him, her horn tipped with just a spot of red (his blood, he thought) was Fairy. She was just how he remembered seeing her, through Dhoov's eyes. She was pure white, with flowing locks and lovely tail. Even her hooves were white. She smiled down at him. "Spell-singer indeed. You are the mightiest wizard of this land. Even that old turtle you call mentor is nothing more than a practitioner of prestidigitation compared to what you have rendered this day."

He tried to sit up, but fell over. He felt like every ounce of his energy was gone. Lorissa told him as much. "You died, you stupid idiot. You poured everything you had in you into this spell. Dhoov was right. You are very very lucky that the three of us had healing powers. It took them to the fullest limit to bring you back. He lay there, thinking it through. He was glad that they had pooled their powers to save him. Wait, three? Fairy wasn't a naturally a unicorn! He turned his head in her direction. She  had to know what he was thinking. "Yes man, you went a little too far in your magic. I was never so equipped in my youth. But thanks to you, I can now keep step with my dearest where ever we go." He closed his eyes, wondering at his magic and wishing the pain in his head would go away. 

When he opened his eyes again, it was with three sets of hands lifting him up and placing him on the bed. The sheets were cool and comfortable. He was asleep again in no time. When he woke up, he had the feeling that time had progressed. This was in part due to the lack of sun in the room, and in part because he was starving. He pushed himself up against the pillows, fighting the spinning in his head. A hand came and steadied him. "Jon-Tom, how are you feeling?" It was his mare. "I've been better. I've never been worse. Is there any food?" She kissed him on the forehead, right over where her horn had penetrated his skull. "Yes dear, there is whatever you wish." He thought for a moment. "Bring me anything with protein. I doubt they serve meat, but beans, or... He really couldn't think right now.

Therefore, he was surprised a bit later when he smelled roasted meat. He knew the smell of grilled lizard anywhere. He hardly put on good manners when he set to eating it, devouring it like he was a rabid dragon. After consuming enough to feed a small army, he sat back, scattering a pile of denuded bones. He stretched, cracked his neck and shoulders, and sat on the edge of the bed. The room spun for a moment. His feet felt numb, but a few minutes in contact with the floor activated his nerve endings. He walked unsteadily to the window, Lorissa at his side. The air was fresh and reinvigorating. "So dear, " he asked her, "how bad do I look?" She made a face. "You look fine. But you might want to judge for yourself." He ambled over to a mirror. His jaw fell. His hair was white. Not gray, not silver, but white. When he had kept it longer, it fell around his ears, but this simply cascaded down around his shoulders. And in the middle of his forehead was a puckered scar. His skin was also darker, or else appeared so against the hair.

"What the hell happened to me?" She pushed him into a chair. "I told you. You died. The procedure was too much for Fairy and I to do with you two. Pulling you apart took everything we had. Dhoov came out OK, but you were a different story." "What happened?" She gulped. "You came out only as half a person. It seems that Dhoov's body wasn't to keen on letting you go. We had to generate the rest of your body using our abilities." Jon-Tom thought about it and nearly heaved. He fought the feeling down. He needed that food to finish the healing process.

"And that's why I said it was a stupid idea." The thundering voice echoed around the room. The big stallion came over and stared in his face. "I find it difficult to call you stupid and the greatest wizard in the same breath, but I just did. I told you it was dangerous!" Jon-Tom normally would have been intimidated, but having just died, he wasn't. "Oh shut up Dhoov. I feel like death warmed over, and for good reason. If you can't throw out a compliment, close your yap!" Fairy seconded his opinion. "Yes dear. You're just mad because he proved that magic can even turn death around. I for one am glad of his deed, and will grant him anything he desires, within my power. Dhoov glared at her. "That opens up a lot of territory you know." She smiled. "Yes dear, it does. I'm hoping it does. I'm counting on it. Get over it." Jon-Tom got her meaning. It should have bothered him. It didn't  A slight hardening in his nether regions seconded that motion. He looked at Lorissa. She got the gist of Fairy's remark too, but didn't seem upset. After all, it was a small price to pay for having him still alive.

Jon-Tom remained uncomfortable being the center of attention. He glanced toward Dhoov, who still looked like he could chew nails. "So, does anyone know of what has happened?" Dhoov relaxed, if just a bit. "No, no one knows how stupid you are, beyond your natural ability at demonstrating it. Fairy and I have gone out, giving everyone the impression we are still bound together. Would you like them to know?" Jon-Tom thought it over. "No, not yet I think. I feel it might make more of an impression on them if we show up together at the wedding." Dhoov snorted. "They aren't marrying, you idiot, they are pairing." Fairy kicked him in the nuts again. "Shut up, you great big ass. Marry - pairing, its all the same thing. The binding is the love, the rest is mere words and ceremony." He looked abashed. "Yes dear."

Jon-Tom ended up alone with the white unicorn a little while later. "So Fairy, do you really intend to ask my services in bed? I mean, I have nothing against you, but I'm married and paired, and you're paired so..." She interrupted him. "I am not paired. Dhoov would never commit to it, despite the fact that we love each other. So I am free to do as I please. He knows it. Therefore, if he wishes to stop me, he will have to announce his intent to pair, or else I can carry through with whatever I please. However, you have misinterpreted what I said. I have no intention of asking you to bed. But if you ask me, that's another story." His hard-on was quite obvious. "Fairy, I can't" She chuckled. "Ooh yes you can. But what you're saying is, you feel you cannot cheat on your official mate. But I think that we must join despite this fact." The idea was appealing. It shouldn't have been. "OK - Why?"

She got right in his face. "Because I'm already carrying one of your children." His guts leaped up into his throat and threatened to run away out his mouth. "Wwwwwhat?" She smiled at him. "You heard me. I. Am. Carrying. Your. Child." He stopped talking. Think, he said to himself. This is either a ploy, a joke, or worse, the truth. But how was she, Fairy, carrying his  child. If anyone would be carrying his child, it should be Lorissa. But that wasn't possible. His color blanched. "Tell me how it  happened." She laughed, a long, ringing sound that traveled through his bones. "You and your mate chose to be human in your love making. Due to the unicorn blood in her body, she ages much more slowly than a horse and even slower as a human. She is still fertile. The rest I think you understand." "Understand? Yes, maybe. But how did you..." Horror filled his eyes. "When I split you two apart. You each got half the embryo!" She laughed. "Yes indeed. It also accounts for the strain on your magic. You ended up separating three living beings into six! "

He fell to the ground. She was with him. "Look Jon-Tom, don't be angry. I'm excited by this! This will be my first child in 385 years. Dhoov is upset, but he understands. You had no way of knowing because he didn't tell you." Jon-Tom looked up at her sharply. "HE KNEW!" She laughed again, a soothing sound. "Yes. When Lorissa said she needed someone in her life..." "He said "Done" finished the spell-singer. "And now I not only have one child on the way, I have two." Fairy transformed, her hand caressing his face. "Yes, that's right. And now I think that it's time I made love to the father of my child. I think I shall find great pleasure in it."

Apparently the other two had been warned away from the room on purpose, for it was many hours later that the two finally finished. Fairy was quite happy. "You know man, as my old self I was stuck in horse  form, while Dhoov could change his. I had no idea the fun to be had in transformation. " He ran his hand down her back and straight down between her buttocks until he hit moisture. She literally purred. "Is that a sign you're still ready for more? If so, then lets get going. I know for a fact that when we're done, Dhoov will offer a pairing to me. This will be your last chance." "Well madame, I'm never such a cad as to deny a lady." When the door to the chamber was opened later, it was to a disheveled room and a broken bed.

The two lovers looked up their respective mates. Lorissa was quiet. He confronted her about it. "I'm not angry Jon-Tom. But why didn't you tell me I was pregnant?" "Lorissa, I honestly didn't know at the time. Dhooov hinted at it, but I had no idea what he was talking about. You said you wanted someone to be with you. Neither of us thought of having another child." His eyes went wide. "And this one will truly be mine, from my unadulterated loins!" She was glad he was happy. "But what will your wife think?" That was definitely a good question. "I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. As for now, there is a lot going on, and it keeps getting more complicated. I would suggest that we keep the present pregnancies under wraps." She agreed. "There is no need to inform them, especially since they are not yet aware of our physical separation from my ancestors." "Yes, that too, But I was also talking about..."

Dhoov walked in. "Now that you and my love are done having your fling, can I call attention to the fact that the pairing ceremony is tomorrow. I would suggest we all get some much needed rest. Tomorrow we can create a stir like no other." Jon-Tom and Lorissa took the bed, making the best of the tangle mess. Fairy and her love stood near the window. Jon-Tom knew better than to assume they were asleep. They didn't speak aloud, but he could see their horns were touching. He suddenly felt very embarrassed. Then he drifted off, not waking until the light of the next day. Lorissa was still draped over him in human form. He was thinking about how lovey she was when his erection poked her awake. "Well Jon-Tom, good morning to you too. Apparently you've been rejuvenated by your little experiences. Are you ready to go for another round?" Before he could answer, the big stallion interrupted. "I said we'd made a stir today. I didn't mean you got to play with his cock all morning." Fairy came in just in time to kick him in the balls again.

Dhoov and Fairy went first to the throne room, where the ceremony was to be held. Jon-Tom and Lorissa held back. She wanted to resume their bed-play, but he warned against it. "As much as I would love to, I think that we had better be prepared when the time comes." Dhoov had made arrangements for a servant to come knock on the door just before the ceremony began. The knock came, and the two walked out dressed in lovely clothes that had been made for them. Jon-Tom preferred his old style clothes, but these did fine. Lorissa looked lovely with her long chestnut hair. They came to the doorway leading to the throne room. They could hear the many voices inside. Silence fell over the room when they entered, hand in hand, and walked right up to the two unicorns.  Rúndain nearly fell over. Everyone looked from one pair to the other. Kwagga finally spoke. "Are my eyes playing tricks on me? You cannot both be one and the same and separate and present." Jon-Tom smiled. "Or can we? It seems to me that the ancestor of both kingdoms should be present for their uniting." Fairy started and looked to her love. "What?" He looked down. "It's true. Before I met you, I had a tryst with Lohrashi, the daughter of a local chieftain. This city, this palace is a tribute to my bloodline as well. Somehow this stupid human found this information in my memories. I kept it hidden because I never wanted to make you to feel second best."

She kicked him in the balls again. "Did you love her?" He nodded numbly. "Then why did you leave her? How do I know I can trust your word if you've left someone you love." He was mute. Someone cleared their throat. It was Jon-Tom. "Fairy, come here." She did. He grasped her head and stuck her horn into his forehead. It took only a moment. Then he released her. "Oh, I see," she said. "I didn't think of it that way." She came up to her love. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." He looked from her to Jon-Tom. The human just said, "I'm not as stupid as you are, it seems."

The ceremony got back on track. In a short time the couple were paired and Rúndain was declared the heir to the king. Dhoov and Fairy stepped up as they left the platform to declare their vows to each other. It was irregular, but completely accepted by the royal family. From there the new royal  couple were presented from the balcony to those in the city. Cheering threatened to break their eardrums. It was later, during the dinner, that many toasts and wishes were laid on the couple. There were some reserved toasts wishing them children in the future, many riches, long lives, etc. When Jon-Tom stood, he walked up to Taraza and kissed her on the forehead, sneezing as her mane tickled his nose. "My wish for you is pointless to speak aloud. But I have a simple gift. He whispered in her ear. Her eyes lit up like fire. "Oh thank you! Do you mean it?" He grinned from ear to ear. "I never lie!"

That night, Jon-Tom and his companions were once again ensconced in their room. Everyone was on good behavior. The big question was; what had he (Jon-Tom) said to the bride. "She was worried that she might never have children. Learning that you, Dhoov ,were technically her ancestor, as well as Rúndain's, made her feel better. I told her prior to that, that she would be able to bear children." Lorissa wanted to know. "I believe you, but how did you know?" He sighed. "I missed your pregnancy because I wasn't looking for it. In her, I was using my powers to see if she could get pregnant by our son. She already was. The lovely couple are expecting twins as we speak."

That set off a firestorm of conversation. The most important question was; "Did you tell her?" He chuckled. "No. What I did give her were two names, which I told her would be appropriate for the first of her children." Dhoov looked sour. "You dare claim the right to name the child of my descendants?" The spell-singer saved Fairy the job and kicked him in the balls. "Yes, I do. Because I knew she was pregnant with twins, I knew that one could one day rule here, and the other back home. Even it they both choose to stay here, which I doubt, Lorissa and I have a child on the way who can carry on the line, albeit not as strongly as with your blood." Fairy was delighted. "And don't forget that you and I have a child. The line will continue." "True," said Jon-Tom. "So the matter seems settled to me.

Dhoov loomed over him. "So, puny human. What names did you pick? I hope that they will not prove to be an embarrassment to the family names." The spell-singer found a piece of charcoal from the fireplace and drew a pattern on the table. It was a circle with a squiggle intersecting it, with two eyes. He shaded in one part black. I have named the boys Yin-Ze and Yang-Ze. They are the  pure epitome of unicorn and zebra. One will be born black, and the other white, just like you two. They will breed true to whomever they chose to mate with. A  zebra mare will deliver zebra colts, and a horse will produce a horse, and if they are lucky enough to find unicorn wives, then all the better." Fairy bit her mate on the neck. "She, I told you he was smarter than you give him credit for." He grumbled. "Maybe, but I don't give him much credit whatsoever." This time he dodged the kick, sparing himself some pain.

I will not bore you with the return trip, nor all of the explanations, nor any of the ensuing unpleasantness. It would ruin the preceding story. But it did help that Jon-Tom always told the truth, even if he didn't tell everything. Besides, it was going to be a few months before the girls delivered. He would think of something.


Scales and Stripes and Everything Nice.

You may recall that Jon-Tom left Desagi-End to head out and meet up with his unicorn mate Lorissa. In his company were two other females, an okapi and a pangolin. You may also recall that Lorissa was pregnant and due to deliver as a result of her...

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And The Surprises Keep Coming.

He was recovering from the shock of learning that he had two daughters of whom he had previously been unaware. True he was already a father to he and Talea's son, but even before that he had sired a child, though only three beings alive knew anything...

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Fate Plays Tricks On The Best Laid Plans.

Some years in the future...   As many of you know, Jon-Tom did finally win the heart of red-haired Talea. They married, but he left for his own world soon after. When he returned, there was much celebration, for many thought that he would never come...

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