Scales and Stripes and Everything Nice.

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#16 of The Spellsinger Tales

This story is an offshoot from

Be Careful What You Look for...And Where.

You may recall that Jon-Tom left Desagi-End to head out and meet up with his unicorn mate Lorissa. In his company were two other females, an okapi and a pangolin. You may also recall that Lorissa was pregnant and due to deliver as a result of her unicorn form (as opposed to her former horse self). You may also recall that the okapi and pangolin had been promised an adventure on the way back to their home. Here is how it went after the naming of Jon-Tom's colt son, Rundain.

The first thing you must understand is that Lorissa did not want Jon-Tom to go. None of his loves did, and for good reason. But in this case, Dhoov Capell was more the father than the spell-singer, so his human presence would have accomplished nothing. She knew it, but it didn't stop her from being miffed about the whole situation. She could do nothing more than gnash her teeth when he left, especially with two females. It should have been her. But the more she thought it over, the more she relented. If it had not been for him, she would still be a miniature freak incapable of having a child. Now she was a gorgeous unicorn, technically permanently mated to the clan's founder (as well as the human), with a handsome colt. But it still hurt to see him go. Sometimes love was too painful to bear.

The "girls" Jon-Tom was escorting back to their native land had been on their best behavior while in the presence of his mate, but once they were outside the city, their demeanor changed. It wasn't for the better. They had spent much time talking with each other, one riding on the back of the other. That night, around a bright campfire, they posed a question to him. "Jon-Tom, we would like to ask a favor." Since sex didn't require such formality, he was afraid to have them ask. Instead he raised his eye brows, allowing his facial features to do the task.

The girls asked, in sync; "Can you grant us each a special child too?" It should have bothered him more than it did. Instead, he took it as a compliment. But the answer was still no. "Look you two, it's a really sweet suggestion, but I neither have the magic to pull it off again, nor the commitment to see it through. You see what I just had to do back there. Is that what you would want to happen?" They thought it through. "No, I suppose not. But you completely changed her life! How did you manage it?"

He sighed. "It wasn't up to me, not entirely. Not in her case anyway. And I'm certain she's not happy right now. For that matter, neither am I. You must understand that this is my first child, and I will not be able to be part of his life, leastwise, not on a regular basis. The circumstances that allowed it to happen were beyond extraordinary." The two girls looked at each other and turned back to him, crestfallen. "Are you sure? I mean, could we still try?" Jon-Tom got a grin on his face. "I'm always up for trying. But there will be no magical attempts to make it anything more than it ever has been!" His response evoked mixed emotions. But he had a plan. It worked once before, so all he had to do was find a way of repeating it.

They were ready to jump right into it, but he restrained them. He had no desire to falsely get their hopes up. "Look ladies, I have nothing against having fun on this trip, but understand that in the end, that's all I intend it to be. Therefore, if you are truly expecting more, than let's drop the matter right now."  Ruhgal straighten him out. "We hardly meant that, you silly human. It just seems to us that you did good back there. You can't blame a couple of girls for hoping to come out ahead too, can you?" He grabbed her gently by her big ears. "I've got a head for you. Just tell me where you want it!" She winked at him, her strong tongue licking the front of his pants. Laila smacked her flanks. "Hey, I get some too!" Her friend knew what she meant, but instead ran her tongue up her front too, causing her to squawk. Jon-Tom had to laugh.

"You two are incorrigible! Are you certain that you were ready to leave Madame Vetish's place?" They were in complete agreement. "Yes!" they said in unison. Laila piped in with this sobering statement however. "And it's not hers anymore, remember? You own it, from cesspool to roof. That means every girl that will ever work there is yours; if you want them." He considered that for a moment. "True. But to be honest, I bought the place with Morrift's money to get it out of my hair. It's my intention to never return, if the fates will allow it. That was why I made certain that you girls got a fair share." They were, of course, already aware of that. It was part of the reason that they wished to "thank" him before they reached home. Of course once there, they would have to figure out what they planned on doing with the rest of their life.

They found a nice spot to stay for the night. It was in a secluded little glen, complete with running water, plenty of grass and greens, and the biggest anthill Jon-Tom had ever seen. Laila's eyes got even bigger. They were both hungry enough to forget about sex for a bit. Instead, they concentrated on filling their stomachs. The pangolin was amazing to watch, as her flexible tongue darted to and fro, gathering up the animated little tidbits faster than his eyes could follow. He opened his cape and pulled out some food for himself. As he sat back and watched the girls, he noticed for the first time how attractive Ruhgal's backside was. They had already had sex, but it was indoors with poor lighting. Here he could really get an eyeful. Her stripes ran from her hooves up her legs, like a barber pole, stopping on white were the pattern reached her cunt. Her butt hole was draped in brown. He suddenly felt horny. He forced himself to eat, all the while gazing at her ass.

When she was done, she turned and headed back towards their little camp. She couldn't help but notice the look on his face. "What gives, human? You've got a funny look on your face." He agreed. "I was just noticing that your stripes come right up to your firm, white-furred lips. I guess I was too busy before to pay attention. I find the effect rather endearing." She cocked her head to one side. "Endearing? What the hell does that mean?" His face twisted up in a bemused look. "It means I dearly would love to get myself between them, en how!" She found his humor funny, if a bit immature. But his proposed action sent her hormones in a rush. "But what about Laila?" The pangolin was still at the anthill, gorging herself." "Oh leave her be," he said. "She'll interrupt us when she returns anyway."

Jon-Tom had his clothes off in no time. Ruhgal beat him, but only because she wasn't wearing any. She turned to face him, just in time to see him perform his enlarging trick. He knew just the right size for her and wasted no time getting it there. "You know man, I thought I had my fill, but I think there's still room in me for a little more. What say we see how much of you I can take?" He gave her a mock disgusted look. "Is there no pleasing you?" She chuckled. "Let's find out, shall we?" He was more than ready. He got behind here and ran his hand over her white furred lips, parting them and inserting a few fingers. She in turn wagged her tongue out, panting with pleasure. A groan escaped her throat. It was easy to tell she was ready for some action, especially considering her normal routine had been broken when they left Desagi-End.

The same was true for him. Being with his unicorn mate, even now that he was simply human, had generated the feelings that he had been working to keep down. They were not merely those of lust, but of love. He was certain that given enough time, Lorissa would have been willing to resume their activities, but he knew equally as well that such actions would be counter productive. Like before, he had to leave for the benefit of them both. Therefore, something to take his mind off of it, like he had had just a few weeks ago was just what he felt he needed. He had two willing partners, so there was an outlet for these needs.

He slid in his fingers deeper, half expecting a hymen after all the time that had passed. But for some reason, his magic had never worked on her. She had told him before that as far as she knew, she had never had such a thing. It had been the first time he had considered that not every female had one, leastwise outside of his own species. While he found no hymen, he did find moisture. She was wet and warm. He was hot and ready. His cock was large and long enough now that he had to stand back and use one hand to guide it. She grunted as the tip went in. As each inch sank into her depths, she let out an extended moan which ended in a little squeak when he hit bottom. She was waiting patiently for him to begin, but he stood there a moment. She could feel him expand inside her. He finished quickly, but even then it felt like he had his whole arm up inside her. She debated having him drop it back down as bit, but remembered belatedly that she had complained before about all of the small ones she had to endure at Madame Vetish's. She clamped her mouth shut and waited.

On the other hand, Jon-Tom had over enlarged his size on purpose, to see if she would complain. Since she said nothing, he gently pushed in, and them pulled back. He found that his human stature, coupled with such a long cock, made a full thrust impossible. Changing his tactics a little, he shortened up and reduced its circumference just a bit. He found that this worked better. There wasn't the slightest chance he was going to fall out on an outward stroke! He grabbed her haunches and developed a rhythm. This worked well for a while, until she became lathered in sweat. Her smooth coat became too slick to get a purchase on.  The problem was overall minor, but nonetheless aggravating. Ruhgal came to the rescue.

"Jon-Tom, pull out a moment. Remember, just because I have four legs doesn't mean I have to stay on them, Let me lay down, and we can do it like we did before." The idea appealed to him, so he pulled out with a loud slurp. The sensation about made her knees buckle, so she was quick to drop to  the ground before she did so unceremoniously. Before she could ask what position she should assume, he rolled her onto her back. It was a position she had never tried. It was a little awkward, seeing as she tended to roll to one side or the other, but he corrected that by grabbing her back legs and pinning her in place. Between having her legs for leverage and his increased size, the position was as close to perfect as it could get. The first couple of thrusts touched her insides in a new way, one she liked very much.

She came in a matter of moments. As she tightened up inside, her tail stiffened up, curling up his butt and tickling his back. The sensation triggered his own release, and he blew a heavy load deep inside her. It was enough to take their breath away, though Jon-Tom recovered first. They lay together for a brief interval before talking, savoring the fading passion. When he was able to find words, they were, as they often were, less than appropriate. "Hey," he said, "where's Laila? I figured she would have tried to join in by now." Ruhgal was a little foggy yet, but the question brought her to full alertness. "That's true. I hope something didn't happen to her."

Just then the pangolin did finally make back to the campsite. She just looked at them and said nothing. She curled up near the fire and groaned. It was enough to divert the amorous couple from their activity. "Laila, what's wrong with you?" called her friend. Her answer was another groan. When Laila could speak, she kept it simple. "I can't believe how many I ate. I'm in digestive overload." Apparently she had gone without her favorite food for so long that she had indulged a little too heavily. Ruhgal wasn't the least bit concerned. "She'll recover by morning. Since she's out of the picture, that means I get you for the whole night!" The idea of that was more appealing than it should have been, as he really didn't like trying to stretch is energies too widely, evemn for a good cause.

Ruhgal was still contemplating her little friend. "You know lover-boy, she's really a good person. She's an energetic lover too." He already knew that, but wondered why the okapi brought it up. "Yes she is. All of you girls have been, even that sissy little red panda, once you pushed the right buttons. So what's your point?" She curled her tongue out and stroked his face. "I'm not too certain she is ever going to find happiness, leastwise not how she wants it. Did she tell you about males in her society?" He nodded. "Well, as much as she likes to get intimate, being shared with multiple other females is not going to suit her."

Jon-Tom was aware of that too. "It was her hope to go home rich enough to be able to marry a poorer male, instead of marrying a rich one." It Ruhgal's turn to nod. "Yes, she did tell me that. But you see, you are an exceptional lover in so many ways. You can adapt to any species and any request. How is any other male going to compete with that?" She was right, but he felt himself getting defensive. As much as he liked his power, he had never asked for it. "Look, I can't help what I am. If you have a suggestion, I'm all ears." He did a double take and grabbed hers. "But not as lovely as yours!" She felt a wash of warmth. He seemed to say the nicest things.

"I do have an idea, though I wouldn't know how to go about it." He said nothing, but waited with an expectant look on his face. "She needs some way of being entertained as much as possible, if you get my meaning. I mean, you're a male; how often do like to have sex?" Like to, or want to, he thought to himself. His first years here had been a sexual wasteland. He could hit himself for all of the times he had passed up opportunities. His first had been a she-wolf he had won the rights too, but had turned down. That little faux pas had gotten him and Mudge thrown out of the thieves den, probably for good, not that he ever wished to go back.

He had certainly been making up lost ground since meeting his special tigress. "I like it as much as most, maybe more. I have to admit, variety is nice. But you know, I really like getting to know my partners. I didn't have a chance to fully do that back at the whorehouse." She snickered. "You own it now. You could always go back and make extended introductions!" He snickered back. "No, I don't think so. After I get you two home, I heading back to the quiet and safety of Clothahump's tree." "That will be when we are back in our own lands. In the meantime, you wonderful human, you still haven't completely answered my question." He thought a moment. "I have a friend who will nail anything with an appropriate hole to fit his meat into. I'm not so cavalier. Like I said, I like sex, but not to a blank face." She had been listening to him intently, but her face suddenly went dull. He stared at her a moment before asking, "What's wrong with you. You have the blankest look on your..." He faded off as she broke out laughing. "Was my face blank enough for you?" He though about slapping her, but opted for something more fulfilling. He grabbed her legs and went back to what they had been doing. She was delighted.

Later that night, as she snored next to him, he thought about what she had said. He would have to ask the pangolin if there was something more she wanted out of life. Like himself, perhaps she didn't quite fit into the normal scheme of things, whatever counted as normal in this mixed up world. It would have to wait until morning. In the meantime, a good night's sleep was inevitable after his pleasant romp with Ruhgal. He felt no commitment to them outside of seeing them home, but he was developing a urge to do something nice. Maybe, just maybe, he would see about giving them the children they had asked for.

He awoke the next day with the sun already high in the sky. He stretched and got up. He surveyed the camp and found no trace of the girls. He wasn't worried, only curious as to where they went. His first concern was getting cleaned up, for errant bits of grass and barks had adhered to his body from all of the now-dried lubrication they had generated last night. A stream not far away wasn't too cold to wash in, but he made quick work of it anyway. It was then that he heard the noise. It didn't sound dangerous, but it was close. He had learned a long time ago to be wary in this world. He walked up the stream, ignoring the cold on his feet. When he was abreast of the noise, he crept up the bank, thankful for the soft moss to quiet his steps.

Parting some large leaves of a saw palmetto plant, he saw the source of the commotion. It was Ruhgal and Laila, the latter who had obviously recovered from her previous night's meal. They were busy, well; doing what he and they normally did. He had never been a voyeur, but this girl on girl was interesting. His cock thought so too. He had  felt the okapi's tongue in action, but he had never considered that for a smaller animal like Laila, it could act as a penis. A prehensile one at that, the way she could curl it around. It was apparently effective, for the pangolin was barely able to keep herself on top of the enormous log she was bent across. Her tail was curled tight, but a lapse in concentration would cause her to slip now and again. She finally came, squeaking in high pitched tones.

He thought about interrupting their fun, but opted to wait. After a few minutes of rest, the two changed positions. Laila mounted the okapi, stomach to back, resting far back on the haunches. Ruhgal raised her tail to one side. The pangolin did the most amazing thing, something he had never considered. She flattened the scales on her tail with a conscious effort and slid it into the okapi's cunt. Ruhgal let out a gasp. The tail was pushed in until it could go no further on account of its length. Laila then started thrusting with it. Jon-Tom knew those scales were softer than they looked, but he figured this would have to hurt. Apparently he was wrong. She came in a few minutes, nearly throwing the pangolin from her back.

Laila disengaged just before the okapi fell down on her knees. There was a pause as they got themselves sorted out. The two then met nose to nose in a tender exchange, not quite a kiss, not really homosexual; just simple tenderness. He smiled. He also backed up til he hit the stream and wandered back to the camp. The girls arrived a bit later, both dripping with water. He was lounging on the ground, now dressed. They quickened their pace when they saw he was awake. "Hey mister sleepyhead, we wondered if you were going to wake up!" He mock yawned. "I needed my rest. If I'm going to have the job of pleasuring you for the rest of this trip, I'll need as much of it as I can get. I mean, it's not like your going to keep yourself entertained, now is it?" They both about choked.  The problem was, he said it so deadpan that they didn't know if it was an inadvertent statement or if he really knew about their activity

He certainly wasn't going to let on about his eyeful. I was nice to know that they didn't have to relay on his to have some fun. "So," he said, "did I miss something by not getting up early? I haven't even eaten yet, seeing as I was waiting for you to get back." They visibly relaxed. "Oh no. We went exploring the area for anything interesting." He yawned again. "And did you find anything worthwhile; pretty flowers, purples trees, inviting caves...?" Ruhgal couldn't stand it anymore. "You know, don't you? I should have figured you couldn't keep secrets from a wizard! What magic did you use to divine our secret?" He laughed. "No magic. I was washing up in the stream and heard a noise. I followed the noise to you two. I watched. I came back here. No mystery involved!"

Laila was taking it with good humor. "So man, what did you think? We learned to help each other out during the slow days at work. Since you've had both of us before, did you like what you saw?" His erection hadn't completely faded. "Why yes I did. You, my kinky little pangolin, looked like you were enjoying your tail thrusting as much as if you had your own cock!" She wasn't insulted. "Perhaps, though I wouldn't know, not having one. What is it like, Jon-Tom, having one of those things?" He couldn't say. "Like you, I only have experience with one and not the other. If you're asking how it feels when its in use, that I could say, but I don't think I'm equipped with the right words to describe it. It's like everything good in your life concentrates in one spot and builds to such a high peak that once you reach the summit, all you can do is fly." Somewhere in the back of his mind he was thinking of Mel-Aura. 

Ruhgal snorted. "You mean you let it fly! You've pumped me full more than once." Laila smacked her friend. "Nice way to ruin the moment. I was asking a serious question. Haven't you ever wondered what it was like on the other end of the gender spectrum?" Ruhgal laughed. "No, not really. But I see your point. But from my experience, most of them don't last long. This human has been the greatest exception to that rule I have ever had the pleasure of coupling with." The pangolin agreed. "She's right you know. Most of our clientele are rather weak in the endurance department. I can't say I noticed until you came along. You are like a bottle of Lythgoria brandy after drinking watered down wine. You hardly want to go back to the wine after that." The okapi snorted. "Until he came along, I didn't know what sex really was. I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but I've never had sex with a male of my own species." Laila wasn't impressed. "Neither have I. It was part of the reason I left. I could have have been part of a harem and had a dozen kids by now had I stayed."

Jon-Tom coughed into his hand. They both looked at him. "I'll have you ladies know that outside of some extraordinary situations, I have never had sex with a member of my own species since I've been on this world. I guess we have something in common." They brought forth questions, particularly what he meant by "extraordinary". He had to explain it to them again, since Laila had once known, but the information had been removed from her mind by one of his spells. This time he wasn't too worried about her knowing. They were fascinated. "You seem capable of performing great magic! Could you spell us something nice?"

"I maybe could, but I have no intention of doing so. You both will have a chance at finding a mate and settling down to families of your own. There are things I can do, given time. But for now, please refrain from asking. Until I can figure out what is best for you, I intend to do nothing. Anything I do could backfire, which I have seen the results of; it's not pretty." They reluctantly agreed to leave the matter alone for now. However, there was the matter of sex. That, he explained, was another matter entirely. The three of them spent the rest of the afternoon trying out different positions, including some rather unique threesomes. By the time they finished the day was spent, as were they, so travel was postponed until the next day.

The morning dawned wet, with a near tropical storm taking them by surprise. They barely had time to gather their supplies, stuff them in his cape and head for a towering hardwood. The type of tree was unfamiliar to him, but it was a wonder. Its leaves were so thick that the rain barely penetrated. It provided plenty of protection, but they were mildly unhappy about halting their journey. Jon-Tom pulled out his duar. "Are you going to spell us away from here? " asked the pangolin. "No," he replied, "I thought I would play some music while the storm raged around us. You said you wanted an adventure. Well, this is part of adventuring. It's the unglamorous, humdrum kind of thing that happens to me all the time." He strummed a few notes, wondering what songs to play.

Thinking of songs wasn't ever a problem, it was thinking of songs that wouldn't call up magic that proved to be a problem. He was half tempted to sing ones that had already produced those kinds of results knowing that they wouldn't work twice. But he came up with a few nice tunes and went into playing them. The first was appropriate, and not likely to cause trouble. His voice wasn't Gordon Lightfoot, but the three of them were definitely Rainy Day People. The girls loved  it. He followed with Rain Drops Keep Falling on my Head without ill effect. He half expected the tree's leave to part on that one, allowing the drops to reach them.

For an hour he ran through other songs, some of which they liked and others not so much. He was into one of ELO's songs when another of their's struck a chord with him. He had said he wasn't going to spell the rain away, but it was still pouring down relentlessly. He popped up with Mr. Blue Sky, and sang it for all he was worth. He had already felt the magic trying to erupt before playing this one, so he figured it would work. It did. As he finished playing, the clouds broke up, leaving behind a beautiful blue sky and a glowing sun. His song did nothing for the ground however, which was still saturated and marshy. Well, he thought to himself, half a loaf is better than none.

The mud didn't bother Ruhgal, and since Laila could ride on her back, it didn't bother her either.

Jon-Tom's boots were sufficient to keep his feet dry. So off they set, heading deeper into the jungle wilderness the girls called home. Now that the rain had stopped, small frogs chorused to themselves while exotic butterflies flitted about the undergrowth. They had been there all along, mused Jon-Tom, but I was too preoccupied to notice. It was a bit later that they encountered something that had obviously not been in their vicinity before, a giant lizard. He would have simply guided them around it, except for the fact that it had seen them first. Apparently hunting had been poor as of late, because it had no qualms about attacking. Overall it was rather lumbering, but it probably made up for its lack of speed with endurance. Therefore, they could outrun it, but not forever. And since it was 40 feet long if it was an inch, with sharp claws and teeth, running was what they did.

It was the first real danger they had encountered  and it made up for it by being as dangerous as anything they could have run into. A spell might prove effective, but it was hard to think and play and run at the same time. He prodded the girls to take off without him, but they refused. Ruhgal panted out; "Where you go, we go!" Jon-Tom consulted his old mental map, trying to view the area while running. The landscape wasn't promising. As they ran, kicking up mud, he was feverishly looking for somewhere they could escape to.  Trees would work temporarily if it weren't for Ruhgal. Her size and her four legs nixed that idea.

It was then that he spied something on the map. It wasn't much, but it might work long enough for them to catch their breath. He yelled to them, "Follow me!"  They didn't need to be told twice. The group headed towards an outcrop of vine covered stones. Between two of the largest was a narrow space, partially obstructed by vegetation. Jon-Tom pulled out his staff and activated the blade. Using this he cut a path through the obstruction, allowing them to hide deeper within. If they were lucky, the giant lizard would pass them by. Today was not their lucky day. It either had a great sense of smell, or it had managed to see them enter this spot. They were safe for the moment, but their only path of escape was now gone.

They settled down to rest their lungs, which were working like bellows. Laila looked out between the boulders, thankful for the large tree whose roots spread across the top, blocking out the light and anything else. "So man, what do you have in your cape to combat this threat? An army maybe?" He would have laughed if their situation wasn't so serious. "I've never seen a brainless reptile this large before." They got him a few looks." "What; have you seen an intelligent one that big?" He nodded. "Yes, a dragon as a matter of fact. We became good friends. But this thing is just nothing more than instinct based, or so I imagine." As he was speaking, the big beast was clawing away at the rocks.

Laila was uneasy. She was the smallest, so of all of them was the most likely to find a space to escape through. But she had no intention of leaving. "Jon-Tom, really. Is there nothing you can do?"  He sat down on the rocky ground. "What would you have me do. I could spell it away; maybe. Or I could suddenly make it more strong and fierce. If I'm to spell it away, I'll need to think of just the right song. Overall though, I would rather just have it walk away and forget us."

That didn't happen. It continued to lurk outside their shelter, occasionally sniffing, pawing and snorting towards where they were hidden. As night fell, it gave up its activity and curled up in front of the passage, effectively locking them in. Jon-Tom was considering songs to use, but nothing came to mind. He could possibly spell them out, but he didn't really know where the girls lived, so even with his map, they might end up somewhere worse. They ate some food he had brought with him, and then each took turns keeping watch while the others slept. In the morning they were all equally tired, but their lizard friend apparently had a good night's sleep. He was back to pawing the rocks. Rugahl was wearing thin.  "I like your suggestion from yesterday. I wish this stupid lizard would just forget about us and leave!"

The lizard stopped in its pawing, likely hearing her voice. It sniffed the air for a moment, and sauntered off back the way they had come from. Jon-Tom couldn't believe their luck. He crept out to the opening. Sure enough the beast was making a good pace back towards their last camp. "Well what do you know?" he muttered. To the others he called back, "All clear!" They came out cautiously. "Where did it go?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I haven't a clue. But let's get moving. I would rather have a lot of space between us and it before night falls again." They took the suggestion to heart and did double time, making nearly twenty five miles that day. By the time they stopped to camp, they were exhausted.

Jon-Tom was tired and sore as any of them, but his healing ability corrected that in a few moments. He did it more in case the girls were interested in having a little fun, but their experience had sobered them a bit. Life was more than having fun, such as occasionally having to save one's own neck. As night took over, the lack of a moon gave their camp an eerily dark and foreboding appearance. He hardly wanted to perform magic to light it up too much, but they were all equally disturbed by not being able to see their surroundings. He had a song he nearly played the other day, one that might give them just what they needed. He played Midnight Blue, from the Electric Light Orchestra. Sure enough, the camp was bathed in a blue glow, bright enough to illuminate the area, but not so much as to disturb their sleep or attract notice.

The girls had been feeling rather nervous and edgy. Their demeanor suddenly changed. "Do you really love us Jon-Tom?" Where did that come from? He thought and groaned. The song! "I'm sorry girls, but no. That was just the song. I guess I should be more careful what I play. The okapi was unperturbed. "We understand Jon-Tom. But you have managed to bring out feelings in us that are not going to go away on their own. Could you at least act like you love us tonight?" Oh well. There was going to be no sleep tonight. Indeed there was none, leastwise in this area The noise proved enough to disturb the normal daytime denizens of the jungle, who slunk off outside of hearing range so they could sleep in peace.

By morning the glow was gone, replaced by the brilliant blue of the overhead sky. They all stretched their limbs and went about foraging for food. The girls in particular were hungry. Jon-Tom still carried a supply of jerky, but the okapi politely turned down his offer, as did Laila. The latter ate some meat, but she wasn't equipped for chewing such tough food. Neither girl had trouble locating appropriate victuals. An anthill provided sustenance for one, and the plentiful ground-level greens sufficed the other. After getting their fill, the group sat and talked.

"Jon-Tom, why do you think that beast left us alone. It was almost as if he lost interest in trying to eat us." He had to agree. "It was rather fortuitous that he left us alone. However, my grandfather always said never look a gift horse in the mouth." He regretted saying that immediately. "A gift horse? What is that? Is that what you call Lorissa?" On no! "No girls. It's a saying from my world that I don't feel like trying to explain. Just understand that it means if something goes your way, don't argue with it." Laila agreed. Ruhgal had some reservations. "Don't you think it was too easy? One minute he's trying to eat us, and the next he's running off into the brush?" Jon-Tom patted her flank. "We're not in his stomach. That's all that matters to me."

The okapi was still pondering that matter hours later, but she kept her doubts to herself. They made camp again, this time choosing a site a bit more protected than their usual stops. Jon-Tom chose then to bring up the matter of their precise destinations. He hadn't bothered before, figuring a roundabout way home would prove to be an adventure. It had, and they were all ready to be home. "Laila, where exactly is your home?" She looked up at him. "I lived in the city of Formi, known to outsiders as Sandhill." He consulted the map under both names. His brain found them to be truly one in the same. He turned to the okapi. "So my dear, where is your home." She actually started crying. "I'm sorry Jon-Tom. I don't have a home. My village was destroyed a years ago. I came this way hoping that you might find me a better situation than I had at the whorehouse. As far as I know, my people were killed when the place burned down." His heart sank. He hated when people dropped these bombshells on him.

"What was the village called?" She sniffed back tears. "Ituri." He ran the name through his mind, finding that she was only partially correct. "Well, I don't know how to advise you on this, but what say we look at what became of your town? I would be curious to witness the place for myself, to see what could have decimated it." She was less than thrilled with the idea, the place having bad memories for her. But she had little other choice outside of leaving the group. The site of the village was still two days off, with another three days for Laila's. It gave him some time to think of how to handle the problem of what to do for them, and with them. The more he had thought about it, getting them back was no longer just a matter of dumping them and leaving.

The poor okapi was still feeling blue as the sun set. He tried to console her the best he could. It was frustrating, trying to help people all of the time. Even when they appreciated it, it seemed he came out on the short end. But he wasn't the one presently having an emotional breakdown. Unconsciously, he mumbled quietly, "I really wish I knew what to do for these two." It dawned on him that what Ruhgal needed right then was a friend. He was already that. He walked to her side, and gently pulled her down. Sitting down next to him, she looked at him questioningly. He smiled warmly. "Come here and put your head in my lap." She did as directed. He stroked her forehead and scratched behind her ears. She snuggled in as close as her body would allow. In no time she was quietly asleep.

Laila had watched all this a bit enviously. She slid in on his free side, careful to keep her voice to a whisper. "She never told me she had lost her home. I feel bad not knowing. Is there anything you can do for her?" He nodded. "Yes there is, though it really has nothing to do with me." Laila eyed him with a questioning look. "What can you do? Is it something magical?" He stifled a laugh. "Maybe, but not by my doing." But even as he said this, he had no idea why he now knew what he knew. Oh well, perhaps it was just wishful thinking.

The pangolin curled up behind him, giving him something to lean against. He fell asleep with her pleasant musky smell filling his nostrils. A quiet night dawned to a quiet morning. Ruhgal was gone, but Laila was still curled under his head. She was awake, and when she could sense he was too, she whispered in his ear. "She's gone to relieve herself. I need to as well, if you don't mind." He sprang up, mumbling apologies. She giggled. "It's not that bad, but a girl has to go sometime. I just hated to wake you, but your skull has been resting on my bladder for the past hour." She ran off to do her business. Jon-Tom grew bored waiting and ran the events of the past few days around his brain.

He was glad that there was going to be a place for Ruhgal, one that she would never have contemplated on her own, but he was still wondering where that concept came from. Even worse was the one dancing a jig on his frontal lobe concerning the pangolin. He didn't know if it was something he was supposed to do, or what exactly. The idea was weird, but unique in handling her problem. But it wasn't something he would do unless she begged for it. It wasn't all that bad, seeing as he had experience dealing with it, but not everyone would find it thrilling. While he was thinking his thoughts the girls returned. The okapi seemed refreshed. She made it clear that she was. "You know man, nighttime is for sleeping, but it's also great for sex. It came to my mind that soon we will be going our separate ways, and I'll likely never see you again. That means I'll have to get my action from less desirable species, including my own maybe. Therefore I demand that you make up for lost time this morning, for as long as it takes to satisfy me, errr, us." She added the latter when her friend elbowed her.

Jon-Tom smiled. He was well rested and the idea of a bit more fun with these two was beyond appealing. But he knew better than they did that once they reached their final destination all their physical  intimacy would cease. He just didn't know why he knew that. The rest of the morning was spent in amorous activity, which I will refrain from detailing on the account that I have neither the time nor the descriptive words to fully document their final time together. I will say this; Jon-Tom's healing ability came in handy for all three of them.

When they came within the vicinity of the okapi's former home, she began to recognize some of the landscape. Indicating one area, she  said, "I used to play with the others here." She went quiet again. Jon-Tom prodded her. "Friends? Other okapis?" She sniffed a little. "Both, though we weren't xenophobic. I had playmates that were giraffes, and zebras, even warthogs." Laila piped in. "What about pangolins?" Ruhgal nodded. "Yes, even some of your distant cousins used to inhabit this area. Of course, your home isn't really that far away, so it shouldn't be too surprising.

"Any rich males among them?" she asked hopefully. "I wouldn't know. I was just a child then. Besides, what difference does it make? The village was burned..." She caught herself. There in the distance was a group of houses, surrounded by a low wall. Jon-Tom smiled. "Looks like someone rebuilt your town Ruhgal. What say we go investigate?" She was stunned. All at once she whipped around to face him. "You knew about this, didn't you?" She actually looked angry. "Yes, but not until yesterday. And don't ask me why I knew, because I haven't figured that out yet." She came up and stomped on his foot. When he started jumping in pain she shoved him to the ground and sat on him. "Look funny man, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

He was half-ways laughing despite the pain. "Because if I had told you, you wouldn't have come. Something here scares you and it shouldn't. So now that we're this close, you're less likely to turn back." She stuck her tongue out at him, which he deftly grabbed. "Why are you so afraid of going back?" She tried to talk but couldn't manage well due to his strong grasp. He let go. "Because I destroyed the village!" she wailed. He already knew better, for some reason, and said as much. "You had nothing to do with the fire, you silly girl. That fire was started by lightning. Do you remember the storm?" His question brought flashback's she had driven down for years. "But I was there; you weren't. Don't tell me..." He shushed her. "Why don't you ask your parents?"

She jumped up off of him in a panic. "Why would you say such a thing? They died in the fire!" He walked up to her and patted her on the head. "A child can imagine the most horrible things. You got lost during the panic. Everyone came out fine, except for you. You wandered lost, didn't you?" She nodded silently, tears streaming down her eyes. "All this time you could have been home. But now you are. I have no intention of letting you pass it up for any reason. Come on, let's go set things right!"

She was mute, but followed in his wake. At the entrance to the village they were met by a hodgepodge group that looked like they just ranged off of the savannah. He liked the looks of the Wild Dogs, with their pretty coats and big ears. There was a gazelle, the first he had seen in this world. It struck him that back home these two species would have been at odds with each other. There was also an aardvark, and rounding out the gang was a zebra.

The latter spoke first. "Hello travelers! Welcome to Ituri. My name is Razzelle. How can we help you?" Jon-Tom fell in love with her voice. It was a bit of Mae West and Greta Garbo mixed into one. "Thank you for your welcome. My name is Jon-Tom and this is Ruhgal and..." Before he could introduce the pangolin, a shout erupted from the zebra. "Did you say Ruhgal?" She focused on the okapi. "Are you Ruhgal, daughter of the great Deestry and the kind Weela?" The okapi was taken aback. "Yes, I am." The striped horse nearly fell in her haste to retreat towards the center of town. As they watched her go, the other villagers just stood and gaped. "See Jon-Tom, I told you it was my fault. Now I'm likely to be punished. I wish you hadn't brought me here." He turned and slapped her lightly across the face. "SHUP UP! I brought you here and here you will stay, regardless of the consequences." She was too startled by his actions to protest further.

It was just as well that she was silent, for words would not describe suitably what happened next. The zebra came galloping back with two more villagers in tow. Jon-Tom was aware who they had to be, but said nothing. It was unnecessary. "Mom? Dad?" she cried out. The three reunited in an emotional reunion. "By the Lords of the Grass, where have you been?" her father said between tears of joy. "We thought you dead long ago!" Jon-Tom watched them with a few of his own tears. It was too bad he had not known of the situation long ago. But then, he had only really known her for a short while. He couldn't be blamed.

He had stepped back to allow the villagers, who were  now crowding in from all sides, room to see her. Laila joined him, her eyes on the bevy of pangolin ladies that were included in the group. She pulled his cape. "Look at that spell-singer. Five just like me, but all female. I wish I were male, then I'd be all set!" She had no sooner said this when she squawked in pain. She dropped to the ground, holding her privates. When she was done, she just lay there. "Jon-Tom?" Here voice sounded odd. He knelt down beside her. "Jon-Tom, I'm glad for all the sex we had. It looks like those days are over." She pulled her hands away, revealing an engorged , blood red penis. She was examining it in detail, running her fingers across it. She groaned. "So man, this is what it's like? I think I could get used to it. But why did you do this to me? I'm not angry, but you must admit, it's a curious solution to my problem. I couldn't have wished for more."

Wishes. He slapped himself up the side of his head. "Dammit Laila! Wishes!" She looked at him oddly. "What about them?" He had done it again. Magic where none had been consciously asked for. "Do you remember the songs I sang?" She nodded. "Well some of them were from a group called the Electric Light Orchestra. The one was called Wishing. And apparently we all gone one wish." She/he contemplated that. "OK. Fine. I got mine, but what was yours?" He laughed. "I wasted my wish wondering how to fix your problems. Mine came true!" She/he considered this. "That makes sense, but did Ruhgal wish for anything?" Here he was rolling on the ground. "Yes, she wished the giant lizard away. Remember how it just lost interest when she wished it would?" The pangolin thought it over. Indeed it had.

"But what of you Jon-Tom. You did good by us, but maybe not so good for yourself." He shrugged. "Par for the course I guess." She had to have that reference explained to her. After he was done, she understood about drivers and balls. He asked her what she intended to do now. "That's easy Jon-Tom. If these ladies aren't attached, I'll offer them marriage. After all, I'm now on the flip side; I'm male and I'm well-off. Who could resist?" She had a point. He had one too. "What are you going to call yourself now?" That brought her up short. "That's an excellent question. Do you have any ideas?" Yes, as a matter of fact, there is one stuck in my head. How about using Allai? It uses the same letters as your name, but in a masculine form." She ran the name across her tongue. "Yes, I think I like it. Oh thank you so much Jon-Tom. I can't wait to find out what sex from your perspective is like!"

He nudged her/him. "Look over there. You seem to have caught the eye of at least one of them. Go for it." Allai winked at him and sauntered off. After a brief introduction the two wandered away. Jon-Tom was considering the same, but remembered that he still had their money hidden in his cape. He was about to mention it to Ruhgal when he realized that she, her parents, and most of the rest of the village had disappeared. He went looking for them. He was walking towards the center of the village when Razzelle met him. "Oh great wizard, thank you so much for returning her to us. We had all but given her up for dead! However you managed it, thank you."

He was embarrassed by her earnestness. "You're welcome, I'm sure, but I did nothing. It's a long story which I think she needs to explain, rather than everyone hearing it from me." She eyed him, then pushed her nose against his. "Look human, she is reuniting with her family. She said that you are to stay until called for. She also said that despite your looks, you were worthy of being considered for your prowess, even by an equine such as myself. Since I have been charged with entertaining you until her family is ready to meet you, why don't you come to my house." He started to protest, but she nipped his nose. "It wasn't really a question." He rubbed his proboscis. "Lead on, my fine striped lass." As she turned, he got a good look at her ass. It was larger and taller than Ruhgal's, but it was just as fetching. He fought down an erection.

Her house was near the center of the town. Like most quadrupeds, it was based on a stable, with the layout suitable for one with hooves. Evidence showed that some work was done around the place by those with hands.  "Explore my residence and make yourself at home." she told him. "I'll return in a few minutes." He quickly assessed the place, finding it humble by large city standards, but very likely elaborate by boondocks standards. He corrected himself. Just because it was far away from other cities didn't make it the sticks, but it had to be close.

Razzelle returned as quickly as she said. "I have been asked by Ruhgal about her money, what ever than means." Jon-Tom pulled off his cape. "It'll need to be sorted out. I'm carrying hers as well as another's cash." "Ah yes, she told me. Laila, isn't it?" Whoops! Ruhgal didn't know. "The name is Allai. He's off with some of your local ladies, making introductions." "He? I could have sworn she said she." He rushed in to counter her before she thought too hard on it. "I'll tell you what. When I find him again, I'll let you decide his sex." Razzelle shook her head. "I suppose she could have said he. It was rather confusing at the manor." It was Jon-Tom's turn to question her. "Manor?" "Yes manor. Where did you think the town's ruler lived?" He choked.

"Ruler? As in king?" The zebra laughed. "Heavens no. That implies a kingdom. This village is the only community for a two days travel from here. That would make having a kingdom tedious. Deestry oversees the village. He uses no title, but I suppose chieftain would suffice." Jon-Tom sighed. This world had it out for him. "I see," he said, noncommittally. "Well, I'm glad that I was able to return her safely." The zebra stared hard at him. "Safely? Yes, I suppose so and we are thankful for that. But you must understand that her father will have mixed feelings about you. I mean, what she has done since she disappeared is her own business until she makes it public, but she would not have lightly recommended your sexual skills if she had not partaken of them." It was a question and he knew it. "Yes we did enjoy each other's company. But honestly, up until just know I didn't know a thing about her."

She wasn't sure about that."You're telling me you had relations with her for weeks, and you learned nothing about her? I find that hard to believe." "Look Razzelle, I'm not prone to lying. I could tell you what I do know about her, but you probably won't like it." She actually smiled. "Good. We'll discuss it over a meal and then in bed." That escalated quickly! The meal was what he would have expected, only a bit more tropical. The apples here were as large as the ones he had magically called forth for Lorissa. In addition to that, the table was set with breads, greens, raw vegetables and a few things he had never seen. He was always open to whatever was served. Besides, if he had a hankering for meat, there was always his jerky.

After the meal she directed them to a rear room that was outfitted with a magnificent bed. "I don't use it myself, seeing as I prefer to sleep standing up. But I think I can make an exception this once." She climbed up, a bit clumsily, and lay on her side. "Well man, are you coming?" He chuckled. "Not yet, but you'll know when I do!" She snorted at his humor. He dropped his clothes and climbed up next to her. She caught sight of his cock, now purposely less than his normal size. "I don't mean to be indelicate, but that hardly looks like something that will do more than tickle my fancy, don't you know." He was playing dirty. "Madame, I'll have you know that this will be the most fun you've ever had. All you need to do is give it a chance." She shrugged. "I don't see where it can hurt." Five minutes later she regretted those words.

"Man what the hell are you doing back there?" she cried. It was then that she realized that there was more to him than appeared to the unwary observer. He eased his size down to something more her speed, instead of something akin to what an elephant might like. "Man, I see now what she was talking about. It's a rare talent indeed to adjust ones genitals. I have often wished for the ability to shrink mine, but you have shown me that there are ways of filling what I have. You are not perhaps interested in staying here are you?" He chuckled silently. "Thanks Razzelle, but I'm only here because I promised to see the two back to their lands. Now that I have done that, I intend to head home." She rubbed her butt against his crotch. "Maybe I can come with you?" He laughed, aloud this time. "I appreciate the offer, really I do, but you don't know what that would entail." She smiled, lifting hers. "Entail? Like my tail? I'd lift it as often as you asked!" She wasn't making this any easier.

"Look Razzelle, I have a complicated life. If you would like, I'll hang around for a few extra days if it makes you happy." She grunted. "Makes me happy? What about you?" His reply was to take aim at her hot pink hole thus exposed by her now vacant tail. "I'm happy if you are!" The rest of the night was one long stretch of happiness. The next morning the two were called for. Razzelle looked at her timepiece and whinnied. "Damn! We were supposed to be there already. Hurry up man!"

"Where are we going," he asked, as he fought with his clothes. "You are to meet with Ruhgal's parents and extended family today." Oh great!, he thought. I'm positive that they'll have my head for this. The zebra sensed his dismay. "Look man, consider what you have done." He choked. "I was doing just that. How would you feel if your daughter was out screwing, oh say, a lion?" She smiled. "Oh, that wouldn't be so bad. It could be worse. I could have caught her with a human!" He was caught off guard. They looked at each other and broke down laughing. "Really man, don't worry. Perhaps their daughter's life hasn't been exemplary, but at least they have their child back!"

The manor was the largest house in the village. Jon-Tom had seen far bigger, but out here, it was considered huge. The two were escorted in. Deestry was standing at attention, rather rigidly. He didn't look happy. "Razz, where the hell have you two been. I hate waiting!" She bowed. "I know and I'm sorry. It turns out this man is everything she said he was. I haven't had a lover like him in years. He's a keeper!" Deestry turned to the human. "First off human, allow me to extend my humblest gratitude to you for returning my daughter. In my heart I feel that I should have no complaints, but I am sickened to hear of my lovely Ruhgal's life. There is still much to uncover, but I get the feeling that you owned the establishment where she was "working"." Jon-Tom choked. "Your majesty, I..." The okapi coughed. "I am not a king, so no formality is necessary. Please refer to me as Deestry." "OK. Deestry, your information is a little askew. I bought that place to unload some money that I needed to get rid of, and I bought it just before we left."

"You are so wealthy that you buy whorehouses and leave them?" "It's not that simple.." Jon-Tom started before reconsidering. "Well, maybe it is. Either way, I made sure that each and every girl working there got a portion of the purchase price. Ruhgal and...another person...came with me on this trek to get her back home." He had nearly spilled Laila's secret. Deestry looked at him with his head tilted. "I hear that you are also a wizard. Is this true?" "I'm a spell-singer," corrected Jon-Tom. The okapi snorted. "Spell-singer; wizard, mage, witch, magic maker. They are all the same. I do not know what to do with you. So I will do nothing but this." The okapi came right up to  Jon-Tom. As he got closer, a medallion was visible around his neck. "Take this."

Jon-Tom reached forward and pulled it off and over his ears. The chain was gold, as was the medal dangling from the end. "Thanks?" Jon-Tom said, not really certain what it was. Razzelle nearly danced in place. Deestry answered him. "This makes you my heir." The clang of metal hitting the floor echoed around the room. "Sir, I cannot take this, nor can I be your heir. That will be up to your daughter to give to you." The okapi was visibly upset. "Look man, I do not say this lightly. I offered my  power to anyone who could return my daughter to me. You have done so, and so it goes to you." This problem was getting stickier by the minute.

Jon-Tom bent down and picked it back up. "So you're saying that with this power, anything I say, in regards to anyone in this city, becomes a matter of law?" Deestry nodded. "Yes. I have high hopes that you will make a fine leader." Jon-Tom bowed. "For as long as it lasts anyway. My first decree is that you, Deestry, resume your role as leader. Additionally you will never again ask me to rule in your stead." The okapi's eyes bulged out of his head. "You have no desire for power?" "Not the slightest bit. It's just not a job I think I'm cut out for!" The okapi gracefully accepted his medallion back. "And what of my daughter?"

Jon-Tom shrugged. "What of her? She is back home now. All I promised her was that I would try to return her safely. I knew nothing of the village being destroyed when she was a child. For that matter, she never told me much of anything about her life, though after hearing about the disaster, I see how it must have affected her mind." Deestry nodded. "I lost her so long ago. It was an awful night, with the wind and rain and lighting and thunder. The poor girl was already frightened, I'm sure. But once the village caught fire, she got lost from the rest of us." The spell-singer nodded. "You'll have all kinds of time to catch up. But I need to give her some of her belongings before I go."

The okapi called out her name. Ruhgal came in from a side hallway,  looking the happiest he had ever seen her. "Oh Jon-Tom, you made all my wishes come true!" She would have hugged him, but lacked arms. Instead she stomped on his foot and knocked him down again. She promptly sat on him. "Look man, I don't know how you did it, but you're a miracle worker." He was trying to laugh at her exuberance, but couldn't with the wind knocked out of him. All the while her father stood there unamused by her actions. She chided him. "Pappa, please don't glare. Besides, we've been in more compromising situations than this!" With that she rubbed her haunches suggestively across his front. Her father glared even harder.

"You will need some training to be more like a lady, I think," he said solemnly. She stuck her tongue out at him. Turning to Jon-Tom, she batted her eyes and asked, "Shall we have one more go at it?" He pushed her off. "No we shall not! Your father is correct; you need to start acting like a lady. Besides, I would assume that you want to make a good impression on your future husband?" Her father choked. "I wish there were a way of allowing her to marry. But the only suitable choice is from a clan a few days from here, and that match requires money. Between rebuilding the village and looking for my daughter, I might all well be penniless." Ruhgal knocked Jon-Tom to the floor again. "Hey! What about my money? Do you still have it?" He lay there looking up at her. "Yes. Can I stay on my feet long enough to get it for you?"

"Yes, yes, by all means!" Turning to her father, she asked, "And who is this male you speak of." "Child, do you remember when the clans gathered for the harvest festival the year you disappeared?" "Yes father. So?" "Do you recall Kaslin?" She got dreamy. "Yes I do, He was the cutest...wait, you mean him?!" Her father nodded. All at once the room was filled with the clang and clank of metal hitting the floor. A rain of golden coins kept pouring out of the cape. The old okapi had difficulty in keeping his jaw up tight to the roof of his mouth. "You can make gold out of thin air?"

Jon-Tom laughed. "No. Well yes, but this isn't quite that. I've been storing it for safe keeping." As the coins continued to drop, the pile grew higher and higher. Ruhgal whispered to her father. "I only own half, the rest belongs to my friend." As the final coins clinked onto the pile and slid to the floor, Jon-Tom shook the cape one last time, resealed it and sat down. "I would think that less than half of this would be more than sufficient to present as a dowry. Besides, the other half belongs to Allai." Ruhgal made a face and started to comment. Jon-Tom held up a restraining hand. "Let's just say it goes to your friend, who is presently not what HE once was." This confused the young okapi even more. "Look my dear, we'll discuss it later, OK?" She nodded mutely.

The three, with Ruhgal's mother and assorted aunts and uncles; plus Razz, all had a meal together to celebrate so much good luck befalling their community. They praised the human, and he did his best to divert it. As the night wore on the conversation got a bit more personal, until Ruhgal and Razz exchanged vivid accounts of his abilities in dealing with the rear of a female quadruped. Jon-Tom grew uncomfortable with the direction this was going. Deestry assured him. "Look man, I don't mind this kind of talk, even where my daughter is involved. But you do realize that from now on I must prohibit such trysts?" Jon-Tom not only understood, he was relieved. Razz overheard. "She may not get to have you, but there is no ruling against me! You had better be ready for a repeat performance!"

When the evening was wrapped up, Razz was ready to drag him back to her house, but the spell-singer needed to talk with the okapi. Razz walked with him until he said, "alone!" "Look Ruhgal, Laila isn't Laila anymore. Remember when the lizard went away?" She nodded. He then went into the details of his spell, right up to the pangolin now being transformed into a male. At first she didn't believe him. "Look, she/he is somewhere in the village and I know he/she's not leaving without his/her money. Something tells me Allai's going to stay. You'll have time to catch up and compare notes." With that he kissed her on the head and was pulled unceremoniously out the door by Razz.

When morning came, a need for a carpenter was plainly evident by the broken bed. Razz would have needed a doctor, if for nothing else, pain meds, except the wonderful man somehow fixed her aches with the touch of his head to hers. And so it was for the next few days. Ruhgal met up with Allai, and his (it was confusing at first) half of the cash was handed over. A wedding was held the next week involving a handsome male pangolin and all five ladies. Everyone seemed happy. Jon-Tom's escort was Razz and Ruhgal's was Kalsin, who wisely chose the offer of marriage that her father proposed. Their wedding was to be later that month, but on a whim they jumped into line at Allai's, making for a busy day.

Not long after Jon-Tom told Razz that despite the fun he was having, it was time to go. She was none too happy. "I hear that you grant wishes." He was leery of her point. "Ruhgal told me that you have a child by a lovely unicorn. A unicorn is just a magical horse. A zebra is just a striped horse." He knew what she was driving at. "Look Razz, that was a single special circumstance. It's not something I'll ever be able to do again." She pouted. "But I'll never find a proper mate around here. I'm the only zebra in the village, and all the males within a hundred miles are beyond my reach."

Jon-Tom thought it over. He tried a trick he had done before. His mental map could be quite literal at times. He asked it to find the nearest unattached Zebra stallion. It balked at first. Then it swung out wide and refocused nearby, not far from the outskirts of Ituri. Strangely, it showed him a ravine. There, collapsed on the rocks, was a bloodied black and white form. Vultures had already settled down for its final few minutes of life. "Razz! We have a mission!" Without asking he jumped on her back. "Ride out the front of the village and head east!" "What?" she cried, but instinctively did as she was told. Dust swirled from her hooves as she raced to who-knows-where. He directed her down one side of the steep gully. All at once they came upon the body of the zebra. The vultures flapped away, cursing them under their breath. "Hey! That food is ours you stinking theives!" Jon-Tom flipped them off. "Not today it isn't."

The zebra was barely breathing. Jon-Tom immediately pressed his head down and pushed his healing to the max. After ten minutes he passed out, but at the same time, the zebra coughed feebly. Razz was torn as to what to do, but others had seen them leave in a rush and had followed. The human and the zebra were hauled back to the village. Jon-Tom woke up with a headache and an emptiness in his gut. He tried to move but his limbs felt like lead. Even his head wouldn't move. His eyes did, and he used them to scan the room. He was back in Razz's place. He had to be on the bed, which meant someone had fixed it. Wow, he thought, that must have been some night they had. He couldn't even remember it. All at once he caught sight of the zebra. She looked down on him worriedly. "Oh good! I was certain you had killed yourself with that stunt." He tried to remember. What stunt. He had done some adventurous things in bed, but none that could have left him like this.

"Hi Razz!" he said weakly. "What happened?" She looked down at him with passionate eyes. "You really don't remember?" He shook his head no. "You don't remember finding me a husband, even one that was nearly dead?" That rang a bell. Wait; husband? "You mean you married him already. I think I remember saving him, but he couldn't have recovered enough to walk down the aisle much less get married. That would take weeks, considering the shape he was in." She gently nibbled his hair. "Uh, Jon-Tom, it is weeks later. I can't thank you enough for finding and saving him, but you nearly did so at the cost of your own life." He mulled that over. Apparently he had pushed himself too far again. He was getting careless with his powers. "Is he alright?" She laughed. "You're an idiot! You nearly died and you're worried about the zebra I married." She turned and yelled into the other room. "Hey Kwagga! Guess who's awake?" The spell-singer heard a second set of hooves walking across the hardwood floor. Another striped face looked down at him. "Hello there! I would like to thank you ever so much for intervening on my behalf to disrupt my untimely demise." Jon-Tom understood him, but still managed a stupid sounding "Huh?" Razz interpreted for him. "Kwaggy says thanks!" "Yeah; I got that," he mumbled drolly.

It was many days before Jon-Tom regained his strength. He couldn't even use his healing power on himself for a week more, after which his recovery was much more rapid. He was still weak from malnutrition, but ready to head home. It was decided that the newlywed equines would take him home, sort of a "return the favor" and honeymoon/vacation all wrapped into one. Rughal and Allai, accompanied by their respective spouse(s), came out to see him off. They were sad to see him go, but they had so much new-found joy in their own lives that is was less painful than it might have been. With cries of "Visit soon!" and "Take care!" he was off.

It was during the ride home that Jon-Tom got to know Kwagga better. However, it didn't come out until they were almost to the tree that he was in line for his own kingdom. He explained that he had been left for dead by his half brother. Jon-Tom touched his hands to his head and winced. Razz was to him in an instant. "Are you OK Jon-Tom?" "Oh, I'll be alright. It's just that sometimes this world and its fates give me a really big headache!" He was glad he was getting out from under yet another royal intrigue!

Clothahump was glad to see him upon his return and was polite, if not effuse to the zebras for returning him safely. Jon-Tom was ready for a good night's sleep in his own bed. But before he headed off, Razz asked him, "So wizard, will we ever meet again?" He looked at her long and hard. "I don't know really. But the way this world works, who can say? If we do, it'll be under circumstances neither of us will expect." With that he stumbled off to bed. He didn't get up for a whole day. And when he did, he used the bathroom, ate some food, and hit the sheets again. He was all adventured out!

And The Surprises Keep Coming.

He was recovering from the shock of learning that he had two daughters of whom he had previously been unaware. True he was already a father to he and Talea's son, but even before that he had sired a child, though only three beings alive knew anything...

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Fate Plays Tricks On The Best Laid Plans.

Some years in the future...   As many of you know, Jon-Tom did finally win the heart of red-haired Talea. They married, but he left for his own world soon after. When he returned, there was much celebration, for many thought that he would never come...

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Be Careful What You Look for...And Where.

Jon-Tom was pensive. He was nervous. He was tired of waiting.  Of course it had only been three months since he had impregnated the mare, which meant that he had another eight months to go before she should deliver, or so he was told. In the meantime...

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