Be Careful What You Look for...And Where.

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#13 of The Spellsinger Tales

Jon-Tom was pensive. He was nervous. He was tired of waiting.  Of course it had only been three months since he had impregnated the mare, which meant that he had another eight months to go before she should deliver, or so he was told. In the meantime he needed something to take his mind off of it. But the old wizard for once seemed to have nothing that needed to be done. So one day Jon-Tom gathered his belongings and set off. To Clothahump's questions all he said was that he was bored. He was going to find Mudge and have an adventure. The wizard mumbled something about the fact that just finding Mudge might prove to be an adventure.

He went to Lynchblenny, but heard no word of him there. He continued through the local towns, eventually moving out in a wider canvas. His mental map kept him on track, but at each place he visited  he failed to find the otter. In each locality he tried the taverns and the whore houses. The otter was well known in every one of them, but not often in a good way. A few times Jon-Tom nearly came to blows from someone the otter owed money to. All Jon-Tom had to say was that he was looking for him to take what he (Jon-Tom) was owed out of his furry little hide. He instantly made friends with that statement. He had enough  booze offered to him that would have kept the otter drunk for a year. He politely turned the offers, with the explanation, "I'll save the drinks until after I find him!"

He made his way to towns he had never heard of before. One of the larger ones, Desagi-End by name, was a particular delight. It had a very mixed population, and Jon-Tom was quick to pay closer attention to the ladies than he had ever done in the past. That's not to say that he would pursue and partake. If his otter friend found out how active he had been he would never live it down. The otter that is. Jon-Tom liked keeping a lid on things.

Word of Mudge was  scarce. For one thing the taverns here were fairly high class, with no room for such low life clientele. There were a few in the back streets, but he finally gave up searching them. He turned himself instead to the houses of ill repute. Mudge's description was recognized by every majordomo he talked to. It was also known that he wasn't welcome in any of these establishments. The nice tall human, however, was more than welcome to come in and enjoy; providing he could pay of course. Jon-Tom smiled and thanked each of them in turn.  He was passing by one particularly impressive structure that an out of place and less than subtle, yet tastefully portrayed, couple in an arduously amorous embrace.

As he stood across the street from it, he found himself accompanied by a dapper little fox-like creature with big ears. The animal looked more comical than dignified, but Jon-Tom held his tongue. The animal pulled on his pant leg. "I say sir, are you thinking of going in there? Word has it that it's a bad place to be as of late. A storm is coming, and woe to any who are there when the lightning comes crashing down. The clouds are on the horizon." With that he turned and left, his bushy tail bouncing along behind him. That got Jon-Tom thinking. If this place was worse than it looked, he just might find the otter inside. He walked up and rang the bell. A slit in the door opened, and a pair of beady eyes looked out. "Well shit. A customer. Holy hell, ring the bell! Welcome sir to Desagi-End's favorite pastime!" With that the door opened on creaky hinges.

He looked behind the massive oak door only to find no one. That is until he looked up. The door had a shelf, and sitting on the shelf was a rat. The rat had control of a contraption that operated the door. It was rather ingenious. All at once a bell went off deeper in the building. As the door closed behind him, he became rather alarmed at the figure walking towards him from within the dark recesses.

He thought he knew it, but the coloring wasn't quite right. It was black, but it had grayish silver fur down its back. It looked like a badger, but then again not. Then he remembered. "Honey..." was all he got out. "Look youngster, I'm not your honey, not for any amount of money. I'm Madame Vestish, the owner of this establishment. Why are you here? Are you crazy. No one comes in here anymore!"

He was rather put off by her attitude. He hated to see how she was going to react when he told her he wasn't here for sex. Normally the madame went out of her way to make a male feel at home. "Look, I'm here looking for someone..." "Good for you. Now get out before you get caught in the middle of a..." She didn't finish her words. The building shook like it had been hit by a cannonball. "Too late, you stupid human. You're going to be with us for a while; either until the food runs out and we eat you, or until this matter gets settled. You had better hope for the latter." She stalked away without listening to another word. The little rat, who was eye to eye with him was more sympathetic.

"She's right you know. There's a feud going on. Been scaring the customers away. I haven't had the chance to watch a good fuck in weeks. It's a sad state of affairs it is. But what's we going to do with you I wonder?" Jon-Tom was bewildered. "If you don't mind, how about if I just leave?" The rat fell off his shelf laughing. You go right ahead, you monkey's arse. See how far you get!" He climbed back up on his perch and worked the mechanism. The door swung open revealing bright daylight. Jon-Tom thanked the little rodent and stepped out the door, only to find himself inside again. "That was weird!" He tried again to the same effect. The rat snarled at him." I told ya, you stupid naked ape, the place has been spelled. We knew it was comin, but not when. Your timing is impeccable. So, can I offer you a room? I'm sure the madame will consider it complimentary. She will only expect you to pay if you get out of this alive." Then muttering to himself, "if any of us get out of this alive!"

The rat led and he followed. They passed many rooms, all with open doors. Each one had a single occupant, though he was polite enough not to stare to closely. They were all female, and amongst them he recognized a few species. There were lemurs, a gibbon, an ocelot, a kangaroo and few assorted animals he couldn't identify. Down another first floor corridor were some four legged animals, an alpaca, and what he took to be an okapi. The weirdest thing though was the bird. He had never seen one, but it had to be an emu. As they walked past her room, she craned her neck out and hooted, "Looking for a good time? You've walked too far!" The rat turned and yelled at her. "Shut the 'ell up Gracie! I don't think this one's into birds much." "Sorry 'bout that sir. She hasn't seen much action lately. None of 'em 'ave. They're going to get desperate pretty soon and they'll be doing it for free!" The rat thought about it a minute. "Course, there's always little ole me! Of course sir, if you have money, they will be all over you. Do you have money?"

Jon-Tom stopped. "See here my little friend. I stopped in looking for my friend. He's an otter, wears a cap with a green feather." The rat let loose a whistle. "You means old Mudge! Him and I is friends we are. But you got it all wrong. Mudge hasn't been in town for a while now. You were wasting your time coming here. And now it may cost you your life." "Yes, about that. What the hell is going on?" "Well sir, I can't divulge too much. Wouldn't be proper like. But the madame has something hidden in the house that someone else wants. And that someone has hired a wizard to spell the place. We was kindly warned by the perp we was. Said that once the spell was in place, wasn't nobody coming in or going out ever again. As you see, he was right. You walked out and there you was back in. Pretty effective if you asks me."

They had stopped outside a door. In fact, the hall was filled with doors. "This ere is the old quarters. No one uses them anymore. If you happen to die, make sure the door is closed to contain the stink." With that he turned and walked away. The spell-singer turned the handle and walked inside. The room was dark. It had no windows, as it faced the next building on the block. He opened his cape and pulled out his duar. He wanted a flashlight at the very least; instead he got a bit more. It turns out the place had a small chandelier, but the candles were gone. They were suddenly replaced with light bulbs, which magically lit. His first glance caused him to want to dim them back to darkness.

The room was a mouldering mess. The rat was right when he said this area wasn't used. The chair, the dresser, the bed, all looked like they were war relics. He stood there thinking. If he was going to redo this room, it might as well suit him. A few strums on the strings caused the lights to brighten, but didn't give him any ideas for home-improvement songs. One struck him as sort-of  usable. He sang "In My Room" by the Beach Boys with as much style as he could, hoping for the best. His magic worked wonders. The walls were fresh and white, and loaded with pictures. The furniture was new, looking like it came from an IKEA. Even the bed was beautiful, a copy of the one he left back at the wizard's. The floor was covered by a large Persian rug. Equally amazing was the fact that a light switch appeared. He flicked it, watching with satisfaction as the lights blinked on and off. Now he was set for the duration. It would be boring but he could deal with it. Then he did a double take. How would being stuck in a whore house full of horny females be boring?

He decided to call it a day and walked towards the door, flipping off the lights. As he did, he caught sight of a ghostly figure outside his door. He jumped out to see what it was, but his eyes were still attuned to the lights. He saw a flash of white vanish down the hall. It looked ghostly, whatever it was. He was about to close the door, which now had a nice lock on it, when he thought better of it. Whatever was down there might be dangerous. Even if it wasn't, he would feel better knowing what it was. He pulled his staff out of his cape and crept down the hall. It dawned on him that he wasn't going to be able to see. On a lark, he climbed on a chair and unscrewed a bulb from the chandelier. It worked, though he had to hold it be the base so as not to burn his fingers. Five doors down he started trying the doors. They were all unlocked.

The bulb threw harsh light, chasing shadows around the walls. Room after room appeared unoccupied, though one seemed perhaps a little cleaner, or maybe just less dirty.  But in the end he let the matter go. Either he saw a ghost or he saw an after image from the lights. He returned to his room leaving the door unlocked. He opened his cape again and pulled out some of his food supply. He had no interest in starving and no need to beg any of their precious food. And when his ran out, he could spell more. As he was eating, he heard the faintest of noises. There was something in the hall! He was bound and determined not to chase it again. He tried a different method. He tuned into his map, focusing on his present location, He had never tried zooming into a building before. If it didn't work then it didn't work. It turns out it could. He was just beginning to imagine the voyeuristic possibilities when it focused on his room. And right outside the door, with its eye to the keyhole, was a fox. In fact, it could be nothing other than an Arctic fox, for its fur was white as snow.

He spoke to the air. "Boy this snake jerky is great. I'm glad I packed enough to last me a good long time." He thought he heard a whimper. He turned to face the door. "You know, I can tell a lot about a person just by hearing them breath. Would you like me to tell you a bit about yourself?" No answer." "You are young. You are female. You have...lovely white fur, a beautiful bushy tail, and are a real vixen. And you happen to be very hungry. Could I interest you in sharing part of my meal?" There was a moment of hesitation before the door started to inch open. In popped a head, covered in white and rather lovely to gaze upon. She eased into the room quite cautiously. Jon-Tom spoke to her in a quiet voice. "Before you come in all the way, make sure the door is fully open. I don't wish to be accused of doing anything improper." She turned and pushed the door until it hit the wall.

"Will you really spare some of your food? I have been on rations for a week now." He pulled a large chunk out of his cape and tossed it to her. "I would hand it to you, but you have no reason to trust me. I on the other hand implicitly trust you." She looked at him like he was mad. "You don't know me sir. Why would you trust me?" "Because you must be what the madame is hiding. It would explain why you are hidden in a section not often visited. If you were somehow a stowaway, then the rationing would have no effect on you. You could steal food or not as chance granted you the opportunity. If you were one of the girls, you certainly would be down in the working section. Now, if I am right, then you are afraid of something or someone. I would have to guess and say that that someone is short, with tan fur and big ears."

She immediately backed away. "How do you know this?" He remained where he was. "I know it because it is true. And I always speak the truth." She stopped. "Truth is a slippery slope to travel on, so the saying goes. Can you prove yourself with facts?" Jon-Tom was beginning to like her. Sly as a fox, as his saying might be. "Ok. I came here looking for a friend and got stuck when a spell was placed on the building. Now I can't leave. The person I described was outside the building just before I entered. He looked a bit like you but he had big ears. "That is Morrift, the fennec. He is not someone you want to cross. But how did you know about me?" He eased back in his chair. "I didn't know about you. I described your appearance, nothing more. I know absolutely nothing about you. That will be up to you to tell me, if you desire to. If not, I'm going to bed."

She looked around the room in wonder. "This was not like this before. How did you do this?" Then her eyes narrowed. "Are you a wizard?" "Nope. I'm a musician who is unlucky enough to have magic pop out during his playing. It's damned inconvenient, but sometimes it works out alright." She saw the laughter in his eyes and relaxed. "Then you are a wizard. Maybe you are just what we need to escape certain death." Jon-Tom was pretty tired, even if it wasn't that late. But with no windows, it seemed late to him. "Look, can we talk about this in the morning? I am feeling rather tired." She backed away, heading for the door. "I'm sorry sir. I will not disturb you again." "You're right. You haven't disturbed me yet. But I know for a fact that I have the best room in the wing. You are more than welcome to stay in here if you wish." She looked around, gazing at the fixtures. "Sir, there is only one bed, albeit a large one. Are you suggesting that we sleep together?"

"Listen you..." He caught himself. "Hey, I just realized that I haven't introduced myself. Everyone calls me Jon-Tom. And you are?"  "Preala."  "Well Preala, if there is something else you would like to do, that's your business. But I'm tired. If you think I have ulterior motives, think again. Sex would be as easy as walking down the hall. Besides, like you said, I'm a wizard. I will need my rest so that I can think of a way out of this situation." He undressed and climbed into bed. It was just like the one he left behind. He was asleep in no time. When he awoke in the morning the room was still it by his bulbs. He went to move and found a weight pressing against his back. It wasn't under the covers, whatever it was. He turned his head and got a glimpse of white. Preala. So she had found his room to be more comfortable than whatever she had been given. Good for her.

She woke with a start, jumping to the floor in a panic. "Whoa now. No need to get jumpy." called Jon-Tom as she headed for the door. She stopped and turned back to him. "I'm sorry Wizard. I should not have stayed. I already have a bad reputation. I do not need to feed it further." With that she was out the door and gone. Jon-Tom was left alone to contemplate his next move. Exploring the building was out. The madame was hardly happy he was here, so he intended to remain out of sight for the moment. He leaned back on the bed and concentrated on the map. He was back in the building, mentally as well as physically. He started by tracking down the fox. He found her several doors down, apparently weeping. He felt bad for her, but opted not to interfere for the moment. His explorations went from room to room in the active wings. Each was occupied by a female of a different species, some of which he was unable to identify. Some of them were fairly odd, including something that seemed to be mammal but that had large scales instead of fur.

His searching found the quarters of the madame, as well as the kitchen, with its diminishing pantry. He found the sub-levels, and wondered if there was escape from those lower regions. One thing that confused him was the lack of anything down there except for a large elevated pool. It seemed to be filled with something a bit more solid than water. Just then he saw something fall out of a chute. Then it made sense. This place lacked a true sewer system. He had to guess that is was like in the old days when someone stopped by with the "honey wagon" to clean out the privy. From the looks of it, no one had attended to it in a while. The stench down there had to be awful. It dawned on his that the whole place was going to get pretty bad in another week or so. That is, unless he could do something about it.

He walked down to the room that the fox had retreated to. "Preala? I need your help." He heard snuffling, but the door opened. "What is it wizard?" He coughed a little. "Call me Jon-Tom. I hate being labeled a wizard. But then again, I am here because I wish to do some magic. Before I do, I need your help." She wiped away tears. "How can I help you? I'm nothing more..." He cut her ff. "Look, I get it that you have some kind of trouble and that you feel insecure of yourself. If you give me some time I might be able to help. But for now I would like to see what I can do to help the whole house." She frowned and stamped her feet. "How dare you talk to..." She wanted to finish her statement, but choked back the rest. "What do you want to know?"

"You said that that fennec thing was responsible for this present problem?" "Yes. His name is Morrift. He is very rich and very powerful, powerful enough to challenge the king." Jon-Tom mulled that bit of information over very carefully. He didn't like what he came away with. "Preala, please tell me that you aren't connected in this mess because you're royalty." She looked surprised and shocked. "Who told you that?" He pulled achair into the doorway and sat down rather heavily. It creaked warningly. "So you are a member of the royal family." He held up a restraining hand.  "I'm afraid to ask, but you aren't by chance a princess are you?" She jumped up, ready to run. The problem was, he was parked in the only exit. "Yes I am. I thought you already knew that." His head was spinning. Not another situation like this. He wanted an adventure but this habit of getting tangled with royal intrigues was getting trite.

"No, I was not aware of who you were. If I had not been looking for my friend, I would not even be here. So this is merely happenstance. I seem to get caught in its web more than I care to discuss." She was still trying to figure out a way to escape. She made a dash towards the door, bowling him over and in the process getting tangled in his cape. She yelped in terror, clawing the floor. The spell-singer was more irritated than hurt. He grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. She stopped struggling and went limp. "Kill me and get it over with! I will suffer no more disgrace!" He stood up, keeping a hold of her fur. "What is up with you? I haven't once tried to hurt you. I have no intention of hurting you. But if you continue to act this way, I will do my very best to leave you to whatever fate has in store for you. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

He dropped her on her feet. She was all wide eyed and trembling. "You mean you weren't sent to kill me?" He righted the chair and sat back down. "I have killed plenty of beings, but it has always been against my will. Since the war I have killed no one. I do not intend to start now. All I want to do is be on my way. It seems that I cannot yet do that, but if you assist me, perhaps together we can defeat this magic. But I need your help. Do you understand?" She stopped shaking. "I'm so sorry. I have learned to trust very few people." She climbed up on his lap, putting her face up to his and giving it a lick. "I will help you as is within my power."

"Good. First thing I would like you to do is get off of my lap." She cocked her head questioningly. "I am just apologizing for my behavior. Is my presence distressing you?" He gently pushed her off, a rise clearly visible under his trousers. "Preala, you're a female and I'm a male. It would be best if you remembered that. I wish you nothing that could be considered immoral or untoward. But parts of my body have gained a life of their own recently. I can't always be responsible for what they do." She reached out and rubbed his crotch. He wished she hadn't. "My, I see what you mean. You seem well endowed. It's certainly more than a simple vixen like me could ever hope to engulf. I hope you don't have a knot on it as well?" "No, no knot. Look, this discussion is done. Are you going to help me or not?" "Knot? You just said you had no knot..."

It was going to be a long night! It was hard to tell if she was being purposely obtuse or not. Her mood seemed mercurial, drifting from one emotion to another. "Yes wizard, I'll help you. But I have no idea what you need from me that you can't do yourself?" "What you can do is tell me where this fennec lives." She flatten her ears against her head. "No one wants to go there. Besides, we're trapped here. How do you intend to reach his mansion if you can't leave?" His patience was running thin. "Tell me how to get there from here!" "Fine! Don't get snappy with me. If you follow the street north for ten blocks you will come to the upper classes. His is the largest of them, a huge red granite place made to look like the palace. It's indecent the way he flaunts his money."

"Good. Now do me the favor of leaving me alone for a few minutes." He followed the directions on his map, finding the place in no time. She was right. It was gaudy; beautiful, but in poor taste. It screamed money. His mind dove inside, running from room to room. It was filled with art and artifacts, and servants galore. But he had something a little more specific in mind. After satisfying himself that he had the information he wanted, he withdrew back to his body. He came to, to two different realizations. The first was that Preala as back on his lap. The second was that the madame was standing in the door, looking quite displeased.

"What the hell do you two think you're doing. Preala. I haven't hidden you away just so that you can jump any male that comes your way." She turned her ire on Jon-Tom. "And you! What the hell are you doing in this section.?" He pushed the fox off of his lap and approached the madame. "For your information, I was put in this section by your rat. I would rather be on my way, but as you pointed out, I can't leave. And as I explained to this young lady here, I am more interested in helping you out so that I can be on my way, but I am beginning to think everyone in this house is nuts, including me. So if you don't mind, back off! I have magic that might help, but its never going to happen at this rate. So if you have a problem with me, or with my being here, say the word! I can probably spell myself out and be gone. The choice is yours."

His tone was sharp to begin with, but by the time he was finished, he was shouting. Despite having the badger temperament, the madame soon recognized that she had pissed off someone she should not have. It was bad enough that they were stuck here, but she now knew that they were stuck here with another wizard. Unless he was bluffing. "I don't believe you. As far as I know you are just an accomplished liar." Preala popped in between them. "Vetish, come with me. Quickly!" She grabbed the madame's arm and dragged her down the hall, pushing open the door to his room. The light cascaded out into the hall, and the badger let out a gasp. Jon-Tom followed. The fox was chattering away like a parrot. "Look, look at all he did. He did in a less than a minute. Please don't be mad at him. You know how I am. He can help us, oh I know he can. He has a plan. I was helping him, and you must trust him. He said he wasn't here to kill me and he's not..."

The spell-singer's ears were beginning to hurt from all her babbling. The madame shushed her. "That's enough Preala. You and he didn't..." Preala looked confused for a second, and then brightened. "Oh no Vetish, His cock is so big he probably wouldn't fit in even you, even after all of those years of servicing the..." The madame was appalled and clamped her paw over her mouth. She was aghast both by the blathering nature of the fox, as well as the overdose of information she was spewing forth. Not that she cared about what others thought of her, but if this human was that well endowed, the girls were going to be hard to control if they found out.

"Sir, you will have to excuse Preala. She has not been the same after, well..." The madame stopped, unsure of what to say, or how much this stranger already knew. He pursed his lips. "You might as well tell me everything. I will be best able to help if I know what is going on. For the time being I know that she is Preala, daughter of your king. I am unsure why she is in a whorehouse, but since she is hidden away from the rest of the girls I assume that she is not some high priced exotic call girl. That someone wants something you have and is willing to make you suffer, even unto death, to get it, makes me guess that you are protecting her.  But I do not understand why you would bother, or why she acts the way she does, or...well, I am just plain confused!"

The badger sat down in one of the chairs in his room. She couldn't help but notice its unusual style. "What is you name wizard?" He bristled at the title. "Call my Jon-Tom. I'm a spell-singer, not a wizard." The badger wasn't impressed by the distinction. "They are one in the same. I run this place, but I'm still a whore in the long run. I have no delusions about it. But as you say, you know little of what is going on. If I tell you the truth, will you help?" "I already know how to help. But yes, knowing the full facts would be very beneficial."

"I will tell it as briefly as I can. Preala, as a princess, must meet certain standards. But somewhere down the line a spell was placed," Jon-Tom groaned, "causing her to behave, well, less than appropriately for her station. She began acting strangely, and was hanging on every male, from the dukes to the kitchen boy. You see, she is to lose her virginity to her husband only. Therefore, whoever she loses it to automatically becomes her husband and therefore the next king. Hence my concern that you had managed to do something in the short span you two had been left alone. You see, sometimes she is aware of what is going on, and at other times, not so much. The king had her sent here as the most unlikely place for her to be found. It has worked for six months. But now you came and right at the time Morrift had this house spelled. You see, he wishes to have her for himself, so that he can be king. If he cannot have her, then he would just as soon see her dead, and all of us with her." She planted her paws on her hips. "So can you really help? The wizard he has employed is said to be quite powerful."

Jon-Tom got up and grabbed his duar. "I noticed a courtyard in the center of the building. Let's go there." The madame got up and led the way. As they walked down the corridors, the girls were quick to take notice of the male. Vetish shut them up. "Not now girls. Maybe later." He ignored the focus of that remark. They stepped into the court, lit from above by a large skylight. It was roomy, but cluttered with reclining couches and the sort used in such places. "Vetish, please clear out this stuff as best you can. I think I'm going to need the space."  By this time the hallway outside the area was filled with curious girls. The madame shouted at them. "Get in here and do something useful. Pull this stuff to the sides." The girls weren't happy to be doing physical labor, leastwise, not this type, but they complied. In a matter of moments the center was clear.

"Alright everyone, please stay back. If this works, I don't want anyone getting crushed." He leaned against a stone pillar and played. It wasn't a good song, but it was intended to do magic, not entertain. All at once the courtyard was filled with fog. The girls backed away in terror, except for the badger and the fox. The fog remained contained there, reaching nearly to the skylight. All at once there was a minor thunderclap, blowing the fog throughout the building. But in the center was an enormous stack of assorted boxes, baskets, crates, barrels, and burlap bags. Vetish looked at it in wonder. "This is all food? Where did it come from?" One of the girls squealed in delight and ran to the pile. Before anyone could move in, she backed away in terror. "What is it?" cried the madame. The frighten girl cried in horror, "This is from Morrift's personal stores, Vetish. What will he do when he finds out it's here. He'll kill us for sure!"

The badger whipped around to confront the spell-singer. "This! This is what you thought would be helpful? To antagonize the man who already could care less if I'm dead or not?" Jon-Tom smiled. "Why? Are you going to tell him it's here?" She relaxed, the full realization sinking in. "This would be the last place he would look! Once he finds out it's gone, he will look everywhere but here. He will be furious!" She started laughing uncontrollably. The mood was contagious. As the girls learned what was going on, they too took to laughing. He soon had thankful females pawing all over him.  "Girls, I'm happy to help. But I'm not even half done yet. If you would, let's get this stuff to your own pantry" The entire assembly started grabbing boxes and bags. The larger crates needed more than one per unit, until the little rat came out with a pushcart. Then the area cleared in no time.

He pulled the duar around again. He warmed up with an old Pink Floyd tune he had played once before to good effect. He knew that the songs only work once, but he had a plan. The girls were taken in by his playing, dividing their attention between him and the courtyard. He switched up to a Dire Straits song, and in no time flat got what he wanted. The boxes neatly stacked were smaller than the food crates, but they were more solidly constructed. One of the girls ran forward and tried to open one. Failing to do that she went to lift it. It wouldn't budge. "Man, what is the purpose of these boxes?" she asked, "if we cannot open them or lift them?" He walked up, setting down his duar. He grabbed  a handle on each side and heaved. It barely came off the box below. He dropped it with a thunk and a chink. It was Money For Nothing!

Madame Vetish was no fool. She took one look and nearly fainted. "Are you sure that you're not trying to get us killed? Taking his food was one thing, but stealing his money?" Preala walked forward and examined the sturdy boxes. "Yes, these very likely contain gold. The image burned into the side here is indeed his mark." She turned back to the spell-singer. "How did you know where to find all of this...wait, I told you, didn't I?" The badger narrowed her gaze at the fox. "You told him to do this?" "No, no, no! He asked me where his house was. I told him. I have no idea how he accomplished this!" Jon-Tom was laughing, but only to himself. "Vetish, he will no more figure out where his money went than he will where his food went. But I have one more thing to do. I think that he is treating you all pretty much like shit. I have decided to return the favor." She eyed him with amused horror in her eyes.

"You wouldn't!" A crafty smile spread across his face. "Sure I would. Do you have a better idea for dealing with it?" Her mouth twisted into a snarl, which rapidly turned into the biggest grin he had seen on her face yet. "You know what, young man, I believe you are right. Go ahead!" He swung the duar around and played again. When he was done, there was nothing new in the courtyard. The girls seemed disappointed. Preala had to know. "What did you just do Jon-Tom?" The madame grabbed the rat. "Edrick, go down to the basement and report back to me immediately. "But me ladyship! There's no nosegay strong enough to save me sniffer!" She backhanded him. "Go quickly and come back even faster." He ran off, his cheek smarting. "Did you really need to treat him that way?" "No, not really. The little pervert likes being hit. He gets off on it. I figured I would make the trip worth his while.

Edrick was back in a few minutes, a look of amazement on his face. "Ma'am, I am here to report that the entire cesspool is empty. I means the sides is even clean. And the air is, well, it ain't ever smelt that good down there ever. This 'ere human is a saint, 'e is. I'm so thankful I might even lets him bugger me arse for a week, without lubrication!" Jon-Tom did his best to drive that picture from his mind. Vetish was down on one knee in front of him. "My house and its contents are at your disposal. You may do as you please without regard to any of us. But if you can do all of this, why didn't you just remove the spell?"

"Simple. If I remove the spell and then leave, who is to say the spell won't be put right back on again. What you need is a solution. I have initiated that solution. I intend to drive this little creep right out of his head!" One of the girls stuck her head in between them. "What did you do man?" He chortled, and the madame laughed with him. She answered the question first. "This wonderful human has done us the favor of emptying the contents of the basement into Morrift's house." Jon-Tom added, "More specifically, into his bedroom!" The girls broke into laughter and cheers in a celebration unlike had ever echoed through the building's long halls. But Vetish sobered up quickly. "I like money as much as any other, but I have no intention of laying claim to this. It is yours, human, not mine. The food I take only because without we will starve, but I accept it as a gift from you, nothing more. If Morrift brings down vengeance upon us, I want it to be known it was all your doing." Jon-Tom's mood turned grim. There's thanks for you, he thought.

But he knew she was right. On the other hand, the fennec would have no idea who could have done this to him. In the meantime, life inside the whorehouse would be a little more tolerable. The next time the privy room needed cleaning, he would know where to put it. As for the money, it was too heavy for the girls to move, and as the rat was the only male, he wasn't big enough to help. Therefore, the best solution was to leave it put. Jon-Tom asked for a pry bar. Edrick ran and returned with one. It took several minutes of prying to get open one of the boxes. Inside were layers of gold coins stacked between lead sheets; "to keep them from rubbing and to make the boxes too 'eavy to move" according to the rat. Jon-Tom grabbed a few coins and tossed them down. Edrick was too stunned to grab them out of the air. "What's this for sir!" "That is payment for never, ever suggesting again that I plug your "arse"! Do I make myself clear?" The rat got a goofy grin on his face "Yes sir, you do indeed!"

The spell-singer returned to his room and closed the door. Vetish may have been right. He may have bitten off more than he could chew, but his jaw wasn't tired just yet. But the rest of him was. Despite it only being around noon, he was exhausted.  Apparently his magic had taken more out of him than he realized. He kicked off his clothes and climbed under the covers.  He was asleep and dreaming before he could count to ten. In his dream he was making love to a gorgeous lady, though he couldn't place a face or a species. That later bit would never have been a problem during his early years here. His wet dreams would have involved only humans. And this dream was becoming quite wet. All at once he could feel his body reacting. He forced himself awake.

His first reaction was to save the sheets from getting stained. But he couldn't readily move. There was a large gray blanket he seemed to be tangled in. A furry gray blanket with its mouth over his cock and its paws under his ass. "Vetish, what the hell are you doing?" She didn't respond right away; her mouth was full. She finished by sucking hard and pulling at the same time. She swallowed before answering. "I am repaying you for your help. I have chosen the madame's prerogative of laying with a client. Only you aren't a client exactly, so I guess I am simply enjoying myself." He went to protest, but she sucked on his cock again, ending his complaint. "Listen human, you need to understand something about my business. Each and every girl here, is here because she likes sex. They are here because they want to be here and they can make good money at what they do. At one time this place was filled to capacity, and the customer's flowed in and out like the ocean's tides. Even now, this is the cleanest establishment you will find anywhere, barring the recent problems. When a girl earns enough, she can opt to leave. The door is always open. But for them, not having sex is almost as bad as starving. You have given us food. Now, I'm afraid, you must satisfy our other needs too."

She was working her paws up and down his cock, keeping him distracted enough to forestall any complaints he might have. "Preala was right, you are overly equipped. Most of my girls would suffer greatly with this shoved into them, but not me. She squirmed into position on top of him and rubbed herself up and down its length. But try as she might, he wouldn't fit in. She gave up with a sigh. "I guess I got my hopes up. I hope I didn't get yours up to much. It looks like the girls are going to have to self-pleasure for the duration."

Jon-Tom was in a quandary. It lasted about three seconds. He sat up and in one motion flipped the honey badger on her back, with him on top. "My dear, I can make it fit!" He positioned himself and pushed hard. She was prepared to scream, but instead felt a smooth, comfortable insertion, not nearly as large as it should have been. She wanted to ask how he had done it, but it felt so good she decided to act now, and question later. He was working away like a pro, driving in deep and hard. As the minutes passed, she swore that his cock was fitting tighter and tighter. Before she could devote much thought to it, she came in and orgasm that rocked her like none previously. He muscles were clamping down so hard she was afraid her body was going to rip apart. Then she passed out. It had to have been for only a few minutes, for when she came to, he was still working away. But another impending orgasm made her question her assessment. She could feel him letting go and relaxed, timing hers with his. His pounding threatened to open her womb by force. All at once he was done, and he collapsed, panting heavily.

She could feel his lungs working away in his chest, gasping for air. How long had she been out, she wondered? As his breathing settled into a slower, more normal rhythm, she figured he would fall asleep again. But he pushed himself up on his hands and looked down at her. "You know, for an old lady, you do good work!" She bristled at  his insult, right up to the point when he started laughing. She was mad enough at his trolling that she would have kneed him in the groin, but she was still pinned under him. "Whoa now! You started this, not me. I don't think you know the can of worms you've opened doing what you did. You see, I have no intention of letting you leave until I'm good and satisfied." Vetish was never one to back down from a challenge. She should have let this one go.

Three hours later she was hurting. Not once during that time had he gone limp. She had little experience with wizards, but figured now that they used their magic on themselves from time to time. But she still swore that his cock should never have fit inside her hole, even now with it loose from age and abuse. Soft. She was definitely soft. Time had creeped in at some point and settled into her bones. But still, she could not think of a single occasion where she had endured what he was giving her now. She felt  him come again, his seed pouring out around his manhood and onto the sheets; again. The strange thing was, he was no longer breathing heavily. He was breathing as normally as if he had just walked around the block.

"So honey, do you give up? Or shall I keep at it for the rest of the evening?" She sensed that he was quite serious. "I give up. One more round and there will be nothing left of my insides except ground meat. As it is, I don't think I'll ever walk straight again, if I can ever walk again...period." He pulled out of her, causing another gush of fluids. It was covered in a thin red film, evidence of the abuse he had been giving her. "Well look at that. I guess you weren't as experienced as you said you were! There's blood!" She groaned and tried to get up. Nothing worked. She collapsed back on the bed. "I don't know how you managed that young man, but I'm assuming it has something to do with magic." He lay down next to her and laid his forehead against hers, staring into her eyes. "Yes, but not mine. You might say I'm stuck with it. I got it off on a traveling spirit I inadvertently called up. Not only can I go for long stretches without tiring, I can adjust my size to fit any female body. That's why I fit when I tried, when you couldn't get it to work.

She absorbed this as best she was able. "So you cheated then?" "There can be no cheating where there are no rules. For example, what is to keep me from starting another love session right now?" She panicked. "Oh please no! I can't take it anymore. I need to recuperate for at least a week.!"

He was laughing at her. "No you don't! Get up and bend over the chair." She shuddered at the thought of moving, much less engaging in more sex. Once on her feet she was amazed that she had no difficulty in moving. Bemused, she bent over the chair. He stopped her. "Vetish, I was only making a point. I have several abilities that weren't originally mine. The other is recuperation and healing. By pressing my head to yours, I allowed my power to heal your body. Since you weren't all that injured, it healed you quickly and apparently unnoticed. If you don't mind, I think we both should call it quits for the day." She readily agreed, and bid him goodnight, closing the door behind her and then running back to her own quarters.

She was followed by a gaggle of curious girls. Each wanted to  know when they would have a chance with the wizard. Vetish felt that settling the matter sooner rather than later would be best. She pulled down a set of numbered tags that corresponded to each girl's room. She threw them in a basket and had Edrick pull them out one at a time, writing the numbers on the slate. "This is the order in which you can have him, but only when I'm done with him. He has some abilities that I would like to further explore, if you catch my meaning. Now all of you, go to bed!" There was jubilation amongst those chosen first, and sighs of disappointment amongst those picked to go last.

Jon-Tom was tired and desperately wanted to go to bed, but he was sweaty and rather pungent. He hadn't had a bath in days, and his recent activity had only magnified his awareness of the problem.  Bathing facilities had not been mentioned, though he was sure there were some here. He really did want to go to bed clean, so he set his map out on a search. He finally found a common shower area, likely used by the ladies, but he could find none just for males, which made sense. The males normally came and went. Oh well, he thought, they can just deal with it. He had no towel, so he grabbed a sheet from his bed and made his way to the room  He was unaware if the showers ran with hot water or not, so found a wash basin and proceeded to scrub himself the best he could. The water was cold, but he found it refreshing. He found a bar of scented soap, and lathering up, washed himself from top to bottom.

When he was done, he dried himself the best he could. Whilst drying his hair, he thought he heard something from the doorway. Without making a show of it, he turned just enough to perceive three or four of the girls peeking out from the edge of the door. He was really too tired to do anything for them, assuming they were interested. He figured a direct approach was the best. "Ladies, I am cleaning up and going to bed. I really don't think that I am up to anything else right now. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there it is." One of the girls bravely walked in on him. She was the weird looking creature. "I am Laila. I am first to have you after Madame Vetish is done with you. As we see it, for the moment she is done, for she has returned to her own room. With me are Coushel, Korenti, and Reafio. They have been chosen second, third and fourth. We wish to lay with you tonight, before the madame wakes."

The other three entered as their names were called. Coushel was a lemur. Korenti was not something he was familiar with, nor was Reafio. Jon-Tom thought of entertaining four females in bed at once, and suddenly felt even more tired. He really had to watch how much energy he was expending on his magic! He didn't want to push them away, but he was nowhere close to being up to sex with four, much less one. "Laila, I consider your offer exceptional. But I must protest that I am no longer up to par in my ability to perform. I believe that I have over-extended myself in performing magic today, plus the few hours I spent wearing out your boss. I really, really need to rest." They  looked heart-broken. "Look ladies, I'll make you a deal. You can all lay with me. Period. I need to sleep and you can sleep with me if you like. But there will be no sex tonight!"

The group brightened at his suggestion. "Then we can see your room. We hear you have turned it into something wondrous!" "Yes, fine. Up you go," he said waving them along. They pattered out into the hall and nearly ran for his room. There were in it and exploring each object by the time he limped back. They quickly lost interest in his room and turned it onto him. His sheet was wrapped around his torso, but he dropped it and headed for the bed. They each did a double take. "Is that thing real?" Jon-Tom had decided the best way to avoid having sex with them was to have a cock too big for them to take. "Yes, it's real. I can adjust it to any size I want. And tonight, it's staying just like this. If you wish to stay, then stay. But like I said, I'm going to bed." He arranged the covers as best he could, pulling the comforter up to his neck.

The girls were balked, but had no intention of being defeated. They each slid in under the covers. Laila huddled in close to him. "After all, we did say lay with you. We will take what we can get!" Her body was warm, more than making up for the missing sheet. In no time he was surrounded by warm furry bodies. It was actually quite comfortable. As he settled in, he could feel paws gently exploring his body. As he relaxed, he couldn't help but wonder what species each girl was. "Laila?" She answered, hope in her voice. "Yes great wizard?" "First off, call me Jon-Tom. Secondly, help alleviate my ignorance. What kind of person are you?" "What kind of person? Oh, I see what you're asking. I'm known as a pangolin. As far as I know, I'm the only one within hundreds of miles of the city, just like many of the other girls who reside here. That's what make this place so unique, and therefore attracts so many visitors."

He had no idea what a pangolin was. He directed his next question to Korenti. "And what are you?" She batted her eyelashes at him coquettishly. "Why I thought you would never ask. I'm a civet!" A civet he had seen before, in a zoo of course, and she didn't look anything like that one. He was prepared to protest her remark, but decided it wasn't worth the effort. The next one, Reafio, was a bit strange too, though she was certainly cuddly looking. "Reafio, I am embarrassed to show my complete ignorance, but what are you?" She shimmied up his belly until her face was in his. "Oh great wizard, I am a panda!" Now he new he was tired and bleary eyed, but she was no panda. If she was, she would have been larger and black and white. "Look, I don't want to be unkind, but I can pick a panda out of a line-up. Beside, you're the wrong color." She wiggled over his skin like a feather duster. "My dear magician, I am a RED panda, a cousin to the one you know. And I'll let you in on a secret." He yawned and leaned down to her mouth. "What's that?" She giggled. "A red panda can take twice the sex, three times as long as our bigger cousins. If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you!" He rubbed her head. "I'll take your word on it for tonight," he yawned, eliciting from her a kind of purring.

The last was the lemur, whom he recognized by her ring tail. Coushel looked indignant that he had not asked about her. He stretched, cracked his back and settled into the bed. "Coushel, you are a ring-tailed lemur. You alone are familiar to me, though I can honestly say I have never seen one in this world as of yet, nor one so lovely." She gave him a stare through half-lidded eyes. "What do you mean, in this world?" He was desperate for sleep. "I'll tell you what. Let me get some sleep, and I will do my best to make sure all four of you get a turn tomorrow. But if I don't get some rest, no one will be getting anything, and if Vetish is denied..." He let the thought trail off. The girls shut up and snuggled in close. In a moment he was out.

He woke up to several things. First was the fact that he was warm. He was so warm he was sweating. The second was that the four females were still in bed with him, generating a lot of body heat. He opened his eyes only to see the madame, the look on her face a mixture of anger, admiration and incredulity. "So human, I thought you were tired. Apparently pounding me into a mash wasn't enough, you had to take on four of my girls as well?" At the sound of their boss's voice the girls stirred.  When it sunk in what was about to happen, Korenti jumped from the bed and dropped in front of the badger. "Oh please don't punish us! We just wanted to be with him. It's been so long. And even then he wouldn't screw any of us. We told him what you said about not until you were done. Oh please, oh please!"

"Vetish eyed each of the girls. "Did any of you have sex with him?" They all nodded in the negative. So she asked him. "Ok Jon-Tom, not that there is anything I can do about the breaking of my rules in regards to a client, but I will ask you anyway; did you screw any of the girls?" He was confused as to why there would be such a fuss if he had, but the truth was plain enough. He flipped back the covers, exposing two of the girls and his midsection. Vetish looked, dropped her jaw, and shook her head. "Great Gods! I believe you. But I swear that's bigger than when I first saw it!" Jon-Tom stretched his cramped muscles and climbed out of bed. His limp cock hung to his knees. "It is. It was the best method to keep the girls in line last night. I was tired; in fact I'm still tired. I barely have the energy to hit the toilet."

Vetish looked him  over. "I say human, you do look rather pale, even for a hairless ape such as yourself. When was the last time you ate?" He remembered the bit of jerky and mentioned it. "You stupid idiot! You can't do major magic and strenuous, errr, exercise and not feed your body. I can't imagine the calories you've burned in the past day. Even restorative magic has to be fueled by something!" She hollered at the girls. "Get the hell out and run to the kitchen. Tell whoever is cooking today that we need a spread enough to feed three!" The girls  fled the room, while the badger escorted him back to bed. She was genuinely concerned. "Look wizard," "Jon-Tom!" "Alright, Jon-Tom, I am unfamiliar with the workings of magic, but regardless, it all stems from your body. If you have been relying on your power to restore you, without the benefit of food, then in the end all you will do is die healthy."

What she said made sense, and the more she talked about food, the more his stomach started to complain. She looked around the room while she waited, taking in its accessories, and noticed a flask and glasses. She sniffed the contents, and satisfied it was only water, poured him a glass and made him drink it. He drank it and fell back against the pillows. "See human, you're a wreck.  I make my girls keep in tiptop shape. And now look at you. I am truly sorry for putting you up to a challenge yesterday. I should never have done it!" He eased even deeper into the pillows, and then patted the bed. She came closer. "Up here, " he ordered, though in a mild tone. She jumped up next to him. "What is it?"

He snaked out his arm and grabbed her, pulling her in close. "It seems to me you are putting me up to a challenge again. Must I prove my stamina for another few hours?" She lightly slapped him on the chest. "No! Not until you've recovered. And then only if I deem you fit." He got a big grin on his face. "I place no confidence in your determinations. After all, you said I wouldn't fit, and yet I did!" He was saved from a more severe beating by the arrival of food. The panda hustled in with a tray of fruits sliced and peeled. Vetish jumped down and grabbed it up, nearly tossing it in front of him. "Eat!" Once he got started he couldn't stop. By the time the trays quit arriving, he was sated. He belched loudly and fell soundly asleep. The madame  ushered all the girls out and closed the door. "No one is to disturb him until he leaves on his own!" They all dispersed to their own chambers. But a ghostly figure in white loomed in the dark.

Jon-Tom woke several hours later feeling a hundred percent better. Shifting his weight he let loose a tremendous belch. A giggle erupted from somewhere in the bed. He struggled to remember who had remained in the room after his breakfast. There had been four of them, plus the badger, but it sounded like none of them.  He saw a lump under the covers, to one side. He lifted his leg and swung it around, catching whoever it was between his legs.  She squeaked, but it was hardly with indignation. Instead, she got square between his legs and tackled his manhood. It was still oversized, since he had not consciously returned it to normal. Whoever this was, she wasn't concerned in the least.

He pulled back the covers in one sweep, revealing a familiar furry white shape. "Preala, get the hell out of my bed!" She had a wild look in her eyes. She opened her mouth and tried to take it in. He foiled her by enlarging it even more. "Look you, I don't want any trouble!" She started shaking and broke down crying. "I'm so sorry sir, but when the fit comes over me, there is nothing I can do. One day it will consume me entirely I fear." He suddenly felt pity for her, but was reluctant to engage in any kind of emotional consolation for concern that it would lead to something untoward. She had just slid off the bed when Vetish walked in. Her eyes grew large at the sight, but a glance at the wizard eased her dismay. "Preala was just going. We had a little, um, talk and we'll continue it later" The princess took the out and fled through the door.

"Did she try to seduce you again?" Jon-Tom sat up, working the kinks out of his muscles. "I suppose you could call it that, though she isn't experienced enough to be effective at it. All I did was what I did before. Size does matter!" "Indeed it does! But that will have to wait until I am satisfied..." He chuckled, interrupting her. "Until you're satisfied? How long will that take?" She was so glad he was recovered that she let his jibes fall on her ears like summer rain. "Wizard, you are to rest the remainder of this day. No one is more anxious for a little action than I am, but I will not risk your health for my own pleasure." He would have argued had he felt better. The truth was he was still feeling funky. Grabbing his clothes, he pulled them on. He gathered his duar and sat down to play. Music always did as much to improve his well-being as did a good meal. Vetish watched him warily.

"What are you going to do now? You're barely recovered!" He let out of sound of disgust. "I can play this thing without making magic. It was my intention to amuse myself for a bit, unless you have objections to music?" She considered his accusation. No, she loved music. But if he was going to play, why not do it for them all? "Jon-Tom, could I persuade you to play for the whole house? We haven't had entertainment for a few weeks, the usual musicians having been warned off." An audience wasn't what he wanted. On the other hand, it would be the penultimate "captive" audience. There was no where for them to go! "Sure, why not? I'll play in the courtyard."

This would be the first time he had played to a crowd of women. While he was certain they would be tolerant of just about anything melodic, he cudgeled his brain for good choices. He decided to be sexist and assembled a list of songs by female artists. While he sat and thought, the girls had reset the furniture in a semicircle. He sat in the center on the pile of money crates. He strummed the strings, getting tuned and attuned. He began with a string of Carol King songs, and moved to hits from Heart, Cher, and Linda Ronstadt. Every time he looked up, the girls were totally engrossed in his playing.  He even caught a glimpse of Preala in the back, a smile on her foxy face. He was glad they were enjoying the music, hopefully as much as he was getting from playing it. He ran a few more artists through his head, glad that his magic was staying out of the way for once.

Pulling a few more songs out, he set the music to his strings and the lyrics to his voice. While his male voice was ill-suited for the higher ranges natural to the fairer sex, he did an acceptable job. He certainly was no Cyndi Lauper, but girls just wanted to have fun no matter where they were. Then it was time to pull out a few from Madonna. Things were going great until the gneechees appeared. By then, it was too late to stop the magic from happening. The room flashed, leaving everyone temporarily blinded. When their vision cleared they stared at one another. The light show had been amazing. The girls gave him a standing ovation. He was searching the crowd for whatever he had materialized. There seemed to be nothing. But his magic had produced unobservable results more than once. As the minutes ticked by, whatever had been conjured was not showing itself. He would have liked to relax, but until the product of his playing manifested itself, he would not be at ease. He was tempted to say something, but it was pointless for now.

As it was, he had his hands full, and his lap full, of lovely and willing females. But they weren't overly insistent on gaining his favor. They had been told to wait, and wait they must. He retired to his room. He set the duar across a chair and sat down in another. It was only then that his eyes were drawn to the pictures that had magically appeared on the walls when he had conjured the change in decor. His eyes about bugged out. He sprinted to the wall. There were several lovely prints. Each was a wonderful rendition of one of his loves. The tigress was well executed in an Eastern style, while the golden eagle could have come from an Art Deco portfolio. Lorissa was as much a Remington as anything else. He was pretty damn impressed!

He climbed back onto the bed, thankful that Vetish had though to have someone sneak in and change the covers while he was playing. He crashed for a few more hours. He awoke to the smell of food. He badger was there with a tray of steaming hot meats, vegetables and bread. She smiled when he opened his eyes. "I have brought you more sustenance, thanks to you and your magic. And if you don't object, I have had the kitchen bring up mine as well. I thought that you might like some company. If not, I can leave." "No, please stay. Don't take this the wrong way, but a little company without the necessity of engaging in...well you know...would be nice." She smiled back at him and pulled up a chair. Edrick carried in a small table and set it up. Jon-Tom was set up with his on his bed. The rat bowed and left.

They ate in silence, save the munching sounds that emanated from their activity. When they were both done, Edrick returned and carried away the plates and trays. The door closed quietly behind him. The two were alone. The badger smiled at the spell-singer, who matched her smile and patted the bed. She was up and on top of him without further ado. "Are you ready to go, my magnificent male?" For an answer he enlarged his cock until it felt like she was straddling a fence post. She grinned even bigger. "I don't think so lover-boy. I'm still surprised I came away intact the last time. If you want to have some fun, reign that thing in!" She could feel in shrink in size and length until it felt just about right. She slid over the top. After yesterday, she should be wide open to accept what he had to give.

She wasn't. She even glanced down to make sure he wasn't messing with her. His cock was hard but more than the right size. But it wasn't going in. "Darling human, I think you must have did more damage to me than you believed. You're not getting much past my opening." He looked down  towards his cock, changing its shape so that the head was more pointed. He had no idea why it wasn't going in. She was correct; after yesterday's pounding he should have been able to fit in his normal size by now. She tried again, gaining more depth. She pushed a little harder, and to help, he thrust forward at the same time. He rammed in past a stricture, feeling a pop. At the same time she tensed up and let out a whimper. He didn't move, and neither did she. All he could think of as to what had happened was not possible. At least it was improbable, especially since he had no explanation for it.

"Wizard, just what did you do to me yesterday? You wore me out, stretched me looser than an old sock and today I feel refreshed and tight as a virgin, with just as much discomfort as my first time." The look on his face was amused horror; Virgin! She could see that something was percolating inside his head. "Well, what is it? What did you do?" His refusal to answer annoyed her, but he wasn't about to reply until he ran it through his head. He said nothing, but gently started moving, getting a feel for her insides.  There was a definite narrowing that could only be one thing. "Vetish, congratulations. You just lost your virginity for the second time."

She had started moving in time to his thrusts. She stopped, thinking he was making a joke. "It may have felt like it young man but I lost mine a long time ago. It's not something you get back in the blink of an eye." There was more experience behind him in that respect than there was for her, regardless of her age. "A blink of an eye? No, I don't think so. But how about the blink of a song?" She leveled a look at him that said she was in no mood for nonsense. "A song? Are you telling me did this to me? Why would you do such a thing?" He pulled her close and gave her a squeeze and whispered in her ear. "Not on purpose. Do you remember when I played yesterday and the light flashed?" She nodded. "Well, the last song I played was from a female artist called Madonna. The song is called, "Like a Virgin." I guessing that my magic latched onto it and made it so."

She wiggled a little underneath him. "Well, one thing's for certain, you're a tight fit without overdoing your size. But the sheets are going to need changing for certain after we're done!" She had just gotten back into the groove of their love-making when she stopped abruptly and pushed him up off of her. "Did your song just affect me or the whole house?" A thoughtful look came over his face. "I don't know, but I will soon be finding out!" His return to moving eventually overrode her contemplations until she no longer cared. The matter didn't raise a concern for her until several hours later, after they had gotten a little bit of sleep. But it had to wait. "Jon-Tom, I think we had better call it a night, or morning. For one, I have things to do here, and besides, the two of us are a complete mess. It's off to the showers for us and if you have the energy, I'll send the first of the girls. Just let me know if the same fate has befallen her as did me."

They got cleaned up, without an audience, and he returned to his room when they were done. Again, the bed was stripped and a clean set of sheets were in place; as well a tray of dried fruit and bread awaited him. He ate every last bit, wishing for more. He heard light footsteps nearing the door, and was half expecting more food. Instead it was the pangolin. She had politely knocked, but hadn't bothered waiting on an answer. "Good morrow Jon-Tom. I have been informed that I now get my chance with you, on the condition that you feel up to it. So man, should I stay, or shall I leave?" He set down his tray on a side table and motioned her up. She was quite lithe, and was snuggled beside him in no time. "So man, how do you like it?"

It took a second for her question to sink in. He thought perhaps she was talking about his food. What she meant was, what kind of sex were they going to have? "Laila, I'll make a deal with you. We can do whatever you want, in so long as you give me time to digest my food." "Deal!" she cried, spooning in along his side. He extended a hand and ran it down her back, feeling the scales They were softer than they looked. "Laila, while we wait, would you do me the honor of telling me about yourself? I have never met a pangolin before."

"I would be surprised to learn that you had. We are not rare, leastwise where I come from, but in these parts few have seen my kind. We live in the tropics mostly. We are similar to anteaters and aardvarks in that we evolved as insect eaters. Ants are still my favorite food, but not something one gets for lunch very often here. You learn to make sacrifices in order to get what you really desire." He was more at a loss over her tale than enlightened by it. "You see Laila, I don't wish to be indelicate, but I come from an entirely different world. Here I have met creatures that don't exist there, such as unicorns. I am left to wonder if your kind live on my world. For such a unique species, it seems I would have heard news of your existence." He went quiet, then added. "And what are you earning money for?" She pressed her body closer to his, a neat trick. She was literally plastered against his side. Her skin was soft, pliable warm and inviting. "Where I'm from, the only way a lady gets ahead is by marrying a rich male. There are only so many rich males around. It is therefore customary for a rich male to have several wives. Even so, that leaves a lot of regular males who might be just as desirable but not marriageable. I have decided that I will make my own money, and do my own thing. If I make enough, perhaps the males will come to me!"

Jon-Tom considered that. "You know, that's not a bad plan. Independence is a good thing. I just feel bad that you have to do it this way." She had scooted down along his side as they were talking. All at once he felt something warm and wet on his cock. It was gone as quickly as it had come. "You see  silly man, I do this because I like it. I'm horny as hell nearly all the time. If I was back home, I would have so many cubs that I wouldn't know where they started or ended. Here, there are none like me, so no cubs. And I get paid for doing something I happen to enjoy. Its a win-win situation!"

He had been listening, but the warm and wet sensation was foremost on his brain. "I get it. But was that your tongue just now?" She let out a giggle. "You really don't know a thing about me, do you. Pulling back the covers, he was witness the the longest tongue he had ever seen. Without moving, she extended it out and wrapped it around his cock. It made several explorations, snaking its way around and giving him a squeeze before it retracted. It was a wonder speech was possible with that inside her mouth! "You see human, I have many talents others pay well for. Now I get to repay you, for coming to our rescue. So if you don't mind, I am done talking. You may continue if you wish, but I believe that you will need your breath for better things!"

She was smoothly creeping across his belly. He was unsure if his present cock size was going to work for her or not, especially since she had as of yet made no comment. She worked her tongue around it again, wrapping it with several loops, the tip running across the end. He let out a moan. She slid across and loosen her tongue, slipping her long mouth over it instead. She worked  it until the entire length was in. She darted her head up and down, each  time increasing her speed. It didn't long for him to explode down her throat. He was ready to apologize, but she let loose and proceeded to lap up every bit. "Mmmm. It seems to me this stuff is wasted on where you can't taste it."

Before he could get his thoughts in order, she had slid in place. He was still wearing the modification that he had done for Vetish, and it seemed to draw no complaint from Laila. But while it had fit in her  mouth and partway down her throat, it wasn't going in like she had planned. He figured he knew the reason. The longer she tried the more frustrated she became. He tapped her on the head. "What is it man?" "I think I know the problem, and I should explain it before we go any farther. This happened once already, and it looks like it has effected everyone here. Do you remember my singing yesterday? Well, the last song performed unintentional magic. It followed along with the lyrics." She cudgeled here brain, for all of the songs , while nice, had been foreign to her." "Are you telling me that you made every girl here a virgin? That's fantastic! Well, if that's the only problem, lets break down the wall!

Her reaction wasn't what he expected, but not one to  hold up progress, he reduced his size until his tip fit in. From there she took over, pushing against him and popping her cherry in one quick motion. If there was pain, she didn't show it. "OK man, you're in. Now get that size back up to where a girl can enjoy herself!" He did as he was told, slowly increasing size and length until she called a halt. "Human, you are the best possible lover a girl could have. Not  too small and not too big , unless of course you are feeling sadistic. Which I hope you're not." He wasn't. He was rather curious what she would feel like, with her soft exposed skin and tougher scales, not to mention her glistening insides.

She was rather forward, not demanding, but not one to lie back and take what was given her. She was lithe, limber, sinuous and highly sensual. He could see where her services would be desirable, despite the scales. It was certainly the most odd thing about her; a mammal with scales. He half imagined that this would be what making love to a reptile would be like. Even her long tail had scales. But unlike a reptile, she exuded warmth in all the right places.

In size, she was the smallest animal he had made love to, something only possible thanks to the residual magic he had inherited from the unicorn spirit. She has of a slighter build than otters, the previous small mammal body he had invaded with his cock.  And then, it had been Roseroar, and she had taken his regular size. Laila could never have handled it. But she was doing fine with his present offering. In fact, his mind was drawn to the fact that she was gasping and contracting around him. She started to emit little squeaks, ending in a drawn-out moan. She fell against his chest, an obvious smile on her scaly face.  Her paws worked his chest, massaging it. Every once in a while she tugged on a hair.

"You know man, I wish all of my customer's where like you. It's not often I get to do what makes me feel good." She started to slide off but he grabbed her haunches and pushed her back in place.

"Where do you think you're going? Do you think that you can just pleasure yourself and leave?"  "No Jon-Tom, but I thought I might change positions." "Not yet you aren't. You came; now its my turn." He lifted his butt in the air. "Tuck your tail under my ass." She did as she was told. She immediately felt herself go tight over his manhood. Before he could start whatever it was he had planned, she pushed down and pulled forward in several rapid movements. With her tail locked under his body, she had even more control over penetration and depth. It was a wonderful idea he had proposed. Until he stopped her.

"Oh no. You had your turn. This one is mine. The next one can be yours again." Her tail was tucked right up his crack, held in place by her strong muscles. Even when he lifted off the bed it stayed right there. Every thrust he made ran the underside of his cock across her naturally occurring ridge, sending sensations through him that made him tremble. In a few minutes he was over the top and blowing deep inside her. She could feel each pulse as he rhythmically pounded away, threatening to ram himself right into her womb. She could not have asked for more, only the same for longer!

She lay there waiting for him to go limp. It didn't happen. After resting a few minutes, he whispered in her ear. "Well, whatever you had planned, it's your turn now." She was amazed his his resilience. Most males were done and out the door after one round. He was still hard and inside, meaning that she was loathe to disengage. "Jon-Tom, do you think you could flip over without losing our present, uh, engagement?" In answer, he slid to one side and in one heave had her on the bottom, her tail and firm grasp holding her in place. She actually thrilled at the weight pressing down on her. He was the biggest male she had ever had. The madame was worried that she would get hurt, but she found the idea of being domineered by such a beast incredibly exciting.

"Jon-Tom, I had an idea, but I think that I would rather have you do whatever you want right now." The next instant she found that she might have made a poor choice. She could feel him shift inside, not move, but actually change shape. It didn't hurt, but she was leery of what he was going to do. Her concern lasted right up until he started moving again. He pushed in as far as he could go; she swore her womb was nearly pushed in on itself. Then he pulled back to her opening. She was waiting for him to  come out, but instead his head stuck. What he had done was enlarge it so that it was incapable of being pulled out. It was like a piston in an engine, though she knew nothing about that. What she did know was that this was going to prove to be an experience to remember.

She laid back and allowed him to move, unaffected by her interference. It was the correct choice. He was strong, but amazingly gentle. That last part wasn't to her taste, but she would give him time. His forward thrusts were enough to slide her up the sheets, and his  return was strong enough to do the same, but her scales caught on the material. Perhaps that was why he had done his adjustment. But it felt amazing. As he picked up speed, the friction increased. As the friction increased, the pleasure  doubled, and doubled again. Her body was enveloped in such ecstasy that she simply allowed it to wash over her. Her normally pale skin was flushed pink, and her body felt like it was on fire. Suddenly she went into the strongest orgasm she had ever experienced in her life. He joined her, filling her insides with even more heat. She took over where he had stopped, thrusting her hips hard, grinding into him. It was hard to concentrate on it, as she was both fighting her present orgasm and at the same time extending it. She pulled back hard against the organ trapped inside, hard enough to make him wince.

But then again, it could have been her tiny nails digging into his flesh. She really wasn't concerned right now. Never before had she been able to feel a male's organ so well. It slipped and stretched along her passage like it had been made for it. Of course, it had, and that was all the better. Before she lost her mind to the sensations, she wondered if it was possible to convince him to be her life companion. Then she succumbed and was gone. When she came to, she was cradled in his arms. No one had ever before bothered to hold her in any way. She let out a cat-like purr. "Jon-Tom, what are you doing?" He looked down at he and smiled. "You passed out for an extraordinary amount of time. I first checked your pulse to make sure you were still alive. That last orgasm rocked you senseless. I was pretty worried about you."

She snuggled into his chest. "Why thank you Jon-Tom, not only for your concern, but also for your ability to make me senseless. It is a true delight to have a partner that can move me, inside and out." He cradled here close, despite her scales. Though softer than they looked, they still indented his skin wherever they flared out. "Laila, you're one hell of a bed-mate. You'll make some male very happy if you choose to settle down one day." She curled her tongue across his cheek. "You're right. Would you be interested in the position?" He chuckled a little. "If you had any idea of how complicated my life is, you would never have asked that. So don't take this the wrong way, but no." She was hardly put off by his remark. "I don't take no easily, so I'll make you a wager. I'll bet you my entire life savings that I'm the best girl in the house. Since you will have to satisfy everyone while we're stuck here, you'll have a chance for comparison. If you honestly find one you prefer over me, I lose. If you do prefer me, you leave with me. Deal?"

"Laila, I'll make you a counter offer. You experience my life; its pains, its pleasures, its highs, its lows. If you think that you have a chance after that, then I will take you up on your offer." She didn't even think about it. "Done!" He drew her up on his chest, place his head against hers, and let his soul flow into her. It flooded her like a tidal wave, overshadowing her own life and nearly drowning her emotions. She saw faces, felt loves, suffered pangs of regret, elation, desolation, triumphs, intense magic, and memories of a world different from this one. She saw beauty and horror, life and death. All at once it was gone. She felt suddenly empty, as if the whole world had been stuffed inside her and then made to vanish. She blinked a few times, like a sleeper waking from a dream.

She could feel tears in her eyes. "I don't know how you did that, but it was the most..." She let her words trail off. "It was pretty overwhelming, wasn't it?" "She wiped away her tears. "Right now I don't know if I should hate you or love you!" He was quick to supply an answer. "Try hate. It's not preferable, but considering my already tangled affairs, it will keep me from adding to them." What he meant was not lost on her. She had seen his multiple loves. She wasn't too interested in becoming one. But she could understand his concern. "Look man, what you just did. I think I asked too much and got too much. But if you think I'm falling in love, then guess again. I like sex. I haven't met a male that I felt was worth my emotional time, though you may come close. What I'm interested in, and now I see you can give me, is a chance to explore and live and breath and be - something - before I die. You wanted an adventure; well so do I."

He appraised her with a keen mental eye. "Done! When this part of the adventure is over, you will join me on a new one." "And what will it be man?" His grin grew huge. "That's the best part. I never have the slightest idea until its over!" She considered that for a moment. "Well then, when will this one be over?" He drew in a deep breath and stretched his muscles, which rippled beneath her body.  "Right after I'm done servicing you and seventeen other females, restoring a princess to her rightful place, removing a blot from this city, and likely a half a dozen other things that haven't even raised their ugly little heads just yet. But for now, its one thing at a time."

So saying this, he wrestled her into a convenient position and went to dive back into their previous activity. He was halted by a tight hole again. She looked up at with amazement. "How many times am I going to regrow this thing?" There was no answer forthcoming. "Come on man, how many times?" "Laila, I have no idea. But then, in your present business, can't you charge extra for the privilege of popping it?" "Ooooo! I like the way you think. I like the way you make love too." Wasting no more words, she slammed down on his cock and rode herself to oblivion. An hour later they were done for the day, but only reluctantly. "I must give way to fairness, " she said, "but I would like to see you go through the other girls as quickly as you can. I've gotten a taste of you and want more. And I don't like to wait!" They hurried off to the wash area, cleaned up, and then departed for their separate rooms. Again, clean sheets were laid across his bed. He hit the mattress and was soon snoring.

He was pulled out of his slumber a short while later by sounds in his room. He cracked an eyelid to see Edrick with a tray of food. The rat was about to leave when a voice halted him.  It was Jon-Tom. "Edrick?" "Yes sir! Whats can I do for ya?" The spell-singer sat up, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "First off, what time is it?"  The rat looked well-pleased for some reason. It's a bit past three, it is. This here's your lunch meal. Madame said you need your rest. Doesn't want you up and croakin' on her. Leastwise, that's her words." The food smelled good, his stomach was growling, but something was bothering him It was the rat.

"Edrick, is it my imagination or do you sound different?" The rat literally beamed. "Why yes sir, and thanks all so much for noticing. Me voice 'as dropped an octave methinks, thanks to you." Jon-Tom was at a loss as to what he meant. "How is your voice connected to me?" The rat hopped up on the end of the bed. "You sees sir, when I was young, I had the bad luck to fall into a band of sadistic bandits. I didn't have a thing worthy takin', ya see, so they took the only thing worth-whiles to me." It took a moment to make sense. "Are you saying they emasculated you?" The rat shrugged. "That's a big word for a little rat sir. Fact was, they cut off everything, me nuts and me joy stick. I nearly bled to death. The madame helped me back to me health, but I've been worse than a eunuch for years. Now, thanks to you, I've got me own virginity back  in a mighty fine way!"

"So you sees sir, I feel I should give the money back you gave me. I knows why ya dids it, but it ain't right for me to 'ave it, 'specially now that you gave me something even more precious!" He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the coins, tossing them on the bed. Jon-Tom picked them up and handed them back. "The money wasn't mine to begin with. I took it from someone who didn't deserve to have it. I have given some of it to one who does. Don't hand it back to me again." Edrick returned the coins to his pocket. "Thank you sir. Outside of the madame, no one has ever shown me a kindness such as you have. I have a chance at a life now. I can never repay you." Jon-Tom thought for a moment. "What if you could?" The rat was on him like a leech to flesh. "Anything sir; notwithstanding that which has been offered and rejected." He couldn't help the mischievous grin from spreading across his face. Jon-Tom ignored him.

"Edrick, I'm going to spell you outside. Once there I want you to scout around for word on Morrift. I want to see if he is keeping a lid on his present problems, or if his servants have let something slip. And while you're out there, pick me up a bottle of Lythgoria brandy. I'll spell you back in two hours, so don't forget." The rat scrunched his eyes shut and waited to be blasted into atoms. He heard the music rise from the strings,  felt a tingle and then the music stopped. He felt heat on his face and could sense a bright light. Getting brave he opened them up. He was standing in the middle of the street. Passerby hardly noticed his presence but he pulled himself across the street from the brothel. When he turned to look, he nearly fell, for despite the fact that he had just come from it, the whorehouse looked every bit like a derelict building. Inside himself he was fighting dual feelings. The first was that he  was aware that the place was one of the loveliest in town. But over-riding it was the sense that this place had been empty for years and was now a dilapidated old wreck. It had to be due to the spell. If everyone ignored it, then no one would bother trying to rescue them.

He shook his head and ran off down the street for the first time in days. He wondered if anyone would remember him. He ran off in the direction of The Snowy Coat, one of the oldest taverns in the city. Here he should get both news and booze, some for the wizard and some for himself. Once there he was welcomed like a long lost friend. News flowed faster than the liquor. He wasn't disappointed. Neither would the spell-singer.

Back inside, Jon-Tom ate his food and crashed again. Trying to keep track of the time, he played around on his duar, careful not to bring forth any unwanted effects. After a suitable time period, he concentrated on bringing back Edrick. Getting him out was easy compared to pulling him back through. It took several tries before he was successful. Most of it was lost on the rat, who was downright stinking drunk. But on the other hand, he was sitting on an entire case of brandy. Not in the mood for dealing with slurred mumblings, Jon-Tom whipped up a sobering song and made a happy rat into a decidedly dry one. " 'ere now! Was that necessary?" The spell-singer just stared at him until he squirmed. "Oh alrighty then, I guess it was. You wants news. Here's the word around the back streets; ole Morrift is pretty pissed right now. No one knows why, but the word thievery crept into the conversations more than once. Word has it he has locked up the wizard working for him as the only one who could possibly have purloined his stuff. The old fennec himself hasn't shown his face in days, though  sources says he's not living in his estate. Something to do with the stench coming out of it right now." The rat chuckled. "And I bets it does! Anyways, nothing was mentioned about food or coin, or shit for that matter. So you can guess he's not much letting on."

Jon-Tom thought things over. "OK Edrick, you did good." Pulling a bottle out of the case, he handed it over to the rat. "Go get yourself wasted again if you want." There was no argument and away he went. The spell-singer had a decision to make, but he was in no hurry to figure out just what it was going to be. It was late enough in the day that supper would be coming along soon, though with the rat heading towards insensibility, he had no idea who would be serving it. He had no qualms about getting it himself, but no one had  ever mentioned him doing anything of the sort. His question was answered not long afterward when a knock came to his door. It opened and in came a cart laden with food. Behind it was Reafio, her fur groomed and shining.

"I have been told it's my turn, Jon-Tom. I also understand that you decided to spice things up. Are you certain that was wise in a house full of horny girls? I mean really; you males and the whole virginity gig. All it means is that you  get to pop the cherry of an inexperienced girl. Big deal!" He leveled a look at her that she couldn't quite discern. "My little miss, I'll have you know two things. First, I didn't do it on purpose. Secondly, I'll be getting to "pop" your cherry as much as I want, and get the experience of a well-seasoned lady to boot!" She smiled at his witty remark, but then frowned. "You can only pop it once! Or twice I guess." He grinned and said nothing.

The two ate together. Her tray was all vegetarian, with a variety of vegetables and tubers. "I admit my confusion, but the pandas I know only eat bamboo. I take it, like Laila, you eat what you can get?' She sighed. "Bamboo...I love bamboo. There isn't a thing in the world I wouldn't do for bamboo. And no, I haven't had any for a long time." He slung his duar over his chest and plunked out a fair oriental sounding tune, picturing in his mind the fastest growing plant on earth. He got just what he wanted, in the form of a miniature  pot garden, each container with a different variety. She stood there speechless. "Did...I...say...anything? I hope you're not too rough on me" She leaned in and sniffed, then delicately  pulled a bit of green with her lips. She chewed like it was a coca leaf.  "Oh, this is so worth whatever you intend to put me through."

He sat back and wondered what she could take. He wasn't mean and had no intentions of putting her to harm, but there was something about her softness that made him hard. But then hard scales did it for him this morning, so there was little logic in that thought. He watched her as she savored the tender leaves. She was so damn cute, it was like watching a child with... He let that thought fall back to the depths from which it sprang. He was getting a little to frisky with the locals as it was, he didn't need Lolita-like thoughts running through his head too. But it was largely because these girls were smaller than his usual, uh, fare. But then, there were no complaints from them, so why worry?"

He ate his own meal in silence, but he was entertained by watching her savor her new treat. She was still meticulously picking leaves well after he was finished. She pulled herself out of her revery and jumped on the bed. "I could eat those until I was sick, but then I'd be of little use to you in that shape. It's a shame to stop, but I do need to extend my gratitude." She did a cute little crawl up to his waist and tugged at his pants. "I think you're over dressed." He agreed, and was up and off the bed, dropping them and hopping back in. In the short time in between, he increased his size, not ridiculously so, but back to his normal. Let her stew over that.

She went straight to roast. "Mr. Wizard sir, you're not funny. I know my limitations, and that is way over my abilities to take it and live." He grinned at her discomfiture. "I believe I remember a female just a short while ago who said that wasn't a thing in the world she would do for bamboo. Was she lying?" Her look grew grave. "I know what I said. But if you think that's going anywhere inside this body, you're dead wrong. If you like, I can call up Throssa, or Ruhgal." "And who are they?" "The first is an alpaca, and the other is our resident okapi. Your cock is suited for a quadruped, not a little bear like me." He pulled her up on his stomach and placed her over his cock. "First off, a panda isn't a bear. Secondly, you'll take what I say you'll take." Without further ado he pushed down hard. She was ready to scream, but all there was a was a brief snap and he was in. "You sir, are a jerk. You had me thinking I should say my prayers and depart for the next world. But ooooooo..." She shut up and enjoyed the feeling. His organ was small enough to have belonged a male red panda, but with each thrust there was more and more friction. She felt him grow until he was as large as she could take.

He wasn't impressed with the personality of this particular girl, though he was partial to her cute white markings, red fur and darker extremities. Her cunt was rather soft, so he filled it up until he was a tight, tight fit. Unlike the pangolin, who had good muscle tone, the whole being of this one was soft and pampered. He wasn't going to harm her, but a little pain can go a long way in toughing a person up. She was on top, so he brought up his knees and started slamming away.  At first she got into it and quickly came, but when he kept right on going, she started whining. Right up to her second orgasm. After that she was too drained to vocalize and went limp. That was, until he enlarged the head of his cock to that double the size of her opening. But unlike Laila, who was into the sensation,  this girl was having a fit. A fit over something that didn't fit. "Jon-Tom, you're tearing me apart!"

Now he could feel he was doing no such thing. He stopped and gave her "the look." "How have you survived in this house with an attitude like yours? Never mind, don't answer that; in a place like this you attract all kinds, even  males who want a whiny little pussy like you." She went ballistic. If she hadn't been pinned  by him, she might have done him some damage. "Pussy am I? I'll show you!" She slammed down on him hard, and pulled back up until she was straining against the head of his cock. He guessed, correctly, that her intention was to tear it off. She repeated her actions until she started quaking, culminating in her screaming and falling back in a dead faint. "Now that's more like it!" exclaimed Jon-Tom. He still needed satisfied, so he rolled the two of them over, repositioned her, and started  his own slam fest. When he came he pulled back against her opening and just let the fluids flow, and flow and flow.

As she came to, it was to the feeling that she was floating, partially in  pleasure and partly because her belly felt full. Then again, he was on top, and apparently still inside. "Ok man, I give up. You're right. I'm not cut out for this work. I thought it would be fun, but the only time I can really get off is when I'm angry, and that is rare. You did it to me just now, and it was great." He looked at her with a mixture of sympathy and curiosity. "So you're saying that I really need to piss you off for you to get off. I can do that. Heck, any male can do that." He shrunk his cock, pulling out ahead of a waterfall of his fluids. She let out an indignant yell. "What the hell did you do to me? Look at this mess!" He taunted her back. "What mess? You mean the one that just happened, or you in general?" She shrieked in anger. "What the hell does that mean?" "It means that as a lover, you suck. After  spending time with you, I might just take Edrick up on his offer!" Her nose flared and her eyes glowed like embers. "You asshole! I'll show you!"

She flew at him, and showing preternatural strength, pinned him to the bed. "I'll make a mess out of you, you jerk!" All at once she caught herself. Jon-Tom gave her  a lascivious grin. "Don't stop now! You just got warmed up!" "Jon-Tom, I can't! If I do, you might get hurt." "And if you don't I'll rape you and torture you until you loosen up, or tighten up, or anything but leave you like you are, a sad excuse for a female." The ire flashed in her eyes again. "You bastard! You asked for it." She went from all soft and cuddly to a raving lunatic. She slammed back down of his cock like a Shakespearean actor falling on a sword. Her claws dug into his skin with an iron grip until little tickles of blood escaped. He could feel her internal muscles tighten up until they were like iron bands around his cock.

She was really cutting loose; a ball of soft-coated fury. She ran her rough tongue across his nipples, giving each a painful tweak when she was done. She rode him like he was a galloping horse, and she was perched on the saddle horn. In fact, their roles had reversed. Now he was just lying there, gladly taking the abuse, but only because he could heal himself if it proved necessary.  His feelings were mixed; he could see why she kept this part of her personalty submerged, camouflaged even. Not many clients would get into it. But he was. He had made love to tigers and eagles, and wasn't interested in a timid little female.

She was far from that right now. She had gotten so tight that he actually dropped his size down to keep her from compressing it into a matchstick. Even so, she kept an iron grip on it. If it weren't for the abundant lubrication (hers and his) there was likely to be no movement whatsoever. She was working him with such speed that all he could think of was a sewing machine. He could sense she was getting close to another orgasm when she pulled off of him, and in a move that made him wince, rammed him into her ass. "She grabbed his head and stared him in the eyes. "So, do ya think I'm still soft and cuddly now man?" Before he could answer she arched her back, and went into a frenzy of thrusts that threatened to rip his cock out by the roots. She was so aggressive that he just lay there, afraid that anything he might do could cause her some real damage.

Her ass was clamping down just as tightly as her front hole. She was beginning to lose control of her movements, slipping off a few times and having to line up and start over. He took a chance and enlarged his head until it was catching at her sphincter. The sensation drove her over the top. On one backwards pull, she stopped right there, squeezing tight and feeling the full force of a climax take her away. She dropped like a stone, only to come to again a few minutes later, sensations still running through her. This time it was the human who was responsible. She felt a wave coming once more, and latched onto  one of his nipples and bit until blood flowed. Then she was gone again.

When she came to, she was still on top. She didn't move or speak, savoring the release of pent up emotions and latent violence she hadn't been allowed to express since coming here. She could feel her fur was matted; she was certain that she was now a very red panda. She gave an experimental squeeze and found that he was either very reduced in size or out altogether. She opened one eye and saw rivulets of dried blood across his chest. She was filled with remorse; but at the same time felt he had asked for it. Pussy indeed! He didn't know what she was capable of! He had no idea what she did to a client once. If it hadn't been for magical healing, she might have ended up in prison. She sighed, which  was picked on. "So, is my fine little friend awake?" She was loathe to move. "Yes man, I'm awake. And gratified. But what of you? You have blood running down your skin from where I poked you." "Yes, and you have blood flowing from where I poked you!" She choked back a laugh and looked up at him.

"You know, I'm unsure if I like you or not. I  went to a lot of bother to cultivate a "soft" demeanor, as befits my looks. Now you see what I can do when I get worked up." He pulled her in close. "Yes I did see. It sure beats that wussy act you were putting on." She wondered at him, and at what kind of  lovers he had slept with in the past. "I don't get it man. Most of you males seem to prefer the helpless damsel types. Not you. What gives?" He let out a sigh. "I've been through a lot of things in my life here. I've made love to tigers, lions, panthers, cheetahs, even unicorns; so I'm used to a partner I'm not going to break, nor one who has any hesitation about what she wants. I'm not interested in a mamby-pamby, woe-is-me female."

"But man, look at the damage I did you!" He looked down and viewed the blood. "So what? Are you saying we should get cleaned up?" The thought had occurred to her. "Yes, I think we should. My fur is already drying hard in place. If I wait much longer I'll look more like a porcupine than a panda." She slid onto the floor, but her knees buckled and she fell in a heap. He slid off next to her and gently  lifted her to her feet. She wobbled a bit, so with one swift motion he hoisted her into his arms and headed to the wash room. Here she showed him the trick of getting hot water. The  place had running water! They stood under the hot flow, watching the red swirl in little eddies as it was pulled down the drain. On her, it looked like her fur had been dyed, and the color was coming out. On him, it was as if he was washing after a battle, with the cleansing water healing his wounds. The panda did a double take. There were no wounds! She kept quiet, but she got close enough to inspect his body. As the blood washed off, there was nothing underneath; no punctures or bites. Leave it to a wizard to have such magic!

He noticed her examination of him. "Neat trick, huh?" She nodded, dumbfounded. No wonder he could take the abuse; all he had to do was heal himself and he was ready to go again. She thought about another round with him, but needed to think out the consequences. Just because he could handle what she could dish out didn't mean others could, and she had no intention of putting Vetish in that position again. She continued her bathing, rinsing every last bit of red out of her fur hat didn't belong there. As she turned her eyes were drawn to his cock. "Man, how are you able to change the size of your manhood?" Without a word he changed it until it was horse size, touching the floor. It changed direction and shrunk until it was the size of a rat's. Then it lengthened out until it was his normal size. "It's a side effect from having my body as host to a magical being. So is the healing. I didn't think they would be all that useful, but life has proven me wrong."

She took that in. "It's an interesting feature. I'll just bet you could sell your services anywhere with a talent like that." He took that as a compliment, ignoring any possible negative connotations. "Yes I suppose so. But its not my thing really. Even now, I'm only doing this because it seems necessary." She whirled and glared at him. "Necessary! You know what I say to that; screw you!" He about fell to the floor laughing. "You did. Have you forgotten already?" She was torn between amusement and anger. Anger was likely to be more fruitful, so she tackled him right them and there and jumped on him. Damn the blood, she thought, figuring that the water would wash it away. She screwed him, bit him, bruised him and in every way showed just what she was made of. He loved every minute of it.

When they were done and cleaned, yet again, they prepared to part ways. "I'll say this man, you are the best I've ever had. You just might be seeing me again sooner than you think. She went back to drying her fur, fluffing her tail and daubing the moisture out of her ears. He had less to contend with and was dry fairly quickly. He gave her a kiss on the top of her head and headed back to his room. Feeling pretty good about picking up on her hidden talents, he broke open a bottle of the brandy and poured himself half a glass worth. True, not everyone could get into her way of having fun, but he hadn't lied; he had no desire to have sex with a subjugate female. He returned to his room to find a clean bed, complete with another set of white sheets. If he ever caught who it was doing it, he would give them a kiss. All except for Edrick, that is.

He finished his drink,  killed the lights and got under the comforter. The room felt a bit chill after his long, warm shower. Despite that,  he was snoring before the count of ten. He would have stayed that way, but something woke him early in the morning. His first thought was how comfortably warm it was. He could feel a soft blanket against his flesh. It dawned on him a few seconds later that this blanket was moving and breathing. Reafio did come back for more. He waited for her to make a move, but perhaps she was waiting on him. He let the situation hang for a while, when he felt her paws go to his crotch. Since he was still tired, albeit willing, he opted to see what mischief she would come up with.  Her moves proved to be surprisingly gentle. He could only assume that she thought him still asleep and wished not to wake him.

Something warm and wet wrapped itself around his cock. Luckily for her he hadn't bothered changing its size since the shower. Her tongue worked up one side and down the other, lingering over the head. It was good and hard at this stage. Between her tongue, and her paws working his balls, he thought he might come right then and there. But she seemed satisfied with her present accomplishment and slid into position over his tool. Her breathing grew more rapid as she positioned herself. All at once she pushed down hard. Despite having her hymen broken multiple times already, she let out a muffled squeak and dug into his sides with her claws. As she acclimated to having him inside, she started grinding with her hips, obviously enjoying the sensations. It wasn't long before he could feel her tighten up, and contractions constricted his cock in a most pleasing way. She shuddered repeatedly until her body eased into relaxation. He heard quiet snores and decided that the same would do for him. He drifted back asleep.

Come morning, he awoke to a warm body still asleep on his. He was still inside her, for his "morning wood" was rather engulfed. Overall it was a nice way to wake up. He lay there feeling her warmth when his experience was interrupted by the sounds of a cart coming down the hall. Breakfast! He was hungry, and figured she would be too. Of course, the pots of bamboo where still sitting in the room. She could gorge herself on those. The door opened, and in came the cart. Pushing it was the panda, a smile on her face. He started to return the gesture when his heart jumped and the grin turned to horror. He didn't move. "Reafio?" She gave him an odd look. "Yeah. How many red panda's do you think there are around here?"

"If you're there, then who joined me in bed last night?" It was then that she noticed the lump under the covers. Her eye's narrowed. "That's a good question. Technically it's still my turn. And I don't like claim jumpers!" She rushed forward and yanked the comforter back. There, resplendent in snow white fur, now dappled in red, was Preala. Jon-Tom and Reafio both exclaimed the same thing. "OH SHIT!" The princess opened her eyes, yawned prettily, and stopped to wiggle her hips. "Ooooo! Good! You're hard again." Without paying a bit attention to the others, she began riding his cock. Reafio ran to the bed, grabbed the fox by the fur and tried to yank her off. She nearly got bit in the process.

"Reafio, I understand what your trying to do, but the fact is, it's too late. I lost my virginity to this man already, so there is absolutely nothing anyone can do or say at this point. But I suppose you should go tell Vetish. She will be most upset, as will father, but at least now the spell is broken and I can think and behave properly." She looked at the spell-singer. "Well, almost properly." The panda tore out of the room in horror. Preala addressed the male she was presently connected to. "I am truly sorry for what will befall you on account of my actions, but I have been battling the effects of that spell for months. It was only a matter of time until something was going to happen. But outside of finding a prince of my own species, I believe that you are the best alternative I would ever find."

"Uh, your majesty (here she batted her eyes) I am nothing more than a humble spell-singer, not a prince." She cooed in his ear. "Liar!" She lowered herself back down on his chest, and returned to grinding her hips. Jon-Tom protested both her actions and her statement. "Preala please, we shouldn't be doing this! And I'm not a liar!" She stopped. Without looking up, she spoke. "You are a liar. Do not argue with royalty. I had a conversation yesterday with the pangolin. She hopes to go on an adventure with you. That will not happen. I have laid claim to you, for you too are royalty, even if by default. You are rightful king of Colivra, a prince of Godswind, and presently mate to the heir of the Clan Capell." His jaw dropped. That soul exchange had handed over too much information.

"Preala, be that as it may, you have to understand that I haven't been able to stay with any of them." She seemed unconcerned. "Which is why I picked you human. True, you've been the only male I've had access to, but fate has given me just what I need." He grabbed her by the ears, and gently forced her to look at him. "And what do you need?" She stared at him for the longest time. "Right now, I need to get some relief from the raging urges that have been trapped inside me for so long. After that, I'll tell you my proposal." She would have said more, but a commotion in the hall manifested itself inside the room. It was Vetish. "Preala, how could you?!!! Your father will have my head on a platter for this!" The fox was back to riding his cock, unconcerned with the commotion. She  finally relented enough to address the badger. "Madame Vetish, you have nothing to worry about in connection with my father. You might have more to worry about with me. After all, it seems to me you had an affair with the future king. I am very possessive of those I make mine, and I don't take kindly to interlopers."

Vetish stood stock still, attempting to determine if she was being funny or menacing. Preala suddenly started laughing. "Oh Vetish, give me a moment to enjoy myself and then get cleaned up. After that we'll discuss things over breakfast." When the madame just stood there looking dumbfounded, Preala ordered her out. "Leave us alone. A princess does not wish to perform her duties in front of an audience!" The badger turned tail and fled the room.

The fox returned her attention to the spell-singer. "Look man, whether you like it or not, you're destined to be the next king and I your queen. I think that you would make an excellent one, but I chose you because you will not stay. I have no intention of marrying you unless I have to. Whatever you did to Laila allowed her to tell me your entire life story. You are a fine person, despite being human. But think about this from my perspective. As a princess, I am forced to do what is expected of me. Therefore, I must marry someone of my own rank and species to carry on the royal line. But at the same time, my virginity is a matter of the highest importance. Therefore, whomever I lose it too automatically becomes my mate. This is why Morrift had the spell placed upon me; in the hope that he could get me in a compromising position and therefore become king himself. When that failed, and because he found where father hid me away, he had a spell placed here. He figured that if he couldn't have me, no one would. But he didn't count on you."

Jon-Tom listened intently. "So what you're saying is that you lost your virginity to me so as to take away the opportunity from Morrift?" She didn't like his tone, and slammed down hard on his cock, giving it a squeeze. "Don't sound so hurt. I'll have you know that I am quite enjoying myself, despite carrying on a conversation simultaneously. If you think about it, we are both benefiting from this experience. I have a witness that we have partnered, yet in a few hours I'll have my hymen restored and no physician or lady's maid will be able to tell the difference. You are in bed with a princess, though that seems to be par for you. And by law, if you wish it, you will eventually be crowned king. I am counting on the fact that you won't want it, so in the meantime I intend to make your efforts worthwhile." She stopped what she was doing and gazed into his eyes. "You don't want to be king, do you?" He eased back into the pillows. He so hated being put into these sorts of positions. Not the sexual ones, the other, more dramatic dilemmas.

He was rather perturbed at constantly being fate's plaything. "I'm not sure Preala. Maybe it's time for me to settle down and do something with my life. I mean, after I've finished my duties here in the house of making sure all of the girls get a good screwing. I think I could be king after that." He could feel her tense up, but she said nothing. When she did, it was a whisper. "So be it." She looked up when she heard a muffled snort. She knew right away she had been had. "Jon-Tom, you're an ass!" He was ready to comply. "An ass am I? Maybe her ladyship would like me decked out like one as well. He started expanding his cock until she yelped. "Oh no you don't!" But he held his size a bit bigger than when they started, and the increased friction drove her over the edge a few minutes later. She fell against his chest, and with a sigh, pulled loose. "You had better be careful human. I have the right to demand you to be king. Don't tempt me too much!

They cleaned and dressed.  Jon-Tom passed Edrick in the hall. "I say wizard, this 'ere is getting a bit tiresome. You has the wash room doing overtime with the sheets you are soiling. Madame says this time you really did it. What's she mean by that I'm a wonderin?" Jon-Tom crouched down to his level. "What it means, you nosy little rat, is that as of a few hours ago, I just became king. So if you know what's good for you, you'll quit asking questions and keep your mouth shut. Something tells me  my life just got exponentially more complicated." The rat scratched his head. "Ex-porn-evenutally?" "Exponentially. It means my life just went to hell in a hand basket." "Ah, I see sir. Well, I'll save you a souvenir in case you ever need a reminder." Jon-tom patted him on the head. "Whatever makes you happy you little perv!"

A new breakfast was set out in Vetish's quarters. The madame was acting very nervous. "Preala, this is intolerable. You know what your father will do when he hears. It will not sit well with him." "Vetish, relax. For one, I am freed of the spell, and if worse comes to worse, I have lost my virginity to this male. That obliterates Morrift's chances of being king. And with his household nearly wiped out, he will think twice before mounting another attack. And since my maidenhead will grown back (for good measure she felt herself up), as it already has, my condition is no worse than when I came. The only thing I need now is a male of my own species and that will relieve this human of his obligations." Two females looked to him. "What? Am I supposed to pull a white fox out of my ass?" Preala looked thoughtful. "No, but perhaps this fox should try a human up her..." She let the idea trail off. Despite his anger at the expectations being placed upon him, the offer gave him a rise in the nether regions.

"Look ladies, I would love to help, but I don't know any other foxes like Preala. I've met some red foxes, gray foxes and even wolves, but no white ones, much less a white one who is also a prince." Preala corrected him. "He doesn't need to be a prince. If you could be king, so could he. But he would have to be young and cute and talented, just like you." He sighed.  "Thanks, I think. But like I said, I have no idea where I'm going to find one. In the mean time, I think we should be considering what we are going to do about the spell on the house. As much as I relish the idea of doing each and everyone of your girls (Preala gave him a glare) I think that it is about time to end this little charade. Edrick told me the wizard responsible for it is locked up in Morrift's mansion. If I brought him here, perhaps he would be amenable to removing it himself. If not, I can do it, but then at least we would have the perpetrator under our control, nor Morrift's."

The ladies looked shell-shocked. "Bring an evil wizard here? Are you crazy?" Jon-Tom shrugged. "Who says he's evil? He likely got hired to do a job without any knowledge of what he was really doing. A truly evil wizard would never have allowed himself to be taken prisoner by someone who can't do magic himself." Neither of the females was happy with his plan. Preala said it best. "You do what you think is necessary. But whatever comes of this is on your head. And since you seem hell-bent on getting us killed, we are marching back to your room for another round. The heck if I'm going to die without a little more pleasure under my belt. And speaking of under my belt, lets go try my suggestion. No point in ruining a perfectly good maidenhead!" She found not argument from the spell-singer. 

It was an hour later that Preala walked out of his room, albeit a bit gingerly, but a smile on her face. He followed closely behind, as they both needed to clean up, again. Afterward, she returned to Vetish's chambers. He walked back to his room stark naked, which attracted no end of whistles from the girls. He pushed aside the breakfast cart, dropped into a chair and activated his mental map. He focused of the fennec's mansion, searching the place from top to bottom. In the bedroom, the repository of the brothel's privy pool, he found a lone creature of unknown species. He couldn't tell what it was because the poor thing was coated in feces and slop. It was holding a cloth to its face in a pointless attempt at keeping out the smell. It seemed Jon-Tom had found the wizard.

He threw on his clothes, right down to his cape. He strolled back down the hall. The girls were still watching him, but were a bit  dismayed by his clothing. Some started to follow, but he warned them away. "Ladies, it's magic time, and I would suggest for your own safety  that you lock your doors." They didn't argue, and doors slammed all the way down the hall. He stepped into the shower area, the best place to spell the wizard, and thought up a song. He sat on a stool and played away, doing his best to conjure him right here, on the first try. He knew he succeeded by the smell that rolled out of the cloud that the wizard materialized in. "Whoa! Damn you stink!" were the first words the filth covered magician had heard in days. He nearly jumped out of his skin.

He opened crap-caked eyes and stared at his rescuer. "Thank you sir, whoever you are. Can you do me the favor of killing me now?" Jon-Tom stood up, towering over the wizard. "I might, but not until you get that stink off." He tossed him a bar of soap. "And I do mean get it all off. You look like a giant turd." The wizard was too miserable to take umbrage at the remark. Jon-Tom walked out into the hall and waited. It was a good thirty minutes before the animal showed himself. Jon-Tom let out a low whistle. The animal shrunk back in fear. "Are you going to kill me now? Morrift said he would kill me, but only after making me suffer." He looked down dejectedly.

Jon-Tom had been right. This wizard was hardly evil, just stupidly naive and green. Well, maybe green was the wrong color. This experience had taught him how tough this world can be. But it might be a good thing in the long run. "What's you name?' Jon-Tom asked. "You don't know? I am called Preasius, at your service." He did a little bow and nearly fell over. "I am sorry sir. I have eaten nothing in days. Nor could I have,  even if I had food." Jon-Tom extended his hand and hauled him up. "Well Preasius, what say you and me have a talk. You can tell me all about yourself over some food." The wizard was still under he impression he was going to die. "A last meal sir? I suppose I have the stomach for it now." Jon-Tom just started laughing. "Oh do shut up, you stupid little fur-ball. If I wanted to kill you, I certainly wouldn't have gone to this much bother to bring you here, clean you up and feed you!"

"If not, then why? And for that matter," he asked, drawing in his surroundings, "where am I?" Jon-Tom directed him down the hall, thankful for the moment that all the doors were closed. He shoved the wizard into his room, and shouted down the corridor "All clear!" With that he closed and locked the door. The newcomer was already shoveling in food, undeterred by  the fact that it was cold. After every last crumb was gone he belched and slid down, standing in front of Jon-Tom. "I am ready for my punishment." The spell-singer chuckled. "What? You don't think that spending a few days in a room full of shit wasn't enough for you?" Preasius was confused. "Sir, I am at a loss. What is going on here?"

Jon-Tom looked at him approvingly. "Finally, a good question. My name is Jon-Tom. I'm a wizard, a spell-singer. I brought you here because we need to talk. How you answer will determine the outcome of your presence here." The wizard looked sharply at the human, then around the room. He recalled the hallway, and the shower room. "Where, sir, is here?" Eyebrows went up. "You mean you don't recognize it?" The animal shook its head. "Sir, I am not from around here, but from farther north. I arrived a few weeks ago. I was offered good money to come here to replace another wizard. There are only a few buildings with which I am familiar." That was news. "You are in the brothel owned by Madam Vetish." Now that did mean something to him. The color drained from his face, though it was impossible to see through his fur. But he got shaky. "I see. The building I placed a spell on. Morrift told me it was to drive out a bad influence on the town. I agreed with blocking people from going in, but he insisted that anyone inside had best be made to stay. I told him I would only place it for a few days' time. After that, they would need to get out for food. But then he locked me up in that stink-hole bedroom of his." The wizard looked up. "How did you get past my spell? For that matter, how did you spell me past it? It was one of the best I have ever learned."

"Never mind that. Lets just say I was already here when it went up. And it's not as good as you think it is." That got his dander up. "Not good? Then why is it still in place." "Because, you little fuzzball, I decided it did more good staying up than in being torn down. But I will explain that later. For now, I have a proposition for you." The newcomer 's nose, now that it wasn't clogged with feces, and his sharps eyes took in the room and deduced its purpose. The room was still heavy with the smell of sex. "Sir, I am at your disposal. But please note that I am not homosexual in any way, and what you propose..." Jon-Tom hit the floor laughing. "You are too funny Preasuis. I have a house full of girls available day and night, and you think I brought you here so that I could screw YOU?!"

"Then what sir do you want from me? You are obviously a more powerful wizard, you have females to fawn over you; what could I offer you?" The spell-singer wiped tears from his eyes. "Oh lord, Preasius, you have no idea how much help you can be to me right now. However, I think that it is not asking too much to extract from you a promise to do whatever I dictate. Is it agreed?" He nodded, not knowing what else to do. Jon-Tom outlined events as they had unfolded. The wizards ears perked up as he listened. "But sir, I could not do such a thing! It would be wrong after all I have done." But he was given no choice in the matter. As Jon-Tom put it, "It's not up to you at this point. It will be someone else's decision."

He ordered him to stay put and wandered out into the corridor, careful to shut the door behind him. He found Edrick and gave him orders. The rat nearly tipped over himself to  fulfill them. Jon-Tom walked purposefully around the corner until he came to the madame's room. He strode in without knocking. Preala was still there. "How did it go man? Did you manage to snag your wizard?" "Yes I did. He was locked up in Morrift's bedroom, the one I spelled the contents of the basement into. I spelled him to the shower room and allowed him to clean up. You couldn't even tell his kind under all that crap. Afterward, we had a talk. He's not evil, but he needs seasoning as far as his magic goes. He told me he was hired away from his home on the promise of good money. I think given the option, he would just as soon be back where he came from. I can do that for him, but I thought you might like to meet him first." Preala looked angry. "Now why would I want to be friendly with the wizard who put this spell on me?"

"The spell that was on you could not be of his doing. He arrived here well after that was placed. He said something about replacing another?" The princess eyebrow's knit in remembrance. "Yes, that's true. Old Benito died right about that time; he was a freelancer who would do anything for money. It must have been him! But even if he didn't place it on me, he is still responsible for the one keeping us here!" "Well that is true. Of course, like I said before, I left it up because it served my purpose. He's really not that bad of a guy. I think you should at least confront him before I get rid of him. It might prove educational, or at the very least, entertaining." She looked like she had swallowed a fork sideways, but hopped off of her chair and followed him.

"Jon-Tom, you had better have a good reason for this. I have no desire to see this person, even if he isn't malicious. I have been through too much already. If you put me through more, I'll take it out of your hide, just like Reafio did." Boy, news traveled fast! But he held his tongue. They came to his room. The door was still closed, so he opened it up carefully. The place was clean, not spotless, but Edrick and done enough. The bed was fresh with clean white linens, the pots of bamboo were lined up in a corner, and the wizard was gone.

The princess was not happy. "Great work! Now we have a wizard running loose amongst us! You had better be able to handle him when he comes..." Her voice trail off. There on the bed was a pair of black eyes and a black nose. Preasius raised his head and did a polite little greeting. "Hello your majesty." The princess was too stunned to speak. She moved closer to the bed. It was no surprise that she had not noticed him initially. His fur was white, white as snow as a matter of fact. "Jon-Tom, is this some kind of joke? If it is, it's not funny." He plopped down in a chair and shrugged his shoulders. "No joke. Preala, meet Preasius." She eyed both males. "Preasius? That is a royal family name. No male in my house has used in in decades. Just where they hell are you from?"  Ignoring her indelicate language, the male arctic fox bowed with a flourish and explained. "I am from Kolderet, to the north. My name as well has been in my family for years. As is yours. I have a cousin named Preala!"

The princess pulled Jon-Tom out into the hall. "What have you done? I can't trust him for being any more than he looks." "You are correct. But he looks like you. So if I were you, I would hie off to the palace with him in tow, and ask you father to verify his story. If it is true, then you have your mate, and this place has a new king. If not, then I will promise you now that I will marry you and be king myself." That gave her pause. "You're that sure of him?" "Hell yes, I am. Trust me, I think he would make a better king than he ever will a wizard. And besides, being distantly related to you means he's technically royalty." She ran back into the room. "Preasius, I have a proposition for you. How would you like to be king?" The male fox looked at Jon-Tom. The spell-singer nodded. "Princess, I would like nothing more, except perhaps the assurance that in being so, you will be my queen." She wrinkled her nose at him. "And who else do you think would be your queen, dolt? This human?" Both males rolled with laughter.

Once the spell was removed, the couple high-tailed it to the palace. Jon-Tom prepared to leave as well. Vetish stopped him. "Typical male; slipping out the back when no one is looking." He didn't deny it. "Vetish, your hospitality has been great, but I never planned on staying here this long. You need to get your lives back in order." The badger pushed him down onto the floor and sat on him. "Look here young man, you can leave when I say you can leave. You have a lot of unfinished business to attend to." "Like?" She swatted him with a paw. "Like? Like  more than a dozen girls that still want time with you. Like my courtyard filled with chests of gold coins. Like sticking around for a royal wedding. Shall I continue?"

He thought about it. "OK. First off, I give the money to you." She jumped off of him like he had turned to hot lava. "Oh no, no way. I not taking that money. As much as I would like to, it isn't happening." He got up. Lying down was for other things. He always thought better when he was on his feet. "Fine. I'll make you an offer you can't refuse. I'm buying the brothel. And each of the girls will get a percentage of its value. Agreed?" Vetish narrowed her gaze. "Done! But that solves only one problem. I will not have my girls denied. They say that they will not work again until you have the first shot at popping your handiwork. At two girls a day, I would say you have about a week before you can leave. Now march back up to your room!"

On his way the emu stuck her head out. "Hey man, do you want to try some of this?" He snaked out his left arm and draped it around her neck. "Sure honey, why not. Its been a while since I made love to a bird. You can refresh my memory." She fell into step with him, giggling like a fool. "So man, do you wanna try out my special service?" Half a day later she had this to tell the girls. "Sex with him is like lay eggs backwards. He stuffed in me the biggest cock I've ever had the  privilege of seeing. And don't ever ask him if he wants to deep throat you. He filled mine right to the top of my stomach." She sighed. "I think I'm in love." She then wobbled back to her room and wasn't seen until the next morning.

The only other one still willing to try him out after that was Ruhgal the okapi. Jon-Tom found her to be a sleek combination of deer and zebra. Her black and white stripes, combined with her brown coat made for an interesting visual combination. She was one of only two quadrupeds there. He had plenty of experience in dealing with four legs, and she was going to be ideal. Her ass came right up to crotch level. He learned a thing or two himself. Ruhgal was just as comfortable in a  bed as she was standing on her legs. Of all the girls, she could logically take the biggest cock, and once he started banging away, she had no qualms about having him enlarge it. "Look mister, I've heard about your ability. I'll not sit here and suffer through another undersized piece of meat most of there males try to pawn off as "goods." I want to be able to feel it from my lips to my baby-maker. Crank up the volume until you barely have room to slide. That then just might be enough."

He complied, finding that she could take as much as any horse. With her on the bed, he was able to expand his repertoire of possible positions. She was positively delightful. He found out that she had a secret talent; her tongue. It was very nearly prehensile, a bit like Laila's, but thicker and tougher. And she wasn't afraid to use it. Even more amazing, she could use it independently of her mouth. He found out when she was sucking his cock and at the same time exploring the inside of his ass with it. Needless to say, when he came, he came hard. 

The two spent an entire day together, largely because the other girls were chickening out. He found out later it was because his first two wanted  another round and were telling all kinds of horror stories. To Ruhgal, they were mere enticements. After her eighth orgasm, and his fifth, she laid down the law. "I understand that Laila wants to have an adventure. I want to go home and I can  now, thanks to your generosity.  We live in the same region. Would you  mind escorting me home?" Between the two of us, I think we can promise to keep it interesting. And besides, there are many sights to see along the way." He debated and debated. He had  seeking an adventure and had gotten one. Here was another   presenting itself. "Done! But I think I still have a debt here. So let me see who I can convince to join me in my bed. Once I'm done, its off we go!"

He pressured the smallest of the girls, a kinkajou named Lessol, into submitting. She reminded Jon-Tom very much of a jaguarundi. He had not had sex with the latter, as it had been Roseroar in one of her forms. Besides, he was too well endowed at the time for such a small animal. But now was  different. She was willing, yet unwilling. To alleviate her fears he dropped his pants and did a little adjustment. "See, I can change size. We'lljust pick one that works for you." With her fears laid to rest, the rest of her wanted to get laid. She didn't even bother wasting time heading to his room. She locked her door, pushed him on the bed and said. "OK wizard, show me your magic." He did, and she was soon under his spell. And so it went, as he serviced each and every one of them.  By the time he left the only person in the house who was unhappy was the laundress. But in the end, he made it up to her; in both ends that is.

The time finally came when he put his foot down. "Vetish, its time to go." She could but honor his decision. "I see you're taking two of my girls with you; it seems a high price." He knew she was teasing but he countered with, "I'll have you know I own this place. I can take whatever I want!" The whole group fell to laughing. Vetish gave him a hug. "I'll miss you Jon-Tom. If it weren't for you, I don't know where we would be right now." "Well for one..." He stopped short. A commotion up the street drew their attention. It was a formation of royal guards. They came to a halt just outside the door. The head of the guard approached the group. "Which of you is the wizard called Jon-Tom?" "Uh, that would be me." said the lanky human. "Your presence is requested at the palace. And it would be bad form not to obey, if you know what I mean." The spell-singer did a little bow to the ladies and fell into step with the guard.

He felt like he was on display, for folks of all sorts came out to watch. It was many blocks before they reached the palace. Once inside, the soldiers departed except for one, who soon looked bored. "I say, why am I here?" asked Jon-Tom. "I have no idea. I was told that if you didn't want to come, to let you go. But you're here and I don't really care. So now we wait until his majesty calls for you." That didn't take long. Jon-Tom was ushered in. At the same time the entire chamber emptied. He was alone with a regal looking white fox, sitting on a throne. He got up, and taking off his crown, he motioned for the spell-singer to join him at a table.

"So, you are the wizard known as Jon-Tom?" "Yes, your majesty." The king held up a restraining paw. "Forget that formality. Outside of the fact that you seem to be of equal rank to me, if not greater, I have asked you here as a father, not as king." If Jon-Tom had been nervous before, now he was doubly so. "Uh, if you say so, uh, your majesty." The king coughed into his hand. "Please call me Phileas. I have called you here to discuss something of grave importance. As you probably assume, it concerns my daughter. She has told me many things about her time at Vetish's establishment. I need to verify if they are true." Oh great thought the human. I'm going to get thrown in prison for screwing the king's daughter.

"Well Phileas, you'll have to let me know what it is you wish me to verify. A  lot happened during my short stay there and I have no idea how much she has told you." The king cleared his throat. "She has told me how you neutralized my greatest threat and rival, Morrift. That alone would earn you a knighthood. But what disturbs me is that you have the audacity to discard a chance at my kingdom like it was nothing more than a flea on a rat." The spell-singer was silent. If the king knew that he had a chance at the kingdom, then he also knew that his daughter had lost her virginity to him. "Which disturbs you more, sire; the fact that I gave it up, or that I have a right to it at all?" The king looked at him sharply. "That is an excellent question. But understand that I  do not hold you entirely responsible. Even while under a spell, my daughter chose well for a prospective husband. The problem is your species." Jon-Tom interrupted. "The royal line must be passed down from generation to generation. Dalliance can be tolerated, but in the end, the needs of the kingdom come first. A prince or princess must produce an heir."

The king reached out and patted the human's hand. "So you do understand. I am unhappy that my daughter lost her virginity to you, make no mistake about that. By rights, you are my heir. But you seem to have corrected this mistake two-fold. A check by the royal physician has determined that she still has her maidenhead. Also, you somehow managed to find a suitable partner for her, and someone who is indeed from the family line, though from a line long thought lost. I need you to explain these things to me." Jon-Tom wound himself up to explain it. "Phileas?" "Yes, wizard?" "Phileas, I don't know quite how to say this, but really, how I did it is none of your business. But I will tell you this. If I had not been here looking for a friend, none of this would ever have happened. And I think the results speak for themselves."

The king sat silent for a while, tapping the table. "I believe you are correct. And therefore, I must thank you, from myself and my people, for keeping order in the kingdom. I will ask only one thing from you, and for that matter from every girl at that house. No one must ever know that the princess lost her virginity to you. That knowledge could cause havoc." Jon-Tom took his turn sitting and thinking. He pulled out his duar and showed it to the king. "This is what I do magic with. It is in part responsible for some of the things that have happened. Would you like to hear me play?" "Yes, wizard, I think that I would." Jon-Tom had a song at the ready. It had a back-beat and no words, but it he did this just right, it would be perfect. The king found the music unusual, but he got into the beat of it. When he was done, the king applauded him loudly. "You play magnificently! Does that song have a name?" The spell-singer smiled. "Why yes it does. It's called Amnesia, by a group of singers from my world called Bananarama." The king made a face. "It is good music, but a rather odd name. Are they monkeys?" "No your majesty, the Monkees are an entirely different group."

Jon-Tom then did a little bow and  sat back down. "So your majesty, about what we were talking about; you know, your daughter?" "Oh yes indeed. She is going to be getting married soon to a young fox from up north. I expect you to be there. Say you'll come!" "Of course your majesty. But what about her relationship with me? Are you sure that won't interfere?" The king looked confused. "My boy, you saved her from a terrible fate and found her a husband. You have done nothing to be ashamed of. We all owe you a huge debt." The spell-singer let out a sigh. So far, so good. "Well, your majesty, I will make every effort to attend the wedding, but I do have a pressing engagement elsewhere.  If you will pardon me, I must be on my way." The king got up and actually escorted him to the door. "Goodbye my boy." Dropping his volume, he added, "And so you know, I think that you would have made an excellent husband for my daughter, and therefore a fine king had you only been a fox. Your help to this kingdom will forever be remembered. I hope Preasius can fill in where you left off." The spell-singer nearly choked. "I think that  he may find it hard to fill in for me, but the two of them will never know the difference.

He sped out of the palace and back down the street. He arrived at the brothel only to find a line outside the door. Every one standing in it was a male. Vetish saw him and motioned him in. His "cutting" drew grumbles from the others. "Jon-Tom, look at this! Apparently no one realized we were "gone" until we "re-appeared." "And they somehow have forgotten that the girls are all the same as before. They are paying double to bed down with a "virgin!" The spell-singer thought the idea was crass, but then the girls were in it because of the money, so anything to further their goal was good. "Congrats Vetish! But I intend to be on my way. Where are Ruhgal and Laila?" Pointing down the hall, she exclaimed, "Heck, when they saw the business we were in for, they went back to their posts."

He was a little saddened, but figured it was for the best. He went to his "room" and packed up a few things he had left behind. He was about to go when Edrick stopped him. "Ere now, you weren'ts going to leave without saying goodbye were you?" The spell-singer crouched down to his level. "No, I suppose not. By the way, the rest of the brandy is yours. Consider it a parting gift." "Why bless me mother, that's a fine gift it is. And I has one for you, me thinks. You see, ole Edrick ain't the smartest rat in the world, but he has some sense, he does." He pulled out a box and handed it to Jon-Tom. "What's this?" he asked. The rat looked ashamed. "For some reason, I don't rightly recall anymore. I just know that I saved it for you. I looked inside, but it didn't make no sense. I hope it does to you."

The spell-singer opened it up. Inside was a piece of linen bed sheet, white except for a splash of red. He looked down sharply at the rat. "Why did you save this?" The rat looked miserable. "I don't remember. I should remember, but I don't. I just know that it was something that you should have." Jon-Tom patted him on the head. "You're not right in the head, Edrick, but I like you. And you did good. If nothing else, this is the last piece of a puzzle I hope is never solved. I will keep it always, especially if a need should ever arise." "Arise sir? You means like in your nether regions?" That comment put the rat on the receiving end of a boot. "No Edrick, it's not that at all." With a flick of his cape, the spell-singer was out the door and on his way. He was all adventured out. It was time to go home and await word from his pregnant mate and his upcoming foal. After this adventure, he was ready for some peace and quiet.

He thought about spelling himself home, refraining from that action only due to his desire to be alone for a while. He was camped not far from town, sitting there playing a few songs when he heard it. It was a rustling in the underbrush. He laid down his instrument and picked up his staff, fingering the switch to activate the hidden blade. He was prepared for anything. Or so he thought. Into the light of his fire came Ruhgal with Laila riding her back. "Hello Jon-Tom! Sorry about the confusion. It got so busy at the house we went back to work to keep the customer's happy. We were waiting for you to return. Vetish told us you had left. You nearly made some ladies very unhappy!"

He relaxed and slid the blade back into its slot. "You spooked me. I figured you had abandoned me for your first love." The okapi came up and stuck out her tongue. Quick as a flash he grabbed it in his hand. "Don't stick that out at me unless you intend to use it!" She mumbled something unintelligible. He let it loose. "I said, I have every intention of using it. But why are you going? I thought you would stick around for the royal wedding, especially since you did so much to make it happen." He looked sharply at her, about ready to grab her tongue again and rip it out. "I did promise the king I would be there. It goes against everything inside me to attend though." Both girls looked at him like he was nuts. "It's not every day you get invited to the palace to attend a wedding Jon-Tom! Why would you pass that up?"

"Ask Laila?" The pangolin looked perplexed. "Why ask me? I have no idea why you wouldn't go either. Like she said, it's not like you get to attend one of these things every day. I would love to watch Preala get married, but we're not supposed to mention her presence at the house to anyone. And she owes you so much!" It was his turn to be a bit confused. "Laila, who was my first love?" The pangolin twisted up her face. "Like I would know? We were too busy screwing to talk, you silly man!" He relaxed even more. His song had been even more selective than he had meant it to be. "Never mind. Perhaps I had mentioned it to Vetish. You know what, perhaps you're correct; I should stay a little longer. Tomorrow I'll return to the city and wait until the wedding is over before I leave." The girls were ecstatic, but only briefly. "But what will we do out here tonight?" Jon-Tom just rolled his eyes and dropped his pants. It was a good enough answer for them.

The next morning three very unsteady lovers got to their feet and made their way back to the city, returning to the brothel to await the royal wedding. Jon-Tom retired to his former quarters and unpacked. Since they were no longer "working" the house, his two companions joined him. They managed to keep each other entertained for a few days until the invitation arrived. It was delivered by a nondescript courier who slipped in and back out again as discretely as he could. It requested his presence at the palace the day before the wedding, which meant tomorrow, for an official fitting. "Fitting?" he asked out loud. Laila snatched the invitation and looked it over. "I would guess that you will need to be in  palace-sanctioned clothing. From the looks of things here, you're to be part of the actual wedding party."

He dropped into a chair. "That is just what I did not want." The girls looked at each other like he was nuts. "You have a chance of being part of the biggest celebration in this city since the king's coronation. Any of us would kill to be there." He groaned. "Good. Kill me! This was part of the reason I opted to head out of town when I could." They failed to understand his dilemma. After all, the spell had wiped all memory of his impropriety with the princess from everyone's mind, everyone but his. It dawned on him that that was where the problem was. Every time he would look at her he would have it refreshed in his memory. All he had to do was play it cool. Of course, if the matter of her magically reappearing maidenhead may come back to haunt him, assuming the prince-to-be had any objections, it would be another story.

Not without a few reservations, he headed to the palace the next morning. Sure enough, he was to be decked out in white. The outfit had been already  crafted, though how they knew his dimensions was beyond him. All it need was a few alterations here and there. When it was done, he modeled it in front of a mirror. "I look like Elton John in this." The tailor was polite enough not to inquire who that person might be. "Does the young human dislike this style?" He had to be truthful. "I suppose it can grow on a person, but then again, so can moss. At least I only have to be in it for a day." The tailor was unamused. "And  the young gentleman thinks that his present clothing is better?" "Not better, you stuff-shirt, but a lot more practical than this." Indeed sir. But then, you're going to a wedding sir, not a...well, whatever it is you do. It would do well to remember that you will be in the presence of royalty." Jon-Tom stuck out his tongue. "I am in the presence of royalty every day of my life. It's a lot to live with, let me tell you!"

That night he was required to stay in the palace. There was no worry about security, it was explained to him, but rather was customary for all of the official guests to be lodged where they could be readily available the next day. He settled down in a nicely furnished room. A meal was served there, as the main dining hall was being prepped for the big day. He had taken only a few bites when another knock came to his door. Not in the mood to open it himself, he yelled out, "Come in!" His heart sank when he recognized his visitor. It was Preala. "I hope I'm not disturbing you Jon-Tom." He mumbled something non-committal around his mouthful of food.

She sat down next to him. "I wanted to thank you for everything you have done. I was in a terrible way, and you have managed to completely fix my life. I wish there was some way I could repay you." He choked down his food. "Look Preala, I am just happy that you're getting married tomorrow. It was a stroke of luck that Preasius happened to be who he was and  where he was. If you're happy with the way things have turned out, then I can be no less happy for you." She smiled and lay her head on his shoulder. "You're happy for me then?" He looked down at the top of her head, wondering what she was thinking. "Sure. Why wouldn't I be?"

She kicked her legs back and forth, trying to find the right words. She failed. "Look Jon-Tom, I used you. By all rights I should be marrying you tomorrow. I like Preasius, and in due time I may come to love him, but even my father said that you would make a good king. I am sorry I ever gave you any hope of  taking up the reins of the kingdom." He stood up abruptly, nearly spilling his food. "How the hell do you remember any of that? I spelled that memory out of everyone's memory except my own!" She urged him to sit back down. "Now spell-singer, magic can do a lot, but if you think that you were going to take away the memory of my first sexual experience, you have much to learn. I felt something was amiss when father dropped the subject after your visit. I assume the girls at the house have forgotten as well?" He gulped air to feed his lungs which were working overtime. Hyperventilation was catching up with him.

"I thought I made everyone forget. You have left me with quite a dilemma. I didn't want you to go through life wondering about your decision." She leaned over and gave him a lick on the cheek. "I am making the best choice. You were great in bed, but you'll never provide me with an heir. But when you leave, what will you have to show for it? Nothing, that's what. You even gave up the money you spelled from Morrift. I can't send you on your way in such a condition." He was quick to protest. "I have all that I need in the form of memories." She smiled at him, then growled from deep in her throat. "You're such a liar, man. Edrick gave you something, didn't he?" He said nothing, but pulled the box from within his hiding place in the cloak. He handed it to her. She opened it, sniffed it and closed it up  again. "Yes, that is definitely me, with a bit of you mixed in." She pulled out a small parchment. "Father drew this up before he met with you. He will no longer remember it because of your magic."

Jon-Tom unrolled it. It was written in fine print, and seemed as complicated as a government contract. "What is it?" She patted him on the hand. "If it happens that I never produce an heir, or if something happens to both myself and Preasius, you will irrevocably be named king, or any of your descendants. I am afraid that you will be stuck for it if any of those conditions ever befall us. The souvenir that Edrick gave you will make the matter firmly settled, since it is proof you have the right to the position of king. Please understand that I have no desire to see such an eventuality, but I will not allow this kingdom to fall into the hands of someone unfit to rule."

The spell-singer looked sick. "Princess, I don't want this!" She got in his face and gently slapped him. "I know you don't. I'm not giving you my kingdom Jon-Tom; I am ensuring that it will be taken care of if something happens to interrupt the family line. There is not a single solitary other person out there who has a claim to the throne. Not even Preasius' clan, who by now are too far removed. I stuck you with the responsibility when I lost my virginity. Deal with it." His look went for sour to dour. "I accept, not that I have a choice. But understand this; if anything happens at anytime that may end up creating any of those situations, you will notify me at once. I have every intention of dealing with them before I get stuck with a crown on my head."

"Deal! Now I must go. Most of my preparations are in place, but I will need a good night's rest to look my best tomorrow. Unless, that is, you are interested in one more fling? Word has it these maidenheads just keep regenerating. No one will ever know." She batted her eyes coquettishly. Her offer left him dumbfounded and speechless. She started shaking with laughter. "So, you took me seriously? I am unsure if I am appalled or flattered. I'll take flattered. Understand human that you are relieved of any such duty unless you were capable of granting me children, which you can't. So rest assured my offer was merely teasing on my part, and perhaps a bit unkind after all you have done. Goodnight my princely man. I will see you tomorrow." She slipped out of the room, leaving him to wonder at how fate liked to mess with his head.

The next day was beautiful, and  the palace was decked out in  gold and silver and...white. The banners were white, the flowers, the uniforms, the dresses, the suits; all white. It seemed a little over the top, but then royal weddings were supposed to be. He was already missing his black leather pants and his iridescent cape. But as this was only one day, he would suffer through it. Overall it was a fairy tale event, with the streets below crowded with well-wishers. He was sure that the girls were all there, mixed in with the throngs of other citizens. He was happy for the couple, though he turned away when she looked at him. It was hard to stare into her eyes and not remember that he had "done that." It was not the way he wanted to remember her.

After the wedding and the feasting, he took the earliest opportunity to make his escape. He doffed his clothes, put on his old ones, and slipped out as quietly as he could. The streets were still filled with folks, many of them venders here to make a bit of money selling food and souvenirs. He brushed past them, steadfastly ignoring the hawking. He ran into a fellow, tripping him, at the same time losing his balance as well. When he turned to apologize the fellow was already gone, with only his ears visible in the distant crowd. It happened several more times before he reached Vetish's place. He mentally chided himself. The place was actually his now.

Here he gathered up the two that were coming with him. "We are leaving. Gather your belongings and your pay." They both looked perturbed. "We can't do it. You gave each of us girls a portion of that money and its too heavy for us to carry. Even Ruhgal wouldn't make it far with just her load, much less mine." Jon-Tom was tempted to leave them, but he had promised to get them home. He unslung his cape, opened the compartment and proceeded to pour in every last coin. He fastened the opening again and flung it across his shoulders. All the okapi could say was "Damn!" He nodded to them. "Are you ready to go?" They were happy to set off, which they did at a brisk pace. After several hours of travel, with Laila riding on Ruhgal, they halted for a rest. Laila asked first. "Where are we going now man? Its not the proper direction for our home." You're correct. I heading to check on my mate and future foal."  They both looked stunned. The okapi was the first to ask for clarification. "Did you say mate and foal?"

He leaned back against a tree. "Yes, that is just what I said. I am waiting for my son to be born so that I can name him and then be on my way. He is to be raised by his dam's parents." The two girls were still have difficulty comprehending his words." Man, a foal is the offspring of a horse." "Yes it is, though in this case we're talking unicorn." They both fluttered around trying to make sense of it. They wisely chose to give up. He shrugged his shoulders. "Just wait until we get there. Then it might make sense."

When they arrived, Lorissa welcomed him as best as she was able. He was surprised as to how much she was showing. It seems unicorns had a much shorter gestation period that horses. Her eyes narrowed when she saw the two females in attendance. "Well, that didn't take long. I'm surprised you haven't forgotten all about me!" He patted her on the flank. "Just remember that I'm not a unicorn anymore. If you talk too familiarly to me, people will wonder. And yes, I did move on, but not exactly like you may think. I just got over one hell of an adventure. These two are being escorted back to their homes." She whipped around, intent for the moment to ignore him. "Hello ladies. I am Lorissa, heir to the house of Capell. I am presently carrying this idiot's child, whom I hope grows up to be more kind and understanding than his father."

Laila was still on Ruhgal's back, so she was more on an eye level to the unicorn mare. "Is that really true. How can a human have a child with you, or any other species?" Lorissa settled down, remembering that much of this was due to the spirit of her ancestor. "It's a long story. Since he apparently hasn't told it to you, I will make up for his indifference." To punctuate her point, she stomped on his foot. He hopped around for a few seconds, willing is power to heal the obviously broken bone. Damn females and their hormones!

He left them to their stories and walked outside. He was intercepted by Lorissa's sire. "Who are you, stranger, to make yourself free to my house?" He half felt that he should have been recognized, but there was a far cry between a huge black unicorn and his present body. "I am the wizard Jon-Tom. I have been given instructions to look in on Lorissa from time to time to see how she is faring. I am presently on my way to the south, escorting two females back to their homes there." The stallion acknowledged him with a relieved whinny. "Jon-Tom, I'm so glad you are here. My daughter has proven to be most disagreeable since her mate left. Is there anything you can do to bring him back?"

Thinking of his foot, he could only imagine what she had done to others, less fortunate than himself. "I will see what I can do, but I offer no promises. One does no simply order around a unicorn, much less one such as he." They talked for a while about the upcoming birth. "We are most excited. But I fear that Lorissa is not so happy. She has been in a dark mood for weeks. We hope it is not an evil portent." Jon-Tom tried to keep a serious face. "I wouldn't worry too much. Back where I'm from, we call it hormones. Its a chemical imbalance. Once she delivers she should be fine." "Well human, I hope you're right." Jon-Tom returned to her chambers. Lorissa whinnied a more cheerful greeting than her first. "Hello lover-boy.  Apparently you are quite the charmer, not that I didn't already know that. But what's this about another princess?"

The girls' eyes went wide. "Another princess? Who do you know besides Preala?" Jon-Tom sighed. "It's complicated. He spent the rest of the day telling them the stories. The next day it was agreed that the girls would stay there until Lorissa had her foal. As each day found her larger and larger, it wouldn't be long. A week later she gave birth. The foal was big, and caused her a great deal of pain. Jon-Tom did what he could, touching his head to her horn, adding his power to hers. When the baby came out it was with a messy splash. He was all legs, and black as coal. He looked just like his father. His size and color caused many comments from the  family gathered there. But they weren't nearly as spooked as when two points of light entered the birthing room. Jon-Tom calmed them down. "They mean no harm to anyone here. Let's just say that they are curious.

Curious indeed. One of them dived right at him, disappearing inside. He felt that all too familiar sensation and found himself standing in that mental meadow, facing that huge black unicorn. "Well human, you did an excellent job. When he grows up, he will wield a power equal to my own. The clan will never fear treachery nor a weakening in the bloodline for years to come, unless he managed to get your brains." Jon-Tom was about to take umbrage when the unicorn fell to one knee. "I am honored to have met up with you wizard. When the time comes, and you join us on the greater journey, I will be most happy to travel with you. Assuming that is, that I can get time away from my mate. She may have fairy hooves, but she has an iron will like that of a dragon; not unlike you. But never, ever tell her I said that! Goodbye!" He was about to go, when he turned back. "I do pity you upon your parting from this corporal world. You must comprehend that when your many mates pass, it will be you they will be looking for." And with that he winked out, leaving Jon-Tom standing in a room of horses wondering what had happened to him. He looked sheepish. What was he to say?

Shortening up the story, the foal was named the next day. Jon-Tom had a name chosen by the true sire. "In the tradition of the clan Capell, it is decided that his name shall be Rúndain, for he shall be a symbol of strength to all  of the clans." The name drew murmurs, for it had not been used in generations. The name itself was considered unknown to outsiders, so Jon-Tom was pressed for an explanation. It was easy enough to  do. "It is what I was told to name him by Dhoov Capell. If you wish to question him if he ever returns, then so be it." They wisely considered it a good choice. Jon-Tom said his goodbyes, promised to look in after his trip was finished, which he did. In the few weeks it took, the foal was already noticeably larger and quick on his feet. More  importantly, the horn, which had been absent at his birth, was a twisted porcelain spire that measured three inches long. Lorissa said what Jon-Tom was thinking. "I'm am so very glad he wasn't born with that on his head!" He stuck around a while before leaving for home. He promised to look in on occasion, as time would allow. He even went so far as to invite them to the tree, since Lorissa knew the route to get there. She still considered him her mate, and despite their present physical differences, or perhaps because of them, they managed to sneak in some fun from time to time. But even this faded. As the foal grew, he needed the guidance of his people, and other matters came to the forefront of Jon-Tom's life, drawing him away more and more often.

You Get What You Ask For...And Then Some.

It took several weeks before the wizard found his composure around Jon-Tom. One day he politely knocked at his door. "Come in," the spell singer replied, not looking up from his fingerings on the daur. The wizard popped his head in. "My boy, I do hate...

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As The Eagle Flies.

A few weeks after the orang had left, the wizard called on Jon-Tom. He hadn't been up to his room in months, so the changes were starkly evident. While his eyes took in all of the alterations, he said nothing. Rather, he got down to business. "Jon-Tom,...

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As Easy as One, Two, Three...

  After Jon-Tom's experience with the tigress opened up his eyes to the possibilities he was allowing to pass, he kept a more open mind about intimate contact with the various members of this world. That is not to say he actively sought out partners,...

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