As Easy as One, Two, Three...

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#8 of The Spellsinger Tales


After Jon-Tom's experience with the tigress opened up his eyes to the possibilities he was allowing to pass, he kept a more open mind about intimate contact with the various members of this world. That is not to say he actively sought out partners, but he was more likely to consider engaging in trysts should the chance come his way. It wasn't like he had a lot of time anyway, as he was kept busy learning to hone his magic from Clothahump. The turtle didn't really care what Jon-Tom did in his personal life, only so long as he studied and refined his singing ability. On the other hand, the spell-singer wasn't precisely his apprentice either. Others filled that role.

One day he heard voices downstairs in the dimensionally expanded tree the wizard called home. Clothahump had been kind enough to magically create a room for him, seeing as he wasn't from this world and it was the wizard's fault he was here. It wasn't much, and in his usual insulting fashion, the wizard added an extra feature to his spell. "I have soundproofed it. No, No, not so you can't hear me, but rather so that I don't have to listen to you torture that poor instrument." Jon-Tom should have known.

Back to the voices downstairs. It was no one he recognized, not that the old turtle had many social calls. He padded his way down the stairs and was awarded with the sight of an orangutan. By their conversation he found out that they were indeed familiar with each other. Jon-Tom had seen only a handful of primates in this world, but he could tell from the pitch of the voice that the newcomer was female. The wizard turned his way and nodded. "Come on over my boy. No need to lurk in the shadows. Our guest, while unexpected, might be just up your line." He walked up and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Jonathon Thomas Merriweather. Everyone just calls me Jon-Tom." The ape looked him up and down. "A long name for a long fellow, but I approve of the brevity you have chosen. My name is Mihandra. But I too answer to other names. I am sometimes referred to as Deuce." "Deuce? As in "two?" She winced a little and smiled. "Yes, just like that." He was about to inquire as the reasoning behind it when Clothahump cleared his throat.

"You two can talk later. Mihandra is traveling through the Bellwoods and stopped in to visit. She once spent some time with me when her master accidentally incinerated himself with a rogue spell." Looking at her, he continued. "I believe that her strong point in magic was adaptation." She gave a courteous nod and picked up a stray chunk of wood from the floor. She quietly mumbled some words, and in moments it had transformed into a miniature likeness of the old wizard. She handed it to him, and his eyes actually seemed to sparkle for a moment. He looked up at Jon-Tom. "You see. This is what training will do for you. She can change a rock to a stone ax, a log into a boat, and likely water into wine." Jon-Tom was impressed. "That is a great ability. Just don't let on about the water into wine thing in front of my friend Mudge. He'll never leave you alone until you show him." Clothahump grunted in agreement.

"I am limited on room right now. I am sure that Jon-Tom will not mind sharing his quarters with you. In return, perhaps you two can learn something from each other." Jon-Tom mentally protested at this, but said nothing. He figured that the orangutang would. "Bless me but that will work fine." She looked up at Jon-Tom. "I won't be much bother. I rough it quite a bit, though with my talent I can make just about anything I need, but there are some things there is no substitute for."  The old wizard grunted in agreement and pushed them off up the stairs. "I have work to do. I will be more sociable in a day or two." As they climbed the stairs, Mihandra whispered sidelong to her companion. "I doubt that very much." He had to stifle a giggle. He was getting to like her a whole lot.

He directed her where to put her effects, which for a wizard of any status seemed meager. He pulled up a chair, but she opted to hang from a rafter for the moment. "My feet are tired, and my back hurts. I'll just hang for a while and get the kinks out." He lay back on the bed, not trying to be impolite, but finding it the best spot to talk with her and still look her eye to eye, albeit at a distance. "So Jon-Tom, are you Clothahump's apprentice?" He laughed. "No, not hardly. I am just some poor sap he magically ripped from one world and brought over to his. Turns out I am a spell-singer - in training." "A spell-singer? That's impressive magic. They are few and far between. What is your instrument?" He reached under the bed and pulled out his duar. She gazed at it for a moment before asking, "What is it exactly. And where did you get it?"

That was a long story, going back to his first weeks here, and how it had been found in a lost sack of goods along a trail he and others happened to be on. His strumming of it had produced magical results, leading him to where he was today.  It was his turn to ask. "How did you  learn about your magic?" She looked dreamy eyed, remembering back to those days. "I came from a poor family. As a child I had few toys, and those where hand-me-downs, broken and abused. I often wished that they were new, just for me. One day I had a doll that was mere tatters. I wished so hard that it was new that it turned better. It wasn't back to normal, but it was as good as a little child could make it out of what was left. I was so excited I tried it on other toys with the same result."

"The real clincher that I had magical talent was one day when some older kids were harassing me. I don't know if they meant it or not, but I got knocked down and hit my head. I got up, blood running down my face. I had picked up a rock while I was down on the ground, expecting to hit one of them with it. But unconsciously, I wished I had a blade of some kind. In an instant, I was holding a wicked looking ax, made entirely out of stone. The bullies took one look at that and took off running. I never had trouble again." She sighed a little. "But then again, I got a reputation, so I had very few friends either. That was when Maygell the wizard took me in. My family didn't protest, for I was now one less mouth to be fed, and there would be no trouble in trying to deal with my magic."

Jon-Tom instantly felt sorry for the poor orang. She continued. "He taught me how to work at controlling my magic. I became quite good really. I started out making sculptures like you saw a short while ago. I could do them in any medium. Wood was easy, stone a little harder, and metal the most difficult. All was going well when Maygell went and got himself burned to a crisp in a backfired spell. I could have made a go of it on my own, but a group of wizards decided that I would be better off with more training. I got shuttled around a bit, because every one of them already had apprentices. Clothahump was the first. My talent has gotten a lot more complex since then."

"Wow. I though that I had things tough. You certainly have gone through a lot in life, haven't you?" She sighed. "I suppose so. There are others who have gone through worse. The toughest part is the loneliness. People seem to want you for want you can do for them, not for any permanent friendship." He though about that. "I can agree with that partway. But I have managed to have a few friends here, and this isn't even my world." She smiled with those big lips. "Good for you! Maybe you need to teach me how to be more social. I usually prefer to avoid contact with others."

He looked at her rather oddly. "But we have been talking for the better part of an hour. You seem fine to me!" She dropped to the floor. "That's true, but you are a wizard and therefore of equal rank with me, more or less. Most folk, like I said, seem to judge me by my talents, not for who I am. I guess I have just given up over the years trying to establish any permanent relationships." Then she looked mildly horrified. "Just like that old sour turtle downstairs!" The look on her face made Jon-Tom crack up. At first she stared him down, but his laughter was contagious. She soon broke out in giggles too. By the time they got themselves in order the ape was relaxed and lounging on the chair. "Thank you Jon-Tom. I haven't laughed like that in a long time. But we had better keep it down. Ole hard-head doesn't like being disturbed." "Indeed he doesn't. He put a dampening spell on this room so that he didn't have to hear my music. I could set off an explosion and he would never heard it."

She got an odd look on her face, but wiped it away an instant later. "You know, I like you Jon-Tom. Your not all high and mighty. Care to demonstrate your magic for me?" He was a little reluctant. "It's not personal. It's just that it sometimes gets out of hand. It has been known to have some overwhelming results." "Oh go ahead. I can deal with it. I'm sure I have dealt with worse." So he swung the duar across his chest and let loose with a song. The end result was the growth of a banana tree within the confines of the room. It sprouted, grew to the ceiling, and in no time produced the largest bunch of fruit he had ever seen. By the time the song was done the fruit was nearly ripe.

Mihandra just stared. "Is that really real?" He shrugged. "I'm not certain. Try a banana and see if it's fit to eat." With one long arm she snagged a yellow skinned fruit and peeled it, revealing the cream colored pulp inside. Jon-Tom could smell the familiar scent wafting in the air. She took one bite and her eyes closed in ecstasy. "This is the best banana I have ever had. And I haven't had a fresh one in months!" She snatched down a few more. They were gone down her gullet in the time it took her to peel them. "Jon-Tom, this is the best magic I have ever seen!" He blushed a little at her praise. He also held his tongue. What he had been trying to do was materialize a simple bouquet of flowers.

"So, how about a little more about your talent," he asked. She thought it over, and grabbed another banana. She held it in her hand. A few words and it changed shape into an apple. It was still yellow. She said some more and it turned red. She handed it over. "That is a simple set of spells. The first changes its morphology. The second changed the pigment. But inside, it is still a banana." He pulled on the now skinny stem and found that it pulled away a portion of the skin. Sure enough, the skin was thick and stringy and the inside was still banana. He was impressed, but quickly decided that this magic served no effective purpose. She knew what he was thinking and explained.

"I have changed its appearance but not its nature. To change it into a real apple takes more work, and if you don't mind me saying so, would be a waste right now. If you gave me some wood, some metal and gems, I could make the mechanics for a clock for you in a matter of a hour. But turning one thing into something completely different takes time and patience. For example, I could turn a stone into a seed from which a tree would grow. I've done it, in fact. But for the most part I don't. The end rarely justifies the means. Though there are always exceptions."

She had quietly worked her way towards him until she was sitting next to him on the bed. He was engrossed in her story and had not really noticed. She put her arm around his shoulder and gave him a squeeze. "You're a nice person Jon-Tom. I almost didn't stop in on the wizard. You see, I'm heading west to fulfill a commission. But I'm glad I did." He would normally have taken umbrage with this close of proximity to a non-human, but he was over that now thanks to Roseroar. He leaned into her embrace and said "Me too." She glanced at him, a question on her tongue. She wasn't forward by any means, but she had learned that if one doesn't ask, one definitely will not receive. "Jon-Tom?" "Yes?" She sighed.; here goes. "Jon-Tom, I wish not to offend you, but I have not been with a male in over a year. Would you consider partnering with me during my stay."

He was mildly taken aback by the request, but on quick evaluation of her offer, a rise in the nether regions gave him his answer. "I would be honored Mihandra." She made quick work of doffing her garments, but then gave pause. "Do you think Clothahump will mind?" Jon-Tom laughed. "For one thing, I told you, the room is sound proof. Second of all, if he ever found out about it he would likely die of heart failure!" She started to ask, but he put a restraining finger to her lips. "I'll tell you about it in due course." He slipped out of his clothes and when he turned around, the orang let out a gasp. "Uhhhh, Jon-Tom, that isn't going to fit inside me..." "I don't see why not. It's been in a tiger, a lion, a cheetah, an otter, a dolphin, a unicorn..." She choked. "What? I'm not sure I believe you, but even if you are speaking honestly, there is still no way that will fit inside me."

He shrugged. "Ok, why not?" She pursed her lips. "Remember I said my nickname was Deuce?" "Yes..." "Well, I got that years ago from a lover. You see, I'm not quite normal in my, ahhh, private parts." He waited for more information. "Here. Give me your hand." She took it gently and placed it at her cunt. He slid a finger in and found it wet and tight. Very tight in fact. He went to slide in another finger and ended up in another passage. For a moment he was confused, thinking he had somehow ended up in her ass. But another finger explored and found that farther back.  "You see, I have two vaginas. Each is half the size of what one would be. I have yet to have a complaint from a lover, but it has made picking them difficult. I had no idea you were so well...hung. I'm sorry"

Jon-Tom considered the problem for a moment. He had never thought that he would have fit in an otter, but he had. But she was right. Each passage was tight and fairly unyielding. He needed a cock half the size  for this to work. Or maybe two half the size. "Mihandra, can your magic work on living things?" "Sure. Why?" "Could you change my cock into two, at half the size?" She looked surprised by the suggestion. "Yes, it might work. But I cannot say how you will be affected by the change while it is happening. It could be painful." He nodded. "I understand. But think of it if you can do it. We'll both have an experience to remember."

"If you are willing to try, so am I," she said. She took his cock in her hand, and mumbling quietly, waved her other hand over it. He felt a tingle, followed by an uncomfortable feeling, like he needed to urinate. That changed to a crushing feeling, which was rear-ended by the sensation of someone ripping it in half. He bit his lip and watched.  His cock split down the lateral sides, forming two separate specimens. There was no blood;  it was likely watching an amoeba under the microscope. As quick as the pain had started, it was gone. The orang looked on approvingly. "Now those will fit!" He took stock of the situation. Each was a perfect copy, half sized, of his original. He touched each one. He was pleasantly surprised to note that each one had separate nerve endings, essentially functioning independently. She grabbed his hands and pulled him to the bed. "Let's try out my handiwork!"

He found that wielding two cocks was far different than handing just one. After a few misguided attempts, he found that inserting the left one first, immediately followed by the right one worked best. Once in, he worked them until he was inserted all the way in. He was delighted to find out that his length was more than sufficient, as he hit bottom with an inch to spare. Each passage felt different, as one seemed to be normal (he felt her cervix) and the other was a dead end. It was an amazing sensation.

For her part, having any sex was a relief. But this was unbelievable. She had gone from disappointed (he was just too big) to hopeful (at his unusual solution) to amazed (that he would suggest and go through with it) to the fact that she now had two perfectly fitted cocks in both of her holes. She had never felt anything like it. When he pushed them in to the hilt she could feel the one touch her womb. He had to have the longest of any of her previous lovers! She wrapped her arms around him and followed with her legs. They were lengthy enough to solidly lock them in place around his back. She had no intention of letting him loose anytime soon.

As he started his thrusts, he noticed that he could feel different sensations on each of his cocks. Furthermore, he could feel each through the wall separating them. It was a feeling that he could not describe. But then, he didn't need to describe it, only enjoy it. It was quickly apparent that she certainly was, for her muscles started to tighten, squeezing his two organs tightly against the inner wall. At the rate she was going, she was going to merge them back together, including that bit of her that remained in between. All at once she let loose, convulsively contracting rhythmically, all the while nearly crushing him with her gripping embrace.

She held him so tight he could barely move. As she finished her orgasm she relaxed,  allowing him to breathe and carry on his duties. She could hardly tolerate it. Each move of his produced a gasp from her. In no time she tightened up again. That included the constriction on his ribs. If he didn't do something about those arms and legs she was going to break something. As she came again, she arched up off the bed and collapsed back, utterly spent. And he still hadn't cum. He waited until she stirred. "Mihandra?" "She mumbled something. "Mihandra, I need you to grab the bed posts, not my ribs. One more hug and I'll have a collapsed lung!" She eased her grip, felt blindly for the posts and found them. His first thrusts caused her to tighten her grip, and the wooden bed creaked warningly.

Now that he was free to move, he did so with gusto. He drove it home as hard and as deep as he could go. Her present position made this easier seeing as her legs were splayed to either side, her nimble feet grasping the posts. He locked his fingers into her dark reddish/orange fur along her hips and slammed away. Her neck arched backward, her chest heaved in the air and all at once she let out a scream of pure passion. The posts cracked under the strain of her grip and his two cocks felt like they were in the clutches of two iron-fisted grips. He was soon over the top, blowing his load in deep. But it was extended, starting in one and working its way to the other. The over effect became almost too painful to bear. He too let out a groan, not as loud, but of equal intensity.

She let go of the posts when the cramps in her arms and legs got to be to much to endure. She was feeling ecstatic, like she had never felt before. It was too bad it was over. Jon-Tom shifted his weight a little, and she expected him to pull out and be done. She didn't know him. He rearranged her on her side, pulling her legs up for her to grab. He smiled at her mischievously. "Hold on tight, but not as tight as you did me. I'm going to try something that may be new to you. Give it a few minutes. If you don't like it, I'll stop and go back to what we were doing." She had no idea what it was, but felt she was up for whatever he had in mind."

Therefore she was startled when he pulled out completely. She could feel he fluids leak out in a rush as he did. He repositioned himself. She could feel the head of one cock at her cunt, and the other pressing against her ass. She didn't think much of it until both were shoved in in one push. She squeaked a little as his one cock entered her rectum. She had always thought of herself as having two holes; this gave her pause for thought. Not only was he working away with his two cocks, he had his fingers in her front hole, and another finger rubbing over her clit. In a matter of minutes she had a death grip on her legs, ignoring the pain she was causing herself over the pleasure he was bringing forth to her body. Again she released with a scream. He was not yet ready. She went again, and again. And then she passed out. Jon-Tom wasn't about to stop, and in fact had a thought that was a little unkind. Since she was out, she decided to follow through with it. He pulled out of her cunt, and forced both cocks up her ass. Luckily for her he came in short order, blowing his load hotly into her rectum. He slid out before she awoke.

When she did, she grimaced in pain. He felt guilty until she explained that it was her arms and legs. She had incredible strength that rarely came to the surface. Her strength of limb had come back to haunt her. Her muscles were tight from the force of her grasp. It was then that he noticed his bedposts were askew. He was unsure how to help her without asking Clothahump, which would take some explaining he didn't wish to engage in. Instead, he thought of a song that might help. One came to mind  right off the bat. The title seemed appropriate but the words weren't what he wanted. He did some quick mental rewriting of the song and set to playing it. Peaceful Easy Feeling is what she needed desperately. In no time she was relaxed, a dreamy smile on her face. "Come 'ere you wonderful human you! This girl needs another dose of what you gave her." He had to laugh. She was absolutely stoned. He knew the feeling. He climbed up on the bed beside her. She reacted a little differently that he supposed she would.

She pulled him over on his back and sat on his legs. "Jon-Tom, this is fun. But I'm going to put you through a little more pain." Her long fingers wrapped themselves around his two cocks and she started mouthing words again. That previous sensation returned with a vengeance. When she was done it was his turn to wish for pain killers, though the pain quickly faded. In the place of two cocks were three. He studied the phenomenon with interest, since each was as big as the previous two. She answered his unspoken question. "I used other tissue from your body to compensate. As for why, the answer is simple. You were thrilling me with two, but you showed me I have three holes to be filled. I want you to do them all at once!" With that she rolled over on her back and grasped her legs with her arms, baring her cunt and ass. When he hesitated she cooed coyly, "Or aren't you interested?"

He was interested all right. Each cock was so hard there was barely any room for them to fit. Despite her present euphoria, he didn't want to ram a dry cock up her ass, so he carefully positioned himself so that the back one was in her one vagina, while the middle one rode up front, and the topmost one was left to rub aggressively across her clit. She was quick to respond to this treatment, coming  loudly several minutes later. Jon-Tom pulled out and manually inserted one cock in her ass, and the remaining ones into her cunts. He was sure that it was going to be the weirdest experience of his life.

She had no doubts either that this was going to be an experience to remember, assuming she would. Whatever the song had done to her, it was making her feel rather disconnected. She wasn't complaining. The cramps in her muscles left her feeling like she had iron bands around her bones. She had never had sex like that; period. It was like having two lovers in one, with twice the results in half the time! Now, in her drug-like haze, she had taken it up a notch and had added another penis to his collection; two for her "normal" spots, and one for her newly discovered erogenous zone. As he worked them into position she felt as though she was being filled beyond her natural capacity. Perhaps she had been incorrect in her decision to try something even more outrageous than they had already done. She had little time to consider it. He worked in two of them into her cunts, leaving the third to slide across her sensitive pink clit. It was about the last thing she could coherently recall. She came to as he worked one into her ass, which was contracted from her recent climax. He was lubed enough from her own juices that it slid in easily. He followed suit with one and then the other cock, getting them into position and then rocking his hips until he was buried deep. From there it seemed like he was trying to kill her. It felt great!

Jon-Tom found wielding three cocks to be a challenge, at least insofar as getting them where they needed to be. Once he was in all three holes however, the matter was simple. Push deep and pound away. He had made sure that she held onto the bed posts again. As they were already cracked, there was little harm in them suffering more damage. Her grip would do the same to him, and far better the wood than his bones! Sex with two cocks had been a wild experience, but three was over the top. What he didn't realize that their total surface area was far greater than one (or two) and the nerve endings were being overloaded with stimuli. The more he pounded away, the greater the intensity of the feeling. This was working for her too, seeing as she had never been jammed full of a man before, leastwise to this extent.

Her next orgasm was so severe that she unconsciously snapped off one of the bedposts. It was coupled with a groan/scream that would have carried for miles out in the open. He was glad that Clothahump had dampened the noise escaping from his room. But then he was ready to blow too, for the feeling of three tightening holes grasping rigidly around his cocks was driving him crazy. He came all at once, pumping each location with enough of his fluids to fill an elephant's cunt. The two of them collapsed in exhaustion on the bed. Soon the snoring alone would have waken the wizard.

The next morning found the two cuddled in the middle of a much disheveled bed. One post was lying broken on the floor. Jon-Tom woke first, but his stirring induced to her to wake from a near coma. She stretched and yawned, working her limbs to get the kinks out. "Morning Jon-Tom. It's good to be alive after the workout you gave me last night." He smiled. "Thanks. I couldn't have done it without you!" He glanced down at his crotch. Going to the bathroom this morning was going to be a chore. She

figured out what he was thinking and said simply "Hang on." She got a grip on the three cocks, thankful for having such long hands, and mumbled her words. That painful sensation came back, as the three merged into one. The pain was temporarily enough to drive back his need to urinate. But then it was done, and he was back to normal. She smiled at him. "There. Now go, because I need to also."

He hit the toilet and realized that he was not back to "normal." She had mentioned using other body tissue to create the three cocks. Apparently she had forgotten, because the one he was holding to take a leak with was noticeably larger. He was unsure whether to mention this, but as he was already well endowed something this big might restrict his relationships to equines or larger. He came back and she swung off the bed to empty her burgeoning bladder. When she returned, he was examining his manhood. "I know I was a bit addled from that wonderful spell you laid on me, but I swear your cock wasn't that big when we started." "It wasn't. When you decided to make three of them of equal size, you said something about pulling in other body tissue to compensate." She dredged her mind, and realized that she had indeed done that. "You can keep it I suppose, if you like. But it will put an end to our lovemaking." She sighed. He just looked at her with a funny grin on his face. "I'm not the smartest person in this world, but it seems to me that if you can make me three cocks out of one, then why can't you make one vagina out of two."

She stood there stupefied. She had never even considered that. True, she rarely used her magic on living things, but he was correct. She could. "Jon-Tom, you're a genius!" Without hesitation she put her hand over her crotch and started her spell. She started wincing and Jon-Tom knew what it was. She barely could keep up the spell when all at once she sighed and relaxed. He was wondering. "Did it work?" She leaned back on the bed and spread her legs wide, her nimble toes latching onto the abused bedposts. "I'm not sure. Shall we see?" He was somewhat hesitant. "With this thing?" "Sure! If it doesn't fit I'll reduce it down to its normal size. But for now, I want to celebrate! Besides, I can adjust mine to meets yours, remember?" He found her logic to be flawless. He climbed on top, placed the massive head of his cock against her opening and gently shoved. The head popped in, and the rest followed through, spreading the sides of a wet and tight tunnel. He buried it as far as it would go.

Her eyes rolled back in her head and she gurgled out "Oh Gawd!" As he pulled back out for a return thrust, it felt like he was going to pull her insides out with him. She whimpered a little. He prodded her until she opened he eyes. "Am I hurting you?" Her grin was huge. She leaned up and kissed him passionately. "Jon-Tom, you just go right ahead and hurt me all you want. If this is pain, then I have never known pleasure!" With a mighty squeeze in her cunt, she explained how much fun she was having. With that settled, he want back to work. Working with one was less challenging, and therefore much easier to focus on.

Her newly reformed passage was wonderful. He was really rather surprised that she had not thought of using her talent on herself prior to his suggestion. But then, it obviously had never entered her mind. And who was he to speak. He hardly knew anything about his own magic abilities. His mind drifted off of these stupid thoughts and focused on the matter at hand. Sex. In a matter of minutes she was over the top, lifting her hips off the bed and nearly pulling free from his contact. He quickly repositioned himself and slammed in hard, driving his full length until he too came. They both fell back on the bed, tired but not asleep. After a suitable interval, Jon-Tom made a suggestion. "There are still a ton of bananas on the tree. Shall we have some breakfast?" "An excellent idea!" she cried.

They ate in silence, mostly because they were too busy cramming the delicious fruit into their mouths. Afterward, they decided that it would be best if they got dressed and left the room for a while, if only for appearance's sake. They did, but on walking down the stairs, there was neither hide nor hair (nor shell) of the old wizard. Chances were good he had not paid attention to their presence nor absence one bit. They exited the old tree and went for a walk, stopping finally under the shade of a huge tree.

She started the conversation. "What did you mean about Clothahump having a heart attack if we had a relationship." Jon-Tom was a little more blunt. "You mean sex. Remember I told you that I came from a different world?" She nodded. "Well, it's not like this one, and yet it is like this one. We do not have magic like you have. Ours is different. And more importantly, and something that I do not normally discuss with people here, is that there are few species on my planet that are considered highly developed. Even then, ours is considered the highest, for what its worth. Therefore, it is considered obscene to have sex with other animals because it could be said that they are not intelligent enough to acquiesce. Therefore, for the longest time, I shied away from relationships of any kind."

She turned that about in her head. "I get it I guess; your world is behind this one in development. What about my kind?" He knew that was going to come up. "Your kind too.  They live in the jungles in the tropics. They do not speak the same speech as I do, nor do they interact on the same level." He really wanted to avoid the talk of zoos. She mulled it over and then brightened. "Then its lucky for you that he bought you over. And for me. I want to have children in the future, but that was not going to be possible with my old condition. You have shown me how to fix it, so now there's hope. But that doesn't mean that I don't like having sex with others. Fun is fun, don't you know! And I'm telling you right now, you have been the best fun I have ever had, and sadly, likely ever will have."

He responded with a knowing nod. "I am aware of the limitations of inter-species sex. It came up about a year ago." She cocked her head and looked at him. "OK. So you suddenly went from not wanting to having anything to do with anyone else to suddenly having sex many was it you said?" He smirked, "One." "Now wait. I'm not stupid. You said..." "I know what I said. It will take some explaining. You see, I did the impossible. I fell in love." She pouted her lips. "Love is not impossible." "In this case, for me, it was as close as you could get. She was a tiger." She absorbed that and countered with, "So you fell in love with a tigeress. That's not bad." He agreed. "No, its not. But we can't have children together, so we called off any attempts at a life together.  She had her life to live and she said that I had mine. I'm not happy about it, but it's what has happened." She let out a disgusted hoot. "You are as stupid as most males I know! You find love and you leave it behind?" He looked down. "I said I wasn't happy about it. It was mutual. I don't think she was any happier than was I." "Then you are both idiots! Love is hard to come by in any word. Love finds a way to foil any other plan the universe throws at you! And you threw that away! You're cute, great in bed, but stupid in the head." He stifled a tear. "I know this Mihandra. I have been miserable ever since. But she felt that there were greater things in store for me, and I know that there were for her. I would have gladly given them up for her!"

She shook her head. "I do not claim to know anyone's future, but if you gave up love for the greater good, then your love was one of the greatest that ever was. But it still doesn't explain your infidelities." He wrinkled his brow. "Infidelities?" "Yes, did you not say that you have had sex with a lion, and a dolphin, and an otter, and whomever else?" "He relaxed. "Yes, I did. That is another part of the same story. Simply put, I gave her the ability to transform into any animal on this world."  The orangutan sat and stared at him. "I'm not prone to call just anyone a liar, but I am inclined at this moment to do just that. That kind of spell would be extremely difficult and time consuming for any wizard. And I know of few that would try it. The results should it backfire could be disastrous. If you really did it, then tell me how."

Since he wasn't lying, he did just that. "I sang a song from my world. I poured all of my love into, though at the time I wasn't aware that I was in love. In the end, it was a combination of our words that did it. She said an animal, and I agreed. Later, unknowingly, I modified the spell so that she alone had control of it. As we were already having sex, the new forms had to be tried out as well. Hence the different species I have mated with." She sat, her face contorted in thought. "Its too bad that you couldn't have worked that magic on yourself." He agreed. "I tried hard to think of a way of doing that. If I could have, don't you think I would have?" "Yes Jon-Tom, I believe that you would have. I am sorry for you, truly I am."

They were silent for a while. She spoke up again. "I am sorry that I intruded on your pain. Had I known, I would not have asked you for a little relaxation. I hope you don't think I was too cavalier. Most males I meet are happy to exercise their prowess...though not have compared to you!" He smiled, a genuine smile. "You did nothing of the sort. I have learned that a person is who is on the inside, not the outside." She giggled. "Last night, you were inside me. What does that make the two of us?" "A couple of people that need another dose of lovemaking?" She kissed him soundly. "That is a most excellent idea!" She began stripping off her clothing. He was taken aback, but then decided that there was no one around, so why not. In no time they were rolling on the ground, locked together as one.

An hour later they returned to the tree. Clothahump heard them enter and stepped out to greet them. "So, have you two gotten to know each other? I would have inquired earlier, but I have been engrossed in a rather important study." "Mihandra took the lead. "We have. I find him to be fascinating. His magic is of quite a unique caliber." The old turtle choked. "Unique is the word for it, I'll give you that. It has done some wonderful things, and some very inconvenient things too." The orang stood up to her full height. "I have found nothing wrong with it that some experience won't help. Like my creations, he needs molding and attention. In time he may surpass even you, my former master!" Clothahump was for once speechless. When he found words, they were more humble than usual. "Indeed, it is possible. He seems to do things that typical magic cannot manage. As you say, he needs to control it to reach his full potential." With that he disappeared back into his private work room.

Jon-Tom was both impressed and appalled. "I've never heard anyone rebuke him like that. How did you manage it?" She grunted. "I did it by speaking the truth. It is the only thing that has an effect on him." He looked her in the eyes. "What do you mean "the truth?"" "Just what I said. You can perform spells beyond some of the greatest wizards. You can do this without powders or potions. You can do it with a song. Hypothetically speaking there are a near infinite combination of notes and words for you to use. I firmly believe that if you wished it, you could stop this world in its spinning and send it rotating in the other direction!" He started to laugh, but the look on her face told him that she was serious. "I mean it Jon-Tom. You have insights into other magic when you don't even understand your own. Your biggest fault is that you do not believe in yourself. That much is obvious. You need experience. With that will come confidence."

He looked mildly shocked. "I had someone tell me that once. And now you. But I still don't think I could stop the world from spinning." Mihandra looked peevish. "You are too stupid. Come here with me." She grabbed him with her powerful grip and pulled him up to the bedroom. Once inside she slammed the door, turned to the locking mechanism and fused it with one of her spells. "There. We are not leaving this room without a little therapy" Before he could react, she clambered over the ruined remains of the bed and started grabbing pieces. The severed bedpost was the first. She put it in place and returned it to its former condition. She went round the bed doing the same, until the structure was pristine. She then grabbed the front posts, and in short order merged them over the top center like a bower. She then did the same to the bottom posts, connecting them above the middle of the bed. She concentrated more and small branches sprouted from the posts, breaking off into even smaller ones. These sprouted thin wooden leaves. It was beautiful.

"When I was a child, I never ever thought that I could do this, much less correct my own unique trait or grant a lover three working cocks. But in the past day or so I have done just that, which has opened my eyes to other great deeds I can do. I could be the best doctor ever, healing people of broken bones or disfigurements. Heck, given enough time I think that I could turn a mountain into a mighty castle. But you still mope about, feeling sorry for yourself that you magic doesn't work right. Your magic is fine, its you that doesn't work right!"

He now knew how Clothahump must have felt. She didn't mince words. Before he could utter a syllable, she continued. "Look. I'm know that being pulled out of one world and into another must have been rough. If what you say of your world is true, then a bunch of other animals talking and functioning on your level must have been a shock. But you are here, and you have great magic. You are also a good person, you simply need to forget about what others may think and let the magic go. I doubt that any harm will come of it, though a little inconvenience on this world is nothing. I believe that unless you purposely mean harm to a person, then not harm will come. Relax and enjoy what you do."

She seemed to be done, so he opened his mouth to speak. "I don't know how to relax. I am always on edge here." She grunted. "I figured you would say something stupid. Get your clothes off. You sure as hell weren't edgy when we were having sex." He readily complied. She patted the bed, directing him to get up. "Bring your instrument" He looked at her oddly but reached over to where it was. She was laying on her back, legs spread." "Lessons can be a little weird at times, but I think this might work. Get yourself inside me good and deep, and then I want you to play your duar." The whole thing sounded silly to him, but sex was sex. He could screw her and serenade her at the same time! He did as he was told, grabbed his instrument and then asked, "Now what?" "Now, I want to to spell up exactly what I ask for. We will do this until you succeed." "So," she said, thinking to herself, "I want you to produce your favorite food from your home world."

That got Jon-Tom thinking. He hadn't had a cheeseburger in forever. He even had the song, a popular one from Jimmy Buffett. As he played, Mihandra was squeezing his cock with her cunt, very much distracting him in his playing. But all at once the room smelled like meat and fries. And sure enough, there on the side table was a tray with the delicious items. She smiled. "Can I assume that was what you were singing for?" He nodded. "Yes, from the smell of it, it is. And on the first try. While having sex." He wondered at that. Normally he had to concentrate to produce an effect. Now he did it while distracted. Why?

She answered for him. "You only have to visualize what you want. I think that you try too hard and get frustrated when you don't produce on the first try. It takes practice. I know. But you must believe in yourself. Only then will you break beyond the boundaries that are presently limiting your ability. Let's try something else." She thought for a moment. "Here's one that's tough for any wizard. Gold. So many people place value in it that it might be good to see if you can make it." As an after thought she added, "But don't try for any large amount. Then we would have to explain it to old hardshell." He had already produced coins, but to be able to do so consistently held promise. But what song. A Golden Oldie? He laughed mentally. But then he remembered that it was the end result, not necessary the song, so he picked one and sang, thinking of Roseroar. What materialized was enough to elicit a gasp from the orang. There, hovering in mid air, was a gorgeous array of gems set in the purest gold, fit for a queen. When he was done, they remained suspended in the air. She actually pushed him off and climbed out of bed towards them. "Jon-Tom, I said gold, not a kingdom's ransom in jewelry!" She gingerly plucked at one of the pieces. As she did, it fell into her hand. It was bright with diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds and countless other stones she was unable to recognize. She handed it to Jon-Tom. "You see what I mean? You have power beyond most wizards. I know a few that would give up years of their lives for this kind of power."

He looked it over, recognizing the design. He had pictured his lover in it, mentally, but had never considered trying to produce such a magnificent ensemble. Now it was here, and she was there, and he had several million dollars worth jewelery in his room. Mihandra gently pulled the other items from the air, handing them over to Jon-Tom. "You could retire right now, if you so chose. Heck, you could hire other wizards to work for you! You see what I mean. You need to loosen your mind to the task you wish to perform, not cloud it with doubt. Once you free yourself of that, I believe you could move worlds." He was examining the jewelry, as it was growing in an ever heavier pile in his lap. "I don't want this. I didn't make it for me. It should go to the one I love."

The orangutan's jaw dropped, which was saying something. "You just conjured a fortune in gold and jewels and you want to give it way?" He shook his head sadly. "I would rather have the person it was meant for. If I could get it to her, it would be at least a small token of my love." She considered him for some time.  "You certainly have issues. If you love this woman so much, why did you leave her? And don't tell me the incompatibility nonsense. Love finds a way even when we do not!" He actually started crying. "We agreed to go our separate ways. I never did like it, any more than she did. But we felt it was best." She patted him on the back, sorry that she had been so harsh. "I'll tell you what. Tell me where to find here and I will deliver them to her." Jon-Tom looked up. "Do you mean it?" "Of course I do. I even have the means of transporting them. She pulled over her knapsack, a worn and tired looking thing. She opened the flap and dropped in a necklace. In short order the entire ensemble was gone. She threw the bag at Jon-Tom, who winced at the thud it was going to make. It landed lightly on his lap. "Magic," she said. "Like this tree, the inside of my bag is expanded. You might be surprised what's inside!" At least it accounted for her apparent light traveling needs.

He tossed it back and flopped back on the bed. She joined him, sitting on top. "You see spell-singer, you are great beyond belief, but until you clear your mind of distractions, you will never fully develop your talents. However, you do have talents that suit me just fine, so what do you say we get busy again?" This time there was do duar to encumber him.

The next few days were a blur. The orang became particularly attached to this human and was loathe to leave. But she did have a commission to fulfill, and it was distant by hundreds of miles, so she knew she had to leave soon. It dawned on her that she never asked about where his lover could be found. She hoped that it was somewhere she had been before. "Jon-Tom?" she asked as they were snuggled together after another exhausting lovemaking session. "What is it dear?" he asked. "Who is this lover of yours and where am I to find her? For that matter, what is she going to do with all of that wealth?" He smiled dreamily. "She will add it to the rest of her collection. As for where to find her, that is easy. Seek out the palace in the city of Colivra. Once there, seek out the princess Roseroar." She sat up on her elbows and stared down at him. "Are you being serious with me?" He sighed and replied, "Sure I am. Roseroar was my lover. She offered to make me king, you know." The orang about slid off the bed in shock. She had much to say, and even more to ask, but wisely shut up. At least her upcoming trip would have dual purposes. "Jon-Tom, I promise that I will deliver your gift to her no matter what. Is there anything that you would like me to tell her?" "You can, but she already knows it. Tell her I love her."

The next day she set off, but only after restoring Jon-Tom's manhood to its original proportions.  Not everyone could adapt to his normal size, much less the larger version she had inadvertently cooked up. Then it was time to go, heading out towards the city of Colivra. She had a lot to think about, such as telling her patron about her unwitting experience with the great wizard Jon-Tom. But then perhaps it was meant to be. After all, they had gained insight into each other's magic that may never have happened otherwise. She would broach it the best way she could.

Some time later...

Jon-Tom was sitting outside the old tree he called home when a familiar voice haled him from the edge of the Bellwoods. He didn't need to look to know it was Mihandra. She rushed up and literally jumped on him. Her long arms entwined around his back and her legs followed suit. This caused him to fall over onto his back. She planted a huge kiss on his lips. "Mihandra! Are you trying to give Clothahump a fatal heart attack?" She laughed loudly. "Who cares? If he does, he does. But I think it would be good for him. But never mind him. I'm so glad to see you." He gave her a squeeze the best he could. "I missed you too! Do you have news for me?" "I certainly do. But I have permission to make you work for it." "Work for it?" She wiggled suggestively. "I've had a few lovers during my absence, but there wasn't a single one that came close to performing like you did. I want an encore!" "Right here?" he asked. "I don't care where. But if you're worried about your old turtle friend then lets go to your bedroom where no one will disturb us."

Once to the bedroom, Jon-Tom turned to close and lock the door. In the time it took him to do that, she had doffed her clothes and was heading for the bed. She literally purred out. "I promise not to wreck the bed this time, especially since I put forth such an effort into sprucing it up!" He was out of his clothes in a blink. She pulled him on top, more than ready for another fling. But when he went to sink into her depths, he was balked by a tightness akin to when he met her. "She blushed and apologized. "Sorry about that. Since I found I could make adjustments to myself, I rearrange for the best fit. My last tryst was with a much less endowed simian." He was about to ask, but decided it was none of his business. She placed her hands over her crotch, mumbling and wincing until his head slid in. She stopped with a sigh. "I'm glad the pain is worth it!" He intended to make sure it was.

After an hour he was well on his way to doing just that. He was going to take a break for a while, but she was  going to have nothing to do with that. She reached down to her crotch again, and he wondered was she was going to do. All at once he felt that sensation in his cock, but not quite like before. He was both curious and concerned about what she was doing, but when he tried to pull out, he couldn't. There was no pain. He was just lodged in tight. She stared him in the eyes. "I have learned all kinds of tricks, thanks to you. I just gave you a knot, just like the wolves have. You'll leave when I'm good and ready for you to leave. In the meantime, let's sex and talk!" He wondered aloud. "Is that possible?" Turns out it was.

She flipped them so that he was on the bottom. She was pulling up frantically on his manhood, lifting his hips off the bed with each pull. She was right, there was no way they were coming loose any time soon. She came and fell back across his chest. In a few moments she whispered in his ear. "The great Roseroar bids you well. She also said that she is glad you have moved on." He was taken aback. "You told her about us?" "Actually, she seemed to figure it out on her own. She is a remarkable person, Jon-Tom. I wonder that the fates managed to separate you two. Are you sure that you made the right decision?" He grunted. "No, I am not sure. But the decision was mutually made, so there is an end to it." She snuggled in close. "That's what she said too. I'll never figure you two out for as long as I live! If I ever have a chance at love like you two have I'll latch on with all four extremities and hang on for dear life!"

"Is that all she said?" "There is more, but you will have all the time in the world to hear it." He looked at her questioningly, but she said nothing except,"but not until I am paid in full!" As he was stuck deep inside her, he didn't have a choice. But she had hardly needed to perform that bit of magic. He would have stayed as long as she wanted. A hour later she finally relented and returned his cock to normal. She let out a long sigh as he slid out and rolled onto his back. "He propped himself up on his elbow and looked at her. "So, what other things does she have to say to me?" Instead of replying, she extended an arm to the side of the bed and pulled up her knapsack. Reaching inside and mumbling, her hand came out holding a small statue. It was about seven inches high and a perfect miniature likeness of Roseroar.  She handed it to him. "Her majesty Roseroar bids you to take this as a pale token of the gifts you have granted her. She hopes that it will provide comfort and direction in your life for years to come."

He held it lovingly. He looked at Mihandra. "This is beautiful. You made this?" She actually blushed. "Yes I did. It is a perfect replica of your lover. It has special abilities that you will discover over time. For now though, please set it aside. I gave up a lot of gold to be allowed to get my payment here. I have no intention of going away cheated!" So they started anew. Jon-Tom took the time to wonder at himself. There was a time when he would never have considered having sex outside his own species, but now he didn't think twice about it. He was becoming as bad as his friend Mudge! But who the hell cared? Not only had he met the love of his life, it opened new doors and new experiences that expanded his views and his abilities. Somehow he needed to give a gift to Mihandra that was worthy of her kindness and, um, exhilaration. He thought of his own case, and came up with something grand.  He was unsure how to go about it, but an idea hit him about that same time an orgasm did, so it had to wait.

When they were done, and I do mean done, he pulled his duar across his chest and started strumming the strings. He didn't actually sing this time, just played a beautiful lilting melody. She lay there engrossed in the music, eyes closed. When he was done, he looked at her. Sure enough, what he had wanted was there. "Mihandra, lean forward." She did. He kissed her gently and grasped the thin chain around her neck and pulled it over her head. She opened her eyes to see a small lovely charm hanging from a fine gold chain. "What is this?" "A gift for you. Look closely at it." She focused on the charm hanging there. It was an orangutan, or rather half of one." "It's...unique," she said, perplexed. "It is unique, more or less. There is another half somewhere out there. And it belongs to your soul mate, a true love that you will eventually find. This will help. When you are ready to search, it will know and direct you towards him." Her eyes lit up. "Are you serious?" He smiled thinly. "I hope so. That is what I spelled for anyway. You got one half, so the other is out there somewhere."

What he didn't know is that she desperately wanted to settle down. She had found no suitable mates in her adventures, so had all but given up. "How does it work?" "I don't know for certain. Try holding it in your hand and wishing." Since it couldn't hurt anything, she did. A glow emanated from her hand. All at once she was struck dumb, held in a trance. Jon-Tom was worried, but she still had a pulse and was breathing, so he let it go. As the minutes ticked by, he grew more and more nervous. All at once she jerked awake, tears of joy streaming down her cheek. "He's alive Jon-Tom, he's alive!" "Great! Who?" She was nearly babbling. "Who?" was the question repeated. "Junga! We were best friends when I was a child, but he left before I was apprenticed to the wizard. News came back to me that he had been killed out in the wilderness. But he wasn't! He is still alive and ironically, living in the village were I was born! I must go. Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" Before he could say more, she jumped on him planting kisses all over his face.

She was all prepared to set out that instant, but Jon-Tom convinced her that he wasn't going anywhere, and that perhaps in the morning he could try singing her to where she needed to be. She was so excited she threw him on the bed again. This time she was back on top and  throwing all her energies into showing him how much she appreciated his gift. Later that evening, as he lay asleep, Mihandra lay awake, too excited to nod off. Instead, she quietly climbed out of bed and searched until she found his lizard skin cape. She sat musing for a while, and then concentrated on the task of trying to return the favors he had shown her. It was a more complicated spell than her usual fare, but she finished it before he woke. She was back in bed when he did; not yet morning, and set to tiring him out again. It worked for both of them.

In the late morning they had one last "goodbye", and walked out to the edge of the woods. He whipped up a song he hoped was good enough. Whether it took her to her destination or not was unclear, but the last he saw of her before she vanished was a huge smile. He missed her immediately, but then thought, "Let her wear someone else out for a while!" He returned to his room without encountering the old turtle, so that was all for the good. Once there, he picked up the statue and asked to no one in particular, "I wonder what this is for?"  He fell back on the bed when it answered him, in Roseroar's voice, "You need only ask." He nearly freaked out. "Is that you Roseroar?" The statue answered. "Yes and no. I have filled this image of me with answers to most of the questions you could come up with. You need only ask them." He thought for a moment and asked, "Did you like the gift I gave you."

"The gift that you gave me is wonderful, and will light up my life until the day I die. No one could have done better" He asked another. "Are you well?" "I am as well as I can be without you." He felt a pang of regret in his stomach. He was about to ask another question but paused. He changed it to another. "How many questions do you have answers to?," an usually intelligent question coming from him. The statue responded in a seemingly smug tone. "I have one more answer then you have questions" He chuckled at that. This was indeed going to be fun. The question right now was, would he ever ask all of them? Time would tell!

It was therefore a surprise when a few weeks later he received an anonymous package. He tore it open to discover another two statues, one an exact replica of himself and the other that of the orang. There was no letter or note with it, but he guessed at their nature and asked the image of Mihandra, "How are you doing?" The voice emanating from the figurine was precisely hers. "Oh, Jon-Tom, I am so happy. When I laid eyes on him, it was love at first sight, or second maybe. And you were right. He had no idea where the charm around his neck had come from! We put them together and them became one. Like us! We have already gotten married!" Jon-Tom was a bit envious, but then, he had his chance and let it go. On the other hand, the two of them were the same species, so it made good sense. Not expecting a response, he said to no one in particular, "Congratulations!" The figure in his hand startled him by replying "Thank you!"

He was about to set the two new statues up on a shelf with the one of Roseroar when he looked more closely at the one of him. It was a perfect copy, right down to his clothes. As he turned it over, he noticed written on the bottom, "Ask." Ask it what, he wondered?  He tried to think of something appropriate to say, but failed. Tired of thinking, he said aloud "What am I supposed to ask?" The voice was hers and immediate. "Ask about your cape." "OK, what about my cape?" "He could almost hear her pride as she spoke. "I modified it for you our last night together. Remember my knapsack? Well, I created a resealable opening near the top of the cape. It opens only to your voice and the word "Roseroar." I thought you might approve of that. Once it is open, you will find that it is dimensionally expanded. Whatever you can fit in the top will fit inside. Then you can carry it without feeling the weight. If you want to retrieve something just reach in, or call it by name. I hope that you will get great use out of this gift. It doesn't compare to what you have given me, but it's the best I could think of."

He tried it out immediately, stuffing half of his belongings and the room's furnishings into it. He picked up his cape and swung it over his shoulders. It was the same weight as when he bought it. Magic was so amazing! Then he sat back down and went through the task of removing everything he had placed into it and putting them back where they belonged. Then on a lark, he stepped into the opening, and pulled the cape up to his neck. With one free hand he patted the cape. He felt neither his body from the outside, nor did he feel his action on the inside. This would make one heck of a sleeping bag, should the need ever arise!

Earning His Stripes

Roseroar decided to return with Jon-Tom and Mudge. While it was obvious that she needed to cross the ocean to return home, she was also curious to meet the cause of all this trouble, the wizard Clothahump. "Ya know, darlings," she said in her most...

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Foreword to Upcoming Submissions

I will be posting some original stories, or rather components of an original extended story that is based off of characters, locations and settings from the Spellsinger series by author Alan Dean Foster. If you have not read books from this series, I...