Earning His Stripes

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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Roseroar decided to return with Jon-Tom and Mudge. While it was obvious that she needed to cross the ocean to return home, she was also curious to meet the cause of all this trouble, the wizard Clothahump. "Ya know, darlings," she said in her most dulcet tone, "I'm been wunderin about this old turtle who incites so much dedication in his friends." Mudge about choked "See here my enormous striped warrior, he usually has us by the balls, e' does. I'm dedicated to me body parts, I is, and don't have much choice in these matters." Jon-Tom smiled. "Mudge is impolitic but right. If I ever want to get back home it will be up to Clothahump, so I don't have a whole lot of choice either."

Roseroar shook her head. "I not sure I believe that sugah. You at least have a good heart, and if your friend here could stop thinking with his privates, he might find he has one too." Mudge coughed into his hand. To Jon-Tom, it sounded like an oath. Roseroar's ears didn't miss it either. "Say whatever you like, honey, I think I can see right through ya!"

After a long but uneventful voyage home, the trio made their way through the Bellwoods and finally to Clothahump's tree. It is pointless to mention the arguments that ensued over the fact that Clothahump knew everything, so why didn't he know about the medicine in Jon-Tom's pocket. After that was over, introduction was made to Roseroar. She had been prepared to dismiss the old hardshell, but just stepping into the old dimensionally expanded oak was enough to impress her.

After a few days of reasonable hospitality, Roseroar decided it was time to be heading back home. The wizard had done her one favor in sending a message to her home, detailing her abrupt disappearance. However, she had little idea of the route back. The wizard wasn't much help "I know I have a map somewhere around here, but if I gave it to you, I probably wouldn't see it again." He held up a hand to forestall any complaint from the tigress. "If you were better attuned to magic, I could implant the route in your spacious skull, but I won't even try. I could cause more harm than good with a spell like that." Roseroar started to protest again, but Jon-Tom spoke up first. "What about me, master?" he asked with some deference. "What about you, spell-singer?" "Could you try the spell on me? I've been through a lot, and have come out it more or less intact." "Less, if you want my opinion," growled the wizard.  

Jon-Tom smiled. Clothahump rarely was emotional, leastwise in a flattering way. That meant that he approved of the idea. "Assuming that your inferior brain can handle the spell, you do realize that this would mean losing another couple months of your life trekking through the wilderness and back?" "I've thought about that, but I would have Roseroar for the first half, and I might just be able to spell myself back on the return trip." Clothahump rolled his eyes. "You are charitable my boy. No, No, not in helping this deserving creature, but in sparing her your unpredictable magic. I am glad you did not offer to magic her home. Who knows where she would end up?"

So it was decided. The wizard prepared his ingredients, said his incantations, and suddenly there was a flash of light. It was so bright that Jon-Tom couldn't see. But emblazoned in his mind was a map, or rather a globe. He thought of the tree, and suddenly on the map he was there. He remembered the store they traveled to recently, and the globe spun and stopped on the village. On a whim, he wondered where Roseroar was from and the globe spun back across the ocean and stopped several hundred miles from where they were. It wouldn't be the worst trip he was ever on.

Jon-Tom came out of his revery being slapped by the wizard. "My boy, are you OK?" "Yes, I'm fine, except for my cheeks. Why are you hitting me?" "I thought perhaps I lost you. You've been sitting there slack jawed for the past five minutes. More so than you usually do that is." Good ole Clothahump, thought Jon-Tom. Always concerned, but never really showing it. The wizard looked him over. "So, do you know the way?" "As a matter of fact I do. Come to think of it, this spell would have come in handy a long time ago. I can spin this whole planet in my head and see every mountain, river, lake, tree, stone..." He drifted off again only to wake up with more slaps. "Damn it boy, the spell worked better than I figured it would. You seem to have a greater brain capacity than your outward intelligence suggests.  Try not to invoke this any more than you need, or else it may lock up you mind permanently. On the other hand, the spell is not meant to last forever, so the strength of it will fade over time. Just stick to your route and things should go fine." Jon-Tom wasn't listening. His mind was somewhere over the southern jungles.

A day later the tigress and the spell-singer left the comfortable confines of the wizard's tree and headed out towards her home. The first day or two was through relatively familiar (at least to Jon-Tom) country, so the going was easy and uneventful. On the other hand, having along the huge warrior gave any bandit second thoughts about trying anything. On the third night they were sitting around their campfire, roasting a large lizard she had caught. Up to this point in their trip, their conversations had been focused on learning more about each other. Roseroar had been skeptical of his descriptions of his home world. On his part, Jon-Tom had been careful as to how he presented the relationship between humans and other species. Here in this world, many were on equal terms and humans were considered inferior by some. Therefore, the discussion of zoos and pets had been skirted around.

In answer to her question along those lines, he was necessarily evasive. "Let's just say that for the most part, the different species stick to their own kind. There isn't a lot of mixing, so to speak." Roseroar nodded knowingly. "Well sugah, that makes sense I suppose. Mixing, as you call it, doesn't make for cubs, if that's what your setting out to do. But that doesn't mean you can't get friendly like. I don't approve of your otter friend, but he certainly has no problem with finding willing ladies." Jon-Tom had to agree. "Mudge has gotten into more trouble over his affairs than I care to count. There hasn't been a trip we've been on together where he hasn't indulged." Roseroar smiled. "My point sugah. He isn't discriminating." He couldn't argue with that. If it was female, Mudge likely made a pass at it, a comment about it, or if he was lucky, went to bed with it."

"Roseroar, that's Mudge. I'm just not that type." She snorted dangerously close to his face. "Honey, I'm don't think you know what type you are. You keep telling me you stick to your own kind, but you wouldn't touch that girl you rescued from the pirate ship. She was your kind and she wanted you to mate with her!" Jon-Tom turned red. "Roseroar, she was too young..." "Spell-singer, you have got some screwed up ideas in you head. I'm not saying I liked the girl, but she was certainly old enough for you to mate with, even if it was only for a while. What's wrong with you? Were you emasculated as a child or something?

"No!" he shouted, angry now. "It's just that..." She sat and stared at him, their eyes locked. "Oh never mind, you wouldn't understand." Her stance softened. "Sugah, I think maybe I do understand. You see, you are looking at the outside of everything. Close your eyes." He looked at her warily. She laughed. "Trust me Jon-Tom, if I wanted to hurt you, it would have happened a long time ago. Have a little faith in little ole me. I just want to show you your problem." He reluctantly closed his eyes. "Now, I want you to just listen to me. I want you to imagine that I am of your kind. Use your mind to put a human face to my voice." He sat there, the flickering light of the fire dancing across his eyelids.  But try as he might, all he could see was a tiger, a beautiful, svelte beast rippling with muscle, and yet somehow soft and caring. A bulge started to grow in his trousers. He forced it back with a snap and jumped up.

She smiled. "You couldn't do it, could you? You see honey, you accept me for who I am, and I accept you for who you are. That's the way it should be." Jon-Tom backed away a little. "I can't do this, Roseroar!" She smiled, showing white fangs. "I'll tell you what. I'll give you one chance to prove me wrong. There is no one here to see us, so you won't need to worry about talk." He balked but before he could voice dissent, she was already stripping off her armor. He had seen her naked before, but with her fur, it didn't register to him in that way. Now she was stripping with a purpose and he was it.  He stood and stared as she removed her accessories. In no time, she was standing before him, a huge mountain of striped flesh.  "You see, Jon-Tom, nothing to it" When he didn't speak or move, she edged in close and whispered, "Take them off. If I do it, there may not be much left to put back on."

He shivered a little as his gaze surveyed the beautiful tigress. His mind was racing. It went from one extreme to the other. What if he couldn't maintain an erection? The fact was, he was scared out of his whits. What if he could keep an erection and she didn't  approve of his abilities? Roseroar purred in his face. "Darling, you have been in more dangerous predicaments than this one. Give it a try. If worse comes to worse, we go on with life as before. If it works, then our trip gets a little less boring for it's duration. The choice is yours."

Something in him snapped. What the hell, he thought. After all, I do think she is beautiful, sexy and  really exotic. What was the word he had used before? Svelte. With that notion, life sprang forth unfettered in his loins. He unsnapped his lizardskin cape and spread it on the ground. His shirt was over his head and off in no time. His boots proved to be more stubborn, mostly because he was in a rush to get them off. Then came his trousers. He shivered a little in the night air. Roseroar appraised him from across the fire. "Honey, I still think you're too skinny, but I will say this, you got more meat between your legs than any tiger! And this here lady is ravenous!" She lay herself down on his cape, and motioned for him beside her. "Ya see. I told ya you just needed to think it through. It's not like I'm  not willing. And you sure are!"

Jon-Tom knew what to do with a woman, but wasn't quite sure what to do with a tigress. She had no qualms, and directed him on top of her stomach, missionary style. "Honey, right now I don't feel like doing anything special, so to speak. I need satisfied and I need it now! He was worried that her insistence might cause him to backfire, but instead his cock grew even harder. He ran his hand down her belly, causing her to rumble in delight. His hand reached the protuberance he knew was her vulva, and spreading the lightly furred lips, he slipped a finger into its depths. Roseroar arched her back as he worked in three fingers. The tigress purred in his ear, "That's good sugah. But the minute those fingas come out, I want your meat in there. Do I make myself clear?" Tom-Tom responded by kissing her chest and running his free hand across her fur.

It didn't take long for the tigress to cum, clamping down firmly on his fingers. He repositioned himself on top of her, and guiding his cock with his hand, pushed the head in past her lips. She arched her back, nearly causing him to fall out. They both realized what was about to happen and each pushed against the other. He entered her halfway. While this doesn't sound amazing, she was so tight from contractions that it felt to him as though he was fucking a much smaller animal. For her part, Roseroar growled intensely as he slid in. It was the first time she had had sex in months and she hadn't been in the mood to wait until she was home. And she hadn't lied; Jon-Tom's penis was far different than any male tiger she had been with.

Jon-Tom pushed a little harder, driving his cock ever deeper. It apparently wasn't fast enough for her, for she grabbed his buttocks with her two big paws and gave a tremendous push. He had never thought about it before, but he was certainly glad she had retractable claws. As it was, he found himself balls deep inside her. For the moment he didn't move, finding the feeling ecstatic. So did she, for before he could start moving again, contractions started around the head of his cock and worked their way down to the base. They grew in intensity until they were almost painful. Then all at once his body responded and let go in a flood. Roseroar, who still had her paws on his ass, pushed his body against hers, jarring him repeatedly, his crotch grinding into hers until he felt they were going to meld.

The two lay there for a while, gasping for air. One paw reached up to stroke his hair. "Thanks sugah! I really needed that." He could only smile back. She was still twitching internally, and his cock was still hard. He may be human, but something told him that there was something they had that others didn't; staying power. Without saying a word, he slowly starting moving his hips until his thrusts were long and deep. Each time his cock was almost out, he shoved it back in again to its full depth. She got caught up in the rhythm, and those big paws found his buttocks again. When she started to climax again, he let her do the work, ramming him in as hard as she could. She certainly had more muscle for the job, even if he was going to be sore in the morning. She collapsed in a heap, twitching and shaking in delight. She grunted when he pulled out.

"Roseroar, roll over." She did, wobbling as she turned over onto her paws. "Now, head down and tail in the air." She complied. Grasping her tail to get it out of the way, Jon-Tom sunk into her anew from this fresh position. If she was tight before she was even more so now. He could feel the ridge of bone from her pelvis, and her internals muscles where still taut. She came within a few minutes, growling in pleasure. As she came again, Jon-Tom could see her anal sphincter contracting in time with her cunt. Throwing caution to the wind, he pulled out, his cock wet, and pressed the head against her anus. She started and growled a little, but didn't stop him. He pushed a little harder, and as it relaxed, he slid in. She looked back at him. "Now sugah, this is new to me. Is there something wrong with the other hole?" Jon-Tom smiled back. "Not a damn thing. I thought since things were going so well, I might teach you a few things so maybe you won't think I'm such a prude." She rumbled a little. "I'll go along for now. If I don't like it, you better vacate when I say...or else."  So saying, she gave him a squeeze, down there.

"Not a problem," he said, smiling ever wider. If that squeeze was supposed to be a warning, it hadn't worked as it was intended. He gently pushed his cock in, slowly going deeper. No complaints arose from the front of the tigress so he pushed in all the way. And back out until just the tip was in, held in place by the tightness of her sphincter. Reaching down, he found her cunt and slid a finger or two in, and then pushed his cock in deeper. He could feel its hardness from within her cunt. The dual action was having a considerable effect of Roseroar, and in no time she was climaxing again. Jon-Tom pulled out his fingers, grabbed her haunches, and started slamming away on her ass. Her climax was literally crushing his cock as he came. It felt like each pull back was squeezing the sperm out of his member. She collapsed on the ground, partially pulling him with her. He had just enough presence of mind to slide his legs forward. He landed hard on the ground, a leg sprawled on either side. His cock was still in, and was going to remain there until she was able to move.

And move she did. If she had had any reservations about anal sex, they were gone. She sat up, her back still to him and pulled up along his length. She then pushed back down again. If it weren't for the slipperiness, it would have felt like someone trying to ripe it out by its roots.  "Mmmmmmm. sugah, if I hadn't tried it, I would never have known what I was missing. Are you sure that you don't want to stay with me? I can make it worth your while!" Jon-Tom wasn't in a position to protest. Actually, he was in no mood to protest, except for the fact that she was going to have to move soon. She outweighed him by several hundred pounds, and likely didn't take that into consideration.

"Roseroar, we have time to discuss it. For now though, my frailty is showing through. Is there a chance we can change spots?" She understood immediately and wasn't insulted, but being in a good mood teased him. "Honey, I don't know what you think I am, but I've got stripes, not spots.'' He choked back a laugh. "I know what you are, inside and out now.  But really, you need to move." She started to comply, but as his cock slid down to the end of the tunnel, she stopped. Instead, she leaned back until her arms reached the ground behind them and pushed her bulk off of him. She was still in place, but the greater portion of her weight was removed.  He flexed his back to loosen the kinks, but she mistook that for action on his part and pushed down. And pulled up. And so they started again. "Sugah" she said after a while, "I like this new way, but I think I might prefer the usual for a while." It wasn't a question really, and she pulled herself free of him (not without a sigh) and wiggled her huge frame across his crotch. She found what she was seeking, and slid herself on top of his cock, pushing it into her cunt in one thrust.

This time they weren't finished for nearly half an hour. It took that long for Jon-Tom to blow; in the meantime Roseroar suffered through three pelvis wrenching climaxes. The two lay exhausted, he quiet, she purring/rumbling loud enough to wake the dead. She rolled over to face him. "Honey, I want to thank you. I have never, in all my years, ever had a better time with, well...anyone!" Jon-Tom smiled. "Roseroar, I have never, in all my years, ever had a partner that even comes close to you." But then his brain overrode his better judgment and allowed a stupid question to rise to the surface. "Roseroar, how old are you?" She found the question unexpected, but not insulting. "Why don't you guess?" He sat and mulled it over, trying to figure out her age without saying something stupid. He finally shrugged his shoulders in defeat and said "I don't know. Thirty five?" She gazed at him for a long time. "You don't know a thing about tigers, do ya honey?"

Jon-Tom shook his head. "Well, at least you admit it when you don't know sugah. I'd rather deal with acknowledged uninformed ignorance than stupid bluster. I'll have you know I'm ten years old!" Jon-Tom fought down panic. Ten! That was younger than the girl on the trip. Roseroar meanwhile watched with amusement the changes going across the spell-singer's face.  After getting her fill, she calmed him down. "Sugah, you're used to dealing with your own kind. How old does your species get to be?" He though a moment before answering. "My great grandfather lived to be 93 years old." She nodded. That's right, your kind can live a long time, assuming nothing kills them prematurely. Now, when is your kind considered mature? And don't lie to me." He again thought this over. "Well, to be honest, it depends on what you consider mature. Being old enough to breed...errrrrr.... having babies isn't necessarily the right age to be considered mature." She smiled, something that was generally unnerving since it looked more like a snarl. "Exactly. If I was thirty, I would be old and getting feeble already. You see, you have to think outside your own kind, in more ways than one. That old turtle has outlived generations of other animals, including your kind. Therefore, if you compare our lifespans, I am plenty old enough to make up my mind and do what I want. Do I make myself clear?"

Jon-Tom's head was still swimming, but it all made sense. Besides, she hadn't acted immature. And then it struck him; she had always acted older. Mentally and physically she was, even if in years she was less than half his age. "I guess so Roseroar. This world still has a lot of concepts that I have to come to grips with." "Well, sugah, that's OK. Seems to me you made great strides in learning here tonight." He couldn't argue with her on that point. He had always considered sex outside his species to be something abhorrent. It wasn't his fault, seeing that nearly every animal on Earth was considered to be inferior to humans. That's not to say that he hadn't heard of it being done; after all, there were lots of sheep jokes making the rounds at the college.  He decided that that particular bit of knowledge probably shouldn't be shared.

"I have to agree. I must say, I didn't know what to expect but this blew anything I've ever done right out of the water!" She eyed him thoughtfully. "I'm not sure what you just said, but I'll take that to mean you liked ole Roseroar" He smiled dreamily. "You are the greatest female I have ever met, species notwithstanding!" "You had better believe it Jon-Tom. And just think. You and I have several weeks ahead of us, maybe more if you're not in a rush!" He didn't take too long to think that one over. "If I could figure out a way to spell-sing myself home, we could have a lot more time together." She roared with laughter. "Honey, I like the way you think!" Then she got thoughtful. "Ya think ya'all can play some melodies on that duar without conjuring up anything. Your boat was nice enough, but I don't think we need one right now. I'm in the mood for some good ole music"

He was tired, but several songs ran through his memory that he thought she might like. He felt a little uncomfortable having the instrument across his chest while he was buck naked, but then it couldn't be all that weird. A lot of rock singers used to strip their shirts off during concerts. His fingers brushed across the two sets of strings, getting a feel for the notes he wanted. He cleared his voice and looked at Roseroar. She was watching him with keen interest. She had never been as critical of his ability as had Mudge or Clothahump. This made him feel more inspired. As the first notes flowed off his instrument, the tigress' eyes lit up with a light of their own. Jon-Tom wasn't sure if this was the song or a trick of the firelight.

His song held  her attention. She looked as though she was under a trance, mesmerized by his voice. Jon-Tom was even held a bit in awe of himself, or rather the duar. It was producing sounds it was never made to do. The boys from Styx would have been proud. It was a classic tune, "Lady", and he was putting all of his present feelings into it. He was so into playing that he didn't notice the gneechees brightening the corners of his vision. By the time he recognized them for what they were, he was too engrossed in the song to stop. Besides, a quick look showed that nothing was materializing. Roseroar was trying to see them too, but stopped when she remembered that they couldn't be seen by looking at them directly. Besides, she was more intent on watching the spell-singer.

When he finished, there were tears in her eyes, a very un-tigerish thing. Her voice was a mere whisper. "I would be willing to be any kind of lady, any time you wanted it sugah!" He smiled across at her. "I accept as long as its always going to be you on the inside!" At that moment there was that prickle of magic in the air and in a flash the tigress was encased in gneechees. Just as quickly they disappeared, leaving both subjects sitting there in amazement. "What just happened?" asked Roseroar. "I don't know," said Jon-Tom, looking around to see if anything had changed. There was nothing altered about their surroundings. He felt the same and she looked the same so what had just happened?  He relaxed a little. So did she. "Sugah, are you telling me you have no idea what you just did?" "I've told you before Roseroar, I don't always have a lot of control over my magic. Heck, when I conjured you I wasn't even trying to do magic. Like now." She accepted his explanation and pulled him close. "It was a lovely song." The two fell asleep under the stars.

The next morning they were both hungry. As if to answer their breakfast needs, a flock of strange looking bipedal lizards ran through the clearing, looking everything like miniature dinosaurs. The tigress was up in an instant, but the creatures proved to be too fast and agile for her massive frame. She sat down beside the spell-singer panting heavily. "Doesn't look like they will be roasting over a fire anytime soon. I wish I were a cheetah. Then I could take one of them down." He looked at her, picturing a much slimmer, spotted version of Roseroar. He liked what he saw. "I think you would make a beautiful cheetah." He no more had the words out when that prickle of magic returned. The tigress shifted shape, her colors blending and re-separating into a series of spots. Her size diminished until she was a lithe cat with long arms and legs. All this in a split second. The look on her face said that she knew something had happened, but she had no idea what. He did.

Jon-Tom was unsure how she was going to react to this change. She was very proud of her ancestry, and it was obvious that his magic had somehow caused the transformation. "Uhh, Roseroar, I don't know how to tell you this, but you just got your wish."  She looked from him to herself, stretching out one long arm to inspect it.  She extended her legs to their full length. She then looked up at him. "Interesting. Did you do this or did I?" He really didn't know the answer and said as much. She wasn't perturbed in the least. "Well, for the time being, I might as well see how it feels to be the fastest feline around."

She jumped to her feet, eyed the herd of lizards, and took off like a shot. He couldn't really clock her, but it was apparent that she had magically inherited all of the traits a real cheetah was endowed with. In no time she returned carrying two of the beasts by their necks, teeth marks plainly visible in their jugulars. "Excuse my language, but damn that was fun! I've never run faster in my life. I could get used to a body like this!" Jon-Tom was relieved. He wasn't certain how she was going to deal with becoming an entirely different cat. She continued talking excitedly. "What say you and me skin these morsels and put them up to roast. And while their cooking, why don't you try your spit on me?" Her tone was unmistakable, but he was momentarily confused. Spit? Then it dawned on him. Sure enough, his "spit" woke up. Since he wasn't wearing his trousers, there was no way of hiding it. She smiled, something that looked  more like what it was in her present form and commented, "I'll take that as a yes!"

The two set to work cleaning and skinning the lizards, and propped them up over the coals. Both were a bit messy from the work, but a quick dip in the nearby creek cleaned them up sufficiently. The cool water had done little to dampen either one's amorous intentions. Roseroar was testing out various functions of her new body. One of them gave her pause for concern. She raised out one hand and said solemnly, "I forgot. Cheetahs can't retract their claws all the way. This here gal is gonna have to be careful with ya, otherwise you might need some mending." "I'll take my chances. As they say where I come from, no guts, no glory." She laughed at that. "Well sugah, if you have the guts, I have the glory!" He had no doubts that she did.

They shook out his cape and spread it back down on the ground. This time the two were of more equal size, so Jon-Tom mixed it up a little by laying down first, pulling her down on top of him. They kissed, but the activity was still impractical due to the different in their mouths. There was a reason so many species thought the human convention of lip touching was odd; they themselves didn't have the correct equipment for it. She found being on top novel, but it was well suited to her agile new form. She wasted no time in positioning herself over his "spit". She found that this form was more sinuous than her original. She located the head of his cock and slid over the top. She pushed down, but the head stopped at the entrance to her cunt.

She grunted a little in disappointment and pushed harder. Still there was no give. It had been a tight fit inside her normal form, and this particular feline was a lot smaller than a tiger. There was a chance this wasn't going to work. She pushed her body up a little and looked down at him. "I hate to say this sugah, but I don't think we're going to be compatible." He thought for a moment. "Roseroar, this may sound stupid, but in humans there is a thing called a hymen. It's what separates a virgin from an experienced girl. Its a bit of tissue..." She stopped him in his tracks. "I know what it is. I lost mine years ago. Why bring it up?" "Well, I just thought that this form is new to you. Maybe its ALL new, if you get my meaning." She rumbled that around in her head. "OK, maybe so. That means I'm gonna have to try a little harder. I guess it'll hurt me quicker than it will you."

She repositioned herself until the head of his cock was right against her hole again. Grabbing him by the shoulders, she pushed with all her might, straining her hips, forcing herself down on his cock. All at once he was in, but not without a screech of pain from Roseroar and a series of evenly spaced holes appearing in his shoulders. Neither partner moved. With a look of apology she loosen her claws from his clavicles. She wiggled her hips a little. Despite his sudden entry into her depths, it appeared he was stuck at his present depth. From his position he couldn't tell for certain, but only a few inches of his cock could be inside. She was aware of it too. She pulled back a little and slid off a bit. But it wasn't the direction she was ultimately interested in, so she shoved hard again, gaining a few more inches, but not without some pain. Not one to be denied what she wanted, she pulled back again, and shoved a final time. While it pushed herself fully over his cock, the cost was a throaty scream. The scream unnerved Jon-Tom, but when she passed out on top of him, it was even worse.

He was about to pushed her off when she woke back up. "Don't you dare sugah. I didn't go through that again to have you trying to sneak off. Of course, it was worse this time around. I should have figured that you were going to be hard on this smaller body." He started to apologize, but she shut him up. "First time is always the roughest. And I don't know how many cheetahs you know, but they aren't built for size, and honey, you've got size. That ain't nothing to apologize about." She tried a few exploratory wiggles. It was easier sliding off of his cock than driving it in. So she erred on the side of caution and drove herself down as firmly as she could. "I guess I need to stretch a little before we can have any fun. You and I can just lay here for a bit while this new hole of mine gets in shape."

Jon-Tom wasn't about to argue. He had felt bad for the obvious pain she had gone through for them to be where they were now, but for his part, she felt unbelievable. Indeed, as he thought about it, he was having sex with a virgin, in body if not in mind. She was tight as hell. He thought that the tigress' cunt was a firm fit, this one was even more so. It was hard to describe, but overall he felt like the owner of a spear driven hard into unyielding flesh. He was sure that there was blood involved, but she seemed unconcerned. "I ain't gonna bleed to death." was all she said. As they lay there, firmly connected at the hips, he could feel her from the inside out. Her heartbeat was palpable through their connection, and he was sure she could feel his. Blood was pumping strenuously through his body, but it was all being guided to one spot.

After a few minutes she tried an experimental motion. She glided about halfway down his length, and then back again. She didn't wince, so that was a good sign. The movement was slow and measured, which meant that she wasn't ready for anything vigorous just yet. That was alright with him. The feeling of just being inside this nubile feline body was heavenly. While she slowly worked her way up and down his cock, he took to stroking the fur on her back and neck. She started purring, a deeply seated rumble that shook her body. In no time, she was managing to build up speed without being uncomfortable, and a little while longer she was doing so to pleasure instead of pain. It was just as well, because Jon-Tom was enjoying himself to the extreme. She was doing all of the work, if it could be called work, and he was reaping the benefits.

She came all at once. There was no build up, no hint of what was coming. Her body clamped down on his with such intensity that she stopped sliding back and forth, but instead held him in such a grip that he felt that if she continued she would pull out his cock by its roots. She was literally vibrating

in place. He felt like a chainsaw trying to be started. It dawned on him, in the remote part of his brain that was still capable of thought, that this must be the way cheetahs were, fast at everything. That thought was punctuated by the awareness that from deep inside him there was a welling that was soon to make it to the surface. He only hoped that there would be room for it. It was already a bit tight in there. When he came, it was painfully and violently, much like their whole love making session had been. She collapsed on top of him, panting but awake. She purred in his ear. "You know, a gal could get to like this kind of treatment!" He was glad that she approved.

The smell of roasting meat jostled them back to the present. Looking over to the fire, it was plain that if the lizards weren't rotated soon they would be ruined. Roseroar volunteered to turn them, but as she went to get up, it was clear that they were still held tightly together. Neither wanted to force the issue, so Jon-Tom had her grab his shoulders and as he stood, she wrapped her legs around his waist. Mildly encumbered, he was still able to turn the spit and save their meal. She nuzzled his neck, her whiskers tickling his cheek. "Ya know Jon-Tom, this is a switch. Normally, I would be carrying you, not the other way around." He carried her back to his cape with the intent of laying back down. She stopped him. "I'll tell ya what. All of this walking has felt pretty good to my insides." She shifted her hips back and forth, testing the waters. Jon-Tom hadn't lost any rigidity during the interim.

"Honey, ya'll got the strength to hold me for a bit?" "I don't see why not." was his response. "Good sugah. I don't think I'll take long. This body seems to do everything fast." She lunged downward, and pulled back up sharply. In no time she was a virtual blur of motion. While she wasn't heavy, at least in comparison to her normal body, he was going to lose his footing eventually. But she was right. In a very few minutes he felt her tighten up around him, and with a high pitched cry, she was done. They fell back onto the ground. He rolled her over so that he was on top. "Not fair, my fine lady. Twice for you and once for me. It's my turn now." Indeed, despite her recent climax, she was looser now than at first. A few thrusts found less resistance than before.

He pulled her long legs up and had her grab onto them, spread wide. He pushed himself in as far as he could go, thankful she had her hands full. He didn't want to have to heal two sets of claw marks. He knew that he would never achieve the speed that was natural to her, but it didn't really matter. This was his turn. He started with long thrusts, each return driven as deeply as he could go. She gasped and her eyes nearly bulged out of her head. After only a minute or so she came again. He continued pounding away, waiting for the release he knew was in him. But every two or three minutes she was convulsed with contractions. Her fifth one was timed with his, and the two fell together in a heap. For the first time in an hour the two fell apart. Sure enough, they were both covered in blood, but not as bad as he had feared.

He wanted to sleep, but the rumble in his belly reminded him that there was food to be eaten. He crawled over to the remains of the fire and pulled off the meat. Roseroar was snoring when he returned. He was partially annoyed that she was out, but she was so beautiful laying there that he couldn't find it in his heart to be angry. He gently shook her awake. "Roseroar, food's ready." She mumbled something. "What?" he asked. "I'm full right now Jon-Tom. You'll have to wait." He sat back and had a good long laugh. His mirth broke through her drowsiness. "What's so funny?" she asked with some annoyance. "I said, the food is ready. Unless you like yours extra crispy." She sat up, her arms very nearly not supporting her. "Food. That's a good idea. This body burns up a lot of calories."

After their repast, the two cleaned up in the stream again. Roseroar sat down and looked sadly at her armor. "Ya know, It makes me kinda sad. I've made most of that myself. Now it'll never fit me again." She sniffed a little. "I had fun Jon-Tom, but I wish I was a tiger again." He had to agree. "This was fun, but I wish I had my tiger back." In an instant her body changed. The spots stretched into stripes, and the thin frame that was the cheetah's now expanded until a full blown tigress was once again standing there. She patted herself down, and looked at him. "Thank you sugah!" He looked lost. "I didn't do a thing." "Now honey, I don't know that much about magic, but this was obviously your doing. " He nodded, since the statement was true enough. He just didn't know what he had done.

"Lets think this through. You played me that beautiful song saying that I was your lady." He nodded. "And what did I say? I said I would be any kind of lady, any time you wanted it!" He agreed and added, "And I said that I would accept as long as its always going to you inside." She looked thoughtful. "And that is just what happened sugah! I mentioned being another cat, but nothing happened. It only happened when you agreed with me. Think of the possibilities Jon-Tom! I can be anything we want, and turn back to me again." He had to agree but as usual had reservations. "What if it only worked once? It may never happen again." "Always the doomsayer, aren't you?" Its easy enough to test. "I wish that I were a panther."  As an after thought, she added, "a black one." He wasn't too sure about this, but went along for the ride. " I think that you would make a lovely black panther."

The prickle of magic came and went, and in its place stood the darkest, sultriest black panther he had ever seen. She twitched her tail and wrinkled her nose. "Told ya honey. This only happens with you and me together. That's some spell you sung up." She was walking away from him towards the stream. "Where are you going Roseroar?" "Honey, I have just got to see myself and since I don't have no mirror, my reflection will just have to do." She stood on the bank admiring their recent handiwork. All at once she turned back to him. "Sooooo. Would you like to try out this body too." He eyed her up and down, admiring the body and looking for an appropriate answer. He finally said "Yes. But not now. There will be time, and I think I would like the original back for a while. She is, after all, my favorite." It must have been the right answer, because she gave him a hug and said "I wish I was a tiger again." "I second that" and again; magic - transformation - tiger.

"This here is one heck of a gift you've given me sugah. We'll have plenty of time to test it out, but I think we had best be on our way. This here has been good fun, and I needed the companionship, if you know what I mean, but we best get moving on. Is that map in your head still working?" The matter of that spell had been pushed to the back of his mind, which was just as well. Clothahump had meant to only place the necessary information in his head. What had happened was that the entire planet was spinning through is brain cells. He focused on the image, and in no time located their present location. He was amazed to see that not only was the geography showing up, so was the vegetation and animal life. Including a tall human in a lizard skin cape and a lovely tigress. This was just too weird. Rather than mention it, he retrained his thoughts on their destination, and oriented their path along that route.

Neither one was familiar with the terrain, but Jon-Tom soon found that if he consulted his map, he could pick the best way through much of it. Roseroar had to snap him out of his revery for he was often searching the mental images flowing through his brain. It wasn't a bad thing altogether, for several times they avoided dangerous plants, pitfalls and uncivilized locals.

One evening, as it was drawing towards darkness, he guided them to a quiet glen hidden in a forest. There was a small stream that widened into a pond before gently cascading down over a short limestone cliff. To one side was copse of trees in bloom, petals littering the ground underneath. All in all it was a romantic setting. Both of them were hungry, but there didn't appear to be any reptilian meal tickets in the area. Jon-Tom walked over to the pond, gazing into the deep clear water. Large fish, trout perhaps, swam in its depths. But he had neither fishing pole nor the swimming ability to catch them. The tigress came over and searched the depths with him. "Hmmph. I wasn't made for caching fish. It's too bad I wasn't a sleek little otter like yo friend" He absentmindedly agreed, "Yes, that would be nice. Mudge never had trouble catching fish." The prickle on his neck told him he was too late to take back what he said. He glanced sidelong at Roseroar, only to see a near carbon copy of his otter friend, albeit female. Like Mudge, she was much larger than any otter he was used to, much like many of the animals here.

She was giving her new form the once over. "I never thought being this small would have its advantages, but this doesn't seem so bad." She contorted her body with the amazing flexibility natural to otters. She looked up at Jon-Tom. "I'll fetch us some super right quick I think" With that, she was underwater, barely disturbing the surface tension. He could see her chasing after the fish. In no time she surfaced with a big one in her mouth. She came to shore and threw it up on the bank where he had to capture it before it flopped back in. Four more trips underwater and she had enough to feed them for the night. She pulled herself out of the pond, water shedding off of her coat like a miniature waterfall. "Honey, this here form isn't half bad. I like water and all, but in this shape I can literally fly through it. And its agile and flexible in ways I've never known. Too bad its so small." "Too small? Its the same size as any other otter." "Right," she said. "Too small!" He shook his head in confusion. "Too small for what..." He let his words trail off as he realized what she meant. "Roseroar,  I thought I was going to hurt you when you were in cheetah form. I have no idea what would happen with you as an otter."

"You're right sugah, as usual." He relaxed, a possible disaster averted. But he was to have no such luck. "We'll have no idea what would happen unless we try. This body seems a might bit more," she stopped, searching for the right word, "stretchy. Besides, the fish can wait." He was prepared to argue but realized the futility in doing that. She was right. Either it would work or it wouldn't. She wasn't so careless as to allow herself to come to harm. But he rather doubted that this was going to be possible. After all, her present form was smaller than the cheetah. But he did recognize that otters were acrobats, capable of contorting their bodies into pretzel like convolutions. That didn't mean that they could handle, well, internal expansion capable of dealing with his dimensions. Roseroar simplified it for him. "Jon-Tom, get undressed and get over here!" He reluctantly complied.

Once his clothing was off, she assisted in matters by tripping him, causing him to fall back on the ground. She was on top of him immediately, planting wet little kisses on his face. "This is kinda fun" exclaimed the tigress-turned-otter. The spell-singer allowed her to carry on, carefully sliding his hand down to her crotch. She wiggled in a way to make it easier for him, and he found her cunt, the outside still mildly damp from her swim. He inserted a finger, and sure enough, this form had all of the signs of being a virgin. He worked his finger in as far as it would go, and she squirmed on top of it, bucking her hips. This made it difficult for him to work in another, but he finally did. He felt a slight give and knew that in this form, her hymen wasn't nearly as tough. A third finger in was driving her crazy. He was rock hard, so he withdrew his fingers and guided her down to where she wanted to be.

The first few attempts were unsuccessful, largely because she was too twitchy to concentrate. He had to grab her haunches to steady her. Once in position, he pushed up, and she pushed down. With a pop he was inside. It wasn't far enough for her for she shoved down hard, legs splayed, her belly gliding down his. She forced him in until he swore that if she opened her mouth, he would see the tip of his cock in her throat. Even then he wasn't going to fit in entirely. The head of his cock was wedged up tight against her insides. It was no wonder Mudge liked sex so much, it was part of his nature. Roseroar was madly going at it, both like and unlike her cheetah form. She was obviously enjoying herself without the pain she encountered previously. This little otter was a dynamo. Jon-Tom was glad she was on top. Not only did he not have to worry about crushing her, he was able to keep her in place better this way. She was moving seemingly in all directions at once, totally engrossed in ecstasy.

In no time at all, she sat up and pushed down hard, rocking violently in place. He couldn't help but release himself, and his climax triggered one in her. Her body arched back at an impossible angle, her muscles squeezing rapidly around his cock. All the while she emitted a series a soft squeaks, as her body was wracked with convulsions. All at once she screeched, falling limp across his chest.  She was out, but her body was still actively twitching. It felt good. He brought up his knees, repositioned the otter and began his own measured thrusts. It was a bit difficult considering she was limp, but that was corrected when she came to. She joined right in, not missing a beat. Within a few minutes the two were satisfied again. They lay together for a while. His stomach began to growl, and she chuckled. "Hungry again are we?" "Yes my fine feline, but I think for fish. I need to keep my strength up, you know!" "Indeed you do need to keep things up. I guess we had better get supper on the fire." She heaved up to get off of him, but was encumbered by their "shared experience". She finally separated with an audible "pop",  followed by an even more audible sigh.

After their repast, during which she opted to remain in otter form, Jon-Tom had to ask. "I don't get it. Considering your size, we never should have been able to do what we did." She just smiled up at him. "And what did we do sugah?" He took a swipe at her, a pointless gesture since in the time it took him to swing his hand she was under his arm and looking into his eyes. "I told you before spell-singer, you think like a human. Size isn't everything. Some otters have proportionally big babies. You ain't gonna squeeze that out if the hole isn't big enough. Cheetah's have little cubs, so the hole doesn't have to stretch as much. So it all depends on what kind of animal you're dealing with. I had a lot more fun in this body than the last one, though mind you, I ain't complaining one bit 'bout either!" She set out to prove her statement, for she rubbed her furry body across his crotch until she was happy with the result.

From there it was the simple step of engulfing it with her own willing anatomy.

The two fell fast asleep an hour later. She was snuggled against his chest again. He had the presence of mind to drag his cape across them both before he too collapsed from exhaustion. He awoke to flower petals in his face, a cramp in his back and an otter on his chest. She yawned, smiled, and snuggled in closer. "Morning sugah! Did you have a good night?" "That depends. Are you asking about after I fell asleep or before?" She giggled, a sound he deemed appropriate in this form, but not so much in a tiger. "Both I suppose. But then, I rather expect I know the answer to "before", so I guess I mean after."  Jon-Tom yawned, shifting slightly to ease the knot in his back, but not so much as to dislodge her. "I slept just fine. It kind of helped that I was worn down to the bone." She giggled again. Her nimble paws found their way to his crotch. "Sugah, right you are. Your bone has withered away to nothin! Oh wait, nope, I was wrong. Feels like there is a little life in it yet!"

He protested. "Might the lady give me the honor of relieving myself before we get started again?" She giggled even more. "You better make it fast honey. This body seems to be in constant need of attention!"  He was sure it was, if his friend Mudge was any indication. Sex was all he seem to talk about, other than money, food, stealing, and; well that was about it. His friend was a bundle of energy, leastwise when it suited him. There was a good chance that he was going to wish for his friend's sexual appetite before the day was through. He walked over to the trees, answered his bladder's urgent call, and returned to the otter. She was propped up on her elbows, watching him walk back. "Dang it, honey, you are way too slow. You had better pick up the pace or I'm going to end up leaving you behind."  She giggled again at some personal joke. Her amusement rippled through her frame from head to tail resulting in her tail remaining fixed in the air. "Well, come on. This here lady is awaiting. Get a move on it!"

She continued waggling her tail high in the air. "Hey Jon-Tom, ya think this here backside is up to your kind of abuse?" He was a bit taken aback. "How about we start in front and see what happens."

She sighed. "OK. But ya got to get there from here!" She was wet and ready, willing and able, and raring to go. As turned on as he was, he couldn't help but think that this just wasn't like her. It had to be the effect of these new forms. He for one didn't want to take advantage of her with her morals compromised. She had no qualms now about trying new things, or old things in new ways. While that might be a good thing, it seemed to him that she was going a little overboard. But at the moment she really didn't care.

He positioned himself behind her, acquiescing to her present need. He slid in, pushing gently. She would have none of it and pushed back hard. He sank in deep. She grunted with pleasure and emitting high pitched yips, ground her pelvis down hard. She had all four limbs securely planted and was rocking back and forth with increasing speed. With a squeal she climaxed, falling limp on top of his cape. Jon-Tom was alarmed by her behavior. Rather than continue on, he made the decision to pull out and call it quits. He reluctantly withdrew from her wet dripping hole. She woke up and turned on him. "Oh no you don't." She shoved him onto his back, perched over his crotch and firmly impaled herself upon his manhood. As she did, she clawed his chest and yelped at the same time, all the while pushing forcefully against his groin.

It was when he felt a squeeze at the base of his cock that it dawned on him that she had followed through with her plan. Her sphincter muscles were stretched tight around the base of his cock, and his cock was deep inside her bowels, deeper than he thought possible. She remained were she was, grinding her hips. He knew that it had to be uncomfortable for her, but if it was, she wasn't showing it. Instead, she growled with pleasure. She opened her eyes, looking all dreamy-eyed at him. "You fit much better this way, Jon-Tom. Before I couldn't get you all inside." He lay still, allowing her to move as she pleased. He was afraid that if he engaged with her, something might rip or rupture. In the end, it turned out that otters are MUCH more flexible than they appear. The two came together in a writhing entanglement of bodies. She collapsed again. Jon-Tom was quick to pull out before she could come to her senses.

When she did come to, she was ready to go again. He declined with as much aplomb as he could. "Why don't you switch back for a while. This has been fun, but I think I miss your old self." She pondered that for nearly three seconds. "Nope. I like this form. Its fun, and fast and agile. And it likes sex...a lot!" She smiled at him, batting her eyes coquettishly. He decided he had better be firm. "I'll tell you what. You change back for a while and we can do this again later." She pouted a little but relented. "Fine. I guess I have to be a tiger again." Jon-Tom was quick to agree. So he got the real Roseroar back.

She seemed disoriented for some time. She stood only to fall. He thought something serious was wrong. She pushed him away. "You idiot man, can't you see I have to get used to this body again. Being an otter was a totally different experience. Now I'm me and I have to adjust. She stood only to tilt to one side. She finally gave up and slid to the ground. "Don't stand there gawking, get over here and sit with me." He complied. She rested her head on his shoulder. "Ya know sugah, I really liked that body. I think I understand your friend a little better. Given a chance, I would have sex all day!" He almost hated to ask. "How about now?" She grinned back at him "What? Haven't you had enough?" He let out a deep breath. "I have had enough to hold me until you're ready to do it again." She pursed her lips as best she was able "Now isn't that a diplomatic answer? Well, if it's all the same to you, I think that I'll wait a while. Otters don't seem to spend much time thinking of the consequences of their actions. I had better rest a few of my...parts. He understood, but instead of remarking on it, stroked the soft fur on her head. She purred and fell asleep.

When she awoke it was well past noon. Jon-Tom was hungry, not surprising considering the energy he had expended. She awoke to the sound of her own stomach growling.  She sat up, working the kinks out of her arms and legs. Her yawn gave him a close look at her fearsome teeth. He was glad she and he were on good (or was that great?) terms. "Howdy sugah. What's to eat?" "Nothing as of yet. I've been here with you the entire time. But since you're awake, I'll see what I can do." The pond was still at hand, but she had caught the fish the day before in otter form. He still didn't have a pole or a spear. Spear. That gave him an idea. He had taken a college course on early humans, and one of their assignments was constructing a spear. The professor had been a stickler, and not only had they had to make it, they had to use it. His had been for impaling fish. Maybe, just maybe he could do it again.

He didn't know where to look for the necessary materials. Just then his map flashed. In quick order he found a straight branch, some tough thorns and some strong thin vine. With the blade in his staff he went to work. The tigress sat down to watch him. "Why not just use the blade?" "Because, it may go into the fish, but there is nothing to keep it from coming loose. It may not be as efficient as you in otter form, but it may be safer." She sighed. "I wish I was an otter again." Jon-Tom said nothing. She looked sidelong at him. "I know sugah, but I am hungry and it would be the quickest way.." "OK, OK. I think you make a wonderful otter." And there it was again, that brown furred sexual powerhouse. She looked up at him with a twinkle in her eye. Without a word she was into the water and off like a torpedo. Six fish later she erupted onto dry land, the last remaining fish firmly in her teeth. She spit it out and approached the spell-singer.

"I'm still on the hunt sugah!" It was what he had been afraid of. Otters seemed to have only a few things on their mind. He had nothing against another round or twenty with Roseroar, but he rather felt that it would be nice to do it with her in her natural form. "Good. I'm ready to be preyed upon, but only after we eat, and only by my lovely tigress." Her nose twitched. Her whiskers took on a life of their own. She sighed. "Oh all right. I think I like doing it in this form better than any other so far." "That may be, Roseroar, but I would rather take a break from otters. To be honest, they tire me out." "Oh, and I can't do that in tiger form?" He answered cautiously. "Why don't we see? I know one thing for certain, I'll never get tired of trying!" She winked and smiled at him. "I think its time to be a tiger again." He happily agreed. The old Roseroar was back once again.

They roasted their fish, ate it with relish and sat back, enjoying the fire. Jon-Tom heaped on more wood, sat back and watched the flames dance in the air. They were both silent for a while, absorbed in their own thoughts. After a prolonged silence, the tigress spoke up. "Jon-Tom, have I been making a fool of myself?" His reply was perhaps too ready. "No, not at all!" She grimaced. "You're just being nice honey. I know that I was behaving improperly. I have made a disgrace of myself." She looked crestfallen. He slid  over next to her. He looked her straight in the eyes. "Roseroar, you are a terrific person. It doesn't matter what you look like, or even how you act in a body you're not used to. I love you for who you are inside."

She glared at him, eyes wide in the firelight. "I don't believe you!" she growled. He was taken back a bit. "But Roseroar, you've taught me to look at the who rather than the what. It has been a remarkable experience being with you. I wouldn't have missed it for the world." She stared at him until he thought she was going to burn holes through his head. "Not that you stupid idiot. If you enjoyed the sex even half as much as I did, then there had better be no complaint from you on that point." He had that "I have no idea what you're talking about" look on his face. She leaned in close, her nose touching his. "You just said that you loved me." He sat back. She was right. He did.

"Now sugah, I like you a lot. I might go so far as to say I love you too, but when it comes down to it, we are way too different for it to mean much of anything. But if you said it and you meant it, I would like to know." He didn't answer right away, knowing that their present relationship hung in the balance. When he did, he was sure of what he felt. "I said what I meant and I meant what I said. I do love you. You are terrific and if you were a human, I would want to make as many babies together as we could. And in between times we could keep on practicing."  She was still reluctant to accept his explanation. "I want to believe you, really I do. But love is not the same as sex. You can have one without the other. If you really love me, then that changes everything about us." He looked horrified, like she was going to maul him, or perhaps do something worse.

"Now don't go getting all upset. If you love me, all you need to do is prove it. Otherwise its just words." He didn't like where this seemed to be heading. "How am I supposed to do that?" She grinned down at him. "Simple. You unconditionally give your love to me, and I will do the same." He relaxed momentarily, until his brain noted that there was no physical way of doing that. In the end it would still just be words. He said as much. "Sugah, you grew up in a different land. I assure you that if we do this, there will be no question ever again in either of our minds as to whether or not we have true feelings for each other." He didn't know what she had planned and was marginally afraid that he might have overstepped his emotions. "OK Roseroar, what do I need to do?" She motioned to him. "Put you hand on your chest, and tell me that you love me, and that your love for me is given freely. And then give it to me."

He was both relieved and intrigued by her request. But he felt strongly that he did have feelings for her. He put his hand to his chest and avowed "I hereby state that I love the tigress Roseroar and that I give my love freely and of my own volition." His hand started to glow until the light was so intense that it hurt his eyes. He was afraid that he was on fire, for there was heat in his hand. He fearfully jerked his hand away from his body. It came away slowly, like he was pulling on taffy. As he did, the glow clung to his hand, leaving a trail to his chest. That came to an end and retracted to the globe of light gathered about the end of his wrist. He felt a little disoriented. "Now what?"

She was looking at him intensely. "I Roseroar, do hereby acknowledge from the bottom of my heart that I am in love with this human." Her big paw raged with a blinding light. "Now, put you hand on my chest, and I will do the same to you. The moment the lights touched one another they disappeared. Jon-Tom gasped and reeled. Roseroar had a better idea of what would happen, but she was still knocked to her knees. Her eyes lit up as brightly as did her paw the moment before. She couldn't see it of course. All she could see was his eyes, glowing like hot coals. For him, her eyes shown like diamonds in sunlight. He sat stunned, unable to speak. When he finally found words, they were hardly what he could have hoped for. "What the hell just happened?"

"Something that I have heard of sugah, but have never been witness to. They say it only happens in private, between two true loves. I didn't think the tales were really true, but I guess they are." He cleared his throat. "You mean you had no idea what would happen?" She wrinkled her nose at him, looking briefly akin to her otter form. "Kinda like yo spell singing, isn't it?"  Her poke at his abilities was ignored. She continued on. "I have heard of this, but I sorta figured that if it didn't work, then no harm done. But I didn't wish to go through the rest of my life wunderin if you lied to me or not." His protest was halted with a paw across his mouth. "Don't talk. Feel inside you. Do I love you?" He concentrated on his feelings only to find they weren't there. There were feelings of love, but they had a fierce, catlike quality. He searched through them and found memories of their times together, but instead of seeing it from his perspective, he saw it through her eyes. The love that was there washed over him and nearly drowned him in emotions.

He was in tears. So was she. "Its OK sugah. I'm sorry I doubted you. I thought that maybe you were just patronizing me and I couldn't go for that at all." She sniffed back tears. "It's too bad that you're not a tiger. I would be set for the rest of my life!" But even as she said this, she felt within his emotions another love. While it dampened her spirits, it did so only marginally. She looked deeper into the emotions roiling inside her and saw the image of a skinny little human with red hair. But the image was diffuse and blurry. Then it was gone, eclipsed by the distinct image of a tigress. She recognized herself but was surprised at the image. The picture from Jon-Tom's soul showed a princess, draped in robes and festooned with jewels. The manner of dress was foreign to her (being in the style of India) but it showed the high esteem he placed upon her. If he only knew the truth.

She sat there staring at him, and for his part, he gazed back enthralled. Roseroar was the first to speak. "Well, we know how we feel about each other. I must say human, you don't always show it on the outside, but you have very fierce feelings on the inside.  What you lack is experience and confidence. I think that if you gain the first, you will have the second. Then beware the magician that crosses paths with you!"  He smiled at her appraisal. It was hard to be confident when others were always knocking you down a notch or two. For his part, her emotions for him were almost scary. She was extremely loyal to those she felt deserved it. He understood why she wanted to know if he really did love her. If he had been lying she would have been devastated. But he had not. "We seem to have settled this matter rather concretely, " he said. "But what now? Do we keep each other's...whatever it is we exchanged, or do we somehow go back to normal?"

She had no clue. "Honey, I have absolutely no idea. The only thing I know right now is that I want to make love to you right here, right now. No arguments!" He wasn't about to give any. This time there was no kinky stuff, nothing weird. Just two lovers locked in a sensuous embrace. The mood was relaxed, and the two held each other, joined in sex, for over an hour. There was no flailing, only long slow strokes and quiet moans. When they finally came they did so together. As one their bodies lit up. To an outside observer it would have been impossible to look at directly, but at the same time it illuminated nothing around them. They lay together for a while, neither one noticing the glow encasing them. Only when they disengaged did the light subside, diminishing until it was nothing more than an aura about their bodies.

She laid back, feeling as giddy as when she was a cub. He lay beside her, bathed in a glorious feeling of companionship unlike anything he had ever felt before. Roseroar laid there in silence, looking up at the sky. She couldn't help but to delve deep down inside herself, searching for that faint memory Jon-Tom had of that human girl. She wasn't out to sabotage their newly affirmed love, but she had enough sense to know that at some point in time, love or no, they would have to split up. She wanted to know more about this girl. She wasn't such a fool as to not know that a being could love more than one at a time. She had no one at home, and while her experience with the spell-singer was extraordinary, no one would chastise her for her relationship with him. But there would be no cubs between them. It would take impossibly strong magic indeed for that to happen.

Try though she might, no image of the girl would appear. It was then that it dawned on her that the images that were showing up were her very own; her soul, if that's what it was, had been returned. About the same time Jon-Tom sat up and looked over to her. The look on his face said that he had come to the same realization. "Are you...back to normal?" She laughed with a roar that exposed her enormous white teeth. "Honey, just what the hell is normal anymore?" He decline to answer on the grounds that he sure as hell didn't know either.

They sorted themselves out and sat together. Roseroar leaned back against a tree and invited him to sit, much like a child on an adult's lap. He eased against her, relishing the feel of soft fur tickling his back. She was initially reluctant to broach the subject so soon, but then there was never going to be a better time. "Jon-Tom, have you ever met someone that you wanted to be with the rest of your life?" He leaned his head back a little. "I think you already know the answer to that." She replied firmly. "I don't mean me. Before you go squawking about how you love me, I already know that you do. But this world would soon be unpopulated if different kinds stuck together and there were no cubs born to replace us as we got old." He mulled that over. "I don't like where this is going. I love you very much and would be happy to have babies...uhh cubs with you." "I know sugah. But that fact is we can't, which is for the best. Can you imagine what an equally mixed up mess this world would be in if it was filled with half human/half tigers. Or any other combination you can think of." Jon-Tom was about to protest but his mind drifted to Mudge. If cubs were viable, there would be half-otter babies stretching halfway around this planet.

He spoke cautiously, but honestly. "There was one. She is as independent and fierce of heart as you are Roseroar. Maybe she was too independent, or proud, or something. I tried to hit it off with her, but she would have nothing to do with me." She nodded knowingly. "She was short, skinny and had a head topped with red fur?" He craned his neck around until he could see her face. "How do you know that?" "Because sugah, when you gave me your love, you gave me all of it. Including that part you had reserved for her. I'm honored, I really am, but you will need to keep that for yourself. If you give up on her, you give up on yourself. And that just isn't like you. Be patient. If she is to be your mate it will happen."

All this talk of red-haired Talea made him melancholy. He liked the girl, but she had rebuffed him more than once. Here he was with Roseroar. True, until a short time ago he would never had had relations with a non-human. She had shown him that what was important was what was inside.  He wanted to stay with her; fur, teeth, claws and all. But deep down he knew that if she wanted to be a mother, to have children and all its benefits, she would need to have someone capable of giving her that. As a mere human, it was never going to work between them.  He knew it from the beginning, but selfishly didn't want to spoil their activities. She read his mind. "Honey, now don't go fretting about our relationship. It' still along way to home and therefore a lot of time to experiment. I just wanted us to be clear on where it was headed, and where it wasn't. And right now, I think the direction is up!" So saying that, she reached a big paw around and gently rubbed his cock. It sprang to life at her touch. In no time at all, Jon-Tom found himself in deep. Literally.

The next day they set off again. Food was abundant though for him it was easier. He ate fruit where it hung down from the trees, or dug out tubers and roasted them in the fire. She politely declined such edibles. "Sugah, you should know by now I eat meat. I'll find something, don't you worry. She did, in the form of the largest snake he had seen outside of the riding snakes. She identified it as poisonous. "But only if it bites you," she added as an afterthought. He was about to tell her to be careful when with a well place throw, she launched one of her swords straight between its eyes. When it stopped writhing they approached it, still cautious. He had no way of measuring, but as he was six foot tall, and he managed to mark off over three of his body lengths, the reptile was at least twenty feet long. It had an impressive set of fangs. Roseroar wasn't going to take any chances. She tied the jaws shut, severed the head and threw it into a gully. The rest was going to be more meat than either of them could eat. "No problem honey. I'll show how to smoke and dry it. I don't believe in waste."

It was tedious work, stripping the meat off and lacing it over branches strung between two poles. While they worked, their more immediate needs were cooking over another fire. The smell was mouth watering. By the time they finished with the meat for smoking, their supper was finished. They sat together eating in silence. Jon-Tom was thinking, as was his fashion, about how to improve something that didn't need it. He really did like Talea, but he was leaning away from ever having a relationship with her. He wanted one with the tigress, but knew it wouldn't be fair to her. The only way to make it happen was for him to become a tiger. He knew he could do it with his magic, for look what it had done to her. But he had no way of knowing how to reproduce something that he had no control over in the first place. He wanted to broach her about it, but came to the realization that there was nothing to talk about. The way his magic tended to work might turn him into a wart hog, or a horse, or a llama. And that wouldn't go over too well.

"Whatcha contemplating over there spell-singer?" He snapped out of his thoughts, looking slightly embarrassed. Since she had asked, he felt he had to tell. "To be truthful, I was wondering what it would take for us to have a baby, err, cub together." She looked down at him, her eyes glowing with compassion, but her words filled with cold logic. "Nothing. I've told you already that it isn't going to happen. Yes, maybe magic could do it, somehow, but would it be worth the effort? Sometimes things just have to happen naturally. Like begets like, as the adage goes. I wish you would quit dwelling on it and just enjoy what we have. Soon enough I'll be back in my lands and it will be time for you to return to yours. Or rather, back to that old shell-shocked wizard I guess."

She was right and he knew it. But the thought stuck around, hiding in the back corners of his mind. They stayed at their present location long enough for the meat to cure before they set off again. They enjoyed each others company, verbally and physically, whenever they could. A few more days into their journey they broke through the forest onto a sandy beach, looking remarkably like the one from which he had conjured up the Sloop John B. He was still gazing out to sea when Roseroar, stripped of her armor, went crashing into the surf. She rolled onto her back and cried out, "What was that thing? A surfboard? Why don't we try that again." He was stripping before she finished her sentence. He swam beside her and started to climb on top, but she grabbed a hold of him and gave him a hug. "What was that for?" "For being yourself. I know you accept me for who I am, but I would like to try something and I need your help" He was perplexed as to what she might need but was completely willing. "I like water sugah, but there are those better at swimming than I am, like the otter. This time I would like to be a dolphin!" He was afraid of this. There was the risk that she could like the form so well that she would leave him and disappear into the great big ocean. She forestalled any such idea. "Just think. Instead of just surfing, you can ride me through the water."

He was intrigued enough to comply. "I think you would make a great dolphin." Fur and stripes melted into the water; whiskers vanished, and her head flattened and enlongated, her nose rising to the top of her head. Her feet were flippers and tail. It all took place quicker than the eye could take in. "Well what do ya know," exclaimed the tigress-now-ocean-mammal in a voice many octaves higher. With a quick push of her tail she was off into the depths. Before he could chide himself with a told-you-so, she was up and out of the water doing a back flip, chattering with excitement. "This must be just like flying," she exclaimed. She nudged his body. "Climb aboard Jon-Tom. But grab my fin because its going to be a slippery ride." She was right. As a tiger surf board, there had been fur to gain a purchase with. Dolphins were streamlined, and she certainly wasn't going to be acting the part of board today.

He straddled her back, grabbed her dorsal fin and hung on for dear life. She skimmed along the surface, occasionally crashing through waves. All at once she shouted, "Take a breath and hang on." He barely had time to suck in a lungful of air before she dived. She dove ever deeper, the light fading as they went. She spun in the water and headed straight back up. Her tail and flippers were working overtime. The sunlight was looming closer when all of the sudden she was breaking the surface. At the speed she was going, both of them erupted into the air. Jon-Tom lost his grip and fell. He had salt water in his eyes, but he could still tell that they must have been ten feet in the air. And then he came down feet first, dipping below the surface.  She was to him immediately. "Wow. Just Wow! That was like, totally cool sugah. These guys have it made. No need to have your legs get tired. If you don't want to swim, just stop. The water will carry you! This is the greatest ever. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you."

All the while she was saying this, she was rubbing her sleek body across his, more specifically his abdomen...and regions lower. He had little knowledge of dolphins, or porpoises, or whales.  The most he could remember about ocean going mammals was a dumb joke he had heard. "Why was a walrus like Tupperware? Answer. They both like a tight seal." Strangely, it seemed appropriate at the moment.  However, she could hold her breath underwater longer than he could. He was willing to give this a try, but not at the loss of his own life. Besides, if he died, she would be stuck in this form. She was avidly rubbing herself across his crotch, especially since now there was something more substantial there to scratch her itch with. He felt her rubbery skin as it slid along his length until it "caught". He knew that in this form, it had to be her cunt. But there was no way it was going to work.

She was exasperated with him. "Swim back to the shallows." He did as he was told. When the water was only about four feet deep she stopped him. "Get your feet planted in the sand" He dug them in with a wide stance. She positioned herself in front and propelled out of the water. He instinctively grabbed around her back, locking his arms under her fin. She was slippery, but most of her weight was being supported by the water. She arched her tail and lower body until she was lined up with his cock. She worked the head of it in, forcing herself a bit at a time. It was a weird feeling, good, but weird. He was afraid he was going to hurt her again, but since he was motionless, he let her do what she wanted.

She eventually worked his entire length in. She relaxed a little, guiding her tail between his legs.

"Now. This will be easier for you than for me. Start rocking me up and down." The waves were already doing that, so he timed his actions with those of the water. She was tight, and if there had been any kind of hymen, the blood would wash away with the currents. He heaved her up with a wave, allowing gravity to take her back down. It was fun, but it soon became apparent that she wanted to go faster. Ignoring the incoming crests, Jon-Tom created his own rhythm. It culminated in a crescendo of climaxing bodies. He lost his footing and fell forward, dragged down by her weight. She didn't flinch. In one motion she fell with him, and then surfaced, back down, him on top. The extraordinary thing was, she did so with out dislodging him.  He gasped for air before she sped off to shallower water. She swam right up to the shoreline. He attempted to get off, despite their continued attachment. It was awkward for her, but she turned her head as much as she could and said. "We're not done sugah. I want you to fuck me again. "

He was shocked, as she had never used that unladylike word before. It had to be something to do with the dolphin form. They were a bit flippant, no pun intended. Her blowhole was out of the water, while the lower portion remained in the surf. Since he was still inside her, he chose their present position. He was afraid that his weight would be too much for her, but she wiggled her body in the submerged sand until she was nestled in a shallow pit. With his legs and arms supporting his weight, the position worked. She squealed and chittered in delight as he thrust into her body with long hard strokes. She especially loved the feel of his hairs tickling her vulva, something a dolphin rarely experienced (he assumed). On the flip side, slamming away on a smooth hairless body was both exciting and unnerving, as it had lolita-like undertones.  He was pounding away and she was loving it so his worries stopped there. They both came again, her internal contractions squeezing his fluids out in a manner most forceful. A large wave came crashing to shore, unexpectedly causing them to pull apart.

Roseroar let out an unhappy grunt and tried to reposition herself. Jon-Tom just wasn't going to be ready again that quickly, leastwise not this time. "Roseroar, lets give it a break. Maybe you can try something land based? It might make it easier on me." She chattered at him, "Maybe, Maybe. But if I chose you have to agree." He didn't see where he had much choice. "OK, I agree." She sat there floating the the surf, thinking about what she wanted to be next.  She rose and fell with the swells, thinking ever longer. For an animal as impetuous as the dolphin, she was taking her time. She finally piped up. "You know, I can't think right now. How about if I just switch back to being me." "I agree. A tiger would be very nice." The huge cat was standing in the surf, bits of sea-foam stuck to her legs. "You know Jon-Tom, this is fun, but I can begin to see some downsides." He was too politic to comment.

She climbed up on shore and plopped down in the sun-warmed sand. He followed her and reclined beside her. She propped up on one elbow and gazed at him. "I was acting a bit flighty out there, wasn't I" "Yes you were. It seems the normal for dolphins, for I have encountered them before. They have attention spans the size of a grain of sand." She nodded silently. "These bodies are fun, but if its alright with you, I think I had better stick to something closer to home." He agreed, extracting a promise from her that there would be no more changes today. She was noncommittal about it. "After all, sugah, I can't change unless you agree to it!"

They sat absorbing the sun's rays, chewing on snake jerky and telling each other tales. He wasn't certain what she wanted; truth or fable. Given the choice she chose the latter. He had to think. There were many stories from many cultures in his world, but most centered on humans. But wait, that wasn't true. There were the Egyptians! He had audited a history class in the vain attempt to hook up with one of the girls on campus. He remembered some of it. He hoped it would be enough.

"You know Roseroar, I have heard about magic from all corners of the world here, but I have never heard about gods or goddesses." She cocked her head. "That's old magic, assuming that any of those stories are even true. Some say that they were merely powerful magicians who craved followers and glory." Jon-Tom understood. "Well, centuries ago there was a beautiful goddess named Bastet. She was in control of the sun and the moon. She was a lovely black cat, adorned with a gold and jewels. The people of her land adored her, and she adored them in return. The held great festivals in her honor. This went on for thousands of years but eventually the people forgot about her. She may still be there, watching and waiting for their return."

"Bastet is a good name," declared the tigress, rolling the name over her tongue. "There was a similar deity here, so they say, also many centuries ago. Her name was Silef. She was not black but white as unblemished alabaster, with blue eyes deep as the ocean. She had the body of a lioness, with the soft fur of a snow leopard. She had a glow about her like the sheen of the most perfect pearl." Jon-Tom was taken in by the story. "She sounds beautiful...not that I'm saying your not" She snorted in amusement. "I take no offense. As a goddess, she had to be beautiful." He had to know more. "Was she a real person or just a fabrication?" Roseroar rumbled deep down. "I can't say. There are stories that there was once a tribe of white lions in the northern hills. No one has ever seen one in modern times, leastwise not that I've heard of. If they did exist, it would be an honor to meet one, or even better, be one." Jon-Tom was listening idly, more absorbed in his own imaginations of what they looked like than what she was saying. He absentmindedly agreed with her. "Yes, I suppose that would be nice."

When the prickle of magic ran up his neck, he sighed and closed his eyes. Damn her, he thought. She tricked him. He forced himself to open them when she called out to him, in a voice like chimes "What do you think Jon-Tom?" Standing there was a breathtaking beauty, her white fur immaculate, her blue eyes blazing. Only her nose was black, a distinct counterpoint to the rest. He was beyond words. He found some anyway, and they were stupid. "Does this mean that the lions are real?"

"Sugah, I still don't know. But here I am, and do I look fantastic or what?" There was no doubt about that. She was everything she had described in her tale.

She was on her feet, performing a flowing pirouette. While not as flexible as the little otter, this form flowed with an innate gracefulness. As she spun, her head took the lead while the rest of her body followed. In one complete turn her head and tail covered three hundred and sixty degrees. She was agile enough to not step outside the bounds of a few inches of sand. All at once she leaped away, bounding over the dunes like a rabbit. In no time she was out of sight. Jon-Tom stared out over the crested sand, waiting for her to return. He knew she would, but each time she changed, he had no idea what she was going to do. This was no exception. So intent was he on catching a glimpse of her in the distance that he failed to notice her standing next to him. She had doubled back behind the dunes and had silently approached him from the rear. When she cleared her throat, he nearly jumped out of his skin. "Dammit, Roseroar you about scared me half to death." Amusement danced in her eyes. "I know sugah. I couldn't help myself. This here body is very near perfect in every way." It has about every talent a cat can have; speed, agility, strength, and beauty." Jon-Tom added one more. "It also has Roseroar." She pushed him down on the sand and sat on top of him. "Why yes it does sugah. I think we need to test out all of its abilities, don't you?"

He wasn't surprised that sex came up again. He was unsure if she was normally this predatory (pun intended) or if it was all of the forms she was trying out. He found it hard to believe that they all could be this sensual, but evidence said otherwise. Of course, it wasn't merely sex; it was love. It certainly didn't matter to him what form she was in. "I'm willing to do anything for you, Roseroar, " he said with a sparkle in his eye. "Especially when it means getting physical!" She purred seductively, rubbing her long softly furred tail across his legs. She spread herself down on the ground, motioning for him to follow. He hesitated, taking the time to inspect her body. He made a quick decision and instead of laying with her the way she was expecting, he flipped so that his legs we straddling her neck and head. She started to protest. "Sugah, just what do you think you're doing? ah ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." His tongue had gone to work on her clitoris. Never in her life had she encountered oral sex. For his part, he found her sweet musky taste to be intoxicating. He slid open her tight lips, and immediately began working his tongue over the exposed pink surfaces.

For her part, she grabbed his head and held it in place, guiding him to where it felt the best. For his part, he hardly needed the guidance. Her hips came off the ground every time he gently sucked at her clit. They had never discussed this particular aspect of sex. For all he knew, it was a purely human invention. The fact was, she certainly liked it. She was enthralled with the feeling. She had had Jon-Tom's cock inside her more times than she could count, but this was entirely different. It was as if he had magically focused her sexual energies in one spot and was continuously activating them. She was nearly losing control of herself, but had to fight to keep her claws sheathed. She didn't want to accidentally harm him, especially since he was working so hard to please her. On particular load moan, her tongue came out and reflexively lapped at the air.

Instead of air it encountered flesh. Jon-Tom's scrotum to be exact. He wasn't expecting it so he naturally started. She came away with the mild taste of salt, both his and the ocean's, mixed with his own particular scent. The tongue came out again and curled around his balls. The feeling to him was both smooth and rough. It was well lubricated but had tiny bumps across its surface. He swore he could feel every one. She licked again, and again. She tried to reach his cock, but couldn't quite make it. With a gentle heave, she arched her back, reducing the amount of space between their bodies, allowing him to stay, and permitting her a chance to reciprocate. She knew she had to be careful. A feline like herself was designed for eating flesh, not playing with it. She kept her motion limited to her tongue. She occasionally lost control when he worked a bit too vigorously on sensitive spots. On the other hand, he now knew when to back off a little.

Her licking was driving him crazy, and in no time he blew his load. However, at the time she had his cock fully in her mouth, cautiously working the length with her tongue. He never meant to cum down her throat, but its exactly what he did. She could feel him explode, his contractions easily palpable on her tongue. She was unsure how to handle this. In the time it took her to wonder, it was too late. She felt his fluids rushing into her mouth. She was half expecting the flavor to be awful, but what touched her taste buds wasn't nearly what she expected. She hardly had time to think about it. Jon-Tom's ministrations were bringing her over the top, and in no time she was too preoccupied to care. She came so hard it hurt. He finally stopped when she unconsciously started crushing his head between her legs. He carefully removed himself from his position until her spasms diminished to mere shakes.

As she settled down, he snuggled up close beside her. She reeled him in with one big paw, brought around the other one and gave him a hearty, loving  hug. She said nothing, largely because she was still gasping for breath. They lay together unmoving until they both fell asleep. This lasted long enough for them to rest and recharge. He awoke to the deep chesty rumbling of her purring. Her eyes were open, deep pools of ocean blue. "Just what do you call that, that, whatever it was you did to me?"

"Where I come from its call foreplay." She wrinkled her nose. "Four what?" "Fore, as in before. And play, as in "not quite the real thing. Foreplay. Its sort of a warm up for sex." "Warm up? Sugah, you had me on fire! I didn't know such magic existed." "I'm glad you liked it. Believe it or not, it was a lot of fun for me too!" "I'll believe ya sugah. Y'all could have lost an important body part though when you really let me have it."

He had been a little nervous about that, but she had handled herself well. She continued. "I could tell you were going to let loose. You taste pretty good!" "And so do you, Roseroar." "Well honey, if your foreplay was merely an appetizer, I think I'm ready for the main course." He didn't need any coaxing. She lay on her back, her white belly fur as comfortable as satin sheets. He slid up between her legs and found her cunt with his cock. There was to be no problem with lubrication, for she was still wet and slippery. She was more than ready. The moment he was in position she thrust upward with her hips, impaling herself willingly on his manhood. That now familiar momentary constriction that was her hymen proved to be no hindrance to the union.

He took over, pushing himself deeper with repeated thrusts. He stopped only when he was fully inside her. He waited, savoring the feel of her tight wet hole. Unlike her other forms this one had a slightly different anatomical feature. The wall of her cunt was ridged, a bit like the corrugation in cardboard. Her depth and his length meshed perfectly, for he could feel the tip of her cervix pressing against the head of his cock. As he gradually pulled back, her ridges rubbed enticingly along his shaft. The pleasure of it wasn't lost on Roseroar, who moaned softly. Jon-Tom measured his movements carefully, finding a slow stride benefited from her internal construction over fast thrusts. He was concentrating on the pure pleasure of her body that he failed to notice that it was driving him over the edge. He came well before he intended, gushing hotly inside her.

She gave him a squeeze, both with her paws as well as her internal muscles. "Done already?" She sounded disappointed. "Not at all. I think that was just the overflow. You know, making way for the really good stuff." She purred. "I hope so!" He was still hard as a rock, so he certainly wasn't lying. He pushed in all the way, purposely massaging her cervix with the head of his cock. She reciprocated by locking her legs around his torso and compressing their bodies together. She had the strength to crack his pelvis but expertly and deftly managed to keep her power under check. She eased up enough to allow him room to generate some motion, but initially held him so strongly that he barely moved a few inches either way. As her grip lessened and his thrusts got deeper, she relaxed and matched her movements to mirror those of her lover.

It was Roseroar's turn to climax. Jon-Tom was not the only one  to noticed the ribs in her cunt. She could feel the vibration caused by his repeated passage along her warm wet hole. It was new and completely unlike any of the other forms she had taken. Better yet, instead of pushing her over the top quickly, like in the otter form, this kept building over time. When it released, she was washed with an internal heat, pouring over her in waves. Jon-Tom kept pounding away, each piston-like action triggering more  and more pleasure within her. Once she began her orgasm it never stopped. It was as though he was continuing the climax once it had been triggered. There was only so much she could tolerate. When that point was reached, she passed out.

She awoke to find her body still reacting, and Jon-Tom still engaged energetically at his task. He had been right, that first climax of his had merely been a spill over. But she could sense a quickening in his movements and knew he wouldn't last long. It was just as well, for she was light-headed and worse (better?) yet, was starting to climax again. He started to release, and she followed not far behind, her contractions pumping every last bit of fluid out of his cock. To him it felt like a closed fist wringing out every drop. After their mutual contractions faded, they lapsed into a cozy rest period, lovingly pinned in each other's arms.

"Ya know sugah, I think this just keeps getting better and better. It certainly beats anything I've ever had before." This brought up a subject he had been loathe to broach; her past experiences. He felt a little better about asking knowing that he was tops in the field. "So," he asked, "How do I compare to your other lovers." She snickered a little. "Are you jealous or just envious?" "Curious," he said. "Well honey, you have to remember how males of my kind are formed." He looked at her with one of his stupid looks. "You know, in the lower regions..." Still the blank look. "Jon-Tom, a male cat, regardless of the species, has small spines on his penis." He thought it over a moment, finally wincing for the female on the receiving end. "I guess I don't know my biology all that well. I've never heard of such a thing. I figured they were all alike." She snorted at his naivete. "I will say this for humans. I think the females get off easy."  He could hardly argue. "But why are they built that way?" That question she could not answer. "I never have heard a reasonable explanation other than that's what works. But then some animals have twisty ones, fat ones, pointy ones and stubby ones. I can't say I've tried them all (holding up a paw to forestall his inevitable question) but I am  very familiar with other cat species. Yours is by far the most comfortable, size-worthy, and pleasurable I have ever encountered." While he basked in her praise, it dawned on him why such animals never tried anal sex. Ouch!

She seemed to be reading his thoughts. "We cats rarely have sex for mere recreation just for that reason. A girl has to be in heat to tolerate the uncomfortableness of that. On the other hand, your tool is well designed for striking just the right places." She nudged him gently in the ribs. Speaking of which, I think I have a itch that needs scratching again. He was ready to oblige, but she motioned a little lower. "Honey, I think we should try out your naughty bit on this form, don't you?" He agreed readily, but warned her, "I think we had better get me lubed up the regular way first, don't you think?" "Sounds like a lovely idea Jon-Tom!"

She was going to shift to her belly, but he held here still. "This is just fine." Indeed, once he penetrated her, she had to agree. In no time he was wet and slippery, thanks to her bountiful lubrication. She pouted a little when he pulled out, leaving a little gush of fluid to dribble down across her anus. That, coupled with the coating on his cock was enough for him to gently push into her ass. She grunted at first, but he held still until she acclimated to his presence. It was a totally different feeling from her cunt. Unlike in her tiger form, her ass here was even tighter, assuming that was possible. He allowed her to start the movement, but her position under him made the effort difficult and clumsy. When he knew she was ready he took over, pumping gently. He would push until his hairs brushed her anus, then pulled back until he was almost out.

Eventually his movements picked up speed, and he was banging away a little harder. The tempo increased until she was grunting in time with his movements. All at once she grabbed his ass with her big paws and took over like she had on previous encounters. She was ramming him in more forcefully than he would ever have dared try. All at once she rammed him down hard against her body and held him with bone crushing strength. He could feel her climaxing, coming hard. Her ass muscles clenched around his cock like a tourniquet. Despite the feeling, it was soon hurting. On the other hand, as she began to relax and he picked up his own pace, the feeling soon came to him and he was over the top, filling her bowel with hot fluid.

Roseroar couldn't help but purposely give him a few squeezes. He returned the favor by pushing in a little. After a few rounds of this, he was hard and ready to go again, which is what she had hoped. Needless to say, they came together a while later in a clash of bodies that left the two of them drained.  As they relaxed, Jon-Tom's inevitable mental processes were evaluating what she had said earlier. "In heat..." Had she been in heat this entire time? He rather felt bad for her if she was. The sex was great but in the end she would be denied the whole purpose of the act; procreation. He had to ask. "Roseroar, have you been in heat this entire time?" She licked her lips and purred from deep within her chest. "Yes darling, more or less. I likely will be until I get pregnant. But since I can't, that means I will be stuck with it until my dying day."

He was perplexed. "What do you mean? Are you saying that you're sterile?" It was her turn to be perplexed. "What is "sterile?" "It means that for whatever reason you are unable to conceive." To make sure she understood he clarified it further. "It means that you can't have babies or cubs." She saddened a little. "Yeah, that seems to sums it up sugah. I have tried, believe me, but not a single one took. I went to several wise women, but their help was worthless. The best advice was from the last one. She said that I had to connect with a true love. She may be right, because none of the fellows I mated with came close to touching my heart. And now that I have found one that touches my heart, we're of two different species. I call that the worst of luck." Jon-Tom was beginning to feel terrible. He was thinking he had been taking advantage of her good nature and raw sexuality. She interpreted the look on his face and halted his thoughts. "Now don't go fretting. You have shown me a great time, better than anyone else in this world could do. But I told ya, like begets like. If you were a tiger, then maybe it would work."

That got him thinking again. What if he could turn himself into a tiger? He sat absorbed in his thoughts.  Roseroar watched him, wondering herself what he was up to. He thought hard, but the only tiger song he knew had already been sung. Eye of the Tiger was one of his repertoire that had been responsible for Roseroar's initial appearance. He knew songs by Cat Stevens, a few of the tunes from the musical Cats, but overall there was nothing useful. He inadvertently let out an oath. "Whatcha up to spell-singer?" He looked chagrined. "I was trying to think of a song that would turn me into a tiger." She gazed lovingly at him. "Ya know sugah, I appreciate the thought, but I happen to like you as you are." He protested. "But Roseroar, look at all of the changes you have gone through for me. The least I can do..."

She shut him up with a irritated roar. "Males. Ya better get your head about you Jon-Tom. You gave me the ability to change, but it was my choice to use it. If you think that you have had all the fun, then you're not paying attention. I'll never forget this. Don't go spoiling it trying to do something stupid. I went into this knowing what I would be in for." She thought for a moment before adding. "Well, I didn't plan on the magic bit, but it has only made it better." "I'm sorry," he said contritely. "It's just that you deserve so much more!" "Hmmph! I don't dwell on it. I enjoy what can be enjoyed and let the rest fall to the wayside. Besides, if you think I deserve more, than get that piece of meat of yours into working order and give me some more!" He figured it was a good way to end the discussion and put them back on equal footing. It worked.

After a few rounds the next day, Roseroar wished herself back into her old body. Jon-Tom was quiet on their journey. She had a feeling he was still mulling over a way to change himself into a tiger. She kept silent. If he wanted to try, then let him try. It might be interesting. It made travel boring, but there were worse things to deal with. The next couple of days found him subdued. He plucked at the duar, mouthing words, careful not to induce something catastrophic. She finally settled down next to him. "Sugah, why don't you sing me some songs?" Failing at a transformation spell, a chance to sing some love songs proved therapeutic. For an hour he held her entranced.  When he was done, she motioned him over. "Ya know honey, you are quite the lover. Not every lady gets serenaded like I do! But enough of the singing. Like your one song asked, "how deep is your love? I think its time you showed me again!"

He had to smile. Their relationship had gone from the tense first meeting, at which point sex was the furthest thing from his mind to now, when she was asking him for it routinely. He was quick to undress. She had him where she wanted him in no time. As they were engaged, she whispered in his ear, "I wish I had chosen a different form." Nonplussed, he answered back, "You can be anything you want, whenever you want it."  "Thanks darling. It dawned on me that I never got a chance to try out the black panther body. That's what I want to be." In the weirdest thing to happened to him yet during this experience, Roseroar immediately changed under him. And around him. In fact, he instantly broke her hymen because the two were already connected. She let out a snarl, but relaxed as the pain subsided. "Sorry sugah, I didn't think about that!"

Just days ago he was having sex with the purest white lion. Now it was the other end of the spectrum. The lithe black panther under him was nothing but raw energy. Once she was over losing her virginity...again...she was greedy for some action. He was happy to oblige.  She was feeling pretty fierce in this body, rolling over and pinning him underneath her. She took to riding his length with relish, often grinding her her body against his until they were both raw. When the time came, he filled her up until his juices were leaking out around his cock. She leaned forward and purred in his face. "Whatcha thinking sugah?" "Who says I'm thinking?" "Oh, I can tell. You have the habit of doing it at random times." "Fine. You're right. But I couldn't help it." "Welllll?" He got a look of amusement on his face. "Where I come from, a woman's private area has a nickname. It's referred to as a "pussy." She waited for the rest. "Soooo. I was just thinking that I have been getting a little pussy lately."

She tossed that around in her head, trying to see the humor in it. She didn't find it. He had been getting a lot of it lately. So she added some humor of her own. "So you want a little pussy do you? Perhaps I should be a lynx." The joke was on her. She instantly became that particular feline. While not the smallest of cats, it was the smallest she had yet tried, akin to the size of the otter. Needless to say, there was an issue. Jon-Tom was still inside her. The only saving grace to the situation is that he wasn't completely hard. As it was, he ruptured yet another hymen and was stuck inside the most painfully tight hole he had yet encountered. He rather doubted that he could have entered it on his own. She keened in pain and managed to rasp out "I wish I was back to normal" Suddenly on top of him was the tigress. It was his turn to gasp in pain as her full weight was pressing down on him.

She quickly rolled off. It took a moment to gather their bearings. She apologized profusely. "I don't know what happened. Normally you have to agree to my changes. This time you didn't. What happened?" He was equally mystified. "I haven't a clue. Can you do it again?' It was a good question. She cocked her head to one side, thinking. "I would like to be a badger." Instantly she was transformed into the familiar striped form of one of the largest members of the weasel family. She flexed her muscles. Looking down, she commented, "Kinda short and wide. This would not be a favorite." She then eyed Jon-Tom. "On the other hand, why should this form go unused?" He was intrigued but thought the better of it. "I believe we need to investigate this first." She shook with delight. "That's what I said!" He stifled a frown. "That's not what I mean and you know it. We had better figure out why you're suddenly changing on your own," adding, "not that I mind."

She mulled it over and stated "I wish I were a horse." A lovely brown mare stood pawing the ground. "I wish I were a unicorn," she whinnied. The brown horse shifted to silvery white and a spiraled horn grew from her skull. She was the size of a large pony. She took a few steps, getting a feel for the form. All at once she turned on Jon-Tom. "Hey spell-singer. This is new. I never considered that I could become a plant eater, much less one as rare and famous as this." He had to agree. On his world, the animal was merely a myth. Their recent exposure to one on their trip must have triggered her decision to try the equine forms. He found it to be beautiful. She meanwhile was trying out its paces. She took off at a dead run. The cheetah had been fast but this was faster. She was gone from sight in seconds. He sat down, waiting for her to return. He might not have bothered. She was back, not even breathing hard.

"This is great! Jon-Tom, you have given me the most wonderful gifts anyone could ever have dreamed of. Get on! Get on and I'll give you the ride of your life." He had to admit that it was too good an opportunity to forgo. He slid onto her back, carefully grabbing a handful of mane. "Mind the hair," she said absently. "You won't need to hang on I think. This form moves like water." With that she was off. The scenery passed by at amazing speed. She stopped after only a half a minute. "Well, what did you think?" He was unsure what to think. "It was fast?" She snorted. "Jon-Tom, we just covered a mile, more or less. That makes a cheetah look like a tortoise!" That certainly was impressive. "Hang on. I'm heading back to camp." He clicked off seconds in his mind, and twenty nine later they were back. He slid off her back and landed lightly on the ground. She turned her head to look back at him. "Sugah, if you don't mind, I think that I am going to put this here body through its paces. Its a bit different than I'm used to." "Sure Roseroar, have fun!" "Good!," she whinnied, "I was hoping you were going to agree!" He was getting slow in the head. She backed her rear end towards him, tail up, her cunt winking at him in a way very un-feline. "Come on human. Show me your horn! I showed you mine!"

While Jon-Tom had gotten used to the many cat forms, and a few of the others, this brought back the memories of barnyard jokes. On the other hand, this was still Roseroar. And she was growing impatient. Besides, while his mind mind have a problem, apparently his body didn't. She whinnied with delight at the sight of his rising erection. "That's what I'm talking about!"  He approached her, examining her present sexual apparatus. One thing was certain and that was that he should have no problems with her having too small of a hole. He parted her pussy lips, exposing bright pink tissue, glistening with moisture. She was just a little tall even for for his stature, but he stood up on his tiptoes and pushed in. She realized that there was a problem and lowered her haunches to help. It was enough to make things perfectly matched. He slid in, pushing deep in one thrust. He was right. She might not be nearly as tight as in her other forms, but she was made up for it by being a few degrees hotter.

From her perspective, his presence felt wonderful. It was innate to this form that the act would be over quickly. After all, stallions blew their load in a short amount of time. She geared herself up to climax when he did. He didn't. She came and came again. He was still going at it. Thinking outside of her present form, she realized that not only wasn't he a horse, he had come several times recently. All the better for her! In fact, he kept going for a long time, unable to blow and tiring in the process. She  meanwhile came six times, nearly losing her footing on the last. Her backside fell a few inches, causing him to slide out on an outward thrust. His next push found her anus instead. She wasn't prepared for it, but it was big enough to handle his cock without pain. Actually, it was just as pleasurable as the other hole, and apparently generated more friction for her lover. He began pushing harder and harder, finally releasing so hard she could feel it deep inside. He stood for a moment before collapsing on the ground, spent.

She turned to him, worried. But he was merely fast asleep, worn out from his manly duties. She looked down on him lovingly. The more she looked the hornier she got. "Jon-Tom, get up." No response, outside of his quiet snoring. She snorted in frustration, unconsciously pawing the ground. Too bad there wasn't some way of restoring his strength. There was so much fun to be had! She nudged him with her head, careful not to impale him on her horn. As she touched him, its tip lit up with a faint glow. He stirred. She held it in place, watching the faint light spread through his body. He opened his eyes, yawned a little and got up, stretching his arms and legs.  "Thanks Roseroar, whatever you did." She had to think; what had she done? Then it dawned on her, unicorn horns had their own magic.  "You're welcome Jon-Tom. Now, to repay me, can we get back to what we were doing?" He shook his head in amusement. "For you my lady, anything!" And so they did. She wasn't done with him for several hours, but her horn keep him strong enough to keep going.

They finally finished. She changed herself back into the tigress she was. "You know sugah, this has been a real learning experience. You can never tell what another form is like until you're in their paws...or hooves. I can never thank you enough for this gift, really I can't."  He felt like saying all kinds of things, but he was beginning to understand that his mouth got him in trouble. He moved in and snuggled next to her, wrapping his arms around her neck. She purred and said, "Why Jon-Tom, you're speechless?" He smiled up at her and said nothing. She rumbled deeply and said, "You are learning, aren't you?" His only response was running his hands gently across her fur.

They were now only days away from her home. If they had wished to hasten the journey, it was well within their power. But home meant parting, something they were not yet ready to do. Roseroar was still pondering her ability to change on her own. It had been nagging her for some time, though Jon-Tom had simply accepted it as fate. She was sitting there running through different species, not so much with an eye to sex, but to see if there were limitations. There were none. Whatever she said, she became. Jon-Tom watched her for a while, but the transformations were making him dizzy.  All at once she called out to him. "Hey sugah, what do you think of this one?" He turned around, half expecting a rabbit, or a wolverine, or something more exotic, like a polar bear. His jaw dropped. She smiled at his loss of composure. "I take it you like? It never dawned on me to try this one out until now. I must say that its not necessarily a favorite of mine, but then, it hasn't been run through it paces either." He sat and listened, barely comprehending.

What he was staring at was the most perfectly formed female he had yet laid eyes on. She had Roseroar's eyes, but everything else was quite different. Her fur was not nearly as white as it had been in the lioness form. For that matter, she had much less of it. Like himself, she only had platinum patches of it on her head, under her arms, and covering her crotch. She had turned into a human! "Uhhh. Roseroar, is that really you?" He knew the answer of course, but he had never dreamed of her taking this form. For some reason, it just never occurred to him that she could. It must have been that old bias kicking in, distorting his perceptions of this world. "Of course its me, you stupid man. Who else would it be?" He immediately apologized. "I'm sorry. It just never entered my mind that this was a form you could take." She smiled, a real smile from a real human mouth. "So, do you like it?" What could he say? Of course he liked it. The lady sitting there was too mature-looking to be a co-ed, but she had all of the beauty of diva and the body of a Playboy model. She had well defined nipples jutting out from small pert breasts. The fur, that is, the hair on her head fell down around her shoulders in a cascade of blonde.  She knew he was taken in by her newest form. The slack jaw and stiff cock seemed like strong clues.

"Well sugah, are you going to stand there all day, or would you like to show this here gal just what you think of her new form?" He needed no more coaxing than that. They fell together on the ground. For the first time, the tigress found the true sensuality in kissing. The two entwined in a passion that heretofore had been impossible, for these two bodies were made to be together. It didn't take her long to make it known that she wanted more, and he was happy to give it.  But he was in no hurry, finding that making love to a human Roseroar was an act he didn't want to rush. He started with his fingers, working them in, feeling her wetness. He also found that tightness; she still had a hymen, It was no surprise, seeing as he had been dealing with it all along. He slid along her belly, kissing her skin and running his tongue along her curves. She moaned and arched her back, straining even harder when he reached her cunt. He gently but firmly sucked on her clit, causing her to arch so hard he heard her back crack.

He remained where he was until she came. When she was done, she lay flat, gasping for breath, fluid dripping from her cunt. He then shifted position, pushing her legs apart. He slid up her belly to her chest, running his tongue across her nipples. It was a feeling she had never experienced. He continued moving until he reached her mouth. She greedily attached hers to his. With a slow purposeful motion, he pushed his cock in, causing her to bite down on his lip.  As he pusher harder, she bit harder, until in both locations blood flowed. With a cry she released his mangled lip and clamped her legs around his hips. Her arms wrapped around his neck. She whispered hoarsely in his ear "Sorry about that!" He felt no apology was necessary. They went at it until they both were racked with bone shattering climaxes.  They lay together locked in a tight embrace, neither wanting to let the other go.

All at once she stirred, and in one swift motion managed to flip them over so that she was on top. "I don't know about you, but I intend to get ever last bit of pleasure out of you before I return home. Are you ready to go again?" Sadly, he was not. "Roseroar, I am finding that I have my limits. She snorted, literally. In the time it took him to provide an excuse, she had turned back into a unicorn. He abruptly had a few hundred pounds extra weight on his groin. But she leaned down with her head, touching his with her horn. And then, as quickly as it had happened, the human girl was back. "How about now?" He was amused. "You learn quickly, don't you?" "Quicker than you, I think. So how about it?" As "it" was back in working order, he had no excuse, nor a desire for one. And so it went the rest of the day.

As they were relaxing later, she asked him. "How many times did we do it today?" He sat on the ground contemplating her question. He really had not been counting. "I'm not completely sure. I think is was one less than we should have." She let loose with a laugh of pure unbridled joy. "OK, I take it back. You can be quick witted when it counts!" "Are you ready to go again, Roseroar?" "Oh, I think so. But I think a break is in order, don't you?" So they set to talking. Soon she would be home, and he would be leaving. He had never been able to figure out a way of giving her the gift he so desired to do, the ability to have children. He didn't bother mentioning it, as there seemed little point. On the other hand, she brought up the matter of her changes. She was still puzzled by the sudden independence in her ability. "It couldn't be random chance. Something had to have caused it," she insisted. He looked mystified. "I suppose so, but I didn't sing any other spells." She agreed. "Right, so something happened to change its workings. We need to figure out what. It all started, I think, after I turned into a panther." She sat there, remembering the experience. She had decided to mock him for his "little pussy" remark by threatening to change into a smaller cat. She had figured that her little cousin's body might be ill-suited for sex with a human, at least one endowed like this one was. She just had not counted on them being locked together when the change occurred. What had he said in regards to the panther? Then it hit her. You can be anything you want, whenever you want it.

She rolled over and looked hard at the spell-singer. "YOU! You did do it!" Her abrupt shout nearly spooked him. "What? ME? How?" She fell back with a chuckle. "You did it and you didn't even realize it. Jon-Tom, you are a damn dangerous, ignorant human, but I so love you!" He was dumbstruck. What was she talking about? He finally had to ask, as her mirth was keeping her from telling it on her own.  "Think back. When I wanted to turn into a panther, what did you say?" He thought about it, but couldn't quite remember his words. "I said, yes, or something" She was laughing again. "What you said was; you can be anything you want, whenever you want it."  He ran the phrase across his thought processes. Indeed, he had granted her free range to change as she pleased.

"So you see, from now on, I can be whatever I want, whenever I want to be it. There isn't another magician alive that could do that. You have given me a gift that will bless me the rest of my life. For that, I need to repay you." So, for good measure, she changed to the unicorn again, and held her horn against his body for a full five minutes. It was good enough to restore him for another couple of hours of intimate togetherness.

The next day they lay together watching the clouds float by. "You know Jon-Tom, you have been great. I'm glad your magic plucked me out of my life and dumped me into yours. It has been the adventure of a lifetime. It is really too bad that we can't have a life together. I would give up everything to be with you." He responded in like. "I would love to stay. I'm missing you already just thinking about leaving. But you spoke wisdom before. Like begets like, and I don't think that I will ever be able to change myself into a tiger. You deserve to have a chance at raising a family. I only hope that it comes your way." They lapsed into silence for a while. Roseroar chose to speak next. "You know sugah, I think that you have finally been able to make some headway against my hormones. I'm not nearly as horny as I was, but lets do it again. Tomorrow at this time I think I'll be home." Knowing it was going to be one of their last made it their best yet. They fell asleep, not waking until late morning. She changed and they dressed, setting off on the final leg of their journey.

As she predicted, they arrived in her city, a large sprawling metropolis called Colivra, populated by many species, but mostly carnivores. No one immediately paid them heed. There were no guards, as each of the denizens was well equipped for handling his/her own problems. But all at once, a jaguar, dressed in regal clothes took notice. "Rana?," she called questioningly. Roseroar looked embarrassed. "Yes Yallah, its me." The jaguar bowed deeply, then turned and bounded away. Jon-Tom raised his eyebrows. "What was that all about? And who is Rana?" She looked embarrassed. "I'm Rana, and that was, errrr, a friend." "Rana? Is that some sort of nickname?" "No, I'm afraid not. Its more like - a title." He knit his brows. "A title?" Then it sank in. "You mean like a princess or something?" She was still trying to formulate an answer when the jaguar reappeared complete with an entourage.

The tigress spoke to her gathered subjects. "Please tell my father that I have returned. And please escort this human to the best accommodations the palace has available. If it weren't for him, I would never have made it home." Jon-Tom's mind was racing. He was going to be in so much trouble! He had been screwing a princess! He was glad it had been worth it, because he had the feeling he was going to be losing his head over his escapades. They made their way into the palace, and indeed he was shown into a well appointed room, tastefully decorated in tapestries, furniture and weapons.

He had hardly finished inspecting the room and settled in when a bevy of "ladies" entered. They consisted of a variety of feline species, some of which he did not recognize. "You are Jon-Tom, the wizard?, " asked the senior member of the group. "Yes, I'm Jon-Tom. I'm not sure that I am a wizard though." "Rana Roseroar speaks otherwise, and it is not my place to contradict her. You should not either. We are here to see to your needs. She is with her father, detailing her mysterious disappearance. In the meantime, she said that you could have anything that was within our means to give you." She batted her long eyelashes fetchingly.  He had no interest in furthering his sexual conquests, leastwise not now and not here. "Some food and rest is all I need for the moment." This brought forth titters from the ladies. The eldest one hushed them. "The Rana did say that you should be bathed. It was her hope that you would relax and enjoy it." That didn't sound so bad. That is, until they pulled him into the next room and stripped his clothes. His outfit vanished, and as he turned to protest, found the group similarly naked.

He wasn't certain how to react to this. If Roseroar sent them, was she testing him? But if so, why? They were soon to go their separate ways. He decided the best approach was to ask the matron. "Might  ask if this is normal?" making an expansive gesture with his hands. "You, human, are not normal. You are the first within the city in years. The Rana has given you leave of the palace, and has vouched for your integrity. She says that you are to be considered as trustworthy as anyone in the royal family." He nodded for her to continue. "Therefore, your presence has piqued the interest of a good number of females. They wish to be with a human, sort of a trophy, you see. Even if you wish not to lay with them, they will have the chance to know what a human is like by bathing you." He relaxed a little. Roseroar knew that he loved her. Perhaps she felt that the sooner he got over her, the better. But he intended to do  that on his own time, in his own way.

The bathing pool was immense, looking in many respects like a Turkish bath. The ladies pulled him in, some rubbing his shoulders, others washing him with sponges. He did his best to relax, but when one of them started washing his privates, he had to protest. The problem was; his voice said no, but his cock said yes. Luckily for him, that solved his problem. Once they saw the size of his manhood, every one of them backed off a little. They were all smaller varieties of feline, from bobcats to ocelots. And not one of them wished to tackle anything that big. The matron was quite open about it. "Sir, you are hung like a horse. I don't think any of these girls wish to suffer what you would put them through."

He was embarrassed, but glad that nothing was going to happen. He eased down into the water and let them work.

By the time they were finished with him; bath, massage with oils, as well as some intrepid touching of his cock (they just couldn't help themselves, he was told) his clothes were returned cleaned and mended. He got dressed and was escorted to the throne room. Sitting high on a huge black chair was the largest tiger Jon-Tom had ever seen. "Come forward!" he commanded. His voice was authoritarian, with just a hint of anger. Seeing no choice in the matter, he stepped forward. The regal ruler spoke again. "Are you the reason my daughter was taken surreptitiously from my household?" He could only nod. "And are you the cause of her forced travel across the ocean, being placed in danger, and exposing her to perils indescribable?" A waggle of his head affirmed his role, though he was thinking that he could describe those dangers quite well. "And did you assist in returning her back to my kingdom unharmed, being her companion and standing by her at all times to get her back home?" Jon-Tom couldn't speak, a good thing for at that moment he thought that "standing by her" wasn't what had been happening. He finally found his voice. "I did. I assume all responsibility for all that transpired. I still don't understand how it happened but..." The king roared. "ENOUGH!" Jon-Tom stood still, quivering. His majesty stepped down and walked around the human. He stopped in front of him, and leaning down, glared in his face. "I know what has happened. My daughter has filled me in on all of the details." Jon-Tom shuddered. "All of the details?"

The king held his stare for a long time before roaring in laughter. "Yes, wizard, all of them. Because of you, she has had an experience she would never have been allowed by nature of her position. I am most envious of her experiences. She will have stories to tell for months to come, I am sure. Pirates! Wizard turtles! Magical boats! True I am not happy at the way you stole her away, but the end seems to have been worth the means. She is far happier now than I have ever seen her. This is good. When one becomes ruler, there is little time for adventure. To quote her words, "you certainly know how to show a lady a good time!"" Jon-Tom was unsure how to respond to that. Had she really told him everything? He didn't think so, for most fathers would take exception to the activities they had engaged in.

Jon-Tom spoke carefully. "Like I was about to say, it wasn't my intention to pull her away. To be honest, until she materialized, I had no idea she existed. But I am very glad that I got to meet her. She is the most exceptional person I have ever met." The king looked on approvingly. "Don't you mean tiger?" "No sir, I do not. I mean person. There is no one on this planet who can come close to her...in any respect." The king looked at him with wonder and appreciation. "You know wizard, that says a lot coming from a human. Further more, I believe that you are sincere. My daughter made it known to me that she never discussed her rank, so that your assessment of her was based solely on her as a person. She is right. You too are a great person as well. If you were a tiger, you could be my heir." Jon-Tom choked.

"I wish that that were possible. But I have no way of transforming myself, at least not one that I know would work. Even if I did, it would be cheating, me being something that I am not." The king rubbed his chin with a big paw. "You have more integrity than most. You are right. The people might not accept you. But then, as you say, you can't be what you're not." He stepped back a little and addressed those in his chambers. "This human wizard, Jon-Tom, is the most honored guest of the realm. While he remains with us, he is to be treated with the respect shown to me. Let it be known!"

A while later Roseroar met up with him. "How did it go with father?" He grimaced. "You could have warned me a little sooner what I was getting myself into!" She knit her eyebrows and wrinkled her nose at him. "I thought you liked what you were getting yourself into." When he got that stupid look on his face, she pointed to herself. "Me! I thought you liked getting into me!" "Shhhh," he warned. "Not so loud!" She laughed. "Everyone knows, Jon-Tom. I keep few secrets, because they eventually come out in the end. That's not to say I was explicit about it, but we don't have your prudish notions. I  told you that." No wonder the ladies had been interested. He brought that matter up. "Did you send them to me on purpose?" "Maybe. There wasn't one in there willing to try having sex with you, was there?" It was his turn to laugh. "No, I can't say there was. Just as well. After the fiasco with the bobcat..." Her paw went over his mouth. "That is the one thing I have not told anyone. That, I have to demand, must remain a secret" He looked confused again. "The bobcat...?" "No, you silly human, the changes. I thought it out, and as long as no one knows about them, I can come and go freely in any form I want. But for now, I will remain who I am. In the meantime, father has made arrangements for you to tour the city."

So it was that the spell-singer was shown about the many neighborhoods and plazas. He drew much attention, especially from the ladies. Something told him that his prowess had become the talk of the town. This likely stoked the ire of many of the males, some of whom where not specimens he wished to anger. But he did have royal protection, so he breathed easy. He had a new appreciation for variety, but in the end left the ladies to their own devices. Despite the urging of Roseroar that he needed to move on, he wasn't ready yet. Besides, she had hinted that they might have one more rendezvous before he left. He  had no intentions of spoiling that. Indeed, his last night there a knock came on his door. His excitement grew with every step towards the door, but he kept his emotions in check. So many servants came and went that it could be anyone.

Sure enough, it was an odd looking little animal carrying a tray of food. "A meal for you, great sir!" she said with deference. She noted he was looking at her. "Would the great sir prefer something sweeter?" Before he could answer, she set down the tray and slid out of her clothes. She was cute, whatever she was. "Uh, just what are you exactly," he asked, partially to forestall her advances, and partially because he really could not identify what she was. "I great sir, am a jaguarundi." He thought that over, quickly I might add, because she was still approaching him, her intent obvious. "A jaguarundi? I'm afraid I've never heard of such a creature. But then, I have been told that I am quite ignorant." She smiled. "The fault is not with you, great wizard, for I am lowly among cats. But maybe you can help? I have been told that you can treat a feline to an uplifting experience."

She had advanced on him, working loose his trousers. He started to protest, but she rubbed her cute paws across his crotch. "I see the rumors are true. You are well endowed." Jon-Tom jerked away, but she persisted. "I'll just bet that if I got a taste of you, you'd be sweet as sugah!" He maneuvered around a chair, but tripped on his fallen pants. Suddenly she was on top of him, smiling. She was on his crotch, rapidly rubbing herself across his cock. She was wet and slick, but he knew it wasn't going to work. Unlike the other smaller cats, this one seemed unconcerned about the obvious size difference in their respective anatomies. Then it dawned on him. "Sugah?" She busted out laughing. "I was wunderin when you would figure it out!" He was so relieved that he just lay there laughing with her. "I thought you said that you weren't going to be changing anymore!" She shrugged, simultaneously transforming. "I didn't promise it, if that's what you mean." The tigress offered a paw, and he gladly accepted the help up off the floor. "Maybe not, but you certainly caught me off guard. Is that creature, a jaguarundi, even real?" "Yes Jon-Tom. I haven't taken to flights of fancy just yet. I took Sala's place. She was supposed to be bringing you your food. But there will be time for that later. Right now, I think there is more pressing business." He couldn't help but correct her. "You mean pleasure, don't you?" "Sugah, when I get going, you'll know I mean business!"

She was right. It was weird, really. After all of the weeks in the wilderness, with only bowers and the stars for a ceiling, making love in a bed seemed out of place. But it was built to withstand even the punishment they were giving it. And she did mean business. By the time they finished, bed coverings were strewn on either side of the mattress. The two were nestled in the middle, breathing heavily. "Well, sugah, I guess this will be it. I want you to know that you are welcome to stay. Father says that you are an honorary member of the city, complete with all of the privileges that comes with it." He considered the offer. "It is a most gracious gift, and not one that I can put aside lightly. But you and I have discussed this already. I cannot stay. Anything that moves us from that path only threatens to get us lost." She purred, rubbing her face in his chest. "You know, father is right. You would make a great king. You have the chance to have that, and to have me, and you give it up to save your ideals." He began to verbally back-step, but she halted him. "I know what kind of person you are Jon-Tom. The best kind. You cannot stay, because to do so would diminish who you are. You cannot stay for if you did, then you would no longer be the person that you would wish to be as king. It doesn't need to make sense, it doesn't have to be fair, it only has to be."

He was crying now. "Roseroar, I don't want to leave you. But I must, we talked about this." She stroked his hair. "We did. You are a brave man Jon-Tom; sometimes foolish, usually thinking too much, but always brave, loyal and loving. I will carry your love with me always. And you will carry mine. Indeed, the light had sprung up between them again, and they both felt a mixing of their souls. His crying evaporated as he felt a wave of warmth spread through him. She felt it too. "There. See, I told you. We will share our love til our dying day." He knew it to be true.

The next morning he set off, followed to the city gates and beyond by a large following of citizens but not by Roseroar. She was too disheartened to watch him leave. His posse petered out within a mile of the gates, so his journey back was quickly reduced to tedium. On the second day, he sat down and pulled the duar into place across his chest. He was bored and lonely. He strummed a few notes, looking for a good song to sing. At this point all he wanted was to go home. Even Clothahump's tree could be considered home. The notes his fingers struck sounded familiar, and in no time he was playing a song by John Denver. Country Roads wasn't a favorite, but it was a good tune with the right feelings for his present state of mind. As he sang, the air around him burst into light. Gneechees were everywhere. As he finished the song, a path materialized out of the forest. He stood up and stepped on it. His brain told him it might be a mistake, but his heart said to go for it. With his first step the world rushed past him in a blur. It was like riding the unicorn, only he was standing on his own two feet.

The scenery passed by swiftly, some recognizable, others not so much so. It was making him dizzy, so he closed his eyes. He found the effect disconcerting, for when he did, he suddenly seemed to be motionless. He cracked open one eye and sure enough, the scenery was still blurring past. He closed his eyes tight shut, waiting for the magic to end. He stood in place for a long time, not wanting to open them to the visually disturbing scene. Therefore, it came as a surprise when he heard his name called out. "My boy, do you intend to stand outside all day or what?" He knew the voice.  The old turtle was cleaning his glasses. He put them back on and peered over the top. "I told you it was just as well that you suffer your own magic, and not foist it on unwitting strangers." Jon-Tom sighed. "I'm glad to see you too master."

Back in Roseroar's land some weeks later, the tigress and her father sat in private discussion. "My dear, he was the best you would ever find. Are you sure you don't want to call him back?" "No father. He loves me, but I know he would never be completely happy here. He is many things, but neither ruler nor tiger is in his blood. He is a human and a magician; a spell-singer and he has much yet to learn. Someday ours paths may yet cross, but not for many years to come I think. Please don't ask me to make him come back. He has already done so much for me. I cannot him ask for more."

Foreword to Upcoming Submissions

I will be posting some original stories, or rather components of an original extended story that is based off of characters, locations and settings from the Spellsinger series by author Alan Dean Foster. If you have not read books from this series, I...