An Orca's First Night

Story by Grahckheuhl on SoFurry

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Because orca's are flippin' sexy. Flipper-sexy? Meh that pun will work itself out.

I suppose this could be considered a sort of straight-up porn mash, but I tried to give it reason for when that actually game. Hopefully I made it seem that way!

Laughter rang through the evening air as several voices chimed in shortly after to give remarks or tell jokes of their own. Drinks were aplenty in the backyard environment, and not a person was without their own. Lights were strung above the yard as the slowly darkening sky would soon allow them to cast a multicolored glow to aid with the jolly atmosphere. A warm tropical breeze reminded all who were there that the start of summer had finally come for the ocean-side city, and a party was being held to kick it off in the right direction.

In the middle of the yard there would stand a large metal grill with fresh meats and fish constantly slapped atop. Even assorted vegetables, for those species who were strict herbivores or even the non-stereotypically vegan creatures, were cooking on a separate part of the grill to ensure that all would be able to partake with enlightened spirits. The chef himself kept the fire to a bright and roiling height; being skilled enough so as to keep the outer edge of the meats seared and pleasantly crispy but guarantee the interior be cooked to anyone's standards. Giant flames helped not only to heat the area around him, but to also ensure the smell would waft along for several, convincing anyone who did not join the festivities that they surely better!

Toiling away with a cheerful grin on his face at all times was a creature not often seen by the general populace or in public, and yet this one was here to share with gusto a generosity that would put saints to shame. He was a large eastern dragon, with thick gray hair and a flowing white mane that trailed from the tip of his head all the way down to the tip of his tail. With a fantastically long tail he would be able to lift plates from below and toss them to any waiting guests waiting behind him without watching from the corner of his eye. Both hands would never leave the food unattended atop of the grill as utmost quality was the only way he knew to serve. The perfection shown in his workmanship seemed to correlate directly to how he lived his very life, judging by the musculature that he sported. Wearing only sandals and loose fitting floral swim trunks, his entire body was otherwise bare for the world's eyes to gaze upon. Being just above twelve foot in height made him an easy target to pick out in the middle of the large yard.

Despite being busy with cooking he would never leave his guests lacking in merriment even if having to butt in and start a conversation out of the blue. He transferred a blazing personality which helped to kindle any downed souls and even reinvigorate those who would rather recede into the shadows and watch others. Seeming to never forget a single name indicated that despite looking to be a towering lug, he gave homage to his eastern dragon heritage and showed himself off as a very intelligent beast.

There was however one particular individual that the dragon wasn't able to quite reach. Despite his best efforts the fellow was able to sink back down into a slump that secretly perturbed the dragon. It was not a sense of anger for failing in his natural abilities, but simply fact that he wasn't able to bring every one of his guests up to a sustained state of laughter and cheers. Once the sun had set below the horizon and the air outside began to cool, the dragon set out to the pool near the back end of the fenced yard. There, an orca was sitting, feet in the pool, looking into the clear waters. He was the only one who had not retreated within the dragon's home to finish partying the night away.

"Ilo! That was your name, correct? Ilo?" The dragon bellowed forth in a way that startled the black and white mammal.

"Oh gods! Don't scare me like that, Grah!"

"Sorry about that. I'm just wondering what you're doing out here is all. There's a bit of a chill setting on the ground. The cool of spring is still grasping these nights it seems. Are you... troubled by something?"

Striking blue eyes turned upwards to look at the dragon towering above. A slight red blush rushed across his face, as from this perspective, he was barely able to see the dragon's face. Pectorals hanging off of the dragon's chest, looking more like an obscuring shelf of raw power than a part of the dragon's body. Grah had raised a brow quickly at the fleeting sight of a small bit of red covering the rounded snout of the orca while Grah flicked his tail tip in earnest.

"No. No nothing is... particularly wrong. I'm just thinking to myself."

The orca had a quiet tone to his voice, and that in itself was fairly strange to the dragon. He had not met many of the oceanic mammals, but those he did meet shared many of the same characteristics. They were generally taller than most of the other species of the world which he encountered, and all of them had a beautifully sculpted body. Ilo was no different. Grah remembered standing next to him when first having come to the party, and estimated the orca to be at least nine feet tall give or take a few inches. He couldn't recall an orca he met in the past who wasn't wearing little more than a tight fitting speedo of any color, and once again Ilo would not deviate from that as he was seen donned in his own red swimwear. It was more than tight enough for the dragon to notice just an exemplary bulge detailed in a silhouette beneath the thin fabric, and it was surely enough to turn his eyes. This indicated that either they were quite proud of their bodies, or they simply were at the ready to swim. Seeing as how Ilo was sitting next to the pool, Grah decided in this case that it was the latter reason.

"Then why don't you come on inside where it's warmer? In the very least rest where it is softer on a couch."

"Grah, I don't mean to be blunt and sudden, but I need to ask a question."

"What might that be?" The dragon's gray fins, lined along his jaw, fluttered quickly in anticipation to what the question may be.

"Why did you invite me here? I didn't have anything to offer. In fact I'm surprised you even knew I existed; living down the road away from where you drive every morning. I'm no one special. I just graduated university, without a job, and had to move back in with my parents. What made me so special so as to be welcomed, out of the blue, to such a party as this? I've been away for enough years that I barely recognize many of the people here!"

The dragon pulled his head back slowly from having so many questions dropped on him at once and in such a short time; the orca having spoken without taking a breath. There were obvious signs of trouble behind his voice. Remaining calm about the situation as to not relay any information which could be detrimental, Grah purposely ignored quite a few of the questions to try and derail the negative mind from its current path. Sitting down on Ilo's left, Grah helped to make himself less intimidating; knowing his height could put some people off.

"First off, congratulations on graduating! Not as many people do that these days, you know. Most just think of it as a waste of time and money, but it does help secure their future. Sometimes in ways they can't see starting out."

"Pfft, yea? I sure feel that right now." Ilo scoffed at the dragon's words with a great amount of disdain. It was how the orca reacted to those words was exactly what Grah wished to learn.

"Mind if I ask what your major was, then?"

"Don't mock me when I tell you, but it was art. I went to school for art, which is dead in today's age. Brilliant, I know."

"Well if I'm not allowed to mock you then you're not allowed to mock yourself either. Art has plenty of uses still floating around, and beyond that of becoming a starving artist of course. What do you think about pornography as an art?"

"I... that seems a bit personal, doesn't it?" Despite hinting at not wishing to talk about it, the blush on Ilo's face resurfaced, and that just allowed Grah to grin slightly.

"Just curious is all. I promise it won't turn in to some sort of lengthy debate. Though this could become quite... heated."

"Wait, what was that? Ah... never mind. I think pornography has its place in art just as it has in the past. By this point it may as well be an ageless discussion which won't see an end."

"Honestly I can agree with you. It'll never be settled. In any case we both at least relatively agree on it. I'd go more on a limb to say it'd be quite pernicious to not give that side of art a little bit more... attention."

With the last word Grah spoke his tail slowly snaked along and underneath Ilo's tail. Raising it just enough upon the right edge of the black and white midsection and curling the tip. This gave Grah adequate surface space to use his tail as a grapple and tug the orca closer. The black face turned a hot red as the rounded snout planted itself firmly between sculpted biceps and pectorals. Giving another slight tug just to make sure Ilo was well aware of his position, Grah gave a warm smile.

"An art major, then, should be able to much better appreciate the natural beauty of a body. Am I correct?"

Ilo swiftly stood up on his feet to the point of nearly falling forwards in to the pool as the furred tail altered his balance slightly. His face was covered by his hands with eyes extremely wide as he started walking back towards the house where everyone else had been. He seemed to be in utter shock that someone actually made a move on him so suddenly.

"I wouldn't want to go inside with that showing itself, or else you'll have folk much more crude than me coming to you."

He stopped quickly due to the dragon shouting back. Instinctively reaching down between his legs to press against his crotch without even thinking about it, he looked down. The black face had likely never been more bright of a scarlet than it had been at this time. The speedo was stretching uncomfortably due to his flaccid shaft, the flesh half bent downwards yet yearning to stick free and forward. Not knowing what to do with himself he simply turned back to face Grah, as he really more or less did not want the rest of the party to look through the glass screen door. Somehow he had not been noticed.

Turning around however caused Ilo to simply stare with his jaw slightly agape. Grah's sandals had been removed and seen clearly having been tossed to the side. The bright floral print swim trunks were hanging at the tip of his tail, swaying idly back and forth as the appendage moved and lifted suggestively. Grah was on his knees and hands, looking back and around his right arm in a position meant to arouse. Dangling between the legs were two giant testicles upon the twelve foot tall dragon, they being squeezed and pushed to be positioned partially behind the legs in a desperate relief to find more space. It was no wonder they had to as the legs themselves, so thickly muscled, appeared to be more akin to tree trunks than actual flesh.

"You seem to be a true artist indeed. Even if your brain doesn't accept it, your body surely appreciates the art which could be facilitated via the natural body."

At those words Ilo closed his eyes and gulped. A sudden rush of blood to his loins caused a quick snap to be heard. The material the speedo was made of broke tore apart at the edges as his raging erection would be held at bay for no longer, and the body making seemingly making sure of it while the remnants of the coverings fluttered to the ground. Full size was now bare in the air as Grah's eyes took in the sweet of the sight. The white abdominal muscles, firmly toned from a life of swimming, created the perfect backdrop for the white stalk of the shaft to be compared to. With a broad head, a swirl between a natural flesh color and black, helped it to stand out even further in a sign of perfect form. Butterflies formed in Ilo's stomach as he slowly stepped forward before getting down on his own knees. Unbeknownst to anyone but himself, he in truth was a virgin, and one who had turned down many a adoring woman thanks to both his artsy personality and firm body. An offer such as this, however, was never presented to him and surely by no one more sexy in his mind than a muscular dragon.

With the furry tail over the left side of the orca's arm, he pushed forward slowly. Natural resistance from the sphincter muscles caused him to shiver while taking in the warmth felt from the dragon's body. Pushing it in dry, the above average sized killer whale moaned quietly as the interior flesh gripped with a certain cushioned feel which caused any other pleasured sensations to be dull in comparison. Learning forwards he would rest his chest against Grah's upper back, as the three foot difference in body height began to make itself quite present. It changed nothing but the angle which he was able to penetrate the draconic form. Giving more of a downward thrust, the natural tubing that the flesh created helped to guide the shaft along further inside.

He wouldn't be able to recognize different characteristics of how he was thrusting just due to inexperience; it all felt as if his member were surrounded by a warm cloudiness which exerted a strong pressure back against it. Not quite sure if the extra wet warmth was his pre-seed or the natural mucous lining the walls of the otherwise clean rectum only heightened his arousal to the point that it felt as if the head were ready to explode, but the inner muscular pressure was enough to abate any relief.

Quiet groans of pleasure coming from the dragon drove Ilo's male mind up the wall and through the roof as he closed his eyes and gripped hard at the furry shoulders, his hips gyrating quickly back and forth. Every now and again he was able to feel a slight bump on the inside of Grah's body, it coaxing and grinding along the puffed head of the shaft; the prostate able to join in on exerting a certain pleasure that soon put the orca on cloud nine. Panting with a hushed tone indicated that he was likely nearing his climax. His mind had become completely befuddled with the amount of pleasure as the sensualism rocketed forth. Nothing else mattered in the world. For the first time in several years he felt truly happy in this moment while the rest of the world melted away.

It took Ilo a minute to realize he actually came inside of Grah as his thrusting devolved more in to erratic twitches as his breath escaped his lungs. It felt almost surreal to not be in full control of his own orgasm; the only creature he had ever given love to in the past were his own hands. In this way it felt as if it shouldn't end, and yet exhaustion gripped him as the hormones in his body regulated and dictated such actions. With his back fully upright, one hand lay on the lower back of the dragon while another gently coupled along the rounded buttocks. Pulling out there would be a small string of semen still connecting from the tip to the closed off anus. Falling backwards and sitting down just after he would raise his head towards the sky with eyes still closed, basking in the after glow. He wasn't able to able to keep himself from taking a deep breath in both in contentment, but also from simply being so short of breath after the intense situation he had just been through; truly losing his virginity inside of such a larger and stronger man. The rich musk of his ejaculate filled the air along with the natural scents of the dragon to create an addicting if not lewd cologne.

"Grah. I don't know... I didn't know, but... it all felt so good." His mind was still clearly not all there after the situation.

"Oh, you're not done yet little boy."

Grah's voice emanated a gruff sense of domination, and yet one that wasn't anything past being completely friendly or provocative. The softening shaft which Ilo had was given a special bit of attention as a silken sensation coaxed it along. Feeling the dry and fibrous fur against a still wet piece of flesh caused for an almost jolting sensation.

Opening his eyes Ilo was able to see Grah sitting in the same position as he was, but obviously straight across from him. The only difference being that one of Grah's feet was busy slowly encapsulating the white and black shaft. Beyond that there were much more distinct and almost leathery and harmless scratches being applied as the soft pads upon the underside of the feet were ensuring that the feelings never became boring for the orca. It's not as if something happening for the first time could become dull in the first place.

Ilo just froze in place, both in pleasure but also in disbelief. It was at this point that there was nothing small about the dragon before him. The dragon hosting a large party, having countless supplies of food and drink, and even being big in muscle and stature made everything seem larger than life. The feet were able to completely obscure the above-average sized shaft, and he even noticed how rounded and immense the testicles were. Gazing upon the fleshy purple cock of the dragon made him feel as if his eyes weren't even big enough to behold it. Seemingly as thick as an average person's arm, if not more, the actual length of it could take it up to the mountainous pectorals; the lower to mid portion of the shaft nearly obscuring the valleys and hills which made up the abdominal muscles. It had a tapered tip with a long head to give it an exotic appeal that in itself caused a deeper sense of adoration to wallow forth from the orca's consciousness. Cementing the belief that the dragon was the most heavenly creature to walk the Earth would be how the colored lighting from above caused the purple flesh to sparkle and glisten as it was near entirely soaked by its own pre-seed. Despite being fully aroused the shaft bent and hung forwards slightly from its own weight.

"What are you waiting for, little cutie?" Grah would say as his toes gave a quick squeeze over the orca's black cock head. It was nothing more than a soft and teasing grasp to ensure that the smaller male's member would not retreat.

Moaning quietly in response the aquatic mammal bent his legs and stretched them forwards with clear motive to reach the dragon's flesh. There was a moment where Ilo rubbed his eyes with an arm as though in disbelief. He knew it was large, but when pressing the bottom of his feet along either side to sandwich the shaft, the disparity of size made itself all the more present. Both of his feet combined weren't enough to obscure from view the sight of the massive length. Weight as well became crystal clear as Ilo wondered just how someone would be able to control such a thing even when flaccid. No wonder the eastern dragon wore such large swim trunks. Pushing it ever so slightly from side to side he was able to notice how the skin of the flesh wrinkled from the depressions which hinted that it was possible it may not even be at full size as of yet. The naturally slick hide of the orca remained omnipresent across his whole body, including beneath the feet, making the massaging motions much simpler.

He wasn't quite sure what to do, and yet he could attest later that it was rather quite fun. Sliding up and down, the feet moved in opposite directions of each other at any time to help ensure the dragon wouldn't feel any boredom. Oozing from the tip of the purple shaft would be a constant stream of pre. Curling his toes at just the right angle while bending his leg allowed Ilo to push back against a distention in the front of the shaft. Releasing after just a few moments revealed quite clearly to be that an engorged urethra; letting go allowed the pre to burst out just slightly to ease the pressure from within. Ilo quickly brought one foot at a time up to the tip in order to grind along with the ball of his foot to smear it with the seminal liquids. Quiet squeaks filled the air as the thicker liquid smacked between the smooth hide underfoot and the sensitive flesh. The liquid was being applied as a naturally made lubricant that was proving quite effective with at least these motions.

Grah gave a gentle squeeze with his toes to hook over the tip of Ilo's shaft as if it were a method of positive reinforcement for proper actions. Gray fur beneath the dragon's foot quickly moistened from leaking pre-seed out of the orca's member. With the fur stringing together while slicked up in such a way caused for them to leave a surprisingly tickling sensation. From the front the foot pushed forwards suddenly with a light slap being heard as the receptive flesh met with soft force against Ilo's own pronounced abdominal muscles. Grah exerted just a small bit more force in order to push the orca down upon his back. Ilo looked across the ground, upside down with wide eyes, as he felt the dragon's immense weight just barely hovering above him.

"They're staring! Grah, we have to stop! This is, oh gods, this is embarrassing."

Ilo muttered forward with the darkest blush he mustered as of yet for the night. The party had all but stopped save for the music heard thumping from inside and past the closed glass doors. Dozens of eyes were staring at the two on the back lawn. Grah, despite it, smiled wide while barring two pointed teeth out the side and from beneath the upper lips. The sight of such gave him a wildly feral image which conveyed a certain aspect of strength not often seen in the civilized world.

"Well then we better give them a show they won't ever forget, now won't we?"

Tugging backwards, Grah wrapped his arms around the back of Ilo's neck. This brought him to look forward at the dragon's face and the powerful grin. Light from the full moon behind the dragon's head created a soft glow when filtering through the soft fur on his head to further cement and instill a sense of dominance. Squeezing with a vice-grip the dragon's muscles enshrouded the orca's head in a strange sort of hug, and yet it was one that caused Ilo to melt over with his muzzle firmly placed between the pectorals. With a quick tug the two would splash in to the pool behind them.

Lights along the bottom edges of the pool were turned on, but evidently had a low wattage due to how dim they were. This however helped ensure that the faded moonlight from above would not be drowned out and add to the already romantic feelings the orca shared. Small black and bulbous circles created distinct dots beneath the lights, and it was here that the aquatic mammal realized that he was being filmed. Never before could he recall literally feeling himself blush.

Beneath the surface Ilo let loose a slight gasp as bubbles escaped from his mouth. Prodding ever so gently at his hindquarters was Grah's erection. Having been ignored for evidently too long despite having slid along the orca's own member during the small fall, the tapered tip of the flesh was able to easily find its way beneath the black and white tail. Nervous not only due to it being his first time, but also the thought of such a massive amount of meat penetrating him worried him. This resulted in the sphincter muscle remaining as tight as possible. Yet it was being parted.

Ilo's eyes widened considerably at the ever more surreal feeling of having his own flesh pulled apart from itself as, with a quick thrust, Grah had penetrated within. In the very least a majority of the head was pushed within. Squirming in Grah's hold, the orca already felt as if his body reached its limit while feeling filled to the brim. His legs were forced to spread apart to accommodate a slab of flesh that appeared before, and now certainly felt, to be as thick as one of his own legs. It was here that the dragon slowly began to pull out before pushing back in. Slightly more of the shaft disappeared within the orca's body after each rotation, and each time it felt as if his body was about to tear at the seams.

Nothing felt more pleasing than being pushed in to by the dragon. What he thought would result in a massive influx of pain was instead quite the opposite. A deeper sense of erotica flooded the orca's brain as he was finally coming to his senses with what was taking place. He was losing his virginity to the most sexually delicious creature he had ever lain eyes on. Said eyes were only half lidded and staring at Grah's face, whose eyes were closed. The thin mustache fur donned by seemingly all eastern dragons waved within the seemingly weightlessness of the water to create a much more romantic feel to it all. Reaching upwards with his own arms, Ilo wrapped them around the back of Grah's next as best he could given the slight contrast in height. Finally accepting the fate which seemed out of his hands now, he gave in to the sensations wrought upon his body.

Feeling the orca transition in to a much more lax state, Grah tested the new-found mettle by thrusting upwards with a sudden wallop. Pushing just barely halfway inside the orca proved to be just enough to not relapse him into a state of fear and uncertainty but instead drive him that further bit forwards in to utter bliss. Tight and deliberate squeezes coaxed the massive member as Ilo gained control of his body for the betterment of Grah. There was a certain sensation which the orca was unable to pass up however, and one which even brought the dragon to bare his teeth while pointing his snout downwards in thanks to succumbing to his own pleasures. The head of the shaft proved itself to have a slight hood to it. Beneath this hood there would be tiny fleshy barbs that bent along and would harmlessly tug at the interior flesh of another creature. Flipping upwards when the dragon pulled out caused the barbs beneath to reveal themselves and pull at the flesh. Ilo could be seen visibly shaking from the sheer bliss wracking his body at this point.

Ilo couldn't sense anything but the water around him, the sounds of a thrusting body, and feel the actual thrusts causing the echoed noise in the water. Grah was holding out so much longer than he could ever think possible, and yet so was he. It was almost magical with how the orca himself was able to keep himself at bay, but perhaps the orgasm from before and the lack of direct influence helped. There were times he thought he could feel his body raising above the surface to grab a quick breath before plunging down again, but he couldn't be too sure even if his eyes were open at the time to spot such an action. Minutes slurred along in to hours. Each minute, however, the furred dragon pushed deeper and deeper in to the bowels of the orca. In the instant that Grah was able to perform a full hilt inside the orca's tailhole, the mammal nearly lost himself just from sheer thought.

Certain throbbing could be felt through the orca's interior muscle. He had kept himself tight enough to the dragon's flesh that it was almost like a second layer of skin, and that allowed both to feel each others' racing heartbeats as both males soared closer to their height. Grah's slower and gentler thrusts melded in to much more quick and pounding motions. Ilo squirmed in place, held fast by the dragon's thick arms, being nearly unable to perceive the bliss. The dragon's flesh, being large enough, caused a very distinct bulge to appear along the orca's belly; the smaller male literally being near unable to contain so much dragon. One more pass of the dragon's member against the prostate was all it took to send Ilo over the edge. The soft spines beneath the cock head striking at the perfect angle.

Pressing in deep and close Grah would take one final and powerful plunge in to the orca's rump to seal the deal. His abdominal region cushioned the black and white shaft, nearly burying it between the ridges of muscle just barely while feeling ropes of ejaculate etch itself against the fur before flowing along in the water. Ilo felt more as if a river was rampaging along inside of his own body as the heat from the dragon's climax spread itself thoroughly through his body. He could feel as the dragon pumped gallon after gallon of seed in to his own body to the point that he was unable to hold all of that and the dragon's shaft. Spilling forth and around the purple flesh, the semen curled along in the pool water before spreading along. Nearly a minute had gone by before the full onslaught of the dragon's orgasm had died down, and even then Grah thrust upwards idly to ensure that the orca's muscles milked him for every last drop.

The killer whale had gone limp in Grah's arms. Retracting from the tailhole, he at the same time emerged from the pool and began walking towards the house with a slow and gentle stride. Ilo weakly kept his arms around Grah's neck as the two remained fully wet, yet seemed not to mind a moment of it in each others' embrace. Finally breaking the silence, Grah would speak in a hushed tone and into the orca's ear.

"You were absolutely magnificent, Ilo. I've been thinking... I don't have any orcas on the crew. How about I hire you in as my newest porn star? The industry could really use someone like you. Natural looks, intelligence while having a hidden personality, and not to mention inborn talent."

"Grah... what? Are you serious? Did you plan this?" Ilo quietly whispered, caught in a second afterglow for the night.

"I take that as a no, then?"

Ilo remained silent for quite some time. Grah, in the mean time simply opened the door to the house and began walking to what was likely his own room. There finally came a response.

"No. I mean, no, I would love to. How would I start though? What about my parents? There's no way they would approve of this. I couldn't go home every night to have them staring at me in judgment."

Anyone still in the home had been completely ignored by the dragon. Closing a door behind him, Grah would soon after lay Ilo's still soaking body on top of a bed. A dimmed ceiling light helped to keep the room from being shrouded in complete darkness. Climbing on top of the blankets and alongside Ilo, the dragon kept his chest to the smooth skinned creature. The mattress bent downwards, as if bowing, to Grah's immense body.

A sense of surprise came to Ilo as he felt a hard grinding taking place along the underside of his rump. It continued along beneath his own hanging testicles and up the base of his now flaccid shaft. Looking down he was able to see that immense shaft of the dragon's, still fully erect, glistening as light bounced off the flesh. Without thinking the orca curled his legs around it and slowly began to nuzzle against the tip, bending his neck down in order to do so as a small spurt of pre-seed greeted the black nose. Any scents in the room were immediately masked by the sudden burst of draconic musk filling his olfactory orbs.

"Don't you worry about your parents, Ilo. If they aren't proud their son will make more money than the rest of your family combined then it is their own loss. Worse comes to worse you shall find a home within my home until you can afford your own place. However, now is not the time for this. The cameras are rolling, and they're watching as a new star is born."

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