Warning: Dinosaurs Sighted - Part 2

Story by Grahckheuhl on SoFurry

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Part of a commission from 5-D over on FA. A continuation of the dinosaur story from before.

Deep orange hues and streaks of yellow with red began to race across the sky with a spectacular evening sun. Silver linings on the clouds slowly turned to having more purples and blues to create a somber tone and hush the busy from the passed day. All of it mixed together with smoldering piles of buildings and debris where sparse fires would have broken out. Dust was settling back down to the ground upon a ruined city. Two dinosaurs parted ways after having their fun with the city, one a giganotosaurus and the other a carnotaurus. Both were beings of immense proportion no matter what angle one was to look at them; gigantic reptiles of absolute power having their way over the man made world.

The giganotosaurus had caught glimpse of a rescue helicopter escaping to the east. Humans were always a predictable sort of animal, and he figured the flying vehicle would quickest help him scope out the next best area of interest. Leaving behind a trail of paw prints within the ruins he set forth. He dug in to the ground with the tips of his claws every now and again when leaving the business district of the city and when venturing forth through some of the less harmed suburbs. With out looking down he used sense of touch to simply find if any humans were hiding inside their homes. Even if the search was fruitless he was able to at least further mark where his daily travels took him. Millions of dollars worth of damage to the neighborhoods were inflicted by each gentle stroke of a toe.

Not wishing to allow the flying vehicle too much of a head start the dinosaur left behind the abandoned housing district. With the setting sun behind him there would always be a slight glint seen in the sky. It was an easy mark to follow. Making it even easier to follow would be how and why the helicopter sparkled on and off as if mimicking Morse code. Every long step the dinosaur took would wave the still erect shaft to and fro; the throbbing flesh still quite eager for what ever may come. Back and forth the flesh, with a girth rivaling it's height, obscured the sunlight from behind to case the helicopter in shadow before allowing it in the light again. Many would think that it took a stringent amount of dedication to not be bothered by strolling with such a massive member, but evidently for the dinosaur it was nothing more than a normal daily occurrence.

In a way it was sort of like a game. The saurian mind knew very well that, if allowed, the chopper could escape. Humans, while generally predictable, happened to show incredible levels of ingenuity from time to time. At the same time if he were to simply catch the fleeing humans then that would all of the excitement in that moment. As long as they believe they have a chance for escape they'll always go for that option, and they seem to always believe that there is strength in numbers. It was always a winning situation for a dinosaur to track humans from a distance.

It was a surprisingly short distance to where the helicopter had headed. Walking along for just under an hour indicated that he hadn't even traveled two hundred miles as of yet. The entire time, however, the giant shaft swayed back and forth with the accompanying movements of his legs. There hadn't been any cities along the way, or even much farmland for the giganotosaur to take out his need for enjoyment. Halting for just a moment he would dig his toes within the ground to til the earth beneath. It was as though he were cleaning off his feet upon the ground before entering someone's home. In truth he just wanted to make sure he was able to feel everything with the utmost of clarity.

The location he was led to appeared to be some sort of wide landing strip of concrete land. Along it there was a single large building with hundreds of winged vehicles parked either next to it or driving along the paved path. Hindsight would have gotten to the humans driving the helicopter once they realized the dinosaur had not turned away or lost interest. Despite the international airport being the closest location it was overall probably not the safest for protecting a mass of life from being obliterated. A joint effort of private and public interests finally showed itself in a peaceful unification that was exemplified by this airport, which harbored both government and corporate funded interests . The dinosaur was all too happy to see it for himself. Human interaction was always much more amusing to witness when they weren't bickering against each other on private and frivolous matters.

Horns and sirens sounded as the dinosaur walked along towards the large airport to alert the populace at the airport to try and prepare for the inevitable fate of being used as simple play toys. A pilot still on the ground, losing himself to fear, would drive the plane across the runway in an attempt to escape an impending rampage. Yet the giganotosaurus simply walked forwards to meet the plane and send it on a much more favorable trajectory. With just a single stet and a slight twist of his hips the plane came to an immediate demise as multiple tons of his raging hard-on met with the aluminum craft. A small explosion marked the end of the high altitude jet liner. Small bits of debris scattered around with many of the humans within tumbling through the sky or simply being forced to smack against the penis itself with soft thuds before bouncing away and downwards again.

He acted as though nothing had actually happened despite the fiery ball having rocked along the side of his sensitive flesh. Instead he began to tear apart at the several sections of the runway, finding the stray planes and jets that were either about to take off or had recently landed. He often had to wonder just why humans created such frail objects for harsh environments; his feet crushing down the craft which were unable to move out of the way. A few of the planes met a fate of being instantly crushed as the others were otherwise halfway crushed along with speared and thus stuck to the tips of the claws. Each step brought with it a small crater in the ground and the constant impact with the ground while small rocks of concrete were sent astray.

Leaving the terminals for now, the giganotosaurus's interest had been piqued by the corporate storehouse on the furthest edge of the runway. What captured his interest the greatest was a long row of particularly large airplanes. They were giant in comparison to any other flying vehicle he had come across that weren't outright propelled by rockets. Each of them in a row were blunt and rounded with a deep blue hue with white stripes along the midsection. Even more appealing was the imagery of how they were able to load multiple crates of various goods inside of them, as one had a loading dock open in the back with a trail of what appeared to be manufacturing equipment ready to be loaded. The planes were some sort of transport that was with out doubt, and the dinosaur was about to give them a brand new destination.

Meandering along towards the cargo planes allowed the tourists inside the airport terminals to lament their decision to travel that night as they were able to watch a living creature taller than almost all human structures. Service men on the receiving end of the dinosaur's destination began to scramble in both fear and confusion as to what their next move should be. A sense of helplessness growing in the ranks as a creature, seen almost like a god, made its way towards them. Lumbering along, every step was like a miniature earthquake being sent in a radius for miles around. His foot would smash down atop of one of the stacked loading pallets that were meant to be loaded inside the plane; metal bending and flattening under the immense pressure of a just the tip of the giganotosaurus toe. The dinosaur's left leg stretched outwards towards one end of the lined up planes. Firmly planting his toes against the ground and curling up, he found purchase beneath the ground and pulled his foot back towards his body. Along with it the planes one by one toppled over one another to end up in a pile. Once finished the opposing leg would imitated the exact motion on the other side. Each plane created a cacophony as it rolled along with the equipment inside of them bouncing along; each one able to hold up to two-hundred fifty tons of weight if need be, and by feeling, the giganotosaur was able to postulate that many of them were indeed that full.

With the claw marks ranging along for hundreds of feet in either direction with them leading towards the epicenter in front of the giant beast made it look as if he had made some sort of nest. Hundreds of the scrambling humans had been caught up in the mess of it all. Either directing others on how to save the equipment or trying to help others to flee, many other vehicles were recklessly scooped along. Natural instinct seemed to carry the dinosaur along with his actions, as shortly thereafter from moving the vehicles he turned and squatted above them. A swollen tailhole was all that could be seen from below as within a single moment the gargantuan reptile came crashing down. An explosion of dust and debris scattered in a circle as a rush of air shot forth with the force of a typhoon to blow away any of the humans standing too close who hadn't been caught up in the pile. In the perspective of the dinosaur, however, he was simply and slowly lowering himself down upon what felt to be more like a cushion tailored to fit his needs. His tail came down behind him and either sliced in half or crushed what ever was unlucky enough to be in the way.

His tailhole widened drastically at the sense of the thick mound of metal and people probing along the sphincter; it gaining purchase as the tip of the sphincter was able to cling along as the dinosaur slowly swiveled his hips. In the eyes of the humans it looked more as if the dinosaur imitated someone trying to gain a little comfort on a seat. He hadn't a need to directly command his body to work on what should be considered an unintentional action. Smooth flesh and muscle on the inside of the body quickly began natural undulations to aid in taking within the metal constructs. The giganotosaurus's legs were forced to spread out of necessity as the objects in the pile, placed randomly, were deemed to require a small amount of attention. Slowly yet surely the large mound of were worked inside. Every so often his tail would lift and pump up and down simulating a sort of crank. This gave vision to any humans otherwise unable to see as the anus of the creature moved in a slow yawning motion to engulf anything beneath it; natural yet sluggish movements of the muscle retracting inwards in a gripping action to pull the planes upwards.

The hands on the giganotosaurus were not left with out purpose. Scouring along the ground around they aimlessly searched for anything to grab hold of, or if anything were to naturally adhere to them. Cracks between the scales made catching humans a much less arduous of a task as the writing bodies could simply be caught between thanks to their wiry limbs. Grabbing any vehicles at the same time, they were all scooped behind and beneath the buttocks. Varying pressure from the outside world compared to the interior helped create a natural suction which abetted his body's already efficient system. He was able to feel with crystal clear clarity as humans squirmed and metal squeezed against the tight fleshy confines beyond his sphincter. The rounded flesh, creating what looked like deep downwards toughs shown with what little light filtered inside, forced many an object to be at times trapped and force to roll in place and along with natural undulations.

Sucking up and pushing objects in to his rear was made out to be as natural of an action as sitting or walking in itself. The dinosaur barely paid any heed as the last of the mound of vehicles finally made their beyond the sphincter walls. His puckered tailhole casually mouthed along the objects creating a giant stretch along the underside of the dinosaur, and even standing up created an awkward stance. Again with out a care in the world he shrugged it off and played it to be entirely normal in his life. Instead, as his body worked from the back, he realized it was time to give his front end some consideration.

Instead of standing upright from his sitting position, the dinosaur rocked himself forward. The hanging erection jutting from between his legs instantly smashed down with reckless abandon upon the nearest edge of the civilian airport. A shower of people, fiber glass, and objects were sent soaring from the blunt impact. Grinding his flesh along the ground, he thrust with earnest atop of that section. It was not for the purpose of massaging his own hood, but instead to create a smooth pit that worked easily as base to rest. His toes curled against the ground once again in preparation for this next set of actions; the cries of terror from below not able to avert his gaze from looking forward and to the side from time to time.

Leg muscles flexed with great ferocity as a sudden push from his hips and legs propelled him forward. The weight of his body was resting down upon the cock as his hands simply grasp around the sides. The fully blunt tip of his shaft was disheveled only by its extended urethral vent that had bore in to the building even before the sudden forward locomotion took place; the cock entrance yawning and looming in front of hundreds of humans who either scattered or just stood and looked inside with pure shock at the situation. Functioning as a bulldozer, the entire cock head had a slight inwards curve which gave it just enough surface space along the ridge to help guide anything caught against it inwards. The urethra widened exponentially with the sensation of wiggling humans and broken debris being shoved inside of it. Despite that the dinosaur himself did not actually pay the feelings any mind; the stimuli only causing the body to react accordingly. The deep trough created by the dinosaur before gave enough of a starting base to ensure that the gaping tip was at ground level to ensure that even the foundation of the building would be brought inside.

With enough width to take inside the entire building and beyond, the planes along the side of the stretching terminals were subject to the same events as the humans. Further inside the cock itself a blockage would have been created from the sheer amount of objects and people being forced within, and yet that didn't seem to deter the giganotosaurus in any stretch of the means. Already engulfing half of the mile long airport, the cock began to bulge from the inside out to give it an even larger appearance than before. Tiny pattering of human movement and fruitless pounding from the inside of the rubbery urethral tube along with harmless grinding of jagged concrete and metal only urged the dinosaur along with his movements.

While forcing down all of the material from the front, the backside of the dinosaur began to squeeze harshly. Screeching metal roared through the air along with the rumbles and shattering ground which echoed through the air for miles around. Several humans were teased with the open air one last time before the sphincter finally closed around. Puckering up in what was akin to a kiss, it retracted upon itself before bulging forwards a couple times to seal itself and everything inside. Several hundred-thousand tons of metal could still be heard being compacted even through the body of the dinosaur. The towering skyscrapers from before, when playing in the city, had apparently not filled void of the giganotosaurus's rectal space as was made evident how easily it serviced the manufacturing equipment and planes.

Only a couple more erratic thrusts was all it took to finish the airport in front of him. The urethral vent looked similar to a giant chasm as it forced itself open to excessive width. Bending forwards carefully and with opened hands, the dinosaur scooped up any of the remaining scattered humans to shove inside of the cock tip; smaller airplanes left on the edge of the runway as well finding their new rightful home. Blotting out any hope of escape for the humans within, the cock squeezed its new contents together with a grip not too dissimilar to that of the sphincter.

Stars made themselves visible in the darkening sky as the sun dipped beneath the horizon; the small dots in the sky being made seen once again with a lack of human activity and light pollution. Bringing himself to stand upright once again, the giganotosaurus looked over to his side and across the landscape. Spotting the highway where what appeared to be thousands of cars were racing along, he simply followed the lights driving down the road. An soft glow in the night skyline indicated a small city, and that would be his next target.

One foot was all it took to obscure every lane on the multilane freeway. Every smash of the toes caused raised portions of the road to rock on it's support beams as if a true earthquake were tearing it asunder. Many humans below were able to see with blotched detail in the darkening sky while swerving and racing along as if stricken by madness in fruitless attempts to out maneuver an unavoidable foot. His hindquarters, if any were lucky enough to not be crushed by the first step, would look skywards to see the section beneath his tail and at the sphincter itself. Every now and again it opened to relieve a sort of pressure, but every time it would close with a slow squeezing animation followed by the low groans of cracking vehicles and metal grinding. There was enough material to alter the gait of the giant beast ever so slightly, yet facial expressions on the dinosaur proved he didn't even notice. Even from the front, in humans viewing through the rear view mirrors of their cars, could see very distinct silhouettes along the particular bulges on the outside of the shaft being pushed around. In a way the giganotosaurus was broadcasting how his body slowly processed or even metabolized those the cock and tailhole feast upon.

Faint and tiny screams were all that was heard from the city when he arrived just at the edge. It was difficult to tell where the outside country and the actual population truly merged, as the population and density of the smaller location seemed meager in comparison to what he dealt with before. This never stopped the dinosaur for retaining his actions for another location, as any human was just as good as the next. Like so many neighborhood blocks before, these were smashed with out acknowlegement from the dinosaur. He was more happy to just trail along to find the inner city where more of the humans would have run.

There were buildings made specifically to try and mitigate the damage from a rampage, but it was more or less just the humans' wishful thinking more than anything. Coming across one of the stout buildings, he was able to recognize a flood of the insect-sized beings rushing for safety. Turning and lifting his tail skywards once again, he leisurely lowered himself upon it. Shaped almost like a square dome, it barely had the height to see over his foot. The rounded edges of the structure combined with its extremely wide stature made it the perfect resting place. It was given a one-way looking glass so humans could watch outside and know exactly when a dinosaur had left, but this proved to be a design flaw in hindsight, and yet word would never reach out to change it as none were ever sparred. With gripping detail the people were able to watch with horrifying detail the remains of humans still at the edge of the sphincter, squirming in near-death from the intense pressure constantly felt. Unable to see past barely a few yards past the sphincter thanks to planes obscuring the view, the fleshy folds were front and foremost at the ready to catch and give the roof of the building a comfortable ride inside. Lowering further down, the world changed from concrete and glass to slick flesh. The tight ring of muscle began its constricting once again after extending downwards to fully engulf the building. With zero extra effort the dinosaur's rump tore away the building from its roots to the ground. Countless lives were soon lost to obscurity like the millions before in a mere matter of minutes.

Gazing up to the sky after sitting proper, the giganotosaur let loose a quiet snort as he thought about the next move. It was a much more simple of an action this time, as his short arms helped to guide himself down against the ground. Sweeping away any of the shorter buildings built up by the smaller populace proved more akin to pushing away balls of dust. His member remained parellel with the main of his body, but with it being currently thicker, it was able to exert its dominance over the people below. Within moments lines of people, caught in limbo along the edge of the shaft, were seen flailing their arms and legs. The attempts seemed almost effortless despite them simply not wishing to not live out the rest of their bleak existence trapped alive and partially beneath a throbbing saurian erection. Such was their fate, however, as the dinosaur let loose one last and drawn out snort from his nostrils. Closing his eyes he would finally rest after an active day. The next, however, would become the same as if normal work routine.

Warning: Dinosaurs Sighted - Part 3

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