An Unusual Profession

Story by Maskopatol on SoFurry

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Petritus the spotted brown hyena stood on a cobblestone road at the edge of the tree line, marvelling at the city ahead. He had visited the city of Volenar in his childhood, and it was quite a sight to behold, outside of being untapped waters for his trade. Nestled on a hill, it was surrounded at the base by a tall stone wall. Further up, two more such walls formed circular layers, one mid-way, and one near the summit.

The top-most layer held the keep and barracks. Places he would most likely never visit or even get a closer look at. The steepest layer was home to the higher classes - houses of noble families and wealthy tradesmen, and temples to the various gods. Hopefully this would be where he found clients and conducted business. Lower still were the commoners' quarters - blacksmiths, taverns, inns, brothels and other such less appreciated establishments. And this would be where he would be residing. That is, if he got moving before the sun set completely and they closed the gates on him.

He straightened out his belt and vest, hoisted his backpack over his shoulder again and began to walk at a brisk pace along the road. The sky was already a bright orange, meaning he had little time to get to the gates, although he doubted they'd close up while the procession he was seeing up ahead was willing to pay the toll. As he walked, he watched the farmers on the road-side fields gathering up the lasts of their harvest and bringing it inside their houses and barns. As the road became paved with brick, he began to see traces of the less respectable looking citizenry, living outside the walls in wooden shacks that perhaps would some day be engulfed by a new layer of city walls. Among the shacks he thought he noticed something reminiscent of a wooden arena.

Eventually, he reached the end of the line awaiting entry. The sun had just set, but they were apparently still accepting paying citizens. He was somewhat relieved to have gotten a chance to slow down after the long journey. Even with the comfortable boots he was wearing, his paws were rather sore. He reached behind into his backpack and took out a strip of dried meat. Sweeping his darker brown shoulder-length hair aside, he began to munch on the dry meat in wait.

He looked around from time to time, making sure denizens of the outskirts didn't try something with him. He did have a single-shot black powder pistol, but it would hardly help against a malicious mob. His only other weapon, a short sabre, wasn't the most formidable weapon either. While he expected he could handle some muggers in a sword fight, he never actually had a chance to try, and he didn't want one. Not just out of danger, but also because of the attention it could potentially draw. He preferred his presence to go unnoticed at least until he was done with his assignment and out of the city.

Finally, he reached the gate. Among the 3 guards there, a heavily built, cream furred goat approached.

"3 sovereigns.", he said, gesturing with his open palm to hand in the toll. The amount felt like robbery, but Petritus figured that was the price for entering a city as wealthy looking as this. Reluctantly, he pulled out the coin and dropped it in the guard's palm, after which he was allowed to pass.

The sun had already been down for some time, and as he entered, the gates began to close, as no one else awaited entry. He didn't have to look far for an inn, as one was situated practically at the gates. Opposite to it was what looked like a brothel, judging by the scantily dressed female figures standing below the yet unlit lampposts. Assuming the search went slow enough, perhaps he would visit and see if they served something more towards his tastes, however doubtful that was.

He set off towards the inn, passing by a guard busy with lighting the street lights with a long candle lighter. From the outside, it seemed relatively quiet for an inn. He entered to find that indeed the clientele there was few in number, but enough to keep his entry relatively unnoticed. He made his way towards the innkeeper's counter, all the while looking over the other patrons for sight of someone similar to his quarry. It would probably take a search through the city instead, but if luck gave him a chance, he didn't want to miss it.

The innkeeper was an old, greyish, female shrew, dressed in a plain dress and apron. Probably because she doubled as the cook in the establishment.

"2 sovereigns per night, miss.", she said in a mocking tone. "Food and drink's extra, unless you care to work as a waitress.", she added snidely.

"I'm a man, in case you haven't noticed.", he replied, taken aback by the remark, even if it wasn't the first he'd gotten it. His hair alone didn't make him look feminine, although he did keep it in a way more befitting of a woman. But paired with his overly narrow shoulders, it did create enough of an image to warrant such remarks.

"Really?", she asked mockingly with all the subtlety of a soldier asking for a fuck.

"Really. Perhaps old age clouds your eyes.", he answered, pulling out and handing over payment. She simply smirked and gave him a room key. Her attitude somewhat explained the "exceptional" popularity of this place, he thought as he now made his way towards the stairs up.

But as he neared the stairs, something caught his eye. He noticed a lithe black cat with short hair and a silver earring in his left ear. Other than his shorter hair, he looked even more feminine than the hyena, with no visible musculature to speak of, thin shoulders and a plump round butt. To add to that, he wore merely a vest, tight trousers and shoes. This was most certainly his target. The description itself made him wonder, but seeing him live made him speculate even more if he actually preferred cunt over cock. Not that it'd matter for long. At least as long as he slept alone this night.

Petritus walked over to the innkeeper and got himself a tankard of beer. She remarked that that was the fastest she saw anyone grow balls, but he ignored it. He sat at a table next to the stairs and began to sip on his drink, occasionally looking towards the cat to see what he was doing. For the most part, he just sat there drinking something himself, eyeing and occasionally hassling the female patrons. Thankfully for Petri, his target failed to find himself some ass for the night, and eventually he walked off upstairs.

Not caring to finish off the beer, Petritus followed shortly after. He looked at the number inscribed on the key - room 4. As if in another stroke of luck, he noticed his target opening and entering the room next to his. He unlocked and went into his own room. It was dark without any lighting. An oil lamp with a box of matches sat on a small table next to the door. He lit the lamp, let his backpack drop to the floor and sat down on his bed, tired. Still, his day was not yet over.

He locked the door behind him and began to pull things out of his backpack.


It was now completely dark outside, barring some of the street lamps. He looked himself over, now wearing his "work clothes" - a pitch black set with a tight hood and face mask. It assured that he would remain unrecognised by his prey and that he would make the least noise possible. He listened in on the wall dividing his room from the target's - he could hear nothing. It was time.

He took his equipment belt from his backpack and strapped it on. It was lined with various pouches and a few tied vials of various substances. He hopped in place three times to make sure none of the equipment made any noise, even though he wouldn't have to sneak far.

Opening the door to his room, he first crept his head outside and looked around for any onlookers. Seeing no one there, he quickly tried the door to the cat's room. It was unlocked. As he snuck in, he noticed the cat sleeping on his bed, loosely covered. Before anything else, Petritus needed to make sure he wouldn't wake up during what was about to happen.

He took out one of his vials and a piece of cloth from one of his pouches. Dripping a little of the vial's contents onto the cloth, he steadily approached, careful not to make the floorboards creak. As he placed the soaked piece of cloth over the cat's mouth and nostrils, he seemed to wake for a moment with a gasp, but quickly feel back into sleep. The anaesthetic worked well.

Now, not having to walk as quietly, Petritus lit the oil lamp in the room and brought it closer to the bed to get a good view. He yanked the covers off to see the fully exposed cat. It was almost a shame to carry this out, but the payment was more than sufficient to cover whatever shame the assignment carried. The feline's manhood was at full mast. At the very least, he couldn't get that go to waste.

Seemingly mesmerized by the throbbing length, Petri reached out and took hold of the cat's cock. As he began to stroke it up and down, his prey gave out a soft purr in delight. In turn, the hyena felt his own groin stir excitedly, as he watched his prey's low-hanging testicles bob up and down in rhythm with his jerking. His needs would have to wait, however, as he didn't want to dim his senses in the situation. He hastened his pace slightly, and that was enough to send the sleeping feline over the edge, as he began gushing all over his own stomach and chest. Petritus licked what little of the cat's seed got onto his hand, somewhat frustrated that he would have to wait to taste his own.

Petritus took out another piece of cloth and a bottle of disinfectant, keeping the knock-out cloth at the ready should his target stir. Once more, he dripped the contents onto the cloth, and administered them onto the cat's scrotum. Ready to commence operation, he took out a small blunt looking knife. He placed it over the oil lamp where it would heat up and took out another knife, smaller but sharp. Without further tarrying, he cut into the cat's sac, using the cloth to keep any blood from dripping down onto the bed.

In a way, this cat was getting off easy, he thought. Unlike a lot of his other targets, he wouldn't feel much until it was over. With the feline's ball bag sufficiently open, he pushed out both of his eggs. Every time he did this, it felt strange to see the naked testicles. It made him think of how these parts, responsible for a man's virility and strength, were so easy to remove and were basically just meat. It both scared and excited him to think the orbs between his own legs could just as easily be parted from him. Shaking the thoughts from his head, he sliced the knife through the left, then the right cord. He then took the heated knife and placed it against the severed cords, cauterizing them with a loud hiss. Seeing that this made his victim squirm, Petritus quickly took the other rag and pressed it against the feline's muzzle.

He took out yet another cloth rag and took the two severed gonads in it and set it on the bedside table. With his work done for the most part, he took out a needle and thread and began to stitch the wound shut, all the while using the disinfectant-soaked cloth to clean the area. Once finished, he began to pack up his things, making sure not to leave a trace other than the two trophies, the bloodied cloth and a note. The client was fairly specific - she wanted the cat to keep them as a reminder of her. The note assured that he'd know who was responsible and why.

Before leaving, he gave the cat's neutered crotch one last look. There was something wildly appealing to him about a limp cock above an emptied sac. The slowly drying jets of white above only added to it. But that was another thought he had to shake from his mind for a minute more. With all his more important things gathered, he doused the lamp and, making sure the coast was clear, he went back into his room and locked the door.

As he began to undress, he wondered how the cat would react in the morning. Possibly he would hear it himself. Although more than anything, he wished he could see him reach for his crotch and find something missing. Right before finding where it went. As diabolical as the client's idea of punishment was, he had to admit he liked it himself. In a fantasising way, he wondered what it would be like to go to sleep one day a healthy male and wake up the next a eunuch. Couldn't be pleasant, he chuckled.

Now completely naked, he looked towards his own manhood. It was still quite hard, following what he had seen and done. He sat down on his bed and gripped his cock. As he began to stroke, he thought back to the naked cat's slender, demaled body. He fantasised about ploughing into that feline's ass and fondling his impotent, limp member as well as the place where his balls used to be. He jerked on his meat faster and faster, eventually starting to grope and squeeze his nuts with his other hand. As he felt his orgasm near, he stretched out onto the bed and clamped down on his grapes even harder. He shuddered and spasmed uncontrollably as he climaxed, sending ropes of jizz flying up to his chin, chest and abdomen, coating himself generously. He released his balls, letting them plop back down between his legs, while his cock continued to pump the last of his seed over his stomach and hand.

He spent some time just laying there, panting and lazily stroking his slowly softening member. With his orgasm past, he sort of regretted not using a rag to catch most of the mess. He would have to seek out a bathhouse tomorrow. For now, he decided to try and get some of the mess off. He raised his hand to his mouth and began to lick.


Petritus woke up feeling rather well rested. Looking out the window, he surmised that it was nearing noon. The cat apparently took his neutering well enough not to wake everyone nearby, he thought. He looked over his own naked body, his fur was matted with dry semen in places, but otherwise it wasn't all that visible. Still, he supposed he could use a bath. He got up and began to dress in his regular clothes.

Yesterday was an incredibly lucky day. He sort of hoped it would persist, but he knew deep down that it wouldn't. His more superstitious side even believed a hail of misfortune awaited him that day, as if to restore the balance of his luck. He looked around his room just to make sure he hadn't left anything important out in the open. He took the backpack with him and ventured out the door, locking it after him.

Outside, he looked around for any unwarranted observers and, feeling safe enough, risked to check the door of his last target. It was locked. So he was probably awake somewhere, maybe doing something silly like trying to convince a doctor to stitch his lost manhood back on, he thought.

He stepped downstairs to find the inn mostly empty. The cat wasn't here either, so he decided to leave thoughts of him for now and set off to find a bathhouse.


Now, clean and somewhat rested after his journey, Petri figured he'd go see if that brothel across the street could accommodate him. The public bathhouse itself was sort of an appetizer, with all the nude males, casually swimming and washing themselves. It was almost torture trying to avert his eyes so as not to reveal his likings. If the local brothel provided him with a willing male, this city would quickly advance to his favourite in the world.

As he strolled into the establishment in question, he witnessed a long corridor leading up to a single door with the word 'Management' engraved upon it and a pair of corridors leading off to the sides of that door. As he walked towards the door, he noted the relatively large lounge rooms on either sides, mostly separated from the corridor by translucent red curtains. The rooms themselves were bathed in warmly coloured light shining in from the open windows, covered by similarly transparent drapes.

Within these rooms he saw samplings of the workers, primarily spread out among the many pillows and couches, some of them in the process of doing their job with a few less venerable looking clients. Fumes of odour-masking incense billowed from bronze pots nestled within the corridor as well as the rooms. He could even swear there was something in those fumes that nearly made these scenes attractive to him. He would have to ask his accomplice if such a thing was possible and where he could get some if so.

The establishment certainly seemed to be of higher quality than what he had normally seen elsewhere, which all the more gave him hopes of finding male companionship within. As he neared the door, the noticed a wooden plaque next to it, describing the price rates. They were relatively steep, although he did notice that they even offered baths at extra price. Had he known, he probably would've held off with going to the public bathhouse.

He pushed the door ajar and went in to find a scantily dressed buck, reclining on an elegant looking couch and puffing sweetly smelling smoke from a pipe wired to a bulbous, glass alembic. The deer covered his modesty with no more than a silk loincloth, which did little to hide the size of his endowment. Outside of that, he wore various bits and pieces of jewelry. A multitude of golden earrings adorned his perky ears, two similarly coloured armbands were strapped around his shoulders, and a single plain, golden ring hung from his right nipple.

Petritus had certainly seen more luxuriously decorated brothel mistresses, but the very sight of a master so revealingly clothed was enough to make his heart skip a beat. While the brothel supervisor rarely engaged in carnal acts with clients, the fact that he was male did give him hope that he may find what he was looking for.

"Welcome.", the deer pronounced softly, as if in a dream. "My name's Mellir.", he introduced himself as he rose to his feet and approached Petri with a seductive sway in his hips.

"H-... hello.", Petritus blurted out, as if brought out of a trance.

"What would be your pleasure today? Would you like a presentation of some of our fine ladies?", Mellir asked.

"Uh, actually...", he hesitated for a moment. "You wouldn't happen to offer males, would you?", he asked, trying to sound calm, but sounding pathetically hopeful.

In response, the deer simply tilted his head with an amused look and took a step towards the hyena. Before Petri could even respond, Mellir's hand darted towards him and took hold of his crotch. Petritus recoiled in shock at the sudden intrusion of his privacy, and stumbled backwards covering his violated area.

"Gods under! Why did you do that?", he asked, sounding more scared than angry. Despite his preferences, he didn't exactly enjoy having random men suddenly grabbing his maleness, especially considering his line of work.

"Just wanted to check if you're male.", Mellir answered with clear bemusement as he made his way back to the couch and lied down. "We've got two in stock who could satisfy your needs.", he said as he took a puff from his pipe. "Do you prefer smaller or bigger?", he asked, still visibly amused. He apparently took pleasure in embarrassing persons less promiscuous.

"...smaller.", he answered, still slightly shaken.

"The pay's 2 crowns. 7 sovereigns extra if you want a bath afterwards.", he said. Petritus dug around in his coin bag and pulled out 1 crown and 17 sovereigns. It would leave him able to afford only two more such visits at most, but he hoped it would be worth it. Not really wanting to go near the deer again, he put the money on a small table between them. Mellir briefly scanned the contents if they added up. "Alright. Go over to room 3 and get comfortable. I'll send Notri over in a few minutes. He'll show you where the bath is afterwards.", he instructed.


He now sat on the edge of a rather large and soft bed with red sheets. The colour would do nothing to hide the signs of someone's efforts upon it. But at least it made it clear they were clean of such, he thought. Similarly to the others, the room was bathed in light, a bright orange in this case. Cloudy streaks of incense flooded the room from a pot in the corner. Outside of the bed, a wardrobe with a mirror decorated the room. It was quite empty, as he had discovered earlier, giving in to his paranoid side. An oil lamp similar to those at the inn rested on a night stand next to the bed. It only served to remind him of the previous night, making him more eager.

While the deer had suggested that he get "comfortable", with the obvious implication of disrobing, he remained clothed. He didn't exactly feel like undressing in an unknown environment, leaving himself vulnerable. At least not until he had someone to undress for. Time seemed to drag on when waiting to relieve his lust. He got up and began to pace around the room, occasionally looking through an open window.

The window offered little in the way of views, as most of the city was blocked off by a nearby building, apparently a tailor's, assuming he could make out the shield correctly. It must've been interesting working a business next to a brothel. On the other hand, it was probably where they got their revealing clothing and colourful drapes from, so the tailor most likely couldn't complain.

Petritus turned at the sound of the door creaking open. From behind it peered a small, cream coloured sheep. Seeing he was in the right room, he stepped in with a smile and closed the door behind him. He wore only a short, azure coloured wrap, just barely covering his nether regions, and a golden bracelet on his left wrist. Unlike the deer, he had no piercings to speak of. At least currently visible. His hair was short, white and side-swept, accentuating his slender physique, although the rather large, spiralled horns somewhat counter-acted that effect. As he moved towards the bed, Petri couldn't help but notice his dangling pair taking small peeks from underneath his clothes with each step.

The hyena was awe-struck by his appearance. It was far more than he'd hoped for. For a while he could do nothing but stare, mesmerized by the caprine's movements. The sheep sat down on the bed and invited Petritus over with a pat on its surface, to which he complied.

"My name's Notridar. But call me Notri.", he introduced himself, "What's yours?".

"Petritus.", he answered plainly, still in shock at his luck. As he approached, he got on an even better view of Notri's low-hanging fruit. They were huge for someone his size. Despite the hyena being a head taller than the sheep, they were considerably bigger than his. As he sat down, he noticed he had been mostly staring at the caprine's goods and quickly raised his sight. Notri's eyes were a pale blue, a match for his clothing. And although Petritus knew in the back of his mind that all the smiles and niceties were an act, he could see no sign of falsehood in the sheep's young face.

"So, what do you want to do?", Notri asked. What didn't he want to do with him would be a more apt question. Even thinking about it was slowly making him hard. So he turned thoughts to act.

He reached in with one hand, grabbing the caprine around the hip and, in one smooth motion, he pressed his lips against Notri's. Having no doubt given the impression of someone shy, the sheep was surprised at first, but quickly gave in and moved his hands over the hyena's shoulders. In turn, Petri reached in with his other hand under the silk wrap and took hold of the sheep's large eggs. Notri gasped, once again seeming startled at the sudden invasion of his dignity, but regained his composure quite quickly.

Petritus took his time penetrating his partner's mouth with his tongue. Notri was clearly experienced, as his own tongue fiercely wrestled with the larger one. His mouth tasted of mint and certain vaguely sweet tastes, Petri noticed. No doubt it was required that the workers here wash out their mouths with herbs, after partaking in less savoury tastes, he thought.

In the mean time, his right hand was busy enjoying the feel of the sheep's fuzzy soft spot, firmly rubbing his plumes and still soft member. There were few things Petritus found more enjoyable than feeling another man's private area and pleasuring it, evoking moans of ecstasy. Slowly, the caprine's prick hardened, but Petri kept his focus on that loose, stretchy sac and its contents. Getting somewhat carried away, he began to knead those big nuts, gently at first, but steadily doing it harder and harder. With a pained moan, Notri pulled out of this kiss and grasped at the offending limb with both hands.

"Ow! Stop that!", he exclaimed, looking somewhat concerned.

"Uh, sorry.", Petri replied, visibly embarrassed at having caused unwanted hurt. The sheep still looked offended, but nearly immediately defused the situation by slapping his hand onto the hyena's crotch and taking hold with a hard squeeze. Petritus jumped slightly at the quick motion and the slight jolt of pain, but he couldn't say he didn't enjoy it.

"Like it when I do that?", the sheep asked with another squeeze, to which the hyena nodded weakly, flustered. Notri simply smiled and pulled Petri further onto the bed by his crotch, causing him to yip. He then let go of his goods and began to unbutton the hyena's vest and then shirt, kissing first his lips, then the parts that became newly uncovered - his neck, his chest and his abdomen, stopping right above the fuzzier part of his groin, which sent shivers up Petri's spine.

Petritus hadn't exactly planned for his partner to be the one in charge. The sheep must've taken his enjoyment of pain for a sign of submission. But he didn't complain. The caprine seemed to know what he was doing. Perhaps it wasn't the first time he'd handled a client with these sorts of preferences. He would let him do it his way for now.

Notri then began to help the hyena undress, unbuttoning and unstrapping various articles of clothing while Petri pulled them off of himself and haphazardly chucked them off the bed. With only his loincloth remaining, Notri took a moment to smile at the hyena, as if he was unwrapping a birthday present. With a single tug, he pulled them off, allowing Petri's throbbing hard length to flop freely onto his belly and revealing his low-hanging grapes to the world.

Notri took a moment to look over his client's nude form before leaning in between his legs and kissing first his nutsack, then his penis, on the spot where the tip and the underside met, making Petri shudder in delight. This alone made the first droplets of pre appear over his tip. Notri ran his finger over it and licked it off, all the while maintaining eye contact with Petri.

Looking over the caprine, Petritus suddenly realized that he was more naked than the sheep. As much as he enjoyed Notri's ministrations, he really didn't want to lose control. The last time he had allowed a paid fuck to get dominant, he ended up getting his ass screwed raw very much beyond his comfort level and without his consent. He didn't like the idea of that possibly happening again, even if the sheep was smaller than him. But as he lifted himself on his elbows to try and change position, Notri gently placed his knee over the hyena's crotch and leaned in, squishing Petri's balls against his pelvis. The sudden jolt of pain made him cease in his efforts to regain dominance, and with a gasp, he fell flat on his back, now gripping the sheets at his sides tightly.

He screwed his eyes shut as Notri leaned in and positioned himself on all fours above him, keeping his knee pressed into the hyena's increasingly aching gonads. Finally, he relinquished his leg, making Petri gasp in relief and reach for his balls. The sheep just hovered over the pained victim for a while, watching him squirm underneath. He found it somewhat cute, even if the sight made him feel sorry for the hyena.

In line with his role of master, next Notri shifted himself forward, bringing his crotch in front of Petri's grimaced face. The hyena opened his eyes in time to see the sheep unstrap his wrap and tug it off to the side in one, swift yank, revealing his impressive pair resting atop the hyena's chest below a far less impressive, yet hard and veiny rod. For a sheep of his posture, his scent was heavily musky and intoxicating. As if to give him a better whiff, Notri pressed his plums up against his muzzle.

Without even needing to be asked, Petri extended his tongue and gave the caprine's testicles a long, wet lick, lifting them up, then letting them plop back down again within their confines. He continued to lap at his objects of affection, dampening the fur inch by inch, making them hypnotically bob up and down with every lick. Notri kept his hands over the hyena's head, massaging his ears encouragingly, while Petri's hands remained glued to his recently abused groin.

Having thoroughly covered the sheep's orbs in saliva, Petri opened his jaws wide and took the twin ovals into his mouth. The sight of the hyena's teeth so close to his manhood gave Notri pause, but he quickly calmed as he felt his gonads firmly massaged and rolled around within the predator's maw. He sighed in both relief and pleasure, continuing to groom the servicing hyena's hair and ears.

His cock throbbed and twitched with his every heart beat, oozing driblets of pre down his shaft and onto the hyena's loving muzzle. Petri's own full grown length continued to twitch despite the lack of any physical attention while he kept on sucking on those impressively sized eggs, pulling on them gently and being careful not to nick them with his teeth. Occasionally he extended his tongue up to the base of the sheep's shaft, licking off the salty pre as it dripped down and teasing his cock.

Feeling sufficiently pent up, Notri gently pulled his treats away, making them drop back down between his legs. He smiled devilishly as he saw how disappointed the hyena looked, and quickly presented him with his cock instead. Petri seemed somewhat reluctant, but opened his jaws wide nonetheless. He nearly gagged as Notri suddenly thrust into his mouth and began to face-fuck him, slowly at first, but quickly gaining pace as he now braced himself against the hyena's head. While the sheep's prick wasn't particularly long nor thick, Petritus didn't exactly have much experience at fellatio. The one time he had done it before, he was able to take it at his own pace. This time he was being force-fed dick in hard, quickening thrusts, and he struggled not to gag nor to shut his jaws. But at the same time, he kept his tongue braced against each oncoming push of the caprine's member, providing it with greatly pleasurable friction.

Notri continued to happily drive his rod into the hyena's willing maw, blissfully unaware or not caring of his client's efforts. Petri couldn't really complain, though. As much as he hated to admit it, even to himself, getting his balls beaten and getting manhandled in his moment of weakness was incredibly arousing to him. Yet he was now holding onto the sheep's hips with his hands, trying to ease the intensity with which he thrust. It did little to slow him, however, as he felt his orgasm coming and only accelerated his motions in response.

"I'm... coming!", he squeaked in warning. His cock tensed up, for a second becoming rigidly hard, before it began to pulse intensely, spewing his load into the hyena's maw. At first, Petri nearly choked as his mouth and throat were flooded with hot jizz, all the while the little sheep continued to thrust wildly, but he quickly got to grasps with swallowing the sheep's male milk as soon as it hit his tongue. His senses were flooded with the smell of fresh cum as well as its salty-sweet taste.

As his orgasm passed, Notri leaned over the bed on his hands, panting. He lifted his rump just enough for his softening cock to flop out of the Petri's mouth and slap his chin. He took a minute just sitting on top, enjoying his afterglow and looking down on the submissive looking hyena. He looked at the sheep above him so pitifully, obviously desperate to climax himself. Notri intended to comply with that need.

Lifting himself to all fours, he turned around, maintaining Petri's facing of his crotch while positioning his own in front of the hyena's softly pulsing manhood. He lowered his butt down, pressing his sac and softening dong over Petri's muzzle. Had he not finished yet, they would be in position for a 69.

Wanting to once more appeal to Petri's masochistic side, he gripped both testicles, one in each hand. Giving Petri an evil look from behind his rear, he pressed down with both thumbs. The hyena's sudden outcry was muffled by the sheep's large testicles, which slipped into his mouth as soon as he opened it. They worked just about like a pacifier that helped him endure the worst of pain. But at the same time, it was endlessly tempting to him to just bite down.

Eventually, Notri eased his grip on the hyena's nuts, letting him breathe deeply in relief. The caprine followed this up with a series of kisses, starting from the balls, moving up to the shaft and slowly moving up to the tip, and concluding with a lengthy lick along Petri's pre-covered glans and stomach. Rather than continue orally stimulating him, however, he instead took the hyena's cock in hand and began to gently slide his finders along its length. He used his other hand to cup the abused pair underneath, gently caressing the pain away.

With his already raging hard arousal, the slow pace at which Notri stroked his length felt like torture. From time to time, the sheep gave his cock a peck or a lick on the tip, but never enough to send him over the edge.

Suddenly, he turned a lick into a plunge, engulfing the entirety of the hyena's prick in one fluid movement. This was enough for Petri to reach his peak. The sheep's hefty love glands muffled a lustful whimper as the hyena's manhood began to ejaculate hot spunk down the caprine's throat, each spurt accompanied by an attempted thrust rendered short by the pull on his firmly held testicles. Petri's loins ached from the intensity of the orgasm, all the while Notri's skillful hands gently yet firmly clamped down on his client's spunk makers as though trying to squeeze every last bit of semen out of the hyena.

Petritus gasped out loud in deep satisfaction as his climax subsided, the little ram's testicles still laying on his tongue. It was the best he'd ever experienced. But even with their efforts at an end, the sheep continued to lovingly lick and caress his slowly softening maleness. He would definitely visit this city again. Again and again.


Petritus sat at a small table by a wall of his inn of choice, The Red Steer, in the city of Sordum. It was the 2nd of Winter, the day he and his trade partner agreed to meet up. He had just finished jotting down everything he knew about his last target and his client.

He sipped on a cup of sweetened water and nibbled on bits of roasted poultry from a bowl. With the unpleasant looking, drunken company around, the hours grew long with no sign of his companion. But finally he caught sight of his partner in crime - a small, cloaked rat in a closed, copper helm. The figure approached and sat down in front of him.

"Hello, Petri.", the rat spoke first, her foreign accented voice resounding in the metallic helm.

"Hey, Feins.", he responded. Much like his own name shortened to Petri, Feins was short for Feinsati. She was a doctor from a foreign land, incredibly skilled, primarily in cutting people open and taking parts out without killing them. She was the one who taught him how to conduct his trade in a manner that left little room for unintentional lethality. She always wore the helm to mask her face. Few knew why, Petri being among those few, but it was generally accepted since people just assumed it was part of some foreign custom. Stranger things were done in that regard.

"Got one for ya.", he added as he slid a note bearing the information about his client and the target. Feinsati took the note in her gloved hands and looked through it. "The client was a lioness. Daughter of a merchant in Tilven. The target was a travelling bard that promised her the stars, they had a little fling, and you can guess the rest.", he elaborated.

"Did he seem like the type who would pay for revenge?", she asked.

"Don't know. He didn't seem like the particularly rich type, considering where he was staying, but he did seem to have a fondness for seeking thrills. Try playing off of that. I'd be more worried about finding him again.", he said.

"Right. I will.", she said, reaching in under her cloak. "I have got two for you.", she said as she took out two rolled up pieces of paper from under her cloak. Petritus unrolled the first of the two and examined its contents - an equine brothel mistress who had a bit of misfortune on account of a certain wealthy raccoon noble. "The target sold off information about the client being a frequent customer of her establishment. He did not appreciate what it did to his reputation. Her brothel seemed quite prosperous, so assuming she is interested in getting back, you can have a nice paying job.", she explained.

"Sounds just about ideal.", he said. Their chosen profession was a rather treacherous one. While they both only took members of their respective genders for targets, their clients tended to become targets for the other. Revenge was a strong incentive, and they were happy to oblige with carrying it out, assuming the former target could still be located somehow and pay for it. They usually didn't have any moral qualms with betraying their clients. After all, the sort of person who ordered a hit on someone usually deserved all the same in return.

"Indeed. The other one not so much.", she began, giving him time to unravel the other roll of paper. Within he saw another little story - two mercenaries - the target a wolf and the client a bull. "This one was a bit tricky. Both the client and the target were on the move all the time. The client basically wanted to get back at the bitch because her idea of breaking up was having her comrades hold him down while she repeatedly kicked him in the crotch so that he could not walk for days.", she hesitated for a moment, as if deciding whether to explain something. "I will not go into the details about how I ended her days of enjoying sex, but I imagine you will have to do worse than her way of breaking up to appease her. But I would not worry about payment.", she finished.

"That... could actually be kind of fun.", he considered.

"I... did not expect you to say that. Just keep in mind that this is a big, angry mercenary bull. He could probably crack your pelvis in a single kick.", she cautioned, apparently worried about her less skilled but more eager colleague.

"It won't really matter if I do it right.", he answered with a sly grin.

"Oh, I know what you consider doing it right. It involves crawling back to me to fix you up.", she reminded of the previous time he took on a questionable contract, clearly annoyed. "I guess I cannot dissuade you from doing it that way.", she sighed. "Need supplies?", she asked. Outside of being a skilled surgeon, she also knew a lot about alchemy. Said it was all part of being a proper doctor in her country of origin. Here what most doctors usually did was cauterize, wrap in bandages and apply herbs or leeches. Usually it sufficed.

He shook his head. "Haven't had much chance to make use of them.", he said.

"Now you have two, then.", she said. "Just try to make it back alive and well for next time.", she added.

"Fine, fine.", he answered dismissively. "I promise I'll drug him up good before I go about it.", he added.

She sighed heavily. "Take this, then.", she said, handing him a vial she pulled out from under her cloak. "This will mess with his balance. Use half the vial and he will be stumbling around like a drunk. Will feel everything, though.", she explained.

"Interesting.", he said as he took the vial. "Hey, you've been holding out on me.", he added with a grin.

"The effects take a few days to diminish on someone his size. I would not suggest using this sort of thing normally", she said. "But that man was as big of a cunt as his bitch, so I would not feel guilty if stumbling around with his manhood crushed was how he spent a few days afterwards. Much like-...", she cut herself off. "Never mind.", she concluded, even though what she already said gave Petritus somewhat of an idea of how she fulfilled her end. That wolf was certainly going to be pissed, and he would have to approach her cautiously, he thought. "In case something goes wrong, there is a decent enough doctor here in the upper district. Pricey, but he is good enough to stitch your parts back into shape.", she added.

"Hopefully I won't need it.", he said, drinking the last of his sweet water. "Right, then. That's the business side of things done. Want to get out of here?", he offered.

"Yes.", she rose from the table. "I have only been here a few minutes and I already hate it here. Why do you insist on meeting here?", she asked.

"I used to overhear some useful rumours.", he began as he drank up the rest of his drink. "Grudges and broken relationships. Helped find some jobs occasionally. Plus the crowd here is pretty indifferent to what we talk about. Don't have to hide out, although I'm starting to find that preferable.", he said as they made their way outside.

"How about we find a different inn for next time, then?", she suggested.

"Sure.", he said as he swung the door open and they left.

Sore Loser

It was late into the night in front of the boxing hall. Unusually for this hour, the building was lit up, albeit faintly. Craig the brown, white-blotched horse stood at its entrance, considering what he was getting himself into, a flickering street...

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The Other Faith

Neseref the slender, grey rat sighed with relief as he crossed the outer city gates. He swept his hand over his slightly damp brow and through his neck-long, black hair. The long journey from his town of birth had come to an end. Here, in the city of...

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Domestication (Processing, Part 2)

Pitrin woke to the now familiar warmth of two others. At his back he could feel Erinis, an exceptionally timid horse, his length soft and pressed against his left butt cheek. He himself had his arm lazily wrapped around a fennec fox named Tethus, his...

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