Domestication (Processing, Part 2)

Story by Maskopatol on SoFurry

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Pitrin woke to the now familiar warmth of two others. At his back he could feel Erinis, an exceptionally timid horse, his length soft and pressed against his left butt cheek. He himself had his arm lazily wrapped around a fennec fox named Tethus, his rodent manhood compressed between them. There were 10 of them, all lined up like Pitrin on a single, large mattress on the floor, their room a mostly featureless concrete outside of vine-like decorations carved into them by a fellow captive, long since gone, presumably sold off to a master.

It had been over two weeks since his capture. While he and his room mates were lucky enough to be spared the fate most others were served, he wasn't sure if he found their fate preferable. As it turned out, it was by utter chance that they were deemed desirable enough for the slavers' usual male clientele. Otherwise it would've been considered more convenient to sterilize them on the spot.

Pitri found that it was a mixed blessing. Obviously, they got to keep their gonads, but on the other hand, they were destined to be fuck-toys for males, a prospect not very enticing to Pitrin, him being much more fond of the female form. There were female slaves in the facility as well, but they were kept separate from males like Pitrin. Being meant for males, the mouse barely even got to see any, most of his knowledge stemming from talking to demaled slaves, which enjoyed their company on a daily basis. In addition to that, being fully intact meant he had an easily abusable weak point between his legs, one his captors liked to use to punish them. Tethus' defiant nature had earned him the brunt of their wrath, but they had all gotten hit there, for reasons more or less petty and arbitrary.

With a yawn, he rose to a sitting position, not even trying to avoid rubbing up against the other males. A simple, digital screen on a wall displayed the time. It was 5:05 in the morning, nearly an hour before their designated wake up call. Strange dreams, now fading from memory, had troubled his sleep. He ran a hand over his eyes, wiping the sleep from them, then moved down to his crotch. He gave his hefty mice balls a couple nudges, appreciating them still being there. He couldn't get over how close he'd come to being rendered a eunuch. Then again, they were still at risk of losing them. As far as they'd been told, they could still be neutered as a means of behavioural adjustment. At first he thought the fox would end up the first to suffer such a fate, but following a few kicks where it hurt from a certain bulky horse guard, he became one of the most docile among them, cowering before the guards in fear for his manhood.

Pitrin rose to his paws and moved off the mattress, now careful not to step on any stray limbs, tails or genitals. Scratching his head, he moved off into the only other room in their quarters - the bathroom.

It was somewhat nicer looking than their sleeping quarters, but at the same time felt very sterile. He went into the shower section and pressed a button on a wall, pouring hot water over himself. It was one of the few pleasures freely available to them, and it was greatly appreciated after a night of keeping warm mostly by the heat of others around him. He ran his hands over his short, white hair and fur, rubbing some dispensed liquid soap into it. Once finished cleaning, he remained under the shower for a while more, enjoying the warmth. His ears perked up at the sound of someone entering and he looked around to see Erinis clip-clop into the room, joining him under the shower shortly after.

"Morning.", he said, walking up to Pitrin.

"Good morning.", he murmured, leaning uncertainly against the wall. "Stop.", he quickly added, knowing the equine's intentions. Erinis ignored his request and leaned in, planting a hand on the wall just above the mouse, bringing their faces dangerously close together.

"Still intend to play hard to get?", he teased, his breath and scent invading Pitrin's nostrils. The rodent normally would've kneed him for his persistence, but it was forbidden. Every strike against a fellow slave would be returned two-fold by a guard much more physically capable. He'd learned that the hard way the first time Erin grabbed him where he shouldn't have, and wanted to double over just remembering it. The equine's advances, on the other hand, were quite in accordance with the rules, as they were encouraged to enjoy the company of other males. It frustrated the mouse to no end, especially since some, like Erinis, felt right at home with such rules. He considered trying to turn the water cold just as he moved from out of the water stream, but that was one of the first things he'd done to dodge the horse's "affections" before and he'd probably be expecting it now.

"Just leave me alone.", he said, trying to keep his muzzle turned away from the equine's. Erinis simply smiled and pressed himself up against the mouse. "Urk.", was all he managed, somewhat surprised by the horse's sudden action. Erinis had certainly molested him before, but he'd yet to close in like this.

"You'd better get used to this. You're not going to get any choice in the matter with a master.", he whispered into the rodent's flattened, reddened ears. He was right, of course. Their fate was sealed. In theory, someone could buy them out, but in Pitrin's case, that wasn't even a possibility, as his family wasn't well off enough to purchase a slave. It made his heart sink every time he remembered that. He was doomed to serve out his 4 years as a sex slave for men. "You might learn to enjoy it if you give it a chance.", he added, running the back of his hand across the rodent's cheek. Pitrin recoiled from his touch, however, and slid off to the side.

"N-no!...", he stammered, backing away. Somewhat to his surprise, the equine didn't pursue further, and simply smiled, beginning to clean himself instead.

"Suit yourself.", he said, then lowered his voice to a whisper once more. "But you've put this off so long our masters might just handle it personally soon. Or so I've heard.", he said, a hint of smugness in his voice. His words made Pitrin's heart skip a beat.

"What do you mean?", he asked, now even less composed.

"Just what I said. They've been going lightly on us so far, letting us get accustomed to our surroundings. But they're going to put the less "active" among us to work soon. And I've heard their trainer is a bit more manly than what you see here.", he explained, jutting out his slim chest, putting his curved form on display.

For a while, Pitrin just stood there in silence while the equine returned to rubbing liquid soaps into his fur, seemingly ignoring the worried looking mouse standing not far from him. Pitri thought of the other intact slaves, desperate to think of someone potentially attractive to him, but he found them to be all the same. He'd thus far kept his eyes averted from the action that went on among his fellow slaves, and didn't really get to know anyone other than the equine who'd incessantly been molesting him since they'd arrived. He now found that the horse appeared to be his best bet, if only out of familiarity. His heart pounding, he turned back towards the equine.

"Uh, Erin...", he began, then paused, uncertain how to put into words what he wished to ask of him.

"Oh? Changed your mind?", the horse teased, quite obviously feigning indifference. Pitrin simply looked down at the equine's limp cock and low hanging testicles, as if preparing himself for what he'd have to do. "Ask me for it...", he whispered into his ear. "Ask me to let you suck my cock.", he repeated.

"Don't make me beg.", he pleaded, feeling resigned already.

"Not beg. Just ask.", he said, his voice unusually low. Pitrin gulped.

"May I... suck your dick?", he finally choked out.

Now smiling, Erinis turned off the water and placed a hand on the rodent's shoulder. Pitrin barely contained his urge to back away, but complied with the pressure on his arm, lowering himself to bring his face to level with the horse's crotch. "Go on. Lick.", he goaded, placing a hand on top of the rodent's head, gently brushing his hair.

Even recently cleaned, the musk emanating from the equine's crotch made Pitrin feel dizzy. He hesitated for a while, just staring at the horse's equipment. While the rest of his form was somewhat feminine - his shoulders thin and hips wide - the hefty pair of grapes, their saggy, fuzzy sac and the cock hanging from above directly reminded him that he was, in fact, very much male. Closing his eyes shut, he leaned in with his tongue slightly distended and gave the limp member a single lap. It was slightly warm and mostly tasteless, only a faint hint of saltiness left after the horse cleaned it.

Shakily, the mouse placed both hands on the horse's hips and leaned in closer, beginning to trail his tongue up and down its length. The equine's musk seemed to only intensify in tandem with his breath as he continued. He opened his eyes only to see the expected sight of Erinis' crotch fuzz. He pulled away for a moment as if to catch his breath. The equine's member began to rise all on its own, now pointing directly at Pitrin and giving him a better look at the two gonads hanging underneath. Almost absent-mindedly, one of his hands reached up and grasped them, tempting the rodent to clamp down. Instead, thinking of what sorts of things would normally please him, he began to roll the equine's stones around, giving them the occasional gentle squeeze.

The horse's cock was now pointing upwards, throbbing heavily, its thick veins protruding clearly. Now looking ahead, Pitri dragged his tongue upwards along the length, from balls to tip. He shivered as he realized he'd licked off a warm, gooey and somewhat salty bead of pre. He suppressed a sigh and closed his eyes again before leaning in and engulfing the head of the equine's cock, pushing its foreskin back with only his mouth. He pulled back almost instantly, as if Erinis' member had electrified him, before regaining his determination and diving in again, this time taking in as much as he could comfortably fit in his maw. Despite being much smaller than the usual horse, the equine's manhood was too large to fit entirely in the mouse's muzzle, although with only an inch to spare.

He began to move his head up and down the horse's cock, pausing only as the occasional drop of pre pulsed out of the tip. His ears twitched to the sound of others entering the shower section, making him blush a shade deeper at the prying eyes. He could hear Erinis start to pant audibly, more and more heavily, gripping him behind the ears with increasing intensity. He'd almost gotten used to it, sucking at the equine's rod while jiggling his jewels around with the other, when the horse tensed up and his manhood seemed to stiffen even more.

"I'm cumming!", he blurted out. Pitrin's eyes went wide as he felt spurt after spurt of surprisingly hot spunk splash his tongue. The strange, mildly salty taste made him want to pull away and spit it out, but the horse's hands kept him in place, his maw getting flooded by the liquid. Finally finished, the equine allowed him to move off, his mouth still full of Erin's semen. He immediately dropped to all fours and spat out the horse's love juices down a drain. It didn't help the taste in his mouth, but he simply couldn't bring himself to swallow it. Erinis smirked at this and crouched down next to him. "Now it's your turn.", he whispered, suddenly cupping Pitrin's testes from behind.

The rodent stifled a gasp and shuddered at the sudden grasp on his sensitive man parts by the other male. He seemed to now be frozen in place as Erinis continued to nudge his testicles around, sending small jolts of pleasure through his groin. He really didn't want this, yet physically he was enjoying it. It was definitely more pleasant than being the performing side, but at the same time he found it strange to be enjoying it from a male. On the other hand, his life as a slave meant he'd yet have to experience this many more times. He decided to just let it happen, keeping his eyes closed to try and ignore the fact that his current lover was of the same gender.

With his manhood now hardened, Erinis pushed him back to a sitting position, granting himself better access to Pitrin's nethers. He began to firmly lick at the mouse's grapes, pressing his nose up against the scrotum, intoxicating himself with the smaller male's scents. He took the two testicles in his maw, invoking an unexpected gasp of pleasure from the rodent, and began to roll them around, occasionally tugging at the sac. He then let them drop back down and moved upwards, dragging his tongue along Pitri's modest length before engulfing it entirely. Pitrin was so consumed with pleasure he had all but forgotten he was being sucked off by a male, but quickly decided it was best not to dwell on it and instead focus on the ecstatic sensations emanating from his crotch.

Erin readjusted their position, bringing the mouse's legs over his shoulders, making the rodent lie down on his back. He continued to tilt his head back and forth, gently nipping at the foreskin when at the tip, then moving all the way down till his nose was pressed up against the somewhat bushier fur above the mouse's dick. Suddenly, the mouse quaked and doubled over, feeling his climax hit. He clasped his hands at the sides of the horse's head and begun to hump at it erratically, spilling wads of seed with each thrust. He continued to twitch and thrust until it finally died down. He eased his grip on the equine, panting and sweating. He opened his eyes and looked down to see Erinis looking right back up at him, still tenderly slurping on the rodent's manhood and smiling visibly. It sent a chill down his spine. He slumped down onto his back, letting the equine finish his ministrations.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?", the horse asked, moving up and lying next to Pitrin and placing a hand on his chest.

"...I suppose...", he murmured, not particularly in agreement. He really wanted to take another shower.


Tafran sighed as he leaned over the railing of the lower-most stand of the arena. He looked down at the pit where two bulky, muscular figures clashed - a reindeer and a rhino, both as nude as Tafran himself. Watching the fights between the arena-bound slaves was one of the few forms of entertainment available to them. The current fight was supposed to be something of a highlight with how the rhino was the reigning champion of their little league, but to Taf that just made the outcome predictable. The arena stands were littered with all 3 "castes" of male slaves - the eunuchs, the effeminate and the stocky. It was one of the few places where they came into contact, otherwise being occupied with different things.

Only the female slaves were nowhere to be seen for the moment, as they were kept away from the effeminate males. However, Taf and the other eunuchs got to see a lot of the females on a daily basis, as they shared sleeping quarters, among other things. And while both they and the females they shared a room with were neutered, they all wore thigh bands with devices that slowly trickled hormonal replacements into their systems, granting them a relatively normal or even heightened sex drive.

Deep in thought, he ran a hand over his crotch, where his gonads used to be. While he regretted losing his manhood, at least he wasn't forced into servicing males as those intact were. On the other hand, perhaps his loss was why he was still there. The other day, the slavers told him they had come into contact with his family, but upon learning he was now less of a man, they'd decided against buying him out. It made his heart sink to think they could betray him like that. He wasn't certain if what the slavers said was true. But he found it somewhat likely, considering they weren't particularly rich and he had siblings that could yet carry on their family name at no extra cost.

He tried to shift his attention to the two massive males below, currently locked in a grapple, their entangled figures forming an arc. Quite suddenly, the reindeer pulled the other fighter in and flipped him over onto his back, pinning him to the floor immediately afterwards, a scream of pain from the rhino accompanying the maneuver. Tafran noticed the buck's knee planted firmly in the other male's pouch, no doubt the cause of his sudden bellow. But the rhino somehow persevered and began to roll around on the smooth, grey tiled floor with the stag, trying to get the better hold. The fights were till submission or knock-out, so low blows were unusually popular, as some would surrender immediately after a sturdy hit or two there, not finding the pay off worth the pain and possible loss of maleness. The rhino, however, continued to struggle, hoping to yet overpower the reindeer.

The reindeer kept trying to get enough leverage to knee the rhino, but to no avail. The rhino was visibly bulkier and seemed to be slowly getting into a favourable position by sheer strength advantage. Eventually he managed to twist one of the stag's arms back, pinning him chest-first to the floor. Using his knee to secure his opponent in his exposed position, the rhino then reached down between the buck's legs, grabbing hold of the reindeer's berries. He clamped down hard, making the buck wail in pain and intensify his struggles. Within a few seconds of gritting his teeth and kicking at the floor, he finally used his free hand to swat the floor, signalling his surrender. The rhino left the stag to roll around and impotently stomp at the ground in pain while he himself gave out a celebratory roar, only to retreat off the arena shortly after, rubbing his own aching manhood on the way out.

Taf sighed, dissatisfied with the usual result and looked towards the other spectators. One of the bigger males, a prior combat winner, was getting "friendly" with one of the small ones, groping and kissing. The big guys were granted the liberty to at least choose which gender they preferred, a luxury unavailable to the remaining two categories. The one bit of luck Tafran had come across was that at least he liked the gender he was assigned to be with. He could only imagine how much worse it felt for those unattracted to females.

The mustelid then turned his sights upwards to see the only clothed people other than the guards. Their master, a goat named Latias, stood upon a surrounding terrace with two others, a bulky, white male ram dressed in arena fighter's attire, and a likewise heavy-looking and similarly clothed lioness. He could see them talking while looking down upon them, but they were too far up to make out what they were speaking of. He looked away as he noticed the ram looking right back at him, not wanting to provoke unnecessary punishment,. It was unusual to see their master with what looked like arena fighters. The times he'd seen him there, he was with noble and rich looking persons. Afterwards, one or two among them would usually be asked to come and service the guests. Although the yet inexperienced among them, such as Tafran, weren't picked for such tasks, for which he was grateful, as the guests were usually rather mature looking.

Trying to turn his attention away from such matters, he turned his gaze back down towards the arena. Two new fighters were now getting into position - a husky dog and a puma, these not quite as bulky as their predecessors. He continued to watch for a while, careful not to turn his gaze upwards again. The fight continued with no clear advantage for a while, until the puma managed to land a kick to the side of the dog's knee, bringing him down to one leg. But his follow up attack of a knee to the face was dodged and countered with a hard punch to his ovals, sending him reeling on the floor and immediately surrendering in shock. The dog gave a celebratory fist pump before lightly limping out of view. The puma was carried off by two guards soon after, and a few minutes later, two more fighters, a bull and a horse, entered the arena to replace them.

"Enjoying the fights?", he heard the familiar voice of a rat named Uvlin, a fellow eunuch slave, now at his side.

"Rhino won. Again.", he responded dryly, just as the two fighters below went at each other.

"Got something against him?", Uvlin asked, somewhat surprised by the response.

"No. It'd just be nice to see someone else win for a change. Or at least provide a challenge.", he murmured.

"Fair enough. I wouldn't mind seeing things get more interesting myself.", he said. "I've heard we may soon get to see some armed combat. Monday night. Assuming they let us-", he managed before being cut off by a bulky lion guard coming in between them.

"You.", he pointed at Tafran. "Come with me.", he said and turned on the spot, moving towards the exit. Tafran exchanged a worried glance with the rat and followed the guard out of the arena.


"Where are we going? Did I do something wrong?", he asked, trying to keep up with the muscular lion, despite the bigger male seemingly strolling at a relaxed pace.

"You'll learn soon.", he responded plainly.

Moving through the facility's corridors, they eventually came upon a hallway with a series of dark wooden doors along it. Latias was there, a small, nude mouse at his side, apparently awaiting their arrival. The rhino Taf had seen in the arena earlier entered one of the doors just as they came near.

"Just in time.", the goat remarked at their arrival. Now closer, the squirrel recognized the mouse as one he'd been processed with. "Now, you two. Pitrin and... Tafran, is it?", he said, gently shoving Tafran to stand next to the mouse. Taf nodded nervously in confirmation, somewhat surprised that their master knew them by name. "Beyond the door behind you is a guest of mine, an arena champion. You will go in and fulfil his every whim. Is that understood?", he asked.

"Uh. His?", Tafran asked without thought and immediately regretted it, fearing punishment. "...master?", he added, trying to avoid repercussions. Latias simply smirked at this.

"Yes. He's male. Normally I'd offer him someone more experienced to serve males than either of you two, but he specifically requested you. An old acquaintance of yours, perhaps?", he asked, sounding amused. Neither of them shared his amusement. "Now. Do your best.", he concluded, waving them towards the door. "Or else.", he added, still smiling.

Tafran gulped and shared a glance with Pitrin. Apparently neither him nor the mouse were eager to go through with it. Taking a deep breath, the squirrel pulled down on the door handle and went through, followed by the mouse.


They entered to find a much more classy looking room than what they were used to. The floor was padded with polished wooden tiles. Milky white glass panels on the ceiling provided light to the room, although likely artificial. A black armchair stood next to the centre-piece of the room, a large bed with cream-coloured sheets. Upon the chair sat the person they were supposed to please - a white ram.

He was dressed in relatively skimpy, simple clothing - a long, thigh-length tunic with a belt. His previously worn gladiatorial clothing was left discarded on a small table nearby. He looked to be somewhere between 30 and 40. His hair was short, back-swept and silvery white in colour. His incredibly muscular body was littered in scars, big and small. His face held one painful looking gash across the top of his muzzle and a small cut at his brow. A particularly nasty scar on his inner thigh led Tafran's sight to discover the ram's hefty genitals were hanging quite freely underneath the tunic.

The thought of that massive male mounting him made him shudder. Then again, if luck would have it, maybe he wouldn't be the one getting mounted and that honour would befall the mouse instead. He really hoped that was the case, as selfish as it was. Then again, the mouse was one actually meant for it. They approached the ram and paused in front of him, awaiting his commands nervously. For a while he just eyed them, scanning their figures from top to bottom, a subtle smile accompanying his inspection.

"What are your names?", he finally asked, his voice moderately deep.

"Tafran.", he murmured with his sight down-turned, nearly at a whisper.

"Pitrin.", the mouse said, somewhat less troubled than the squirrel. The ram nodded with a smile in response.

"My name's Irvik.", he said, leaning back and putting one leg over the other, giving them a good look at his large balls, peeking down from between his legs. "Let's start off with something easy. Sit.", he instructed, tapping the edge of the bed. Once they were seated, he continued. "Now... Pitri. Give Tafi a kiss. Make it passionate.", he said.

The mouse looked at the squirrel with doubt, not really wanting to force himself on him. Tafran looked even less eager and actually seemed terrified more than anything. Reluctantly, Pitrin placed an arm over the mustelid's shoulder and leaned in, pressing his lips against Taf's, at first giving him merely a peck on the lips, but then pushing his tongue in and beginning to rub the squirrel's, mixing their salivas. Both of them kept their eyes closed, not particularly comfortable with the situation. They pulled away abruptly, breathing heavily.

"Again. This time give your partner's balls some attention.", the ram said. "...or where his balls used to be.", he added, smiling maliciously at the squirrel, inciting a blush from him. The mouse leaned in again, locking lips with the eunuch, his hand blindly groping around for his nethers. Taf wasn't as eager to touch Pitri's private parts and lingered at his thighs instead. Pitrin, meanwhile, began to grope at the empty space beneath Tafran's limp cock. It felt relatively smooth, only a faint scar underneath his fur. Despite not particularly liking to touch another male's parts, this was somewhat exciting to him, and he felt a slight pulse in his own groin in response.

"Good. Now, let's try something more exciting.", the ram said, placing his hoof on the ground and pulling his legs apart. The two unfused and awaited his next order, fearing what it might be now. "Pitri, your task is to reach orgasm using Tafi here. Tafi, your task is to get Pitri off of yourself without him reaching orgasm. I'll give you a hint - go for the balls. Whichever of you loses...", he paused and pulled back his tunic, revealing a large, throbbing rod of flesh. "...gets penetrated by this.", he finished, pointing at his maleness. The two of them were stunned, their hearts pounding. They were supposed to go against each other to avoid... that. "Well, what are you waiting for?", he goaded. They looked at each again, their eyes wide.

Pitrin looked at Tafran apologetically before suddenly lunging at him, pushing them further onto the bed. They became an entangled mess of limbs, flailing frantically. The mouse was now trying to immobilize the squirrel, who in turn was desperately trying to bring a limb down upon the rodent's crotch. Pitrin could only describe the situation as hopeless. Not only did he have to steady his opponent long enough for himself to do his thing, but he'd have to get excited enough to violate another male. He decided he had to somehow twist the mustelid's arm back and try his luck from behind. But just as he managed to grab hold of the squirrel's arm, he quaked as he felt Taf's bony knee lodged in his crotch.

He dropped off with a yelp and rolled away, clutching his aching gonads. For a while he remained still, his breath cycling between rapid and ceased. "Giving up already?", he heard the ram bait. As if suddenly remembering what was at stake, Pitrin rolled over to face the squirrel and lunged at him. This time, Tafran managed to dodge the attempt and plant his fist into the mouse's still aching testicles, sending him reeling up against the bedframe. Pitri was now flat on his stomach, occasionally kicking impotently at the bed, his hands clasped around his incredibly pained genitals. He'd taken hits there from the much stronger guards, but those were in moderation, and usually only once at a time. The squirrel had definitely hit him full force. Gritting his teeth, he got up to all fours, feeling furious.

He launched himself at Tafran again, this time stopping short right in front of him. Confused by the maneuver, Taf failed to react as Pitri took hold of both his legs and pulled him in before planting his own knee right where the squirrel's nuts used to be. Taf squeaked in shock, but also pain as his limp cock was mashed against his pubic bone. His hands darted down, giving Pitrin just enough time to flip the squirrel onto his stomach and twist one arm back, finally gaining the advantage. He considered how best to proceed next. His testicles still ached incredibly and his manhood hung limp. Yet he felt some excitement from having the other male in such a position. He began to grind up against the other male, rubbing his prick against his butt cheek, all the while the squirrel continued to struggle with his one free arm, trying to grab at something that'd let him get out of his predicament.

Pitrin's cock quickly reached full length, somewhat to his own surprise. As he continued to thrust his manhood, he accidentally slipped in between Taf's butt cheeks, pressing against the squirrel's pucker. He contemplated for a moment whether to proceed and violate the eunuch. He failed to notice, however, that in his efforts, the squirrel had risen to all fours. Tafran immediately used the moment of stillness, reaching down between his legs and managing to grab hold of Pitri's sore gonads, making the mouse quake in fear for his maleness, realizing what was about to happen.

"Enough.", the ram spoke up, just as the squirrel was about to clamp down on the white rodent's hefty gonads. Tafran released his grip and rolled to his side while Pitrin dropped down to a sitting position with a sigh of relief, cupping his horribly aching gonads, his shameful erection still protruding upwards. "You two certainly are determined. It's as if you didn't want to service me.", he snickered. The way he said it indicated he was well aware the two weren't particularly willing. He then rose to his hooves, unstrapped his belt and pulled off his tunic, revealing the entirety of his insanely chiselled body, including a few scars across his chest and abdomen, as well as his impressive length and huge testicles dangling with every movement. He slid onto the bed, its springs creaking at his sheer weight. His upper arm was thicker than either of their thighs, and his total mass was likely greater than both theirs combined. "Come. Either side of me.", he instructed, sitting up against the bed frame, his arms sprawled out and welcoming.

Reluctantly, they obeyed, crawling up to him and sitting at their designated spots. Now this close to the ram, their senses were flooded with his scent, particularly of his sex. Somewhat used to laying with other males, Pitrin leaned over the ram's massive biceps, uncertainly placing a hand on his solid chest over a particularly prominent scar. It was much different laying with a male of Irvik's proportions compared to his fellow, relatively girly captives. The considerably bigger male made Pitrin feel somewhat scared, yet secure at the same time. Or maybe it was because of the still prominent ache in his groin. Tafran, meanwhile, remained sitting straight, but the caprine cut his reluctant stance short by pulling him towards himself, wrapping an arm around the squirrel. Tafran could only squirm against the powerful ram.

"Now, then. I'm feeling a bit... stiff. Which one of you would like to handle it?", he asked, lowering the tone of his voice. The two desperately tried to avoid his gaze, as if that would help. "...I see you're both very eager... why don't you each handle one of my stones?", he teased, giving them gentle shoves in the appropriate direction. Once more they obeyed, lowering their sights to the ram's genitals. As they neared the caprine's manhood, his musk really hit their nostrils, Tafran especially, as he hadn't yet dealt with males at all. Pitrin was fortunate enough to have had "practise" earlier in the day, but still hesitated. He leaned in with his tongue extended and gave the left side of the ram's scrotum a thorough lick. It was considerably saltier than that of Erinis, but he managed to suppress any dislike well enough. He closed his eyes and began to lap at the jiggling gonad, trying to ignore the throbbing erection above.

Tafran, meanwhile, was far more reluctant. He gave the ram's right orb a reserved lick before backing away. He continued to give it single laps, hoping his limited efforts would be deemed sufficient. And for a while the ram seemed pleased with them, looking down at them smugly.

"Pitri... come up here.", he gestured, extending his left arm. As soon as he obliged, Irvik pulled him in and unexpectedly locked lips with him, forcing his tongue in the mouse's mouth. Just as suddenly, his other hand went down and cupped his genitals, beginning to rub them firmly. In spite of his shock, Pitrin did his best to return the ram's kiss, massaging the caprine's long tongue, all the while gripping the huge arm invading his private parts. Irvik finally broke their kiss, pulling the mouse aside, now looking down at the squirrel. Tafran looked up expectantly, not thrilled with the prospect of kissing the large male, but finding it much more preferable to licking his balls. "Tafi...", he began, now slowly rubbing the mouse's small but hard length, a devious smile forming on his face as he looked down at the reluctant male. "You've earned the privilege of sucking my prick.", he announced, to the squirrel's visible dismay. "You'd best do good. Else I might make use of an orifice that doesn't require effort on your part.", he added, making Taf's eyes widen in fear.

Not wanting to feel the caprine's rod at his rear, he quickly moved up to the tip of his dick. He hesitated for a moment, but quickly came to the conclusion there was no avoiding it. With a deep breath, he went down and took the caprine's cock head in his maw, pulling the foreskin back with his hand. He pulled back for a moment, as if trying to comprehend what just happened, before going back down again. Irvik was now focused on the mouse, tangling tongues with him and tenderly rubbing his testicles, every now and then reaching up to stroke his hard cock. Tafran strained himself to engulf even half the length before him, all the while wishing he was elsewhere.

"Put some effort into it. At least massage my balls while you're at it.", the ram instructed, apparently dissatisfied with the service. "Perhaps you'd show more enthusiasm if Pitrin here handled your rear.", he teased, to which, almost like magic, the squirrel sped up his efforts, all the while rolling the caprine's plums around with one hand. Despite his compliance, every second of this increased his urge to bite down, or at least clamp down with his hands. But while he no longer had gonads to lose, they could still nullify him completely. Then his only possible sexual use would be as a free fuck hole. He remembered the prospect every time the urge to harm the sheep came upon him. "Faster.", the ram panted, his breath growing erratic. He now kept one hand over the squirrel's head, pressuring him to go faster and deeper. Taf struggled not to gag as he was impaled onto the fleshy pillar, its tip poking at his throat.

Suddenly, with a thundering groan muffled by the mouse's lips, Irvik began to spasm and buck his hips, nearly choking the squirrel. Tafran's eyes widened in shock as he felt a wad of hot, sweetly yet salty semen hit the back of his throat. He wanted to pull away, his senses offended by the taste, but the ram's hand kept him firmly in place. Only once his orgasm died down did Irvik allow him to pull back, now uncertain what to do with the load in his maw. Recognizing his predicament, the ram gestured him towards himself. To his genuine surprise, Irvik suddenly locked lips with him, only to lick out and swallow the spunk he'd just delivered into the squirrel's mouth. Tafran pulled away, feeling somewhat relieved he didn't have to swallow, but still in dismay at the taste it left in his mouth.

"You're not done yet, Tafi...", the ram said, nodding his head towards Pitrin's small, but throbbing erection. Taf sighed gently at this, wanting for it to be over already. "Lie down. On your back.", he commanded, his palm flat on an empty area of the bed. "Now you, Pitri. Sit on his chest.", he added. The two positioned themselves as instructed, giving the squirrel another dosage of male musk in his nostrils, although this time milder. The ram knelt down beside them and took hold of the squirrel's attention demanding rod in one hand, and his recently battered eggs in the other. Pitrin closed his eyes, trying not to focus on the males around him. "Tafi, open your maw.", he demanded, to which the squirrel obeyed.

Within a few dozen more firm strokes, paired with the attention to his ovals, Pitrin felt his climax reach quite suddenly. Irvik noticed this and took care to direct the rodent's penis just in time for the first blast to fly out and land right below Tafran's right eye. The following few flew mostly into the awaiting squirrel's gaping maw, but also ended up coating his muzzle, neck and chest.

"Now swallow...", the caprine said in a hushed voice, now gently fondling the mouse's testes. Seeing no alternative, he braced himself and took it all in two thick gulps. He let his tongue hang out, panting and feeling somewhat nauseous. Irvik gave him a lick across the face, whether as a reward or just to get a taste of the spunk that covered it, he didn't know. "You're becoming quite accustomed to this, I see.", he teased, before noticing the mouse was now looking at him questioningly. "Well? I think Tafi here has earned a reward, don't you, Pitri?", he teased. Realizing what he was suggesting, the mouse lowered himself down to face the squirrel's cock. With his orgasm past, he felt even less eager to suck cock. Glancing at the ram for approval, he took the eunuch's already stiff rod in hand and began to stroke it, occasionally nipping with his teeth at the space where his testicles once were. The ram simply smiled in approval.

Somewhat to the mouse's surprise, the ram now held his own, already hardening organ and began to stoke it, staring intently at the two rodents. Tafran continued to lie on his back, his eyes closed and his body still as the mouse below now milked him. His face was still covered by splatters of semen, an issue he hoped would be solved somehow before they left. His pleasure continued to build up as the other rodent continued to work his rod. He gave out a sudden squeak as he felt his climax hit surprisingly early. He gripped the sheets with both hands, suddenly feeling his own jets of cum coating his stomach, eventually dripping down onto the bed sheets below. Soon after, he felt another, even larger load of hot liquid fall upon his chest and neck. He opened his eyes to see the ram's impressive manhood pointed at him and spraying him in gooey male juices. He managed to keep his mouth closed as some of it hit the front of his muzzle, making him afraid to speak up in fear of getting some in his maw. He felt dizzy, covered in semen, his own and of 2 other males, the smells of male sex overwhelming his senses. He really wanted to get clean and hoped that would be the end of it. The bulky sheep seemed to share the idea and lied down on the bed.

"Pitri, lick it clean.", he said, pointing towards his softening length, to which the mouse obliged with little hesitation. He lapped gently at the maleness, picking off any remaining traces of semen with his tongue. He paused for just a moment, realizing how unrestrained he'd become in servicing the male. It made him wonder if perhaps he actually liked doing it. He shook the thought from mind and continued his efforts, trying to think of other things. "That's enough.", the ram said, prompting the mouse to move off. He took a moment to stretch before rising to his hooves.

"Well, you two have done well enough. You're free to go.", he said, gesturing towards the door. The two obeyed, although not in any particular hurry, they moved as though in a stupor, Tafran especially in disbelief at what they'd gone through, single drops of semen dripping off of him. The ram moved after them, hurrying the squirrel along with a slap to his ass. Taf turned at the assault to his rear only to see a sly, suggestive smile. He shivered and quickened his pace, fearing that were he to tarry, the sheep would change his mind and keep him for longer.


Pitrin entered the group sleeping quarters to no particular notice. Most were still loitering about, pre-occupied with each other around the room. It made for rather boring nights before he felt tired enough to sleep through the smells and sounds of aphrodisiac-fuelled sex. Feeling drained, the mouse immediately collapsed onto the simple but large mattress at the spot where he usually lied. Two others were on the bed, but he could hardly pay them any heed. He briefly wondered how the other slave's return to his fold had gone over. It wasn't particularly common for eunuchs to be pulled into service for other males. And compared to the mouse, the squirrel had left bearing obvious signs of their little encounter. He could only guess he was having a harder time than his own seeming lack of notice.

The thought fading from mind, his eye lids grew heavy very quickly. Only the sudden pressure and warmth over his chest stirred him awake again. He opened his eyes to see Erinis, smiling down at him. Without a word, the equine pressed himself against the mouse, his hand already playfully fondling regions below, although to limited response. Pitrin thought to protest, but only stirred, deciding it wasn't worth the effort. Or that he didn't mind all that much. He closed his eyes once more, descending into slumber within seconds.


Adrogan the hare woke to the sound of muffled grunts and gasps, ringing in his ears as though coming through a tin pipe. He raised his priorly drooped over head and tried to move, only to find himself restrained, yet upright. The fact that he was...

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Tafran woke to the overwhelming smell of musk and semen surrounding him, a warm but hard tiled floor underneath, as well as the feel of furs pressing at his back and front. He opened his eyes and recoiled, noticing his nose had been pressed against...

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Guild Relations, Part 4

Hetroth woke by himself, barely a sound around to stir his sleep. He felt around himself for the deer, but found nothing. The ruffle of paper perked his ears up and made him open his eyes. The mid-morning sun shone through the clear glass windows,...

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