
Story by Maskopatol on SoFurry

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8 males awaken in a foreign environment and must fight for their freedom and manhoods.

Adrogan the hare woke to the sound of muffled grunts and gasps, ringing in his ears as though coming through a tin pipe. He raised his priorly drooped over head and tried to move, only to find himself restrained, yet upright. The fact that he was somewhat stuffy and that he saw everything through what looked like a thin veil made him realize there was something on his head. A glance around the room quickly revealed what sort of position he was in, as he found 7 other males in what was probably the same situation.

He and his fellow captives were each strapped to a flat, metallic surface, secured at the arms and legs. They were all naked, save for a peculiar sort of head wear. Each of them had a white mask on, each representing a somewhat menacing looking animal head, their eyes sunken and black, a look of subtle anger in their features. The species of the animal each mask represented seemed to be the same as that of the wearer. Seemingly keeping the masks in place were metallic-looking collars with two bright blue neon light on the front and back.

He thought back to how he'd gotten there, but couldn't even remember... pretty much anything. It was as though he'd never been outside of this room. Try as he might, he couldn't focus on anything other than his present situation. Adrogan tried to open his maw, but the mask was quite a tight fit, allowing him to just barely part his jaws.

He saved himself the trouble of trying to speak, however, as a bull and wolf among them began to throw questions of where they were and who put them there into the wind. Their voices were muffled and just barely intelligible, yet they continued to ask aloud and futilely pull at their restraints for a minute more before giving up.

The 8 of them appeared to be locked in in an octagon, their restraining slabs no more than a meter away from each other. The room itself was fairly plain and round, no visible point of entry to speak of. One thing that caught the hare's eye was how the walls ascended into utter darkness, lights just barely out of reach pointing down on them, blinding them to what could be above. Seeing nothing else in particular about the room, he began to look over his compatriots.

Starting from his left, he saw a snow white ram, quite average in size, but holding some musculature to him. Next was a dark orange fox, not as well built as the sheep, but not too thin either. A penile piercing adorned his glans. Following that was the recently restless, powerfully built brown bull. Directly opposite the hare was an orange salamander, relatively slender, but finely toned. To the right of him was a brown striped cat, the smallest and thinnest among them. Further right was a grey wolf, very stocky-looking for one of his species, pair of silver piercings adorning his nipples. And lastly, directly to the right of the lapine, was a dark grey donkey, of rather mediocre build. All of them had a number painted onto the forehead of their mask, from 1 to 8, starting with the wolf and increasing in a clockwise order, giving Adro the number 3.

They continued to simply stand there, awaiting whatever was to come. Suddenly, a disembodied, male voice boomed to life in the room.

"Welcome. You've been chosen to participate in our little competition.", it began. "As you have no doubt noticed, there are 7 others in this room with you. Your task is to neuter them while remaining intact yourself. As simple as that. Should you refuse to comply for longer than 1 minute, however, you will be knocked out and neutered regardless. So we suggest you try and put on a show. The collars you wear provide a hint as to how intact you are, so as not to waste time with checking that personally. Good luck.", it concluded abruptly.

Everyone was now fidgeting in place and looking between themselves nervously, although any further indication of their terror was hidden underneath their masks. Adrogan was no exception and he took the time given to try and think of any alternatives, but in his panicked state of mind could think of nothing. Once the shock wore off, he began to consider how to get out of the competition intact. The biggest danger, both to him and the others, would be the bull, as he was the best built among them, and his hard hooves would only make the situation worse. The other thing he considered was how the salamander opposite him seemed to be eyeing him intently, as if hell bent on targeting him. 'I'll show you...', the hare thought to himself, seeing the amphibian's stare as a challenge. His mind was set.

Just as suddenly as the voice had announced it, the match began, and their restraints suddenly unstrapped themselves before receding into their holders. The metal slabs themselves immediately slid into the floor below, leaving almost no trace of their existence.

Adrogan returned his attention to Mr. 7, glaring at him. But before he could even make the first step towards him, a sudden jolt of pain surged from his groin and sent him stumbling backwards, clutching at his gonads. The donkey at his right had leaned in and delivered a hard hook to the unsuspecting hare's crotch, netting himself the first hit of the match. The lapine tripped and fell against the wall, but the equine ignored him, instead going after the wolf. Despite the strong pain coursing through his abdomen, he managed to keep an eye on the chaos that now enveloped the room.

The bull floored the salamander with a kick in the crotch, but just as quickly earned a kick from behind to his own goods, making him double over. As if agreeing to handle the immediate threat first, the ram and fox pinned the big bovine down with some effort, starting to assault his genitals in turn. Once the salamander regained his composure, he joined them in their efforts, kicking in spite at the bull who had injured him moments earlier.

Meanwhile, the small cat had leapt towards the wolf and began to try and claw at his genitals, but only scored some shallow cuts to his thigh, getting a knee to the face in turn. Seemingly aiding the feline, the donkey stepped in and planted his hoof between the lupine's legs, making him drop to his knees. The cat stumbled to his feet, wanting to team up with the equine, but went right back down as the donkey racked him in the ovals before tackling the wolf to the floor, struggling to get at his nuts.

Gritting his teeth, the hare lifted himself to his paws and began to walk towards the battling wolf and donkey. The chamber echoed with the sounds of muffled yelps, bellows and slaps as limbs struck manhoods. A sudden crunch caught the lapine's attention for a moment and he looked to see the bull now thrashing even harder before a second crunch signified the complete destruction of his maleness. The three males restraining him released him and backed away for a moment, as though processing what they'd just done. The collar around the bull's neck confirmed what they'd thought - the lights had gone out and so the bull's manhood was gone. Adro paused in his steps to look with certain wonderment at the big, muscular bovine, reduced to lying in foetal position on the floor. The unmoving, menacing mask contrasted strangely with the pathetic wails coming from underneath.

Not wanting to be struck first, the fox immediately turned his attention to the ram, trying to punch at his soft spot, but the cervine managed to catch his attack and retaliate with a knee before pinning the vulpine to the floor. The salamander, meanwhile, looked around the room, assessing whom to go after next. The hare caught his eye, but he instead turned towards the slowly rising feline, still cupping his danglies.

Returning his attention to his previous target, Adro resumed his walk towards the donkey. His pace quickened until he was moving in wide strides, finishing in a full blown thrust of his leg into the equine's exposed berries. The donkey flew off the wolf, flipping onto his back behind the wolf and immediately rolling into a ball in agony. The lupine seemed too preoccupied with his own pains to react, so the hare confidently continued towards the fallen donkey.

Seeing the angry hare over him, the donkey tried to kick at him as Adro neared him, but the lapine managed to grab hold of his legs. Rather than try to kick him through his hands, the hare leapt up slightly and landed hip-first onto the equine's nethers, inciting a gasp from his opponent as his genitals were mashed further against his pelvis. Lodged between the donkey's legs, Adrogan began to try and bring his knee down while also attempting to pry his adversary's hands away from his aching testicles, but with little result. Desperate, he began to punch at the donkey's stomach with one hand, hoping to ease his grip that way, but as he got the first hit in, one of the equine's hands left his crotch and leapt up and took hold of the hare's own low-hanging pouch.

Adrogan screeched into his mask in shock and abandoned his efforts, instead gripping at the hand constricting around his gonads. The donkey used the opportunity to push forward and roll the hare onto his back, now using both hands to try and crush the lapine's balls. In panic, Adro began to flail his legs around, trying to get a kick in anywhere that'd get a reaction, all the while keeping the stronger equine from ending his manhood by prying his thumbs off. His gut was churning with pain, intensifying every time the bigger male managed to close his fingers around the hare's nuts. He deeply regretted going into a grapple with the obviously stronger male, and was now desperate to get out of it. In a stroke of luck, he finally managed to awkwardly pull one leg in, then thrust it down, smacking the donkey in the jewels along the way, making him wince and temporarily reach for his groin, only to get pushed off with both legs by the lapine.

The hare quickly scrambled to his paws and began to circle around the donkey, waiting for an opportunity to show him how a hare could kick. He didn't have the hooves his opponent did, but the sheer strength of his legs made his kicks just as fearful. Around them Adro caught sight of how the others were doing. The cat and, quite surprisingly, the ram had joined the bull in weeping over their loss. The salamander was now busy wailing on the wolf while the fox seemed to be kneeling doubled over off to the side, but not in enough apparent pain to have been castrated yet.

Returning his attention to his own fight of the moment, the hare noticed the equine's grip ease around his nut sac and went in with a kick, hoping to jam his toes in. But the donkey had expect this and blocked the shot, retaliating with a kick himself. Adro jumped away, but still earned a flick to his cherries from the donkey's hard hoof, sending a jolt of sheer pain through his body. Clutching his gonads once more, he doubled over and began to shift from paw to paw in discomfort. The equine didn't wait for his pains to finish, however, and leapt in from behind, grabbing at the lapine's scrotum again. The hare squealed and began to struggle, but saw little hope in fighting off his opponent through sheer strength. Desperate, he leaned in and curled up his legs before pushing hard against the floor, sending the two of them crashing backwards.

As they landed hard, Adro heard the donkey yelp in pain. At first the hare thought it was because his back was now on level with the equine's face, but then he realized he'd accidentally planted both of his heels into the donkey's man purse. Without second thought, he swung both legs forward and immediately brought them back down again, repeating the assault to his opponent's gonads. His heart skipped a beat as he heard a muffled squelch from where he'd hit, and the donkey's sudden scream confirmed it. Just as suddenly, he felt himself pushed off as the equine now rolled into a ball, wrapped around his injured manhood.

The hare got up quickly and looked back down onto the donkey, only to realize the lights on his collar had completely gone out. He'd just neutered a male. It shocked him just as much as it pleased him, but his mind quickly returned to the present as he remembered there were others to deal with. He looked over to the others to see the fox now lying on top of the salamander's back, his hands just underneath his butt and prying down on the amphibian's testicles. The wolf, on the other hand, was lying on the floor, flat on his stomach, cupping his nethers with a grimace on his face. Somewhat to his horror, Adro noticed blood around the lupine's hands, and a pair of fleshy purple orbs discarded nearby. His balls had apparently been clawed off.

Shaking the thought of that happening to him, the lapine turned his attention towards the remaining two. He began his approach, careful not to disturb the cat and wolf on his way. He decided he'd intervene in the current scuffle and kick the fox off of the salamander. Perhaps they could temporarily team up and finish off the vulpine before going at each other. But just as he neared them, he heard a now familiar crunch, shortly followed by another, punctuated by the salamander's blood curdling scream.

The fox released him and slowly rose to his paws, panting from exertion. Adrogan slowed his pace and circled around behind, careful not to alert him. What did alert him, however, was how the room had gone silent save for the noise from the recently neutered males. He spun around, only to get caught right in the groin and lifted in the air, a look of utter shock on his face. He dropped to the floor like a rag, convulsing in pain but withholding any sound. Wanting to give the fox no time to recover, Adro leapt onto him. He had little trouble with pulling the hands away from the winded vulpine, but just as he was about to ram his knee where it hurt, the fox suddenly wrapped his legs around his waist, pulling himself in too close for the hare to strike.

The position, he felt, would've normally been quite arousing to him, but for the moment it left them at a stand-still, neither side particularly capable of striking at the other. But Adrogan suddenly let go of the fox's hands and darted down towards his crotch, slipping between their bodies and gripping the vulpine's ball bag in both hands. The fox's instinctively tried to free his orbs from the constricting hands, but failing to accomplish much there, he unwrapped his legs before winding one around and swiping it down, managing to knock the lapine's plums around. Adro yelped and cringed, however refraining from letting go, instead lying flat against the fox and floor, keeping his crotch safe from further abuse.

In desperation, the fox dug his claws into the hare's hands, almost drawing blood. Adro resisted for a while, gritting his teeth, but let go soon after, getting a kick in the head in addition. Even though the masks they were wearing were made of some sturdy metallic material, he was knocked dazed and fell back, allowing the fox to shield his aching testicles. Noticing the distance between them was short, the vulpine threw another kick at him, this time planting his heel in the hare's groin. With a squeal, Adrogan rolled away, clutching at his genitals until he was brought to a stop by the now unconscious wolf.

As the fox struggled to his wobbly legs, the hare tried to do the same, but found himself too dizzy to rise, instead remaining on all fours. He tried to crawl away, still holding his aching danglies with one hand, but the fox was nearing him, stumbling slightly. Just as he was right over the lapine, the hare suddenly planted both hands on the floor and lunged backwards, planting both paws firmly between his foe's legs, sending him sailing through the air and crashing to the floor, a muffled wail escaping his lips as he hit.

With his opponent giving no indication of getting up any time soon, Adro remained doubled over on his knees, waiting for the pain to pass. Finally, he got up, fighting the weakness in his legs, and looked towards his opponent. The fox was almost flailing on the ground, the agony from his last hit apparently so great he couldn't get over it. The hare then realized why - one of the lights on his collar had gone out. He was half-way a eunuch. But the lapine still had to finish the job. Waiting for the opportune moment, he dropped down onto the vulpine's back, pinning him to the floor.

With one hand, he grabbed at the base of the fox's throat, clinging down enough to make him reach there instead of his remaining gonad. Seeing the opportunity arise, his other hand immediately darted down and took hold of his foe's sac. As he squeezed down with all his strength, the fox let out a high-pitched scream that made the hare's ears ring despite the two masks dimming the sound. He'd grabbed onto not only the vulpine's intact nut, but also his flattened one, causing him unimaginable pain. Panicking, the fox alternated between reaching for the hand on his throat and the hand on his ball bag, sometimes keeping one hand on each and otherwise trying to ease the pressure with both.

Finally, Adrogan's last adversary gave out one final shriek as his testicle gave out with a sickening squelch. The hare got up, panting lightly, allowing the former male to roll on the floor from side to side, straddling the painful, mushy remains of his spuds, his whimpers barely audible through his ever furious mask. Adro looked around the room once more to see the recently neutered males lying around him and feeling amazed with how he'd come out on top. He cupped his intact testicles and began to rub the soreness out of them, at the same time appreciating their presence like never before.

With his physical exertion over, he felt a twinge in his member. To his surprise, he looked down to find it hardening somewhat. He wondered morbidly whether it was just his present ministrations or he was actually getting aroused by what had transpired. The latter thought made him feel strange, yet didn't seem foreign for some reason.

But before he could further consider the reasons for his suddenly rising maleness, a hiss enveloped the room. He looked around in fear of what was happening, but saw nothing. He kept turning and looking for a source of the sound, but gave up as he felt a strange weakness overcome him, causing him to drop down to his knees, then to his side, before darkness enveloped him.


He immediately sat up as he woke, looking around apprehensively. He found himself sitting on a bed, still naked, but at least under covers. A chair stood nearby, a neat bundle of clothes on it. The room was otherwise empty, although it was also much more natural than his previous surroundings. There was an obvious exit, for one thing, and there were clear glass windows, partially obscured by blinds and the walls were painted a pale blue. He slid off the bed and walked up to a nearby window, gently prying the blinds apart.

Outside was a courtyard, like one typical to a mansion, with a fountain in the centre surrounded by road running up to a front gate. Short hedge rows stood on the sides of the drive way. He backed away from the window, feeling dizzy, as well as a strange sense of deja-vu. He began to remember things. Seeing that courtyard from the front. Moving through a mansion's interior. Travelling to its underground levels. He stumbled over towards the bed and slumped down onto it, his head throbbing painfully from the influx of memories.

Just then, a white goat in a suit entered his room, only causing another rush of sounds and images in his mind. He knew his name - Ossian.

"Do you remember yet?", he asked, the sound of his voice reigniting memories even faster. Adrogan remembered sitting at a desk with the caprine. A number of papers before him, all signed with his signature. He realized the competition he'd taken part in was agreed upon. Recalling the contents of his contract, he remembered the deal included a prior memory wipe, explaining why he hadn't known of how he'd gotten there until now.

"I think.", he said uncertainly, to which the goat nodded. He then recalled how everyone who had participated had agreed to their arrangement as well. What suddenly struck him even more, however, was the reward that was promised to the winner.

"I was kind of hoping the ram would win.", the goat began, moving towards the bed. "Haven't seen a fellow caprine score a win yet. But neither had I seen a lapine do so. At least the bull wasn't the victor this time.", he continued as he sat next to the nude hare.

"Am I remembering this right? We all agreed to this?", he asked, ignoring Ossian's comments.

"Oh yes. You did. To the competition as well as what happens afterwards.", he said and leaned in, gently cupping the lapine's sac, inciting a soft gasp from the nude hare. "8 males, unaware of what was happening, locked in a room till only one remained intact. Doesn't that stir your manhood?", he said, tenderly rolling the hare's stones around. Whether it was what the goat said or just his touch, Adrogan's member indeed stirred itself awake to a semi-hardened state. "Are your testicles better?", he then asked, trying to sound concerned, although ultimately sounding insincere or even mocking.

"Uh, yes.", he said, flustered, prompting a smile from the goat. He didn't exactly feel safe with another male gripping his gonads for the moment, and probably wouldn't for quite some time, following his little experience. But he didn't protest, knowing the caprine had him by the balls in more ways than one.

"Good. Your slaves will require a capable master.", he said, confirming what Adro thought he'd remembered as the prize. The 7 less fortune competitors would now be his property indefinitely, with an additional cash prize to help maintain them, although he could always put them to work to make them earn their keep. It made him feel light-headed just thinking about it. "Would you prefer to get dressed or will you address them with your assets on display? Personally I prefer you this way.", he said, reluctantly letting the hare's marbles drop back down between his legs.

Adrogan shook his head and rose towards the chair, unfurling the set of clothes he recognized as a black suit. Pulling his clothes on, he thought back to what he'd experienced. He found himself strangely elated, not just by his victory, but simply by his participation. He pulled his boxers and pants on just in time to hide a different kind of elation rising firmly between his legs. He felt unlike himself, even though who he actually was had been recently all but wiped, and the influx of memories was actually bringing him back to his prior self.

He then thought of his new acquisitions. He somewhat regretted the resulting lack in their equipment as a result of the competition. But, for the right price, modern medicine could fix that. He couldn't decide whether to treat that as a reward or punishment yet. It brought a devilish smile to his face just thinking of what he could do with them. The donkey, especially. Even though he'd come out of their confrontation unscathed, he found himself really wanting to torture the equine for what he'd done during their fight.

"Ready to come inspect your new slaves?", Ossian asked just as Adrogan tightened his tie.

"Yes.", he said, casually buttoning up his jacket, barely able to keep himself from grinning.

Guild Relations, Part 9

Hetroth woke to the sounds of rain, beating haphazardly against the window sills and roofs in a raging downpour. Summer rains were relatively rare in the canine kingdom, but harsh when they came. The stag was still well asleep when Het rose up to his...

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Guild Relations, Part 7

Hetroth sat upon Varik's bed, already bathed and fed. He was packing for the journey before them. Or rather, mostly reassessing what he'd already packed for his last excursion. He was lacking his armour, but only for the moment. Varikas had gone off...

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Tafran woke to the overwhelming smell of musk and semen surrounding him, a warm but hard tiled floor underneath, as well as the feel of furs pressing at his back and front. He opened his eyes and recoiled, noticing his nose had been pressed against...

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