Guild Relations, Part 9

Story by Maskopatol on SoFurry

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Hetroth woke to the sounds of rain, beating haphazardly against the window sills and roofs in a raging downpour. Summer rains were relatively rare in the canine kingdom, but harsh when they came. The stag was still well asleep when Het rose up to his paws, looking out the window unburdened by any attire.

He almost recoiled back into the room when he noticed silhouettes staring right back at him from a window of a perpendicular wall, yet quickly calmed when he realized they would hardly see anything past the droplet-covered glass. He continued to look on with some curiosity, only to have the figures turn from their own window and walk away.

With a relieved sigh, he went back to bed and lied down, the warmth of the room currently quite pleasant to recline in. He looked towards Varikas for a moment, some base curiosity running through his mind. Taking great heed to be silent, he reached out and ran a finger over the buck's antlers, getting a feel for their texture. They were silky smooth and polished, likely well-maintained by their owner, although he'd never witnessed the deed himself. It seemed as though Varik took great care of himself, all the while taking just as much care to make it seem as though he hardly did any such thing. 'So typical', Het thought to himself with a smile.

A sudden knock on the door roused him to a semi-sitting position, yet he didn't pull the covers over himself in panic either, as they were currently stuck under his own weight. Instead he elevated one of his legs to better block sight of his manhood.

As the door opened despite their lack of answer, Het saw a dreary-eyed grey and brown wolf enter. His hair was dark brown, short and raised. A scar upon his chin caught Het's eye in particular.

"Varik?", the wolf called out quite sternly. He sighed as no answer came. "You there. What do they call you?", he went on, directing his speech towards the hyena, seemingly ignoring Het's state of undress.

"Hetroth.", Het answered back.

"Tell lazy over there Arlus wishes to speak to him once he wakes.", the wolf said, pointing at himself for clarity. "Or perhaps pass on a message. Tell him-"

"I'm awake now.", Varik said and rolled over, sounding none too pleased.

"Oh, good.", Arlus said.

"What is it, Arl?", Varik asked.

"The path opens today.", Arlus said. "Midday.", he added.

"Oh.", Varik said with some additional displeasure, glancing at Het.

"I've heard what Kapria decided.", Arlus went on. "Not happy about it.", he added in a tired tone.

"Don't remind me.", Varik said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"You recall the talk we had three years ago on the matter, right?", Arlus asked.

"I do.", Varik said, somehow sounding even more annoyed. "And I've even greater doubts it'd work now. Nor would I particularly like the idea.", Varik added. At this point Hetroth realized he was spectator to a conversation unintelligible to him.

"Well, some of the other grand sages seem to be starting to see things our way.", Arlus said and sat at a chair, forcing Het to reposition his leg to maintain what little cover of his manhood there was.

"And do they know who the replacement candidate is?", Varik asked.

"They do. Though they might propose their own.", Arlus said. Varik shook his head.

"Somehow I doubt this would turn out well.", Varik said.

"How can it be any worse? You heard what happened but a week ago?", Arlus asked.

"No. And I do not think I wish to.", Varik said running a hand over his scalp.

"Can't believe you'd just let it go after what happened to Irmin.", Arlus said.

"Please don't bring Irmin into this.", Varik said. "As much as I'd want it, I don't seek vengeance. I'm not some dumb forest tribal.", he said.

"There's nothing dumb in seeking justice, Varik.", Arlus said.

"If I sought anything, I'd be unlikely to settle for justice.", Varik said.

"You've the guild to settle the matter of justice.", Arlus said.

"And here I thought they'd settled it years ago.", Varik said without a hint of sincerity.

"Varik.", Arlus said with a sigh and got up. "Matters have had time to settle and temperaments have changed.", he said, then moved for the door. "Most of all, the others have had time to figure Kapria's a shit when it comes to handling Cossian.", he said.

"Great. That hardly matters to me now. Not bringing Irmin back.", Varik said.

"And what about your more recent problems?", Arlus asked.

"Now I question if any other head would've even allowed this much.", Varik said.

"And what of our candidate?", Arlus asked.

"Our candidate is likely no candidate at all. The others wouldn't allow it.", Varik said glumly.

"I believe otherwise.", Arlus said. "But I can't help if you're to be difficult.", he said, now sounding irate himself. "Consider what I've said.", he added as he went out the door.

"Not today. Not while we've matters more pressing.", Varik said. Arlus looked at him with a sense of compliance, but said no more and closed the door behind him.

"What was that all about?", Hetroth asked.

"Well, that was Arlus. And he shares some of my grievances with the head of my guild branch.", Varik explained, looking as though this wasn't a subject he wanted brought up.

"Who's Irmin?", Het asked on, trying to pick through the details of the conversation he'd just heard.

"I'm not sure I should be telling you.", Varik said.

"Please do.", Het said. "It's rather frustrating listening to something that may as well have been in rat tongue.", he said.

"Very well.", Varik said with a heavy sigh. "He was my lover. Part of the All Knowing. A zebra. Kind of a bookworm. Well, not just kind of. Very much as bookworm.", he said, his eyes lost in memory.

"So... what happened to him?", Hetroth asked, uncertain how he felt about news of a prior spouse that was now gone somehow.

"That, I would not like to describe in detail.", Varik said with something of a grimace. "Suffice to say, he left the All Knowing as a result of Cossian's actions. Actions Kapria deemed unfit to punish.", he said.

"So that's why you're on such strained terms with them?", Hetroth asked.

"More than that, that's why I'm in Tertium.", Varik said. "I could've very well remained here, where some of the most important work is done. But I couldn't bear the thought of sharing space with... with that bitch.", Varik said with a scorn in his voice Het had yet not heard up close.

"I see.", Hetroth said thoughtfully. "So you view Tertium as a kind of banishment?", he asked uncertainly.

"It's certainly less dazzling than Primum. But I've grown accustomed.", Varik said. "I'd say it's a very pleasant kind of exile.", he added with a smirk. "Not to mention I passed on Secundum. Mining towns are a dreadful kind of place, riches or not.", he noted.

"I take it you prefer I not ask on about this... plot, should we call it?", Het asked.

"It's unlikely to amount to anything, so no point to it.", Varik said.

"Are you so certain? What of what Arlus said?", Hetroth asked.

"As I said, no point pursuing vengeance.", Varik said. "It serves only to hinder one's own fortune for the sake of hindering another's.", he said. Hetroth thought on this for a while.

"But if you permit others to hinder your fortune without retribution, do you not welcome further hindrance?", Het asked. Now Varikas considered his words.

"Perhaps.", Varik murmured thoughtfully.

As a silence fell between them, Hetroth considered what he'd learned. Up until yesterday, everything Varik had done had seemed so deliberate and controlled. As if he had full confidence in his guild. Right now it seemed like anything but that. But there was one thing he'd probably know more of and Het was curious about at the moment.

"Varik, I met Pakhaton.", Hetroth said.

"Oh.", Varik said. "Well, it was somewhat inevitable. Had to meet him today, one way or another.", he said. "What do you make of him?", he asked, strangely casually for what he was.

"Seems like a wraith.", Hetroth said dryly, hoping for somewhat more of a reaction from the buck. He simply rolled his eyes, however.

"You act like you've seen a daemon within these walls.", Varik said with a smirk.

"It's a rather serious crime to be raising the dead, Varik.", Het said sternly.

"And he was not risen here.", Varik assured.

"I've been told of the technicalities. But what of the risks?", Hetroth asked. Raising the dead being a crime was far from superstitious nonsense, Hetroth knew. They were known to degrade and eventually lose their minds, possibly becoming a danger to those around.

"The spells that hold him are strong, and we take care to regularly verify his faculties.", Varik explained. "Much to his dissatisfaction, I might add.", he added with a mild smile.

"And were he to become lost, what would you do with him? Would you be able to end someone you've known for so long?", Hetroth asked.

"Not entirely up to me.", Varik said. "That is something between the guild heads and Pakh's family.", he said. "He's got a wife and two daughters within the guild. From before he'd died, of course.", he added. "You've met one of his daughters, actually. I believe you've seen the rest as well.", Varik added with a quirky smile. Het lingered on this for a while.

"Niridith?", Het asked with a tilt to his brow.

"Indeed.", Varik said.

"And do you trust they would be able to make a decision as hard as this?", Hetroth asked critically.

"His daughters perhaps not. His wife has a pragmatic mind very much in line with that of the guild, however.", Varik assured.

"If you say so.", Hetroth conceded. "Who raised him, anyway? He mentioned it wasn't the guild's idea.", he asked.

"Oh.", Varik said, a guilty smile forming upon his lips. "His wife and daughters.", he said. Hetroth looked unamused.

"And how long do they expect to extend his life?", Het asked.

"No idea. As I said, the spell holding him is no amateur trick.", Varik said, then considered something. "His family spilt much of their blood for this to work in full.", he added. "He may very well outlive us all.", he noted with a smirk.

"As a mad man, perhaps.", Het sounded his doubts.

"Not necessarily.", Varik said. "There is the distinct possibility we will find a way to return him to life in full.", he added.

"How do you imagine that?", Het asked with a tilt of his head.

"The gods hold many secrets, Hetroth. And we believe they are now nearer our grasp than ever.", Varik said.

Hetroth wasn't sure what to make of this, but said no more.


Another session of bathing ensued, and though the baths were considerably much more crowded than the previous day, at the moment they still felt quite empty. Other than the occasional thus unknown and quickly forgotten face coming to meet the two curios, Het and Ivid were quite alone in their little pool, with Rette and Varik off for a swim in one of the more spacious ones. Hetroth was steadily beginning to regret not following their example, as was likely Ivid.

The ferret had gone back to covering herself, the dozens of eyes drawn to the two of them apparently quite enough for her to regress into a sense of deep shame, as signified by the vibrant colour of her face.

"You know, you can get used to this.", Het tried to console her, even as he himself felt a rising urge to likewise hide his shame.

"Shut up.", Ivid said scornfully. "It was bad enough yesterday when this place was near empty.", she said.

"Well, right now it's-... oh, hello.", Het said to the new arrival, yet another grey wolf, pointy eared and of unusually pointy muzzle, quite similarly to Rette, in fact.

"Greetings.", the canine said as he crouched down in front of the pool, not even bothering to dip any part of himself in its waters. His position brought attention to another similarity to Roeterik. He was lacking balls. "My name is Etronius Sirin. I serve as librarian within Tertium.", he said. He must've been the one Varik had spoken of.

"Uh, pleased to meet you. I am Hetroth... Sersa.", Het said, adding his last name as an afterthought. He wasn't certain if it was seen as appropriate or boastful, and he feared it might vary based on whom he spoke to. Although for the moment, he was more concerned with keeping his eyes off of places best exempt from scrutiny. He was almost relieved as another wolf approached next, this one brown and female, somewhat familiar at that.

"And this is my wife, Merada Sirin, of house Ausir.", Etronius said.

"A pleasure.", Merada said, keeping her palms together at her front. "I likewise tend the Tertium library, if you recall.", she said with a mild smile.

"I... think I recall.", Hetroth said, thinking back to the night she'd walked in on him and Varik doing something illicit. Although now that it paled in comparison to Niridith's more recent intrusion, it almost seemed like nothing at all.

"We do hope we may one day retrieve the tomes lended to you.", Etronius said as he stood again, a mild but pleasant smile upon his face.

"Oh. Uh, of course.", Het said, thinking back to how they were currently stranded under the bed of his room. Assuming it was yet his.

"We wish you a pleasant stay.", Merada said as they slowly turned and walked away. They'd given Het the impression of perhaps the two most humble people in the whole of the All Knowing. Although for the moment, he was much more concerned with the apparent lack between the wolf's legs.

"Did you see that?", Het whispered to Ivid.

"I'd rather have not, Het.", Ivid said.

"Wonder how they got to marry if he's a eunuch.", Het said. Then again, chances were he hadn't been one at the time, he thought.

"I don't care, Het.", Ivid said, palming her face. "I've seen more cocks, balls, tits and cunts than I would've seen my entire life had I not come here.", she said in disdain.

"I don't see that as too terrible a sight.", Het said.

"It's not a sight meant to be seen in such quantity.", Ivid said. "That's why we have shame and clothes.", she added, even as she herself had for the moment abandoned her attempts at maintaining dignity.

"I don't know, Ivid. We are brought into the world with no sense of shame.", Het noted.

"Then remain a shameless child if you like. I hope to retain my decency after we're rid of this place.", Ivid said. Hetroth sighed and return to washing his fur. As much as he could sympathise with Iv's sense of unease, it made talking to her quite unpleasant. Not to mention this situation was of her own doing, as a more private bath was always an option.

They maintained a silence between each other for a while. Ivid eventually started cleaning as well, the pointlessness of just sitting there in the water apparently superseding the need to preserve her virtue. In time, apparently even the quiet between them seemed to become a problem to her.

"Have you any idea how long we are to remain here?", Ivid asked.

"Until we get clean, I suppose. You're free to go at any time.", Het said absentmindedly.

"I don't mean here. I mean the All Knowing guild hall.", Ivid said in annoyance. Hetroth thought for a while how much he should divulge, then shrugged.

"I'm not sure.", Het said. "Something is to take place this day. I've no idea how long it will take, however.", he said.

"Something, you say.", Ivid said humourlessly. "We're in the dark, yet you sit and say it's fine.", she said.

"I'm not very fond of this situation, yet it is likely at an end. Be patient.", Het said.

"Very well.", Ivid said, sounding resigned.

At that point, Varik had returned, soaking wet and panting lightly.

"You two look foul in spirits.", Varik noted as he sat by Het's side, indiscreetly running a hand along the hyena's thigh.

"We're-... we were talking of certain matters.", Hetroth said, trying hard not to blush even as Varik continued to softly fondle the inside of his thigh.

Het very much didn't want to look Ivid in the eye, fearing what she'd make of the situation. The glance he'd unwittingly thrown her way confirmed his concerns. Her face was frozen in a wide-eyed frown.

"And what matters are those?", Varik asked, moving his hand further up towards areas more sensitive.

"Like how long we're to remain in the All Knowing guild hall.", Hetroth said, struggling to form coherent sentences, as he was now starting to blush in more ways than one. "Varik, please.", he said, pulling the stag's arm away, even as he now knew it was much too late to halt the growth between his legs.

Before Varik could proceed any further in humiliating Hetroth, Ivid rose up out of the pool and walked out, not a word to explain the sudden action. As Het looked at the ferret scurry out of the room, he found the buck only became emboldened, now leaning in and running a hand over his abdomen.

"Varik, why?", Het asked, sounding annoyed even as the buck worked his hands all over the hyena.

"I simply wanted some time alone with you.", Varik said.

"There's places more private for that.", Het said in further annoyance, even though he did little to protect himself from the attention.

"Not that kind of alone.", Varik said, now grabbing Het by the balls.

"Ungh.", Het sounded out in embarrassment. He then realized Rette was crouching over them, staring intently at what they were doing. "Uh, Rette?", he asked.

"Hm?", Rette sounded out in disinterest, his eyes more concerned with what was going on under the waters.

"What are you doing?", Het asked critically.

"Observing.", Roeterik said. Hetroth asked no more. He'd assumed the eunuch would find little interest in sex, but he actually seemed quite fascinated by the act. Or at least mildly curious. "I've been told what intercourse looks like, but never seen it first-hand. Up close, at least.", he said. "If you're so unfazed by public display, I thought I might as well have a look.", he explained.

Varik seemed quite amused by this and only hastened his efforts, even as Het began to flail in futile protest. His face had likely never been redder. The buck then repositioned, sitting a step higher, above water-level, and pulled Het up to likewise bare his parts to the surroundings.

As their passions advanced in intensity, Varik began to grab at Het's length, jerking it more and more intensely, steadily sending waves of pleasure down the hyena's loins. Hetroth had almost forgotten of the world around as his orgasm hit, arching his back in pleasure as spurt after spurt of male essence flew onto his chest and abdomen, until it died down to a trickle, pooling around his pelvis.

Returning to his senses, the only thing Het yet considered a blessing was that Ivid hadn't seen this, as otherwise they seemed to have drawn some eyes from around, though Roeterik remained the one most terror-inducing to Het.

"Huh.", Roeterik said simply, looking over the hyena, all the while sniffing with visible distaste. "That's it?", he asked.

"What were you expecting?", Varik asked with a bemused stare. Het decided to pretend he wasn't there and lied back.

"I've heard it described as magical.", Rette said dryly, even as he tilted his head. Varik snickered at his words. "I had also expected one of you to insert your member somewhere.", he added.

"Not all sex is like that.", Varik said with a more earnest smile.

"I see.", Roeterik said, rubbing his chin as though he'd just heard a riddle.

"I find it curious you take such sudden interest in the deed.", Varik noted.

"Well, it is something people in taverns tend to go on about all the time.", Rette noted. "I just wanted to see what I'm missing out on.", he added with somewhat of a smile.

"And what do you make of it?", Varik asked.

"It looked rather exhausting and painful, actually.", Rette said with a tilt of his head. Varik laughed, while Het remained floored and blushing.


The rest of the day had gone by without much of interest. Hetroth had spent most of it within the training hall, for the most part assaulting a dummy while intermittently facing some less than familiar All Knowing in a bout of sparring. Though he hardly had the stamina or skill of Roeterik, he was still largely pleased with the result. Of the dozen bouts he'd fought, ten had gone his way, and the two he'd lost had been up against All Knowing of rank apparently comparable to that of Varik. Although it did make him realize something. He yet knew not what that rank was.

"Varik.", Het said as they walked down a long, grand hallway upon one of the subterranean floors.

"Hm?", Varik asked.

"What rank are you?", Het asked.

"I take it you've investigated little in the matter.", Varik said with a belittling smile.

"I hadn't thought to.", Het said, trying to ignore the rise in smug.

"You may call me king Varik, then.", Varik said with a smirk.

"Be serious.", Het said, beginning to sound annoyed.

"The last thing you want is to trust one's own portrayal of themselves.", Varik said.

"Following that line of thought, I can't be certain what your name is, then.", Het said with a roll of his eyes.

"Well, you've heard others use it.", Varik said.

"And they found out about it from whom?", Het asked.

"Now you begin to think like an All Knowing.", Varik said with a smile.

"What?", Het asked in confusion. "You're being obtuse over something not very significant.", he added in renewed annoyance.

"Where's your sense of exploration and discovery?", Varik chuckled.

"I'd prefer to leave it for discoveries of greater note.", Het said.

"Then my rank is quite irrelevant to you.", Varik said with a smile. Het raised a brow, then shrugged.

As they finally reached their destination, a double door of ornate iron, Varik paused momentarily, looking over towards the hyena.

"Feel ready?", Varik asked.

"Ready for what?", Het asked dismissively.

"Good.", Varik said with a mild smile, then pulled the door open. Het couldn't help but notice the door possessed a heavy looking latch on the outside, the engraved images upon the door's panels suggesting it was meant to keep out deformed monstrosities of many heads and limbs distended. A prospect seemingly surreal, yet steadily becoming more and more likely to Hetroth.

Within was a room comparable in size to the Tertium training hall, though as tall as twice its size. Within stood over two dozen All Knowing, aligned in a circle around a doorway to nowhere, made of sheer gold and shaped in a vaguely trapezoidal form, its outer walls engraved in patterns rectangular. It was tall enough to fit one three times their size. Upon the floor before it lay a series of six sceptres, golden and inscribed. Artefacts. Further around laid a prepared collection of weapons, rucksacks, helms and most unusual of all, heavy-looking chains.

The room seemed to briefly turn towards their arrival, yet just as quickly lost interest in the two, returning to murmurs among small groups of up to four. Pakhaton was there, most notably of all, speaking to a grey, female, middle-aged wolf Het just vaguely recognized. Kapria and Cossian stood there as well, speaking to an old and stout looking grey mountain goat.

"What is this?", Hetroth asked, looking at the cabal-like gathering.

"Patience. A couple moments more and we will both see.", Varik said in hushed tone and led them to the side, standing well away from the others. Hetroth looked around with some unease. There was a palpable tension in the air, and he couldn't help but worry what role he himself had to play in this.

Within a couple minutes more, a rather aged and thin, yet imposing-looking figure entered through the twin doors. A wolf of purest white, short of hair and half-blind, the pupil of his left eye a milky colour. Upon him hung a long, silky robe of grey, a single strand of azure running down along his front, the eyes of Zelethon inscribed upon it at chest level. He looked over those gathered within the room with his one good eye, a curt nod accompanying each group of persons. It felt as though he'd taken a particularly long moment to gaze into Het's eyes, drawing further uncertainty in the hyena, even though he couldn't find any malice in the wolf's eye. Hetroth then realized this was the head of the Primum branch of the All Knowing, one even he knew. Yohun Ferellic, by some called the Eye.

"We may begin.", Yohun said aloud. At this point, the doors closed, the sounds they made suggesting the latch behind had locked tight. This only amplified the sinking feeling Het endured, and he expected the room to turn on him at any moment now. "Though we gather here today as the guild, let it be known that I take full responsibility for any and all misfortune that may follow.", he said. "Golguth, Kapria, if you may.", he said, gesturing towards the sceptres gathered before the gateway.

Kapria and the stocky, old goat named Golguth obliged, approaching the set of artefacts before them.

"What is happening?", Het asked in whisper, as the two All Knowing now began to gather up the artefacts, briefly examining them before finding some inlets within the rectangular arch and placing the sceptres within.

"We awaken the portal.", Varik said, only further annoying Het. "Do you know the history of the golden gate?", he asked.

"It was found in one of the first discovered new ruins.", Hetroth said, thinking back.

"The very first.", Varik corrected.

"And then it was appropriated by the All Knowing.", Het said.

"It was. And it cost a fair weight of coins to get it off the merchant that'd acquired it first.", Varik said.

"So what is happening now?", Het asked.

"The artefacts' true purpose was to unlock it.", Varik said. "The words upon each are largely meaningless alone.", he said. "Yet combined together correctly, we believe they can rouse the portal to life.", he explained. Hetroth had something of a blank expression as he heard this.

"And what of enchantments themselves? Do they not suffice in this?", Hetroth asked.

"You ask if a knife is enough to cut through solid rock.", Varik said with a mild smile.

Hetroth said no more, feeling his line of inquisition would be futile given his lack of knowledge. They observed on as the last of the artefacts slid into place and nearly vanished out of sight. The old wolf then began to recite words Het recognized as unmistakably powerful, the tips of the sceptres slowly lighting up within the gateway as he went on. Every conscious thought in Hetroth's mind told him to try and halt the arcane ritual, yet he found himself frozen in place, just as curious as to what would happen next as he was afraid.

As the final words brought lights into the gateway's frame, its very center lit up in a flash of white, only to give way to a wall of black. Everyone looked on in fascination at what'd transpired, the scent of dirt and copper filling the air. Hetroth could hear a faint, rhythmic, low hum coming from the portal, as though a heartbeat slowed to a tenth of its normal pace.

"Alright. Everyone ready?", now Pakhaton spoke up, moving before the portal with a group of nine others, among which was his wife, Kapria, Cossian, Golguth, Yohun, and four other canines Het had likely met, yet knew not. No protests were raised.

One by one they went within, passing as though through a wall of thin air, only to find themselves within the strange darkness. The jingle of the chains they took with them seemed to grow muffled as they crossed the threshold of the portal. The torches they'd taken proved an oddly ample source of light within the other side, seemingly much brighter than outside. Soon, they were all through, leaving Hetroth to ponder what just happened.

"What...? What now?", Het asked, moving to look at the portal from different angles.

"Now we wait.", Varik said. "As much as I regret it, we are not to go in.", he said. Hetroth wanted to say he was relieved, but held his tongue, instead taking steps forwards and back.

"What is this pathway?", Het asked.

"It is a path into the realm of the gods.", Varik said. "Or so we believe.", he added with a tilt of his head.

"This... this is the realm of the gods?", Het asked, looking at the darkness within with some sense of disbelief. Then a sense of realization struck him. "This isn't the place Barrot Revi opened, is it?", he asked, wide-eyed in fear. Yet Varik remained silent, considering his answer carefully.

"It is a different pathway. And we've taken measures to assure we do not repeat his mistakes.", Varik said. "The doors to this chamber are barred not for our sake.", he added.

"Then... then we're in danger?", Het asked uncertainly.

"Not in any foreseeable danger.", Varik said. "Yet the danger unforseen is the one most liable to destroy more than a handful of people.", he said.

"And what if some steel doors do not hold that danger?", Hetroth asked, feeling a grave error was being made.

"Then we've other means of ensuring it does not leave.", Varik assured, even though to Het it sounded like a comforting lie. "Be calm. You've the chance to witness passage onto another plane. A plane from which the gods come.", he said.

"How do we know that is where they truly reside?", Het asked.

"We do not.", Varik said. "But that is likely to become known soon enough. I only ask for your patience.", he said.

Hetroth nodded weakly, barely able to maintain his footing with the shiver in his legs.

"What do you know of Timir?", Varik said, breaking the momentary silence between them.

"Huh? Uh. God-thing of fertility.", Hetroth said, thinking back to what he knew. "Rat-like. Of both genders. Four arms.", he went on.

"Well endowed. Four gonads.", Varik added, hurrying on the hyena with a smirk. "Anything of Timir's deeds? How they think and act?", he asked on.

"Not really.", Het said, wading through thought. "I suppose they're obsessed with matters of sex.", he added.

"True enough.", Varik said. "More than that, however, it's said they're capable of blessing or cursing one's ability to procreate. Alter one's proportions in that regard.", he said.

"Why this whole trivia on the fertility god-thing all of a sudden?", Het asked.

"Assuming all goes well, you're likely to find what comes next enlightening.", Varik said with an eager smirk.

"If you say so.", Hetroth said with a roll of his eyes, annoyed at the continued vagueness, even as they stood in front of a portal to... they couldn't even be sure where. "This isn't one big quest for a bigger cock, is it?", he joked nervously after a moment's thought.

"No.", Varik chuckled.

As they stood there in silence, Hetroth began to look around the room, seeking a reflection of his own fears among the other onlookers. But they seemed quite calm, if not eager. It made for an unsettling scene to Het.

He was beginning to grow more bored than tense after what must've been an hour's wait, when suddenly something began to stir within the portal. He gazed in and squinted, seeing shapes surrounded by a mild light in the distance, everything else outside the portal's vicinity a haze of darkness. He stepped off to the side in somewhat of a shock when he noticed something in particular among them. A being tall and impossibly thin. Though that was all he'd managed to glimpse before he'd backed off to something he considered safety, it was enough to make him question what he'd seen.

Soon after, the first among the venturing party came back through the portal, followed by another. It was Pakh and one of the canines unknown to Het, both pulling at chains attached to something that seemed to steadily prove bigger as the chain left the portal. It came through head-first, lead on by a collar around its neck, its features making Het cuss under his breath. It was twice the height of anyone else in the room, barely able to stand upright within the confines of the chamber Het had thus far considered oversized. It was seemingly rat-like, yet not in a way he'd consider familiar, its features oddly misshapen and out of place, limbs and facial features seemingly thinner and longer than one would expect from something its size, as though a regular person had been stretched out to fit its proportions. It was nude, that much was more than apparent, and upon its chest bounced a pair of heftily-sized breasts, yet between its legs sat the somewhat oversized parts of a man. As it scanned the room with its glowing eyes and met Het's own, the hyena saw but glints of dim light within voids of black. Though its four arms were bound behind its back, Het felt a sense of terror to even look at the monstrous creature, its glare bearing accusation he felt directed at him in particular for some reason.

"This is...", Het began to speak, yet felt the rest of the sentence needn't have been said at all.

"Yes. Timir.", Varik said.

"How?", Het asked.

"With the aid of Zelethon.", Varik said plainly.

"But... why?", Het asked.

"To present truth to the world. That this is what the gods truly are.", Varik said. Het fell silent, merely watching in disbelief as the rest of the party returned from the portal, only to promptly close it behind them. Some seemed beaten up, one among the canines immediately collapsing to the floor, nursing what looked like a broken arm. Two among the onlookers rushed to his aid, seemingly prepared for injuries.

With the gates to the other world closed off once more, they knocked at the door in something of a pattern, sounds of metal scraping against metal signifying it was being unlocked from the outside. As the procession now made its way out of the room, Het's mind was in a state of flux, wondering what to make of all this. Was it all a trick? Was this some kind of monster lookalike they'd found and dragged out of the plague realm? And even if it really was Timir, was that truly what all gods looked like? He coudn't accept the thought that Tavat could possibly look anything like this, his features, though thoroughly covered by armour, surely pristine and mortal-like.

"Your thoughts, Varik?", Arlus asked as he approached, bringing Het's thoughts back to the immediate.

"Wish Cossian hadn't returned unscathed.", Varik said.

"She was bleeding from the thigh.", Arlus said with a smirk.

"Not to a sufficient extent for me to take notice.", Varik said humourlessly.

"And what of our little god-thing of cocks and tits?", Arlus asked.

"Not an unexpected sight.", Varik said.

"Guess you've studied the tomes more than I have. Expected it to be much prettier.", Arlus noted with a raised brow.

"What now?", Het spoke up.

"Now we put it into a cage and bring it out into the square before our hall.", Varik said. "You're welcome to bring your friends.", he added.

Het wasn't sure what to think of that. Nor how he would announce where they were going.


"Where are we going?", Ivid asked impatiently.

"Outside.", Het said, uncertain how to divulge what he'd just seen. It would've been much easier for them to see for themselves.

"Oh. We're finally leaving?", Ivid asked, sounding almost pleased.

"Not exactly.", Het said. "We're going to see what they've captured.", he said.

"Captured? What?", Ivid asked.

"I would like to know as well, what did they capture?", Roeterik chimed in.

"It's best you see it yourselves.", Het said, looking straight ahead in a daze.

"Gods under, Het. It's like you're turning into one of them.", Ivid said.


Standing atop the steps into the All Knowing guild hall, the cage of steel gave Het and his guild mates a sidewards look at the being within. Though it seemed calm throughout all of this, its stance more regal than seemingly possible, the crowd steadily gathering to see it seemed to be slowly growing agitated.

"Take note of its form and features!", one of the All Knowing, canine, yet toad-like in stature, bellowed out into the crowds. "The body of a rat, yet greater than any living being! Four arms! Male and female alike!", he called on, doing his best to abate any doubts the onlookers might've had.

Hetroth looked over towards Ivid to see her mouth agape. Though he himself was within her field of vision, she seemingly could not look away from the caged creature. Or she simply did not want to look him in the eye, her own two beginning to glint and shine in the sunlight.

Roeterik looked comparatively calm. Though his eyes were wide, it was more a sight of curiosity and wonder rather than terror or uncertainty, and his crossed arms seemed to suggest he was for the most part unimpressed with the situation. Het had no idea what was going through either of his guild mates' minds, though penetrating Rette's thoughts in particular seemed a futile effort.

Ivid then suddenly turned tail and went back into the guild hall, with Rette chasing after in surprise. Het stood there for a while, yet decided to go after as well.


As he finally caught up to the two, the first thing he heard was shouting, coming from Ivid.

"The fuck was that?", Ivid asked through steadily dripping tears.

"Timir.", Rette said, now looking at least a little terrified.

"Het!", Ivid exclaimed as the hyena neared. "What did they do? What was that?", she asked on in disbelief. Het almost regretted going after the two, Ivid's unexpectedly violent reaction making him fear for his words.

"They somehow pulled a god out of the damned realm. To the best of my knowledge, that was Timir.", Het said calmly yet uncertainly.

"They performed a forbidden ritual?", Ivid asked fiercely. "And you said nothing?", she asked accusingly, her tone growing harsh.

"N-... no.", Het stammered. "They, uh. They activated a golden gate.", Het said, unhappy to be using the All Knowing's own technicality of an excuse to defend them and himself.

"What?", Ivid asked, now sounding somewhat more calm.

"I do not know. I've been kept in the dark up until they actually activated the damned thing and pulled out a living god.", Het said, now sounding irritated himself.

Ivid palmed her forehead and leaned against a wall, looking as though she might faint at any moment. "We need to leave.", she said. "We need to leave and tell the guild what they've done.", she added franticly.

"I... I can't.", Het said meekly.

"Het, this is serious. They've crossed into the plague world.", Ivid said, punctuating her words intensely. "Whether that thing is real or not, this will be seen as a crime, and we do not want to be here when they receive punishment.", she said.

"I do not think they've broken any law.", Rette noted.

"You shut up.", Ivid snapped. "Laws are a fine rule of thumb until a lord decides to take exception. And what do you think the lord of the canine kingdom will do, hm?", she asked.

"We've yet to see.", Het said, even though the thought did fill him with dread, though more so out of concern for Varik and his guild than himself.

"Het, if they come and put this place to the sword...", Ivid began.

"They wouldn't.", Het said, trying his best to sound certain despite his doubts.

"They may very well ask other guilds to do it for them. And what will you do when they send the Artificers?", Ivid asked.

"Then I'll die here with the rest of them.", Het said sternly. "Gods under, Ivid, you paint the bleakest scenario before we've had a chance to see what happens.", he said. Ivid didn't answer for a while, looking disappointed more than anything.

"I hope for all our sakes that you're right.", Ivid muttered.

"You're welcome to leave whenever you wish.", Het said, somewhat regretting it the instant he saw Ivid's eyes darken with anger. She said no more and stormed off down the halls, back to the guest room they'd been assigned, apparently.

Feeling exhausted by their talk, Hetroth went back whence he came, hoping to find Varik and at least find comfort in him. He would need to echo Ivid's doubts on the matter, and he hoped Varik could offer better answers with greater certainty than Het could muster.


By the time he'd gotten to the front entrance of the guild hall, the All Knowing were already busy carting away the caged daemon-thing back into the depths of the building, down corridors unfamiliar. Het caught up with the buck among them.

"What's going on?", Hetroth asked.

"Show's over for today.", Varik said.

"Crowd was getting restless.", Arlus added.

"Restless?", Het asked, hoping for a more specific description.

"About half started calling us charlatans and throwing things, the other half just started getting angry at the first half. At us as well, I think.", Arlus said. "A scuffle might've broken out.", he added thoughtfully.

"A scuffle? You mean a riot?", Het asked, somewhat in disbelief. Then again, considering how Ivid had reacted, it didn't seem too far-fetched.

"Nothing serious.", Varik assured.

"Nothing unexpected, at least.", Arlus said, at which Varik shot him a dirty look.

Het kept his thoughts to himself for now, figuring Varik was being suspiciously tight-lipped. He would have to prod at him for more truthful answers, but he had little idea how to do that. For that matter, he had no clue how to speak of this without getting heated and making a scene. It would have to wait till they were alone again.

"So what's next in this... this ritual?", Hetroth asked, at a loss for how to describe what they were doing.

"We're bringing it to a secure room where we may study it.", Varik said.

"You speak of it as if it's an artefact.", Het noted, looking at the rat-thing with some form of concern.

"As though it's an unknown being.", Varik corrected.

"An animal, more like.", Het said, even as he eyed the evil-looking creature.


Gathered within the confines of a room spacious, but not quite as large as the gate room, they stood in groups around the caged being. A chosen few stood closer, attempting to converse with the humongous, yet silent rat-thing. The heads of the guilds had retreated to handle the aftermath of the event, leaving Het with faces less known for the most part.

"Who knew a god would be so moody.", Arlus jested, still by Varik's side.

"I would expect nothing less.", Varik noted in a dulcet tone.

"You'd be uncooperative too were you caged by a bunch of curio-seekers.", Hetroth noted.

"You've been pretty cooperative around this bunch of curio-seekers.", Varik said as he ruffled Het's hair. Hetroth swiftly moved a step away, blushing.

"Maybe the trick is you have to fuck it first.", Arlus chuckled.

"After you. I prefer my partners without tits.", Varik said.

Hetroth jumped slightly as the doors to the chamber suddenly opened, among those entering, two figures Het didn't expect to see again until much later - Rette and Ivid. What was perhaps more curious was how the caged being seemed to have locked sights upon them, something about one amongst those that'd entered apparently of great interest to the towering figure.

Some of the All Knowing near the cage seemed to have noticed this as well, as they attempted to trace the being's line of sight.

"Why's everyone staring at us?", Ivid asked as she neared the hyena, apparently unnerved by the uneasy atmosphere.

"Because that thing is doing it too.", Varik said, nudging his head towards the cage.

"Huh.", Roetterik said, then moved a couple steps away from the group, maintaining eye contact with the creature. Sure enough, it seemed to take interest with him in particular.

"That is somewhat concerning.", Varik noted as his eyes darted between the rat-thing and the mutt.

Rette then began to approach the being, continuing to keep his eyes on the rat-thing's own, seemingly oblivious to all around him. He walked as though in a daze, each step careful and seemingly uncertain, until finally he was right at the cage. Though the creature was currently well within the somewhat spacious cage, Roeterik had just placed himself a step within arm's reach.

"Rette?", Ivid called out, breaking out of the stupor everyone observing seemed to have been engulfed in.

"You poor boy.", the rat-thing suddenly spoke up in a voice that resonated like a small choir of male and female tonations alike.

At that moment, Rette went wide-eyed, fear plastered over his face as though he'd just realized he'd stepped in molten lead. His arms instinctively darted for his weapon, but the rat-thing was already upon him, reaching through the bars with its four arms and effectively restraining the mutt. Able neither to fight back nor move away, Roeterik stood helplessly in the being's grasp, his shock only deepening as one of its hands firmly gripped his crotch. He gave out a tortured scream, up until another arm reached in and grasped his throat, robbing him of breath.

"Release him!", one of the All Knowing shouted, brandishing a spear they prepared to plant in the being's side.

Before anyone could do any more, however, the rat-thing released the mutt and backed away into its cell, watching with some kind of glee as Rette fell on his back, coughing and sputtering, his hands firmly gripping his nethers. The surrounding All Knowing were quick to pull him away and begin to try and attend to him somehow. Hetroth approached to see if his guild mate was well, but managed only to notice a look of terror upon his features. He looked towards Ivid to see her standing slack-limbed, frozen in place. She hadn't even been able to react in any way, and now merely looked on in dismay. Varik, on the other hand, seemed enamoured with the rat-thing, similarly looking dumbfounded as Roeterik had been moments earlier. Though thankfully, unlike the dog, he did not move towards the cage.

"Is... is he alright?", Het asked uncertainly as he turned towards the All Knowing looking over the mutt.

"He's alive.", one among them, a male black wolf Het seemed to recall as Fitrin said. The other, a cream coloured female wolf, was busy unfastening Rette's belt and pulling his pants off.

"Agh! Stop!", Rette pleaded as they touched at his parts. Yet his voice seemed off somehow. Deeper. The female wolf obeyed his wishes once she'd surmised she was done with her diagnosis.

"He seems... fine.", she said. "They seem intact. Not even swollen.", she added as she moved away.

"Huh?", Het asked, trying to catch a glimpse of what he'd just thought he'd heard.

"His testicles are fine. Just really tender, apparently.", the black wolf reiterated what his colleague had just said, although in more direct terms.

"He... but he's a eunuch.", Het said in consternation. He already knew what this meant, yet felt he needed a final confirmation. The two canines simply looked between each other, then down to the terrified-looking Roeterik, then once more at each other.

"Not anymore, it seems.", Varik said as he walked up from behind. "This is better than we'd expected.", he added.

"What? You expected this to happen?", Het asked critically.

"The fertility god's abilities. They can not only alter, but also restore one's parts.", Varik explained.

Hetroth was at a loss for words at the moment. On one hand, it seemed nothing short of a blessing for Roeterik to have been returned his manhood. On the other, he wondered what its price might've been and whether its owner would actually appreciate it.

"Why did you do that?", one among the All Knowing now asked at the caged being.

"How could I not? I am lust and love incarnate. He was dealt a harsh fate through no fault of his own.", the rat-thing answered, still pleased with itself.

"And why is it you speak only now?", now Varik asked.

"I'm in no hurry to give my captors what they want.", Timir said. Varik clearly saw error in the rat-thing's reasoning considering it was doing just that at that moment, yet he held his tongue. "For you I make an exception.", it added, as though it'd read the buck's thoughts on the matter.

"Are you truly a god?", Hetroth asked, somewhat surprised with himself, yet it was a question plaguing his mind ever since he'd laid eyes upon the being.

"To you I've nothing to say.", Timir snapped at Het with visible disdain, making the hyena recoil in confusion. "You're more blessed by fate than you deserve.", it added with a sneer.

"What?", Het asked, puzzled by the violent rebuff. But the rat-thing withheld further response. Varik glanced curiously between the hyena and the caged being, his face suggesting he held some idea as to why this might be.

"And who else among us would you consider worthy of your time?", Varik asked, attempting to sound genuine in his flattery, yet managing to sound somewhat insincere all the same.

"Let's see...", Timir said, scanning the room with its eyes. "The two of you.", it said, looking at the two attending canines, now pulling Roeterik back to his paws. "And you, whenever you're ready.", it added towards the recently remasculated canine with a particular smile. "I'd most gladly speak to one as devoted as you.", it then said, looking onwards at Ivid, who now looked terrified out of her mind. Swiftly yet unsteadily, she fled the room in several broad steps. "I suppose the feeling is not mutual.", Timir quipped in response to her flight. "Oh, and you!", it then turned its head towards another distant point in the room. Het scanned where it was looking to find a female wolf he recognized all too much. Niridith. "A shame Ketronius and Neccado couldn't attend, don't you think?", it added in half-whisper towards the buck.

At this point even Varik's eyes went wide, likely in realization that the rat-thing knew of people it hadn't even seen. Either it could read minds, or it could truly observe their world as seemingly only a god could.

"Niridith.", Varik said, calling the now somewhat broad-eyed wolf to the front. "Attend to our guest. Cirrik can supply the questions should the need arise.", he said, their conversation somewhat quieter, with only those nearest able to hear. Though they all were likely wondering if that was enough to impede the rat-thing's knowledge.

"I thought you would do it.", Niridith said, looking rather overwhelmed by the prospect.

"I've my own guests to attend to.", Varik said, nodding his head towards the yet stunned Hetroth. "Arlus, relay the news to the heads.", he added towards the lupine, who nodded with a smile in response. "Come, Het.", he said, placing a hand upon the hyena's shoulder to hasten him along.


Back in the buck's room, Het immediately drifted off towards the bed and sat down heavily, feeling exhausted, mostly on account of how shallow his breathing had become during the more tense moments. He had many questions, yet one seemed oddly the most prominent in his mind.

"What do you make of today's events?", Varik asked as he sat down next to Het, his eyes peering into the hyena's own intensely. Hetroth felt as though the buck was very much expecting a specific set of answers from the hyena, but for the moment Het had only questions.

"Why did it react so poorly to me?", Het asked. The sharp rebuttal with which he'd met left him with the impression that there was something the fertility god found abhorrent about him. Yet Varik was treated much differently. As was Ivid, which made the rat-thing's sense of logic most difficult to determine.

"Well, as we've gathered, apparently it knows of most of our deeds. Perhaps all.", Varik began, taking time to think his answers through. "Gods are said to judge the world by their own set of values. To Timir, sex and fertility stand well above any other concerns.", he continued.

"So what did I do to deserve such scorn?", Het asked, still not entirely certain why he'd been singled out in such fashion.

"Well, there was your altercation in the forest. With the Desolator.", Varik said in a cautious manner.

"What? That?", Het asked, fumbling in his questions. He certainly regretted the way it'd ended, but he'd considered it an unfortunate necessity, and could seldom imagine anyone else thinking of it otherwise. "But he was trying to kill us!", he countered.

"I know, I know. No need to convince me.", Varik said, leaning away from the intensely heated hyena. "It is Timir we speak of.", he added, trying to reassert the idea that it wasn't his own perception of the matter. "And you do tend to aim for the lower parts a fair bit.", he added with a smile.

"So do you.", Het countered.

"I suppose.", Varik shrugged. "And while I can't say my 'achievements' in that regard compare to yours, I am a bit puzzled how it favoured me above others. Can't imagine those discluded within the room were this prone to aiming for the lower regions.", he added thoughtfully.

"Makes no sense.", Het muttered.

"You try to make sense of a mind that is essentially mad.", Varik noted. "Timir's obsessed with this one aspect of life, and there's little to be said on it.", he added.

"Are all gods like this?", Het asked.

"So you accept this is what the gods look like?", Varik asked back with a sly smile.

"I don't know.", Het said, furrowing his brow. "I guess.", he added after a moment's hesitation.

"Even Tavat?", Varik asked, his head leaned in and tilted to the side, so cocksure it was starting to irritate Het, particularly with the question he'd just given.

"I do not see how order could lead to irrational behaviour.", Het said.

"You're so adorably gullible.", Varik said with a grin.

"Don't give me that.", Het said humourlessly.

"So that's all you've taken from this? That they look strange and obsess over narrow aspects of life?", Varik asked.

"Well...", Het now thought hard about what he wanted to know next. There was seemingly so much he wanted to ask he couldn't decide on what was more important. "The portal...", he began.

"Oh, here we go.", Varik said with some sense of displeasure, yet still smiled.

"What would you do had they encountered plague-beasts?", Het asked.

"We have prepared secluded wards and potential cures for the infection. Everyone who entered was ready to deal with the potential consequences.", Varik explained calmly. "Although no such thing happened. The dangers of the other world are greatly exaggerated.", he added.

"Exaggerated enough to risk me getting hurt?", Hetroth asked, crossing his arms.

"The risk was no greater than that of being waylaid on the road to Primum, I assure you.", Varik said. "Besides, you are a person of some import. Protecting you would be our greatest priority.", he added.

"If you say so.", Het said glumly. "I still do not like the idea of risking lives over the chance to boast of having captured a god.", he said.

"Seems more worthwhile than risking life and limb over some glorified trinkets.", Varik said with a wide smile. He did have somewhat of a point, Het had to admit.

"So what do you intend to do with it now?", Hetroth asked.

"Now we continue to question and present it to the populace.", Varik said.

"For how long?", Het asked.

"As long as we continue to gather useful information.", Varik said. Het thought to ask what he meant by 'useful', but figured he would receive only vaguenesses for answers.

"What do you plan on doing with the plague world next?", Het asked, though once more suspecting he would find the answer wanting.

"In truth, we do not yet know.", Varik said, rubbing his chin. "We will likely try to reach Zelethon. Perhaps setup a foothold within the higher realm.", he contemplated aloud. Hetroth couldn't help but take note of how they called it. 'Higher realm'.

"And why is this not so certain?", Het asked on.

"The branch heads need time to decide. They weren't exactly certain as to what the outcome of this undertaking would be, so they'll now need to consider their positions anew, based on what we learn in the coming weeks.", Varik explained.

"I see.", Het said in contemplation. "Still, for something you were so eager to pull me into, I'm learning of a considerable amount of danger after the fact.", he said.

"I understand, and though I truly believed no danger would befall you, I apologize for dragging you into what may have turned dangerous.", Varik said, sounding quite sincere. "I suppose I'm quite typical for an All Knowing.", he added with a smile.

"What do you mean by that?", Het asked.

"Pursuit of knowledge makes such risks seem insignificant to me.", Varik said.

"I suppose that is a trait typical to your guild.", Het agreed with some displeasure.

"So what's next on the list of questions?", Varik asked, only for Het to falter in contemplation.

"I can't really think of much right now.", Hetroth said. Truth was the buck's answers had left his thoughts in disarray.

"Very well. Then let us go get something to eat.", Varik offered.

"Alright.", Het said, then thought of something. "We'll grab Ivid and Roeterik along the way, won't we?", he asked.

"Oh, very well. I hadn't planned on it, but I suppose we should at the very least check up on your recently restored friend.", Varik said. "He must be going through some interesting sensations right about now.", he added.

"Hm?", Het questioned as they got off the bed.

"Well, since when has he been a eunuch?", Varik asked.

"Oh. Uh.", Het muttered as he considered what the mutt had said before. "Likely before he began to mature.", he said, thinking back to how the dog had found such confusion in observing sex acts.

"Then he is indeed in for an unforgettable experience.", Varik said contemplatively.


Varik rapped his knuckles across the hard iron surface of the door where the two Artificers had been staying. It took a full minute before Ivid reared her head out the door, looking as though she hadn't slept in days.

"How's Roeterik?, Hetroth asked, looking to catch a glimpse of the white mutt past the door.

"Not great.", Ivid said bluntly, pushing the door further apart to permit the two to enter.

Within they found Rette on one of two beds, on his side and staring at a wall. He seemed to be shivering and sweating at the same time, a shade of red beaming from the skin beneath his fur.

"Rette?", Hetroth asked as they approached. The mutt groggily turned to face them, a confusing mix of anger, bewilderment and fear upon his features. "Are you well?", Het asked on, hoping for an answer.

"I... I do not know.", Rette breathed out. "No. I do not feel well.", he added after a moment's thought.

"Are you in pain?", Varik asked.

"What does it look like?", Rette snapped in annoyance at the buck. "It hurt worse than anything I'd experienced when it happened, and it continues to ache without end!", he exclaimed, steadily getting heated.

"I see.", Varik said curiously, looking as though he was withholding something. Hetroth himself wanted to ask if it'd actually hurt worse than losing them in the first place, but decided to keep that to himself for the time being. The mutt already seemed aggravated like never before.

"Will this ever stop?, Roeterik groaned with eyes screwed shut.

"I'll tell the physicians to come take a look at you. They-", Varik began.

"No! No more physicians!", Rette growled. "I don't want them poking and prodding at me like some kind of beast.", he said.

"But they could give you something for the pain.", Varik insisted.

"No!", the mutt exclaimed, even as his hand drifted to his pained nether regions.

"Rette, please.", Het said with concern.

"Just leave me be.", Rette said and turned back to face the wall.

Varik and Het looked between each other, then towards Ivid, who looked to have given up by now. With a sigh, Varik walked off, shortly followed by the other two.

"Come. A word, if you may.", Varik said as they reached the door, prompting Ivid to follow outside. With the door closed and some added distance to make sure they would not be overheard.

"I think he may've been cursed.", Ivid began, looking glumly towards the door.

"Cursed?", Hetroth asked.

"He's turned mad. It takes very little to irritate him.", Ivid said.

"You've only seen him like this for an hour or two.", Varik noted with a raised brow.

"And it felt much longer than that.", Ivid grumbled.

"Well, he is in pain.", Hetroth noted.

"I've spoken to people with broken limbs that weren't this irritable.", Ivid said. "I'm telling you, that restoration came not without a price.", she argued.

"So what do you propose? That we neuter him like an animal?", Het asked critically.

"No. God, no.", Ivid said, looking quite dismayed at the suggestion, or perhaps the realization that she knew of no alternatives they could try.

"Before we assign blame to a curse and mutilate him, perhaps we could consider this natural and give it time to settle?, Varik suggested.

"Natural? He's becoming a snarling beast!", Ivid countered.

"Yes, Varik, I don't think this normal.", Het said in support.

"Well, consider what one may act like in the years of reaching maturity.", Varik suggested.

"Even so, I've yet to encounter someone this prone to anger, maturing or not.", Ivid said with some uncertainty.

"You've yet to encounter one suddenly restored from being a eunuch to a fully developed male.", Varik said. Ivid tilted a brow.

"Can't be denied.", Ivid said with a mild roll of her eyes. "But is this really what having balls does to you?", she asked in disbelief.

"Having parts of any sort alters how you think and behave.", Varik began to explain. "Just in case of balls they make you aggressive, among other things.", he said, looking as though he was once again withholding something.

"So he'll be like this forever?", Ivid asked, now looking quite concerned.

"Until he gets used to it and controls it.", Varik said. "Then again, we are talking about a pair granted by the god of fertility itself. No telling how this works for sure.", he added, rubbing his chin.

"Whatever we decide on, I can't stay in there.", Ivid said, shaking her head. "I'd take a dungeon cell over that room.", she added for emphasis.

"I suppose I could organize something more private.", Varik said. "Though it'll take a while. And it might make your friend even more unhappy.", he added.

"I don't think anyone's presence would help right now.", Ivid said.

"Well, it might if you...", Varik began, then trailed off. "Never mind.", he then said.

"What?", Ivid asked, raising a brow.

"Nothing. Nothing.", Varik assured with a guilty smile. Het could guess what he'd intended to say and rolled his eyes at the thought of how Ivid would respond. "I'll have someone else come over to try and soothe him for the time being. Though once he returns to your guild, he's your problem.", he said.

"I know.", Ivid said humourlessly.

"It may take till tomorrow to organize your new accommodations.", Varik said.

"Gods under, I cannot stay there that long.", Ivid said, rubbing her forehead.

"Ivid... did something happen in there?", Hetroth asked, puzzled how two hours with the mutt could've lead to such fear.

"No, it's just... if after two hours he's like this, I can't imagine what he'll be like by tomorrow.", Ivid said.

"This could be the worst of it.", Varik suggested.

"I'm not eager to find out.", Ivid said.

"Well, for now we're going to get something to eat, and you're welcome to come with.", Varik suggested.

"Whatever it takes to be far from that room.", Ivid said.


The atmosphere at their dining table was rather solemn for the more cheerful atmosphere that surrounded them, their respective meals steadily dissipating in silence. Though Ivid's meal seemed to be going at a much slower rate.

"Did someone die?", Kapria asked as she found her way onto their bench, followed by the shadow that was Cossian.

"No. Someone just hit puberty.", Varik said.

"I've heard your companion managed to regain his manhood. Seems like a thing to celebrate.", Kapria noted with some confusion.

"It is, though he appears to be taking it badly.", Varik explained.

"Oh?", Kapria questioned as she took a swig of some drink.

"Apparently he's been in foul spirits ever since he returned.", Varik explained. "I was hoping we could persuade someone like Niridith to go help calm him, if you get my meaning.", he said.

"We don't run a brothel, Varik.", Kapria said with a frown, Ivid mirroring that expression when she realized what he'd meant by 'soothing'.

"I said persuade, not order.", Varik now likewise frown. "Was hoping someone would like to help him out that way. I know I would.", he added, taking a chug of his drink.

"I'll see what I can do.", Kapria said with a raised brow.

"Well, if that doesn't come to fruition, we could always...", Cossian began, then trailed off, making a gesture that suggested sawing through something.

"No.", Varik said sternly, sounding quite irate.

"Coss, not now.", Kapria said towards the black female mutt.

"It was merely a helpful suggestion.", Cossian said with a coy smile.

"Why don't you take your own advice and cut your tits off?", Varik grumbled.

"Varik.", now Kapria said sternly at the buck.

"Perhaps you could make use of my advice and adjust that attitude of yours.", Cossian said in a tone somewhat more hostile.

"Gods' sakes, stop it.", Kapria said in dismay. Varik refrained from continuing the exchange and simply looked towards Kapria in an expecting manner. "Alright.", she said and got up with a dismissive gesture, as though an unheard exchange had gone by between her and Varik. "Can't have the two of you in the same room together.", she muttered as she walked off. Cossian followed, although not before she gave Hetroth one, long look. Despite the apparent pleasantness in her smile, there was a sense of malice radiating from her.

"Best keep your distance from that bitch. Both of you.", Varik said.

"Needn't tell me again.", Het noted.

Ivid said nothing, continuing to stare blankly at her half-eaten meal of sausage and stewed potatoes.


The day was slowly coming to an end, the sun's final few rays glimmering in through the skylight of the main hall. Dark clouds seemed to be gathering above, announcing a coming storm.

They'd spent the rest of the day on somewhat of a tour of the halls of the All Knowing. It proved to be of little interest to Het, most differences being based on scale and splendour. Not even the grandest statues and reliefs Varik was adamant to point out gave Het much pause, even if Ivid likely grew a fair bit flustered over what some of them depicted. To Hetroth such imagery was beginning to seem commonplace, and at times it concerned even him.

With their tour coming to a close, they bid their farewells with Ivid, leaving the ferret girl to reluctantly find her way back to the room she feared so much. Het couldn't pry any more specific a motive out of her for that state of things.

As they finally found their way back to the buck's room, Het sat down heavily upon the bed, the day's events making him feel even more exhausted than before. He tried to think of some follow up questions to the matters he'd received answers to before, but could think of little other than sleep.

"Hope your friend will be alright.", Varik said as he lit the lantern within the room. "She seemed rather shaken." he said and moved to sit at a chair off to the side.

"It's probably just Rette.", Het said absentmindedly. "Although I do wonder what exactly happened between them before we came.", he added.

"I don't think it's just because of the former eunuch. What I really think puts her at unease is today's revelation.", Varik said, suddenly sounding unreasonably proud.

"What?", Het simply asked, awaiting the buck to elaborate.

"Learning that the gods are not what she'd expected, her very faith in Tavat put into question.", Varik said.

"I wouldn't be so sure. To her this is an undergod we're talking about. They were supposed to be vile and deformed.", Hetroth said.

"Of course.", Varik admitted. "But I've seen the doubt in her eyes.", he countered. "Not much different than your own.", he added.

"I'm yet not sure what to think on the matter.", Het said.

"You've had time aplenty to think.", Varik said.

"Not enough to consider something of this magnitude.", Het said. "And I don't think one like Ivid would be convinced by this.", he added.

"So you think, yet those within today's audience looked quite convinced.", Varik said, his face angled to look down on the hyena.

"Or so you think.", Het said, tilting his head. "I can imagine most dismissing it as some kind of magic trick.", he added.

"The next few days will tell.", Varik said with a smile.

"Speaking of days, now that everything that was to come has done so, when do we return to Tertium?", Hetroth asked.

"I was hoping to stay for a while, see how matters develop.", Varik said.

"I yet do not know what it is that you hope to accomplish through all this. Abolish faith in the gods?", Het asked.

"We merely wish to enlighten. What the masses do with that knowledge is largely irrelevant to us. What matters is whether they accept the wisdom we bring.", Varik said.

"So now it's not just that they make of it what they will.", Het said with a half-hearted smile.

"Well, we know for certain that we present the truth, so it would be preferable if we could convince them.", Varik said with a smile of his own.

"Still, I worry how those masses will react.", Hetroth said, at which Varik looked out the window with some visible worry of his own.

"It was worth it, whatever comes of it.", Varik said in a slightly less than convinced manner.

Just then, they heard an urgent knock on the door, followed by a figure rearing her head in.

"Varik. A matter quite urgent.", Kapria said, gesturing for him to follow even as she eyed the sitting hyena warrily.

"Alright.", Varik said with some uncertainty and got up. "You wait here.", he said towards Het as he moved for the door. Hetroth shrugged and remained as he was, though only until the door closed shut. He then lifted himself off the bed, taking care not to let the springs sound out his approach.

"...was to be expected.", Het heard Varik say.

"Not this quickly. Not after one showing.", Kapria said.

"Well, it can't be helped. Not now.", Varik said.

"We may have to defend ourselves. And I needn't remind you your guests' loyalties remain in question, do I?, Kapria asked.

"Hetroth, I am certain will remain on our side. His compatriots, on the other hand...,", Varik trailed off.

"The damned ferret girl's wandered off somewhere, by the way.", Kapria said.

"Oh. Well, she did say her companion was quite unpleasant ever since his restoration.", Varik said. "Let us hope she doesn't find a window to peer out of.", he added in a bemused tone. At this Het glanced towards the window behind him, yet outside saw nothing particularly out of the ordinary, the fiery sunset still looming over the temple district among clouds of black.

"Be serious. These Artificers hold order quite dear, and what's begun outside is sheer madness.", Kapria said. "Makes me wonder if we've done this too early.", she added.

"It likely would've turned hectic regardless of our chosen time frame.", Varik said with some resentment. "A year? A decade? A century? I fear it'd only permit beliefs to further solidify as dogma.", he added.

"You echo the thoughts of the other heads", Kapria noted. "I suppose I'm just worried we may come to blows with the outside. Or, gods forbid, other guilds.", she said.

"That is a distinct possibility.", Varik said contemplatively. "Yet besides enemies we may find allies.", he said.

"We might.", Kapria said. "Thanks, Varik.", she added.

"Any time.", Varik said.

"Though you'd do well to likewise soothe the nerves of your boy.", Kapria said.

"He seems calm. For now.", Varik said somewhat uncertainly. Hetroth rolled his eyes to himself. Even though he was eavesdropping, he hardly enjoyed being talked of as though a child.

"I'll trust you in those matters. See to it that you do not disappoint.", Kapria said, her voice growing distant. At this Hetroth backed away from the door, then turned to face the window previously behind him.

He looked out over the burning orange horizon, wanting to appear bored and disinterested in what'd transpired outside. It was then than he noticed something peculiar before him. Where before he'd seen a glowing sunset, he now realized he saw actual flames, the dark he'd taken for clouds in actuality billowing mounds of black smoke. He stared on in disbelief, a growing sense of terror steadily rending reason from his mind. The temple district of Primum was aflame. More than that, the blame for that he could trace to persons nearby.

"Het?", Varik asked, making the hyena jump as he realized the buck was right behind him.

"I... Varik... the city's on fire!", Het exclaimed in stammer.

"I know.", Varik said solemnly. "An unfortunate side-effect of our revelation.", he added.

"Side-effect? By the gods, the city is ablaze! People are going to get hurt... or killed.", Het said, his voice shivering in morbid realization.

"We did not anticipate a reaction this swift and violent.", Varik said. "We'd intended to regulate our pace in reaction to the populace. Yet we hadn't planned on the first phase to draw this much ire and chaos.", he explained. Hetroth ran his hand through his hair and down his face, scared out of his wits, his mind racing to find a possible upside or solution to the situation, but any way he thought of it, it was grim and dire.

"What have we done?", Het muttered in shock.

"Hetroth, I know this looks ugly, but it was necessary.", Varik said.

"Necessary? Why?", Het asked, once more looking out the window, the pervasive glow from the outside refusing to release his attention.

"The truth of the gods would've come out eventually.", Varik said. "And were it not us, it may've come from those seeking to gain from it.", he explained.

"And you do not gain anything from this?", Het asked accusingly.

"Only a sense of having enlightened the masses. A sense of satisfaction. We stand to lose much more.", Varik said.

"Then there's nothing for anyone to gain from this.", Het said in dismay, moving away from the window, deeper into the room, yet not towards the buck.

"Het, you overreact.", Varik said calmly.

"Overreact?", Het snapped at the buck. "We are damned!", he exclaimed, at which Varik sighed and sat down on the bed, ready to endure the hyena's beratement. "We'll be put to the same pages as Revi.", he said, more calm, yet resigned.

"Nonsense. This is but a puddle compared to the ocean of grief he unwittingly created.", Varik assured.

"And yet it is yet another example of ignoring all warnings and forging on ahead with no regard for the consequences.", Het said adamantly. "If history doesn't damn us, then Tavat most assuredly already has.", he added glumly.

"And yet here you stand, wiser as to what Tavat truly is.", Varik said.

"Wisdom be damned! I did not need these doubts in my mind!", Het hissed.

"Then you would be doomed to fight and possibly die for some deity you've no true understanding of, based on some comforting half-truths passed on by power-hungry megalomaniacs who would never accept you for who you truly are.", Varik said. Hetroth remained silent for a while, seeing some sense in what the buck said, yet unable to ignore the costs.

"And instead I've been lead on by half-truths into becoming silent witness to the source of madness now engulfing the city.", Het said in resignation, followed by a moment of silence.

"Come. Everything will be alright.", Varik said, offering embrace to the distraught hyena. Yet Het couldn't bring himself to accept.

"I'm sorry, Varik.", Het said, and backed away towards the door, doing something he feared might put their relationship in jeopardy. "I need to be alone for a while.", Hetroth said and went out the door, ignoring the now standing buck.

Closing the door behind himself, he set off into the halls of the All Knowing, purposeless and blind to his surroundings. His mind was troubled by feelings of guilt and helplessness, his eyes muddled by imagined scenes of death and destruction taking place less than a mile away.


He must've spent an hour aimlessly walking in circles throughout the labyrinthine hallways, only the occasional All Knowing passing by to briefly distract him from his thoughts, though he recognized no one and engaged in no conversation other than assurances he required no assistance. He was steadily making his way down floor by floor, taking his time to thoroughly explore the corridors of every floor before moving on. He now found himself at the ground floor, however, and saw no further avenues of exploration.

With a sigh, he realized he would soon have to return to the buck, and though his temper and nerves had cooled somewhat, he was still uneasy with what'd transpired. Sleep would prove difficult that night, as thoughts dark and depressing continued to linger over him.

Still, he had one more place he wished to visit - his fellow Artificers' quarters. He needed to discuss the situation with Ivid, even if he more or less knew what the response would be. Likely worse than his own.

He reached their door and gave it a precautionary knock, then leaned his head in. Within he saw something up until recently he thought he'd never end up seeing. There, upon his bed, sat Roeterik, completely nude save for what looked like a female canine of grey fur and otherwise nondescript breed kneeling between his legs. Het got all too much of a clear view of the grey canine's lower regions before he ducked back out of the door, nearly ramming his head against the door frame.

"Sorry!", he shouted through the door as he backed away, flustered at having walked in on such a scene. At the very least Rette did not seem to have minded. Or noticed. He'd been quite absorbed by the apparent bliss he was experiencing. For now he seemed happy.

Seeing little alternative, Hetroth began to scour the corridors for Ivid, now sparing glances within rooms more public. It was beginning to feel a hopeless effort, when he realized he heard a pair of female voices, one of them almost certainly Ivid's. Seeking the source of the voices in the echoing halls, he soon found a somewhat unexpected sight. Ivid was there in the corridor, arms at her sides, fists closed, before her a much more relaxed looking Cossian, leaning against a wall with her arms crossed.

"I don't believe this.", he heard Ivid say as he neared.

"Sorry. Thought you knew.", Cossian said, sounding very mildly concerned.

"Hetroth!", Ivid said as he neared.

"Oh, hey.", now Cossian chimed in. "Venturing alone, I see.", she added, sparing some glances to the sides to make sure that was the case.

"I am.", Het said, eyeing the black mutt uncertainly. "I actually wished to speak to you.", he said towards Ivid.

"As do I.", Ivid said, then looked towards Cossian expectantly.

"Don't mind me.", Cossian said with a sly smile, but earned herself only a sense of ire from the other two. "Oh, fine.", she said and walked off a couple dozen steps away while still remaining within eyesight.

"Het. Is it true?", Ivid asked.

"Is what true?", Het asked back in puzzlement.

"The temple district.", Ivid specified.

"Yes.", Het said, the troubling thoughts returning in full swing.

"Gods under, Het.", Ivid cussed. "Do you see now?", she asked in whisper. "See what they are truly?", she asked on.

"I know this is troubling...", Het said, once again dismayed he would be the one having to try and defend the All Knowing.

"Het, we were complacent in this.", Ivid said. "These riots are on the All Knowing's hands. Yet we bear the burden of having allowed it despite our guild's teachings.", she said, her voice steadily rising.

"I realize that.", Het said. "But what is there to be done now?", he asked.

"We should leave.", Ivid said adamantly. "Right now. Forget about this place and that buck. Go tell the guild what happened and beg forgiveness.", she went on, seemingly growing more desperate in tone.

"Wait, slow down.", Het said.

"I realize you have feelings for the buck...", Ivid began once more, an audible distaste in her tone. "...but what does it take for you to realize the All Knowing are dangerous and reckless?", she asked critically.

"Ivid, it's not that simple.", Het began, desperately trying to think of a counter-argument that could possibly convince the ferret.

"How is it not? People suffer due to their actions, Het. The chaos taking place out there...", Ivid said.

"You can't place the entirety of the blame on them.", Het said. "They merely showed us the truth. What the populace did in response is not their doing.", he added, not entirely convinced he believed his own words.

"They knew this would happen and you know it.", Ivid said accusingly. Het couldn't deny it, and the argument of having underestimated the reaction would hardly help convince her.

"They misjudged the reaction. They made a mistake.", Hetroth admitted. "But they did what they thought right. They brought knowledge to the world.", he went on.

"My God... you're beginning to sound like them.", Ivid said, her eyes turning wide. "You've allowed that buck to muddle your mind. To make you blind to their evils!", she said, suddenly sounding quite angry. "What will it take to make you realize that?", she asked, rapidly growing more furious.

"Ivid, calm yourself.", Het said, raising his palms in warning.

"No, Het. We need to leave! Right now!", Ivid said, closing the distance between them to an uncomfortable degree.

"Ivid, enough!", Het snapped, putting his hands on her shoulders and widened the gap between them. "You leave if you wish, I wish to stay with Varik!", he said. The sudden tearful rage he saw in her eyes should've been a telling prelude to what happened next. She swatted his arms away, and all too late did he realize her boot had suddenly shot up and made hard contact with his groin. "Ough!", he gasped out and stumbled away, all of a sudden pressed against the wall behind and clutching his crotch, looking back at his assailant with a deep shock in his eyes.

Ivid seemed to have had a moment of disbelief herself, the realization of what she'd done no less dire to her than to Het, yet just as suddenly her face hardened. She turned on the spot and left, her pace quick and her head down-turned, seemingly still fuming as she stomped away into the dark.

Het slid down the wall and onto his rear, an all-too-familiar pain steadily setting in from his groin throughout his abdomen. It wasn't the worst such hit he'd suffered, not even close, yet besides being horrendously painful nonetheless, in a way it proved more demoralizing to him than any before. He couldn't help but wonder if this was the end of their long-lasting friendship. Or if his day could get any worse. At that moment, he felt more alone with his troubles than ever before.

"Wow.", he heard an unpleasantly familiar female voice say in a smug tone. "That looked harsh.", she said with something reminiscent of glee.

Het said nothing in response, simply looked up at the black wolf in disdain.

"Don't give me that look. I'm not the one who did this.", Cossian said even as she leaned on one arm against the wall and nudged Het's hands with her boot for emphasis. "Good of you to defend us and all. Shows you've got balls.", she said as she crouched down in front of the sitting hyena. "But having balls sometimes doesn't work out great.", she added with a toothy and malevolent grin.

Hetroth really wanted her to go away at that point, but couldn't muster the will to speak up, his agony currently nearing its peak. He screwed his eyes shut and pulled his knees closer to his chest. He could feel himself glowing red in the face and sweating, neither of which he was particularly happy about.

"Woah, hey.", Cossian suddenly said, looking at him with sudden alarm. Hetroth looked back in confusion, before he realized his sight was muddled with moisture. Despite himself, he'd begun to cry. "Didn't think you'd take it this hard.", she said and stood back up, looking down at him with something akin to concern or confusion. "You're going to be alright, right?", she then asked.

"Yes.", Het blurted out silently between muffled sobs, still confused as to why exactly he was crying.

"Varik would skin me alive if something happened to you with me nearby.", she said with a nervous chuckle. It hardly helped ease Het's humour. "Well, whenever you're ready, I'll escort you-...", she began, then paused abruptly. "What in the plague...", she muttered. Het looked up, wiping the tears from his eyes to see the black mutt staring off into the dark of the corridor. He traced her sight to find something that quite suddenly made him forget all his sorrows and scramble to his paws.

There in the darkness stood the figure they'd captured, unrestrained and looking right at them, the glow of its eyes a beacon in the dimly lit corridor. Sparing no more time, Cossian drew her weapon and brandished it in the god-thing's direction. That did not impede the rat-thing's approach.

"I was hoping to run into you.", Timir said, its four spindly arms gingerly reaching out for her. Cossian swiped with her blade and leapt back, hoping to maintain the distance between them, but the being simply withdrew those arms that faced danger, and extended those underneath her guard.

"Fuck!", Cossian screamed as it grabbed her by the sword arm and yanked up, effectively disabling her from using her weapon. She tried to kick at the beast, but found she could reach no farther than its seemingly unfeeling limbs, her strikes bouncing off harmlessly. She briefly turned towards Het, a look of desperation upon her features. "Ge-AGH!", she tried to shout, but suddenly fell silent as the being's arms grabbed at her throat and groin, sounds of rending flesh and cartilage making Hetroth cringe in horror. Even as the rat-thing continued to move its hands over the female wolf's body, pausing every once in a while, only for further sickening cracks and shlocks to signify whatever it was doing to her.

At that point, Het realized he'd been frozen in place, powerless to move, a primal fear in his mind telling him he stood better chance if he assumed a stance as unintimidating as possible. As soon as the creature discarded Cossian's limp form to the floor, however, it turned its attention towards the hyena.

"I appreciate you not fleeing.", Timir said as it moved towards the hyena.

"Wh-what did you...", Het stammered, trying to form a coherent sentence even as he looked towards where Cossian lay.

"A modicum of justice.", the rat-thing said, right before its hand shot out and grabbed Het by the groin. "This will only hurt. A lot.", it said. The next thing Het knew, he felt the most maddening, piercing pain run up from his groin up to his insides.


Ivid closed the door behind herself, careful not to wake the now sleeping Roeterik. With a reserved sigh of relief, she moved towards her designated bed and sat down, looking rather morose. She spent close to half an hour just sitting like that, staring at an opposite wall, a painting of a male canine in near-undress hanging upon it, yet currently not the center of her attention.

She then laid on her back, her focus briefly shifted towards the ceiling, the lines of finely painted floral patterns pleasantly mesmerizing to one seeking to free their mind of life's troubles. Her eyes traced the decorations above for no more than another half hour before she felt the release of unconsciousness.

Guild Relations, Part 10

Hetroth woke with a start, a layer of sweat coating his chest and back. Everything seemed dark, except it wasn't. A deep black void surrounded him, yet his limbs were visible to him in perfect clarity. For a while his mind was clouded by thoughts of...

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Guild Relations, Part 8

With their day's travel at an end, they were once more seated around a campfire for the night. Hetroth stared blankly into the dancing flames, thinking still of how the gods could be no more eternal than the ruins that dotted the world. He was finding...

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Guild Relations, Part 7

Hetroth sat upon Varik's bed, already bathed and fed. He was packing for the journey before them. Or rather, mostly reassessing what he'd already packed for his last excursion. He was lacking his armour, but only for the moment. Varikas had gone off...

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