Never Judge A Jock By His Cover (1)

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#1 of Never Judge A Jock By His Cover

Just a taster chapter for a possible new story, hope you guys like it.

Never Judge A Jock By His Cover.

By: Wolfie Steel.

The name is Brad Parker and I'm a nineteen year old German Shepherd, I'm on the football team of Saint Joseph's college which makes me by definition a jock, but there is so much more to me than meets the eye, you see up until six months ago I was unheard of, hell I wasn't even at this college, that is because I am not actually a real student.

Oh sure, I attend all the lessons, and I have pretty decent grades, and while I'm not the star football player I can hold my own, the real me though is something completely different, I work for a government agency known as A.S.K (Actively Seeking Knowledge), sort of a James Bond kind of outfit. Yes I'm licensed to kill and yes I do love my gadgets.

I'm using the life of a college student as my cover, I have seen some stuff that a nineteen year old should never see, I have done stuff that a nineteen year old should never do. Being so young I have a handler who acts as my single parent, Jason Parker is a huge Doberman that no one gets on the wrong side of and lives to tell the tale.

Ah yes you have noticed that Jason has the same surname as me and yet is a Doberman, well let me explain, you see Jason is not actually my parent from a broken marriage as his cover leads you to believe, he is in fact my significant other, my mate. We are both in the service and always work together, oh yes we know how to have fun, we fuck like rabbits whenever we get the chance, but whenever I take a friend home the mask of parent and teen holds firm.

There is also another reason why I attend this college, I'm looking out for one of the other students, a Husky by the name of Max Daniels, his father is a top ranking government official, Jason is working in the same department so that he can keep Max's father safe, you see Max's father has some pretty outspoken views on the country's immigration laws and it has made him very unpopular in certain circles.

Of course, Max's dad knows nothing of Jason's real job; yes he knows that I am Jason's son and that I have befriended Max. There are three others that know of what is going on, the first is my Head Teacher, Mr. Fellows, the second is Max's dads boss, Jackson Willis, the final furson who knows what is going on is our A.S.K director simply known as Control.

Almost four years ago, Peter Daniels, Max's dad, received a pretty horrific death threat, not against himself, though he has since, no, the first one was against Max, obviously whoever wrote and sent the note thought that by threatening Max with death, Peter would back down and slip quietly back into the shadows.

Of course Peter went straight to the police with the note, but they just treated it as a prank, however, Control managed to get wind of the note and even secured a copy of it from the police files, enter agents 325 Bradley 'King' Parker and 338 Jason 'Black Knight' Parker.

It turns out that the threat against Max was a credible one, seven months ago Max was reversing out of his parking space at college when his brakes failed, fortunately for him he was not moving too fast and only ran into a small wooden post, but on inspection it was found that the brake lines on his car had been cut.

Now we use my car, Max thinks it is just because I'm a nice guy, but in reality it is because I park in the underground parking area and no one ever sees us getting into the car, so potential killers do not know what my car looks like.

I am ashamed to say it, but Max is one sexy Husky, if I weren't already mated to my super sexy Doberman I would so be making a play for him, the thing is though I have to remain detached and professional at all times, one slight slip could mean the loss of both Max's life and that of my own.

Back to the here and now with a bump, yeah some agent I am, Max is walking me back to the locker room with my arm wrapped around his neck for support, you see I have just become a victim of Xander Jackson, a huge Equine Line Backer who is on our team, we were practicing for the upcoming weekend game when I ran into the huge wall of Horse.

Well there is quite a bit of pain and I have lost a fair amount of blood from my nose, I believe that I also blacked out before I hit the ground, my next memory is that of coming around and hearing the muffled voice of Xander.

"Oh shit I think I broke his fucking neck, nice play Xander"

My eyes begin to flutter open and I now realise that my head is resting on the lap of the hulking Horse, I slowly try to raise my head but I feel it being held down.

"Easy there Parker, the coach is getting the medical kit and will be back soon, just rest easy"

Xander and I are what you would laughingly call bro's or buds, all because I helped him out one day when he had lost his wallet and had no money left to buy his lunch. Suddenly I'm made aware of the coach now kneeling by my side and attending to my various injuries.

"Parker, when will you learn that an express train like yourself heading at full speed into a brick wall like Jackson is going to derail you?"

The Black Panther does have a point, there is no point being fast if I lack control...and brains. The coach calls Max over after he finishes patching me up and then he tells Max to walk me back to the locker room so that I can get showered and dressed.

Once I am showered and changed the rest of the team start filing into the locker room, the coach checks me over once again.

"Well Brad, looks like your nose took most of the impact, if I were you I would get my ass to the hospital just to check to see if it is broken"

I gently touch my nose with my paw, feeling for anything out of place, finding that my nose is still pretty much in one piece I just shrug it off.

"Coach, you of all people should know that as football players we all run the risk of some kind of injury at any time during games and practices, plus it shows that Xander was actually doing his job, after all I didn't get past him"

I high five Xander to show there is no hard feelings between us. Xander is another one of Saint Joseph's popular sex idols, so many of the cheerleaders have at some point claimed him as their own, damn this college posting is hell for me, but an agent must stay in character so as not to blow his cover.

I let out a gentle sigh as I pack my bloody football shirt and the rest of my football gear into my back pack. With my bag packed I head out through the double doors and wait outside for Max to join me, my eyes and ears always scanning the area for signs of trouble.

Finally Max joins me and starts fussing about my injured nose.

"Man you took quite a knock back there, you sure you are okay? I mean I have been on the receiving end of Jackson's no give body and let me tell ya, it hurts like hell each time"

I gently giggle and pat his shoulder.

"Max trust me, at High School I had far worse than this, once I was off school for two months with a broken leg after a scrum ended badly"

I watch as Max winces at the very idea, oh sure I was out of the loop for two months with a broken leg, but it was from landing badly when I was in basic training, yeah I got sloppy that day, and I paid for it with endless pain and humiliation, when I got back into action I sure as hell made sure that every move that I made was thought out and executed properly.

We arrive back at my car and I open the trunk to throw my back pack inside, Max does the same and then I close the trunk and we both get into the car. Suddenly Max does something that changes things forever, he grabs hold of my car keys and won't give them back.

"Okay Parker I have finally managed to get to a point where I have your undivided attention, now unless you give me a truthful answer to my next question, you ain't getting your keys back"

Damn it another sloppy move, what the fuck is wrong with me?

"I have known you for six months now, ever since you joined the college, now you claim that you have just recently moved to the area and I swallowed that hook line and sinker, but the thing is whenever we are together your eyes and ears are continually scanning things, and yet I have seen you when you are alone and your eyes and ears are perfectly still, it's almost like you are expecting trouble when you are with me, so I want to know what gives and know this Bradley Parker, I can smell bullshit from a thousand yards"

I bury my head in my paws and think about what I am going to tell the young Husky, oh sure I could tell him that I want to jump into his pants to keep up my cover as a student, but that I'm pretty sure will have the effect of ending my friendship with him, thus meaning my failure to keep him from being a target. My other option is one that has equal problems latched onto it, I tell him the truth and break my cover, I sigh again as I realise that I am in a right mess, the thing is though Max needs to be given an answer, and so I guess I go with the truth.

"Okay Max, let me ask you a question first, why do you think I have been acting like that?"

Max looks at me with a serious look on his muzzle.

"Well to be honest it has crossed my mind that you might be interested in me in a sexual way"

I chortle a little and shake my head gently.

"I will admit here and now Max that I would jump into your pants the first chance I get, but that is not why I am the way that I am, what I am about to tell you is going to be hard for you to believe, but I can prove every word of it to you. My real name is Bradley 'King' Parker, I am not a real student here at Saint Joseph's I am actually an undercover agent that has been given the task of keeping you safe"

A wicked smile forms on Max's muzzle, and I know just from his look that he thinks that everything I have just told him is BS.

"Okay, if you are an undercover agent, you should have some sort of weapon and a licence to kill and all that bullshit, c'mon Parker that is the lamest story anyone has ever told me"

I reach into my inside jacket pocket and pull out my wallet, I open it up to show Max my agent badge and my licence, I lay the wallet on the centre console of the car while I open the glove compartment to reveal my holstered Walther PPK.

Max picks up my wallet and looks at my badge and has a look of total shock on his face, he slowly hands me the wallet back which I put back into my jacket pocket, I then close the glove compartment and ready myself for the next part of the inevitable conversation.

"You are for real, a goddamn undercover fucking agent, what the hell is going on?"

I look deep into Max's eyes and then I reply.

"Give me my car keys, and I will take you back to my place, where I will be able to fill you in with the help of my partner"

Max's shaky paw drops the keys to my car into my open paw; I start the car and drive us back to my place.

"Now then Max, you already know my dad right, well he isn't actually my dad, he is my handler and also my mate"

Max's eyes go wide as he hears this.

"So now you are a gay undercover agent, this just gets fucking better and better"

We both exit the car and I lead Max into the house, we walk into the living room where we find Jason sitting in his usual seat.

"Hi son, did you have a good day at college?"

I place a gentle paw on Jason's shoulder as I stand next to him.

"Relax babe, Max knows that you ain't my dad"

Jason closes his eyes a little and lowers his head, he then looks back up and faces Max.

"So Max, it seems as though there is a question and answer session am I right?"

Max just nods his head still in shock, Jason now continues.

"Well Max, take a seat and Brad and I will tell you everything, but before we do that I need you to promise me that none of what we are going to tell you becomes public knowledge, if it does then your life, Brad's life, my life and the life of your dad are all in danger"

Again Max just shakily nods his head in agreement.

"Where to start, well I suppose at the beginning would be best, okay here goes, you know that your dad has on occasion said some things that have gone against some peoples beliefs, well four years ago someone sent your father a death threat, this threat was not against him however, it was against you. Long story short the police basically took no further action against the threat. Our boss though has connections to every police force and so gets access to files of interest, namely files that they call the "Crackpot" files. Well of course the death threat ended up in one of those files and thus was picked up by our boss"

Max continues to stare at Jason intently.

"We have a few youngsters within the organisation that are fully fledged agents, like Brad, but because of their age they have to be teamed up with a handler, I am Brad's handler, though in twelve months time Brad will be able to operate without a handler in which case I will become his full partner. We use agents like Brad to shadow and protect the kids of people who are in danger, this time though it is actually both you and your dad that are in danger"

Max finds his voice.

"Okay so when my brakes went out on my car that was not a mechanical breakdown as the garage told me, but my brakes having actually been tampered with?"

I take over from Jason.

"Yes, the brake lines on your car were cut clean through, even your emergency brake had been disabled, hence the reason why we are always using my car and why I always park in the underground car park at college"

Max then hits both Jason and I with something that neither of us were really prepared for.

"So what about your boss, I bet he is so pissed that he has two tail raisers working together"

I let out a menacing growl but Jason cuts me off.

"The fact that I fuck Brad's brains out whenever I get the chance, or that he sucks me dry every night have absolutely no bearing on our professionalism, yes our boss knows that Brad and I are mated with each other, but he also knows that with us duty comes first, and I would respectfully ask that you keep a civil tongue in your head, Brad and I are willing to lay our lives on the line to keep you and your father safe and alive, so I think that we should be granted just a little bit of civility from you"

Max then hangs his head in shame and mumbles a quiet apology, he now knows just how much danger he is in, and he knows that the only thing standing between him and his father being killed, is a German Shepherd named Brad and a Doberman named Jason.

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Never Judge A Jock By His Cover (2)

**_Never Judge A Jock By His Cover (2)_** **_By: Wolfie Steel._** I drive Max back to his home, as I pull up in front of the house I notice one of our trucks parked just across the street which undoubtedly has a shift of two guys watching the...

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Little Drummer Dog (6)

# Little Drummer Dog. (6) ## By Wolfie Steel. Once the most memorable jamming and recording session comes to a close Miss. Grogan shakes the paws of every single member of the band and begins to leave. Before she walks through the studio door...

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Little Drummer Dog (5)

# Little Drummer Dog. (5) ## By Wolfie Steel. AJ and I get out of my car and we walk to the passenger side of Steve's car, he lowers the window. "I don't suppose that either one of you know who that mysterious car belongs to do you?" Our...

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