Little Drummer Dog (6)

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#6 of Little Drummer Dog.

Here is Chapter 6 of Little Drummer Dog, as always any comments, faves and votes will be most welcome, enjoy the read.

Little Drummer Dog. (6)

By Wolfie Steel.

Once the most memorable jamming and recording session comes to a close Miss. Grogan shakes the paws of every single member of the band and begins to leave. Before she walks through the studio door she turns her head and speaks.

"Guys, thank you for allowing me to indulge myself again, I know quite a few of the old 80's artists and I will be telling them of a fantastic 80's revival band that goes by the name of Jacks and Aces Wild, I think you are going to be really busy for quite a while, oh and as for you entering the Battle of the Bands, I will be there to cheer you on"

With that said the Vixen finally heads out from the studio. Steve remains sitting on his stool, a look of shock tinged with a look of complete happiness, the kind of look one might give after finding out that they had just won the big one on the lottery. He turns and looks at me.

"Sam, little did I know when I sat next to you on that bar stool that night that my life would change in so many ways, I'm not going to sit here and say that the sun shines from your ass, but I have worked with a hell of a lot of artists, and most of them have had probably two or three hits and then sort of dropped off the radar, but with you and AJ as part of our band and judging by the reaction we are getting from just one song, I think that there is a lot to come from Jacks and Aces Wild"

Five very happy but very tired canines and one feline head out from the studio and back down towards the foyer, we all head towards our cars and begin our journey home. I so wanted to be going home with Steve tonight, but I don't want AJ to feel as though I am avoiding him to spend more time with Steve, okay Steve and I are beginning what I hope is a long and beautiful relationship, but AJ and I have known each other for five years now and so I am going to have to try and divide my time equally between the two.

On the drive home AJ and I stop off to get some Chinese takeout food, well after all let's face it, neither of us is up for cooking tonight. With our Chinese purchased we continue our journey home, as we drive AJ brings up something that I knew was lurking in the back of his mind.

"Sam tell me to butt out if you want, but I thought that now you and I are alone that I would get to know Sam Vine a little better, I mean you know, five years we have known each other and in those five years I never once thought you as gay, oh don't get me wrong I have nothing against the fact that you and Steve are...together, in fact I am happy that you are, Steve is one hell of a guy, it's just that I wish you had told me sooner"

I continue to stare at the road ahead while I try to find the right words to use to reply to AJ.

"Okay AJ, you want the truth about why I didn't tell you about me being gay here it is, before I joined Sound as a Hound I was a freelance drummer, you know if a band needed a stand in drummer because theirs was too ill to perform I would step in to cover for them, well don't ask me how it happened but it became known to certain artists that I was gay, and let's just say that they didn't take too kindly to the news, in fact after one gig I was attacked and basically left for dead, I spent four months in hospital recovering from various nasty injuries. I still have some of the scars to this day, though my fur covers them quite nicely, the mental scars though will never go away hence the reason why I kept my muzzle shut, I figured if no one knows then I won't get hurt like that again"

The rest of the journey was done in complete silence. We finally pull up in the parking space outside my flat and with Chinese food bags in paw we head towards the front door.

Once inside the flat I switch on the lights and we head into the living room with our meals.

"Right AJ, you go to the kitchen and plate up the meals and I will sort out a DVD for us to watch while we eat"

AJ gently nods his head and takes my food bag from my paw and heads into the kitchen, I kneel down on the floor in front of my DVD rack and search through my collection, in truth I just need something to lighten the mood a little after what I had told AJ in the car. AJ is the first one who I have told about what happened in my freelance days, and yes I know that I should tell Steve too, but I need to find the right time to do that.

My paw finally lands on a DVD, Lethal Weapon, yeah just the movie to wind down to, I take the disc out of its case and put it into the player, I wait for AJ to arrive back with the food before I press play on the DVD remote. The two of us watch the movie as we munch on our delicious Chinese, pretty soon though the movie finishes and our plates are empty, AJ finally concedes defeat and lets out a yawn.

"Well Sam, I don't know about you bud, but I'm bushed so I'm gonna turn in for the night, but before I go I want you to promise me something, tomorrow we are supposed to rest and I want you to spend the day with Steve, after all he is your boyfriend. Don't worry about me as I have a shit load of stuff to do anyway. You have given me a job and a roof over my head and I am eternally grateful, but I will not come between you and the love of your life"

My own tiredness catches up with me and I yawn as I nod my head.

"Okay Ace, you head off to bed while I tidy this place up, and then I will turn in for the night too"

AJ yawns again and just waves at me as he disappears up the stairs towards his room. I collect the empty plates and load them into the dishwasher, I set the machine up to do its duty and then head back to the living room, I collect all of the empty Chinese cartons and then take them out into the back yard and my trash bin.

While I'm outside it gives me chance to just stand and look at the stars above, I begin to go through in my mind everything that has happened over this past week, from being dumped from the band that I created and getting drunk, to meeting the incredible Rottweiler of my dreams, joining a new band, having AJ join as well, and then there is the incredible buzz from the apparent success of releasing a song which was only supposed to be a practice song.

Things sure have moved on a pace, but I know that the hardest work is still to come. Coming out of my reverie I dump the trash and then head back inside towards my bedroom and my ever comfortable bed, a bed that hopefully won't remain as a bed for one.


I groan a little as I begin to come out of my slumber, my mind recalls what AJ had said to me the previous evening, and then my thoughts become clouded with a certain sexy assed Rottweiler which has the inevitable consequence, an instant morning wood.

I head to the bathroom to...take care of business and also take a shower. I enter the bathroom and make sure to lock the door behind me, I stand at the toilet and begin to relieve myself, once my bladder is empty I have a decision to make, do I crack one off while still at the toilet, or do I use the water of the shower to hide the evidence of my passion paw.

I finally decide on a two for one deal and switch on the shower, once the water has warmed up to my liking I stand under the stream and wrap my right hand paw around my raging Collie cock. Again my mind floods with images of Steve and his hot, sexy body, I begin the task of clearing my morning wood with gentle strokes, slowly my sheath begins to pull back allow my 6 inch cock to come out into the fresh air.

I begin to moan softly as I get deeper into my pawing session, the tingling in my balls tells me that this is going to be one explosive session, oh sure I have pawed many times before, I mean for years that was the only release I ever got, but this time I know that I have someone to paw over.

My moans increase in volume and I start to thrust hard into my paw, in the back of my mind I register that AJ is also in the flat and that the walls are incredibly thin, so he can probably hear everything, but at this moment I just don't care.

My knot slowly inflates and I know that I am close to my orgasm. Another couple of strong thrust and I am there, I throw my head back and bark loudly as I fire my seed from my cock tip. My seed flows into the stream of water and then is taken away into the drainage system.

I now place my hand paws against the wall of the shower for support as my afterglow takes hold, I pant heavily as my mind starts to clear, and it is then that I hear the knock at the bathroom door.

"Sam, when you have quite finished making a mess in the shower, I need to evacuate my bladder"

I let out a gentle sigh as I acknowledge AJ, knowing that he is the other side of the door and probably is in real need I get myself washed and ready for the day ahead. I shut off the water for the shower and then wrap a towel around me, I unlock the door and exit the bathroom, I see a cross legged Panther waiting across the landing, as soon as I am out of the room he dashes passed me and closes the door.

I walk into my bedroom and begin to towel myself dry. By the time AJ has finished in the bathroom I am fully dressed and heading down to the kitchen, I open the dishwasher and remove the now clean plates from it and put them back in their storage cupboards. As I back away from the cupboards I feel a feline paw on my shoulder.

"Feels good to crack one off first thing in the morning doesn't it?"

I blush to a dark red under my fur, I also lower my head so that my eyes don't meet his, but it seems that some of my white patches have changed colour a little.

"Oh come on Sam, no need to be embarrassed, we all take ourselves in paw from time to time, even me, plus in your case you have a hot hunk of burnin' love waiting for you, so anyone would spring a boner at that thought, I will tell ya now bud, there are just two things that are stopping me from getting me what I am sure is some very tight and tasty Rottweiler ass, the first and most important is you, I won't take another guys mate, that just ain't my way, second is that I have spotted another guy who I think would rival Steve in the tightness stakes"

I raise my head and perk my ears at this comment.

"You are interested in someone hunky right?"

AJ just gently nods his head, I think back to what has gone on over the past few days to try and piece together a possible match for AJ, ya know, see if my gaydar is still functioning properly. First candidate would be most unlikely, Shaun, though in all fairness if he was to get an attitude adjustment he would make someone a fantastic mate. Second is Ash our sound engineer, a chestnut coloured Horse that can melt your heart and your pants zipper and button at a thousand paces, and then comes candidate number three, the only other single fur that AJ has come into contact with, Max, and so I decide to try a little fishing.

"Okay, in my mind I have come up with a list of three possible names, one of which I have already put a mental line through, so we are now going to play the yes and no game, I ask you questions and you just say yes or no, simple"

A wicked smile plays across AJ's muzzle as he nods his head.

"Okay, first question, do I know the fur that you are crushing on?"

AJ answers yes.

"Question two; is the fur that you are crushing on from our old band?"

AJ answers no.

"Question three; is this mystery fur even in a band?"

AJ answers yes.

"Question four; is this guy someone that you have met from our new band?"

Again AJ answers yes, this time though he brings the questions to an end.

"Okay Sam, you have asked all the questions that I will allow, now you need to make your choice of who you think I have in my sights"

In truth there really is only one guy that I think would be suited for AJ and that is Max.

"Okay AJ you win, but I think I have this one pretty well figured, you are crushing on Max aren't you?"

AJ's snigger gives me the confirmation I need.

"Yeah, that hunk of Doberman has me getting hot every time I see him, but he is probably as straight as a ruler, and even if he is gay, he would not fall for me, I mean I'm just not good enough for a guy like him"

I growl a little at AJ.

"Puss, anyone would love to tame their own Black Panther, and let's face it, black on black that is one sexy combination"

AJ just turns his head away and then heads towards the fridge to get the milk for some cereals.

"Well AJ, I'm going to head off to Steve's place, so we'll probably grab something to eat together, and AJ, don't worry about Max, I think you might just be surprised, anyway, I'm heading out so I'll smell ya later"

With that I head out of the front door and jump into my car, I begin the journey to Steve's place hoping that I might just be getting some tail today.

Little Drummer Dog (7)

# Little Drummer Dog. (7) By Wolfie Steel. I arrive at Steve's place and find him cleaning the outside of his living room window, I can see that he has some ear buds in so obviously has either an MP3 player or an iPod pumping music into his...

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Little Drummer Dog (5)

# Little Drummer Dog. (5) ## By Wolfie Steel. AJ and I get out of my car and we walk to the passenger side of Steve's car, he lowers the window. "I don't suppose that either one of you know who that mysterious car belongs to do you?" Our...

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Little Drummer Dog (4)

# Little Drummer Dog. (4) ## By Wolfie Steel. It is now the morning after our sweet jam session and I wake up to the sound of my radio alarm clock. Suddenly I shoot bolt upright in bed which causes Steve to wake up abruptly, what has caused...

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