
Story by sharkbait on SoFurry

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As the last of the rent filled with healthy flesh and bright new scales Vitham allowed what power remained to draw back from tingling hands into his center. Recovering the essentia he'd just spent would take several hours if not more. Despite her initial awkwardness and hesitation once the young dover got a taste she'd quickly monopolized his breasts. Not that he was arguing when it felt so good, even after the oversensitivity of the first couple minutes had faded. At the moment his chest was closing on empty and the adolescent was working over each nipple for dregs with a tongue better than any blowjob he could remember.

One hand cradled the back of the dover's head, rubbing gently behind the base of here ears. She gave a contented noise and clung tighter at the contact, suckling in time with the motion. The other rested just under her shoulders. He remembered another experience with a dover. Neither of them had been much older than the girl in his arms now. Both of them excited and worried, or what might happen or not. With the thoughts a very familiar sensation as his penis twitched and hardened, pushing out of its sheathe along the curved underside of his belly. Vitham's other hand drifted South along the spine kneading the muscles of her back. She gave a low croon when the hand reached her tight young ass. Ripe and innocent yet he could tell from the response but eager. Fingers drifted forward teasingly to brush across a mound just beginning to respond. The dover shifted away in reaction, moving farther up his body as she called softly into his chest fur with shocked tone, "mama."

His hands froze in place, the mood shattered by her lustful yet pleading call. She looked up into his face with great staring eyes that teared up a little. As if just now realizing where she was. "I thought I was...," she sniffed cutely.

"Shh, I understand," guiding her down over his belly till her feet touched the ground near the right hip. Now she was looking at him a little warily, as if his response to nursing had unnerved her. "Can you do something for me?" The dover's head nodded but he wasn't really watching. "We shouldn't stay here, a place like this attracts things. Anything left that we could sell in a hurry, like the working lift stones, can you gather it while I get the lizard ready? Then we should leave." Her body language had gotten tense as he made the request but unstiffened quickly. As the girl hurried off his eyes lingered on her body. The slenderness only accentuated her perky budding tits.

Under the makeshift tunic his length began returning to its sheathe. Nice as it was to know he was still male where it counted, the libido, that had been disturbing. Instead Vitham concentrated on dealing with the lizard. Soothed by the unnatural pleasure of magical healing and no longer goaded by an open wound it had calmed. But that didn't make it want to move, as he had to coax the great beast. Draw it via soft tugs on the jaw harness into slithering back down across the embankment. An unusually strong kick to the diaphragm drew his attention to the single greatest obstacle.

Right I'm going to clamber deftly onto the back of a riding animal with this impediment? Compared to him it was of about the same size as a big charger had been. Broad back a little higher than his non-existent waist as it lay flat on its belly. To his surprise it wasn't nearly so difficult as he'd feared, the hardest part was getting a leg across its back, from there on it'd been easy. Only after he was in position straddling the creature did he realize the problem. The tent poncho draped over his body did nothing to protect that new part of his anatomy whose sensitive mons was compressed against pebbly hide by the weighted belly above.

Every movement rubbed his mound against the lizard's hide. By the time he had it back up on its wide partially webbed feet he was already starting to get wet. Just enough to keep him itching for some but not enough to really stimulate. With an internal sigh of frustration he prodded the lizard into a lumbering walk. From the vantage point on its back he could see clear over most obstructions. She wasn't at the front of the column as far as he could tell, but the front had taken the worst of the ambush and probably had the least salvageable.

Stumping along on its tree-sized legs the lizard meandered down the trail of wreckage. Vitham stopped by each wagon to give her enough time if she was underneath. Clearly she'd been through since the access doors into the space under the box were removed but she was not there. Did she get scared and run off? I wouldn't have hurt her. Unmistakable sounds drew his attention, and he smiled. Prodding the lizard into the area between river and trail he found her in the chest-high ferns.

Curled into a tight ball as she licked herself toward climax with one hand pinching at bright pink nipples and the other teasing her back door. He slid down from the pack lizard, the feel of its textured hide rubbing across wet nether-lips only heightening his arousal. Haphazard wrapping discarded in a flash he slunk toward the unaware young dover on all fours. A much more substantial intruder joining her fingers the first clue she wasn't alone.

Yelp squeezed from her muzzle by the pressure in her tender backside. It twisted in ways only a finger could, each motion tugging at her insides. The same fingers pinching her free nipple and rolling her over. A second forced its way in, the stretching pulled her anal ring into a tight red line and caused her back to straighten. Muzzle gaping as it pulled away from her twat only to be directed with strong hands. By the time she could react a familiar black nipple dripping white had been forced into her maw. Betrayed by instinct the dover sucked, and once again found herself unable to stop at the taste of cold sweet fluid.

When the hard fleshy object touched her petals she realized what was happening. Eyes widened and she mumbled out something even she couldn't understand past the obstacle but couldn't bring herself to pull away or bite down. Its tip opened her inner lips and pushed inside, stretching her virginal walls open wide. Stopping as it pressed against the delicate membrane just inside.

Tapered along its length the shaft only spread her wider as it slowly entered. Finally punching through the overstressed barrier to a sharp pain and trickle of flowing blood. With force and care for her inexperience in equal measure he began to thrust. Short pumping motions that retreated before advancing a little with each one. To the dover it felt like she was being wedged until she'd split apart. Broken in half at the hips, but she didn't care. Overloaded by sensation she floated in and out of consciousness unable to see or hear. Touch and scent the only working senses. All that mattered was the feel of the nipple in her jaws, the monster in her loins, the scent of cold fur all around her.

He exploded like never before unleashing a flow that seemed to never end. On and on it went until he actually felt her belly bulge slightly against his own. Vitham brought his head down from its frozen rictus of pleasure to look at the dover. She was out, eyes rolled back and tongue lolling, completely unconscious. And there was something keeping them locked together. Impossible to pull out without tearing her.

Still tied together he cradled the slight girl with one arm as he drew on the poncho with his other. Near its folds a heavy pouch scarred by fire lay by a fern, softly glowing under mage-sight. She had retrieved the stones. Careful not to jostle the dover he slid back onto the lizard while it placidly munched ferns. They had a mount, and enough to cover the basics once they reached whatever town or village her caravan had been traveling. But first, Vitham decided, I should really ask my mate her name.

Mother, Mother

Something wouldn't stop kicking him in the stomach, it was like a dozen halfling children using his belly for a pig's bladder kick ball. At the thought of bladders his made its own complaints. One hand flailed vaguely in a half-formed intent to drive...

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Wandering Monster

Nethik took in a deep breath and exhaled, watching as the frosty gust hit spring air and condensed. It was a good day, warm for her tastes but not unpleasant with an overcast to keep the worst of the sun at bay. Far beyond the usual territory of her...

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Shadows Chapter 2

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters or events, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. All original characters and these stories themselves are copyright to eternalwanderer speech" _internalized...

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