Wandering Monster

Story by sharkbait on SoFurry

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Nethik took in a deep breath and exhaled, watching as the frosty gust hit spring air and condensed. It was a good day, warm for her tastes but not unpleasant with an overcast to keep the worst of the sun at bay. Far beyond the usual territory of her kind these pine forests seemed to burst with life. All manner of creature going about their business. One white furred hand caressed the gravid swell beneath her third pair of breasts, life without reminding her of the life within.

On the leaf litter at her paws an elk carcass waited. Back in the frozen lands she would have left it where it lay, perhaps kicked some snow over the corpse to conceal what was left for later. Not here, she'd learned that lesson well. It was the reason Nethik had taken on her current two-legged form now that the prey was down even though it lacked speed. Carrying prey was much easier than dragging it through these woods and she had a long way to go.

First she needed to get it across her shoulders and that might not be easy, this one was larger than the last. Down on one knee braced with a strong hand for added stability she hefted the elk by its antlers. Using the back of her corded neck as a block to increase leverage the female nearly fell as its weight came fully onto her shoulders and threw off a balance unused to walking upright. But she caught herself just in time to prevent a topple, strong legs thrust against the strain and pushed her up to her full height.

A faint smile upon her silver-white muzzle as she began the long walk home. This was a far better land in which to raise cubs than the icepack she'd left behind. Tail wagging as she thought of her cubs, still so young. They'd be playing in the brush just beyond the entrance to the den. Both hands gripped the legs of the elk to stabilize it, even so one drifted across to brush against her middle. It was nearly time to birth again, experience let her know she was almost ready even without those more obvious signs she'd noted recently. The smile turned bittersweet as she remembered how many cubs she'd lost to the axes of the Green Ones. Before the trek South over the mountains. A kill of this size would last for several days. Enough time to replace the bedding and lay in an extra nest of dry pine needles for the littering.

Shifting winds brought her a new scent, one glaring and out of place in her woods. Oiled steel and cured leather and rank sweat. The last part Nethik recognized so very well. It was the stink of the Green Ones, here in this last safe refuge. So close to her last precious cubs. Unheeded the elk dropped forgotten from her shoulders as she charged. Shifting as she went, in two bounds the enraged shewolf was back to her accustomed four-legged stance.

Through a dense bramble headfirst she sighted them not ten body lengths downhill. Green, her eyes locked onto the large one in back. Dark matted hair, green skin, tusks, that scent, she knew the green one for what it was instantly and hatred burned cold inside. Clumsy they were only now turning and it was already too late. Mid-Bound the shewolf crashed into the Green One, taking them to the ground together in a heap. Her teeth flashed as they rolled, foul blood spurted and its cry for help cut off as she tore the flesh of its throat free. Preparing to savage its disgusting face in revenge for every Green One she'd ever run away from something heavy glanced off her hip.

Angered at the intrusion on her kill she turned and snapped, catching hold of a misplaced ankle. Flung its owner down the hill. Burning things clawed her other side drawing bright blue stains from the wound to match the streaks in her vision leading back to the source. Another one, Nethik charged to close the gap before it could strike with magic again. Five lengths, four, its hand movements showed it nearing completion of the spell. Three, all her hatred spat out at the spindly creature. Frost erupted on nearby surfaces as her anger froze the air into mist. Where it struck the creature flesh blackened instantly. Turned brittle and crumbly as she had seen many times before, snapping off a hand like an icicle and tossing it randomly into the woods. It made a choked noise from blocked throat and tried to blink iced-over eyes than fell.

Again the hard stick bashed into her lower back and hip, hadn't she already dealt with this one? Teeth found a gap in the hard skin it wore and dug deep. Wrenching out a hoarse cry of pain along with salty blood as they tore the muscles in its thigh. It fell to the ground, dark purple blood staining the thick layer of pine needles. From the taste and smell alone Nethik could tell her first bite had done its work much faster than expected. So close to littering its potency was at peak she knew but even so this was happening far quicker than she'd expected. Unlike the first it was not one of the Green, she thought it might be one of the "men" she'd heard of back in the North. If so they were far more vulnerable than the Green Ones.

Throwing herself at the man she interrupted its gesture and snuffed the light glowing around one clenched hand. Wouldn't do to kill it now just as things were starting to get interesting. No he, her belly rested on his hips as the shewolf pinned each arm under a paw and sex was obvious. He struggled but to no avail against her mass and she laughed. The sound froze him in place more surely than a blast of her icy hatred. Shifting back to the two-legged form Nethik knelt astride the smaller male's armor shrouded hips with a smile. Just as she prepared to gloat a familiar tug wrenched through her pelvis.

Whatever she was going to say next it would be the last thing he heard. Instead the werewolf's eyes widened and she gave a surprised grunt. Abruptly she leaned back, hands released his bruised arms and pulled inward. For a moment Vitham could only stare at the six jiggling fuzzy breasts above his head, larger than any padded and corseted tavern wench he'd seen. Then she rocked farther back on her beast legs and gave a plaintive whine. It drew his eyes down to the grand swell of her belly. Much more pronounced now than it had been as a proper wolf and drumhead taut.

Another whine followed shortly and she scooted off him. Kneeling with legs spread wide in the pine needles. The mace had been flung well outside his reach during the last struggle, instead he checked the thigh she'd bitten. Each of the spots felt like ice had gotten into his veins and was slowly crawling further across his body. Vitham couldn't understand, he'd never even drawn her blood and the others had no silver. Why was his hand covered in dark blue blood and why could he feel no wound on the spot?

But the cold was spreading and the most it seemed he could muster energy for was to dig his elbows in and force himself to sit. She whined more loudly this time as a visible ripple crossed her belly. "Having trouble bitch?"

"You turn next," to his amazement she answered in broken Giant, "sister." Metal snapping drew his attention, and his gaze. It had been the buckles of his boots, rent apart by the massive paws sticking out of their burst leather remnants. Big dog paws covered in white fur just like...

"What did you do to me bitch?" he demanded in anger and fear. She just laughed then moaned and clutched her belly. Though they moved at his command he refused to think of them as his feet. Instead Vitham cursed the werewolf, who now lay calmly on her side facing him.

She just rubbed her gravid form and repeated. "You next," with a laugh. He wanted to scream, or strangle her or something. It was up to his knees now, trouser legs split at the seam to reveal strangely jointed shins big as an ogre's. There was something off in the proportions that only connected as the changes advanced across his thighs. Ones that despite the size and fur had a very feminine shape about them.

"No, no!" he yelled out in realization to be answered by her now strained laughter. When it reached his hips the desperate adventurer nearly blacked out. Clothing exploded from his body as the lower part of his torso grew to match outsize extremities. Pressure built inside racking his body with dry heaves as organs visibly shifted about deep in his abdominal cavity. Fur crept over his hips to a rough edge just north of his navel and behind the edge hips fit for a mare pulled themselves out of his body. From the waist down all he could see was the body of a giantess, save the most important detail.

It didn't happen the way Vitham expected. Backbone crackling like ice as everything below the ribcage stretched to mirror the oversize proportions of the already changed regions. He could barely breath, panting for what little breath constricted lungs could manage. Pressure built up in his much larger abdomen, winding ever tighter until something had to give. The attractive feminine tummy softened beneath unbelieving eyes between belly button and disproportionately small penis, then began to bulge. While he gibbered and begged the gods to make it stop it filled liquidly inside him, growing to a tight round ball. As this intrusion continued his package swelled with it, turning dark purple and growing to fill the bestial sheathe emerging from his groin. Until it was hidden from sight behind the curve of a belly larger than the one rippling in labor not twenty feet away. Reeling from what had already happened the shock of a newly created birth canal forcing its way through an emphatically child-bearing pelvis drove him unconscious at last.

Shadows Chapter 2

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters or events, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. All original characters and these stories themselves are copyright to eternalwanderer speech" _internalized...

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Shadows Chapter 1

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters or events, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. All original characters and these stories themselves are copyright to eternalwanderer ©2007. Comments, suggestions, or...

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