Joining the Pack - Advent

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#4 of Joining the Pack

Written by Leotodrius

Commissioned by PanzerMausA powerful, dark master wolf sets his eyes on a new mark, a young man that stumbles across a dangerous plan. Will he have the strength to save his friend and the rest of humanity?

Joining the Pack: Advent Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Panzermaus

Pre-dawn light slipped through the blinds into the bedroom, falling across the twin sized bed, the pale blue carpet and the piles of messy clothes left in front of the closet. It was the room of a teenager, asleep in his bed, escaping the stresses of the day and his uncertain future for a few blissful hours. Shawn was barely eighteen but he'd skipped a grade and high school was a thing of the past. He was on the verge of college, of advanced courses and internships, of honing himself for an eventual career. Despite all that, Shawn still looked quite young. His shaggy dishwater blond hair cascaded over his face and a pair of green framed glasses rested on his night stand. Despite being intelligent, he was still just as messy as a teenager and the room reflected that. It even smelled like a teenager, or so thought the intruder in the room.

A shadow fell across Shawn's sleeping form. The intruder was massive, standing almost seven feet tall, covered with a fur coating as black as night. Amber eyes glinted in the limited light that came in through the window from the rising sun. The huge werewolf sniffed at the air, smelling sweat and semen, old food and joy... and above all, the remnants of a pure innocence. The black wolf loved that scent, he craved it... and he knew what it would smell like after he was done.

The black wolf silently shifted, basking in his own pleasure as his huge black sheath parted and a furiously red tapered canine shaft began to push free. Thick globs of wolf spooge splattered to the carpeted floor, soaking in and staining the material, but the black wolf didn't care. He wrapped a fat paw around the shaft and began to stroke it, sliding forward and back, the slime soaking into his paw fur.

Step by step, the intruder approached Shawn where he slept. He drizzled wolf pre onto his blankets, then his pillow before the massive member was suspended over his head. Thick syrupy wolf juices dribbled down onto Shawn's plump lips, moistening them and spreading a richly musky flavor into the teen's mouth. Shawn murmured gently in his sleep, soon licking the pre from his lips. It didn't take long for him to roll more onto his back, his nipples hardening and his groin starting to swell. The wolf panted gently, trying not to wake the teen, jacking off more. He drizzled more and more of his juices onto the boy's face, watching him lick it up. Shawn's nostrils flared and his breathing increased, but his mind traveled even more distantly from his body. He was entranced, ensnared in pure instinct... just as the Master wolf wanted.

The old mattress creaked gently as a second occupant climbed on, the black wolf moving to straddle Shawn. He turned around; his head hanging over the boy's groin as he slowly scooted toward the headboard. The black wolf's tail hiked up, revealing his tail hole to Shawn's sleeping face. While the tight pucker quivered with anticipation, there was something more - the master wolf's scent glands were full, the canine odor permeating the air. Shawn couldn't help but take several lung fulls of the scent in, his instincts growing even stronger.

The shaggy headed youth parted his lips and his tongue emerged, stretching out ever so slowly. Without any idea what he was doing, Shawn's tongue touched the muscled pucker of the black wolf and he gave his visitor a slow slur. The black wolf groaned, wrapping his hand tightly around his shaft again, giving it several long strokes as he wiggled his butt back further. The eighteen year old's tongue continued to lick and slurp, but with so much easier access, it wasn't long before his tongue slipped into the tight hole. The black wolf grunted and panted as he was rimmed by the hypnotized youth. He pushed his butt back all the way, the furry cheeks squeezing Shawn's face. Shawn kept licking and probing the depths of the wolf's ass, tasting his natural musk and flavor, his body basking in the wolf's natural scents.

The black wolf pumped his rod furiously, drizzling out a steady stream of semen. The yellowed sperm drizzled down, soaking Shawn's pajama pants through, coating his teen cock and balls before soaking into the mattress at large. The master wolf panted hard as he worked, unable to resist. He panted harder, the bed groaning as he shifted more, feeling the human's tongue get so deep. It wasn't long before the wolf tipped his head back and suppressed a howl, cumming hard. He showered Shawn with his hot cum, his ass squeezing the human's tongue tight for a moment before relaxing. The wolf groaned with relief, feeling so very amazing.

Shawn murmured gently, starting to shift from his trance. His eyes slowly parted and he looked up, seeing the same ceiling he always saw. He turned over and looked at his clock, gasping softly. It was already seven thirty... He'd never slept that soundly and he'd spent almost four year getting up at seven or before. He moved to pull his blankets back before pausing, licking his lips. His mouth had such a peculiar taste to it... Shawn reached over, fumbling for his glasses before he pulled them on and stood up, moaning softly as his sticky pajamas rubbed over his painfully hard shaft. Shawn reached over to steady himself on the night stand, not used to morning wood. He reached down to give himself a bit of a grope, shuddering. He knew he should have felt embarrassed about having a night time emission, but at the same time he wondered if it meant he was on his way to being a libidinous stud. Shawn couldn't help but laugh at himself. He knew he was being crazy.

The teen padded across his room, walking past the stain on the floor as he started looking for some clean clothes to wear. He had a long day ahead of him. He pulled on a shirt but as it settled down over his shoulders, the neck felt a bit tight, almost like it was cutting into his skin. Indeed, the whole shirt seemed rather tight, showing off the muscles he had without restraint. Shawn swapped the shirt out for another, finding it too was tight. Eventually Shawn gave up and moved on, getting clean boxers and jeans before putting on his socks and shoes. He grimaced a bit, finding even his shoes were abnormally tight... but at last he was ready for the day. ****

Shawn moved down the street, yawning a bit as he walked, brushing his shaggy hair out of his eyes. He wasn't sure why he felt so tired but his muscles were sore, almost like he'd been doing exercise all night. His backpack was slung over his shoulder and he strode along, looking almost as if he was on his way to high school... but college was a very different sort of beast. Shawn was trying to keep the pace up but he was a touch late already, or at least late for being as early as he had been for the first week. Shawn kept trying to consider ways to speed up his advance before he heard the sound of tires on the pavement, a car coming up alongside. Shawn turned, looking at the old black Camaro.

The car had seen better days, but the driver looked fairly good. He was twenty years old, his red hair shaved short. He had on a black suit with a black undershirt and tie, the monochromatic look fitting him fairly well. He came to a stop a few feet ahead of Shawn before leaning over, opening the front door.

"What are you doing out here at this hour?" the driver called.

"Hey Cody, I'm on my way to class." Shawn smiled, moving to climb in.

"Already? Couldn't you have gotten night classes or something?" Cody asked in disgust. Shawn looked around the car as he buckled in. The back seat was full of black cases with paw prints on them and the front passenger side floor was covered in empty energy drink cans from a half dozen different companies.

"I'm a morning person." Shawn said, clicking his belt into place. Cody shuddered.

"You poor bastard." Cody said, pulling back into traffic, heading down the road. Shawn smirked at that. He'd been friends with Cody for a few years now despite how very different they were.

"So what got you up so early?" Shawn asked after a moment. Cody gestured to the back.

"New job, well, internship. Lots of opportunities but lots of work. I'll drop you off at campus before I have a meeting with the wrestling team. The school is considering taking on Canimusk as a new sponsor." Cody explained.

"Canimusk? Is that who you're working for now?" Shawn asked, reaching back to grab one of the boxes, opening it up.

'Yeah, they just got done branding. They used to be just wolf musk, but this sounds better I guess." Cody explained before he realized what Shawn was doing, "Hey, those are samples for the team, you better be-" but before Cody could finish, Shawn had squirted himself in the face with a healthy spray from the bottle of faintly yellow liquid.

"Oh fuck..." Shawn murmured, his eyes watering as he squeezed them shut. It stung a little, but what he didn't expect was for his heart to race, his chest to rise and fall faster or for him to get so hard. His nipples pushed against his shirt like diamonds as a tent formed in his pants. Cody swallowed, trying not to get distracted.

"I guess I'll give that bottle to you as a sample since you already used some..." Cody murmured, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I just... I better flush out my eyes before class. Good thing I'm getting a ride." Shawn smiled. Cody smirked at that, knowing their day was just beginning. ****

Shawn moved down the hallway, navigating between the wood and glass cases full of rocks and stones and taxidermied animals from forty years prior. The sciences building had its own particular charm, feeling almost like a museum in the early morning. There were often other early bird students like himself, but today was different... They were looking at him. Shawn's head and gaze lowered down as he passed, not sure why everyone was paying attention to him.

When Shawn dared to look over his glasses, he saw the girls were trying to push their breasts up while the men were almost flexing with their textbooks and science projects. Shawn blushed and continued on into his geology classroom, moving to sit down. The sudden changes in direction caused the air to flow around Shawn more, giving him another whiff of the cologne he'd sprayed himself with.

Ever so slowly, Shawn's eyebrows lowered. He knew the cologne couldn't be the cause... things didn't work like that anywhere but on television. No spray was going to make him that much more desirable... but on the other hand it was musk and musk was used for reproductive purposes... and it had seemed to turn him on when he put it on in the first place. Shawn looked up slowly, catching sight of the Teacher's Assistant on the far side of the room. He idly rubbed at his chest, pinching and tugging on his nipple through his sweater vest. Shawn's eyes widened. He had to find out what was in that stuff... and if there was a way to get any more. ****

Normally the locker room was a place of playful jibes, talk about sports and the snapping of towels - but this wasn't an ordinary day. The wrestling team wound down from their practice, showering and changing, lingering as much as they could. Some gave up all pretense and sat on the bench outside the coach's office, towels around their shoulders as their hair dried. They watched avidly through the glass, trying to see how things were unfolding... but as the coach rose to his feet and moved to the door, they all sprung back to activity, trying to look busy.

The door eased open and the coach emerged. He was in his late thirties, his head shaved clean and a thick mustache covering his upper lip. He was muscled and robust, but he looked quite contemplative. Cody moved out behind him, holding a case of the black label Canimusk. The coach crossed his arms in front of his chest, though as he did it became rather apparent that he had an erection, his basketball shorts tented before him. The wrestlers were a bit surprised but said nothing.

"Listen up guys... The university has given me final decision regarding taking on a sponsor. You all know that we could use the money... but the university didn't want to do anything that wouldn't be a good fit for our school. I'll admit, I was hesitant at first, but after trying the stuff... I can't see the harm in it. We're already the wolves, we might as well smell like them. For now, get familiar with the product... and take the rest of the day off, take a little time to enjoy yourselves." The coach said. The wrestlers whooped and cheered at that and Cody moved among them, handing out the wolf musk.

He watched as they took the bottles from the case, some started to spritz themselves right away. The heady, earthy musk began to fill the air and Cody inhaled it longingly, his own pants tenting as he took it in, but as much as he wanted to indulge, he reminded himself of his task. He had a mission to accomplish after all. ****

The general clamor of young people drifted across the quad, discussing new shows and upcoming concerts. Normally Shawn would have soaked it all in, but his mind had been preoccupied all day... then again, so had those around him. The teacher's assistant had given him extra attention, the other students seemed to be daydreaming all through his classes, at least until the cologne wore off. After that everyone had drifted back to the general ambivalence he was used to.

Shawn headed across the quad, walked around the gymnasium and started walking over the sky bridge over the roadway on the way home. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, debating a call to Cody to ask him more about his internship. Surely his best friend would tell him everything. As Shawn reached to dial, he froze, hearing a familiar growl of a car engine. Shawn turned, peering through the chain link fence that covered the sides of the sky bridge.

On the roadway below, Cody's car pulled out of the gymnasium parking lot, merging into traffic and rolling down the street. Shawn ran to the other side of the bridge and watched the car head past the Goat Grill and Pub, heading past the urgent care clinic before pulling into the parking lot of an old warehouse on the edge of the industrial district. It was at the far edge of his vision, but the car had in fact stopped.

Shawn bit his lip, wondering if Cody would be there long enough to catch up to. Shawn ran down the slope of the bridge, trotting down the stairs before emerging at the other side of the bridge. He looked both ways before he darted out onto the rail road tracks, using them to advance along the road as fast as his legs could carry him. Still, being on foot had its disadvantages. What had been a minute's drive for Cody was many more for Shawn, but after some time he reached the parking lot of the warehouse.

The shaggy haired youth rounded the fence and moved in, looking around. The warehouse had seen better days. The metal was rusted in places, there were birds all over the roof... but there were signs of life. There were cars next to Cody's and there was the faint sounds of the hydraulic box making machines running in the back of the warehouse. This had to be where Cody worked.

Shawn debated just coming in the front door, but without an actual internship they might turn him away... and Shawn needed to know about the musk. Against his better judgment he made his way around the side of the building, looking around for an access point. All the doors were obviously locked, but there were several panels on the side of the building that seemed rather modular... some of which were even connected to the network of fire escapes. Shawn made his way to the nearest fire escape ladder, looking up at where it rested in its dormant state, fully retracted.

The young man slipped the backpack from his shoulders, lowered it down before he swung hard. The backpack arched up and over a run of the fire escape, the weight of the books pulling it down toward the ground. The ladder rattled a little but Shawn hoped it wasn't enough to alert anyone. With a firm grip on the metal, he slipped his backpack over one shoulder before he climbed up rung by rung. When he reached the top and stepped onto the catwalk, the ladder slid back up into place.

Shawn counted his blessings as he looked around, trying to spot any guards before he moved forward. He tried one of the panels with no luck, then another. Just when he thought he was still going to be locked out in the cold, the third hatch slid open with near silence. Shawn grinned wide before he pulled it open wide enough for himself, ducking under the low gap. He checked to make sure there was a catwalk inside before he entered fully, standing up inside.

The loft of the warehouse was dark. All the lights hung down to a point lower than he stood, leaving long shadows cast across the ceiling. A conveyor belt ran beneath the catwalk, carrying the fancy black label canimusk cases. Shawn glanced down the length of the belt, seeing that the cases were building up at one end, ready for shipment. If they were leaving from one end, there was a chance it was being made at the other end.

Shawn moved along the catwalk, following it past room dividers. As he approached the rear of the warehouse, though, he heard soft moans and groans... sounds that didn't belong at a workplace. It sounded almost like sex. Shawn blushed and crouched down low, crawling just enough forward to peer down through the grating. What he saw was nearly enough to make him yelp in shock.

The warehouse floor was covered with workers, but they weren't normal workers at all... They were all tall, strong, muscled beings covered with fur... thick fur that matched their thick tails and pointed ears and long muzzles. They were wolves... huge manly wolves. Some worked the line, checking on the boxes. Others checked the machines as the Canimusk was injected into the bottles. The source of the noises, however, was a lot more... intimate.

A solid white wolf stood, his hands braced against the wall, his legs spread and his tail lifted. The reason why was even more shocking to Shawn than the presence of the wolves. Cody knelt behind the white wolf, his hands on the canine's ass, squeezing and massaging everything before him. Cody's eyes were glazed over as he manipulated the wolf's scent glands, trying to express them as any vet might... but unlike a common dog, the wolf man had plenty of musk to get out.

As the faintly yellow liquid began to leak from the canine gland, Cody brought a bottle up, gathering it up. It was musk concentrate, the potent stuff. The wolf panted hard, lowering an arm from the wall before wrapping a paw around his pink shaft, jerking off quickly. Cody panted hard, sweating as he gathered the stuff. Shawn watched him work, staying on his knees, his motions wooden. It was like he was completely brainwashed... and then there was movement.

From the sea of wolves, the largest one walked over. He was covered in fur as black as night, his teeth gnarled and yellowed, his paws gigantic. The black wolf came up behind Cody and reached out, petting his short red human hair before he leaned down, whispering something in his ear. Cody shuddered and moaned before a thick wet spot spread in his suit pants. The black wolf took the bottle of musk from Cody as Cody leaned forward, burying his face in furry wolf ass, licking and slurping with greed. The black wolf took the bottle over to the men working the machines, giving them a fresh batch to inject into many more containers.

Shawn was frozen in fear, not sure what to do. He swallowed a bit, feeling completely helpless. His friend was being brainwashed, made to do things. The wolves were making this stuff out of themselves, and if the sample he tried was any indication, with it they could do anything they wanted. He had to warn people, he had to get the word out... and he had to save Cody. Shawn bit his lip, wondering how much freedom they gave their pawn. If he could get outside and call Cody, maybe they'd let him go for that and he could find a way to fix him.

The eighteen year old backed up slowly, rising up from his crouch. As he turned, however, his foot caught one of the metal rungs of the guard rail and sent out a slight ringing of metal. The sound was enough to make all the ears of the wolves below quirk as they tried to hone in on the origins of the unexpected sound, amber eyes rising to the rafters.

"There!" A wolf shouted, pointing a clawed finger. Shawn turn and broke into a sprint, running for his life. His foot steps echoed loudly through the warehouse as he ran. Wolves broke into a sprint, many moving through the rooms beneath Shawn but others began climbing boxes to get to the rafters, chasing after him. Shawn panted hard as he pushed the hatch open he had come through before, running for the ladder. As he turned around to ride the ladder down, he saw a flurry of wolves emerge from the hatch behind him. The ladder rattled as it lowered and Shawn jumped down at the base, dropping his backpack to give him more speed.

Shawn turned and ran for the road way, picking up speed... but it wasn't enough. There was a thump as a wolf landed on his two hind paws and a hand, looking up with a grin. More wolves dropped from the sky, blocking Shawn's path. They rose up to full height, towering over the student. Shawn backed up slowly, whimpering before he felt himself back into something hard, hot and furry. He lifted his head slowly, gazing into the bright amber eyes of the big black wolf. The master grinned slowly.

"Hello Shawn... Did you come for an internship?" he whispered. Shawn grimaced at that. The black wolf looked to the others, "Let's get our visitor back inside, make him comfortable." The master said before he turned, heading to unlock one of the doors. Shawn was pushed along by the others wordlessly toward the building. Shawn felt the crushing weight of defeat... but at least he'd be able to find out what happened to Cody, even if he was going to meet the same fate. ****

Shawn grunted as he was put down into the chair. He felt cold metal slip around his wrists before the handcuffs clicked into the locked position. He tried to get up but it was to no avail. He looked around with wary eyes as the wolves circled him, but it was the black wolf that came closer. He leaned down close, his wet nose flaring as he inhaled the air around Shawn, grinning slowly.

"You don't realize it, but my smell is already all over you." The master whispered.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever... Are you going to eat me for discovering your secret?" Shawn asked. The master almost burst out laughing.

"Eat you... well, perhaps in a matter of speaking... but you've been doing more of the eating than me. Every night for a month... That unusual taste in your mouth when you wake up? The morning wood? That's been me..." The master whispered. Shawn hesitated before shaking his head.

"You're making guesses, any guy my age is going to have morning wood..." Shawn whispered. The master wolf smirked at that before he lifted his tail and turned around slowly, backing up toward the captive human. Shawn was confused at first, then terrified as the ass came ever closer. He was going to be smothered in wolf butt. He tried to turn his head away, to take last gasps of air but the master wolf reached back, turned Shawn's head forward and pushed his cheeks around Shawn's face.

Shawn tried to struggle, to hold on, but as the moments passed he was forced to expel the air from his lungs and inhale... and as he took in that musk, his body went rigid. His nipples grew erect and his cock hardened like a rock. Without thinking, Shawn's lips parted and his tongue plunged into the hole. He pumped the tongue in and out, deeper and faster. Shawn's eyes were glazed over as he gave in, sucking and slurping, making out with the hole like a practiced whore... but it was different this time, it wasn't just affecting his mind. His body was starting to be affected too.

The human's shirt grew tighter as his muscles firmed, his pecs rounding and his abs growing out. His sleeves grew tight as his arms thickened, his legs following suit... but the most peculiar changes came not from his flesh but from his hair. The roots of Shawn's dishwater blond hair darkened to chestnut brown, then black. His lighter streaks seemed more like the product of bleach rather than his natural tones. Even the hair on Shawn's arms turned black, darkening quickly.

As Shawn's tongue wriggled around like an active snake, soft black stubble pushed out of his upper lip, his chin and then his cheeks, growing thicker, growing in a ring around the orifice that was under the master wolf's spell. Even Shawn's tongue began to grow longer, becoming easier to control. His saliva thickened and his teeth began to throb and stretch into sharp points. Shawn drooled openly, panting hard, his ears twitching as they began to grow and stretch into points... but as soon as it started, the master wolf pulled away.

Shawn whimpered for a moment, but as the air cleared he was able to think again. His brain caught up to what he had just done and he gasped in shock, looking down at his rock hard cock and nipples, his more masculine body... and hair that was not the color he had grown up with. He gasped again, looking to the master wolf in pure horror... and arousal. The black wolf panted gently before he turned, looking at the human, licking his lips. As shocked as Shawn was, though, it was the other wolves that looked the most surprised and almost envious of the human.

"That taste was you... What have you been doing to me for the last month?" Shawn whispered. The black wolf reached up to rub his chest.

"Seeing if you were strong enough, if you were ready." The black wolf whispered.

"Ready for what?" Shawn asked back.'

"To become the highest of the high, more than an alpha wolf... to become a master wolf like me." The black wolf whispered, "To become my true heir." The black wolf said, moving over, sticking a clawed finger into Shawn's mouth. He ran his finger over the lycan fangs that were forming and Shawn's huge canine teeth. Shawn growled at the intrusion and bit down, the fangs piercing the finger and releasing the dark blood from within. The salty, coppery flavor hit Shawn's tongue and his back arched suddenly. The blue in his eyes shimmered as it clouded over, the pigment changing and shifting before they were a bright amber color.

Shawn spat the finger and the blood out of his mouth, but it was already too late. The stubble on his cheeks thickened, his muscles grew thicker and wider. He grunted hard, feeling the cloth cutting into his flesh before it started to tear. The shirt split down his shoulder and then around his arm, falling away to reveal a slab of muscled chest so thick that it could have belonged to a muscle builder. Curls of black pushed out, ringing his nipple before coating his collar bone.

The human's pants soon tore as well as meaty calves emerged, tearing and splitting up. The master wolf reached out and gave the pants a tug, the cloth coming away easily to reveal a gigantic bulge in stretched underwear, an erection raging against its confines. With a few more grabs, the scraps of shirt had been removed, leaving Shawn in nothing but the underwear and shoes... shoes that were stretching beyond their means.

The wolves watched as the shoes split out, the leather popping and the rubber peeling. The socks beneath didn't last any longer before the fabric split out and huge feet emerged, toes stretching and the sole elongating. Shawn's toenails slowly curved and grew into points, darkening from white to brown and finally to black, matching the hair on his ankles and the top of his feet. Shawn panted hard, his huge meaty, hairy chest rising and falling with every breath. He'd added over a hundred pounds of muscle and hair, barely feeling like the scrawny teenager he had been minutes before.

"Naughty, naughty... but I like your spunk. Means you'll make a fantastic master... my son." The master wolf grinned, reaching down to run a finger into his sheath, pulling it out. The finger was coated with thick, white chalky slime. It was the pent up sexual juices and head cheese that gathered over time. "Now I hope you like my spunk." The wolf grinned, painting Shawn's lips with it. Shawn tried to fight it, but the flavor invaded his mouth. He grunted and groaned sharply as his body responded.

The hair thickened on Shawn's chest and even his back, the hair coming in thicker. The stubble on his cheeks became a short beard, his mustache thickened and his teeth grew sharper. His yellow eyes grew heavy with lust and the underwear stretched around his cock. It had to be at least nine inches. Shawn barely had enough control over his senses to look down, but he watched as the master wolf poked a claw through the cotton of his underwear. That incision was all it took for the underwear to snap like a broken rubber band. It unfolded away from Shawn's lap and a fat, furiously red shaft slapped him against his hairy stomach.

The master wolf reached down, trailing his paw pad tipped fingers and claws over Shawn's hairy balls, feeling the curve of them before he brought a single finger up, working it back and forth over the length. The cock was dry and the finger was dry, making the friction intense. Shawn whimpered at that, panting hard, his canine tongue hanging out of the side of his lips as the wolf seemed to enjoy himself.

"What... what about Cody?" Shawn forced himself to ask. The master paused before grinning ear to ear.

"And that just may be why you'll make a fantastic master wolf... Intelligent enough to over-ride lust." The black wolf whispered, "Omega, come here." He called out. Cody pushed through the wolves obediently. Shawn looked up at his best friend.

"Cody..." he whispered. The master wolf smirked.

"Omega, strip for your masters." The black wolf commanded. Cody untied his tie, unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. Much like Shawn, Cody had undergone a transformation. His body was excessively sculpted and refined with muscle. His belt came next, then his pants and finally his dress shoes. The trendy suit fell away to reveal a hunky body... but Shawn wasn't gay. Why was he looking at his best friend like that?

"Cody, you gotta run, get help..." Shawn pleaded.

"I'll help you with anything my master..." Cody whispered. Shawn grimaced at that.

"We all are born to a certain station in life, you see... You blossomed early, intelligent and affectionate. Our friend Cody, here... He's more subservient. He had a crush on you since he met you, but then again he's always been a bit of a slut. He wanted to impress you with a job and a car... and now he lives a life where he can please you in any way you want." The master wolf whispered.

"Cody, is that true?" Shawn whispered. The black wolf gestured for Cody to move forward. The red head advanced, straddling Shawn, their groins pressing together as he leaned in. Shawn gasped as their lips met but Cody went at it without restraint, sucking and slurping, invading Shawn's mouth with his tongue, pumping it back and forth like he were rimming a wolf. Cody felt the sharp points of the fangs in Shawn's mouth before he moaned.

"God Shawn, your beard is so sexy and I love your fangs so much... Maybe you'll bite me sometime." He whispered, humping against Shawn.

"Did you like me all this time?" Shawn whispered. Cody nodded, nuzzling his face against Shawn's neck, lapping at the stubble there.

"I would have asked you out, except you were straight and I would have gone to jail." Cody admitted. Shawn was stunned by that, but even more stunned as Cody yelped, pulled off of his body. Cody stumbled back before lowering onto all fours obediently. Shawn looked up at the black wolf.

"I want you to release him. You can have me instead." Shawn declared. The master wolf murmured at that.

"You would give yourself to me fully, willingly? Become my son and heir, call me your daddy, love me as any of my pups might? For your friend?" The master wolf asked.

"Y... Yes, for Cody. I'll do it... daddy." Shawn whispered. The black wolf groaned happily at that, reaching to pet Shawn's face, combing his claws through the boy's thickening black beard.

"A counter proposal, my son. Become a wolf and you can set Cody free yourself. You'll be a master after all; superior to any alpha I've ever created." The black wolf whispered.

"What... do I have to do?" Shawn whispered. The master moaned at that, licking his muzzle as he moved forward. He wrapped one paw around Shawn's cock, giving it a few pumps to keep it hard while taking his warm, hot, huge sheath with the other. He brought himself tip to tip with Shawn before he started to work the flesh. The black furry meat spread out, stretching longer and longer. It plunged over the head of Shawn's cock, then some of his length, working lower and lower to engulf him.

Shawn's eyes rolled into the back of his head as his cock was fucked by a wolf sheath, the flesh enveloping him in its hot, wet embrace. The wolf sheath, practically foreskin, began to constrict and tighten around Shawn's rod, not wanting to let it go, milking and holding it. Shawn's fingers dug into the arm of his chair, his hand cuffs rattling. It was almost as if the sheath had a mind of its own. Soon their cocks were tip to tip inside, but the sheath was so much larger. The master wolf pushed it down, spreading it out over Shawn's cock until the impossible happened... Shawn felt it pool against the base of his cock.

A single tube of furry black flesh connected the two, their primal meats trapped inside. The master wolf pushed forward, the pointed tip of his canine cock teasing Shawn's slit. Shawn panted gently, his mind not able to fully comprehend what was happening... especially as the sheath started to quiver and bulge. The tight serpentine grip on his cock didn't let up, even as the sheath started to fatten and widen, growing outward.

The master wolf grunted and moaned, tipping his head back before he suddenly howled. For a split second Shawn didn't know why, but then he felt it... His urethra spread wide and the feeling of silky hot cum spread into his cock, rushing at the speeds of an orgasm in the opposite direction. The flutter of the tiny muscles and movements in his body triggered the sensation of an orgasm in Shawn's brain, but the wolf cum curved and slipped around inside his body, tainting the ducts and glands that contributed to his own semen. Soon his prostate throbbed and tingled before even his balls began to quiver and swell slowly.

The two were linked in a moment of sheer lunacy and pleasure. Shawn tried to hold on to who he was, to what made him himself but it was growing harder by the moment... and he had no idea what was yet to come. While the master wolf claimed Shawn's member, the other wolves slowly advanced, hoisting up their sheaths. It took all of their will power to keep their erections from raging, but there would be time for that once they completed their tasks.

Shawn was barely aware of the sensation as hot, wet sheaths were pushed over his hands, his fingers slipping into the embrace before his knuckles, palms and wrists followed. Soon he felt the hidden, hard, pointed cock heads pushing against his palms... and he instinctively began to squeeze and grope them. Other wolves crouched down, bringing their junk to Shawn's feet before they pushed their sheaths over his toes, stretching their nearly elastic skin outward to cover the sole of his feet and even his heels.

Near by, Cody began to masturbate furiously as he watched his friend enveloped, feeling such envy and desire. He panted hard, seeing the wolves in their true state, making more for their pack. He watched the sheaths quiver and shift with their captive flesh, but his hand slowed as he realized the time had come. The master wolf was preparing to pull back. The other wolves grew quiet, waiting with anticipation.

Shawn's eyes snapped open as he felt the first movement away from himself. The cocks pulled apart and the black wolf stepped back. His fat, furry black sheath began to retract as well, but the groin it left was not the same one it had connected to. As the flesh unfurled, it revealed beneath an equally black furry sheath soaked in cum. The Master Wolf stepped back, unleashing four inches of Shawn's new sheath, then six, then eleven before the sheath even started to taper.

The human looked down at his groin in disbelief as they finally separated, giving him over a foot of cock cover. It looked out of place, almost like he had on a black fur thong. His sheath and balls were completely covered but the fur tapered into a pleasure trail up his stomach. Shawn looked down at his own member in confusion, not fully accepting that it was his. The master wolf reached up and trailed his claws through Shawn's beard again.

"Good boy... good puppy." He whispered. Shawn wanted to be disgusted, but the words filled him with a sickly pride. He shivered and then a pointed, red cock head pushed out of his sheath, followed soon after by a slick canine cock. Inches emerged, then more and more. Shawn groaned, feeling like some long log was telescoping outward from a depth he didn't know his body had. Nine inches pushed out, then thirteen, then eighteen. The rod towered before him, the veins pulsing across its length.

"What... are you doing... to me?" Shawn panted, looking at the biggest cock he'd ever seen in person. The master wolf said nothing, taking his paw and placing it on Shawn's cock. He pushed it back toward his torso, the head hanging so dauntingly close to his mouth. Shawn tried to resist but he went cross-eyed, starting at his own cock, his lips hesitantly parting. The master wolf helped him out and pushed it that much closer.

When the salty, musky flavor hit Shawn's mouth, his instincts were triggered again. Just as if he was mining a wolf ass, he plunged his fuzzy face around the cock head and began to slurp relentlessly. He sucked and licked and slobbered all over it, bobbing his head up and down, his muscles flexing as he fed. The master wolf signaled for the other wolves to pull back just as he had.

As the wolves stepped back, their sheaths pulled off of his hands and feet, revealing the changes that had taken place. His fingernails had sunken into the digits, emerging from the tips as even more wicked, curved black claws that matched those on his feet... though his feet now more resembled paws. Parts of the flesh on his hands and feet had swelled into paw pads and black fur had taken over, covering both like he was wearing matching gloves and slippers.

Shawn flexed his hands and feet, feeling the powerful muscles that filled them. His claws scraped the chair arms, cutting into the metal and leaving small grooves. As powerful as Shawn felt, as much as he knew he could escape, he couldn't stop until he came. He bobbed his head up and down more, trying to get as much of the cock into his mouth as possible... even to the point of straining his anatomy.

The human's jaw began to crack and pop as it stretched, his lips pushing down his own cock slowly. Like an expanding sheath, his face was elongating to cover the cock. His larger jaw made room for his fangs to grow sharper and his beard grew thicker with more cheek space to dominate. The black hair grew all the way to his lips as they turned from pink to black, his nose darkening as the nostrils tilted up. Even Shawn's ears grew taller, taking on full points as soft hairs grew out over the front and back.

"Oh fuck, yes... Shawn, give into the animal... become a wolf, throw away your humanity and dominate me..." Cody whispered, jerking himself off harder, his mind starting to reassert itself through the haze of mind control. Shawn's amber eyes lifted up, looking at the red head as he sucked himself off... but Shawn's mind was taking on a haze of its own.

Shawn wasn't sure if he was looking at his poor best friend in need of rescuing, or a willing slut to be mated. Shawn already felt so strong, so muscled, so primal. He'd been inferior all his life, younger and smaller than his classmates. It would be so easy to dominate Cody, to fuck him... but was that what he was supposed to do? Wasn't he supposed to help his friend? Shawn struggled with his thoughts as he sucked himself off, but his body wasn't giving him a chance to make up his mind.

As the human's face extended into a muzzle and his nose grew black and moist, the changes were spreading over the rest of his body as well. Fur spread out from his groin, ringing his waist and covering his ass cheeks before growing into his leg hair. Thick patches of black grew out across his chest, pushing well past the point of mere masculinity.

Shawn snorted through his new nose as it went canine, the bridge angling up to fit his new muzzle. The fur swept up around his eyes and across his brows before coating his nose as well. The black fur spread to his hairline, growing into the dark roots. The dishwater blond highlights that had remained began to lighten, shifting to a silvery gray fluff on the top of his head like designer fringe. While there was little difference between fur and hair, the black fur along his jaw line remained extra bushy, almost like a pseudo-beard as his changes advanced.

With his head, hands and feet changed, the extremities of his body were fully furry and fully wolf. The fur spread inward, coating his arms, legs and neck, growing into the hair and fur that covered his torso. Before long the last of his human flesh disappeared, leaving the only visible flesh to be pitch black or furious red. Even his pucker was black, revealed as his ass cheeks pushed apart to make room for his growing tailbone.

Shawn sat in the chair, sucking away even as pain wracked his spine. He felt his tailbone growing outward, stretching and shifting, the segments being replaced with longer, more flexible pieces. The tail pushed through the back of the chair, black fur growing out in all directions. The tail stretched to a foot in length, then two, then three. It kept growing out, the fur widening as the muscle and flesh solidified. Shawn's body was muscled, furry and huge... He could tell already that he was bigger than most of the wolf pack. If anything, he'd grow up to be bigger than his daddy one day.

His daddy... his daddy the master... the master wolf, just like him. The ideas were infectious, spreading through his brain like a virus. Yes, the master wolf was his daddy... and he was more than just an alpha. He was a top dog, the heir to the throne. The other wolves weren't just his pack mates, they were his to command. He had all the power an d authority, he could make them do his bidding... and they were superior to the humans, humans that were so pathetic and weak to Shawn now. Shawn felt the power corrupting him as he looked around at them all. His canine nose flared, inhaling the musk. He was a master wolf, a commander, a leader. They would do anything g he wanted... and that power trip was enough to push Shawn over the edge.

The new black wolf's balls quivered, his shaft pulsed and thick, tainted wolf cum sprayed deep down his muzzle, coating his tongue before he gulped it down. The stuff was thick and sticky. His saliva barely diluted it. The others watched as Shawn's muzzle opened and closed, strings of the wolf spunk sticking to his fangs and the roof of his mouth like elastic. At long last he pulled off; his teeth stained a deep yellow from the potency of his sperm. He licked his lips and panted, his tongue lollingout over his lips.

"And thus a new master is born." The master wolf grinned. Shawn at there, handcuffed to the chair, at least six and a half feet tall and hundreds of pounds of furry black muscle. His cock remained hard, over a foot long... but his eyes had drifted to the human. Shawn slowly stood up, the hand cuffs snapping as he exerted the slightest strength. The other wolves backed up, not sure what to expect. Shawn strode forward over to Cody, reaching a paw out to rest on his hand. Cody looked up slowly, nearly hyperventilating as he took in the beauty of the new master. Cody whimpered and moaned and the other wolves watched as Shawn's huge member finally started to pull back into his huge sheath. Cody lowered his gaze, fearing his ugly humanity disgusted his friend to the point of going soft. The black wolf started to fear that Shawn's intelligence had won out, that he was about to free his friend and jeopardize the entire operation they had put into place.

Shawn remained before Cody even as his cock disappeared into his sheath, but what he did next surprised everyone. Still holding Cody's head with one hand, he pushed it forward as he stretched his sheath skin with the other hand. Cody yelped as the cock flesh pushed over his face, past his ears and around his head, closing around his neck. Soon the furry black flesh began to squeeze and shift, pushing on Cody's skull, soaking him with wolf cum.

While essentially head locking his best friend inside of his own cock sheath, Shawn's member began to push forward. The pointed head pushed Cody's lips apart, slipped along his tongue and nudged the back of his throat. Cody nearly gagged but relaxed his throat as the cock continued its advance. Shawn's member slipped down Cody's throat, advancing inch by inch. While none o f the wolves could see Shawn entering Cody, they could see his neck bulge with the presence of such a foreign body. Shawn's huge wolf cock extended to its full length, impaling the trapped man.

Shawn's fresh cum juices still saturated his sheath, soaking Cody's head. His red hair started to soften and grow longer, the hair spreading down his cheeks and chin and over his lips, soon covering more as it grew out across his forehead and nose as well. Cody's skull began to warp and shift seamlessly, growing out around the cock embedded in his maw. The human's nose lifted up and his ears stretched, the fur on his skull all perfectly uniform in length just as if he'd shaved it. The fur spread down his neck, out of the black sheath and across his shoulders. The other wolves cooed and started to masturbate, watching the omega receive such special treatment.

The changes done by the musk hypnosis seemed to adapt to wolfdom easily. Thick patches of fur covered his chest and back and shoulders, his arm and leg hair thickening to match the fur that covered his head. Cody's human ass pushed apart as a tail nub pushed out, wagging and wiggling away before fur erupted from it. The tail seemed out of place on his mostly human body, but that was changing quickly enough.

Cody's body warped quickly, his fur spreading over his perfectly chiseled body like velvet. The other wolves whimpered with mounting envy as they saw the red wolf being created, but the master wolf wasn't about to be outdone by his own son. He slowly walked around Cody, laying a paw on his fleshy pink ass cheek before he brought the tip of his own member to the servant's ass. Cody's back arched in realization just before the wolf pushed in.

Countless inches of hard wolf cock speared Cody into the ass, the two black wolves fucking him at either end. Their members were so large it was an anatomical miracle that they hadn't shredded Cody, but at the same time it was almost as if 'father and son' were about to butt cocks in the midst of the human's body, at least while there was still some human left. With both wolves going at it, Cody's changes advanced.

Red fur spread out from his luxurious tail, covering his ass cheeks and legs. His toes stretched longer as his toenails sunk into his toes and emerged from the tips as claws. His hands throbbed and ached, the fingers popping and stretching as well. Cody's back stretched out, his muscles bulged and his cock shifted from pink to purple to red, growing smoother and slicker... but all the while his head was still a mystery, encapsulated in Shawn's black furry cock sheath.

The other wolves kept up their masturbation as they watched, eagerly anticipating the last of the changes. Cody's red cock swung beneath him like a pendulum, blood rushing into the mushroom shaped head as it started to grow longer, the urethra stretching as the cock flesh pushed into a tapered, curved point. In a few ways it almost looked like a pepper. The curved, pointed tip came with an extended, shifted shaft that was fully canine, hanging below him.

Cody's canine member stretched to eight inches, then ten, then twelve. It ached and throbbed and soon dripped, but the sensitive shaft was soon protected by a growing red sheath that pushed out around his rod, sliding half way up before stopping. Cody had completed his transformation, but the two masters weren't quite done either. They pumped in and out ruthlessly, stretching Cody and turning him into the slut he really was... but Shawn felt an urge growing in his mind, a perverse and ruthless urge.

"Wolves... cum all over this slut. Make sure he never forgets his place as an omega of the pack." Shawn demanded, grinning lewdly. His compassion was gone, his innocence forgotten. He was corrupted by power, an animal of lust and instinct... but that was exactly what Cody had been hoping for, to see his sweet best friend become a master wolf, above all others and willing to fuck him silly. Cody embraced the order, hearing it muffled through the cock sheath covering his ears.

The other wolves were only too happy to oblige, moving forward, jacking off furiously. It was only moments before arches of semen sprayed out, soaking his red fur. It ran down in sticky streams, saturated and made him generally gooey. Cody tried to hold off, but that much sex was impossible to ignore. He shuddered and shifted before his own cock sprayed out, launching seed all over the floor. Shawn was close behind, lifting his head to let out a deep howl as his flood of wolf seed sprayed down Cody's throat. Joining in with his 'son's' howl, the master wolf was soon cumming as well, filling Cody from the other end.

Cody felt so warm and wet all over, cum filling his belly and guts and coating his body... but all too soon, the master wolves pulled back. The sheath unfurled from his red furry head dripping and soaked with semen in every orifice, the master popped out of his ass and Cody fell into a heap on the floor, panting and content. The other wolves continued to shower him with semen, showing no end in sight.

Shawn panted hard, reclaiming his breath before he looked up, meeting eyes with his father. The two black wolves exchanged gazes for a moment before Shawn rushed to his master, craning his head up. The master came down, tilting his head. Their muzzles connected, teeth gnashing teeth as they kissed at a ninety degree angle. Wolf tongues wrestled, slimy cum coated groins rubbed and the two were united forever in their forbidden love... a love that could never be challenged. ****

Shawn moved along the warehouse, step by step with the master, watching as wolves lined up. They all spread their legs, lifted their tails and braced. Other wolves, including Cody, advanced on them and knelt down behind them. Bottles were brought up with one paw while the other began to massage, squeeze and manipulate the flesh beneath. Cody seemed to have to resist licking the wolf's ass even more now that he was a wolf, but he kept to his task milking the scent glands and soon a faintly yellow liquid ran into the bottles.

The wolves along the wall seemed to be conflicted, feeling a slight degree of vulnerability for being in such a compromising position and yet they were so happy as their glands were milked to relieve the pressure that had been building up steadily. Shawn watched with surprise and envy as the wolves shuddered, some reaching to masturbate as they were jerked off. Shawn slowed to a stop before looking at hi new father with some curiosity, not sure how to start before deciding simply to be direct.

"How potent is our... scent juice?" Shawn asked. The master wolf paused and grinned a bit before he surveyed the wolves.

"Well... our kind produce a lot more fluids from our anal sacks. It may have been a genetic abnormality originally, but we found uses for it; marking territory, influencing others, warnings and portents. I was able to keep you in a hypnotic state for many encounters with just my scent." The master explained.

"So... the wrestling team, the ones promoting this?" Shawn asked.

"Their musk comes from the average wolves. The wrestlers will notice muscle growth, extra body hair... and slowly they will pull away from their heterosexual lives, embracing each other as the irresistible pillars of masculinity that they are." The master wolf grinned.

"But they won't go wolf?" Shawn asked. The master shrugged a bit.

"Well... not without something to push them over the edge - an encounter with wolf semen, a particularly wild sexual encounter." The master wolf smiled.

"What about if our musk was made into cologne?" Shawn asked. The master wolf growled with pleasure at the thought. He turned around and pushed Shawn against the wall. Shawn put his paws up to shield himself, but as the shock wore off he realized what was happening. He slowly spread his legs and raised his tail. The master knelt down behind his son and reached up, running a clawed finger over the spongy sacks on either side of the new master's hole. Shawn panted at that, feeling the pressure inside like tiny water balloons.

The master wolf held open a paw and one of the others tossed him a glass bottle. The master brought the rounded edge up, resting it at the base of one of the scent glands before he began to squeeze, expressing it slowly. There was resistance before the yellowish tan fluid began to dribble down into the bottle, a spicy and earthy scent wafting into the air. Shawn's fingers dug into the wall as he was milked. Shawn groaned, feeling a lot more like he had before the transformation. His father had him by the ass, right where he wanted him.

"If you were to spray this cologne on a human... Their muscles would grow immediately, but they would feel too good to notice. Their hair would grow all over their bodies, becoming incredibly thick. Their cock would harden and never soften, they would crave raw, bloody meat... and minute by minute, their body would change. They'd grow extra nipples, claws, a sheath and slowly be reborn as a wolf, ever loyal to the master that made them, addicted to his scent." The master whispered.

"And if they got... my musk... directly?" Shawn panted. The master smirked.

"If they were smart and strong, right for it like you were... They'd become a master wolf, the alpha of alphas... but if they weren't, they'd be reduced to gigantic slobbering feral beasts that only live for sex and food, unable to reason like a human, a loyal pet and nothing more." The master explained.

"You risked turning me into a feral beast?" Shawn moaned.

"You would have been sexy regardless... and we still would have had our fun, but I was fairly confident." The master wolf smirked, "At the very least, Cody still would have gotten his wish to get fucked by you."

"What about his musk? If each of us is different, what does an omega's musk do?" Shawn panted, groaning as the master switched to a different gland. The master considered for a moment.

"The cologne made from his musk... would drive a man insatiably to be dominated, to suck or be fucked by another man. The concentrated musk would do much more... strange things." The master said. Shawn whimpered, clawing at the wall.

"Like what?" he panted. The master took a breath.

"While the man would become more masculine, hairy and muscled and eventually a wolf like all of our musk does, it would... reduce the man to have the reproductive parts... of a female, rather than a male." The master murmured.

"A cunt boy? He'd make cunt boys?" Shawn panted.

"Manly, slutty, eternally horny cunt boys in need of being filled. Human, wolf, it would make no difference... and they would pass on that horniness to any they mated with, slightly more virulent than even our own." The master admitted. Shawn moaned louder, reaching to paw himself off, imagining the kids at school coming under the influence of the concentrate. Jocks becoming horny cunt boys while the nerds they picked on became huge hairy wolves... So much fucking and sucking and they'd all listen to him, the alpha of alphas.

Shawn pumped his cock even faster, soon bringing down his other hand to work at it, even though that meant squishing his muzzle and chest against the wall, squirting out his musk into his father's waiting hands. Shawn soon produced so much that the bottle overflowed but he was lost in the moment. The master corked the bottle and panted, his cock slipping out of his sheath. He leaned in and began lapping up Shawn's ass crack, slurping up the musk before his tongue plunged into his son's hole.

The black wolves went at it again, unable to stop themselves. Shawn panted and groaned, working his huge length, his balls churning and his cock throbbing. He inhaled the scent of all the milked wolves, all their musk and stink, the smell of sperm and sex. It was too much and he soon came, spraying his cum all over the wall before him. He arched his back and basked in it as his father licked his ass clean and pulled back, murmuring gently. Shawn slowly collapsed forward onto his knees, leaning his head back. The master wrapped his arms around his son, holding him close, leaning down to lick his super fuzzy jaw. Shawn grinned at that gently.

"Daddy, let's do it..." Shawn whispered.

"Do what, my son?" The master asked.

"All of it..." Shawn whispered, "I want to see this town turn furry, cunt boys and alpha dogs and so much sex that the rivers run white with sperm... I want to create a haven for us, liberate all those that feel lesser... to make an army that you and I lead together." Shawn begged.

"Baby steps, my son. We will claim the world, fill it with wolf packs... but this is just the advent, the start. We have to be creative. We must target the politicians with our spray, influence them steadily. We have to prepare and have resources..." The master whispered.

"But I'm so horny..." Shawn murmured. The master grinned.

"I know you are, you're such a good pup... but we have to put that lustful energy to good use, just like you did with Cody." The master whispered.

"With Cody?" Shawn murmured. The master nodded.

"He is free to be what he always was before... A slutty dog in heat. You saved him, just as any benevolent leader would do." The master said. Shawn murmured in contentment at that.

"I saved him, let him be the super slut he always was..." Shawn whispered back.

"We'll work on building our empire, son... Just have patience..." The master whispered, leaning down, tilting his head. Once more their muzzles slid together like interlocking puzzle pieces, their tongues wrestling. With every kiss, Shawn lost more of his own memories, everything growing hazier. Before long all he remembered was his slutty childhood friend Cody and how amazing his father was. Shawn wanted to grow up to be just like him... and he was truly well on his way.

Iron Relics

**Iron Relics** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Beardbear Earth... it was an ancient word, one that had come to mean cradle, grave and the biggest mistake that had ever been known. Now it was likely going to be the grave site for six...

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Man Cave

**_\<\<Warning: The following story contains graphic depictions of bodily substances. Read on at your own risk.\>\>_ Man Cave** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Kokarca The air had a slight bite to it, but that was to be expected in...

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Drift - 02 - Endless Shadow

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