Man Cave

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Written by Leo_Todrius

Commissioned by Kokarca

When a mild mannered skunk is surprised in the woods, he has no idea that his chance encounter with a very dirty bear will change his life forever...



**<<Warning: The following story contains graphic depictions of bodily substances. Read on at your own risk.>>

Man Cave**

Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Kokarca

The air had a slight bite to it, but that was to be expected in mid February. Hiking was a sport typically enjoyed in the spring, summer and fall... seasons where nature had its most to offer, whether it be the new growth, full blossom or autumnal colors... but Jordan Danielson had come seeking something else - solitude. While Jordan was quite popular at school with his love of baking, video games and his bubbly personality, he was still a skunk and they tended to be solitary animals.

Jordan advanced up the mountain slopes carefully, the tread of his hiking shoes gripping the soggy soil and fallen bark as his hand gripped a walking stick he had selected near the road side he'd parked on. The cool wind blew through his coffee and sepia brown fur, the cold cutting right through his white vest and black undershirt to give him a bit of a chill. He knew he was going hiking, but he had assumed his fur coat would have kept him a bit warmer.

The skunk's blue eyes peered down his narrow muzzle, through his glasses and to the beauty of the wilderness beyond. Jordan had been trying to get out more, to experience nature on its own terms. While there wasn't the green of spring or the orange of fall, it was still beautiful. Patches of snow clung to the ground, there were icicles hanging by the babbling creek. A few small creatures scurried about in search of food. It was enough to make Jordan feel quite good about himself.

Jordan pushed a branch out of the way as he continued, finding it easy to navigate. At five foot ten and a hundred and sixty pounds, he was near the model of fitness. He was trim, energetic, eccentric and openly gay. Thankfully university had a lot of Jordan's type to offer, fit hunky energetic men like himself. Still, as amazing as the eye candy was, it was important to get out and be one with nature, to get back to one's roots, to reach out and embrace it all.

Step by step, Jordan continued, feeling the ground finally starting to even out. He sighed with relief, pushing one branch out of the way after the next before he emerged into a small clearing. As he entered, he came across something he hadn't expected - the hulking mass of a five hundred pound bear, covered with thick ragged fur. The bear turned, saliva dripping from his dark lips, his claws glistening. He stood up on his hind legs, his belly wobbling as dark eyes looked to the intruder. He parted his lips and let out a roar. It was all it took for Jordan's natural defenses to go off, but with his choice in wardrobe the defense mechanism wasn't quite as effective.

Hot, wet yellow skunk spray soaked through his pants, smelling like burning tires and rotten vegetables. Jordan trembled in fear as he soaked himself in the foul smelling liquid, his tail twitching as his glands forced it all out before Jordan fell back onto his ass, his hands at his side. The bear sniffed the air, and to Jordan's surprise, he didn't retreat or attack. He reached up to wipe his mouth clean. Jordan panted gently, realizing he hadn't stumbled onto a natural bear's den, he'd come across a bear hybrid... a naked bear hybrid... a wild bear hybrid.

Jordan's eyes scanned the being again in disbelief. The bear wasn't groomed at all. A thick, burly beard hung from his fat muzzled face, his pecs and belly were so fat that he resembled his natural cousin and his sheath... was as fat as Jordan's shoulder. The skunk blinked gently, looking up at the bear before blushing beneath his fur.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to startle you..." Jordan apologized. The bear gave a grunt.

"Looks like I wasn't the one that was startled." The bear said, offering a massive paw. Jordan reached out for the paw before hesitating, seeing mud caked around the paw pads and the bear's claws stained yellow. Normally Jordan was a bit squeamish about getting dirty but he'd already soaked himself with his own spray. The skunk took the paw and yelped as he was tugged to his feet with effortless ease.

"Don't bears hibernate during winter?" Jordan asked.

"Most do, when they can't find enough food to last through the cold times." The bear replied, "Don't most skinny skunks stay in the low lands?" the bear grinned.

"It's good to get out sometimes." Jordan replied. Despite his gruff exterior, the bear seemed somewhat approachable... though Jordan started to feel embarrassed again. Despite being a skunk, he was still well aware of bad smells and he'd never smelled a stink like the one that surrounded him now. Jordan wondered if it was a consequence of going so long without expressing his scent, but now he felt bad to subject the bear to it.

"I probably messed up your whole day with my stink, I'm so sorry." Jordan apologized. The bear chuckled, reaching out to swat Jordan's back with his large paw, nearly sending the skunk tumbling forward.

"Like that'd be possible. Why don't you come to my cave, get changed... I promise you'll feel a lot better." The bear murmured. Jordan had to admit, the idea of getting out of his stinky clothes did seem appealing.

"Alright, if it isn't an imposition... You really are nice, and I don't even know your name." Jordan said. The bear reached up, combing a pawn through his thick beard.

"It's Karu." The bear replied, his muzzle pulling back into a grin filled with yellowed fangs. Jordan smiled; glad to make a new friend.

"I'm Jordan." He replied happily as the bear lead him deeper into the wilderness.


The walk back to the cave had been a rather long one, leading Jordan through an ever thickening maze of brambles and twisted, moss covered trees. Even the rocks seemed to be covered with a faint green slime from the lack of direct sunlight. It was the closest to a swamp that Jordan had seen so high up, but at last they reached the cave opening. Jordan was rather relieved, feeling the added pressure of his very full bladder on top of the weight of his embarrassment from being so saturated in skunk stink.

Jordan followed Karu into the cave, but he only made it a step or two before the most horrendous smell Jordan had ever taken in washed over him. He went slack jawed and retched a bit, fighting the urge to throw up before he pinched his pink nose, struggling to replace the breath he had expelled so suddenly... but that smell, it permeated the air and saturated everything. It smelled of sweat and shit and piss and musk, of old food and decay. The cave smelled like complete and utter disgustingness.

"What the hell?" Jordan asked, his voice sounding funny with his pinched nose. The bear continued into the cave, his fat paws reaching to root through some piles of clothes.

"I got some cleanish clothes around here somewhere for you." Karu said, oblivious to the stink or Jordan's comment. Jordan had tried not to breathe but his lungs were starting to burn from the build up of CO2 and the lack of fresh air. He slowly opened his mouth and took in a slow half breath. Even with his nose pinched, half the scent was there... Nutty and woody bittersweet scents, acrid harsher ones, and peaty earthy smells that were tantalizing despite smelling inherently wrong.

Jordan looked around, trying to figure out why it smelled so bad... but it also smelled a bit familiar. He'd smelled it for a while. Jordan's eyes widened as he realized what it was. He had assumed he had been the one smelling extra bad on their walk, but it had been Karu... and now they were in a tight and confined space, a space where he lived. This was his stink, his smell, his territory.

While disgusted by the scent, the skunk started to get distracted by the fact that there was a creature smellier than he. As a skunk, stink came with the game, but Karu... he opted to smell that way. Jordan looked at the big bear, his rotund belly and thick beard flecked with left over food, his hand drifting away from his nose as he took it all in. The bear lifted up an old black t-shirt with pride, looking at the Pink Floyd emblem on the front. He wasn't sure if the skunk would care for the music, but the rainbow light from the prism seemed to suit him.

"Here, kid." The bear grunted before he tossed the shirt. Karu caught it, but as the momentum of the shirt went from airborne to stopped, the sweat soaking the material flecked off, spraying Jordan down. Jordan went cross eyed at the sudden shower, the sweat overwhelming him more. He gasped in shock but that only made his head spin, taking the stink deep into his lungs. It felt like it was saturating him, burning his lungs and rotting his brain. It was so homely, so rancid, but somewhere deep down in his head, Jordan knew it was a smell someone had chosen. He panted and nearly hyperventilated, his eyes glazing over slowly from the smell.

The bear padded over slowly on large feet, reaching out to run a claw down Jordan's vest. The claw cut through the strings holding the buttons on, the little plastic discs clattering to the floor before the vest pulled open. The bear licked his fat lips before he slid his finger a layer deeper, cutting into Jordan's undershirt, exposing the fur of his lean chest.

"Why don't you try on the shirt, get out of your old clothes." Karu suggested again more softly. Jordan felt lost in his own head, unable to navigate through his thoughts but the suggestion was as clear as day. He reached up and shrugged off his vest, letting it fall to the side before he pulled his undershirt off, barely unbuttoning it. His tail twitched a bit as the cool air hit his small torso but the bear was grinning wide, "And we'll have to get rid of your pants, they are the worst part." Karu said.

Almost in a sense of obedience, Jordan stripped himself of his pants and underwear, pulling them down. His underwear were almost green with the concentrated skunk spray he'd let loose during his encounter with Karu. The bear reached out as the underwear came off, picking them up. He stretched the material wide and brought it to his fat nose, taking in a deep scent. The scent of melting rubber and rotten vegetables was exquisite to him. His fat sheath rumbled gently before a cock tip emerged from the furry tomb, glistening and dripping with thick, yellowed pre.

Jordan's nearly hypnotic gaze watched the bear's lips part as he gave the spray soaked underwear a slow lick and then another one, treating the material almost like a flat lollypop. Soon he popped it in his mouth, letting his saliva extract as much of the stink as possible, sucking on it before he spit it out and dropped it into the pile. Karu ran a hand up and down over his rounded belly, his eyes going back to the naked young man before him.

The skunk was lithe and healthy, tall and trim, clean and unspoiled. Jordan was a blank canvas to Karu, one that it was time to start painting on. Karu moved, opening the sweat soaked shirt wide before he pulled it down over Jordan's head. Jordan's nose wrinkled up at the intense scent, but soon the sweaty shirt came to rest over his shoulders, hanging down over his torso. It was so much larger than Jordan that it hung over his furry sheath, soaking even that with the bear's sweat.

"Now that's better, isn't it? I bet you were so tired of being that clean... You're happy to let loose, relax, right?" Karu asked. Jordan seemed to struggle a bit with his thoughts. Karu reached over, pressing through the shirt, his fat fingers probing Jordan's stomach before he felt what he was looking for, a bit of pressure. Karu smirked, "Come on kid, relax... let it go, like me." Karu said before fully relaxing. The silence was suddenly interrupted by the sound of fat furry ass cheeks flapping as a new wave of foul gas spilled out into the cave. Karu grunted, "Now that's a way a man is supposed to sound." He said happily.

Jordan's eyes dilated a bit but his body couldn't move. He was standing there, soaking in the bear's juices, his lungs tight and stiff and... to his surprise; his shaft was getting stiff too. It was as if all the forbidden disgusting filth was connecting to the most primal root at the core of his being. Ever so slowly his shaft was pushing out of his sheath, sliding against the soaked t-shirt. Karu watched Jordan responding so well but he reached back, sliding a finger between his ass cheeks. The claw tip grazed his muscled pucker before it plunged into the dark depths, emerging a moment later, brown and wet.

Karu brought the finger up slowly, bringing it ever closer to Jordan's muzzle. Jordan stood there, impassive and inert, completely transfixed. His senses had been pushed over the edge by the stink. It was like Jordan's mind had filled with static, but as the finger came close to his lips he was able to smell the earthy, nutty scent, to feel the heat and then... he felt it against his lips. Karu pushed his finger in, smearing the slimy finger back and forth. Jordan's body went rigid and tight, his muscles trying to fight... but then his cheeks went in, he took a gentle suck and then another, starting to slurp on the finger.

Years of adhering to societal norms came crashing down in a single instant as Jordan began to suck and slurp. His mind was still hazy but his sensations were starting to come back faintly as he sucked the finger clean, licking it and even gnawing on the claw a bit. Karu pulled his finger back slowly, smirking before he gave the skunk a pat on the head.

"Good boy, you really seem hungry. Well, I wouldn't be a good host if I didn't offer you something." Karu said before he turned around, leaning over. His little bear tail lifted up and his cheeks parted, revealing the hole where the flavor had come from.

Jordan stood there for a moment, not knowing what to do at first. The growl of his stomach rectified that. Jordan rushed forward, plunging his muzzle between the hot wet cheeks, his tongue probing Karu's hole. He flicked his tongue against the pucker before sliding it down deep, slurping it around rooting against Karu's ass.

It was hard to describe, but Jordan felt almost as if he'd been staring all his life and now he finally had a chance at a buffet. He worked Karu's rim, panting and drooling in the midst of trying to feed, letting out all the little grunts and snorts that skunks made, his instincts getting the best of him. It was just what Karu had been counting on.

Karu began to bear down, his muscles pushing along the contents of his bowels inch by inch before a soft, wet log of shit began to leave his ass, pushing into Jordan's mouth. Jordan had been caught off guard at first but he bit down, his sharp skunk teeth breaking the log into tiny pieces. He gulped them down and kept licking, nearly inserting his narrow muzzle into the bear's hole. The dark shit stained the fur around Jordan's mouth, but it wasn't just messy. The pigments in the fur were actually changing. The brown spread faster than the shit, sinking down into the fur above his lips and on his chin, the fur getting thicker and bushier there. Jordan hadn't a clue about the changes at all, focused only on his meal.

The hot, foul scat slipped down Jordan's throat and pooled in his stomach. For pre-digested matter, it was still quite dense and filled Jordan up fairly quickly... but he wasn't about to stop. An unnatural greed was starting to fill Jordan, a need to keep eating. Karu moaned happily as the tongue slipped around his rear end. He knew the true change starting to happen. Jordan was feeling the urge to prepare for winter hibernation... like all bears. It didn't take long for Jordan to start putting on the weight.

The skunk's normally trim stomach was starting to distend, rounding out beneath the extra large shirt. It rounded more and more with each swallow, but it wasn't just Jordan's stomach that was rounding. It was as if every bite he took was turned into straight fat. Soon his chest began to inflate a little, his pectorals growing soft and rounding. The skunk's arms widened, his legs thickened and even his fingers seemed to become a bit pudgier... but nowhere was the change more apparent than in his face. Jordan's narrow muzzle was widening, not just with a fleshy coating but in the very makeup of his genetics.

Jordan grunted as his nose and jaw popped, widening. His cheeks pushed out, his skull thickened slowly, his ears rounded a tiny bit. Still he ate, rooting against the ass, but even his grunts seemed a bit deeper.

Karu was nearly growling in pleasure, not wanting the moment to end, but sadly he was eventually out of any material to defecate. He pushed out the last and felt Jordan lick him clean, slurping and licking his hole free of any last evidence. Karu slowly stood up and turned around, nearly gasping as he saw what his foul lifestyle had done to the small skunk. In the span of a few minutes, Jordan had gained almost sixty pounds. The over-sized shirt fit him a lot better and his cock was still rock hard... but the femboi quality Jordan had before was replaced with something more masculine. Jordan had licked the fur around his mouth clean but a very dark brown stain remained, the color of the thicker fur on his face. The fur resembled in many ways a mustache and a goatee, a manly expression of facial hair that had contrast even with his own natural fur.

"My, how handsome you are..." Karu said, reaching out to run his fingers through Jordan's hair. The hair was getting a bit greasy and sweaty from all the exertion and Karu's fingers made it seem thicker, bushing up a bit, lying less flat than before. Karu admired the mane of hair that Jordan was likely to get, but there was still so much work to do. He reached down and patted Jordan's small belly, "I bet you're still hungry, aren't you?" Karu asked. Jordan moaned as his stomach growled and he nodded.

"Yeah, so hungry... I don't know why..." he moaned.

"Well that should be obvious... You have to get ready for winter, stock up on extra pounds." Karu said. "But it already is winter..." Jordan murmured. Karu chuckled.

"I mean next winter. How else are you going to be ready if you don't plan ahead?" Karu grinned. He had the kid eating out of the palm of his hand. Karu paused, realizing that was a good idea in and of itself. He smirked, "Then I know how to help you next." He added.

The bear reached down, taking hold of his fat sheath. He plunged his fingers into the foreskin, sliding them around, collecting the contents before his hand came out slowly. Collected in his palm was a ball of what appeared to be a sort of white waxy cheese, soft and stinky. Jordan's nose sniffed the air and he got a distinct aroma of a white cheese with after hints of foot. He grunted slowly before his cock began to dribble. Jordan crawled forward, coming to rest on his knees before Karu.

"Please, I'm so hungry..." he whispered. Karu felt so victorious. The kid didn't even care where it came from anymore. He held out his hand and Jordan went to town. His fat muzzle parted and he took a bite of the head cheese, the intense flavor spreading into his mouth. It was a more palatable flavor than the shit, but it also had a stronger aftertaste. The head cheese stained his teeth, soaked into the grooves and was there to stay.

As Jordan gobbled up the head cheese, his body started to change again. His belly rounded more, his cheeks widened, his shoulders expanded. Layers of fat were supplemented by new muscle forming beneath from the protein he was getting. For the first time in his life, Jordan's skunk tail didn't seem over-sized. It seemed to fit him just right as he passed two hundred and forty pounds. Jordan had soon cleaned Karu's hand and moved for the source, reaching up to peel back the bear's foreskin.

As the sheath was retracted, the entire length caked in yellowish white was revealed. Jordan drooled openly before his tongue plunged through the oily layer and scooped up streaks of the stuff. He took it down, completely abandoned to the pleasure and gratification of such acts. Karu reached down, combing his fingers through Jordan's hair, watching the skunk fatten up and change further.

Jordan's hands ached and throbbed as his claws thickened, becoming more menacing as they scraped the cave floor. The skunk's eyebrows darkened and thickened as well, just as the fur on his cheeks grew thicker and bushier, taking on the appearance of masterful side burns. A thin strip of the bushy brown fur connected the side burns to the fluffy bit of goatee, giving Jordan a very respectable beard.

The skunk nuzzled and licked the cock before him, unable to hold back even at his own deterioration... though that wasn't how Karu saw it. Jordan had packed on weight, gaining a sizeable belly and man boobs, his skull was wider, his ribs were further apart. Jordan wasn't just a skunk anymore, he was a fusion of the two... a skunk bear. Karu stepped back slowly and looked down at his new creation. A fat, wide bear tongue slipped out of Jordan's lips, slurping all the way from the front of his muzzle down the side to the back.

"Well you're looking pretty good kid, but I bet you're pretty thirsty, aren't you?" Karu asked. Jordan licked his lips some more in anticipation.

"You got something good for me?" Jordan asked hopefully.

"I think I just might..." The bear chuckled gently, lifting his cock back up. The big bear had already released many muscles, but as he released those blocking his bladder it was only a matter of seconds before the acrid yellow stream of piss launched out of the shaft and hit Jordan, spraying him down. Jordan shuddered as the liquid soaked his fur, sinking down and radiating more heat than he would have expected. The piss soaked his beard and throat, coating the shirt and running down his thick legs.

Jordan shuddered as he felt the hot liquid roll over his fat furry balls. Much like dipping his paw in warm water, it was all it took for him to release himself. Soon his own cock was spraying into the air, but the filthy bear in Jordan's head wasn't content with just a shower. He had absorbed more than just the bear's shit; he'd absorbed the bear's love of it. He opened his muzzle wide and collected the pee in his mouth, letting it fill up between his teeth all the way to his lips before he took a gulp, letting it splatter over his wide pink nose. Karu even sprayed down his hair, showering him with it all.

Jordan felt the last of his prim and proper behaviors being washed away as he was showered with bear urine, his hair soaked and his fur taking it all in. Even his tail was getting drizzled, though the big bear was getting antsy. Even as his cock unleashed torrents of amber, he was getting hard again. Karu huffed and panted and moaned before he moved forward, flipping Jordan around and shoving him forward.

The skunk moaned as he landed on his hands and knees, his tail hiked up in the air. Karu sprayed piss down across his tail and his hole, dribbling out the rest before he lunged forward. Jordan yelped in surprise as the slimy cock heat probed his ass hole before squeezing inside, pushing the flesh wide. Jordan dug into the ground with his claws, bracing against the onslaught. Even being so much heavier, Jordan felt small in comparison... which was almost sad.

Jordan could feel Karu's belly, his man boobs, his general heft. The momentum he swung around was ridiculous and made it easy to ream Jordan deep into his intestines. Jordan felt pangs of envy, wondering if one day he could grow as big and strong as Karu, to be that manly, to be that free and open and amazing. Jordan howled out, wrapping a paw around his cock, working it furiously as he was fucked in the ass.

Karu leaned against Jordan's huge tail, inhaling the skunk stink and the smell of his own piss. Karu groaned with bliss, tilting his hips, hitting Jordan's prostate over and over again. Both men were in the height of physical pleasure, unable to stop themselves even if they wanted to. Jordan tried to hold on but his hands tightened more and more before he tipped his head back and gasped, an orgasm ripping through his body. His skunk bear cock sputtered before thick yellowed semen sprayed out, but his ass hole quivered as well, milking the bear behind him.

As the muscles around his cock pulsed and tugged, trying to milk him, Karu let loose a huge load of sperm into Jordan's ass, pumping the skunk bear full of that many more of his fluids. The young man's natural scent was long since obliterated, replaced with the scent of the man cave. Karu let out a long, luxuriant growl of pleasure as he filled Jordan with his load. He slowly pulled back out of Jordan and moved over a few steps to where a worn out couch had long since collapsed under the weight of its owner.

Karu dropped down onto the cushions with a grunt and a belch, sighing with relief. Jordan was left panting and moaning, dripping and covered. He looked over at the massive bear, with his huge belly and beard. Jordan crawled over to him and leaned against his legs affectionately, looking up at the bear's wide muzzle.

"Now... what?" Jordan asked gently. The bear scratched at his belly, looking down at the skunk bear.

"Now, my little Kokarca, it's time for you to work on your own man cave." Karu said, reaching out to pet the skunk bear's thick hair. Jordan let himself be pet as he contemplated his options, smiling slowly.


University apartments in the U.K. were rather different than those in the states, but if there was any commonality it was that the scent of freshly baked goods and music could bring in potential friends. Jordan 'Kokarca' Danielson's apartment had proven to do just that. Heavy metal music resonated from the expensive sound system set up, flowing past the leather couch and chairs. The giant plasma television showed the most recent Mixed Martial Arts match, manly beasts slugging it out in the ring... but more than anything, the apartment was filled with the sweet and savory scent of freshly baking brownies.

There was a double tap to the apartment door before it was eased open. A husky boy with a backwards red baseball cap and a gray hoodie stepped in, running a hand down his black goatee. The pouch of his hoodie was slightly rounded with a little bit of a belly but he seemed to be from jock stock otherwise, strong muscles covering his body. Another figure followed the husky through, a crocodile wearing a purple knit stocking cap with fuzzy balls hanging on either side of his head. The two closed their eyes, inhaling the air deep into their lungs.

In the kitchen, Karca opened the oven and pulled out two pans of the fresh fudge brownies. He lifted them up onto the stove top and closed the oven before removing his oven mitts, turning to head to the living room. He grinned, seeing his friends. He moved over, giving the husky a huge hug and then the croc, chuckling.

"I didn't expect to see you two so early." Karca smirked. The crocodile didn't let go of the skunk bear, nuzzling against his arm pit. The husky, however, seemed preoccupied with readjusting his groin as he looked at his rotund friend and his rainbow LGBT pride shirt.

"Well those anime discs you gave us are really good, we caught up already and were wondering if there were more." The husky said.

"And we could smell your baking." The crocodile added affectionately.

"Dude, you gotta tell us what you put in those sometime..." The husky murmured.

"If I do that, Akino, you might not come by to eat so much." Karca grinned.

"Are you kidding me? I'm eating so fuckin' many that I'm getting a belly." Akino smirked. Karca reached out and patted his stomach.

"You got a long way to go to catch up to me. What about you Dizzy, you want some brownies?" Karca asked. The crocodile purred happily, reaching to give Karca a good grope.

"Oh yeah..." he purred happily. Karca smirked, turning to head to the kitchen, pausing as the phone vibrated on the counter top. He moved over and lifted it up, a foreboding feeling washing over him as he saw that it was an unknown number. He clicked the phone on and held it up to his ear. Akino and Dizzy watched with interest as Karca apparently only listened for a long moment before grunting a bit and hanging up. Karca turned, facing the other two.

"Hey boys, you wanna go to a party in the woods tonight? There's gonna be lots to eat... and do..." Karca murmured.

"Fuck yeah, I'm in." Akino grinned.

"You know I'll be there." Dizzy added. Karca grinned at that.

"Good, it'll be fun. You two help yourselves to brownies; I gotta use the loo real quick." Karca said. He turned and headed down the narrow hallway, letting himself into the bathroom before shutting the door behind himself. Karca moved over to stand in front of the mirror, lifting up his shirt so it rested above his belly before he tugged his pants down. Before long he was fondling his sheath, encouraging his cock to slip out.

As Karca wrapped his hand around his meat, he thought about how thin and fragile he'd been before, how he'd been fixated with cleanliness and impossible standards in guys. His life was so much better now. He could see the attractive qualities in any kind of guy, foster them and enhance them. It was such a relief to not be so vain all the time. He really was a bit of an awkward introvert, but once you got to know him, there was no stopping him from being an insatiable flirt. Life was better now, he was better... and damn did he like who he had become.

Jordan, or Karca as he considered even himself now, grunted and moaned as he jerked off, looking at how round his furry belly was, feeling a hot trickle of skunk spray running down from his tail hole. His friend hadn't noticed that they were on a slippery slope to the messier side of life or that Karca could yo-yo up and down in his own hygiene. He wasn't anywhere near as crazed with filth as Karu was, but they were all going to get a taste at the campout. Karu had invited them all to the man cave and Karca wasn't going to disappoint. Karca licked his gay bear mustache, a predatory grin crossing his ursine jaw. It was going to be amazing.

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