post pony shire mugman verson

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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this is my story on post pony shire, the other verson is done by another pony who edited it

In the castle it was a quite day, the shire was just cleaning the castle.

He mopped the floors and sweeps the dust away; he smiled but felt kinda out of place.

The same thing again and again.

Thanks to some stranger he was turned into a ailcorn, he could now fly up into the rafters of the castle and cleaned there, his magic was quite good too as his magic came from the princess old books.

"This is really boring, I need a change of pace, I'll look though the wanted ads"

He said sweeping up some dust and cleaning a vase.

After he had finished his work he looked though the wanted ads.

There where ads for everything, wonder bolts, entertainer, train driver, toy maker.

The shire looked though and then saw a small wanted ad.

"Wanted, mares or stallions for mail flights go see the whole of equstria and beyond"

Shire looked at it and went for it.

Shire flew towards the post office, he'd left a note for the princess, it read gone to try another job be back when ever.

As he landed others ponies looked at him he was quite tall.

As he waited in the queue he looked at the for sale ads on the side, he then took one down for music.

"Hello sir how may I help you today?"

An old grey mare said behind the desk

"I'd like to apply for a job of post stallion"

He said showing her the ad

"Oh well in that case, fill this form out and then go to the side and say again that you want to be a post stallion, good luck"

She said giving him a bit of paper.

Shire filled the paper out and then walked to the side only seeing a stallion at the gates.

Shire lifted the gate and the stallion stopped him.

"Paper work sir?"

He asked feeling small compared shire

Shire handed it to him; he read it and then stamped it with a pass in the box that had a mark saying pass fail.

"Follow me please sir"

He said leading him to a room.

In the room there was uniforms, the shire was put in there largest uniform.

He was then lead and he saw a few other mares and stallions waiting.

A stallion came out and looked at the new mares and stallions.

He then told them to line up they did so.

"Welcome to the post office try outs, you'll be tested on three levels, level one will be testing how powerful you are, by flying or walking into rain, snow, hail and thunder, and the worst weather for post ponies fog and for the Pegasus's you'll have to also fly though this"

"Level two will be the running test, you must out run a mad dog that'll chase and will bite you"

"Level 3 will be the most hardest but I'll leave that until I see how many of you are left"

He said looking at them as they stood there a few already looking worried

"Now then, let's start with the weather test follow me"

They followed him.

As they got to the course made up of 5 different elements of weather they gasped.

In front of them were 5 long tunnels, each had what the person said, but the fog one was covered so you could see anything.

Each one was long and looked hard

"Who wants to go first then?"

He said, others looked and back down, but shire stepped forth.

"Well done lad, now you're a, an ailcorn wow well in that case you'll be flying and walking good luck"

He handed shire a bag of post, shire tucked it under his wing.

"Ready, set, GO!"

Shire walked into the course the bag tucked under his wing to stop the letters and items getting wet.

Shire walked though the rain getting wet but not caring even though it was heavy and hard.

Next was the snow, shire walked though the snow with ease as if it was only a few inches deep when really it was normal pony height.

The hailed hit shire but it did nothing he just kept walking the small balls and golf ball sized one batting off him.

The lightning did nothing as well even almost hitting him he didn't flinch the fog was the same walking though it and exiting out the other side.

The pony there looked amazed that this pony wasn't in pain or crying from what he'd just been though.

He then looked for the bag thinking that shire had dropped it but shire lifted up his wing and there was the post bag dry and not wet.

"Lad that was the best! How'd you get though that weather? And not be crying or quite half way though?"

He asked wanting to know

"Easy that was, worked in tougher weather then that; now then you want me to fly?"

Shire said looking at the higher course the same as the walking one but in the sky.

The pony nodded

Shire flew up and waited.

The pony on the ground blew the whistle and shire flew

Shire went though the rain with ease, the snow was cold but easy, hail hurt but he shrugged it off, lightning flashed past him only missing him by inches, and the fog he just flew though it like it was light fog not thick enough to cut with a knife fog.

He landed bag only a bit wet from where he couldn't hide it under his wing but the insides were dry not damp wet or unable to be read.

"Another great run lad, now you lot that's how it done so lets be having you!"

He shouted

As shire watched the others try the courses he shouted out courage to the others, they all got stuck in one part of the course the fog not being able to see, there was a slight little thing in both of them, a cardboard cut out of a pony also having trouble getting though the fog.

As they rested from that they sighed, 2 left just from that quitting and walking out.

There was now only 5 left

"Well done you lot, two have gone just from one test"

"you lot are good to stay now comes level 2 the dog and you'll be doing two bits for this"

"Oh sorry did I forget to say you'll be pulling a cart while the dog chases you and going into a fenced area where the dog is?"

"Must have slipped my mind who's first?

Again the others backed down but shire went first again, he was enjoying this.

It was much better then cleaning the castle.

They put on the cart on him and he saw the growling dog still chained.

"Ready? Let the dog go!"

They pulled off the chain and the dog came a running woofing and snarling.

Shire then galloped away kicking up a lot of dust in the dog's face, it coughed but still ran after him, the shire then started to zig zag.

The mutt kept coming after him panting from the zig zagging but also slowing.

Shire snorted and galloped fast along the road so fast the others watching lost there hats from the wind he made as he pasted.

The mutt gasped and lay down tied and not wanting to know it walked back to its chain the shire stopped snorting and smiling.

"Well done lad that was the best I've seen, where'd you learn to do that?"

He asked again wanting to know

"Easy, back on the farm with the cart, if the dog got you, it cost you a rabies shoot and loss of food, so you ran until the dog either gave up or you where back home where you could get your ma to chase it away with her pan"

He said not quite out of breath but gasping a little.

The next part was the run to the front door from the gate and put the letting in the letter box.

This might have been easy but the dog was angry not from the race but this was dog that never liked post ponies.

"Ready? GO!"

Shire snorted and looked at the dog; he stepped back and galloped towards the fence leaping over it.

The dog cowered then looked and saw him at the door posting the letter feeling a big dumb from that.

Growling it ran and charged teeth bared ready to chomp on that nice pony leg.

Shire waited then from no where got a bone and lobed it into the dog house.

The mutt stopped and panted and ran into its home munching on the bone, the shire exited.

"You sure you've not done this before lad? Only with another mail serves?"

He said looking at the others who where in owe over shire's powers

The others went and got bitten hard.

They quit as they knew that from here it was only going to get worse.

Only shire and one other pony left, he was wet, tried and bitten but wanted to keep going.

"The final part of the test, and only 2 left"

"Both of you are now at the final leg, sorry for that pun"

"You must now go to an address with this letter; you only have 5 minutes to get it there the reason? It's an urgent letter addressed to the princess who is waiting"

He handed them to the two ponies.

Shire ran off galloping away then took flight.

Shire flew though clouds leaving pony shapes in them one of the clouds was a rain could, he just kept going.

Shire then crashed though on of the window to the castle thankfully with nothing on it.

Shire then crash landed at the princess feet holding the letter up.

She picked up and it had nothing it but she was recording the time.

"3:55 the best time yet well done shire I'm impressed"

She said waiting for the other letter.

The other pony came in just over 5 minutes, but said he got lost in the clouds.

"Well done shire and fluke, you two are now real post stallions"

The pony handed them two badges, both had a mare and a letter in its mouth.

They both hugged each other but knew there new job was going to be tough.

Each day they got up and fought the tough weather like they had from the course.

Mad rabid dogs or other creatures chasing them.

Fluke quite after a week he was bitten, and had lost ponies mail.

Shire kept going; nothing would stop him, until an urgent letter was dropped into the pony's mail box, but at night.

"Shire your needed, urgent letter"

One post officer said handing him the letter.

"I'm on it,"

But shire had no idea what he was in for.

He grabbed the letter and flew off, flying toward danger, for every so often that letter would come though at night but it was a fake a trap meant to trap post ponies and shire hadn't been told about this.

Shire flew and landed seeing he was 5 minutes on the dot but it was a long flight, he then looked at the cave.

There was no letter box so he walked in, he was careful though not waiting to disturb anything or one.

Then he heard voices this distracted him then whoosh, he was trapped in a net then a louder voice was heard.

"Ah it would appear another mail pony has been sent to me, I do like to keep them as pets"

The monster said showing himself,

The monster was a dragon, a big one, black all over with grey under belly scales.

"What do you want from me? I've got this letter to give to you, this is funny but not to me"

Shire said trying to get out but his wings where trapped in the net.


He bellowed and roared, as he grabbed the net and chucked him into a cell.

Shire looked as the dragon re-set the trap; he then heard voices from the cell he was in.

Using his magic to light up the cell he saw what was making those voices.

there was 5 pony uniforms all post ones, then he heard more voices using his horn to light the back of the cell more 6 other ponies all grey and in uniform thin and looking almost like skeletons.

He was shocked; no wonder they needed new post ponies if they keep going here and then not returning.

Shire knew he had to get out, but how?

Shire looked at the door holding them it was wooden and old, he rattled it and it was so lose a hard kick would knock it down.

He paced back and forth thinking, he then saw at the back of the cell an old post cart.

He looked inside and there was nothing, just mail, the first thing he did was open the mail the mail was over 30 years old even older.

But the others just looked him, he couldn't do that, it was agents the rules.

Shire then found a few boxes of the same size addressed to one street in the road, opening it up there was loads of old candy bars from years ago.

Shire handed out old chocolate bars; the ponies ate them having not eaten in ages as the dragon only feed them other dead animals.

Shire then made a fire from the letters making sure they where junk mail ones not real letters.

After talking with the ponies he had a plan of action, he then told them the plan.

After that he had told them the plan the ponies to into the cart, one of them found some TNT in a package and another some old sleeping pills.

The shire watched the dragon he then put the pills into a candy ball the whole jar hoping it would knock the dragon out enough.

"Oh mister dragon, these chocolate bars are wonderful, here have one"

He held it out from the cell

"Oh thanks, not as good as my gift I was supposed to get 500 years ago along with my gift"

He ate the bar in one gulp almost taking shire's hoof with it, the dragon yawned and fell asleep.

The shire looked at the dragon making sure he was out cold before putting the plan into action.

Shire lightly kicked the bars down, he caught them as they feel so as to not wake the dragon he then put it to the side, other ponies put the TNT by the door, a candle light the fuse.

They then got into the cart as shire galloped away with the ponies inside just as he got to the door he took flight and....


The TNT went, this boom woke the dragon, he roared as a lump of cave hit him then more as the cove collapsed behind him.

The shire watched as the cave feel and was gone he then waited.

The ponies in the cart cheered, but then a roar was heard and the dragon appered from the rubble angry and not happy.

Shire landed and looked to see what the dragon's next move was.

"Grr! Dog go get them!"

A dog woofed and started to chase after them snarling and biting at air.

Shire waited then kicked up a load of dust dirt and stones making sure he was also moving as he did that.

The dog stopped and coughed waving the dirt away.

It then saw that they where gone, it woofed chasing after them again.

The shire then started to zig and zag, the dog woofed and gasped it was getting tried.

The other ponies in the cart had found some meat they threw it at the dog.

The package of meat dropped and the dog stopped eating it then he yawned and feel asleep, more sleeping pills had been found.

The dragon roared and flew after the ponies.

The shire flapped his wings and flew up into the sky he knew the dragon might be able to breath fire and would kill the forest at least in the sky it would protect the forest.

the cart flew too the ponies in the back holding on for dear life, the dragon flew to the cart and snapped his teeth just missing the back of the cart.

The ponies threw the last items out but the dragon just ate them.

The dragon then opened it mouth and the ponies saw fire he was about to shoot it

The shire then flew into the clouds and hit the fog then he waited.

The dragon flew into the fog he then roared as he couldn't see he flapped his wing but the fog like a blanket just wrapped around him.

Shire lightly flew out of the fog and landed running away wing now tried from that flying.

The dragon roared and flapped his wings, but nothing happened he then blew fire making the fog go away; he then saw shire and the ponies.

The dragon flew towards shire; he was only a few inches away from the post office.

The dragon roared and flew downwards he was going to crash into the ponies hopefully either hurting them or making them pay for what they had done to his cave and not giving him his package all those years ago.

The older ponies held each other hands and started to pray.

Shire waited for the dragon, closer, closer then shire moved to the left sharply.

The dragon had no time to stop himself and crashed into the ground, hitting the ground hard then rolling going over and over until he stopped a few metres away from the post office.

The shire ran in front of the dragon and looked at the dragon, he roared but stayed down.

"Well at least now I can destroy the post office for not giving me my package 500 years ago"

He said starting to smoke ready to shoot his fire at the post office.

"Wait that's why you captured post ponies? What's the name of your cave, and your name?"

Shire asked quickly parting the cart as other post ponies helped the older ponies out of the cart.

"D. argon, I sent off for an item 500 years ago and never got it, even though I got the letter saying we've sent your package."

He said looking at the post office and wanting to destroy it.

Shire walked into the not derived area or not colleted area.

Shire looked though the post years then saw the post from 500 years ago and there was a big package, it was old and still wrapped in brown paper still addressed to a mister D. argon.

Shire picked it up and carried it outside.

"Here's the reason, you needed to come here to fetch it, too heavy to be carried to your cave, sign here"

Shire said holding out a peace of paper which looked as old as the paper on the letter, the dragon signed it picking up the package.

With a swipe of his claw he opened the box and there was a machine made from tin.

"Wow, 500 years and it still looks as I remembered it!"

He said pulling out a coin.

He put the coin in the ponies cart, the pony in the stable started to move hitching up to the cart and walking up a hill.

It then got to the top and dropped off the coin into a box behind the mountain.

Then a lion came up with a bump on its head and chased the pony back down the hill, it then stopped half way the loin and went back to the top the pony ran back down and hid in his stable, cart stopping and turning around to be loaded and so did the pony.

At the back was a key which when opened showed a plastic pot and there was the coin, it also showed the workings of the toy.

"That was fun!"

He flew off with his tin toy to have fun; the shire felt sorry for destroying his cave so flew with the dragon and used his magic to repair the damage it was easy to repair a jigsaw puzzle but on a much larger scale.

Afterwards the older ponies returned to there homes, but most of them returned home to find another pony living there.

Shire got princess celetia to send them back to there time and change the time lines a very hard task to do.

With her horn glowing each pony went back to there time she then spent most of the day changing events and making sure nothing could go wrong which it didn't as she was in change of it.

The post ponies cheered and thanked shire.

They now had a dragon that was no longer a danger and wouldn't be taking post ponies any more

Most of the mail in that area was to be derived to ponies but because of the dragon no one dared go.

Shire then handed his uniform in the ponies looked at him.

"I'm sorry but this was fun but not for me, a bit too risky, but if you need someone to run the course, call me, I'll be glad to show how it's done"

He said flying off with the princess

As he got back to the castle he flopped onto his bed, tried from all that flying.

He then drifted off to sleep.

When shire awoke he was in for a surprise, when he looked out of his window he saw the dragon.

He flew out and saw the dragon in a post officer uniform or a hand made custom one.

"Oh hello shire, I thought I'd pay you lot back, by helping, I'm now international mail, if a pony wants to send a letter or big thing to another pony, I'm here for them"

He smiled flying out

The shire smiled, he then got to work mopping and sweeping the castle floors.

Back to his old routine, but he enjoyed it, no post to give to ponies, no getting at 6 in the morning or earlier.

He was now happy as he enjoyed this working to his time shift and not to some other ponies.

Though every now and then the post office would invite him back to run the course to show the new trainee's how it's done.

The end

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