one too many muffins

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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a derpy story for the MLP fans,

It was a nice day in pony Ville, derpy was giving ponies there mail sadly in the wrong order, mostly giving ponies the next doors mail instead of there own then giving next door the mail from where she just was.

When she finished she noticed she had some junk mail, derpy loved these, the reason was they where fun to fill in and see if she would win, but this one she really wanted to win.

"Want to win a life time supply of muffins? Then answer these three questions and send it to this address"

The card read, on the back was where you put your name and address, and there where the three questions on the front was a picture of a muffin.

1/ what are muffins?

2/ what type of muffin is blue?

3 how many dots are on a muffin?

Derpy flew home and put the card down she then filled in the first part but the answers stumped her.

"What are muffins? That's though, there a nice snack, but there also a treat, and food; I know I'll put all three"

Derpy wrote all three and smiled

"What type of muffin is blue? Another hard question, blueberry? There blue, yes that's it!"

She wrote that down,

"3rd question, how many dots on a muffin? Muffins don't have dots they have raisins, silly ponies even I know that"

She wrote down that they don't have dots they have raisins.

Derpy smiled from filling it in then looked at her belly as it rumbled from thinking of muffins.

She got out from the cupboard a muffin and ate it, she then sent the letter off to the mail shop, thankfully another mail pony put it in the right letter box of the company instead of derpy who would have sent it to her self, sadly that how and why she doesn't win.

A few days later derpy was again mixing up pony's mail, twilight got a book on the wonder bolts and rainbowdash got a book on old spells they soon changed over.

Derpy went home and saw she had a letter in her mailbox.

She pulled out and looked it, it was in a gold envelope, this had to be good or at least another at least you tried award.

She tried to open it but couldn't, she tried pulling but that did nothing.

Shaking the letter just made her hoofs hurt, and putting it in the mail box again hoping it would open failed too.

Thankfully a friend opened it for her she had lost count how many times she showed her how to open a letter but she enjoyed seeing her happy.

Derpy read it and was shocked; there was a picture of a golden muffin.

She had never seen that before.

"dear miss derpy you have won our competition, you have won a life time supply of muffins and a free trip to our factory to see how their made, well done on spotting the trick question of dots"

Derpy smiled and grabbed her bag and flew off to the factory with the letter.

She sadly got lost and visited the cakes who said they where not the muffin factory.

she then got to see how pies where made at the pie factory which again she was told wrong factory.

She then got to see dounut Joe and how his shop worked and he said wrong shop and pointed her towards the muffin factory she then got to the muffin factory bye flying in a straight line thanks to Joe.

"Ah Miss Derpy so glad you found us I heard you got a little lost follow me, to the factory of muffins!"

The pony opened the big doors and there in front of derpy was a factory making muffins by the second.

She looked and her jaw dropped she then flew over to the start and watched how the mixture was mixed by ponies each ingredients where added and made sure it was fresh then put into a cake holder once the mixture was right.

Next the baking came; derpy sniffed the smell of cooking muffins and saw how they raised up high but they where bare.

Next came the raisins, which where fired using a gun to shoot them into the muffin then they where checked to make sure they had gone inside by opening one and seeing if the dough had stopped them or if it had only gone in a few inches.

Then they where cooked again to give them a nice crisp top.

"Well how did you enjoy this tour miss derpy?"

The pony factory owner asked smiling wearing his muffin hat


Was all derpy said smiling and enjoying herself looking at the muffins mouth watering.

"Yes, and now for your life time supply of muffins, enjoy"

The pony boss opened a door and from floor to roof was nothing but muffins all fresh and waiting to be eaten.

Derpy gasped and flew right into the middle.

The factory ponies watched and listened only hearing the quite sound of munching, then the pile started to go down.

Derpy just kept eating and eating not stopping or slowing down.

Derpy started to get bigger her tummy swelled from the muffins her legs started to go inside her body from how big she was getting same to her arms and her neck started to get more chins.

She kept eating she had reduced the room to window height in less then a few hours, the owner was worried, what if the pony popped?

"Um Miss Derpy you do know you can eat more later you don't have to eat them all in one go"

He said looking at the still growing pony as the muffin pile started to go down and he could see the floor.

Derpy just kept eating and getting bigger soon the roof started to swell from her size it then burst and she was now out of muffins.

She then leaned down and grabbed the fresh new muffins and ate them, workers ran for fear of being crushed by falling factory.

"I'm ruined! That pony is eating me out of business!"

He ran too as derpy kept eating the dough for the muffins.

She was soon full though, she then burped sending the rest of the factory away with the gale force wind from the burp all that was left was the machines and a few bits of factory floor and walls.

"More muffins"

Derpy said getting up and making a stamping noise as she walked looking for more muffins.

Twilight was reading some book on magic when she saw her cup of water start to shake; she then looked out of her window and saw ponies running away screaming and shouting things.

Twilight got to her door and saw derpy walking towards her home much bigger then she had seen her.


She said not believing what was in front of her a big pony walking and making everything shake when she walked.

"Hi twilight, got any muffins? I'm hungry for them"

She said opening up the cakes house and grabbing the muffins then eating them.

They grabbed there kids and ran out of the house, pinkie pie tried to stop derpy but nothing worked, she just kept eating the muffins

"Hmm more, more muffins"

Derpy said sniffing the air and going towards another home that had muffins.

"What's happened?"

She said seeing the muffin factory owner running for his life and grabbing him with her magic.

"She ate a life time supply of muffins, she just kept eating, not stopping, I don't know what to do!"

He ran away as derpy took off his muffin hat and ate it.

Derpy was now tried from eating too much, she lie down and started to sleep.

Derpy was now very big and very full of muffins.

Twilight knew that as soon as she woke she'd want more; possible eating the whole of equstria if she wanted too, twilight had to do something.

She looked though her books and then found a spell on brain washing.

A few hours later and derpy awoke and yawned, he then felt her belly rumble, it made the earth move.

Derpy got up and looked in homes.

"Muffins? I want muffins!"

She raged throwing a house to the side it smashed to peaces as she got up and walked towards the smell of muffins.

Twilight looked and had perfected the brain washing spell.

Derpy raged and threw homes around looking for muffins she then moved towards canterlot, where there were more muffins and the castle.

Rainbowdash carried twilight onto derpy's shoulders, she then put twilight down, twilight then used the brain washing spell, pinkiepie in the hot air balloon used the speaker to tell derpy some things and to yell at her for wreaking the cakes home.

"Muffins are bad, muffins are bad, muffins aren't nice, muffins are only to be eaten when we say"

Pinkie pie said as derpy listened she then stopped.

"Muffins bad? Muffins bad, derpy bad, derpy trashed homes"

She started to cry, this was like rain, she then sat down and sobbed.

Twilight comforted her, she then said that she was sorry and wanted to help tidy up.

She did that she helped hold up homes and put homes back the way they where, all this work made her loss her muffin size ness.

The factory owner re-built his factory and derpy helped, they needed power to bake the oven and to power the mixers as derpy had knocked out there power, twilight made a big treadmill which derpy ran on and lost more weight her running making the machines work.

As soon as the factory had got back its muffins they stopped derpy running, she was now back to her normal size.

Twilight then re-moved the brain washing spell, saying no eating muffin factory's a muffin every so often is fine.

Derpy shock her head and smiled eating a muffin then looking at the others and saying no, she then wrote a letter to the princess.

"dear princess celetia, sometimes its okay to pig out on your favoured food, or muffins, but if you eat too much you'll become very big and very powerful, a treat every so often is all you need, not every second, that's what I've learned today, yours derpy muffin rule by the way"

Spike then sent to the princess, she got it and smiled eating some cake then looking at the rest of it but not eating it.

The end

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