luna and the shire go at it

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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in all ages as its not what you think

It was a nice and quite evening, celetia had made the sun set and Luna had raised the moon, at this time the castle cleaner was starting his work.

It was easier to start at night as there are fewer ponies around.

The castle cleaner was an earth pony, but a big pony, a shire pony, the height of princess celetia and the bulk of big Mac.

He came out from the secret passageway to the slave's quarters and had brought along a mop bucket broom and his record player.

Back on the farm where he grew up one Christmas many moons ago shire was giving a birthday and Christmas present rolled into one, it was a record player a wind up one.

He loved it and would take very good care of it, even after selling the farm and becoming homeless it was the only thing he kept, it was also the only thing he had left of his parents, other then a very old picture.

As the shire winded it up he put on a record, sadly shire's taste in music was mixed, he put on some old country, he then started to mop the hall way next to Luna's room.

Luna was looking though some old papers and doing some nightly paper work when she heard the noise of the old country she tried to ignore it but it was too loud.

She walked out of her room and saw shire, cleaning.

"Cleaner! Thou demands that you turn that noise down!"

Luna said.

"Sorry Miss Luna, I don't see anything agents not having music on what ever volume you want"

He then turned it up more dancing away with the mop enjoy the wailing of some old dead country pony.

Luna's eyes glowed she then took aim and fired at the music player it went boom, Luna however had forgotten two things.

One; they no longer make record players, maybe in her day yes but now, no.

Two; that that was shires only thing left of his parents.

Luna looked and then walked over to look at what she had done; she didn't mean to blow it up just to stop the sound but instead had blown it up.

Luna looked at shire who had stopped mopping and had noticed the music had stopped, his ears turned back like a very angry horse.

Shire turned and looked at the remains of his record player bits of wood and plastic still slightly on fire.

"Thou is sorry cleaner, I was only meant to turn it off"

Luna said turning around not knowing what she had done

A roar was heard from the shire, Luna looked and there was a pony leaping at her, she then felt a hoof hit her royal face, then another and another.

Each hoof to the face was powerful; she couldn't use her magic as the hits came to fast.

Celetia heard the boom and the roar so decide to see what had happened she teleported to the area and saw Luna being attacked by the cleaner.


Celetia said using her magic to pull him off of her sister,

"Let me at her; let me at her I want to keep hitting her until she bleeds!"

The shire kept thrashing but the magic stopped him,

"Has thou lost they mind? It was a record player they are easy to replace plus thou said sorry for blowing it up"

Luna said healing herself with her magic,

Celetia then whispered into Luna's ear what had happened a few odd years ago when they stopped making record players.

Celetia let shire down he looked at the mess that was once, his record player, picking bits up trying to put them back into there right place.

Luna walked over and looked at the remains feeling a bit sad.

"Cleaner, thou did not know, I'll buy you a new one"

She said

Shire turn turned and spit in her face the spit ran down her face and all shire did was say a few words right to her face.

"It's not the record player, it's the memory's you are dead to me, I never want to see you again"

He left the remains picking up the cleaning stuff and walked off crying, celetia went to help but he had gone down one of the passageway to the slave's quarters.

Luna stood there the spit still on her face, she didn't know how to re-act, not only had she destroyed something no longer made but also someone's only last item of there parents.

Luna went to her room to wash the spit from her face.

Shire kept on cleaning the castle just one area and room he left Luna's area and room that was the only place he wouldn't clean.

Celetia told him to but he wouldn't do it.

One day though he had too but he had a plan.

One morning when Luna was out doing royal work, shire went into her bedroom and looked though her dairy, as he read he learned about a doll, Luna's parents had given it to her as a baby.

Shire then saw the doll on the shelf.

Two red horns a tail and an evil smirk came over his face.

He got the doll from the shelf and tore off an arm, then a leg, then the other arm then the head then the last leg; he then ripped the stuffing out and then looked at the mess on her bed.

He then wrote a note and left it by the remains of the doll.

The note read;

"Dear Luna, now you know how it feels to lose something you've had for years, enjoy the pain you put me though on that night"

Shire was cleaning the main hall when he heard a scream; he smiled and then turned seeing a very angry Luna.

"Now you know how it feels, wanna fight? No magic though pure hoof to hoof action"

Luna roared putting a lock on her magic then put up a force field to stop anyone stopping them, she then charged at the shire knocking him into a post.

The shire kicked her away he then head buttered her and rammed her into the force field.

Luna then kicked the shire in the face blood and teeth went flying, the shire then kicked her in the belly, Luna gasped shire then slapped her.

The rage was high Luna hit the shire the shire hit right back.

They hit each other back and forth both bloody, rage following though there veins.

The shire then got in a cheap shoot by licking Luna's horn; she gasped moaning from the lick then he kicked her in the side sending her flying into the force field.

He stood over her, she looked at the shire.

The shire then turned and with both his back feet kicked Luna in the head.

Luna flinched knowing what was coming, she cried.

Luna got hit and stayed down her face bleeding badly.

The shire snorted wanting more but Luna stayed down like a gentleman stallion he didn't attack her.

Celetia came in and saw the force field it faded from the lack of magic coming from Luna, celetia saw her sister on the floor she ran over and checked her out, she was okay just really knocked out, then celetia looked at shire.

Shire just looked at her and said,

"Justice has been done I don't care what you do now"

Celetia told shire that he was to be banished to the forbidden forest where bad pony's go he smiled and left not caring.

Luna was put to bed and looked after, she was alive but after being shire pony kicked in the head she was lucky.

The shire found the forest and entered.

He wiped the blood from his mouth and sat down, he then cried, not from nearly killing Luna but because his record player was gone.

In the mean time celetia looked at both items the torn and destroyed doll of Luna's she remembered that Luna loved this doll.

Celetia then looked at charred remains of shire's record player; she then saw the base and read what was written under it.

"Shire our son, you will always remember us from this record player, if you hit the end button our voices will sing you a song"

In the forest the shire was singing that song of his parents.

"Big stallion, so strong and powerful, why do you cry? There is no crying for you, you're a big stallion now, rest your head, we may not be around but you will be, to live on and be a big stallion"

Shire cried more, he really loved that record player, the only part he had left from it was the logo, he kissed it then looked at the forest.

The first thing he did was find shelter this was easy he found a big old hollowed out dead tree, he went inside and looked at what needed to be done.

He picked up mud from near by and fixed the holes in the dead tree.

Next using big leaves he made an entrance a little tent over the entrance to shelter him if he wanted to watch the night.

Next a big block of bark he used for a door.

He hunted down a lost sheep that had wandered into the forest; he used its fur as a blanket and bed the meat was nice too.

As night came he closed the door then started to sleep, the noises he heard didn't keep him awake he was used to strange noises.

In the castle celetia had used her magic to repair both items, she then saw the button on the record player like it said on the base she pressed it and heard the song.

She cried now she saw why he'd fight Luna.

In the mean time Luna awoke and the first words she said where "shire, I'm sorry"

In the forest shire was getting used to the new layout, he'd also become friends with a zebra, she and him where good, he'd get the items from the forest and she'd mix them up.

Also as well she used shire as a genie pig, he would taste the spells she made and see the effect, some where good others bad.

By now Luna had healed fully, she wanted to say sorry to shire, but her sister told her what she had done.

Shire enjoyed the forest, then one day a royal guard came.

He walked though the forest looking for the shire pony, he then walked and fell into a hole, dug by the shire to trap prey or food.

Shire looked in seeing the guard, he looked up flapping his wings, the shire used a stick and hit his wing grounding him.

"What are you doing here and what do you want?"

Shire said another stick in hoof to hit the other wing

"Princess Luna and celetia want to talk to you"

He said looking at his wing

"Though, they had there chance, tell me what they want!"

He said jumping into the pit and pinning the guard down

"They didn't say, please don't hurt me"

He said moving a little but not at all

"Tell them if they want to see me they have to come here, I'm not allowed near the castle, now go"

Shire said pulling the stick from his wing then pouring some position onto the wound.

The guard flew off very fast as shire re-set the trap.

The princess saw the guard and healed the wound; she then knew what to do.

Both her and Luna flew to the forest, they then used there magic to get though the traps.

They then found bones leading to a tree, the bones where of mixed animals.

Celetia used her horn to blow away the door, darts then fired, Luna used her magic to stop them.

The shire was inside he came out, his fur cut in some kind of war style, his face painted, he held a stick and spoke.

"Though you have avoided my traps, what do you want?"

He said holding the stick up watching them both

"Luna has something to say to you shire"

Celetia stepped back and looked at the shire

"I'm sorry; I didn't know that was your only family item, if you had said I'd have used my magic to repair it"

She said looking sad shire then spoke,

"a bit late for that, its gone and thanks to you I now have to live out here, I'll give you a head start before I set the wolfs on you"

A wolf appeared behind him it snarled and woofed at the two ponies.

"Shire please, forgive and forget, if you stay out here how long before you die? At least in the castle you was safe"

Celetia said her horn glowing just in case the wolf attacked.

"Yeah but, she's there and so is that hall way, mind you, I suppose I could blow it up"

The shire said smiling.

"No, you have to choose, stay here and live on what ever, or come to the castle and at least know you are safe"

Both Luna and celetia looked at shire.

"You have 5 seconds to leave before I set wolf on you, and he's the 2nd in command of the pack"

Shire howled and more wolfs appeared.

Celetia used her magic to seal herself and Luna in a bubble.

"Remember what we said shire"

Celetia said turning

"You'll like what my sister has done"

Luna said turning and walking with her sister

Shire watched them leave, the wolfs did too, he then made a sign to the wolfs and the left, he pet the one next to him feeding him a bit of meat.

It was now winter, the shire shivered and looked at the open door, he'd not found another big bit of bark to cover his door.

He knew that the zebra's hut was only big enough for her, or maybe some smaller ponies.

Shire thought about the castle, his area that was warm.

He yawned and watched the snow start to fall.

"Well this is it, the end of the line for the shire pony race; I die from freezing to death, great way to go"

He said shivering; his wolf pet had gone into its winter cove.

Shire looked and saw the snow falling, he picked up his stick and looked at the tree, he then kicked a stick and the tree feel down into a heap.

Shire then started the long walk to the castle.

In the castle Luna was eating her dinner, she was still sad from losing the cleaner, he was nice just a bit moody at times.

As the shire walked though the snow his stick kept him going.

He then got to the castle.

Shire looked at the door, the two guards looked at him one was the one he'd attacked, the guards flew towards him.

Even though the shire was weak he threw the stick and hit the guard, the other one then kicked him down, into the snow, the shire hit him with a snow ball.

Shire then leaped and ripped the stick from the one guard and then wobbled, he then feel to the ground, his vision blurred all he saw was hoofs he then blacked out.

Shire's eyes blinked, he was in a bed, he couldn't see much he then opened his eyes more.

He was in a bed, he then saw a royal guard he went to grab his stick which was at the side, he moved but his hoof didn't, it was chained to the bed.

The guard looked and left, shire used his last strength to remove the chains but he was too weak, he then looked, his other hoof was chained too, his legs where as well, then celetia and Luna walked in.

"Come to watch me die? Why didn't you just leave me in the snow, at least then you could have watched me die slowly"

He said trying to get the chain off but failing

"Why would we do that? It was us who saved you; one of the back up guards flew to us saying there was a big pony fighting our guards looking weak"

Celetia said standing next to him

"Yeah well my winter food ran out, it's hard to catch food in that forest, even harder to get from anywhere else as ponies chase you off"

He said, he staying still but keeping an eye on both of them,

"Thou missed you shire, I wished you'd had come with that time not now"

Luna said making sure he was warm,

"I see your going to eat me for dinner, fatten me up and serve me for Christmas"

He said keeping an eye on them both

"Shire we don't eat our own kind, only unknown tribes do that, were helping you"

Celetia said using her magic to bring a bowel of soup to his face

"Then why the chains?"

He said drinking the warm soup

"To make sure you didn't attack us, plus we didn't know how you'd react once waking up"

Luna said bringing in a wrapped present

"I see the old boxing glove trick, nice try, but I don't fool that easy"

He said seeing Luna undo the chains

"Just open it you fool"

She said dropping it on his belly

Shire looked and carefully opened it up making sure it was facing away from him.

He lifted the top off and closed his eyes, nothing happened, he then looked inside.

There was a record player.

He pulled it out and looked at it, it was his record player, fixed, except for one bit, the logo, he got his stick and pulled off the logo and put it in the record player.

"I only knew what it meant to you after you destroyed something on mine, I'm sorry shire"

Luna said hugging him

"Thank you, I'm sorry too, just be thankful my kick didn't kill you"

They talked though the night and then celetia spoke.

"Shire, would you like to have your old job back?"

Celetia said

"Sure why not, I'm sure every things just as I left it"

He said as celetia undid the chains on his hoofs

"Welcome back shire"

Luna said hugging him

"Good to be back"

Shire said hugging Luna

Luna and shire made an agreement after that to not fight unless it was in battle.

Shire also now knows to turn his record player down when cleaning near Luna's room or in Luna's room if she is there.

The end

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