poistions need labels

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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just a story i thought of on the spot

i sighed as i sat on the couch watching telly, the 40th re-run of some TV show that's i'd seen i sigh and felt my area, i was horney and in season for mating but there was no females, or "willing" males, no one would come near me, the reason?

well being 7'6 dosen't help, add the fact that i'm a shire horse, slim but thick in normal areas, then add to that a 14 inch shire horse cock, you get the idea, everyone thinks "nice a horse", but as soon as they see me fully hard they bottle out.

the females are up for it they like me but only for the fact they can touch it, or have the classic who can deep thoat him the most or take him the most, which if there big is easy they take me but they then forget about the cum, when i cum it keeps a comming.

having balls that are each the size of a tennis ball aren't good, so when i cum you get filled, i think a tuar was able to take most of it before she too stopped me and let the rest flew to the drain.

i turned the telly off and sighed, even pawing off isn't good, it can flood the room, i got up and went to bed, maybe sleep might help.

as i slept i thought of females and mares, in season and all willing, but then one kept ringing like a clock i then opened my eyes and there was my clock going off and telling me to get up, as i did the sheet came with me, morning wood.

at work i sighed, everyone laughed as they could see though my jeans my wood, they soon stopped, i needed to get over my horneyness, once my season is over i'm fine, but now it has been 4 season and no sex and i'm raging with hormones, wanting to mate, to breed to take a female and show her that i may be big but i can be gentle.

as i took a computer to trash i sighed then heard on the radio of madem taur's poitions, one sip and anything can happen, bigger, boobs, less sexness, more sexness, as the ad ended i took down the address, if anything it might help.

that afternoon i went to her shop, it was in town it took me a while but i found it.

as i enter smells of all kinds where going up my nose, i then got to the counter, as i rang the bell a puff of smoke appered then a voice and a hologram of madam tuar,

"hello there, i'm busy at the moment either going to a clinet or cooking up my latest poition, please wait or if your curois try for yourself" the small print then came on but i ignored it, everyone dose.

as i looked i saw bottles of all colours all flavours, each with a smell.

as i looked i smelled horse, there was nothing on the bottle but it smell of horse, i decied to drink it, well might as well see what happens.

i drank it only a glup, well a sip for a horse is a glup, i then put it back on the sheve, i didn't feel anything.

i sighed and thought must be a duff, little did i know that on the counter was a book, and on the shelve there was a number, i sighed waiting for the madam tuar to return then my head started to spin.

i felt sick but at the same time okay, my brain then told my body to go to feral horse form, but at the same time to stay in anthro, my mind went crazy i arghed at the pain then it started.

my body changed, my feral horse body appered but my normal body was there, i then felt ir merge with me, i screamed at the pain as our bodies combined, i then felt pain, as our bones joined, it was as if some sick person was cutting my body in half then putting it onto a horses body.

the pain of my bones and body, i felt faint but stayed awake, i gasp as it stopped, i then held onto the counter, i gasped, feeling faint and sick i then looked.

i gasped, i was a a TAUR!

i looked my horse body at 20 hands tall there even swishing my tail, i then looked i still had my hands, i tried to move but fell flat onto the floor, my brain hadn't changed, it was still thinking i was in anthro form.

i got back onto my feet, i then thought, then i felt more pain, this time on my chest, like i was having a heart attack, the fur on my chest moved and then i gasped i had boobs! 2, no 4 on my top chest, i then felt pain in my butt, i couldn't see but i felt it.

i gasped after it had finished.

i gasped and looked at myself, i was a tuar, i then thought about my body, my special power to heal when i was hurt or changed, as i actiavted this it stoped, i had healed, i was stuck like this?!

i looked and saw a mirror, if i was going to be like this i wanted to see what i looked like.

i thought about my foal years and how i learned to walk, i then very carefully thought about my feral form how it walks then i put it to the test and it worked, but when i got to the mirror it was worce then i thought.

i looked and gasped, i had 4 sets of boobs, i then noticed i had two tits under my sheath, i then turned and looked, i was a mare stallion tuar! i kicked the mirror then i felt pain my belly, i then saw from the shards on the ground i was in season like my stallion self, it was now a case of i was a mare in season too.

the smell it drove me wild, my cock hardened, i then noitced it had grown a few inches, but then cried.

all i came in for was some poition for my hornyness and now i was a tuar.

as i sat on the floor my rage built, i then saw the fire axe on the wall i kicked the glass and with my new rage i started to smash the place up.

i smashed poitions up shelves watching the colours fly though the air landing on me but not having any effect, i neighed and kicked, until i felt lifeless, i tried to move but nothing, i then looked down and saw madam tuar.

"it would apper horses have more curoisaty then cats, hmm interesting"

she said as she walked behind the half kicked and broken counter.


i raged in mid air not moving my head moving

"tisk, you men never read books or notes, its all here"

she pointed to the book opening it and turning to a page,

"horse to horsetuar poition, number 54"

she looked and saw a glup was gone, she then let me down as i had clamed a bit.

"please, i want my old body back, i only came here to get some hornyness poition to stop me wanting sex, this is worce"

i cried on the floor,

"even my healing powers aren't working, i shoud be back to normal but i i'm not"

she looked at me and had a pen and paper,

"powers? i didn't think shire horses, other then big cocks and pulling power got powers, tell me what are they?"

she sat on her self and i explaned to her my healing powers.

she then went into her special area which had a noitce saying somthing in tuar lanuge which i didn't know as i wasn't a full tuar.

she then came out and looked though her books, i just left, she was too busy, as i cloped out the door i decied to get a drink, i needed something to get over my new body, i though may as well drown it in beer.

as i walked into my normal bar the bartender looked then everfur looked at me and he just pointed to a sign, it had a tuar on it and a cross though it, tuars where treated like dogs.

as i walked away a few kids jumped on my back and tried to ride me, i couldn't do anything, again tuars are used for this, i was then eyed by a few stallions, i just ran, thankfully being use to turning into my feral form i ran good.

as i got home i cried, i was now not able to drink in my local, or go anywhere without being jumpped on or looked at for work, i hated my new body, i just wanted something to take away my horneyness, now i was more horney then ever.

as i cried i knew i couldn't go to work, or show myself, i was now trapped in my house, until either i died or this poition wore off which i high dought, seeing as my powers couldn't help.

as i drank a bottle of coke i knew that my eating would change, i would now be eating twice as much as i normally would, i hugged a pillow resting arkwordly on my couch, i knew i'd need to pee in my bath as i'd be emptying two tanks, i then thought about being in season, and how if i got caught by a stallion he'd mate me and get me pregnate.

all these thoughts passed though my mind as i drank coke after coke bottle, i then stopped and looked at myself in a mirror, i knew that my life was over no more fun just missrory.

i got up and moved a table then opened a bit of the floor, i then got from it a gun, i kept it in case i ever wanted to use it, i sighed knowing that my life would just be hell, i then looked in the chamber, 6 bullets, i only needed one.

as i wrote up a note i cried, my body trembled, i felt my belly turn, i then put the gun to my head, then pulled the trigger closing my eyes.


i opened them, then pulled the triggor again


nothing, i looked in the chamber nothing! 6 bullets gone.

"hmm so only after 4 hours being a tuar you'd kill yourself, is having a body of your own really that bad?

i opened my eyes, i was still in madam tuars shop, she had cast a spell to stop me from leaving, i was at the door ready to leave but she had stopped me.

"so i dreamed that?"

i asked unsure,

"yes, thankfull in your blind rage you didn't destroy this, the cure to your tuar problems, or in my case, just cures if you drink the wrong poition"

she let me go and i grabbed it, i was about to drink it when i saw her, she sighed, it then hit me hard.

she was always like that, there was no way of changing her, and this city i live in has poor tuar tollance, now a disabled fur in a wheelchair that they've made changes for but a tuar no.

she cried i then put my hoof on her shoulder, she was a purple and dark purple fox tuar, she then turned and looked at me.

"well go ahead and drink it, before you become like me, stuck in this body forever"

she cried and wiped a tear away,

"how did you become like this?"

i asked unsure,

"tasting my poitions, a rookie mistake"

she sighed and went to her cloest and got out a mop and broom, i felt sorry for her, this was possible all she wanted to do for furs and i'd destroyed it.

"let me help you, if my other power still works"

i sighed and used my teleporting powrs, i teleported all the bits of wood back to where they where then foxed them, next i teleported the poitions ino new glass jars and then without using my powers fixed her counter, i then feel to the floor, keeping up on four hoofs is hard then teleporting every part or wood to its place takes it out of you.

when i woke i was back to my normal self, but i didn't ask to, as i got up i was back to my normal 7'6 anthro self, i then turned into my feral form, i then thought about it and turned into my tuar self, it appered my body had healed back to my normal self but had kept the tuar part, like a computer saving a file but only in some un-known area that unless clicked you wouldn't find.

madam tuar looked at me and smiled,

"it must be nice to walk on two hoofs"

she sighed and looked though her book.

"do you want me to turn you back to normal? it'll hurt but i can do it"

she looked at me and said,

"no, though i may be hated in this town, i've grown used to this body, it also has great uses, in the winter i can be used for transporting foods to furs trapped in there homes, as well as giving kids shade and rides in the summer, plus the extra pair of paws helps in the workshop"

i smiled as she seemed happy,

"well if you need a gunnie pig or in this case horse, i can help try the poitions out before you put them on the shelves"

she smiled as she hugged me with her body and lower paws,

"thanks i'll keep that in mind, oh and here"

she handed me a bottle, i looked at it, it was gray, as i drank it i felt dull, but then i felt dull in my sex area, i wasn't horney, it was great, now i could dream about mares and not have morning wood.

she smiled and waved me bye, as i walked home, i now had a friend and someplace to go and test out new things.

the end

screw the cops

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CMC's find the dark side

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the first cut is always the deepest

The sun rises, ugh I wish it wouldn't, I like darkness, black, dark none colourful. As I opened my eyes I'm so glad I brought those black curtains, my light is a red bulb, everything looks better in red, it makes red look a real colour. My name...

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