CMC's find the dark side

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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enjoy, if you are a MLP fan

"quitiemark crusaders role call!"

shouted shootaloo,

"shootaloo, here, sweetiebell?"

"here and willing to find a new ideas for cutiemarks"


"here and ready to say goodbye blank flank"

"okay lets go! to the liburry, for helping out twilight!"

all three of the blank flanked ponies went to twilights, but when they got there no one was home.

"aww, no helping twilight, hmm any other ideas sweetbell? applejack? applejack?"

the two looked no sign, they then heard a voice from inside the liburry, it was applebloom.

"hay girls found an open window!"

the other ran round and came inside the liburry, they then saw that the liburry was a mess, they decided to tidy up, after all maybe cleaning is there cutie mark?

as they cleaned sweetbell found a door, it had some strange old letters on it, she started to dust it and the door opened, she then walked inside, still dusting as there was a lot of dust.

as she looked a voice ehcoed though the books, swetbell looked but saw nothing, she then felt a hoof on her back she turned nothing, then a dull thud was heard.

as she turned a book, as she looked at more strange writing, it then changed and she could understand it.

"dark arts and how to be a dark pony"

"hay sweetiebell you get anything for your cutie mark? we've been dusting for hours"

sweetibell looked more at the book as if it was drawing her into his pages, only when she heard applebloom call her.

"no, but i have found a book, it might give us a cutiemark"

"neat bring it up and lets go to the club house"

sweetiell put it away in her bag she then heard the book talk to her, she ingored it as voices in her head could lead to trouble.

back at the clubhouse she put the book down and it turned to the a page, how to earn a dark cutiemark.

"neat, okay it'll be in black but who cares? at least we'll have one"

said applebloom,

"yeah plus look at how old this book is, i bet even the princess read this book to get her cutiemark"

said scootaloo,

"okay but i get to read the book out"

sweetibell put the book down and then she looked thought it, reading it carefully and then re-checking the words which everytime she read seemed to change from that old writing which she couldn't understand to new writing she could as if the book was reading her mind.

"okay first of all we need to make a pentagone, out of blood? that can't be right, no its says blood okay CMC's look at this picture and cut yourself"

the other two looked at each other then with a knife cut themselfs following the direagram in the book, the coulds started to turn black as thunder roared from them.

"okay next i need to stand in the middle and say these words, while you two chant these words"

sweetibell stood in the middle of the pentagone and started to say the words from the book.

"oh great and power saten pony, give me the power of yourself to me, i'm here to offer my body and these bodies to you, oh great and powerful saten pony hear my words hear them loud, hear them and awake"

the thunder started to flash as the clouds darked more the ground then spilt open as the words where leaked out into text in front of the poines, sweetibell said the words again, as shoot and apple chanted, please take this body and let us serve you master.

just then sweetiebells body went coal black her eyes started to bleed she then said the words but in that old writing, she then started to turn red, and there was a cutiemark of two yellow horns, then scoot and apple had marks too scoot had a demon, while aple had a pitch fork.

"its worked we have our c UAGH"

scoot and apple went quite there bodies hanging in mid air as sweetibell turned the page.

"now great and powerful one hear this and give me your body, take these little poines to be your pray, and enter MEWEEEEEE!"

as sweetibell said this the earth around then burnt and black smoke poued from the earth as did lava and then souls souls of poines from ages ago, dead or otherwise that had sined started to pour into the dead and lifeless bodies of scoot and apple then it started, saten appered but in sweetibells body.

the coulds disappered and then the lava only leaving the remains of what looked like a earthquake.

sweetibell awake but her eyes where black and empty, she then spoke.

"at last, 10000000 million years and at least i am back! now to rule this place, but first i need some help,"

she looked at the two lifeless poines she then said some words in that old talk,

"workers for me awake and bow to your master"

appleblooms and scootaloo's eyes opened blood red and not looking like they where in this world any more,

"master, how may we serve you?"

saten sweetibell looked at them and then looked at the cart that used, his hoof swang and it changed into a carrying chair.

"to the town, i wqant to see what a million years has done, imust still be feared, if not them that's twice as much pain for poines"

the two poines carried sweetiebell saten to the chair then lifted it up, he smiled and with a whip smacked there flanks, leaving a mark.

"on wards you souls carry me to the liburry, i must make sure this book is retuned so that no one knows, but first"

saten pony ate the book then spat it out and the pages where blank, sweetibell had taken the whole book and now everyword and spell was in her mind.

when they got to the town poines look as the two poines just walked to the liburry, they chated but at the same time hid as sweetibell didn't look okay, the other two as well, soon they got to the liburry.

twilight was home, she had seen the door to the dark magic and book section was open she couldn't see any books that where missing, then she did.

"gasp, SPIKE THE DARKS AND HOW TO BE A DARK PONY BOOK IS MISSING HAVE" spike was there holding it in his paw.

"here it is pony, it must have fallen off i think it has a mind of its own"

"spike are you feeling okay?"

"i'm just fine pony now here put this back before anyone asks why you have this in your liburry"

twilight just put the book back lil did she know that sweetibell had posied spike to return it, he soon snapped out of it but had forgotten about it.

"now to get my full powers and to rule over this land forever!"

sweetibell evil laughed then a voice,

"sweetibell what are you doing? that is no way to treat your friends i have a good mind to give you detension, what have you got to say about this?"

miss sherly pointed to scoot and apple still holding the carring chair and looking out of there minds.

"oh its quite simple miss there my minouns, watch, hay front pony, walk into that tree until i say stop"

like so she respounded with a yes master and walked into twilights tree, keeping going forwards forwards, not stopping.

"stop it you monster, that's enough" she took sweetibells hoof like a little child but she soon regreted that.


sweetibell said twisting miss sreily's hoof back until it snapped, she screamed out in pain but sweetibell kept going again it broke and again, twilight watched and sent a letter to the princess, she came stright away.


she turned as sherily ran off

"oh princess celrtia, how much you've grown, do you still own that little blanket that you wet yourse;f in when you saw your parents having sex, to make luna?"

the princess looked and gasped,

"no one knows of that, how do you know of that?"


"not under my rane"

princess celrtia horn started to shine but then sweetibell pulled her down and with one loud snap ripped her horn off, she then put on herself and it formed she then started to take the princess powers knowage and everything.


celrtia went limp, she then opened her eyes and saw saw the sky, she then saw sweetibell lob her into a wall she went limp getting up as her head where her horn once was now gone and bleeding, she snorted and with her last powers hit sweetibell knocking her down, celrtia then feel to the floor, what had she done? she had stopped sweetiebells powers growning, her zapping powers where gone, but she was now more powerful then the princess.


sweetibell showed them

"the elemements of harmaney!"

with one stamp they where gone destroyed, sweetibell smiled and thebn said stop as scoot's head was bleeding like crazy, the evil pony then left.

at the hoisptal celrtia was in bed, her horn was gone, nothing left of it nothing, just a hole which was now leaking powers and spells, which where going back to the horn, which was on sweetibell.

"twilight, i don't have much longer soon all my powers will be gone, i, i want you to put your tip to my hole, i'll send whatrever spells i have left into you"

twilight did this and she now had a lot of power her horn was now the same size as celrtia's.

"please, go destroy that beast, but take the book, use the anti magic, say the words *coughs up blood* backwards, i must rest, good luck my bestest student"

as twilight martched with her friends they took had been given powers.

pinkie pie now had the power to teleport, useful for getting past traps and also getting into a pony's head.

applejack now had the power to buck but sonic buck, and sonic stmop great for trashing the grounds,

fluttershy had the power to sing and to also cream to a point that your ear drums would be destroyed as well as your brain

rarety had the power of healing, if her friends where hurt she could heal them,

rainbowdash had more speed great for doing triple rainbooms and for getting past the best.

twilight had only one power, to return princess celrtia's horn.

all of a sundden there where scoot and apple, both then creacked and there bodies burst as out came two creatures of saten, cerbrise the dog with three heads, and damon, satens own flash and blood in child form.

they attacked as did the ponies but there powers wheren't nothing to satens, he gave them more power, then he saw twilight do something blinding him and he saw them on the floor dead, his own fleash and blood gone, and his pet dog killed, this made him mad.

he appered in a burst of flames, rainbowdash speed up and was about to hit him but sweetibell caught her and slamed her into the ground breaking her back then taken her power.

pinkie teleported and hit sweetie with everything but she was caught salmed into the ground making a squick as she hit the floor, the other three tried but the same thing happened.

twilight then stepped up, she looked at saten then with her horn she went into battle, stabbing saten hurting him, sweetibell cried out in pain, saten then stoped.

"by the way twilight, if you kill me you'll be killing this filly, your be killing sweetiebell, can you live with yourself if you did that?"

"after what you did yes, i can now saten listen to this, beast go away never return and ARGH"

sweetie bell hit her to the side,


twilight then looked at her and with a tear in her for celrtia she ran up her body jumping over as she swiped for her, her horn flashed and it sparked she then hit sweetibell right inbetween the eyes her horn going though the bone and hitting sweetibells brain she then hit the resivse spell, but she then felt a pain, sweetibell had hit her with her horn.


as the ground opened up sweetibell turned back into her normal self her body limp, saten then hit her crushing her into the drit, her body gone as well as scoot and appleblooms.

the clouds went dark then the ground swallowed saten pony up, it then returned to a normal day.

twilight returned her friends helped by her magic, all that was left was celrtia's horn, as twilight put it on her head she breathed and she took all her powers back.

"i knew you could do it, i'm sorry about your little friends, do you have the book?"

twilight handed her the book, celrtia then burnt the book the ashes where then swept up and put in a jar label remains of the dark book.

later on they returned to the fight area, all that was left was the three cutie marks, they wanted then so badly, even if it was bad, they wanted them, now they have them.

the area where yje tree house use to be is just a tombstone saying;

"here lies CMC, they where good poines just miss understood, they will be remember as the only ponies to raise the dark lord, may they rest in peace and let the god pony look after there souls"

but every night that tombstone bleeds, the reason is unknown, but for one thing is saten dead or just in every blank flack pony?......

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