Nev City: Chapter 3; The brothers fight and Grandparents!

Story by saintkoopa on SoFurry

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first fur story quite bad. will rewrite and continue this one day.

Ben awoke the next day in the room that would now be his.

"ahh, man what day yesterday was. I can't believe my dad is the one of the richest men in the world and not only that he is the strongest swordsman in the world"

Ben got out of bed a notice there were a few suitcases that were left beside his bed

'guess they collected all my stuff from home'

Ben start ruffling through the suitcases finding his clothes and other knickknacks but noticed a few things weren't there anymore.

"hey where is my laptop and my cell phone and my"

Ben realized they may discovered a certain magazine that he had

Ben quickly threw his pajamas off and took out a blue t-shirt and black jeans he quickly threw them on and headed out his bedroom door.

As he walked down the long hallway to the stairs he passed by what was once a guest bedroom but now it had the letter's Silver's room on it.

"wow dad does things fast or could it be he already had this prepared?"

Ben remembered his father did say he was already for the day his family came back to him even if over 14 years had passed since he saw them all.

Before ben could continue the door to silver's bedroom opened a the silver wolf came out yawning and still in his pj's

"morning sleepy"

"morning ben"

"sleep well"

"not really, had too much on my mind to sleep"

" well a lot happened especially to you"

"yea, my head is still aching but what I can't figure out is why the I am still able to breathe right now. If what ray said was true then I should have been killed when he said the code word"

"I don't know either, guess we got lucky"

"I don't think luck had anything to with it Ben but I think you did"

"me? What makes you think that?"

"Why did you tackle me? Wasn't it because you saw the future?"

"somewhat all I saw was an image of that bear putting a collar on you"

"that collar is one of their techniques for getting their operatives to co-operate"


"they use 3 methods to control their operatives and assets. The drug which is used to manipulate a person's memories and feelings. The drug is the best way they have because the person would never be aware of its effects. The box is an electronic box they use to re-write a person's mind completely. They basically replace that person with another and the final way the control people is the collar. The collar basically take control of the person and forces them to do what they are told. The drug gains better effect if the target doesn't want their memories or it trying to forget an event."

"what event did they try to make you forget silver?"

"they they.... Made me kill my best friend"

"they what?"

"ben I grew up in Nev city In the slum part of town. I grew up in a foster home with 13 other kids just trying to get by. When I was 6 I met this mouse who became my best friend. We spent a lot of time together pulling pranks and stealing from the local market. When I turned 10 I got a visit from this black wolf claiming he was my grandfather."

"was it him? The boss?"

"yea it was him. The boss paid me a visit and he gave 2 choices. The first was if I went with him he would make the new heir to the family but I would have to kill everyone who knew me. The second was to be thrown into prison. I told him he was crazy and that he wasn't any relative of mine and I wouldn't kill anyone. He then said that I didn't have a choice in the matter and then he.."

"he what?"

"he used his foreseen power on me. I felt it trying to invade my mind and all I remember was me fighting this black wolf there but when I came too an hour or so had passed and right in front of me was my best friend he was stabbed and bleeding badly I looked around and saw all my siblings were also stabbed. I ran out of the house trying to find someone to help me so I went to the neighbor's house and they were also stabbed by something. I was so afraid but then I saw grandpa again and he was smiling at me he said he was proud of me for killing them all off. I couldn't believe that I killed them until I looked down at my clothes they were covered in everyone else's blood and in my pocket was the knife that killed them all"

"that didn't mean you did it silver that probably meant grandpa controlled you into doing it"

"I didn't know that at the time. I thought it was all a dream a dream I could wake up from but it was real I killed everyone that knew me. Grandpa offered me something I couldn't refuse he offered to take the pain away if I followed him that he would protect me. I was confused I thought I had no choice and I followed grandpa"

"when we got to his estate I was greeted by his staff and went to his office he treated me nice for a while but then he told me to take this medicine that would help relax me. After that I can't remember much just remember the missions I did and that I was with ray all the time. I can remember all I dreamt about was surpassing red violet and I didn't even know that the dream was not even mine"

"Silver why you telling me this now?"

"because ben you should know what will happen to us if grandpa captures us again and there is one more thing you should know ben"

"what is that?"

"while I was at the office I met chondro"

"you met him?"

"he was in a cage in grandpa's office"

"a cage?"

"when I asked about grandpa said he was a dangerous relative"

"what does that mean?"

"it means he is immune to all of grandpa's mind control"

"all of them. I thought they worked perfectly"

"no they don't. they have risks and limits and they aren't being used anymore since grandpa's powers have fully developed."

"fully developed you mean they weren't as fully ready when took control of you?"

"no at that time he could only control a few persons at a time and only for a short period. Not only that it seems a few people can resist his control and Chondro is one them. I don't know how strong grandpa's powers have gotten since he put me under the drug."

"OK hold on a minute if Chondro can't be controlled do you think that grandpa would keep him?"

"he would keep him because he can't be controlled? I don't know what chondro can do but from what I know every one of us will develop an ability. And you were the third Ben"

"3rd who was before me?"

"chondro was first I don't know what his powers are but they are the reason he can't be controlled"

"and 2nd would be you right?"

"yea, let me show you"

Silver closed his eyes and began to focus his spots also began to glow.

"there are 50 people working in the building right now and mom are dad are behind us"

Ben turned around and sure enough standing behind them the entire time they were talking were his parents

"impressive!" their dad commented

"indeed. I thought you 2 would never notice us"

"mom , dad how long have you 2 been there?"

"long enough to hear silver's story"

"silver didn't yo-?"

Silver was still concentrating

"Ryker is in the shower. Mom and dad had pancakes for breakfast and a couple of the maids and butlers are wrestling in their beds?"

Bruce and Marie just blushed as ben chuckled

"Silver they aren't wrestling they are having-"

"BEN!" both of his parents said at the same time

"silver you can stop now" his dad demanded

"ok" silver opened his eyes and his spots stopped glowing

"silver, was that hyper sense?" asked his mom

"yea I remembered I could use it when I was younger grandpa didn't know that I could so when he brainwashed he didn't realize I had developed my power already"

"wow so what does hyper sense do?" ben sound excited

"it enhances all 5 sense to the point where I can hear anything, see anything or smell anything that is within range of 1000 feet or so. I haven't had the chance to fully test it but my training allows me to use it a lot better than I could before"

"WOW, so grandpa's training of you backfired didn't it"


"ok boys, your mom and I are going to go out to the town for a few hours but before we go I need you 2 to come to my office"

"ok, dad"



The parents walked off to their stairs while ben and silver decided to pay Ryker a visit. Silver had a grin on his face as they entered the room

Ben and silver were greeted with the sight of a naked Ryker with a microphone in his hand while dancing to some kind of pop music.

Ryker froze when he noticed the door to his room was open. He then grabbed a pillow to cover his front.


"nope, the rooms where I lived never had doors" Silver chuckled

"not really, mom only allows the bathroom door to be closed"

"geez, can you give a few minutes."

"sure thing ryker, but 1 thing first"

"what silver?"

"why do you have a tattoo on your-" "GET OUT"

Silver and Ben ran out of the room laughing

"silver you pissed him off badly you know"

"but you should have seen that tattoo."

"what tattoo I didn't see any"

"it was on his butt."

"I didn't notice anything"

"he had a red tattoo on his butt it said 'Home -"

"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT SILVER" ryker yelled from behind the door

"I guess you're going to have to find out on your own" silver just chuckled

"I don't think I want to know"

Ryker got out of his room wearing his usual outfit of a orange sweater vest white undershirt and white dress pants.

"why are you dressed like you're going golfing?"

"this is how I usually dress"

"spoilt rich kid" silver added

"hey you 2 are now rich kids"

"but we aren't spoiled" ben retorted

"you will be soon,"

"nah" ben said as he stuck his tongue out at Ryker

"come on you 2 dad is waiting for us in his office" silver tugged ben and Ryker down the stairs despite their protests to let them go

Once they were in their dad's office on the 3 cubs stood beside each other waiting for what their dad had to say.

"thanks for coming boys, I need to address a few things"

"ok dad" ben said

"First off there are going to be a few problems with us all living together me and you're mom will have trouble dealing with you 3 since we only know what 1 of you is like but we are going to try. Silver what I have to say will apply to you mainly since you grew up with neither of us. Your mom and I don't have any knowledge about but we would love to know more about you."

Silver just blushed but his father had a point while Ben grew up with their mom and Ryker grew up with their dad he grew up with neither.

"Ben, silver these are for you"

Bruce handed his 2 sons a cellphone for each

"Keep those on you at all times"

"wow a new phone" ben was just smiling he needed a new phone anyway

"A cellphone haven't had a regular one of these before" silver had a puzzled look on his face he never used a fancy cellphone like this before. He did use burn phones once or twice but his missions mainly required him to just throw his knives from a distant.

"that is just the first thing I wanted to give you 2 today" Bruce then handed them each a box it contained a watch

"wow a watch thanks dad"

"a watch?"

"and finally these"

"a wallet dad?"

"sweet a wallet. Hey what's this"

Ben took out a debit card out of the wallet it had his name on it

"how did you get this in one night?"

"I had them for years now. I did one for all 4 of you when I did one for Ryker"

"don't think that you can go buy an island with though"

"but we can" ryker laughed but his dad shot him a look that told him to shut up

"what does he mean we can buy island?"

"yes bruce was does he mean by that" Marie was getting suspicious of how much money was on their accounts

"he means that he used his to buy an island"

"WHAT!?" Ryker laughed as everyone else in the room was stunned that he owned his own island

"He bought one behind my back a few years ago so I put a limit on them"

"ahh" ryker groaned

"dad how much do we have on these"

"about 90 million on each"

Ben and Silver jaws dropped to the floor they were literally just handed 90 million dollars

"don't get your hopes up guys there is a 100 dollar a day limit on these things unless dad approves it"

"fine by me that is more than my daily allowance anyway"

"well I have 10 million stored away but never got to use so this is nothing new to me"

"Are me and mom the only ones who weren't millionaires before today?"

"um Ben you were the only one" marie added trying not to scare her son


"well I did have my millions from my old jobs"

"really mom I thought we were poor?"

"do you really think we survived all those years without me having a job ben?"

"well I um"

"Oh ben you have always been so naïve"

"lay off mom"

"Ok if your done embarrassing our son Marie can I finish?"

"ok honey"

"well Silver and Ben the tailors should be here soon to take your measurements and those watches are the key to getting in and out of the house and included in your wallet is a pass to let you in and out of the neighborhood if you get trapped outside without a driver."


"keep those on you at all times. Now me and your mom are leaving Ryker can give you the details on everything else"

"alright dad"

Bruce nodded then let the 3 cubs go back upstairs.

"I am so glad to have them all together Marie"

"me 2 Bruce but I think having you back is just as great"

"I agree with that Sentiment, lets head out"

Marie and Bruce exited the office and went to the garage to get a driver

But outside the estate ray and rob had begun their mission.

"Force fields are in place"

"good work ray"

"what are you doing now?"

"just preparing this guy here for the mission"

Chondro was not chained but he did have this weird collar around his neck. He was dressed in black t-shirt grey jeans and a baseball cap. This was what ray and rob were wearing except they both had their classic detective jacket on.

"ok let's do this"

"how long before he regains control"

"about 25 minutes that should be a good window"

"ok turn him on"

Rob then activated the collar

Chondro stood up and looked like a zombie his eyes were pure white his face showed endless determination he basically was a robot.

"Chondro break down the gate"

Chondro obeyed the order his fur stood on end as he approached the gate then with a few punches he broke the gate and sent it flying. The gate landed in front of the limo that was exiting the drive way.

Bruce and Marie got out of the limo and watched as 3 figures walked through the entrance

"Bruce that husky there"

"yea I know its chondro"

Before marie and bruce could do anything a mechanical ball appeared above them and trapped them in a force field.

"they trapped us?"

"they are going after the kids bruce"

"I know but we have other problems look"

Bruce pointed in front of them to the figure entering the force field

Chondro had just entered and he looked serious.

"that's dirty, they sent chondro to keep us occupied while they go after the cubs"

"Bruce if we don't deal with him fast we may lose all of them"

"I know"

"master bruce miss marie! Here"

The driver of the car a rabbit had thrown a sword and a dagger towards marie and bruce

"Thanks Dale"

"no problem sir, I will now take shelter so don't worry about involving me"

"roger that, Marie lets discipline this rouge cub"


Bruce and marie Drew their weapons

Bruce had a new sword it was Japanese but the blade was pitch black even its edge was black. Marie had her usual dagger with the violet symbol on it.

"How are we going to fight him bruce"

"I don't know marie but here he comes"

Chondro dashed forward and swung his fist down at marie but she dodged. The force of the punch broke the ground below it and left a small crater.

"he is strong"

"very strong but he has lots of openings"

Marie ran forward but then disappeared. She reappeared behind Chondro and chopped his neck with her paw. It had no effect on the husky.

Marie jumped back she was shaking her paw

"Bruce I don't think we can win unless we go all out"

"what's wrong Marie why are you nursing your paw"

"his fur, it's not normal it's hard as steel"

"could that be iron armor?"

"I don't think so only Cantonole wolves can use that ability"

"That would explain why your father kept him locked up for so long"

"he wouldn't want anyone to know that those abilities can be used by furs other than wolv-"

Marie was interrupted by another missed punch by chondro.

Marie dodged by flipping over on one hand then landing on her feet bruce just slid backwards

"looks like we don't have time for talk right now"

"Bruce behind you!"

"what the-"

Chondro was charging at bruce form behind this time he had his claws out ready to slash at his father. He slashed his father's back but Bruce retaliated with a well-placed kick to the chest

"Dang his fur is hard as steel"

"told you, we have to find a way to break his armor"

"How do we break his armor?"

"we may have to get a little rough, get ready here he comes"

Chondro lounged at his parents again but behind them Ray and rob were entering the mansion. Or at least they were about to when Ryker and Ben came through the front door

"hey what was that noise?"

"why you asking me?"

"well you're the all-knowing psychic aren't you?"

"ha ha very funny but seriously what was-"

"O HELL" both cubs realized they were in trouble

The had just walked out the door and saw the bear from the yesterday and his older brother

"why hello again"

"MEEEEEEEEEEP" both cubs screeched

But behind them silver heard their screams and used his ability to see outside the house. He saw ray and rob along with the parents battling Chondro.

'This might be perfect for me' silver had a grin on his face then he teleported away

"ben we better run!"

"roger that" the cubs tried to run back into the mansion but got stopped by a force field that blocked the door

"dang it" both of them knew they were in trouble

As ray and rob pulled out 2 collars then proceeded to collar The cubs.

"you 2 are going where you belong now"


A figure shouted from on-top the mansion

when everyone looked up to see they saw a someone dressed in a black spandex suit with a bandana that covered his face and a cape

The figure jumped down from the mansion rooftop.

"what is he crazy?" Ben asked

The figure landed in between the bears and wolves and as he stood up they could finally identify him as a chipmunk an orange chipmunk

"you won't be laying a finger on these wolves" the figure said

"you are going to stop us then little super hero?"

"yes I am"

The figure's shadow began to move towards the bears they barely noticed in time to dodge properly

"this kid can use shadows?"

"rob check his waist that sword"


On the figures waist was a sword it had a handle that resemble a fencing sword but its sheathe gave a different story.

"rob" ray whispered

"yea I know it's a project H member one who is not under the bosses control he should be happy about this but be warned of all the members we don't have tabs on this one is definitely the strongest."

Ben was staring at this 'Super hero' that had appeared out of nowhere

"Ryker you know this guy?"

"sort of, there is this legend that when Nev city was founded a masked guy ran around with a sword protecting people"

"wow a legend that is actually true that's a new one"

"I know but he seems so familiar" ' could that be Rintin? No not possible'

The figure drew his sword and pointed it towards the bears

"now ye shall face the judgment of my sword"

The chipmunk dashed at the bears and swung his sword but it missed or so it seemed

As ray was jumping away he felt something a pain in his stomach. He then coughed up blood.

"RAY are you okay"

"no he got me"

"how we cleanly dodged it"

"we dodged his sword not his shadow look down"

There it was the figure had once again extended his shadow into 5 whips. They were acting as a normal shadow would only being attached to the ground but something about them was different they seemed to have an aura

'Dang he is already this powerful I thought his powers were still being incubated'

"Ray pull back I will deal whit this guy"

Rob the made a tornado from his left and shot it at the masked munk

The munk easily dodged but when he did 3 daggers headed towards him


The munk just grinned then manipulated his shadows and this time they gained a form and blocked the daggers

'shadow control. Dang that is one tough ability to deal with especially with a time limit'

Rob checked his watch before he realized it 15 minutes had already passed and Chondro was no closer to defeating the parents as he was to defeating this munk

'ray is injured Chondro is almost out of time and we have more people than we planned for. Everything has gone wrong we suppose to encounter little resistance from silver but now this shadow figure ... wait silver where is that wolf?'

The chipmunk then ordered his shadow to head to towards the bear as he landed Rob skillfully landed on one hand-paw and dodged the attack but it didn't stop there as he continue to move backwards jumping from one spot to another the shadows began to surround and he didn't even notice when they pushed him right into a wall.


"Bear of Evil meet the shadow of justice" the shadows then turned into spears and tried to pierced Rob but before they met him they stopped


The munk fell to the ground he was stabbed by a dagger that the injured Ray threw

"amateur mistake kid. You put all your focus on one enemy thinking the other is down for the count but you thought your little shadow trick was enough to beat me" ray coughed up more blood as he fell to the ground again

Rob gathered himself he needed to get moving time was running out but before he could make a move towards the down chipmunk a blue wolf stood in his way. It was ben but he had a Sword in his the same black sword the munk had

"What you think you doing with that Ben? You think you can beat me? I THINK NOT"

Rob made another tornado and shot it towards Ben

'what is he doing if he doesn't move he will be caught in it... is he trying to protect me?'

"Flash sword: Defensive spear" Ben said

The sword glowed then shot a beam of Blue energy straight through the tornado breaking it apart. It headed straight for rob and before he could react the beam of energy pierced him

"ack! What the fu-"

"got him" ben smiled

The noise of the battle behind them got Bruce's and marie's attention

"Bruce was that?"

"yea it was. One of my sword techniques how did Ben use it?"

"I don't know. But I do know we need to finish up here before he actually makes contact again I can't take another punch like that"

"me neither"

Chondro was toying with his parents he didn't even have scratch or spec of dirt on his fur while his parents were breathing heavily and panting. Both marie and bruce were covered in bruises they both had received a punch from chondro.

"we can't attack and in this limited space we can't keep evading him. Marie what are we going to do we might have to really hurt him"

"His fur makes this difficult we can't hold back at all or else we are dead bruce let's just try to tire him out a bit then we can try and release that collar"

"Ok. The collar is indestructible we have to unhook the belt"

Marie and Bruce were about to attack chondro when the force field holding them in suddenly fell.

"what?" Marie was stunned that the force field dropped she looked around for who could have done it. Marie then knew she needed to get to the cubs since the masked munk was injured and Ben was nowhere near strong enough to take on Rob.

"who did that?" Bruce asked but right after Silver landed on the car they had been planning to take out

"Sorry I took so long, getting to the hideout and back in 25 minutes was no easy feat"

"why did you go there silver?"

"I needed my weapons if I wanted to fight Ray. Mom you and dad just have to keep CHondro busy for a few more minutes the collar can't control him for more than 25 minutes he should regain control at any minute. I am going to get some new bear skin rugs for my room"

"Ok Silver" marie said with a embarrassed look on her face Bruce just face palmed

Silver then drew out 8 throwing knives his weapon of choice and ran towards the battle between rob and Ben

Rob was getting up after being hit by the recent attack by Ben

"Dang you kid! I can't believe I let you injure me like that"

There was a burn mark on robs chest where the spear had pierced him but there was no blood

"What that attack should have killed you!"

"Wow the kid doesn't even know what his attack does. Listen Kid that move was a defensive technique it didn't have enough power to beat me. You are a fool to think just firing a lucky shot would defeat me. I am interested in how you learned that technique in 1 day"

Ben shivered he had no idea why he even did what he did let alone how.

Rob was walking forward towards Ben but was stopped when his wrist started beeping

"Oh no" Rob looked down at his watch and it said 30 minutes had already passed the collar had already gone 5 minutes past its limit Chondro would be freeing himself right away.

But as his wrist beeped Ray had woken up

'dang it, it wore off already' he thought to himself he knew that his technique would wear off soon but after getting injured like this he could do nothing

"nice trick kid. Fool my body into thinking it got slashed. I thought it was real for a minute there too. But now you are going to pay"

Ray reached behind his back and drew out a dagger but this one had purple liquid oozing out of it

'it's poison'

"I don't know what kind a super hero game you were playing but now it ends"

'boss won't be happy we interfered with Raja's kid but who cares now anyway'

Ray made a move towards the grounded Munk but was stopped when a throwing knife that looked more like a scalpel was thrown in front of him

"Don't take another step ray"

"Silver! You come out of hiding now"

"No I was just raiding the base"

"impossible how did yo-"

"You should know my skills by now Ray after all weren't you the one who trained me. Weren't you the one who took me from my family so I could be your errand boy"

"I was and that's why I know you can't lay a finger on me after all I know all your tricks"

"No you don't. when you mind controlled me you failed to notice I had already awakened a few abilities"

"impossible you had no abilities when we brain washed you"

"o I did"

Silver then held up on throwing knife and it became cloaked in silver light

"that can't be!"

"HOMING BULLET" silver yelled as threw the knife at Ray tried to dodge but it was a futile effort the knife was targeting him it moved as he moved and before Ray could do anything the knife had passed straight threw his chest

Ray gasped as he fell to ground motionless and bleeding

"That takes care of him"

'wow that guy is amazing he took out that bear with one shot'

"Silver where were you, we could have used your help like 15 minutes ago"

"sorry ben I had some stuff to take care of first and trust me it was worth it"

"hate to break up your premature victory Silver but you pay for killing my brother"

Rob was furious his brother was just kilt by silver and his powers were reacting to it. A tornado spawned around and extended all the way to the sky. The force of the wind generated was tremendous

"dang it what is going on" Ryker could barely stand as he said that the wind force was so great it had already blow ben back and made him lose the sword

Next thing Ryker saw the Munk and silver being blow away. He could barely hang on himself his claws were having a hard time staying planted in the ground

'dang it dang it why am I the only one who can't do anything, Ben and Silver fought hard even took these guys down. Why am I the only one who just stands by and can't do anything. CAN'T I DO ANYTHING' Ryker thoughts were jumbled clearly he felt powerless, weak and hopeless.

Rob began to walk towards ryker. Silver ben and the munk had been blow back towards to wall that connected the estate to its neighboring one.

The 3 of them watched as Rob approached Ryker

"YOU WILL BE THE FIRST TO GO" Rob yelled as he closer and closer to Ryker

Rob then caused the tornado to subside as he reached ryker

He picked him then formed a tornado around his right hand paw. The tornado resembled a wind-like drill

"Any last words Ryker"

'I am so weak. Everyone fought so hard everyone else did something what can I do'

"End of the line kid"

Ryker braced himself for the impact but after a few seconds he realized none came

"ack!' Rob said before he dropped ryker

Ryker saw a set of claws had pierced right thought Rob's Chest

"Consider this my revenge Rob" Rob turned around to see that the fur that pierced him was none other than Chondro

"damn it we ran out of time"

"You underestimated us Rob and you paid the ultimate price for it"

Rob knew chondro was right

'How could this have ended like this. It was supposed to be easy. Have chondro delay Marie and Bruce while ray and I grab the others. They would never have hurt him and then we could have just extracted him from the force field. This was supposeto be an easy mission'

Chondro pulled his paw out of Rob and let him drop. Chondro then shook the blood of his paw. Having his fur acting like iron meant the blood came off easy.

Marie and Bruce were tending to Silver ben and the munk

"You alright ben?"

"I am dad"

"how about you Silver?"

"been better but still ok"

"Bruce we need to get this kid some medical attention his wound is deep"

"I already called down the medical team"

"thank you Mr. Minefell"

"you're welcome and you can take off that mask now Rintin"

The munk removed his bandana and indeed it was rintin

"how did you know?"

"I am a husky I could smell it was you"

"guess I shouldn't have rushed over here like that"

"but if you didn't I don't know what would have happened to Ryker and the others. Thanks RIntin"

"no problem Mr. minefell"

The medical teams came out the front door of the mansion and made their way over the injured Rintin.

Bruce and marie were helping Silver and Ben into the mansion while Ryker had tugged Chondro along

They entered bruce's office

"Hey who are you people?" Chondro asked

Ryker looked at the husky he reminded him so much of their dad same build same fur color same muzzle.

"You should be able to figure that out Chon"

"Silver? That you"

"its me alright"

"thought they imprisoned you 4 years ago"

"they did but I broke free just like you did"

"glad you got free of grandpa"

"you 2"

"so who are these people"

"they are your family Chon"


Chondro then looked around the room at the other members of his family

"Chondro!" Marie had finally broken down and hugged her son while bruce made sure Ben was comfortable in the couch

"You smell familiar to me"

"I should since I am your mother"


"Chondro I am so glad you're safe and with us again"

Chondro couldn't comprehend what was going on. He lived in a cage most of life but he did hear of his family once or twice

"Guess we finally got them all back"

"yes we did Bruce yes we did"

Marie was still crying this was the first time she had seen her son since she they had that picture taken.

Ryker just held his head down he was useless today and it made him feel so worthless

Ben just smiled he had never seen his mom cry this much before

But silver was not paying attention to the reunion going on instead he picked a folder out of the bag he took when he was at the hideout

"hate to interrupt but I have something we all need to see"

"What is it Silver?"

Silver held up a folder that read 'Project H:Group C'

"what's inside this is frightening"

Silver placed the folder on his father's desk

Bruce made his way over and opened the folder

"This is"

"is what bruce?"

"Marie you need to see this for yourself"

Marie came over to Bruce and peeped into the folder what she saw startled her

It was a form with information on ben

"Name ben cantonole, age 14, status Trainee: stage 1"

Bruce then turned to the next page

"Name Rintin palm, age 14 status unknown(stage 3 suspected)

"name Silver Cantonole, age 14 status Slave:stage 3"

"Name Chondro Cantonole, age 14 status Slave:stage 1"

"name Ryker Cantonole, age 14 status trainee:stage 0"

There were only 5 pages in the folder

"What does that mean?"

"this is a folder detailing the members of Project H the experiment that you 4 were a part of"

"Project H is known inside the Cantonole as the boss's personal project. I thought it meant Chondro but now it's more than that. There is a note on Chondro's page detailing the mission of Project H"

Bruce checked the back of Chondro's page and on the back of it was the mission statement of project H

"Project H: This experiment will produce a new set of Fighters for the Cantonole Family and also extend its control. There are 4 groups 6 subjects in each that during their conception and Incubation are forced to ingest chemicals that will force their bodies to develop abilities that have been passed down through the generations. Project H will hope to Produce a Cantonole offspring with a highly developed foreseen ability that can be used in conjunction with mine to allow control over more persons. Presently The cantonole has control over 15 world leaders and completely owns 3 countries. Project will extend that Control by using a brand new method developed. This project will Also find apprentices for the 6 Generals and a heir for the family. Project H will be managed by me personally but will have certain persons baby sitting the member's and overseeing their progress"

"4 groups! There are others like us all with abilities?"

"Not exactly ? um? What's your name again?"

"it's ben"

"Ben project H is a lot more complicated than that. The boss is hoping to create more powerful fighters ones way stronger than Ray and Rob and one that have more of the traditional cantonole abilities and can use more powerful techniques. There are 4 groups because each year the boss "

"how do you know so much about it"

"my cage was in grandpa's office I could hear everything he talked about."

"So do you know what grandpa is planning"

"he is planning to take over the world"

"that is so cliché"

"I know right"

"but if we are all supposed to have powers right? Then why am I the only one whose powers haven't come in yet?"


"I just want to know dad"

Bruce could tell his son was upset and he knew he probably felt helpless today

"hey before we say anything else let's get everyone checked out, that was a rough battle out there."

"good idea marie"

They made their out of the office and to the medical area to get their injuries tended to.

While on their way there a medical staff approached bruce

"Sir. Master Rintin has been discreetly sent to the hospital and his mother has already been informed. The wound is no longer life threatening but he still needs some medical care"

"good work you can go now Frank"

"yes sir"

"mom can you step aside for minute I think there is something I need to show you"

"ok silver"

They let the other go ahead while silver pulled something out of is backpack it was a piece of paper

On it was Kate's file

"Silver was this?"

"yes it was in that folder it fell out in my backpack and didn't notice it"

"Silver don't tell ben about this ok?"


"good now let's get you checked out"

"I didn't take any damage during the fight"

"still better safe than sorry"


"what was that"



Marie and Silver entered the medical wing where Ben was being examined and Bruce was getting some bandages placed on his injuries. Ryker Silver and Chondro had not endured many injuries so were treated quickly

Chondro just looked puzzled. First time he had been to any medical facility since his grandpa took him there for a checkup when he was 4. The puzzled look on his face attracted the attention of Silver.

"So chon how you been"

"Been better than you that's for sure"

"better than me? You were the one locked in a cage"

"and what did they do to you after the breakout?"


"you don't remember do you?"

"well my memory is still fuzzy."

"so you don't remember that you broke me out of that cage and we almost made it before Rob caught us"

Silver placed his paws on his forehead he was starting to remember the events of the day he broke Chondro out

"OK, it's still fuzzy but I remember it."

"Well grandpa was not very happy about the break out so I was very surprised to see you here. I thought he would have put you in cage like me or worse put you in his personal prison"

"he did something worse than that he brainwashed me and made me an assassin. He partnered me up with Ray"

"well after the breakout Grandpa started sending me on missions while being controlled by that damn collar"

"he used the drug on me"

"I guess we were both lab rats then"

"yea, I was freed only yesterday when I bumped into our brothers at the mall"

"Brothers? You mean those wolves over there"

"yea, I heard everything about what Ray did to me and how he kidnapped me when I was a baby and what everyone went through. What I want to know now is why"

Chondro seemed to ignore the last statement that Silver made because he was distracted by a scent he was smelling.

Chondro got the bench where he and silver were talking and started to examine the room

"Chon what's going on?"

"I don't know I just smell something"

"smelling something?" Silver then began to activated his hyper Senses ability and scan the room

"You're right about the smell. There is an extra Scent of a person in this room but I can't find its source"

"I know this scent but I can't believe that he would show up so soon"


"GUYS BY THE DOOR" Silver and Chondro turned to see a Frantic Ben pointing at the door

"what is by the door Ben?"

"not what, who and there is black wolf there Silver"

"A BLACK WOLF" Both Chondro and Silver jumped at this revelation knowing exactly who it was Ben was seeing

"what black wolf?" said a puzzled Ryker approaching from behind ben


"I can smell him but I can't see him"

"Ben! Tell us what is he doing?" Silver ordered Ben as he drew a few of his knives

"He is just standing there"

Marie and Bruce came out to see the commotion and Bruce was the first to inquire

"What is going on out here?"

"What is with all the noise kids?"

"MOM! There is a black wolf in the doorway but no seems to see him but me"

Marie and Bruce didn't waste any time Bruce drew his Sword and Marie drew her dagger

"Ben tell us if he does anything"

"ok mom"

"No need for your weapons Marie"

There came a voice out of seemingly nowhere but as the voice finished speaking the Black wolf only Ben could see appeared to the rest of them




Marie Chondro and Silver had screamed one after the other

"Nice to see all of you too"

The air in the room became tense as everyone was on edge with their grandfather appearing out of nowhere right after they took care of Ray and Rob

"Relax Marie, my dear daughter I have only come with a few things for Chondro" The boss then threw a backpack at Chondro which he caught.

"my stuff!"

The faces in the room looked puzzled. All except silver's

"this was setup wasn't it Grandpa? you set us up to kill the bear brothers"

"Always one to jump to conclusions weren't you silver. Well I suppose you are right but this was not about them it was about getting all of you together"

"Together dad? You are the one who took them apart"

"on the contrary marie, Ray's orders were to capture all 4 Kids but he was unsuccessful in doing so. I would have liked for them to stay together but something forced my hand"

The anger level in the room rose Silver and Chondro could only glare at their grandfather while their parents looked ready to attack him at any minute. But there no anger or concern on Ryker's face he seemed to be more afraid than anything else. Ben just looked on seriously he had a feeling no harm would come to them if they didn't attack.

Silver was preparing himself for an attack when ben called out to him

"Silver Don't do it. We don't need our weapons now"

Everyone looked at ben but saw a face that seemed assured that nothing was going to happen.

"fine" silver along with their parents withdrew their weapons

"well care to continue grandpa?"

"certainly, Marie the plan was to release the kids back to your care after I had finished assessing them"

"you expect me to believe that dad?"

"mom it's the truth"


"I can he is not lying something is telling me that he telling the truth"

Marie knew that ben's powers were probably involved so she relaxed and listened to her father's words

"Well glad to see ben's powers are coming along nicely but back to business. After I assessed Chondro and Silver I sent Rob to track you down but I learned that someone went behind my back and gave an order that shouldn't have been given"

"who in the world would dare disobey you dad?"

"other than you? Well just think about it Marie who other than you has ever disobeyed my orders and are still around to tell about it"


"the one and only, he gave the order to capture Ben instead of returning the others"

"Why would he do that?"

"surely you know your brother better than I do marie"

Marie just nodded to her father she did know him better than her father and she knew how he operated.

"he wanted them all to be in the cantonole family instead of being with me."

"Well I decided to let him take over the project while I focused on other things. But I did keep Chondro around me"

"but in cage?"

"the Cage was to protect Chondro from himself have you even asked him why he was in that cage?"

Marie turned to Chondro who shaking a bit

"Grandpa put me in that cage because.... I ..i"

"he can't control his abilities and is prone to random outbursts"

"he was in that cage for his own protection, I was going to release him but then he broke out with the help of a certain Silver wolf"

Silver just looked away and whistled

"after that incident Silver became a handful to deal with and before I could come up with a solution I found out that Mark had already drugged him and sent him to be trained with Ray"

"So you had nothing to do with Silver's brainwashing?"

"I may have chosen where he lived but I had nothing to do with his training that was all Mark's idea"

"then why let him do what he wants? You're his father why not just stop him"

"because I am his father I couldn't interfere with his orders or it would make him look weak and couldn't have my heir look weak now could I"

"you benefitted from not doing anything didn't you"

"Mark made a showing intolerance for traitors after all Silver's stunt did attract a lot of attention to us. A lot of unwanted attention"

"so Mark handled it huh?"

"yes he did. He may just like me but there is a huge difference I have a soft spot for family he doesn't"

"some soft spot"

"You are still breathing marie I never once gave an order to attack you"

"But you did have me watched"

"I am guilty of giving those orders. I am also guilty of having you chased for all those years. But you ended up here and I left you alone after that"

"why was that anyway?"

"so you could meet Bruce again"

"you wanted me to meet him again?"

"I did after all he is the world's best swordsman and judging by what I saw from the battle today Ben is following in his footsteps"

"he is, so you thought it best that the kids get trained by us?"

"who better than the Red violet and The black sword"

Marie just turned and stared at Bruce then turned back to her dad leaving her husband looking a bit embarrassed

"Dad you can play the blame game all you want but you are still at fault here. You're no good guy here"

"I never said I was a good guy I just don't treat family the way your brother does"

"mark gets that from you and no one else! Even if you aren't responsible for all the things that happened you still used your grandkids for an experiment"

"hmph, guess you are right about me using my grandkids for experiments all 7 of them"

"7" bruce muttered to marie

"Guess I should tell you why I used them all. You see marie my plan to control the world is in motion but I need another foreseen user to help me. I have already infected a few people with my control but I lack the power to control them all at once for that I needed an descendant who could use foreseen and continue the reign of the Cantonole. The head of our family has always had the ability but neither you or your brother got the ability. But thanks to the experiment 4 of my grandkids got the ability."

"all of Mark's got the ability!"

"Yes they all got the ability that is another reason I needed your offspring's to reunite. For some reason only Ben developed it but on the other hand Ben's foreseen is already 10 times more powerful than mine"

Everyone in the just gasped and looked at ben before The boss continued talking

"I was certainly surprised to hear of how powerful his ability is without even awakening it. But its time you realized that project H was completed years ago and those files that Silver took were fake. I put it there to make sure you know who the 6 members of your squad are"

"So those files there were a subtle way of telling us who would be fighting with us"

"Precisely" The boss looked down at his watch " my time is running short Marie so let me leave you with this warning. There are 2 Squads here in town right now the other one won't stay quiet while you training you be aware of who you trust."

"i don't trust you dad."

"well that is to be expected. But here is my warning. All 4 squads will Assemble next summer to participate in a Contest where the winning squad will become the head of the cantonole. The losers will be condemned to obey the winners"

"So you mean they will be fighting over who controls each other"

"Well that is how interpret it then yes"

"why would we even participate in that" Silver had finally gathered the courage to speak " I am sure none of us would even consider participating"

"Are you sure all of you wouldn't because I think 1 of you has already decided" the wolf pointed to Ben who had held his head down but brought up and addressed everyone in the room

"Grandpa count me in for the Contest"

"ben!?" everyone in the room looked at him stunned as they yelled his name. Silver was the one who looked most vocal about ben's statement

"Ben! Are you crazy do you know what you just signed up for! Your going to be fighting with persons with abilities greater than Ray's and Rob's and persons who are more skilled than me or Chondro. DO YOU REALLY THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA"

"I DON'T! but something is telling me that we should enter this contest. Think about if we win there will be no more experiments on us no more mind control and we can just leave the cantonole then can't we?"

"he is right silver if you win you get to do whatever you want. Even choose to leave project H"

"we can?" Silver started to think they had a good point that winning this battle would really be a huge plus and having control over the cantonole Assassins was a huge advantage for them.

"My time is just about done what is your answer?"

"I am in" Silver said moving over to stand next to ben

"I am in to" Chondro said also moving over to ben

"Since they are all in so am I" Ryker said as he was the final one to come by and stand by his brothers

"Mom? Dad?" Ben said as he stared at his parents

"Since you all have your hearts set on this I guess I will support you. Marie what do you say?"

"this is very bad idea but I guess we have no choice in the matter. Dad if you try anything funny you will be sorry"

"as if a threat from you scares me marie, but since they agreed to participate I will cease all sanctioned attacks on you. But I have nothing over that squad that lives here so I can't guarantee anything. Well my time limit has been reach I will see you some other time marie. If you have questions you know how to contact me" The boss then slowly became transparent until he completely disappeared

"What do you know, a Projection"

"Marie your dad is insane isn't he"

"yes he is but I think we have to deal with these crazy cubs"

"yes we do"

Marie and bruce moved over to the cubs and then they each grabbed 2 cubs by the ear

"Ow ow ow!" all the kids cried out

"you kids are all going to get it tonight for that stupid stunt you pulled." Their father sounded so stern while he dragged Chondro and Ryker by their ears as marie did the same with the other 2"

"Oh cmon dad is was ben's idea"

"Great sell out ryker"

"I always look out for myself"

"Well you kids signed up for something very dangerous so starting from tomorrow at 5 am All you are going to be trained by me personally"

"wait our squad is 6 members WHO are the other 2" Ryker ask ben

"Well Rintin is one I don't know who the other one is Ryker"

"I know who it is but it's best you let me and mom handle it"

"Keeping it secret silver? That's no fair"

"Ben I think it best you don't know who it is" Ben's mom chimed in as the kids were dragged to the stairs before everyone was stopped by Nico who intercepted them.

"well judging by the bodies outside I am guessing I missed the party"

"you sure did Nico"

"Well we better keep things quiet next week"

"Why nico?"

"Bruce, Your parents are coming for a visit next week. And My father is already here"

"WAIT what!"

An older fox then came from behind NIco

"Good to see you again Bruce."

"I would say the same Greg but when you come for a visit it normal brings me more problems"

"no problem this time Bruce, your parents just want to meet this woman you waited 14 years to come back! And of course their grandkids"

"o great they want to meet their grandkids that's just great"

Behind Bruce Ryker was shaking

"dad are they really coming?"

" sorry to say so but they are"


Ben just chuckled "Cmon Ryker they can't be that bad"

"They make Rob and Ray look like playful hamsters"

" O Bruce I guess I finally get to meet your parents"

"this is going to be a long week"

While the parents were distracted the cubs just sneaked off.

Nev City: Chapter 2; Flashbacks, Questions and a luming battle.

CHATPER 2 "nice room you have here Ryker" Ben said. He and Ryker were in Ryker's room while silver was sleeping on the bed. "hey, yours might be nearly as good as mine" Ryker said teasingly he had just met his brother a few hours earlier but felt...

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Nev City: Chapter 1; The three wolves meet and the husky appears

In a room with a wall covered in posters of cars a young wolf dressed in orange pajamas slept. His dreams were troubled by images of his best friend being beaten to death by his father. The wolf awoke breathing heavily his Black fur was drenched in...

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The boy with the golden core (uneditted) Chapter 4

Chapter 4 A purple wolf laid in a dark cell. He was chained to the back wall by all his paws. "wake up!" called a guard from the outside of the cell "here is your meal. And this time you better eat it" the guard said as he threw the bowl of...

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