The boy with the golden core (uneditted) Chapter 4

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Uneditted version of a Series on Hiatus. Will continue it once my health or other factors resolve themselves.

Chapter 4

A purple wolf laid in a dark cell. He was chained to the back wall by all his paws.

"wake up!" called a guard from the outside of the cell

"here is your meal. And this time you better eat it" the guard said as he threw the bowl of dumplings into the cage just barely in the wolf's reach. The weakened wolf picked up one off the floor and started eating it. "I hope you are safe kilec"

Kilec awoke swearing he heard the words 'I hope you are safe kilec' in his father's voice. He shivered as he came to realize he was in his bed at his present home. He sighed and went over to one of his bags and removed a picture of he and his adopted father. He could not help but remember that night.

His father was dragging him to the roof where a helicopter was waiting. On the floors below the guards were fighting off the zodiacs who already eliminated over half of the guards. They were at the door to the roof when a bull with pure black fur and purple horns came up behind them and charged. Kilec's magic was sealed off by one of them so his father pulled out a rifle and shot a few bullets into the bull who didn't even flinch. Kilec's father threw him through the door then pulled out a grenade and caught the bulls charge. Kilec watched as there was an explosion in the doorway. He ran to helicopter waiting for him and escaped. Since then he was in the care of the alpha guard and they decided this was the best place to put him. But he was the one who suggested it. He knew the only way to find out where they kept his father was to capture one of them. He knew being here meant they would come again and he would have some people who can fight. Albeit with a little training.

He heard his uncle's voice over the intercom calling him for breakfast. He went down and noticed he was the only one there.

"morning uncle Jacob"

"morning kilec."

"where is everyone"

"are you really asking that?"

"well I didn't expect them to move until later today. They should be fine though."

"I wish you would have mentioned that they would have gone through that. I could have prepared for it better"

"I thought if they knew the risk the would refuse to do it. And I needed them to achieve their full power"

"there is more to this than you are letting on." Jacob paused for minute then stared at kilec

"you are planning to capture one of those guys who after you and make them tell you where Julius is aren't you?"

"yes. I am. It was my fault they captured him. They managed to get a magic seal on me and sealed my magic so I couldn't fight back."

"if only Julius could see how pathetic you are right now"

"excuse me!? How pathetic I am?"

"you are all down in the dumps feeling sorry for yourself. You think that if you find it would erase the mistakes you made. And that he will forgive you for getting him captured."

Kilec paused and shivered a bit.

"it won't kilec. Because there is nothing for him to forgive. He gave it all to make sure you were safe. If you want to risk his sacrifice meaninglessly I won't let you. My brother left it in his will to stop you from doing anything like this. And I will. If you want to go through with this crazy plan of yours alone I will stop you"

"then what am I supposed to do? Huh?"

"how about trust in us." Said Vincent from behind kilec. Kilec turned 180 and saw Vincent and the others smiling at him.

"we will help you get your father back but don't do it like this"

"thanks everyone I guess I was going to do something stupid"

"and real soon too" Junior said looking at the wall on the left

"Junior? What is going on"

"they are back. Right outside right now"


"they are 4 of them this time. 2 on the northern side. 2 on the western side. The ones from yesterday are on the north. There is a bull and a panther to the west. They seem to be surveying us for when we leave"

"how the hell?"

"junior has enhanced perception and magical detection"

"but it's a lot better and clearer now. Their magic is totally hidden but I can still find them"

"I have no idea what a silver core does but your powers seem to have enhanced a bit too much. Kilec is that normal....? Kilec?"

Everyone looked around to see that kilec was gone.

"Dad! He went after the 2 on the west"

"Bryce with me the rest of you head off the other 3. The anti-magic squad will be here in 15"

The boys nodded to their fathers orders and went off.

Meanwhile outside Kilec was already making his way to the bull and jaguar. His fur was full green and he had a twig in hand. He quickly approached where the 2 hidden and they appeared right in front of him

"how did he find us?"

"irrelevant. Take him out!"

The jaguar pulled out 2 xiphos swords while the bull pulled out a mallet.

"what did you do with my father!?"

"won't matter you will never see him again!"

The jaguar coated his swords in darkness the bull bulked his muscles up.

Kilec made the first move he glowed his twig and gathered his magic

"Nature energy blast"

Kilec fired a ball of pure energy at the jaguar who sliced it with his sword.

"29 take him out!"

The bull charged in head long and kilec jumped back. He created a bush around the bulls feet tripping him up, Then launched another energy ball at him. The jaguar jumped and intercepted it again. He then charged at kilec trying to stab him with both his swords.

Jacob intercepted the jaguar with his schiavona sword.

"General Tai"

"General Fangz"

"thought I already killed you"

"here I am, so I guess you did not finish the job"

"well I will this time"

"I am thousands times stronger than I was before"

"we will find out then" Jacob swung his sword at the jaguar who blocked it with his right sword and then swung his left. Jacob jumped back then gathered his magic and heated the blade of his sword.

"Burst swing!" he swung the sword and sent a burst of hot air at the jaguar. The jaguar responded by making a shield out of darkness. The air hit the shield and dispersed.

The jaguar then did something no one would have thought.

"I call on Mayan Char"

A statute of the mayan god chaac. Appeared above his head.

Kilec was struggling to keep the bull restrained with vines. He had at least stopped his movements but his vines were being broken as fast as he could grow them. He then noticed the statue over the jaguars head.



"this time general I win!"

The statue released a burst of lighting and struck Jacob. Jacob felt the agonizing pain of over 1000000000 volts coursing through every inch of his body.


Kilec screamed as the bull finally broke free of his bushy prison. He then smashed the ground causing kilec to fall and lose his twig. The bull slowly made his way over to kilec slowly while grinning. Kilec looked over the seemingly dead body of his uncle and saw no hope.

The bull grabbed kilec and raised him up off the ground. He was choking the life out of kilec.

"did you have to go into deity mode 35?"

"I was not going to risk it. Last time he killed me without me knowing it."

"Still overboard. And our squad is still getting used to the deity summoning you should not have used it"

"harass me about it later. Extract his core..." the jaguar fell the ground unconscious

"35? 35!?"

Kilec barely conscious saw the 35 fall. And then noticed his uncle's body was not there.

The bull then let go of kilec. Falling backwards himself.

Then appeared out of nowhere behind him was Bryce.

"plan worked dad"

"what?! What did you guys do"

"dad coated me in his invisibility spell and had me watch for an opening to use my draining energy spell. On the jaguar. I used right after he cast that weird spell. Then I used it on the bull as he was breaking free from your trap."

"thanks. But uncle?"

"he is fine. That is a decoy."

"I forgot he was known as the black blood alpha for a reason. His sword cut through so many who never saw him that it eventually turned pure black. His uniform was always covered in black blood when returned from conquering an entire settlement by himself."

"dad knows some scary spells."

"where did he go then?"

"to help Vincent and the others"

"shall we join him?"

"let's go"

Earlier. Vincent and the others were making their way to engage the cheetah and Dalmatian. When junior said he something to take care of and ran off somewhere.

Vincent and Luhull appeared right in front of the cheetah and Dalmatian

"Hello again"

"how did they detect us 38?"

"I don't know 47 just eliminate them and extract the core from the boy"

"not losing. Not this time!"

Vincent turn his fur golden and prepared to engage the cheetah. The Dalmatian gathered foam and them shot 5 balls of them at luhull. Luhull responded with 5 balls of water and shot them at the foam balls. The balls collided and exploded but the foam gathered back up into one huge ball and made its way towards luh. Luh jumped out of the way and placed his paw on the ground. He combined his magic with the ground. And caused a geyser below the Dalmatian. The water hit the Dalmatian causing more foam to form around him.

"Water cannot work against me."

"Well then why not something different then."

Luhull changed his fur color to a sapphire blue.

"A CORE!" yelled the Dalmatian.

"amazing another core. We have to eliminate them now and extract the cores. 38?"

The cheetah was already on the ground beaten.


"wow Vincent!"

Vincent had negated the cheetah's magic and drained his energy.

"wow this new shield is awesome"

"what did you do to me?"

"any kind of magic that touches my shield is negated and anyone who does loses their magic."

"this kid has a scary ability." The cheetah said as he passed out. Vincent's fur then went back to normal and he fell to his knees.

"I over charged the shield. It takes way too much magic"

"Then I shall end you now before you become even more of nuisance" the Dalmatian charged in then summoned a statue above his head.

"I call on maya ixtab" the statue once again resembled it's the deity. A burst of dark magic came from the statue

"suicide call!"

Vincent couldn't move as the energy made its way to him. Luh intercept and took the hit.

Luh recovered but his body started acting without him. He started to choke himself.

"anyone hit with the curse of ixtab will be driven to suicide. No matter what you will find a way to kill yourself"


"now die!"

The Dalmatian was slashed down the back by Jacob. The curse on Luhull was lifted and he regained control of his body.

"you boys okay?"

"yes dad!?"

"thanks dad. You saved me!"

"what was that anyway?"

"the human Maya god of suicide. Or so I have heard"


"myths of non-furred creature. Similar to the apes said to have been the first evolved species."


"yes. At the time we were still ferals and they ruled over the world"

"what happened?"

"the myth says they disappeared as the ferals evolved into what we are now. No one knows for sure. Some doubt they even existed but they left artifacts behind. Statues of deities hundreds of them. I have one of them and I studied the Mayans when I was in the military. I could tell what those statues were and I knew you 2 were in trouble. Wait! Where is junior?"

"he ran off"

"HE DID WHAT! He is so grounded"

"I will go find him!"

Luh ran off trying to pin point Junior. The anti-magic squads arrived and retrained the 4 fallen warriors. After all 4 were arrested and taken into custody the guys went back to their breakfast. Luh returned without finding Junior so Jacob called the alpha guard.

"you guys took a long time getting here. What there a problem?"

"yes and one we need you to deal with!"


Junior was being escorted in by a few guards

"uh... hi dad?"

"don't even say a word. Get in your room and don't think about coming out until I get there" Junior was shaking as the deep tone his father used.

"Come off the boy jacob. He did nothing too bad" Jacob heard the voice of his brother Julius. He turned and there in the doorway was his brother. Beaten and looking raggy but alive and well.

"Julius!" Jacob ran over and hugged his brother

"good to see you Jacob"

"how did they find you?"

"ask your boy here how?"

"junior? How did you find him?"

"they had him close in the sewers. I already told the alpha guard about their base there."

"still not answering how?"

" my radar honed in on him. Through kilec. I really don't know the full details all I can say is that my radar locked on to him and It lead me there. Those guards were no push over though"

"I say but you managed to take them all down. Thanks for saving me but now where is kilec"

"KILEC SOMEONE IS HERE TO You!" Junior said over the intercom. A few minutes later Kilec came down the stairs.

"who would be here to see me? And where did....DAD?" Kilec ran over and hugged his dad.

"I am back kilec"

"thank heaven."

"since when did you get religious"

"oh shut up dad"

Julius wiped a tear off his son's eye. The two kept each other close until Julius told kilec to go upstairs while he talked to his brother. Junior followed him but said he was going to a friend's house later. The 2 brothers went to Jacob's study and began to talk

"so how long have you had kilec?"

"less than a day"

"wait less than a day? I got captured 2 months ago. I thought they would have sent kilec to you right away"

"what?! Kilec never mentioned when you were captured. I thought it was very recently. The counsel only mentioned it this week"

"I am not surprised. Mom and dad were probably behind it."

"they knew you were dead and did not inform me."

"they were trying to enslave kilec. But the association stepped in. they have been at odds recently"

"even more so after they announced preference for Luhull over Bryce."

"where are they anyway"

A butler walked in

"sir your parents are at the front door"

"speak of the devils. Let them in I will go deal with them"

Jacob left his study to speak to his parents and probably throw them out his house for a third time.

He walked into the dining room and saw his parents standing there looking angry as ever.

"Jacob! What the hell did you get yourself into? Anti-magic squads?"

"some guys are targeting Julius's son. We took them on this morning"

"how dare you put Bryce in danger! The association will hear of this treachery!"

"Bryce voluntarily helped us. And he is going to be targeting by them himself. You will not be able to protect him. I don't care if you think I am raising him badly and not to your standards but he is my son and no matter what you want."

"how dare you! You never wanted him 16 years we had him and you made no effort to even get to know him! You have no authority to lecture us"

"I made many efforts. I sent a gift every birthday and every Christmas. But you refused to even let me talk to him!"

"we knew you were going to corrupt him. We wanted Bryce to continue our ideas. I will make sure now that you have endangered him that the association will never let you keep him"



"what are you guys yelling about down here?"

"I am sorry we had to put you in this situation Bryce we will fix this soon."

"but I want to stay here"

His grandfather looked shocked.

"why would you want to stay here with those abominations."

"those abominations are my brothers."

"they are no such thing!"

"they are Grandfather. And yesterday luh showed me something I never expected from him. No matter how lowly I thought of him before he never hated me. He still cared about me. Even though we have no blood relation he still helped me. He worked all night no rest to make sure that my life was spared. I owe him and just like you taught me I am going to honor my debt"

"Bryce! I don't know what the lousy cretin did to you but you owe him nothing!"

"I do grandfather, I do. I also hope to learn more about my magic from luh and Vincent and junior and kilec."

"kilec? Who is this kilec?"

"me!" Kilec said entering the dining room.

"came to see what was keeping you Bryce."

"I will be right there"

"even more vermin! Jacob you are a disgrace. We should have disowned you like your brother. Right now even he is a bit better than you"

"never expected you to say anything nice about me father"

"Julius? We were told you died!"

"I was captured not dead. And I don't appreciate you calling my son vermin!

"this is thing is yours. Well both of you are disgraces. And not you indoctrinated Bryce! We won't stand by and let a grandson become like you 2. Miranda we are leaving"

The 2 stormed out again.

Junior walked in as they walked out

"I always love hearing that line. Means I won't have to see them again"

"can I help you junior?"

"yea. I am heading over to my 'friends' house now"

"yea this 'friend'. Why don't you drop the act and call him for what he is"


"I know he is your boyfriend Junior"

Junior just gulped and Juluis and Kilec laughed. Jacob just gave him a stern look.

"you can go. But by next week I want to meet him."


"go ahead a limo should be outside waiting"

"thanks dad. See you when I get back"

"be back by 10 or else!"

"I hear you."

"that is why you let him learn wolf magic? Cause he is gay?"

"kind of. He seems to be a very strange pervert. He was not turned off by the idea of having to serve that damn wolf."

"I know him. I serve him too."

"then shall we train a bit."

"Kilec can you train Vincent a bit while I beat down my brother?"

"sure thing dad."

About half an hour passed before junior rang the doorbell at a mansion on the other side of town. A bunny dressed in a butlers suit answered and let him in. he was escorted to the dining room. He was greeted by the owner of his boyfriend. A brown wolf.

"ah you must be Junior! Kaka has _talk_ed about you quite a bit. Well you know not talk per say"

"yea I know. You must be Mr. David Ventura"

"yes I am. And you full name is?"

"Jacob fangz junior, sir"

"ahhh. You are a fangz! I wish Kaka had said something I would have made better preparations."

"huh?" Junior then took notice his grandparents sitting at the other end of the room

"oh them." The grandparents took notice of him and obviously were disgusted. Kaka a green and white raccoon walked in a hugged Jacob from behind.

"kaka!" Jacob turned around and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek. Kaka just smiled. He then noticed that Mr. Ventura adjusted his glasses.

"young man care to explain why you have a sword strapped to your back?"

"how did you see my sword?"

"I live with many slaves who use magic I have anti-magic glasses to ensure no tricks."

Junior released the spell on his sword and presented it to the older wolf.

"remarkable. An ancient European sword. I believe this is an executioner sword."

"it is. My dad gave it to me because we were attacked today."

"I remember the tale of how wolves used swords like this during the earlier stages of the war. The blades of these swords glowed red as wolves slashed their enemies in half. These types of sword modeled off of our predecessors from ancient Europe during the medieval times."

"you know a lot about humans don't you?"

"I studied human mythology with my wife. You should show her this sword she would enjoy it."


"kaka take him to the mistress's study"

The raccoon nodded and then pulled a collar and leash and placed them on Junior

"hey Kaka! The leash? Already?"

"I guess I taught him well if he is using the leash."

Kaka pulled the leash and dragged Junior out the room. Leaving a laughing wolf and 2 very very stunned and disturbed grandparents.

Kaka and junior made their way to Mrs. Ventura's study. The silver wolf was there when kaka walked in tugging Junior with him.

"kaka? Aw! This is your boyfriend. Nice to meet you my name is Kaila Ventura"

"Jacob fangz junior"

"Ah your 'his' son! I did not know you were kaka's boyfriend"

"he seems have no told anyone."

"ah what brings you to my study?"

"um Mr. Ventura asked me to show you this"

Junior handed the sword to Mrs. Ventura

"amazing. An executioners sword from the human European empire. These things were used in public beheadings. It was only fitting that the wolves who specialized in beheadings used these are their p[primary weapons. But this is strange this sword as an eagle crest just above the hilt."

"yes it does. Dad recovered that sword from some ruins he found."

"ah those ruins! This sword was crafted before the disappearance of the humans and the evolution of the ferals. It is in amazing shape for being thousands of years old."

"didn't the human society disappear as well?"

"not entirely. The humans had reached a point where the inhabited nearly every corner of the globe and were progressing faster than they could have imagined. But then their society just stopped and one day they all disappeared. No one knows how many years passed between the humans disappearance and our evolution. Some say a few thousand years passed. Even with all our advanced science we could never tell. We also never found out how so many human settlements were gone without one trace. There were a few left but most disappeared. Also humans were not magical. The existence of magic in human society was rare to say the least but when they vanished magic became a staple part of the world we live in."

"do you anything about human deities. We were attacked this morning and my brother said one of the furs who attacked us called on a mayan god."

"a mayan god? Mayan's were conquered by the Spanish many years before the fall of the humans. We barely found anything relating to them. Humans did have many gods that they worshipped. But you said they called on them as in their power?"

Junior nodded

"If I remember correctly the mayans also predicted the end of human society. They predicted it accurately but I am not sure. We are still doing research on the humans"

Kaka tugged on the leash

"oh my I rambled on again. I am sure kaka wants to show you around the house. Kaka make sure to introduce him to Hugo"

Kaka nodded and tugged on the leash again. Junior complied but stopped when he say a painting

"who is that?"

"ah that is a famous conqueror Napoleon. He was an infamous leader in Europe during the Humans darker ages."

"but but. His face I seen it before"

"where? He died long before the humans disappeared"

"I know I have seen his face before...... the Hall of legends! That is where"

"hall of legends. Since you are a snow tiger I take it you mean the tiger's hall of legends?"

"yes. His face, his figure it resembles a tiger that tried to conquer all the close civilizations."

"hmmm. I think I have found something to check on. Can you 2 kids excuse me I have some research to do"

"no problem can let me know if you find anything Mrs. Ventura?"

"Sure no problem."

Kaka and Junior went around the house as kaka introduced him to his fellow child slaves who worked for the master. They then introduced him to Hugo the son of the master who happened to be in Luh's class.

"fangz huh?"

"yea that is right"

"you must be Bryce and luh's brother then"

"yea those are my older brothers."

"man I can't believe the brother of Bryce is a hybrid kinda cool if you ask me"

"weird I expected wolves to think I was a monster since I am hybrid"

"not all alphas think that way. And not all wolves do either. My dad and mom have no problems with hybrids either"

"Seems nice."

"yea but we have visitors who don't like them and my friend here doesn't either"

A purple wolf walked out and stared at junior.

"Who is this?" her tone sounded like she was suppressing her anger

"this is a boyfriend of one of the slaves"

"Hmm. Well a vermin deserves a vermin"

"Julia! Please watch what you say."


"you sound like my grandparents. They always saying the same thing"

"because it is what you are"

"Julia! Please be respectful he is a guest of my father."

"I will speak my mind if I want too. My grandparents are waiting downstairs for me anyway"

"they would like mine."

Julia walked past Junior as the grandparents came upstairs to get her. Junior just waved.

"see you again grandpa"

"He is not your grandfather so do not address him as such. Vermin"

"like Bryce hasn't said that line enough times! Whatever."

"Come now Julia. Miranda we are leaving"

The 3 wolves made their way to exit as the other just watched them. Once they were out of site Kaka got an evil look on his face. And gathered some magic into his middle and index finger. Junior felt a thug on the leash he was wearing. He turned around and noticed the evil look on kaka's face

"kaka!? Already!? Not that magic can we at least wa-" Junior was pulled by the leash back to Kaka's room. Hugo laughed at the spectacle. He knew what kaka was about to do to junior and he knew junior would have a sore ass tomorrow.

Outside however the mood was less ambiguous. Junior's grandfather was on the phone.

"Jacinta. One of the those vermin are away from home at the Ventura residence. If you want to take him out now would be good time to send someone."

"Do not worry father I have the perfect person in mind"

The boy with the golden core (uneditted) Chapter 3

Chapter 3 The next morning the boys and their father were at breakfast. Most were still in their pj's with the exception of Vincent who was already dressed for school. Luhull and spent the night treating Bryce. He had magic burns all over his inside....

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The boy with the Golden core(uneditted) Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Bryce was in his study. He had just finished talking to his grandfather. His grandfather was clearly upset at the verdict. His grandfather would be flying out tonight to sort things out. Jacob entered his study. "Done complaining to...

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Special content #5: Squirrel tribe

"Uh!" The poor hyena could only manage to squeak out. His name was Tusan, A warrior from one of the many hyena tribes that scattered the western hemisphere. They were always causing trouble for other tribes. They were nomadic tribes that kept their...

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