The boy with the Golden core(uneditted) Chapter 2

Story by saintkoopa on SoFurry

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Another un editted versions of a series I have put on hiatus while I work through it.

Chapter 2

Bryce was in his study. He had just finished talking to his grandfather. His grandfather was clearly upset at the verdict. His grandfather would be flying out tonight to sort things out. Jacob entered his study.

"Done complaining to grandpa?"

"Get out of here"

"Someone is grouchy"

"grandpa will fix this. I can't believe the association is even thinking of voting for a half blood like Vincent. And even worse I tied with Luhull? Those traitors will be hearing it"

"you think dad will just let you do what you like?"

"that man has no power over me. He may be my blood father but he is no father of mine"

"I don't get you. You been here for 6 months now."

"I wish I was never forced to live here"

"I wish you weren't either. You are a self-centered little bastard. If dad did not forbid me from get rid of you I would"

"are you threatening me?"

"yes I am"

"care to back it up"


Jacob's bracelet appeared on his wrist.

"magic huh?"

"afraid yet"

"Nope. I know you can't do anything to me"

"What makes you so sure?"

"you wouldn't dare touch a true alpha like me"

Jacob became enraged. He activated his magic and turned the fur on his right paw to fire

"Listen Bryce. I know that attack today was not random. Someone sent them to assassinate dad. They claim to be part of the anti-alpha movement but they never took a shot at you. I even heard them say not to target you"

"how did you hear anything you were asleep!"

"you really know nothing about my magic. I know you were behind the attack and if not you at least know or suspect who was"

"and if I knew who did it"

"then you better stop them because if they ever hurt dad I am going to kill you myself. Thah is a promise Bryce"

"get out Jr. you have gone over the line. I may not like my dad but I would never want an alpha dead. Besides if I was going to kill anyone it would be Luh not dad"

"same thing applies to Luh and Vincent. Hurt them in any way and I will take it out on you tenfold"

"I will keep that in mind."

"you better. Goodnight Bryce"

Jacob walked out of the room slamming the door behind him. Luhull was carrying the potion to ensure his father was fully healed.

"what did do you?"

"Made sure he wasn't involved"

"what did you hear?"

"those thugs had orders not to hurt Bryce. They whispered it to each other before they attacked. And that gun that got through your water was enchanted. Those guys were not part of the anti-alpha movement. I don't think they were part of the species rebellion. I don't know who they worked for but it was obvious they were only after dad. Anyone else would have targeted me or Vincent first."

"I will tell dad what you told me"

"please do. I am going to talk to Vincent about it."


Luhull made his way up to his father's study. He knocked on the door.

"luh leave it by the door"

"nice try dad but I am going to make sure you drink it this time"

"I am not 5"

"but you act like it dad"

Luhull entered the and saw his father naked and covered in his own cum.


"luhull you need to leave"

"Why should he Jacob"

"who said that?"

"Hello again Luhull"

"you? You have awakened again?"

"yes and soon I will have a physical body"

"great just when I thought our lives were getting complicated you come along"

"your brothers know nothing of me but you do."

"I have always been able to sense you. I also know what you feed on"

"So will you be willing?"

"yes if you keep your paws of my little brothers"

"they are part of my deal with him you are not. You are just a bonus"

"I know all about the deal you made. But I also researched it."

"how did you do that luh?"

"I read some of the texts seized from the raccoon kingdom. I know you can only take them if they use wolf magic"

"Smart boy."

"they have been using tiger magic. Which is very closely similar to wolf magic but is not the same. If my brothers never use wolf magic you can't lay claim to them"

"you are very intelligent. You knew that I could only claim you if you used wolf magic. But you have. In the past you used wolf magic."

"I have but they haven't"

"I like you. But I must take my leave. Next time Jacob I will have a physical body. I look forward to having you both pleasure me. Good bye my pets"

"good riddance"

"what was that about Luh? And when did you find out we have to be using wolf magic for him to claim us?"

" I found out yesterday. I had a book delivered. With my new status a lot more is now available"

"let me get cleaned up and then you can explain your findings to me"

"yes please."

Jacob went off to the bathroom as Luhull made himself comfortable with one of his father's books. A few minutes later His father walked back in in his bath robe

"Now where were we"

"I was about to tell you what I found yesterday"

"what did you find?"

"the essence of magic. That wolf we been dealing with can only take his offering from one who has used wolf type magic. Every species has a different feel to their magic. And sometimes that leads to different types. The ancient wolves were skilled in magic swords. But their elemental magic was lacking a bit"

"I know that. My wind elemental is stronger when used in combination with my sword"

" Me, Vincent and Jr. have been using tiger magic. Which is very good at elemental. That new guy who is coming is probably good at charms and enchantments."

"the raccoons were known for being very deceptive."

"yes. Well I wondered how is it I learned wolf magic."

"I thought he said it was because he allowed you"

"no it was because of Jacob and Vincent"


"when magic users are related by blood they can share their magic essence with one another. Normally siblings are the same species so no one notices it. But when one is a hybrid and the other is not they can call on the essence that the hybrid uses. Hybrids can access any species' essence that make up more than 25% of their genes."

"so anyone who is 1 quarter wolf can use wolf magic?"

"yes. I can also draw on wolf magic because of my blood relation to Vincent. Same with Bryce he can probably draw on tiger magic."

"that poses a problem. I am not sure if he can use magic"

"I am sure he can. Anyway you also can draw on tiger magic since Vincent and Jr. share 50% of your genes"

"not surprising. I been using tiger magic for a long time now"

"well here is our dilemma. If Jacob and Vincent learn sword magic they can be taken by that jerk"

"well I have no taught them sword magic."

"they could access it on their own. It is best we tell them about him"

"when the time is right. Did you find out anything else?"

"yea. There was an experiment years ago about producing a magic solider more powerful than anything. If the wolves become magically again they will probably finish it"

"what? You mean project Abyss? That thing was scrapped years ago."

"It was. Dad imagine if a wolf fathered hybrids with a few species. And then a full blooded wolf"

"the wolf would gain... the wolf would gain all the essence of every species"

"yes. Can you imagine someone who can use tiger elemental. Hyena enhancements and fox charms? They would be the strongest magic user to walk the face of the earth. If that power ends up in the wrong hands it could destroy the world as we know it"

"the wolves would never do it since they hate hybrids."

"I don't mean the wolves. The foxes are the ones I am concerned about."


"25 years ago the foxes raided over 15 settlements of different species and took 5 women. "

"all the species do that"

"yes but the foxes are by far the second most advanced of the species. If they found out about the essence sharing they would want that power."

"all speculation Luh but I guess it is something for you to research when you become a general"

"yea it is one of the few things that could really tip the balance."

Luhull sighed and went to retrieve a book from a shelf. His father just sat there thinking for a while until a smile crossed his muzzle

"My magic power seemed to have increased again. I think we should test out a few things"

"what are you talking about dad?"

Jacob walked over to the intercom. "Vincent and Junior. Meet me and luhull in the training room in 5 minutes. Bryce as well"

"Bryce? Really dad?"

"it is about time he learned. And also I sensed something weird when the wolf disappeared. I have a feeling Bryce is behind it"

"what are you planning?"

"you are going to try and kill byrce"

"what!? Are you insane?"

"nope I have it all planned out. Hurry up now."

Luhull just face palmed then followed his dad.

They reached the magic training room where Vincent and Junior were waiting.

"magic lesson at this time dad? And Bryce?"

"what did you call me here for father?"

"oh Bryce. I called you because you are going to spar with Luhull"

"Me spar with Luhull?"

"yes in sword combat"

Luhull's eyes went wide as Junior and Vincent just watched on with concern.

Jacob handed both Luhull and Bryce a sword and sent them to sparing area.

"ready for this Bryce?"


"remember you 2. That sword will cut through anything that is not magical but you need magic to activate the ability"

"dad are you really going to let them spar? Bryce will die in a few seconds"

"Vincent. Trust me. This will be interesting."

"I hope he does die. I know he is planning something for us but I don't know what yet"



Luhull surrounded his sword with water while Bryce just uninterestingly drew his.

"better focus or you might lose your life"

"Don't think for a minute I would lose to a lowly tiger like you"

"then dodge this"

Luhull swung his sword sending a blade of water towards Bryce. Bryce moved to the right a bit and watched as the blade of water sliced right through the floor

"scared yet Bryce?"

"impressive water pressure."


"but you are still weak"

"we will see about that."

Luhull Charged in as the water around his sword began to swirl. Luhull jumped in the air and swung his down towards Bryce. Bryce raised his sword to defend.

When they collided the swirling water splashed off in all directions covering the floor in water. Their swords were locked together in a test of strength and luhull was clearly winning.

"water is your specialty?"

"my best and only element so far"

"too bad. If it was any other element you might have won"

"what do you mean might have won? I am going to win"

"on the contrary you already lost"

A bracelet appeared on Bryce's wrist.

"you... you can use magic" Luhull said jumping backwards away from Bryce.

"duh. I already knew that you guys found out."

"who taught you then?"

"I had a snow tiger slave that taught me elemental magic. I also inherited my sword skill from grandfather. Which made it easy to unlock my sword magic"

Luhull's sword then broke in half

"what the!?"

"told you. You already lost."

Bryce then swung his sword and created a shockwave that blew Luhull backwards straight into the wall knocking him out.

"satisfied father?"

"With that display? I am impressed but that also means you know about him?"

"yes. I know about him and the price to be paid."

"then you know luhull will also be paying the price"

"what!? How did he become able to use wolf magic.?"

"the same way you are able to use tiger magic. Come I will explain everything."

Bryce sheathed his sword and made his way back up to the observation area. Jacob told Vincent and Junior to go practice their magical charms while and Bryce had a talk.

"do my parents know about your magic?"

"yes and they know about yours as well."

"then the association clearly wanted you here to increase your magical talent"

"I am already more talented than the others no need for me to train with furs weaker than I am"

"you beat luhull who was holding back? And you think you are stronger than they are. Face Vincent and you will see how strong you are compared to them"


"Vincent! You and Bryce are about to spar. No holding back on him!"

"okay dad"

Bryce and Vincent entered the sparing area with Bryce having his sword drawn

"let us get this over with quick. I am expecting company soon"


"not drawing a sword?"

"no need. I make my own" Vincent created a sword identical to Bryce's

"If you think it can hold up"

"just start already"

"fine" Bryce swung his sword again and created another shockwave. Vincent just stared at the incoming shockwave and did nothing. It hit Vincent head on but nothing happened.


Vincent just dusted himself off.

"my turn!"

Meanwhile up in observation area. The grandparents had walked in.


"Father!? What are you doing here"

"You know very well what we are doing here. I am here about the verdict."

"Bryce called you?"

"yes where is he. He is not in his usual places"

"he is down... there?"

The older wolves looked down into the sparing area to see Vincent sitting on top of Bryce who lost his sword

"What is that Boy doing? He should learn some respect for his betters"

"Father! No insulting them"

"they are already an insult to us. Be lucky that we don't disown you for ruining family name. hopefully Bryce can redeem it"

"Father! I have told you not to insult my boys like this many times in the past"

"Don't raise your voice to me"

Vincent walked in then

"I beat him senseless. Can I go now?"

"yes and take those other abominations with you"

"good to see you too grandpa"

"Vincent come one. Luh! Stop pretending to be knocked out!"

Luhull got up.

"hey no fair! You played dead to get him to face me!"

"yes duh. If I would have beaten him it would have made him ever harder to deal with"

Just then Bryce screamed out


A burst of electricity shattered the glass sending shards towards everyone in the room. Then a bold of lighting made its way towards Vincent. Time slowed down as the bolt got closer to its target. Vincent's heartbeat rose as he saw his death imminent. Then a voice in his head screamed out. 'YOU CAN STOP IT. YOU MUST NOT DIE!'

Vincent raised his paw seeing that he somehow slowed down time. Then his fur turned gold. He then disbursed the bolt of lightning. When he did time resumed its normal pace. Everyone was stunned as they watched Vincent's fur regained its normal color.

"what... what... was.. that?"

Jr. was furious. He charged straight through the broken windows covered in fire. Luhull chased him covered in water and restrained him.


"I AM SORRY. I... lost control. I didn't mean for that to happen."

"Junior calm down. Bryce you have no control over your magic do you! You got angry and it went haywire."

"I never meant to lose control like that. I just got angry about how he beat me"

Jacob sr. then teleported in. he walked up to Bryce and gave him a slap across the face. A few tears were in senior's eyes.

"Bryce. Do you realize what you were about to do?"

"I know! I was about to kill him. I am sorry"

"NO you were not only about to kill him! You were about to kill yourself."


"Bryce you learned elemental magic but you were not told how dangerous it is. Thunder elemental is the hardest to control takes years of careful training. I am guessing you learned only how to summon it"

" an old slave taught me it."



"do you know how foolish that was!? She herself never learned elemental magic properly."

"this is the reason he was placed in your care. He lost his temper and killed shegan in a training exercise"

"you failed to mention this for 6 months why?"

"we needed to remove the others from the house first. I never expected you to test his magic"

"father you should have mentioned it to me. Luhull check his heart now"

"my heart?"

"Lightning magic if used improperly can cause heart failure. That is why it is not the first elemental most people learn. Unlike the others it is purely for lethal and destructive purposes. Now remove you shirt Bryce and let me check your chest for burn marks"

Luhull coated his paws in healing water again and placed them on Bryce's chest.

"dad bad news. He burned his insides. It is magic burns. I can treat it but it will take all night"

"take him to your study and treat him there"

"alright c'mon Bryce"

"Junior is Vincent okay?"

"oh yea. Vincent!"

"I am fine dad. Just a little surprised"

"what was that?"

"I don't know but I feel really drained. Can I be excused"

"dinner is in 10 do you want anything?"

"no. I am just not feeling well"

"junior take him to his room and tuck him for me I will be up in a moment and luhull will check on you once he makes sure Bryce is in no danger"

"I am not a kid dad I don't need to be tucked..."

Vincent fell to his knees. Junior jumped back up into the observation area and put him over his shoulders.

"I got him."

"go! Father mother can we continue our discussion at dinner?"

"yes let us"

The 3 older wolves moved to the dining room. Junior placed Vincent into bed while Luhull began treating Bryce

"Luhull why are going all out on me?"

"huh? What do you mean?"

"I can feel it. You are trying as hard to heal me as you did trying to save dad"

"Because you are my family Bryce. Even if you don't act like it"

"but this was my mistake"

"no it was our mistake. A mistake made by one of us is a mistake made by all. I made plenty of mistakes that dad has helped me through. So has Vincent and Junior. I know you don't want to be around us because we aren't pure blooded wolves. But we are a family Bryce, and now you are part of that family."

"it's just. I feel so insignificant around here. When I was younger everyone was considered inferior to me. Everyone. But here I see you and Vincent and junior and dad. How happy you guys are even though so many hate you. I guess I was feeling jealous."

"but is that how you really feel?"

"the first thing that crossed my mind when dad got shot was how wonderful my life would be without him. The more I look back at that the more I wonder. Am I really that heartless. Then Junior confronted me. He said I was behind it or knew who was. He was wrong. But I know he read my feelings. I should have never ever thought that losing my dad was a good thing. I want to know him better."

"dad is a great guy. When my mom died he could have left all of us there but he didn't he came for us and saved us. He even took me when I am not his biological son. And then he refuses to have me acknowledged as anything other than his son. I am glad that he is my dad. And I think you will be too once you get to know him. Here drink this."

"thanks Luh"

"that is the first time you called me that" Bryce and Luhull both laughed as Bryce fell asleep.

Junior made his way down to the dining room. Putting away his cell phone. He had gotten a text from one of his friends saying they had a meeting after school tomorrow

Once he got to the dining room he took a seat next to his father on the opposite side to his grandmother and grandfather. They both gave a snort at him for being so bold as to just sit there.

"I am very much pleased that you have taken up Bryce's magic tutoring"

"he should have been in my care long before. He probably has done lots of damage to his body."

"that slave shegan. If she was not dead already I would have her head"

"what do you expect. She absolutely hated the way you treated her. Did you expect her to just teach Bryce magic."

"she had a mind destruction collar on. She knew what would happen if she betrayed us."

"still irresponsible of you knowing about my magical abilities"

"don't lecture me! I am not one to be lectured by someone who could never understand his position. You were not supposed to father so many dirt blooded offspring."


"Dad I am finished may I be excused"

"go Junior. I will be up in a minute to check on Vincent"

"good night"

"good riddance"

"dad. This ends now. You either show my sons some respect or you do not enter my household again"

"you dare threaten me?"

"yes I dare threaten you. You didn't even have to decency to tell me my brother Julius died"

"He was a worse alpha than you."

"you disowned him because he was gay?! Why the heck do you think you can control everything about our lives."

"you and Julius are both disappointments. Your sister has been the one to carry on the family's reputation."

"I am also taking in his son"

"that Raccoon! Are trying your best to disgrace us!?"

"no I am trying my best not to even remotely act like you 2. You were horrible parents and right now you are trying your best to break up my family. Your arrogance nearly got Bryce killed!"

"what do you care about that boy! If you had your way he would have never been born!"

"If I had a choice I would have never done what I did to get Bryce but he is my son. And I see him in the same light I see all of them."

"He is no abomination like the rest of them. He is superior I will hope that the association sees it that way."

"unlike you there are members who are seeing luhull for what he really is."

"no wolf would be ruled over by a non-alpha"

"guess Bryce did not relay the full message. Luhull is an alpha."

"that boy! No I refuse to believe it. I don't know what kind of propaganda you have going in the committee but I am going to make sure they uphold the sanctity of our species. Just you wait. Marinda we are leaving"

The 2 older wolves left. Jacob always dreaded when his parents came for a visit because it always meant trouble for him.

'could be worse'

After dinner Jacob returned to his study and began researching something. He did not make much out of it 10 years ago but today he knew he had to confirm it. He was checking out a theory on magical cores. A special energy residing in the body that allows for use of magic. Normally they are never used by a person or even noticed but Vincent today drew on his. He knew this because Lallah had warned him about it when he was born. The boy was born glowing. That is the reason he left. The elders were afraid of what his presence would do to the boy.

Jacob could not reach a suitable answer for what he needed but he knew something was wrong with Vincent. He would talk to him tomorrow.

Outside the house however 2 dark figures were lurking in the shadows.

"it was awakened"

"he used its power"

"should we tell the boss?"


"will we proceed as scheduled?"

"we cannot intercept Kilec. He is being guarded by 50 anti-magic guards. Even with our skills that would be too tall an order"

"you give these wolves too much credit"

"and you underestimate them. There is a reason they are the dominant species right now."

"they got lucky! Soon the world will bow down at our might. The revolution is coming and the wolves will feel it the most"

"the wolves have had peace in this side of the world for far too long. Soon they will feel suffering and pain the likes of which has not been seen before."

"but we must get the Golden and Emerald core from those 2"

"once we have them our organization will be unstoppable"

"let us prepare for tomorrow!"


The figures disappeared but Junior caught their presence.

Lying in bed he contemplated what Vincent did earlier. He knew it was the same thing he did 10 years ago to save Luhull. He would need to talk to his dad real soon.

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