9:00 PM, Outside Your Front Window

Story by Cyan Argent on SoFurry

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Just a winter-themed short story I decided to write, since I haven't really wrote any short stories before. Hope you guys enjoy it though!

Snow had begun to fall outside and a light blanket of white coated the ground. The flakes were falling steadily and a cold wind was beginning to blow, making the snow whip and turn in intricate patterns as it fell to the ground. The first snow of winter, and hopefully it would not be the last.

The red fox sitting in the fifth row closest to the window was the first to notice the snow. His amber eyes stared at the flakes as they made their descent. Most of his days were spent just staring out of the classroom window, but the fact that snow was falling gave the usual dismal high school exterior a change in scenery. The fox sighed and let his head lean against his paw, his tail curled lazily around the chair that he spent most of his days sitting in. Considering the pace of the snow falling and the look of the gray clouds, the snow would not stop anytime soon. The thought of school being cancelled tomorrow lightened the fox's mood and he found himself smiling as the white flakes piled up on the ground.

"Mr. Keating? Would you mind turning your attention back to me?"

The fox's smile vanished as he turned his head away from the window and back to the lackluster view of the Calculus I classroom. The teacher was giving him a scolding stare, one that the fox was quite accustomed too.

"Yes, I'm aware that it is snowing Destry, but right now you are in math class. You will be able to stare at the snow when class is over."

A few students snickered around the classroom as Destry only nodded in reply. The teacher continued his lecture and Destry returned his attention to his open textbook, but he drowned out the teacher's words into background noise as he continued his daydreaming. It was only one more week until Christmas break, and he was going to spend the cold winter nights with his boyfriend. The white wolf who he had been dating for three months now, one of the team captains of the football team, the one who was openly gay but no one ever made fun of him about his orientation, the one who Destry possibly thought could be the guy he was looking for, had promised him that this would be his best Christmas ever. Destry was not so sure on how the wolf was going to make this happen, but he was always full of surprises.

The shrill ring of the bell snapped Destry back into reality. The fox scooped his textbook and papers scribbled with doodles off of his desk and tucked them under his arm. He ignored the sideways glance from his teacher and pushed his way past the bustling crowds in the hallways. He acknowledged those he knew in the hallway but he did not stop for any idle chit-chat. It was the end of the school day and he always walked home with his boyfriend. Not only was it romantic but it gave them a chance to wind down the events of that day between each other. Sometimes the wolf would even spend the night.

Destry reached his locker and opened the creaky door. His locker was not decorated or anything, besides some sticky notes that were written to him from friends. He gazed at the contents of his locker in irritation as he tried to find room to fit his textbook among the rest of his books and papers.

"Destry, you really need to clean that out sometime soon."

Destry turned around to find his boyfriend standing behind him, his muscular arms crossed against his perfectly toned chest. He was staring at the clutter in Destry's locker with a reprimanding grimace that elicited a smirk out of Destry.

"Sorry Tanner. I've really meant to clean it but I've been really busy." Destry replied as he pulled his coat from the clutter.

"Well I suppose I can give you some help." The white wolf sighed as he shrugged his duffel bag onto his shoulder.

Destry smiled as he closed his locker and slipped his coat on. "You know it's snowing outside. Did you bring a coat today?"

Tanner shook his head as he stepped out of the path of a group of oncoming students. "No. My winter coat is beginning to grow in so...yeah."

"Yeah mine too. Did you just get back from weightlifting?" Destry asked as he eyed the wolf's sculpted body.

"What? Oh, yeah." Tanner replied as he dodged another group of students. "Hey can we start walking?"

"Sure. I have to get home anyways and finish that paper."

"The chemistry paper? The one that's due this Friday?" Tanner chuckled as he hurried alongside Destry. "You're not done with it yet?"

"I have three pages typed already." Destry shrugged. "I can easily finish the last two pages tonight. How many pages do you have to do?"

"I'm done." Tanner grinned, his pink tongue sticking out.

"What? No you're not." Destry smiled back as he nudged the wolf with his elbow.

"Are too."


The wolf's grin widened as he pointed to his head. "I'm smarter than I look."

Destry chuckled as they stepped outside into the snow. He watched as the white flakes fell upon and blended within the white wolf's fur.

"Maybe I should've worn a coat." Tanner shivered.

With a grin, Destry walked down the steps from the school and plodded through the snow that had begun to pile up on the sidewalk. Other students ran for their own cars in the student parking lot or for the school buses that lined the street. Destry's house was only a short ten minute walk away from the school but Tanner's house was farther down the road from his. The fact that the wolf walked Destry to and from school every day really made Tanner quite special in Destry's eyes.

The two walked through the snow as the after-school traffic rushed by on the roads. The snow shower had now changed to a blizzard and the walk home was beginning to grow more difficult against the wind and freezing temperatures.

"I'm calling my shots and guessing school will be canceled tomorrow." Tanner shivered.

"Don't count on it though. It might stop snowing overnight." Destry chided with a sideways glance.

"Well one can hope."

"Hey is your football banquet this weekend?" Destry asked with a twitch of his ears.

Tanner rubbed his nose and sniffed. "Yeah this Saturday. You'll be there, right?"

"Of course I will." Destry smiled as he brushed his tail against the wolf. "I don't want to miss my wolf receiving his MVP award."

"How do you know that I'm even going to get it?" Tanner asked.

Destry shrugged. "Come on, you're being too modest. You played amazing every single game and put in so much effort. There's no way that the award will be going to someone else this year."

"I suppose so." The white wolf replied as he rubbed his paws together.

The two stopped as they reached the front yard of Destry's house. Tanner walked the fox up to his front door and waited while the fox fidgeted for his keys. The wolf was trying not to shiver against the cold wind and snow while Destry fumbled with unlocking the door.

"You coming in?" Destry asked with a twitch of his ears.

"Ahhh no sorry. I have to get home and help my mom cook my dad's birthday dinner." Tanner coughed.

"You cooking?" Destry chuckled as he crossed his arms against his chest. "I can't imagine you cooking anything other than microwave dinners."

"Hey now fox! I can cook a mean steak." Tanner replied crossly as he leaned against the doorframe. "With mashed potatoes and carrots and corn-"

"Okay stop." Destry smiled. "Dinner isn't for another four hours and you're making me hungry."

"Well sorry about that."

Tanner shifted his feet as he smiled and looked down at the floor.

"Something on your mind stud?" Destry asked as he cocked his head at the wolf.

"Actually, yeah." Tanner sheepishly replied with a nervous flick of his tail. "The...LGBT group at school is having their annual Christmas party this Friday. I was wondering if you had given any more thought on going with me."

Destry sighed as he leaned up against the wall and closed his eyes.

"I...no, not really." The fox replied.

Tanner lowered his ears slightly at the response. "Well Destry...it would be really cool for you to attend. They really have been asking about you."

"Listen hon, I really think it would be fun," Destry reached for the wolf's paw and gave it a light squeeze. "But I just don't think I'm ready yet to be publicly introduced as your boyfriend."

Tanner's ears lowered even more as he stared at the paw that rested in his.

"Oh. Okay. I understand." The wolf replied.

"I'm sorry. I really am." Destry said sheepishly as he let go of the wolf's paw.

Tanner smiled, but Destry could tell it was forced.

"It's okay sweetie. I really understand."

The wolf leaned in and gave a quick kiss on Destry's muzzle, which the fox gladly returned.

"Well I should head home now." Tanner huffed as he glanced outside at the falling snow, which had now piled up in the streets, making travel by car quite hazardous. "I'll see you tomorrow...well if school isn't cancelled. Text me?"

"Of course." Destry replied with a nod and a warm smile.

"Cool. Uh, sorry about letting all of the cold air in."

Destry chuckled as he waved the wolf off. "Get your tail home before you get sick!"

"Right." Tanner started walking away, but then paused and turned back around. "And please, give the Christmas party some thought hon. I would really like for you to attend."

Destry's smile vanished at the mention of the party again and he felt a slight hint of irritation towards the wolf's pleading and prodding.

"I told you I'll think about it stud. Now get on home."

"Awesome. Thanks." Tanner replied with a grin.

Destry watched the wolf walk down the sidewalk until he was out of his field of vision. He closed the front door shut and leaned against it with a sigh.

His relationship was great with Tanner. The wolf had everything he wanted in a boyfriend. He was charming, caring, had a great sense of humor, and the well-built and toned body was quite a bonus too. He was not so sure why the wolf had chosen to date him out of any other of the gay guys at school, but he was certainly happy about dating one of the most popular guys in school. Tanner had everything that Destry wanted in a boyfriend, and their relationship was perfect.

Well...there was one problem about their relationship.

Destry was not openly gay to anyone except Tanner and a few of his closest friends. This was a huge problem considering the whole entire high school knew about Tanner being gay. Tanner was out, but Destry was still in the closet. This made public affection and their relationship somewhat difficult in certain circumstances. Destry had been thinking of ways to come out with Tanner's help, but he had turned down every single one. However, with the LGBT Christmas party coming up, Tanner had suggested that this would be a great event to come out to a trustworthy group. The idea had seemed fine to Destry at first, but doubt began to worm into his mind as the day neared closer.

Destry shed his coat off and threw it onto the living room couch in a heap. He walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Glowering at the lack of food, the fox grabbed a bag of cubed cheese and kicked the door shut with his foot. He licked his lips as he rummaged through the kitchen cabinets and uncovered a box of crackers, which he balanced in one paw along with the cheese. He walked back to the living room and flopped down on the couch and flicked the television on. He knew he really should be working on his chemistry paper but just relaxing on the couch in front of the television was much more inviting. He took some of the cubed cheese and placed it on the crackers, which he then popped into his muzzle. Nothing on the television was quite interesting at the moment but the fox just enjoyed the background noise.

Destry's eyes fluttered open at the sound of the front door squeaking open. His mother walked into the living room, several binders tucked under her arms. He sat up and yawned. How long had he dozed off for?

"Oh hi Des! Sorry if I woke you up!" His mother said as she kicked the door shut. "How was school today?"

"Boring." Destry yawned again and stretched. "Was work busy today?"

His mother sighed as she threw the heavy binders onto the kitchen table. "Horrible. I have three cases all going on at the same time right now. I feel like I'm living at the court statehouse."

Destry chuckled as he sat up from the couch and padded into the kitchen. "I'm sorry mom. At least it's snowing."

His mother gave him a mock glare as she opened up the refrigerator. "Don't even remind me. It's a blizzard outside and the roads are horrible! Oh and look at that! I forgot to visit the grocery store!" She closed the fridge door shut and sighed. "I'm sorry dear. Is it too much trouble for you to make dinner yourself tonight?"

"Not at all." Destry replied as he held up the bag of cheese.

"Okay good. I'm going to take a long hot shower and pass out." His mother sighed as she headed back into the hallway.

Destry also sighed as he threw the now empty bag of cheese onto the table. His stomach rumbled hungrily.

There was a muted vibration from the couch cushions and Destry rushed into the living room. He spent a few seconds scrambling around the couch until his paws clutched his cellphone that had fallen in between the couch cushions. He flipped it open and smiled when he saw a text message from his dearly beloved. "Made 2 much food. Have leftovers. Come over 4 dinner?"

His smile widened as he typed a quick reply and slipped his phone into his jean's pocket.

"Going to Tanner's for dinner mom!" Destry yelled as he slipped his winter coat on and wrapped a scarf around his neck and slipped out into the winter evening.

The snow had grown a few inches on the ground and made the walk to Tanner's house a little bit longer than usual. It was only seven in the evening but the roads were mostly clear of any traffic. By the time he knocked on Tanner's front door, he was shivering and slightly wet from the falling snow. The door opened and revealed a shirtless and smiling Tanner.

"Destry! I didn't think you'd be here so soon!" Tanner laughed slightly. "I'm guessing you must be really hungry."

"Well I could always just go back home and eat." Destry teased as he brushed the wolf's white fur along the toned chest that was spread out in front of him.

"Oh no you don't mister." Tanner grinned as he grabbed ahold of the fox's scarf and pulled him into the house.

As the door closed shut, Destry found his muzzle pressed against Tanner's in a warm and passionate kiss. The fox closed his eyes as he savored the taste and the warmth of his mate's muzzle. When the kiss ended, they were both slightly panting.

"So...there's grilled salmon and macaroni and cheese sitting on the table." Tanner said as he motioned towards the kitchen with his paw. "Help yourself."

"Thanks." Destry replied as he walked into the kitchen and inhaled the savory smells that wafted from it.

Tanner sat down at the kitchen table and watched as Destry scooped some food upon a plate.

"You made all of this yourself?" Destry asked as he sat down across from Tanner.

Tanner nodded as he rested his head against his paw. "Sure did. How is it? Am I a good cook?"

Destry smiled as he chewed a piece of the grilled salmon. The juices were wonderful and the meat was tender and delicious.

"It's amazing! You really are quite the cook." Destry replied sincerely.

"Thanks. I followed my mom's recipe and everything."

Destry shoved some more food into his muzzle and chewed as he glanced around the room. "Where are your parents anyways?"

"Out shopping." Tanner snorted. "My father insisted he get his birthday present after dinner."

"In this weather?"

Tanner shrugged. "He really loves his golf clubs."

Destry smiled past the mixture of food in his muzzle. "So we're alone?"

Tanner nodded. "For now, yes."

Destry scooped the last bit of food into his muzzle and swallowed it down.

"You up for some fun then?" The fox asked as a smile crept at his muzzle.

"What? Now?" Tanner asked in slight surprise.

"Why not? We're alone. And you're already half undressed." Destry chuckled as he stood up and sauntered over to the wolf.

Before Tanner could reply, Destry straddled him and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Tanner closed his eyes as he melted into the kiss and ran his paws up the fox's slim but toned frame. Their breath came out hot against each other as the kiss continued. He was so engaged in the passion that he barely noticed when the wolf picked him up and sat him down on the kitchen counter. Destry did not want it to end but unfortunately it always had to. Tanner pulled away, panting heavily and smiling widely. Destry smiled back as he felt his face flush. Another part of his body began to grow warm too and he squirmed slightly as Tanner grabbed ahold of the fox's shirt and slipped it off.

"You really are quite the beautiful thing." Tanner chuckled as he ran his paws across Destry's toned chest.

"I believe that I'm supposed to say that to you dear." Destry replied with a chuckle.

And it was true. The white wolf had the sculpted body that any guy or girl envied. The toned muscles rippled underneath the soft white fur with every move the wolf made. He rubbed his paw against the wolf's chest and enjoyed how his muscles went taut and relaxed against his touch.

"Now let's get these out of the way." Destry said as he licked his lips and unbuttoned the front of Tanner's jeans.

"Wait fox." Tanner stopped him by grabbing ahold of his paws. "Before we do this, I just want to ask one question."


Tanner took a breath. "Will you go to the Christmas party with me Friday?"

Destry's smile disappeared as he let his paws fall from the wolf's pants.

"Seriously? You're asking me this now?" Destry asked as he crossed his arms.

"Well I was hoping you had given it some more thought." Tanner replied as he straightened.

"More thought? Christ Tanner, you just asked me like two hours ago!" Destry replied crossly.

"You had plenty of time to think it over Destry." Tanner countered as his ears twitched.

Destry's ears folded down slightly as he felt the irritation start to rise in him again.

"Well I really didn't have the chance to really sit down and think it over." Destry snapped.

Tanner's tail twitched slightly at the remark. "Come on Des. This is really important to me."

"I know it is! You've told me several times!"

"Then why are you just blowing it off?"

"I'm not blowing it off!" Destry practically yelled in frustration.

With a huff he slid off of the counter, his sexual disposition now replaced with annoyance and frustration.

"Well what would you call it then?" Tanner replied with a glare.

"Does it really matter?" Destry muttered as he grabbed his shirt from the floor. "I'll tell you tomorrow when I think about it."

"So you're just going to leave and not even answer me?" The wolf asked as he crossed his arms against his chest.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

The wolf's ears folded back slightly. "Come on Des. Don't do this. Just talk to me."

Destry sighed as he pulled his shirt on and smoothed out the wrinkles. "I am talking to you."

"Just tell me why you don't want to go with me tomorrow."

"Is it really that hard for you to figure out?" Destry asked as he shot him a sideways glance. "You're out, and I'm not."

"I get that, but this is the best opportunity to come out! You'll be surrounded by those who are like you and me!"

"And then the entire school will know!" Destry protested.

"Well that is what coming out is Des." Tanner sighed.

"You don't understand!" The fox sighed as he closed his eyes.

"What's there to not understand?"

"Look at you!" Destry shouted as he jabbed his paw at the wolf. "Look at your social status! Your popularity! Everyone loves you! You're the most popular guy in school and no one would dare make fun of you for being gay right to your face!"

Tanner glanced down at the floor as his ears flattened against his head.

"Now look at me! I'm no one compared to you! If I came out, I would be the laughing stock of the school! I'm not a popular athlete or a handsome fox with the looks! I'm already low on the scale enough. I don't need to downgrade myself anymore."

Breathing heavily, Destry stared at the wolf, who had been staring at the floor the entire time. He unclenched his fists as the wolf looked up.

"I'm...I'm sorry." Was all Tanner managed to say as Destry pushed past him and headed towards the front door. The wolf called out after him but he ignored his pleas and opened the door and stepped out into the winter evening.

The sun had now sunk past the horizon and the streetlights began to flicker on, casting the snow-covered streets and sidewalks in a bright yellow glow. It was still snowing steadily and had piled up even higher. Destry trudged through the snow drifts as best as he could without falling. His breath escaped his mouth in wisps of foggy air that disappeared into the night sky. The fox shivered and pulled his coat tighter against his body as a wind surge kicked up a cloud of snow in front of him. The fox stopped walking and turned around to look back. Tanner had not followed him outside. He had half a mind to turn back around and talk to Tanner again, but what would that solve? The wolf was most likely angry and probably did not want to try and fix things at the moment. Destry let out another sigh and turned back around.

His house was dark when he approached the front yard, and he guessed that his mother turned in early for the night. His paws were absolutely freezing and his russet fur glistened from the amount of snow that had fallen upon it. As quietly as he could, he retrieved the house key from under the doormat and slipped it into the lock with shivering fingers. The door clicked and he gently pushed the door open. A wave of heat welcomed him and he quickly shut the door so as to not let any of the cold inside. He tiptoed through the darkness and crept upstairs to where his bedroom was. He paused by his mother's bedroom and perked his ears up at the sound of her steady breathing. Satisfied he had not woken her, he slipped into his bedroom and closed the door behind him.

His room was quite a mess. Dirty clothes were strewn on his bed and across the floor. Empty soda cans lined his desk along with random papers and books. The fox sighed at the clutter. It was hard to keep a clean room when his mother was not around enough to tell him to clean. His eyes fell upon his open laptop on his desk and he glowered at it. He really had to finish that paper.

An hour had passed by but Destry was still nowhere near completing the paper. He tried to focus on the words he typed but his mind kept on drifting back to the argument he had with Tanner. With a huff of frustration, the fox shut his laptop and slouched back into the swivel chair he sat in. He closed his tired eyes and drifted off into thought. He knew that he should apologize to Tanner for how he acted, but he also wanted the wolf to realize that he was not the only one at wrong here. Tanner should really recognize how uncomfortable he really felt about coming out. He would someday but not now or tomorrow. With a sigh, the fox opened his eyes and sat up. His eyes were beginning to feel heavy and he let himself fall onto his bed. His body sunk into the mattress, his eyes staring straight up at the ceiling.

He loved Tanner. He really did. Everything about the white wolf made him smile and his heart churn in his chest. His relationship was complicated though. Tanner was openly gay, but popular and well-known enough to where no one cared about who he slept with. And here he was, just an average kid trying to get through high school without becoming the new mockery of his whole entire senior class. Tanner was everything to him, but he just could not overcome the haunting and inevitable consequence of him coming out. Tanner suggested baby steps, that this party would be a great start to him coming out, but was it really a slow start?

Destry closed his eyes and rolled over onto his stomach. He was drifting off to sleep when a sharp tap bolted him awake. His ears perked up as there was another tap at his bedroom window, a pause, and then another. Cautiously, the fox stood up from his bed and crept over to his window. He drew back the silk curtain with a single paw and looked down below into his front yard.

Tanner was there. The white wolf was looking up at him with those blue eyes, his white fur swaying softly in the cold winter wind. His muzzle parted in a slight smile as he gave a small wave. Destry looked at the wolf's left paw and noticed that he clutched a rose. Destry left his window and raced down the stairs as quickly and quietly as he could. He fumbled with the door in the dark and unlocked it and opened it to reveal a shivering but smiling Tanner.

"Tanner? What are you doing here this late?" Destry whispered as he closed the door behind the wolf.

"I'm sorry Destry." The wolf sighed as he shook the snow off of him. "Just after the argument...I just couldn't let you leave like that."

He held out the snow-kissed rose to Destry, and he smiled warmly as he accepted the flower. "Where did you get this?"

"I...I got it from my mom's flower vase. But that doesn't matter." Tanner replied as he stepped closer to the fox and rested his paw on Destry's shoulder. "I did some thinking, and I realized that it was wrong for me to pressure you into doing something that you're not comfortable with."

Destry blinked in the dim light as he sat down on the couch. "You really mean it?"

"Of course I do." Tanner replied softly as he sat down next to the fox. "I mean, we're in a relationship. I shouldn't make you do things that you don't want too."

"Sometimes I feel like that would be the best way though." Destry sighed. "I did some thinking to Tanner, and I realized that I am also at fault here."

"You?" Tanner's ears twitched. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that I shouldn't be so damn afraid of coming out." Destry rested his paw on the wolf's thigh. "We've been together long enough to the point where I shouldn't be afraid about coming out, and yet I still feel that hint of terror about what will happen to me once I do."

"Well of course you should be a little afraid about coming out. Hell, I remember how terrified I was."

"Are you kidding me?" Destry snorted as he gave a sideways glance. "You practically told everyone in the tone of announcing what they're serving in the cafeteria."

Tanner chuckled as he wrapped his arm around the fox and pulled him closer. Destry nuzzled Tanner and inhaled his scent deeply.

"Listen fox, I don't want you to beat yourself up over this." Tanner whispered as he nuzzled Destry's russet ears. "I want you to take as much time as you feel you need to in order for you to come out. Baby steps, remember? Take it slow and easy."

"Yes...but how much time is too much time?" Destry whispered back as he looked up into the wolf's shimmering eyes. "What if I'm not ready until graduation? Or even past graduation?"

Tanner smiled warmly as he lowered his muzzle down to Destry's.

"Then I will wait that time. I will stay with you the entire time and give you all of the time that you need. I'm not going anywhere." Tanner whispered.

The two met in a tender and passionate kiss, their muzzles pressed against each other and their tongues rolling over each other's. Their breath came out hot and heavy against each other as Destry pulled his lover closer to him. The taste, the heat, everything about the kiss was intoxicating as the world and all of its worries seemed to fade away from Destry's mind. All that mattered to him was the wolf who he held in his arms at this very second.

When the kiss finally ended and left both of them panting for air, Destry led the wolf up to his room and quietly shut the door. Usually by now, clothing would have been removed and strewn across the floor, but Destry was just happy to crawl underneath the covers and feel the warmth of the wolf's body pressed against his. He closed his eyes and listened to his lover's rhythmic breathing against the back of his neck. For once, he felt that his relationship was absolutely perfect now. He cracked open his eyes and looked out his bedroom window. There would definitely be no school tomorrow. The fox closed his eyes again and nuzzled deeper into Tanner's warm embrace. Outside, the snow continued to fall.

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