Off Guard: Chapter Four

Story by Cyan Argent on SoFurry

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#4 of Off Guard Story Series

Chapter four of Off Guard. This chapter is quite darker than the others but I promise the next few will have more story and content and won't be as dark. Please rate, comment, and fave! Thanks!

Jarik thought he was dreaming when he opened his eyes to the sound of voices. At first he thought Orren and Ashton had made it back, but then he noticed that there were multiple voices. He sat up from the rocky floor of the cave and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. How long had he been asleep? Judging by the dim flicker of the coals from the fire, he had been asleep for hours. He glanced at Darsden, who was sound asleep. The voices were becoming louder, which meant they were nearing.

Panic swept through Jarik as he quickly grabbed his shirt that he was using as a pillow and slipped it on, not bothering to button it up. His head ached slightly from getting hit yesterday and from spending the night on rock. He grabbed his sword nearby and readied it as the voices continued to draw nearer. Was it raiders? Soldiers? Or maybe they were merchants? Jarik's ears twitched as he heard the clink of metal against metal. They were armed. He flicked his thumb against the hilt of his sword and prepared to unsheathe it if needed.

"Jarik?" Darsden whispered dazedly as the white wolf sat up.

"Shhhhh!" Jarik hissed as he knelt down next to the wolf and held a finger to his muzzle.

Darsden went silent as his ears went forward as he heard the voices. His white paw crept over to his own blade and readied it. The voices stopped just as they reached the entrance of the cave. Jarik sat absolutely still, trying to not even breathe. Darsden did the same, his fur standing on end. There was some whispering at the entrance, and then a shout that echoed off of the cave walls.

"Hello? Is anyone taking shelter in here?"

Jarik remained motionless, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. Darsden glanced at him with questionable eyes. Jarik shook his head.

"Is anyone here? We are just guards from Jerhall!" The voice yelled again.

Jarik's heart stopped. Guards. They were looking for him and Orren, no doubt. Jarik prayed that they would turn around and leave, but the shuffle of claws on stone and the clink of armor told him that they were coming in. Jarik looked around but there was nowhere to hide. They were trapped, and there was no way Jarik could take on more than one soldier by himself. The shadows of the intruders were cast upon the cave floor as they walked past the entrance of the cave and deeper into the back. Jarik knew they would turn the corner and find them standing there in a matter of seconds, so he drew his blade, the sound of scraping metal echoing against the cave walls. The footsteps stopped as Jarik's sword came free from its sheathe, announcing his presence.

"Withhold your blade friend, unless you want to find yourself in a quarrel with six guards from Jerhall." A voice calmly announced from behind the corner.

Jarik remained silent as he gripped the hilt of his blade tighter in his paws. There was no way he would be able to take on six guards by himself, but he would die trying before they would even lay a paw on Darsden.

"Now make the wise decision here! We mean no harm, we are just searching for a cougar who broke out of the Jerhall prison a couple of nights ago! Very dangerous! Have you seen one pass by?"

Jarik exchanged glances with Darsden before he spoke "No, I have not!"

There was silence on the other end of the cave, before the voice spoke again. "Would you mind if we come back there and ask you a few questions?"

Before Jarik could even answer or react, a large tan bobcat stepped from behind the corner of the cave, dressed fully in armor. Jarik took a nervous step back as five more guards followed, both equally as large and intimidating.

The bobcat studied Jarik for a few agonizing seconds before he finally smiled amusingly.

"Well, well. If it isn't the murderer and runaway." The bobcat said as he crossed his arms. "What a surprise to find him holed up in a cave."

The bobcat began to take a step forward but stopped when Jarik raised his blade. The bobcat snorted and grinned, sending shivers down Jarik's spine.

"I'm so sorry, I forgot my proper manners." The bobcat purred as he rested his paw on the hilt of his sword. "I am Commander Jonas of the Jerhall City Guard."

His voice was like poison as his words seeped out of his grinning mouth. His gaze left Jarik and fell onto Darsden.

"Oh! Well what do we have here?" Jonas said as he cocked his head at Darsden. "Is this Commander Darsden? An accomplice of this thief and murderer?" The bobcat clicked his tongue and shook his head. "I really thought highly of you, Darsden."

He went to take a step towards the white wolf, but stopped again when Jarik's blade sprung forward, inches away from the bobcat's neck. The sound of several other swords being unsheathed echoed throughout the cave.

"Don't you dare take another step towards him, or I swear I will make sure you have no head before your body hits the ground." Jarik growled as he kept the tip of his blade aimed at Jonas's neck.

The bobcat eyed the blade in front of him, his tail flicking in annoyance behind him. "Threatening a guard and avoiding arrest now, are we? Well you can just add those crimes onto the list you already have once we get back to Jerhall."

"I'm not going anywhere." Jarik growled lowly as he shook his head.

"Stubborn now, aren't we?" Jonas grinned, showing off his white teeth. "Well, let me see if I can make you cooperate."

Before Jarik was able to react, the bobcat delivered a swift kick to his left leg. His leg buckled, causing him to lose his balance for a few seconds. There was a blur of movement, and then Jarik's vision exploded into stars as the bobcat's gauntleted fist slammed into his right cheek. Pain exploded across his face, and he was barely aware as his blade clattered to the ground. Stunned, Jarik stumbled back right into the waiting arms of one of Jonas's fellow guards. He was forced to his knees as his arm was retched upwards and locked behind his back. He struggled, but only for a second when he realized that the only way he would become free was if he broke his arm. His ears were ringing but he realized that Darsden had shouted his name and was now standing up. Jarik's eyes locked onto Darsden's as the bobcat grabbed Darsden roughly and stuck his blade to the wolf's throat.

"Don't you touch him! Don't you touch him or I will kill you!" Jarik screamed in half-blind pain and desperation as he struggled to get free.

The pressure in his arm increased and Jarik had no choice but to stop struggling. He felt blood trickling out of his nose and down the front of his muzzle.

"It seems that you are in no position to be making the threats here." Jonas said as he shook his head.

Jarik panted as he frantically tried to think of any way to become free. He could break his arm, but what good would that do with a blade pressed up against Darsden's throat and him surrounded by five more guards?

"Am I really going to have to kill Darsden here?" Jonas asked as he shifted the blade against the white wolf's neck.

"No! No..." Jarik gasped as he snapped his head up, sweat and blood dripping down his face.

"And what would stop me from opening his throat wide open right here?" Jonas challenged.

"Please! I beg..." Jarik paused, then gasped, "A-are you a man of honor?"

Jonas's expression turned serious as he gazed at Jarik. "As a commander of the city guard, I am a man of honor."

"Then...if what you speak of is true...please spare Darsden's life!" Jarik whimpered as he hung his head in defeat. "I...I will go with you...without a fight."

The bobcat smiled wickedly as he nodded. "You see this, fellow guards? It is quite simple to make one cooperate. You just need to use your head."

Jarik remained staring at the ground, his head beginning throb painfully. He sniffed and blinked away the moisture that suddenly clouded his vision.

Jonas took his blade away from Darsden and pushed the wolf down roughly, making sure his paw pressed hard against the wolf's wound in his side. Darsden yelped in pain as he was thrown back to the ground. The yelp caused Jarik's heart to ache.

"Well then, I suggest we begin our journey back home." Jonas said casually as he walked by Jarik. "I'm so glad that you made the right choice."

Jarik felt himself get jerked back up to his feet, and then felt the roughness of rope as it bound his wrists behind his back. He winced as the rope cut deep into his skin.

"And don't even think about running away." Jonas chided as he dangled the rope in front of Jarik's face. "You're on a leash now."

Jarik blinked away the tears and turned his head to give one last look at Darsden before he was pushed roughly by one of the guards. Darsden's eyes shimmered with fear as he mouthed the words "Don't worry."

Jarik nodded and stared at the white wolf as long as he could before he turned the corner in the cave and the white wolf disappeared from view.

"You are quite handsome, I will have to admit." The bobcat eyed him as they began the descent down the mountain trail.

Jarik shook his head in disgust as the bobcat scrutinized his body with obvious lust. If Jonas was just a few inches closer, he would attempt to head-butt the bobcat. Unfortunately Jonas seemed to predict this and kept his distance.

"Why would a handsome cougar like you murder someone?" Jonas asked as he shook his head. "It really is quite pathetic. Killing someone after trying to plant incriminating evidence."

"I didn't kill him." Jarik growled as he glared at Jonas.

Jonas chuckled in reply as he gave a quick tug on the rope, causing Jarik to stumble. "Well, that's what they all say. Let's see if you will still stick to that story once we have you back in a cell."

Jarik clenched his paws into fists and tested the strength of the rope that held his wrists together. The rope held strong. His mind went back to Darsden. The wolf was severely injured and alone right now. Orren and Ashton would not be returning for another day or two. If another group of raiders found Darsden...

Jarik closed his eyes and shook his head, feeling sick at the thought.

"We came upon four bodies before we found you. Did you take out those raiders by yourself?" Jonas asked as his eyes locked onto Jarik.

He was testing him.

"Yes." Jarik nodded, making sure to not say one word about Orren or Ashton.

"You took out those four raiders by yourself? Shame that you did not show that kind of skill back there in the cave." Jonas snorted.

Jarik felt his anger start to rise and he wondered what his punishment would be if he charged the bobcat. The dull throb in his head stopped him though, and he allowed himself to simmer in his anger until they reached the bottom of the mountains.

"We will stop here and make camp tonight." Jonas announced as the bobcat came to a stop near the grassy area where Jarik and Darsden had made love. Jarik felt a lump form in his throat as he gazed at the grassy area where he and the white wolf had fallen asleep in each other's arms. He tried to swallow the lump but it hurt. He took a deep breath and let it out with a trembling sigh.

The sun had set by the time the guards had set up camp and had a fire roaring. The guards sat around the fire, laughing loudly and enjoying their dinner as Jarik sat in the cold. His stomach growled but he was too miserable to even ask for food. The ache in his head was beginning to fade but the ache in his heart continued to grow. He suddenly felt the rope jerk on his wrists.

"Follow me." Jonas commanded, who was now dressed in only a cloth shirt and trousers.

Jarik remained sitting but got to his feet as the rope tightened around his wrists. He started to follow the bobcat, who was leading him away from the camp and into the trees that surrounded the foot of the mountains.

"W-where are you taking me?" Jarik stammered as he continued following the bobcat.

Jonas remained silent as he continued leading Jarik further into the trees. The sound of laughter faded as the two moved farther away from the camp. Jonas finally came to a stop at a large tree. Jarik's ears twitched in confusion as the bobcat ran his end of rope around the tree multiple times, causing Jarik to draw closer to the tree trunk. Jonas finally stopped and tied the rope securely to the tree when Jarik's back was pressed up against the tree's trunk. Jonas smiled teasingly as he gazed at the cougar in front of him.

"You really are a pretty thing to look at." The bobcat purred as he folded his arms across his chest.

Jarik shifted uncomfortably under the bobcat's gaze. "What are you-"

Jarik stopped talking as Jonas tore Jarik's shirt off of his muscular frame. There was a terrible ripping sound as Jarik watched Ashton's shirt fall to the ground in a ruined heap. Jonas's intentions suddenly became quite evident, and he desperately began to struggle against his bindings.

"There's no use shouting for help or struggling." Jonas grinned as he stripped out of his own shirt, showing off his sculptured figure.

Jarik whimpered as he tried to break free, but the rope continued to hold fast. Jonas walked up close to him so that his muzzle was just inches away from Jarik's. Fear and shame flooded into Jarik's mind. He was about to be taken advantage of by this monster, and there was no one around to save him.

"Please! Please don't do this! I-"

Jarik was interrupted as Jonas slapped him across the face. Hard. Jarik stared back at the bobcat, his eyes wide with fear, the side of his cheek stinging from the strike.

"Shut up." Jonas growled as he roughly clamped Jarik's muzzle shut with his paw. "You will do as I say, or I will make sure you suffer. Do you understand?"

Jarik nodded as he began to feel the tears well up in his eyes again.

"Much better." Jonas smiled again as he slipped his paw down to Jarik's trousers and loosened the strings in the front.

Jarik shut his eyes as he felt his trousers fall to the ground, revealing him completely exposed in front of the bobcat. He shuddered as Jonas rested his paw on Jarik's sheath.

"Such a handsome body." Jonas purred as he dragged his paw from Jarik's sheath up to his abs and further up to his chest.

Jarik shook his head as he whimpered again. There was the scrape of metal as Jonas unsheathed his dagger and cut off the length of rope that was tied to the tree so that Jarik was now back on a leash, except this time it was shorter. Jonas jerked on the rope, causing Jarik to bite his lip as the rope dug into his wrists.

"On your knees." Jonas commanded as he motioned towards the ground with his dagger.

Jarik lowered his ears and shook his head. He had to try and plead with the bobcat.

"Please...please don't do this. I promise I'll stay in prison this time."

Jonas growled and struck Jarik across the face again, except this time with the blade of the dagger. Jarik yowled in pain as he felt the cold steel slice through his skin. He doubled over, his back facing Jonas.

"I said, on your knees!" Jonas hissed as he gave a firm kick into the small of Jarik's back.

Jarik fell to his knees roughly, blood beginning to drip from the slash on his right cheek. He heard the sound of Jonas's cloth pants hit the ground, and soon he felt the bobcat's paws on his hips. The tears began to fall as he realized that he was about to be taken by Jonas and there was no way he could stop it. He felt the bobcat lift his tail up and Jarik tried to break free from his bindings, but his arms were exhausted from being pinned behind him all day.

"Please try to not move around so much. I would really hate to hurt you when entering you." Jonas whispered into Jarik's ears.

Jarik clenched his teeth and waited for the bobcat to slide into him.

"I hope you're ready for me-"

The bobcat's sentence was suddenly cut off by an arm that wrapped itself around the bobcat's slender neck. Jarik heard a choked cry of surprise, followed by the sound of a blade sinking deep into flesh. Jarik turned around just in time to see Jonas's eyes fill with shock and fear as the tip of a blade sprouted from his chest. The bobcat's screams were choked and inaudible by the arm that applied pressure around his windpipe. Jonas fell to his side in a heap, scarlet beginning to flow from the hole in his chest.


Jarik looked past the body of Jonas and saw a very familiar black cougar standing behind him, seconds where Jonas used to be.

"Jaren?" Jarik asked weakly as he struggled to focus.

The black cougar knelt down beside him, his paws resting on Jarik's body.

"Hang in there brother. You are safe now." The black cougar whispered softly as he cut the rope that held Jarik's wrists together.

Jarik felt his arms fall to his side. They felt like rubber. He looked up at his brother, who was looking down at him with deep concern.

"Jaren? did you find me?" Jarik asked weakly as he did his best to cover himself with his paws.

"I will explain everything later." Jaren replied as he gently helped Jarik to his feet. "What matters now is that me and my men get you to Fellglow safely."

Jarik looked around him at the ten soldiers who made up a circle around him and his brother. The soldiers and his brother were all fully suited in silver armor with the crest of Fellglow engraved into the breastplate.

"Are you able to walk?" Jaren asked as he supported Jarik.

"I...believe so." Jarik replied weakly as he leaned against his brother for support.

He suddenly began to feel dizzy. The ground seemed to spin and fade away around him. He was only aware of his brother grasp on his body. His eyes began to feel heavy as his vision seemed to fade. He tried to keep the edges of darkness from fading in but it was almost impossible. He soon gave up and allowed the darkness to settle in.

When he first awoke, he realized that his cheek was against a warm and soft fabric, not the grit of dirt or cold of stone. Jarik's eyes fluttered open to the view of light rays streaming in from a nearby window. He moved his paw and felt the warm smoothness of fabric against the pads of his paw. He shifted his legs next and felt the softness of a mattress underneath him. He was in a bed.

Jarik slowly sat up, wincing as every muscle in his body screamed in protest. He went to touch his face and found a cloth bandage that covered his right cheek. He looked down at his paws and found them bandaged as well. He removed the sheet then and found that similar bandages covered parts of his arms, chest, and legs. He could barely recall how he had gotten injured, but he could not even remember how he ended up in a bed and who had taken care of his wounds.

He swung his legs out from under the sheets and took up a sitting position. He gritted his teeth as pain lanced up his entire body. He was completely naked but his fur felt soft and clean. His sword and his pendant had been placed on a wooden desk next to the bed. He picked up the pendant in his fingers and slipped it over his head. The cool metal touched his fur and the middle amethyst that made up the pendant shone brilliantly in the sunlight. He looked around the room and took in his surroundings. This was his old room when he used to live in the palace at Fellglow. How much it had changed over the years.

The sound of the door squeaking open caused Jarik's ears to perk up. A red fox stepped into the room, carrying a basin of water in his russet paws. The fox looked up in surprise when he noticed Jarik sitting up in bed.

"M' lord! You're awake!" The fox said in wonder as he looked Jarik up and down.

"It would appear so." Jarik replied as he set his paws in his lap.

The fox set the basin of water down and scurried over to Jarik, his ears twitching in excitement.

"How are you feeling m' lord? Does anything hurt?" The fox asked as he examined Jarik's bandages.

"I'm a little sore, but other than that I'm fine." Jarik replied as he allowed the fox to poke and prod him with gentle fingers. "How long was I asleep for?"

"For about four days, m' lord."

Four days.

"And may I ask who you are?" Jarik coughed.

The fox took a step away from Jarik and bowed. "My name is Yilan and I was commanded by Lord Jaren to be your caretaker."

"My brother? Is he here now?" Jarik asked quickly.

"Yes m' lord. He is currently occupied in his study, but he ordered for me to tell him the moment you woke up." Yilan commented as he began to walk towards the door. "There is a clean set of clothing in your wardrobe. I suggest that you meet Lord Jaren as soon as you are dressed."

"Yes. Thank you Yilan." Jarik said as he eyed the wardrobe across the room.

The fox bowed and exited the room, closing the door behind him. Jarik took a deep breath as he allowed for everything to sink in. He had been asleep for four days. Four days! What had happened in those four days? Most importantly, where was Darsden? Was he safe? Was Ashton and Orren safe?

Jarik couldn't help but worry as he stood up and began to get dressed. His brother must have chosen the clothing for him. He carefully buttoned the royal blue tunic that fit his muscular frame perfectly, and then slipped into the pair of fine cloth trousers. He rolled up the sleeves of his tunic past his elbows and smiled slightly at the memory of when his brother would scold him for wearing his clothing like that around the palace.

When he was dressed, he exited his room and made his way down the palace corridors. Everything seemed so familiar to him despite the changes that had been made to the palace walls and floors since he had last been here. He came to his brother's study and gently knocked on the wooden door.

"Enter." His brother said from behind the closed door.

Jarik pushed the door open slowly to his brother's study. The room was quite clean and organized, despite the stacks of books that cluttered his brother's desk. The smell of old paper and spilled ink caused Jarik's nose to wrinkle. He closed the door behind him as Jaren glanced up from his work. His yellow eyes brightened as he noticed Jarik. The older black cougar stood up, a smile tugging at his muzzle.

"Jaren." Jarik nodded and smiled.

"Brother." Jaren replied as he wrapped his arms around Jarik and embraced him. "It has been too long."

"Indeed." Jarik replied as he hugged his brother back.

"I hope that you are feeling better?" Jaren asked as the two separated.

"Much better, thank you." Jarik replied with a smile. "I owe you my life for saving me that night."

"You do not owe me anything, Jarik." Jaren replied as he returned to his chair behind his desk. "Although, I am quite interested to hear about this murder that you are being blamed for."

Jarik sighed as he shifted his feet. "Perhaps I can explain over dinner? I would like to know a few things first."

"Agreed." Jaren replied as he folded his paws in his lap. "I am guessing you want to know where your friends are."

"Yes!" Jarik almost shouted.

"They are safe here in the palace." Jaren assured Jarik with a nod of his head. "And you should really thank your friends Orren and Ashton for saving you. They were the ones who told me that you and your mate were in danger."

"My mate?" Jarik scoffed. "You mean Darsden?"

"Who else would I mean? You know, when I sent him to keep an eye on you, I had a feeling that you two would have an interest in each other." Jaren replied with a smile and a wink.

"Hey now, he's not my mate." Jarik chuckled as he folded his arms across his chest.

Jaren shrugged. "That's not what I heard from Orren and Ashton, which reminds me." Jaren leaned his arms against his desk. "Orren and Ashton have quite the surprise for you."

"Where are they?" Jarik asked as his tail flicked eagerly.

"I believe they are down at the training grounds." Jaren sighed as he flicked a book open with a claw. "Darsden is also down there too."

"May I go see them now?" Jarik asked.

Jaren nodded. "No sparring or anything though. You are still quite weak and injured and I don't want you doing anything active for a few days."

Jarik sighed and rolled his eyes. "Yes, m' lord."

"And don't address me like that either. You're my brother."

Jarik smirked as he bowed and turned around to leave the room.

"Oh, and Jarik?"

Jarik stopped and turned to face his brother again.

"We will talk, but not until tomorrow morning after breakfast, in my study." Jaren said as he fingered one of the silver buttons on his blue tunic.

Jarik nodded and quickly left the study, his tail twitching in excitement as he exited the palace and headed towards the training grounds.

A few recruits were present at the training grounds when Jarik arrived. The trainers were shouting out commands to the recruits as they practiced and sparred in the fighting rings. When he was younger, he used to spend most of his days sparring against the soldiers or other trainers. There was really no one that Jarik would not be able to outmatch in swordplay. Jarik spotted an open sparring ring with Ashton and Orren and...and Darsden. Jarik's heart leaped as he spied the white wolf, who was leaning up against the wooden perimeter of the ring, completely shirtless, his white fur flowing softly in the breeze. A bandage covered his side but despite that, the wolf looked completely renewed and healthy. The wolf spotted Jarik and his eyes lit up in joy as Jarik walked over to the three.

"Jarik!" Darsden shouted as he clasped the cougar and pulled him in for a hug.

Jarik smiled and hugged the wolf back, making sure to avoid the wolf's wound. When Darsden tried to pull away, Jarik leaned in and pressed his muzzle up against the wolf's. Darsden's eyes lit up in surprise, but he soon melted into the kiss.

"Such a heartwarming scene. Lovers are united again." Ashton commented with a smirk.

"Glad to see you too Ashton." Jarik replied with a smile as he ended the kiss and turned towards the red fox.

Orren jumped down from the wooden railing and pulled Jarik in for a hug.

"I'm never leaving you alone again." Orren said sternly after the hug had ended.

Jarik huffed. "This was just some bad luck this time."

"Bad luck? You were almost raped and killed!" Orren exclaimed in frustration as he jammed a finger into Jarik's chest.

"What Orren means, is that he is happy to see you well and very much alive, and that he was very concerned for you." Ashton said as he rested a paw on the gray wolf's shoulder.

"I...yes, that's what I meant." Orren sighed as he glared at the fox next to him.

Jarik chuckled. "So what is your big surprise? My brother told me that you guys had one?"

Ashton smiled widely as Orren coughed and looked away. Darsden chuckled.

"Would you like to be the one to tell them the happy news?" Ashton asked Orren.

"" Orren muttered as he rubbed the back of his head.

Ashton shrugged as he turned to face Jarik. "I guess I will then." The fox wrapped his arm around Orren's waist. "We're together now."

"Not...completely together." Orren objected as his face turned red.

"You two? Together? As in mates?" Jarik asked in disbelief. "When did this happen?"

Orren mumbled something under his breath.

"When we went to find your brother." Ashton commented. "We'll tell you the story later."

Jarik smiled as he felt Darsden's paw grasp his own.

"I believe that it is close to dinner? Shall we begin to make our way to the dining hall?" The white wolf asked.

"I'm absolutely famished." Jarik commented as he licked his lips.

"Well let's go eat then." Darsden said with a smile.

Jarik gave his paw a light squeeze as they followed Ashton and Orren up the cobblestone path to the palace, smiling to himself as he watched the fox and wolf walk side-by-side.

When Jarik and Darsden had returned to the bedroom after dinner, Jarik had eaten so much that he felt sick. He collapsed onto the bed with a sigh. Darsden did the same, his blue eyes gazing at Jarik.

"You have no idea how worried I was about you." Darsden whispered as he ruffled Jarik's fur.

"You have no idea about how worried I was about you." Jarik countered as he turned to stare into the wolf's eyes.

The wolf smiled as he wrapped his arms around Jarik and gently pulled him in close. "You know that Ashton and Orren had to practically drag me away from you after three days of sitting by your bedside."

"You didn't have to do that." Jarik smiled as he caressed the wolf's cheek lightly.

"How could I not?" Darsden sighed. "I felt so broken just watching you sleep, angry at myself for not being able to do more."

"There was not much you could do." Jarik replied softly. "I'm sorry that I couldn't do more. I failed at protecting you."

"Failed at protecting me? I was the one who failed! If your brother hadn't showed up when he did..."

Darsden lowered his eyes as he squeezed Jarik tighter.

"What matters now is that we're both okay. Ashton and Orren are okay. Things could have been worse." Jarik replied sternly.

Darsden nodded as he looked up into Jarik's eyes again. "I love you."

Jarik's heart surged at the intimate statement.

"I...I love you too." Jarik replied with a genuine smile.

The two kissed again, except this one was more passionate, much like the first kiss they had shared. Their tongues rolled over each other and explored each other's muzzles, their breath coming out in hot and heavy gasps. Articles of clothing were removed during the kiss and soon Jarik found himself naked with the wolf on top of him. When they finally broke the kiss, Jarik was quite aroused and was happy to find the white wolf equally aroused. He tickled Darsden's shaft with teasing fingers, eliciting a quiet moan from the wolf. Jarik's member was fully out of its sheath and he felt the tip of it poking Darsden's backside. Darsden smiled as he placed his paws on Jarik's chest and kneaded the muscle underneath his black fur.

"Do you happen to have any oils kept in this room?" The white wolf asked.

"If my memory serves me right, I believe I kept some under my bed." Jarik smiled.

Still sitting on top of Jarik, Darsden leaned down to the floor of the bed and searched around for the oil. It took him a few seconds but his paw finally grasped a clay urn and he brought it up from under the bed. Jarik watched as the wolf dipped his fingers into the urn, the sweet smell of the oils reaching his nostrils. Darsden grinned as he shifted his body and began to coat Jarik's member in the viscous liquid. Jarik purred as he felt the wolf's paws slide up and down his shaft, making sure to coat every spot until his member shone in the dim light. Darsden reached behind himself then and rubbed the remaining oil underneath his tail, sighing as the warm liquid coated his entrance.

"Are you sure you are feeling well enough to do this?" Jarik asked as the wolf sat up and positioned his rump right over Jarik's throbbing member.

"Hush, you." Darsden replied with a smile. "I mean...m' lord."

Jarik sighed but then moaned as Darsden lowered himself onto Jarik, his member easily sliding into the wolf. Darsden hissed between his teeth as Jarik's length sunk into him slowly. His blissful expression mirrored Jarik's feelings exactly. He grasped the wolf's pink shaft in his paw and began to stroke up and down. Darsden responded by lowering himself further, until the wolf had taken Jarik's entire length into him. Jarik moaned and gasped in pleasure as Darsden began to raise and lower himself, his muscles rippling underneath his white fur. Jarik moved his paw all over Darsden's length, and began to feel his knot start to grow at the base. He began to stroke faster, causing Darsden to moan louder and raise and lower himself on Jarik's shaft. He arched his hips so that he could drive himself deeper into the wolf.

Darsden was absolutely beautiful. Jarik admired the wolf's sculpted figure, the way his powerful muscles rippled as the wolf raided and lowered himself onto Jarik. His creamy white fur and perfect arc of his chest accentuated the rest of his toned body perfectly. Jarik ran his free paw up the wolf's thigh, admiring the way the large muscle flexed with each thrust. His white tail was arched behind him, swinging back and forth so that Jarik could see. He wanted to rub both of his paws all over the wolf, but he kept his one paw on the wolf's beautiful shaft, stroking it up and down fluently.

Darsden began to lift and lower himself more quickly, squeezing Jarik's erection with his muscular rear. The wolf started panting and whining with every stroke from Jarik, and he noticed that the wolf's knot was very large now. He picked up his speed and squeezed the knot lightly as he growled and thrust his hips up inside Darsden. A moment later, Darsden growled and arched his back, his seed spurting out over Jarik's paw and stomach. He kept growling as he shut his eyes, his paws bracing against Jarik's chest as his member covered Jarik's paw in his seed.

As the wolf rode out his orgasm, Jarik felt himself on the edge. He shut his eyes and clutched Darsden's legs as he stifled his moans and his member emptied itself into the willing wolf.

The afterglow settled in and Jarik shivered as Darsden stood up, allowing himself to slide out of the wolf. There was a rustle of sheets as the wolf laid down next to Jarik, and he felt the wolf's strong arms embrace him. The musk in the room was heavy and Jarik inhaled the wolf's scent deeply.

"Aren't you going to go clean up?" Jarik whispered as he nuzzled the wolf.

"I'll do that tomorrow morning." Darsden whispered back as he ran his paw through Jarik's black fur. "Let's just get a good night's rest."

Jarik smiled and closed his eyes as he shifted his body against the wolf, his lover.

"So I guess this makes us mates now?" Jarik whispered.

"What? As if we weren't before?" Darsden asked back.

Jarik chuckled as he felt himself drifting off to sleep. For once, he felt completely whole and safe with the sleeping wolf next to him.

Off Guard: Chapter Five

"That's it! Keep your feet moving now! Don't stand in one place for too long now! Move about! Let your legs do most of the work! Good, good! Just like that!" Jarik was panting as he dodged another swift strike from the black wolf who he was facing....

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Off The Field: Chapter Eight

There is an early cold October wind sweeping through the town of Xavier. The Leaves have turned wonderful shades of red, yellow, and orange. It's pretty, I will admit, but the cold wind and dropping temperatures really reminds me of the approaching...

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Off Guard: Chapter Three

When Jarik awoke he thought he was back in his own bed at the palace. He slowly shifted his body and felt the tickle of fur against his back and smiled as he recalled the night's events. He closed his eyes for a few more minutes, enjoying the wolf's...

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