Talke and his team

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Feeling inspired I wrote on Ressie's character Talke, Eisser and Jessie. Warning, this story is a bit...extreme because of violent content.

Characters by:



Flying at an altitude of some fifty thousand feet across the wild blue yonder a lone areoplane soared across a wide expanse of green on its way to the trade city of Lacross. The rhythmic hum of the large plane's blades spinning at a speed of some six hundred miles per second made for a steady rumble for those inside of the mechanical monstrosity as the areoplane continued on its journey unimpeded. That in itself was something of a surprise considering that this particular areoplane was known for...well...

"Talke...are you absolutely sure there's nothing about the cargo we're transporting that you need to come clean about?" Eisser, ever the voice of reason, asked while giving his employer a slightly caustic glare. Between the trio of transporters, of which include Talke the wolf, the boss, Jessie the raccoon, the pilot, Eisser the tiger, the engineer, was known for being somewhat overly cautious when it came to the crew's transport jobs. Though this was not without good reason as, considering some of the madcap schemes Talke could get the rest of the crew into, someone needed to be the voice of reason around the Lexicon. And despite being a senior member of the Lexicon's crew Jessie was usually too laid back to go against whatever Talke had in mind when the wolf had brilliant idea for turning over a buck. Thus this left Eisser being the one to fret and worry over the outcome of the jobs that the team often undertook.

Much to Talke's grief however, when his engineer felt that something was amiss with the cargo the areoplane was hauling Eisser was quick to come and question him about the items the crew was transporting. And thus this is where the story opens up...

The orange and black stripped tiger had had a feeling of unease ever sense the crew picked up the shipment of mechanical paraphernalia that they had been paid to transport to the Corneria Islands. And though he had thrice checked over the container of machine parts after having loaded it into the hold of the areoplane some six hours pass Eisser couldn't shake the feeling that there was something seriously afoul happening right underneath his pink nose.

So instead of beating around the bush the tiger went directly to his boss to address the issue. Of course Talke, the large blue wolf with the purple star tattooed across his bulgy pectorals, simply smiled and immediately reassured his engineer that there was nothing out of sorts with the shipment they were hauling. The fact that the half naked wolf was grinning nervously at the other only served to make the tiger roll his eyes in annoyance. And then, to make the engineer's day even more aggravating Talke decided to hand Eisser a pure cock and bull story...

"Eisser we've already passed the mandatory freighter inspections at the last couple of port towns went been through, at your request no less, and you've seen that there's absolutely nothing wrong with the parts that we're hauling. Now please calm down already." The fact that the wolf's triangular ears twitched just a touch as he spoke those words was enough to force the tiger to bite his tongue to fight back the growl of irritation that bubbled up out of his throat as he scathingly looked to his employer.

"Right. Ok then Talke. If you say so, then I'll believe you." Talke blinked wide eyes at the skeptical looking feline as a sudden bout of disbelief overcame his sensibilities.

"O-Of course. If I say it's so then that's what it is!" Talke thumped his chest with a curled paw and then lifted his head so that he could shine his patented charismatic smirk down at the still grumbling tiger.

"And of course if the areoplane just so happens to get, shall we say, shot up again, I'm sure you'll keep that smile on your face when Jessie asks what went wrong with this particular transport job, right?" Eisser's blue irises narrowed into thin slits as the tiger's muscular black striped arms crossed over his chest with the same finality of hundred and fifty year old deadbolts slamming into place.

The thick lump that formed inside of Talke's throat after the wolf heard those words only served to make Eisser's eyes harden just a touch more as he watched the nervous tick begin to flutter at the corner of his boss' eyes. Remembering the last job that they had taken, which just so happen to have ended with the Lexicon being shot all to pieces from a bunch of scurvy pirates wanting the bejeweled cargo Talke and his team had been carrying, Talke hesitantly recalled how incensed Jessie had been with him once his pilot had landed them in El' Harbor to drop off their VERY costly cargo. After handing over the shipment of jeweled antiques to their respective owners and then collecting their pay Jessie had thrown a pretty fit as he all but screamed at Talke for the mess that the wolf had gotten them into. However, what had hurt the most, beside his longtime friend ranting at him about his being irresponsible and the fact that the raccoon had taken ninety percent of their overall pay to spend on repairs for the Lexicon, was the ultimatum Jessie had given to Talke afterwards.

In no short terms the raccoon had warned Talke that if he got them into anymore messes that ended with the Lexicon getting severely damaged that the wolf was going to have to find himself another pilot. It was only once he settled his blood pressure that Jessie had more calmly informed the confused, not to mention flabbergasted blue wolf that the hazard of flying for him just wasn't worth the amount of money the wolf was shelling out between the three of them anymore. Especially considering that so much of it had to be spent on repairs to the areoplane in the first place.

To say that those words had hurt Talke would be quoting an understatement. For as long as he had known them Eisser had never heard Jessie badmouth Talke in anyway, despite some of the harebrained schemes the wolf had gotten the three of them into, so to hear the raccoon call the big wolf both "thoughtless" and "careless" spoke largely of just how pissed off the pilot really was. Yet the worse thing to happen was to come after the raccoon's rant.

During the days that followed while the Lexicon was being repaired Talke seemed to slip into a self-imposed exile as he underwent some deep self-reflection. Locking himself in his room and remaining there the big wolf thought over just how badly Jessie's words had hurt while at the same time realizing just how right the other man had been. The fact that Jessie refused to give so much as an inch on the stance he had taken only seemed to exacerbate the situation between the two friends as an unspoken wedge was formed between the Lexicon's crew. To matters even more complicated Eisser was left very much remiss on how to bridge the gaping chasm forming between his boss and their pilot and thus in turn the feline worried if the days he shared with both Talke and Jessie were coming to an end.

If there was one thing that Talke and Eisser could count on whenever the wolf screwed something up was the fact that no matter the trouble the team found themselves thrust into each of them would always have each other's backs. For Talke it was the stability of the "pack" was what often kept the wolf's feral instincts under control as between himself, Jessie, and Eisser the wolf had everything he needed in both friends and family...and even the occasional lover. And for Jessie, whether he admitted it to himself or not, the raccoon longed to have a core unit that would keep things stable around him since the pilot so desperately craved to have a "place" set for himself in their ever changing world. For Eisser, well the stability of a steady income was what kept the normally pragmatic feline still journeying with the crew, but having the reliability and reassurance of good friends around him was also a boon, no matter how much he grumbled about the insanity Talke's escapades got the lot of them into.

However, if Jessie truly made up his mind to leave then all of that would be put into serious jeopardy. Just how honest the raccoon had been at the time, well neither Eisser nor Talke knew for sure, but from the way Talke's tail had curled between his legs and remained in said position all the while he was being chastised by the much shorter, not to mention less muscular pilot, it was clear enough to all present that something of importance must have gotten through the wolf's thick skull.

Thankfully it didn't take very long for Talke to come to a decision about his actions and once the Lexicon was fit to traverse the skies once again the blue wolf returned with a sense of determination on his face that made both Jessie and Eisser look at the other man in a new light. Grabbing the raccoon's attention just before they were ready to leave Talke looked Jessie straight in the eye, thumbed the purple star tattooed onto his chest and swore and oath that he would never put the crew into danger again for the sake of a job every again.

Now normally when Talke made a promise, he generally kept it; barring certain circumstances beyond his control. However, when he promised on that star of his, the symbol of the reason both he and Jessie were forced to leave from their peaceful, if not boring homeland in the first place, the wolf's words became worth more than his weight in gold.

Thankfully Jessie had accepted this solemn vow and ended up sighing in relief before returning to his normal laidback and friendly self towards his longtime friend. And thus with that peace had been restored to the team.

So flipping back to the present, Eisser didn't understand why he was getting a strange feeling about their current cargo haul. The tiger didn't think that he was being overly paranoid as he checked and double checked the large crate of gear parts for the umpteenth time as of today. Yet at the same time, even though the engineer couldn't find anything strange in or about the mechanical equipment the Lexicon was ferrying, the tiger's sense of ill at ease kept him firmly on edge. So that left the question of...

"Talke..." The blue wolf's tail snapped back behind him and a nervous chuckle echoed from out of the other man's throat. "What did you do or have you done that's going to wind up with one or all of us in trouble this time?" The tiger resisted the urge to tap his foot against the floor, but just barely.

"N-nothing. I haven't done anything. I just took the job on the guild's board and that's it. There's nothing strange or weird...or potentially life-threatening...about what's going on here." Looking into his employer's wavering golden eyes Eisser could see that his employer was not completely lying to him, but neither was he being all the way sincere either.

"Alright." The engineer let his irises slowly widen back to their normal size, which got a quiet huff of relief from the wolf, before shrugging. "I'm going to trust that you have everything under control Talke and that this won't end up in another mess which could likely end with us as a duo instead of a trio," Eisser turned his back on his boss, snapping his long stripped tail at the wolf and then began to walk away. The intent to do another inspection over the Lexicon's hold before the crew arrived at their destination altered the course of Eisser's thoughts away from the possible problem at hand as he stepped further and further away from Talke.

However, before he gotten more than three yards away from the big wolf the tiger stopped, slowly turned his face over across his shoulder and then glared pointedly at his boss. "But just so you know if this job ends up like your previous stunts then you're going to be looking for an engineer as well as a pilot when this is all over with. And that's not a threat; it's a serious promise Talke." Eisser's words rumbled free from his pursed lips with the same foreboding gravity of a landslide rushing down the side of a mountain and Talke actually gaped as he listened to what the feline had to say next. "We're taking too much stress from these jobs for it to be worthwhile anymore and sooner or later there are going to come better opportunities for Jessie and myself to take, especially given our range of experience in handling areoplanes. Don't make us have to take them just because you're not willing to be responsible for your antics."

"Hey, that's not fair." Talke looked honestly hurt as he lowered his ears onto the top of his head while letting his shoulders fall into a mini slump. "I always take accountability for what I do and you know that I would never put you and Jessie in any real harm." The slight whine that came from up out of the wolf's muzzle made the tiger's heart melt just a touch, however, Eisser knew that if he gave in an inch then Talke might try to weasel his usual inept but sagacious logic into the conversation to make everything alright.

That wouldn't do this time around. The situation at present was far too dire for something like that this go round, especially with the shadow of something...sinister...looming on the horizon just ahead of the crew.

"You're right, it's not fair Talke. But putting the lot of us at risk isn't fair either." The tiger turned to give his employer his full attention. "You're a good man Talke and the best boss I could ever want to work for, but seriously," Eisser breathed a sigh of regret and then looked pointedly at the bigger wolf with blue eyes filled with despondence. "You're much better than the stunts you've been pulling as of late. So please, make sure you live up to what both Jessie and I know you're capable of." Eisser stepped up to Talke and then lightly tapped the blue wolf on his chest before smiling sincerely at his employer.

Talke, still a bit hurt, nodded and then leaned down to lick the feline over across the top of his forehead. Eisser blanched slightly before he quickly pulled himself back with a good-natured chuckle rumbling free from up out of his parted lips.

And Talke smiled.


A week later...

A sudden rumble of thunder shook the Lexicon hard enough to make both Eisser and Jessie shiver despite the two men being securely strapped into their respective chairs. Casting their sights across the vastness of the ashen grey colored sky both the tiger and raccoon were remiss to try and voice their thoughts as their minds tossed and turned over the events of last week. Neither man knew what to say fully articulate the horrors of what had transpired just days prior and yet both knew that something needed to be said. If not just for the sake of relieving the soul grinding pressure that was building up between the two of them, then for the sake of dispelling the dreadful silence that had spread itself out around them like a curse.

Minutes ticked by with neither man making more than half an attempt to utter a word; the rumbling growl of the building thunderstorm outside speaking enough for the both of them.

"Hey all," Both men jumped and then whipped their heads around at the sight of a slightly sleepy eyed Talke walking up from the darkened hallway leading to the interior of the areoplane.

"Talke," Jessie was the first to speak as Eisser's tongue had knotted itself into a tight ribbon inside of the tiger's muzzle. The blue wolf cocked an ear as he turned to look at his pilot. "Are you, I mean, how are you doing?" The raccoon wanted to belt himself over the head for how lame he sounded, but it was all he had to say, or rather ask, at the moment. This might have had something to do with the fact that right then and there the raccoon pilot was just too..._distraughtsadconfusedangrydesperate..._to ask anything more meaningful of his long time friend.

In truth what he wanted to ask was...

"Hmm? I'm just fine. Thanks for asking." Talke smiled with his usual charismatic smirk and for a split second the raccoon wanted to do nothing more than believe that everything was alright in the world. It would have been just so easy to push aside the truth of what had happened days prior and go on living in the fantasy of a lie, but Jessie knew better. He knew just as well as Eisser did - the raccoon spared a glance quick to his right to see that the tiger was looking over the muscular blue wolf with eyes filled with endless questions - that nothing would probably ever be alright with Talke every again.

Not after what had just taken place last week...


"Get away from him!!!" Talke roared as he looked to where Jessie lay bleeding on the floor of the Lexicon all the while being surrounded by six scruffy looking pirates.

"Didn't I warn you about that mate?" The leader of the men dressed in the gaudy blue, black and white pirate uniform asked while sneering at the pissed off wolf. Talke would have given less than a freck about the other canine's words had it not been for the pistol clutched tightly in the pirate's hand wavering down just enough so that the muzzle was pointed directly at the raccoon's left ear. The eagerness of the man to shoot Jessie was plain to see for Talke as he noted as the pirate's finger cocked fully around the trigger of the gun.

To say that Talke was angry would have been quoting the understatement of the century. In truth the muscular blue wolf was so far gone in rage that he was actually losing sight of anything other than the fact that Jessie, his friend, his pilot, his...packmate, lay bleeding from a gaping wound in his arm. Watching as the raccoon lay huddled into the fetal position, all the while shivering as a pervasive cold rapidly swept through his lithe form, Talke felt the world narrow down to a single point as he desperately tried to figure out how he was going to save his longtime friend. From what the wolf could see it looked as though Jessie was trying to staunch his wound by putting as much pressure onto his bleeding arm as possible however, Talke knew that the raccoon would not be able to keep that up for long.

Shock would set in before long and after that...if Talke couldn't get him to a hospital or at the least patched up enough to wait for medical assistance to arrive, then...

To make matters even worse the wolf could feel all of his predatory senses coming to the fray as he could literally taste Jessie's blood running across his tongue. The smell of that hot, sweet fluid with that burning metallic scent running across his nose was driving down the rational part of Talke's brain and replacing it with the animal that the wolf essentially was. The pirates didn't know it, but soon the civilized man they were dealing with would be gone, replaced by a beast that would kill for the sake of protecting its own. Nevertheless, despite the wellspring of rage growing inside of his belly Talke kept himself calm and in control of his anger as he focused his golden eyes on the shuddering form of his raccoon pilot.

"Get away from him and I'll let you live." Talke's words, despite being cool like a winter's frost, came out in a grumble as the wolf's mind cried out for retribution. As everyone present watched the slow shift of the wolf's body language change from dangerous to all out bloody thirsty the hands that were wrapped around worn looking pistols began to become demanding as the pirates felt a primal fear enfold itself around their hearts. And yet it was only when thin lines of red began to trickle down the sides of Talke's clenched fist that some of the pirates began to look nervously amongst one another.

"Are you sure you want to be threatening us, friend?" The pirate leader coyly asked while prodding his weapon into the side of Jessie's head. The whimper that trailed from the raccoon's lips made white hot fire blaze throughout Talke's mind.

Ears laid low onto his head, tail raised so that the puffed up tip centered along the grove of his backside while the fur along his neck and shoulders fluffed out like mad, Talke looked like the atypical feral wolf as he slowly turned and narrowed his golden orbs at the pirates. When his lips began to flutter every man present could see how the wolf's oversized fangs were gnashed together so tightly that they actually looked like they starting to grind into each other.

"Just, please, let him go and get treated." Talke asked/pleaded/demanded as he turned to look at Jessie who just so happened to pull his head up to hesitantly stare at his longtime friend with green orbs soaked in tears. The look of pain in the raccoon's shimmering eyes broke the wolf's heart.

"Not until we present you to the boss." The leader of the pirates said while swaying his gun slightly. The fraction of a second the other spent toying with Talke's patience wasn't enough for the wolf to charge over to grapple the weapon away from the other man before he shot Jessie, but as Talke listened to the nonexistent sounds of medical personnel not responding to the shots that had already been fired the wolf surmised that he may have to take the chance anyway.

"What do you want from me?"

"Don't you know?" The leader chuckled and immediately Talke felt his heart freeze inside of his chest. "After all, you are the star bearing wolf."

At those words Talke knew that he was going to have to let go of his inhibitions and do what needed to be done. These men, they weren't about to give him any quarter, especially not if they were looking for him because of what he "possessed". Looking between the six pirates and the bleeding Jessie Talke reached up to rub a hand across the purple star on his chest. As the seconds ticked the roar of blood surging throughout Talke's ears began to hastily drown out the wolf's sense of self-preservation. Instincts, older than the first spoken word, began to swell within the wolf's soul and from that the desire to protect Jessie overcame everything Talke had be taught by the civilized world about how to handle a precarious situation such as this. Nothing else mattered other than getting the other man to safety. No matter the cost.

"Hahahahahah!!!" Several of the pirates laughed as they looked at the wolf as though he was crazy, as though they could sense what it was that Talke was thinking of. Had they only know that the wolf was indeed going crazy they might have been more afraid of what was about to come. Maybe that fear might have saved some of them, but then again, probably not.

"Mate, you'd be wise to not do anything foolish and just come along quietly." The pirate leader moved his gun down along Jessie's form and then shot the raccoon in the leg, right below his knee. The scream Jessie let out as the small metal ball passed through his flesh and embedded itself into the hull of the Lexicon would haunt Talke's dreams for many nights to come. "Otherwise, this one won't make it to see the light of another day."

The only thing Talke knew next, or rather recalled days later when his memories of this time fully returned to him, was that at that point when he heard Jessie scream his entire vision faded to red as a untamed howl burst free from his tortured throat. After that the only thing that would stick inside of the wolf's mind was that he was moving. Tranquil and flowing like a rushing tide, Talke was hurdling himself towards the men who had hurt Jessie with nothing less than the unbridled intent to kill every last one of the bastards filling up his aching heart. The roar of a frenzied tiger did faintly cut across the wolf's sense of hearing, but it was muted as the rushing thrum of blood pounding inside of Talke's ears washed out most of everything other than the slowly diminishing beat of the raccoon's heart.

How Talke had been able to keenly hear his crewmate's heartbeat from where he was, the wolf would never in his life be able to say, however, even amongst the screams, the shots, the swears, the roars and the howls that echoed inside of the Lexicon Talke was somehow able to hear Jessie's slowly beating heart drumming calm, if not somewhat sluggishly inside of the raccoon's chest.





_ _


For Eisser there wasn't much to say or think as the tiger recalled the events that had led up to the clusterfuck that had become the nightmare he was still trying hard to forget. While he had known that Talke could be many things and do many more things in the name of protecting and supporting his so-called "pack" the engineer had not been prepared to see Talke's unrestrained ferocity unleashed like that.

In a way, on deep primal level that the tiger would probably never acknowledge, it made Eisser rather glad to know that he had a leader like that to watch his back. However, to the rational side of the tiger's mind Eisser couldn't stop himself from feeling just the faintest touch of fear as he looked over the bleary eyed Talke. Everything about the other man whispered that the wolf would bring no harm to him. And that may have been the only reason Eisser hadn't disappeared the day after Talke had...

No. If he were to be honest with himself Eisser knew that he was in this for the long haul. For better or for worse, the tiger thought with a chuckle.

It was just...seeing the other two men he trusted with his life like they were back then. One: bleeding, injured, and shuddering as he lay while trying to cover his most vital parts. The other: lost in a madness that had nothing to do with the proper code of conduct that made up the rules of civility, but instead running with that which dictated everything an animal was supposed to be back before the days of walking up right and talking with words instead of barks, howls and croons. It all served to bring out something in Eisser that the tiger wasn't sure he was ready to deal with just yet.

No, that wasn't quite right. Eisser knew that he had "dealt" with the situation as well as could be during that moment. And maybe that was only because he didn't think over the need to justify what he had done right then and there. Rather the usually sophisticated engineer just let himself react on pure drive and will after hearing Talke's howl rend through the air making the feline's blood sing in rapture for the impending battle. And maybe that was why, after everything was said and done, that Eisser couldn't make himself feel disgusted with himself over what he had done.

Because on some level...he was excited about the prospect of such a happening once again...


Back then, days before the desperate fight, Eisser knew that somewhat was bothering Talke, but he just didn't know what that something was. It couldn't have had anything to do with the cargo since they had just dropped off the mechanical parts two days prior. And yet, all the same there was something heavy hanging in the air around Talke; something that spoke of danger and anxiety. Of course, Talke being the person that he was just couldn't come clean and confess what he was thinking or rather in this case dreading. He simply smiled and told Eisser and Jessie that all was well.

Yet the normally chipper muscular blue wolf, for all intents and purposes, seemed as though he was drifting in and out of reality: almost as though his thoughts were in several places all at once. In hindsight maybe Talke himself wasn't sure what was really going on through his own mind so Eisser couldn't completely blame the wolf for the nervous aura that seemed to permeate his being.

"Talke..." Eisser had called out to the wolf after stepping into the other's room. Having knocked twice the engineer hesitantly opened the door to his boss' room, somewhat unsure if he was disturbing the other man's slumber. The tiger would never forget the look on the normally cocksure wolf's face when Talke lifted his head from between his hands to look into his engineer's cool blue eyes with his own hard golden orbs.

The cold steadiness that loomed inside of the wolf's amber gaze cast a freeze across Eisser's soul that made him actually shiver when he looked at Talke. It was quick to pass though once the wolf blinked and then gazed up at him with the usual Talke smile that could make hearts turn to goo.

"Is something the matter Eisser? It's kinda late." Without thinking the tiger turned to look out the port side window and found the stars of midnight twinkling all around the areoplane. Somewhat confused Eisser wondered how he could see so well inside of the dimly lit room, that is, right up until the engineer noted that the only source of illumination within Talke's room came from a sparse few lit candles lining the shelves of the big wolf's bookcase. The faint flicker of the solemn embers cast a somewhat heavenly glow across Talke's muscular blue form and for a moment the tiger forget why he had come in there in the first place. That was, right before he shook his head to dispel the candlelight's gentle effect.

"I'm sorry, but I just wanted to ask you if everything was alright?" Eisser cut his employer off before Talke could make his characteristic, if not repetitive excuse that everything was "Ok". "I know that everything isn't "ok" Talke, but I can't force you to tell me what's not right or rather what may happen that's not going to be alright later on." Talke was quick to click his muzzle shut at that point. When the wolf's his golden eyes lost their familiar shine of playfulness Eisser felt a quiet trepidation ease into his soul as he watched an uneasy calm, the likes of one usually felt before a storm, brew inside of the wolf's shinning orbs. If never before had Eisser been scared for Talke then at the moment when he saw his boss' eyes glaze over and take on a dark sheen of intensity, the likes of which the engineer had never seen in Talke before, the tiger could actually say that he was both fearful of and for the big blue wolf.

"I just," Eisser began, precariously chewing on the bottom of his lips as he tried to gather his thoughts. "I just want you to know that I'm here for you. And not just me either, both Jessie and I will do whatever we can to support you Talke." For a single minute after he spoke that passion filled sentence there was silence inside of the mediocre sized cabin of the Lexicon. When Talke continued to stare but didn't respond Eisser figured that he had done his best and that it was now time to leave.

"For how long though," The fact that the words that had been whispered possessed the same consistency as mist in the morning made Eisser almost sure he had just imagined them. That was, right up to the point when he blinked and then cocked his feline head at the wolf who now had his eyes closed.


"Good night, Eisser. And thank you for what you just said. It...means a lot to me." Not sure, but too unsure to ask the tiger merely nodded and then left out of Talke's room, having clearly heard the dismissal in the wolf's voice.

Had he known then that that moment would have been the last time he would have to speak to his employer before everything went all to hell...the tiger swore he would have done something to try and get Talke to open up more. However, he didn't know and therefore only trusted in the feelings he had had at the time to lead him forward. And though he cursed himself every moment he thought over that single second in time, Eisser could only shake his head in despair as he remembered thinking...

"Well everything will be as it should be..."

Had he only known then...


The group had come aboard the Lexicon while the areoplane was being fueled up. The crew working the fuel station swore up and down that they knew nothing and saw nothing, but it's rather odd that no one saw ten men sneaking aboard the open hatchway of the Lexicon all the while the station itself was surrounded by workers. However, that was the story that had been nervously repeated by the service men on duty as they were questioned by authorities later on. By the grace of Fate Talke had happened upon Lexicon just in time to hear the first shots fire off into the hull of his areoplane. These noises were preceded by a cry of pain from up out of Jessie's throat mixed in with a roar of distress from Eisser. Yet nothing could have prepared anyone for what happened next.

Charging into the Lexicon, completely ignoring the rest of the workers around him calling out for him not to do so, Talke made a beeline for where the shots had been fired from. When he got to the place in question - which just so happened to have been the cargo hold of the areoplane - Talke stopped dead in his tracks as he spied Jessie, who had been holding onto his bleeding left arm at the time, being surrounded by several men standing with their weapons drawn and malice shining deeply inside their multicolored eyes.

"Get away from him." Talke ordered smoothly. This resulted in one of them men clocking Jessie across the back of the head which sent the raccoon down onto the metal floor with a twin cry of both pain and surprise.

When two of the men began to stomp on the pilot's chest and abdomen Talke's throat began rumbling with a growl so deep that the sound could have been mistaken for something coming from up out a hellspawn's muzzle. Yet the scariest thing of all was the fact that the wolf seemed shocked that he was making such a noise in the first place. This rumble of hate and anger was much too low and way too deep to be Talke's unfamiliar rumble of anger and annoyance, or at least that's how it seemed to look from Eisser's standpoint where the tiger stood on the rafters of the Lexicon. From the shadows of where he watched the scene transpiring down below Eisser noted the confused look filling up Talke's golden eyes as the blue wolf's orbs went wide with realization.

If there was any reason as to why Eisser was looming underneath the shadow of the areoplanes rafters instead of going down to aid the injured pilot then it must be said that this was all the tiger could think of doing at the moment during that heated confrontation. Having split the group of pirates into two by having a smaller group of them chase him throughout the corridors of the Lexicon Eisser had swiftly picked each man off, one by one, before rounding his way back to check on Jessie. The engineer swore to the heavens that he never thought that the pilot would have ended up as he had right then and there since it had been Jessie's idea to split up in the first place. Had the engineer known then that the raccoon would been injured in such a way then he promised himself that he would have...

"Next time you order us to do something we're going to shoot him." One of the men said. Both Talke and Eisser guessed that this was the inopportune leader of the scruffy lot. The fact that the animal in question, a belligerent looking canine with half of his right ear torn off, had his gun, a sleekly polished golden inlaid pistol that looked to be worth a tenth of what the Lexicon cost new, pointed at the downed raccoon's head only served to show the severity of the other's words.

Eisser knew that Talke wasn't going to stand for that, but just how the other man was going to get this situation under some kind of control was anyone's guess. However, never in a million years hence would Eisser have guessed that what would happen next could have actually happened.

"What do you want?" Talke grumbled dangerously. When the wolf's golden eyes began to shimmer with a dangerous gleam Eisser felt a sudden wave of fear caress his soul.


It had been a week since then and as of late the three man crew wasn't sure what to do with one another. However, something had to be done; otherwise the engineer and pilot knew that this lingering silence would tear the team apart. The fact that Talke wasn't...well talking about it wasn't helping matters either, but to his credit the wolf hadn't honestly himself back then. Maybe he was repressing his memories, Eisser asked himself for the umpteenth time.

Back then, when he had been nothing short of feral beast intent to have his pound of flesh, Talke had shown just how savage an animal he could become when one of his own were threatened. There were no words to really describe the wolf's destructive rampage while his senses were caught up in the smell of his raccoon friend's blood staining across the metal floor of the Lexicon's hull. Savage eyes had locked onto each pirate in turn and once Talke had started moving not even the pirate's guns had been able to slow the other down. The fact that the bullets that had been fired seemed to all but fly around the wolf as he raced towards the half dozen men might have had something to do with the fact that Talke didn't slow down an inch as he dove forward with claws extended and his muzzle cast open in a ferocious snarl.

Eisser had done what he could to aid his boss after he jumped from the rafters to land squarely on the shoulders of one of the pirates. The wet snap of bones being broken as the muscle bound tiger utterly destroyed the scruffy male's shoulder blades was only seconded by the harsh sounds of one furious wolf literally tearing apart the band of pirates. Claws rent flesh, staining the air with wet crimson, while hard fangs bore down into soft throats, literally tearing them out with quick tugs and twists of a determined muzzle, and the only thing that had kept Eisser from being physically ill at seeing such a display of carnal ferocity was that he himself was lost in the adrenaline rush of tearing into the pirates with his own brand of feline rage. While nothing compared to Talke's fury the tiger's aid had been all that was needed to keep the pirates off balanced as the men in question tried to regroup while firing wildly at the berserk wolf.

Hours later, after the splashes of crimson that lined the walls of the areoplane had been cleaned off by the service crew of the port town the team was stationed at, Eisser swore that he could still smell the scent of the pirate's blood caking the walls inside of the Lexicon's cargo area. It was probably his imagination, but at the same time the tiger knew that his memory, coupled with his acute sense of smell, would forever imprint the odor of death and flesh on his mind just as the memory of watching the pirates being ripped apart like tissue paper by Talke's claws would forever linger in the back of his subconsious. And then, Eisser grumbled to himself in despair, there were the screams. Those horrible screams. The engineer didn't know how Talke had been able to listen to those wails and not stop his righteous fury from killing each and every one of the pirates.

The again maybe it was the sounds of their terror the pirates made as they begged for their lives, more with whimpers and shrill whines of terror than actual words, that had excited the wolf's passion for blood. The smile that had graced Talke's muzzle - Eisser shuddered as he remembered that feral grin of joy and savagery lingering on his employer's face - there had been nothing short of pure bloodlust that shown through the blue wolf's face as he drenched himself in the life essence and other assorted grey matter of the pirates while making short work of the assembled group. The bullets that had actually managed to pierce the wolf's furry hide seemed not to slow the other down as Talke continued right on..."chewing" and "ripping"...through the others while growling and snarling and barking out his rage for all to hear.

The pirate leader had been the first to go down. The man had clutched at the bloody stump of his arm after seeing Talke rip his right ligament free from its socket, yet the canine hadn't had the time to mourn because soon Talke had the pirate's face in between his jowls and had bitten down hard enough onto the other's skull that a sickening CRUNCH filled the air as the wolf crushed the dog's head into pieces. Stomachs turned desperately as some of the pirates lost the contents of their bellies upon seeing the bloodstained wolf with flesh, bone and fur stuck between his muzzle. When the wolf spit out the mass of the pirate leader's face onto the ground, well away from Jessie who had curled himself up even tighter at hearing the first howl of rage that had come from Talke signaling the beginning of the Blood Fest, almost everyone present knew a kind of fear that only comes when Death was upon them as they looked to the out of control wolf.

For his part Eisser tried to keep well away from Talke as he took down what pirates that he could get to, the fear that his friend would try to kill him in his blood drunk madness worried teasingly at the corners of the tiger's mind. However, that fear never came to pass as Talke, even lost in his rage as he was, seemed to know who was friend and who was foe. And sadly for his foes...they didn't live long enough to regret their transactions against his crewmate.

Blood. So much blood spilled across the surrounding area that by the time the last pirate dropped dead Talke's once pristine blue fur was stained almost jet black. Feral gold eyes locked onto Eisser's sky blue orbs with a look between unrepressed joy and the deepest remorse as the feral Talke raised both of his paws to his head and then let out a hopeless howl the likes of which chilled the tiger to the bone. The call was one that was mixed with regret and fear and joy and lust for the battle that had just passed and through it all Talke howled and cried as he released everything that he had within him.

And then, once the last of the wail had passed through Talke's dripping red muzzle, the wolf passed clean out next to Jessie.

Thankfully once Eisser pulled his mental facilities together enough to realize that he was the only man left standing the tiger went over to check on both of his teammates. Starting with Jessie Eisser found the raccoon panting shallowly even as unconsciousness had dragged the pilot away from the battle that had just occurred around him. A small miracle in itself, Eisser thought silently as he slowly turned to look at the blood soaked form of the once mad wolf. Tentatively lifting his hand to trail a finger across Talke's sticky throat Eisser breathed a sigh of relief when he found a strong, albeit sluggish pulse coming from Talke that signified that the wolf had not had to trade his life for his longtime friend's.

"Just a piece of his all..." Eisser whispered quietly.

When the authorities had finally braved to show their faces inside of the Lexicon they were met with a sight that made the hardest detective race outside to spew his guts onto the ground. And that was before they had noted that Eisser had bandaged Jessie up as best he could and placed the raccoon away from the bloody mess that was left of the pirates. Eisser had been contemplating on how to move the exceptionally heavy Talke out of the way when a slightly green detective made his way up to the tiger to ask what had happened. The tiredness the older man had seen in the engineer's sky blue eyes made him blink in confusion, but that was nothing compared to hearing the statement the tiger had to relate over what had occurred just minutes prior. At hearing what Eisser had to say the detective could only gape like a goldfish before he staggered out of the areoplane to check on his heaving partner.

After that point...well nothing more had to be said as the authorities called for medical personnel to come to see about Jessie and Talke and then the coroner to deal with the leftover mess of the pirates. The last four of the pirates, the ones which Eisser had dealt with beforehand, were quietly carted off to jail; much to their relief after seeing and hearing what had been done to their crewmates. After that things became something of a blur to Eisser as medical professionals came to take Jessie and Talke to the hospital, the latter being almost completely unresponsive to any kind of stimuli in an effort to wake him from his comatose like slumber, while the former was passed out cold from blood loss.

A day later found Talke rising up from the hospital bed he had been placed onto with some confusion once he realized that he was strapped onto said bed, much to his discomfort. Neither Eisser nor Jessie, who had just been released from ER not more than an hour before the big blue wolf awoke, felt like commenting on what had happened with their friend as they waited to hear from Talke what had happened with him back then. When the other open his mouth to speak though...

"Hey guys, what time is it and why am I strapped down?" Talke asked as he popped one of the belts keeping his muscular form in check with a single flex of his bicep before he reached up to scratch at his grimy feeling pecs.

The two men turned to look at one another and then blinked in surprise before sighing ruefully as they went over to where Talke was to stand next to the other man.

"It's...morning Talke." The muscle bound tiger didn't know what more to say as he looked to his employer with astonished disbelief in his eyes.

"Oh, ok. So what happened yesterday after I dealt with those pirates?" There was no animosity or confusion within Talke's words and that alone made both Jessie and Eisser look to one another in befuddlement as they tried to think over just how to approach this situation.

" you remember what happened yesterday?" Jessie asked cautiously. Not out of fear for what his longtime friend might do, but out of apprehension that Talke might have some kind of breakdown because of a flood of memories that he wasn't quite ready to deal with just yet.

"I remember killing those guys. Yeah." Talke lowered his head and then blinked before nodding his head in acknowledgement. "Oh are you ok Jess?!" The big wolf snapped the rest of the bands off from his body and then shoved his muzzle next to the raccoon's bandaged shoulder to begin loudly sniffing over him.

Jessie gape slightly as he listened to his longtime friend snuffle at him while grumbling something underneath his breath about "stupid gauze".

"Talke..." Eisser whispered.


And now, after being released from the hospital with a clean bill of health several days later, Talke was up and looking somewhat more coherent as he looked to his crewmates with something akin to sleepy annoyance covering his muzzle. There hadn't been a talk between the trio the day that Talke had woken up in the hospital as both Jessie and Eisser strove to give the wolf just the bare bones facts about what had happened. Now though both the raccoon and tiger feared what kind of repercussions that choice was having inside of Talke's mind now that the big blue wolf was back where the bloody battle had taken place.

"So...what's for breakfast?" Talke asked while moving to hover himself against the back of Eisser's chair, his large muscles slightly rubbing up against the back of the tiger's neck and shoulders. Usually this would get a rise out of Eisser, the pleasant kind one should add, but today there was just something too oppressive in the air to allow for such feelings.

Maybe it was because the thoughts of what had happened were still so fresh in both the tiger and raccoon's minds, but at the moment nothing felt right to both the pilot and engineer. What had happened back went against everything that Talke was, or rather everything that the other two thought their big blue muscular wolf friend was.

While Jessie might have not seen everything that had happened during the battle the few shy glances he had stolen during his fight with unconsciousness still lingered within the raccoon pilot's mind. And though he wasn't necessarily "scared" of Talke...he was somewhat unsure of how to connect with the other man at the moment.

As for Eisser, well the tiger hadn't slept much during the night when he had sat inside of the family ward of the hospital. Too angry with himself for not acting when he could have possibly stopped all of this, yet too intelligent to completely blame himself for everything that had happened since he realized that he did only what he could have done at the time, Eisser felt as though he was stuck in a proverbial loop as he went over the what, how and why of the "event" that had taken place a week prior. And then, the day after Talke had woken up and sleep did come to him the night to follow...the night terrors had begun. That had been going off and on for several days before finally relenting just a last night.

"Hmmm, is everything ok?" Talke asked with his familiar lighthearted and charismatic smirk playing firmly across his face as he stared upside down at Eisser.

It was at that moment when the wolf asked such a ridiculous question that the world stopped for a moment. In sixty seconds there was movement and shuffling and then Talke suddenly found himself with his massive arms full of two sobbing males who just so happened to be his best friends. And though he tried to hide it underneath the shadow of his hair twin tails of unrepressed tears slipped free from the big blue wolf's eyes as he looked down to his two crewmates somewhat fondly.

"I'm not sorry for what I did, but I am apologizing anyway." Talke whispered and both Eisser and Jessie understood what their friend meant.

For almost an hour the Lexicon hovered over the thundering sky as the three males just stood together while exchanging their..._sorryhurtcomfortdespainlove..._with one another. The blinking green light of the areoplane's autopilot system was the only source of disturbance for the trio as not even the budding storm around them could bring them to break their hold over one another.


A week later...

"Are you sure we should be spending this much money on booze all too soon? Eisser asked as he walked down the steps of the Lexicon's opened hatchway while looking at his employer somewhat doubtfully. The light from the evening sunset cast a glow over the striped feline making Eisser's fur seem as though it was caught on fire. Surprisingly enough this made for a good look for the sexy tiger as with his pecs and abdomen flexing underneath his skin tight shirt Eisser looked like the perfect specimen of male sensuality as he stood with his arms folded over and across his chest. That was, right up until Talke walked out of the areoplane to stand next to the engineer.

While he was only about ten percent bigger in both musculature and height than the tiger Talke's blue colored fur coupled with his masculine physique made him look like a living statuette as he stood in front of the Lexicon with the salty air of the evening running gentle fingers along his soft blue mane. Smiling as he normally did the wolf tipped his head at Jessie as the raccoon came up to stand next to him while grinning like a school kid out on break. Though he might not have had the build of both of his companions Jessie was no slouch in the looks department as the slim, but toned raccoon filled out the midriff cut shirt and shorts he had on. Having started to do just a touch of weight training with Talke and Eisser, the result of the two other men forcibly dragging him to the weight room day in and day out over the last week, the raccoon was honestly gaining just a bit of muscle about himself and the results were...well easy enough for many stray eyes to see.

Now on either side of the tiger both Talke and Jessie merely shook their heads as they chuckled mirthfully at the uptight feline.

"After that last job transporting fried pickles, I'd say yes! Booze is defiantly in order around here!" Talke waved his arms around excitedly as he thought over all the fine liquor he was going to enjoy at the current port town he and his crew were settled in. Once Jessie closed and locked the hatch of the Lexicon the raccoon made his thoughts known as well.

"Yeah Eisser. Now would be a good time to relax and enjoy ourselves. Not to mention spend some time being a tad freehearted with our well earned pay." Jessie smiled as he looked to the fine women waving at him and the others from where they were walking along the street. 'Must get laid' was the basic thought form flashing inside of the raccoon's head at the moment.

Eisser grumbled but then sighed as he figured that it would do him no good to complain. Not with his teammates looking as jubilant as they did right then about the prospect of a well deserved mini vacation.

"I suppose you're right, but let's try not to go overboard, ok?" Eisser begged as he thought over just how much money Talke was going to spend on alcohol. The figures alone made his head hurt.

"Yeah, sure! Whatever you say Eisser!" Talke grabbed the tiger in between the curl of his bicep and then dragged the other into his massive chest. Immediately the tiger went to fighting for air as the blue wolf noogied him across the skull. "Just try to have a little fun, alright! We don't get vacations this often after all.

Somehow Eisser just knew that this little vacation was going to be a big pain in the ass for him...


Three hours later...

"T-Talke!" Eisser moaned as the larger wolf had the tiger bent in half over and across the lupine's bed and was busy giving the other man all he had to give with a quick fire hammering of his thick calf muscles. Steady hips demandingly pounded into Eisser's backside making the striped feline arch and howl as he felt Talke's thick cock slip back and forth inside of his sweat and pre-cum slickened tailhole. Unfocused blue eyes looked up at the other man and Eisser could swear that Talke was smirking down at him with a look of utter satisfaction written across his muzzle as he dominated his beautiful kitten fully.

Grunting as his arms flexed while his fingertips curled around his engineer's thighs Talke drove himself as deeply as he could inside of Eisser without restraint. Wanting to hear the other man make those sexy yowls of pleasure as the tip of his pointed lupine cock speared oh so perfectly against the button of pleasure inside of the tiger's backside Talke bent Eisser in half even more before pressing his lips directly onto the other's lips. Eisser could only gasp as he was forced to take Talke's tongue, the same as he was with the wolf's hefty maleness into the depths of his tight tail tunnel, into the back of his throat as the larger man stole the breath from up out of his lungs.

What had started with drinking in the bar had subsequently turned into a small bar fight, though of course this hadn't been either Talke nor Eisser's fault as the two had been minding their own business when several louts had come in to harass the waitresses on duty, which then turned into both the wolf and tiger getting rounds of cheers for beating the snuff out of the gang of would-be hooligans only to end with the two being subtly tossed out of the bar by the owner. Not that that had bothered either Talke or Eisser in the least. Being as smashed as they were from the slightly better than average liquor that particular bar offered the tiger and wolf strolled through the darkened city streets back to the Lexicon to finish their night with the areoplane's better stock of booze.

However, once the twin half moons had shown down on Eisser in just the right way to highlight the tiger's rich orange colored fur Talke felt a hunger for something more than alcohol overcome his sensibilities. Glowing under the aurora of the cold moonlight Eisser looked like some kind of forbidden spirit as his large muscles strained the too tight cashmere shirt the tiger had thought to put on today. With his sexy tail swaying almost teasingly behind his bulky back while his taunt rump flexed up and down in front of Talke's gleaming golden eyes, as if daring the wolf to come and sample a bit of such a forbidden treat, the wolf felt his control go all to pot as he growled and then snarled lustfully at his sexy feline companion.

The only warning Eisser had gotten that something was amiss was the fact that he heard a warning growl come from behind him a second before his head snapped backwards. When his blue eyes caught the sight of a feral looking Talke smirking hungrily at him with his meaty bulge of a crotch swelling a hefty outline inside of his skin tight leather shorts the tiger took one second to gulp before he tried to turn around to run away. He didn't make it more than a foot before he was pounced on.

At that hour no one was around so there were no witnesses to see what transpired next, but from what Eisser's half drunken memories relayed to him the next morning Talke had all but ravaged him as he desperately squirmed along the ground while trying to get away from the frisky wolf. His efforts did him no good as Talke was in the mood to dominant the other man completely and when he used his full strength to hold down the tiger's wrists before grinding himself into his engineer's body Eisser faintly remembered feeling completely submissive to the wolf as he raised his legs up and then wrapped them around Talke's larger waist. Well maybe not completely submissive as when Talke first began to bring his muzzle down to start lapping wetly across his white furred throat Eisser growled and then hefted his weight so that he could toss the two of them over so that he ended up on top.

Talke hadn't liked that. Not one bit. Drunk, horny and desperate the wolf had growled out a curse before flipping the two of them back over. This time though once Eisser's backside thumped onto the ground the wolf dove down and the snapped his fangs right along the junction between the tiger's shoulder and neck. Instantly Eisser stopped his attempts at flailing around as the memories from "before" overcame his senses. A slight wave of fear was to follow, but before the feline could give himself over to irrationality Talke lifted his muzzle up from his prey's delicate neck to lift his face up so that Eisser could look him fully into the eyes. When blue eyes gazed up all they could see was unabashed lust shining deeply inside of Talke's amber orbs as the wolf's entire upper body was coated in the soft white light of the twin half moons.

The sight of the other man colored almost a milky white underneath the pale moon made Eisser feel the same as Talke had for him when the wolf had seen the tiger under the same illumination. Knowing that this man would never harm him in anyway Eisser chuckled and then threw his head back to mewl quietly up at the other male. His actions more than feeble and unnecessary words making it known that he was giving himself over to the wolf that was both his friend and his lover. Talke was quick to announce his acceptance of such a blessing as he threw his head back and then howled out for all to hear.

Somewhere inside one of the hotel rooms of the port town a certain raccoon mildly chuckled to himself before shaking his head abashedly when his current companion of the night gave him an odd look.

Talke didn't waste time thinking as he ground himself down into Eisser's muscular striped form. His thick and heavy cock was almost ready for some action and in wanting to enjoy this night to its fullest Talke lifted himself up from off of Eisser and then helped the other man to stand onto his own two feet. The engineer, slightly unsure at first, but quickly coming to understand, took the wolf's offered hand and then grunted as he was pulled into the bulk of his lover's chest. The warm scent of sweat and musk wafted from off of Talke's fur, the aftereffects of the bar fight the two of them had won, and in drinking in that delicious smell Eisser felt his own cock grow stiff as a board inside of his pants.

Licking his tongue along the V of Talke's chest Eisser kissed and sniffed at his lover for a second before he found himself being swung around and then pulled forward as Talke guided the two of them towards the Lexicon. Thankfully Talke had a master key to the areoplane so the two of them did not have to do it outside underneath the stars. Not that they wouldn't have if Talke didn't possess his key, but at the same time the wolf decided that it was just much sexier to see his lover panting and grunting on top of a bed while he filled him to the brim than it was to nail the tiger in the middle of an open field. Or on second thought, that was sexy as hell too and it was just nicer to not have to wake up with grass and other assorted pieces of nature stuck to one's body in the middle of the morning. Not to mention having cold dew covering your form was not something nice to wake up to during the cooler months and currently the little island port they were docked at was having their "winter" months.

So, yeah...

Either way it was a moot point as when Talke opened the hatch of the Lexicon the wolf grabbed Eisser and strolled into the areoplane without a second thought to what might have or have not been. Closing the metal doorway back once they were securely inside the wolf led the tiger down the hallway towards his bedroom on swift feet. Eisser didn't fight being led as his own anxiousness was overcoming him to the point where his tail was literally waving around as if signaling how much the tiger wanted to be fucked. When Talke burst open the door to his room the wolf instantly began stripping himself without extra flare or care to the fact he was literally ripping the material covering his body off his sweat soaked hide.

Eisser was a tad more careful with what he was doing with his own clothes as the tiger pulled his shirt off from over his head and then kicked it aside before unfastening his pants. Once his last article of clothing was down off of his orange and white colored legs, the engineer preferring to go commando this week so he didn't have to worry about underwear, the tiger had just enough time to step one leg out of his pants before Talke grabbed him by the waist and then hauled him over onto the only bed inside of the mediocre sized room. The feline meow of distress Eisser's released got a slight chuckle out of Talke, but that was right before the engineer tossed his pants into the wolf's face; annoyance dripping off the other's muzzle like hot wax down the side of a candle.

Talke grunted and then snatched the cashmere pants off from around his head, though not before giving the crotch of the material a quick sniff and then a lick. Once he tossed the leggings over the side of his head the naked wolf moved himself over to his lover and then knelt down so that his large blue furred body was nestled securely between Eisser's legs. Usually, Talke was much more cultured when it came to his erotic displays of passion and lustful fervor, but at the moment the wolf was too far gone with the raw urge to consume the tiger to care about boring foreplay. So instead of asking or teasing the other man into agreeing to what he wanted the wolf simply grabbed Eisser's legs, hefted the other man up and then back so that the tiger's backside thumped onto his bedspread and then dove his face down so that his nose was pressed in between the cleft of the engineer's rump.

The first sweep of Talke's tongue through the split between the tiger's ass made Eisser passionately gasp. The second lick had the other man writhing on the bed like mad. And then the third, well the third actually had croons of desperation leaking out from Eisser's halfway parted muzzle, not to mention small beads of pre-cum up from out of his half hard manhood. While assplay was not usually up the tiger's alley, he preferred to keep things simple and just use lube to make "things" go in nice and easy, Eisser was not one to deny the fact that Talke's tongue felt like paradise as the wet and warm organ slide up and down the groove of his posterior. Spreading his legs as best he could, despite the wolf's strong grip keeping him firmly in place, Eisser moaned and humped back into Talke's tongue as best he could all the while mewling like a kitten.

Paying little never mind to his lover's frantic movements Talke continued to run his rampant organ over and across the rim of the tiger's tight tailhole. The musky, but clean taste of Eisser's hidden entrance brought a wry smile to the wolf's muzzle as he continued to use forceful strokes to relieve the resistance he felt his lover unconsciously showing him from entering into his rectum. The sweaty backside of the engineer coupled with Eisser's eagerness proved to aid Talke in his efforts because before long the tiger's tailhole spread around the wolf's tongue. The first prod of his wet muscle inside of the other man's tailstar made Eisser roar loud enough to actually shake the entire areoplane and at that Talke could do nothing less than chuckle.

Curling the tip of his tongue about and then flicking up inside of the tight fleshy tunnel with as much dexterity as he could muster Talke pressed his nose and muzzle so far into Eisser that he was sure that he was going to smell nothing but the musky scent of his engineer's sweat soaked odor for the next few days after this. However, the wolf couldn't care less about some as trivial as that. More so, Talke wanted to smell and taste and touch and dominant his lover until he left Eisser breathlessly moaning for him to cum into him again and again and again.

Snaking his tongue up as far as he could into the other man's anus Talke spent a few minutes painting his drool inside of his bed partner before finally pulling himself back once he was sure Eisser was lubed up enough to take him without pain. Looked down at the saliva soaked entrance to the tiger's hidden depths the dribbles of drool that spilled out from Eisser's winking tailhole made a dark chuckle spread over and across the blue wolf's muzzle. Had Eisser seen the look of naughtiness running across Talke's face he might have felt another spike of terror overcome his senses, however, the fact was the tiger was panting with his eyes slammed shut tight so tightly as he tried to swallow in as much air into his heaving lungs as he could that the engineer didn't see anything of his lover. Too wrapped up in the feelings of being spread so wonderfully by the bigger male's devious tongue Eisser could only feel the sensations of Talke still gripping his legs as he tried to keep his mind from exploding in pleasure.

When the hands encircling around his legs lowered themselves so that Talke's fingers were curled around Eisser's thighs the tiger blinked bleary blue eyes before turning to regard his lover with a question riding along his face. No words were spoken between the two as Talke slowly lifted himself up onto his bed, a gentle but playful grin lifting at the edges of the lupine's muzzle. There was nothing to be said after that as both the tiger and wolf knew what was about to happen next. Eisser did grin ferally though as he watched Talke climb over him to where the larger man's body covered his own. Once he was settled over his kitten the lupine wasted no time in grinding both of their erections together which made both of their loins slick with pre. Huffing wetly and then hissing as the tips of both of their cocks touched one another Talke moaned low inside of his throat before shifting his hips around so that he was angling the pointed head of his tapered flesh at the tiger's readied tailhole.

At eight and a half inches long Talke wasn't packing the biggest piece of meat in the world, but the three and a half inches of thickness meant that the wolf had to be careful with what he was doing so as not to injure his respective lovers. And considering how much Talke cared for Eisser the wolf made sure to be extra careful as he pressed the tip of his shaft against the tiger's slightly dripping tailhole.

Because Eisser didn't try to fight or resist Talke's boiling blood began to pound louder inside of his ears and at feeling the first inch of his cock quickly become massaged by the tiger's silken inside the wolf grunted and then pushed forward driving himself slowly, but resolutely into his pussy cat. Eisser yowled loud enough to make Talke's ears flatten onto the top of his head once he was halfway hilted onto the massive wolf's manhood, yet the tiger did not try to get away from his lover. Oddly enough, even though Talke kept his hips from moving so as to give his kitten time to adjust to his girth, it was Eisser who made the move to push more of his rump back into the wolf's groin so as to be able fully spread himself more onto the lupine. Knowing what his lover wanted Talke bit the end of his lip and then gently pressed himself forward until he hilted himself inside of the panting and twisting feline. Tears welled up onside of the corners of the engineer's eyes, but they were swiftly licked away by a caring tongue as Talke leaned down to usher comforting gestures onto his lover.

It took several seconds before Eisser could fight off the waves of pain spiking throughout his body to look up at Talke. Once he was able to do so however, watery blue eyes shifted painfully before blinking to reveal needy orbs of deepest cerulean up at the concerned blue wolf. Talke didn't need to ask, he just knew that Eisser wasn't ready for more right then, however, the impatient and horny tiger refused to wait. Pulling his hips back off of the long spire of wolfcock wedged deeply inside of his body, Eisser hissed as his tender rectal walls churned around Talke's flesh before he forcibly mounted himself back down onto his lover's shaft.

A bark of both pleasure and distress made itself known as Talke stared at Eisser aghast. A quick shake of the head was the only signal that the tiger gave up to the wolf before the feline pulled himself back to try to fuck himself onto Talke's thick cock once again. A growl stilled the other from moving and confused blue eyes widened just a tad as Eisser look to see a mask on intense concern and displeasure covering his wolf's face. The fingers around his thighs curled and then gripped him tight, but before the tiger could tilt his head to the side in question he found himself gasping in pleasure as his lover slowly pulled himself free from his aching depths.

Inch by inch Talke released himself from the confines of Eisser's tailhole before finally stopping with only a scant inch and a half of his maleness lying within the barest hint of the tiger's body. Eisser squirmed as he tried to desperately fill himself back up with the fleshy girth that seemed to fit inside of his body oh so perfectly, but Talke was having none of that. It was only when the wolf was ready that he gently pushed his hips forward to fill the void that was the tiger's tailhole and that moment in question only came to pass once Talke could see that the pain inside of Eisser's eyes had fallen away to become replaced by a level of relief that signified that the tiger was ready for more.

Their mating was slow at first, just as it should be between two people that actually cared for one another's pleasures, to a point where it was almost too tender to be real. Talke, while knowing that he could take what he wanted from Eisser and that the slut of a kitten beneath him would demand more in turn, refused to move at a faster pace until he was sure that his thick length of flesh would only bring the tiger intense pleasure instead of the usual mix of pleasure and pain that his cock normally caused in anyone the wolf fucked. For his part Eisser just accepted what his lover had to give him with ample grace as flexed his claws into the bedspread underneath his sweating form. Panting once more and throwing his head back to yowl as the bed beneath the two of them began to rock hard enough that it actually could be heard outside of the Lexicon Eisser wasn't ready to feel the slow sweep of a familiar warm tongue gracing the side of his neck once again.

Rolling his head around and then blinking in confusion the tiger gasped as he looked into fiery gold eyes filled with both need and...adoration. Talke never said a word as his hips began to speed up even more as Eisser's tight tail tunnel began to relax around his pre-cum and drool soaked manhood. Instead the wolf simply let his tongue do all the talking for him as he moved his muzzle up until he was actually licking over his kitten's slightly parted lips. Pulling his head back and then growling a smirk down at the unsure Eisser, Talke pulled his hips back far enough that he actually raised his rump up into the air before thrusting himself fully back into the tiger.

When Eisser yowled out a cry of intense passion the wolf saw his opportunity and took it with relish. Dipping his tongue down to slip it fully into his tiger's muzzle Talke kissed the breath free from Eisser's throat as he continued to power drive his hips into his lover. The bed rocked underneath the two of them hard enough that the wall behind the queen sized spread actually began to groan somewhat, not that either man cared, especially not with their heavy balls swaying underneath them with their pent up loads begging to be released. Pre-cum slicked its way across both Eisser and Talke's stomachs as the wolf and tiger ground their torsos into one another all the while a thick trail of fluid ran down the length of the tiger's tailhole, the mix of juices and sweat coming from Talke's leaking cock filling Eisser's tight butt up to the brim.

Minutes flew past like seconds and before long both Talke and Eisser were panting like mad as they raced towards the inevitable end of their sexual escapades. Talke, unlike his feral cousins, did not have a knot so the wolf wasn't able to lock himself into his lover to inseminate the tiger as he might have liked. Instead when the lupine began to feel his balls boiling over and his heart thundering inside of his chest symbolizing his approaching orgasm Talke pulled his tongue free from Eisser's muzzle and then snapped his teeth down onto the feline's shoulder blade. Some unspoken, yet instinctual part of him at least wanted the security of holding his lover tightly to him when he came.

It may have been just cause and effect that when he bit down onto Eisser's shoulder that the tiger screamed out a yowl as his orgasm overcame him causing the engineer to come deeply onto both his and Talke's stomachs, but all the same this proved to be just what the wolf needed to finish himself off inside of the other man. When Eisser's climax hit the feline's internal muscles clamped shut around Talke's cock and quickly the wolf found himself filling the engineer up with all of his pent up seed with a series of powerful, but short jackhammer-like pumps of his hips. Shaft swelling until it almost threatened to burst Talke held himself deep inside of Eisser on his seventh thrust as his nuts pulled up close into his body while he dumped the rest of his cum into his bed partner.

It took maybe a full minute before the two men were able to settle down from their respective climaxes, but once the last of their seed had finished spilling out into and onto one another Talke pulled his fangs away from Eisser's throat and then panted heavily into the tiger's neck as he wiggled his hips up into the engineer's body. A feral chuckle coursed free from out of Talke's throat as he listened to both his and Eisser's hearts beating like mad inside of their respective chests. His acute sense of hearing also picked up onto the slow and steady dripping of his cum running down the edge of the bed from where a thin river of his seed ran from out of the worn-out tiger's backside. This too also proved to bring a smile to Talke's face as he bent down to chuckle into the groove of Eisser's shoulder, coincidently right where he had marked the other man.

"You know...that we're going to have to do this...again very soon." Eisser said, his first words in the last hour coming out in a tired huff.

"I plan to fill you up again in just a few minutes, just so you know, lover of mine." Talke proclaimed making Eisser blush as he looked up into the eager amber eyes of the overly sexual muscle wolf.

"I think I'd like that." Eisser said quietly while trying not to sound too much like a love struck boy with his first crush.

A yowl rent the air as the tiger suddenly found himself quickly being flipped over. When the world righted itself once more Eisser blinked confused eyes down at his lover, who just happened to be teasingly smirking up at him. In the reverse form of the position the two had just been in the engineer found himself folding his left ear onto the top of his head as he stared down at Talke with confusion written plainly onto his striped features.

"Good, because this time I was your sexy ass to ride me." Talke teased while reaching a hand down to rub and fondle along the creamy tailhole that made up his tiger's nether end. Still firmly set inside of the other man as he was Talke groaned and shivered as he rubbed his cum onto the length of his eight and a half inches. He silently wanted to make sure that Eisser would be ready for this when the sexy kitten began to thrust his hips up and down onto his lap as he had been instructed to do.

"Getting tired are we, big wolf?" Eisser had no idea that he was playing with fire right about now. Though with the way Talke was rubbing over his stretched and leaking tailhole as he was the tiger probably felt that he could care less either way.

"Nah, I just want to see how much I can make you scream without even trying while I watch your beautiful ass pump up and down along my cock." Talke released Eisser's thigh from the tight hold he still had on it and then curled both his arms back behind his head to smile playfully up at his kitten. The scent of both of their copulations rising swiftly inside of the lupine's nose making Talke's heart go a flutter while his cock slightly shuddered inside of the warm sheath that fit him just wonderfully.

"You are such a..." Eisser groaned, both from exasperation and pleasure as he squeezed his internal muscles around his lover's shaft.

"Stud wolf? I know." And with that Talke dipped his hips down into the bed and then slammed them up into Eisser's rear. This made a rumbling growl form somewhere deep inside of the tiger's chest which soon was chased after by a steady series of purr-like grumbles as the engineer began to bounce himself up and down onto Talke's pelvis.

To say the least that night found the inside of the Lexicon to be a very noisy one as two muscular predators made love to one another in a way that only animals could...would have been a vast understatement.


Midmorning found Talke groaning as he curled himself around the warm weight of Eisser's sweaty cum soaked body. Sniffing the other man and taking in the scent of their lovemaking Talke couldn't stop the snarl of satisfaction that curled itself up across his face as he nuzzled his snout into the side of his lover's throat. The fact that his cock was still half hard and nestled deeply inside of the tiger's slightly puffy tailhole only served to make the animal Talke was even more excited to have another round at the deliciously sexy feline's rump.

However, the wolf put a hold on that as he had other concerns to attend to at the moment.

"Did you watch over us all morning?" The wolf asked without opening his eyes as he let one of his ears hone in on where Jessie was sitting.

The scent of slightly warm coffee wafting through the air along with the raccoon's special brand of musk let Talke know that his longtime friend was inside of his room. Actually, Jessie had been in there for quite some time if the scent of the pilot's lingering odor was anything to go by. Thankfully Eisser was none the wise as the tired feline slept right through life itself.

"No. I just got back a little less than an hour ago." Jessie sighed as he sipped his own cup of decaf while looking away from the two intertwined males. While he might have accepted the fact that Talke and Eisser were gay and sometimes on-and-off again lovers, he didn't need to stare at them in the aftermath of their lovemaking. Some things were just a bit too sacred to intrude on after all. But then that begged the question of why he was here now...

"I see." Talke didn't say anymore as he settled himself back onto his bed to begin to drift off into the sea of unconsciousness once again. He could readily admit that he was bone tired after last night, but the need to understand why Jessie was here kept him from succumbing totally to exhaustion. "I'm ok Jessie."

"I know." The raccoon whispered into his cup, lowering it once he had drunk his fill. "And it's good to know that's a constant around here if nothing else."

Talke chuckled slightly causing Eisser to rumble in annoyance. Curling his arms around his kitten just a little tighter the wolf realized that it was okay to go back to sleep now and dozed off without worry know that he knew why his other friend was watching over him. A minute before the wolf was floating into a warm sea of blackness he faintly thought he felt a warm weight drift over the top of his body.

Talke's Vacation

Talke and crew belong to: []( "") Character themselves:...

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"uhm...J.B., there's a reason I brought that tractor, you know?" Marcus said in a slightly unsure voice while trying to keep in step with his stallion. The Mustang seemed to all but ignore his human as the beast huffed underneath his breath while...

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J.B. was a happy horse. And why shouldn't he have been? He had everything that a stallion could ask for, plus more as he watched his keeper order food for himself while staring up at the buxom waitress that was serving the lot of them. His human was...

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