
Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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#4 of Of Men and Horses

What is the real meaning of the word 'Family' and, what does it mean for one when blood proves not to be thicker than water? Are we only bound to people that share the same blood or does something more substantial make us Family?

"uhm...J.B., there's a reason I brought that tractor, you know?" Marcus said in a slightly unsure voice while trying to keep in step with his stallion. The Mustang seemed to all but ignore his human as the beast huffed underneath his breath while grunting and pulling at the leather straps that were secured around his shoulders. Planting his hooves into the hard ground and then taking one mighty step after another the equine pulled at the old fashioned plow that was at his back, dragging the metal earth grater through the pitch black soil that was still somewhat frozen from the just recently passed frost. For his part, Marcus had to wonder where the thing had come from since he knew that he hadn't bought that particular farming tool when he had last gone shopping. After all, why would he when he could afford something much better anyway, not to mention gas powered?

"I know, slick!" The anthro horse whickered before shaking his sweating mane, drops of moisture flying through the air like brightly colored diamonds as the rising sun winked off of them, and then continued his forward pace as though his human keeper hadn't said a word to him. "Th-this is good exercise!" And thus the muscular black stallion kept right on dragging his body forward while spreading the earth underneath his feet. Several thick lines had already been drawn in the ground across a good thirty feet of the human's land and from what Marcus could see, after getting over his astonishment from seeing the sheer physical prowess of the Mustang made real, not to mention the beads of sweat drawing themselves down into the deep grooves and ravines of J.B.'s form like small rivers, his stud horse was nowhere near finished nor getting tired of this arduous labor.

In actuality, J.B looked as though he were having a great deal of fun while working his body in such a strenuous manner. The jet black Mustang clomped his hooves against the ground as he trudged forward, working the land as well as his biceps, legs and torso as he continued to hold onto the straps tied securely across his shoulders with his thumb and index fingers. Marcus couldn't help but admire the majestic stallion as J.B. worked up a heavy dew of sweat and musk across his torso and pectorals while heaving himself forward. The rich smell of male horse had the human adjusting his pants slightly as a small tent rose up between in between his crotch and suddenly Marcus was very grateful that he had gotten dressed first before flying out of the house to check on his anthro equine.

Having woken up to the whinnying sounds of J.B. trying not to curse out loud coming in from his bedside window, something the other was failing at hiding almost miserably so despite having gotten himself untangled from his keeper in order not to wake him in the beginning, Marcus had grunted and then pulled himself from the confines of his comfortable bed to go over and see what the fuss was all about. What the dark skinned human found upon looking out into the world was the spectacle in front of him which he now had been looking at for almost a half hour, if the steadily rising sun had any say on the matter of time. At first Marcus hadn't been sure what he was seeing as he noted the Mustang fiddling with the leather ties connected to the reins of an unfamiliar looking plow. Marcus had almost thought that he were having some sort of a weird dream since he was sure that he remembered having fallen asleep while resting into the curve of J.B.'s chest last night. A blush stained the man's face as the memories of last night assaulted his waking mind, but the flush of color was quickly wiped away in favor of hearing his anthro stud whickering in triumph at being able to succeed in tying the straps onto his body.

Somehow or another J.B. had managed to find an old plough - from the barn Marcus guessed as he hadn't remember having brought the farming instrument in question, at least not with his brain clouded by the fog of sleepiness - and then quickly made himself busy tilling the soil. Flexing muscles danced across the azure and pink hued light shining across J.B.'s muscles as Marcus watched how the horse moved himself forward with determined steps. Veins bulged and pulsed along the anthro stallion's body as J.B. crossed the empty field, snorting and panting as the metal blades tore into the ground, pulling up both roots and grass alike, until he stopped almost ten yards away from where he had began. Marcus had to hand it to the Mustang as his brown eyes shown proudly at what the stallion had just done as there now stood a perfectly divided split resting within the dirt, the ideal type for sowing seedlings. Even though the ground was warmed and fairly malleable it was still hard and somewhat unforgiving and by the fast shake of the equine's head, droplets of moisture spraying the air wildly to glint off of the sun, J.B. looked as though he had bitten off more than he could chew for the moment. That was, until he pulled himself around the plough, hefted up the farming tool up with one hand, and then moved himself three feet from where he had just finished one row, only to set the plow down and then start on another.

At that point Marcus realized that J.B. might actually work himself into exhaustion and quickly gathered himself together so that he could go and stop the horse. That had been ten minutes ago...

"Seriously J.B., you can stop now and let me go and get the tractor." Marcus made note of the six lines that the Mustang had drawn, all the while wondering just how much the other could take before having to drop from exhaustion.

"Nope. I'ma gonna keep on until I get tired. And trust me on this one, slick: I'm far from calling it quits." And on the stallion went, driving the metal across the ground while whickering to the sun now glinting off the side of his shoulders. The warm light was steadily making the temperature rise and from what the human could feel, with his blue jeans and white t-shirt strapped onto his frame, Marcus knew that it was going to be more than just a tad warm today.

"Have you at least had something to eat or drink before doing this," Marcus decided to attempt another tactic since trying to get the Mustang to halt in his ministrations was not getting him very far.

At that J.B. shook his head before giving a tight grunt, "Nope. I didn't want to bother with it since I felt the need to get me in some exercise before the day really got started. Hope that I didn't wake you, but sorry if I did." J.B.'s wiry tail whipped behind his muscular rump and Marcus had to snort as he wondered if the equine was really hearing what he was saying. Wasn't he supposed to be the handler here?

"Then at least slow down some until I can fix something for you, I don't want you passing out on me from dehydration or starvation or whatever..." Marcus had read up on how he was supposed to take care of his 'horse' and knew that J.B. really should have had something to drink and eat before going at this kind of labor. However, trying to impress that upon the stallion seemed like a bit of a lost cause as the other casually waved him off.

"You go ahead and get a feeder bag ready for me and then I'll munch on that while working. I'll take some water once I get done, though." J.B. finished the sixth row as he said this. Whickering and then neighing in triumph the stud horse picked up the plough once again and then moved it over to start on another line, however, when trying to take a step forward the stallion found something unmovable standing in his way: Marcus.

"Stop." That single word froze J.B.'s world as he blinked and then looked down into the face of his keeper. The much smaller human, who didn't look as though he could have bench pressed half of what J.B. did on average on a good day, suddenly seemed all the world as though he had gained herculean physical prowess as the human reached up and flicked off the buckles of the straps that were tethered onto the stallion's shoulders. The Mustang didn't say a word, despite his muzzle trying to move in the proper manner which would issue sound and speech from out of his mouth, as his owner shuffled the straps away from his black body and then grabbed his right shoulder to herd him bodily back towards where the house was.

While physically J.B. could have tossed the human off and away with minimal effort the sudden change in posture and mannerism of the other had the equine inner hierarchal instincts screaming at him to OBEY THE KEEPER.

"Uhm...slick...what are you doing?" J.B. had to ask finally once the two of them made their way into the open door of the deceptively sized one-story house after crossing the open field. Marcus didn't say anything as he dragged the other into the living room, completely not minding the fact that dirt and grass were embedding themselves into the fabric of his carpet, and then casually pushed the stallion back so that J.B. was forced to buckle his knees and plop down onto the sofa after his thighs hit the rim of said piece of furniture.

"Don't go anywhere, and I mean that." J.B. felt his spine lock up as he nodded at Marcus before lowering his ears down onto the top of his scalp, easily disappearing the furry folds into his mane.

It was only after Marcus had left the horse behind that J.B. tried to figure out what had just happened. His mind spinning in a whirl as his thoughts warred between reasoning and logic; the stud horse had to brace his chin into the palm of one of his hands while planting his elbow onto his knee as he replayed what had just occurred in his head. Did he just...chastise me, J.B. asked himself silently. No, the stallion reasoned, that's not quite right. It's more like he put me in my place, the sudden realization that Marcus, his little dark skinned human that couldn't have been more than two hundred some odd pounds, had just pulled rank actually puzzled J.B. And not for the first time either as just a few days ago the man had to calm him down from almost killing a young punk while the two of them were together. The knowledge that the human was tough enough to do as such without having to use physical force to punish him made a grim chuckle bubble up inside of the J.B's throat as a dark smile spread itself across the Mustang's muzzle. I guess he's full of more surprises than I think, J.B. whickered playfully.

The smell of food being cooked soon broke the equine from his reverie as J.B. put aside the budding thoughts of just how authoritative the human could be when pushed into different circumstances -- some of said situations having to do with the two of them bare ass naked and in bed together -- in favor of sniffing at the wafting scents of oats and honey filling the air. The impulsive want to get up and see what was cooking made tingles run throughout J.B.'s legs and the Mustang was quick to set his arms down onto the side of the cushy couch in preparation to raise himself up, however, the force of his keeper's words hit him like a bolt out of the blue and instantly J.B. felt his legs turn into jelly. Feeling his stomach quiver as if butterflies had taken up residence inside of his belly the stud horse suddenly became intimate with the truth that he was the acquiescent one here in this relationship between himself and Marcus. Eyes growing wide the stallion tried not to whimper as he settled his rump back down into place and then sighed as he realized that this was going to take some getting used to. Back with old Mackery J.B. had free range of the farm where he and the other quadruped horses were kept and because of his sentience the people of his old ranch afforded the Mustang a certain level of autonomy that J.B. had never had to question before now. Being able to go where he wanted, so long as he stayed on the thirty-six acre spit of land, had given the Mustang a sense of freedom that he had come to expect of his new keeper.

However, this didn't seem to be working out as such as Marcus was almost hell-bent on not letting him go off too far on his own. Maybe it had to do with the 'incident' a couple of days ago, but so far J.B. had found himself quite unhappy at being kept bound around the house as he was. Heck, the only reason he had started working on the farm at all was because he had poked and prodded at his human to get the other to tell him his plan for the fields. That hadn't taken as much work as he thought, but when trying to get Marcus to actually go out and do the required landscaping in question...well the man seemed to be purposely dragging his feet. It had only just hit J.B. last night that he could start working this morning by himself to forcibly get his human into the groove of things. Finding the old fashioned plow had been a stroke of luck since the Mustang wasn't too keen on trying to drive the heavy tractor that Marcus had purchase. And while he was sure that the machine could hold his weight firmly, if the well polished metal and gleaming frame were any testament to the sturdiness of the tractor, J.B. just didn't like the look of the thing as he walked around it while inside of the barn.

When he had been with Mackery it was a simple enough chore just to be 'raised' by his previous handlers, letting them do all the work at keeping his health up to code with regulations mandated by Chimera and the government - his happiness was another thing entirely. But now, the stallion actually wanted to DO something to justify his stay on his new owner's farm. Well other than fuck the human raw whenever he needed to, that is. J.B. snickered happily as he felt his sheath throb as the first few inches of his maleness began to shift upwards out into the air. The memory of having Marcus under him yesterday while the two stayed in bed almost all day actually made J.B. honestly happy as he remembered how responsive his keeper had been to the subtle touches and strokes the stallion had given him. Shaking his head J.B. moved his mind away from the night before as he smelled something hot and steamy being pressed up underneath his nose.

Onyx eyes looked up from between J.B's lap, almost completely ignoring the giant bowl of oatmeal that was hovering front atop his groin, all the way up as the anthro horse followed the hand holding said container until the stallion was looking into unfaltering brown eyes gazing both worriedly and exasperatedly at him.

"Eat and don't say one until that bowl is empty," A spoon was plopped into the large bowl filled with food and without question J.B. took the offered sustenance and then began to eat heartily without so much as a whicker of protest coming from his lips. Marcus turned on his heel, after seeing J.B. swallow down three large spoonfuls of food, and then went back into the kitchen to get the stud horse something to settle the Mustang's building thirst. His own food was busy being baked into the oven.

Returning with another large bowl -- this one full of water - Marcus sat J.B.'s drink down onto the table and then took a seat beside the other to watch the horse eat. The not quite fast movements of the anthro horse spooning food up to the inside of his muzzle brought a sense of fascination over Marcus as the human noted how the stallion chewed his mushy food before swallowing down into the pit of his throat. The slow bob of J.B.'s throat mesmerized Marcus as he watched how his Mustang ate while silently counting off the minutes until his own food was finished with being cooked. It was only once half of the bowl was eaten that J.B. picked up his bowl of water and then proceeded to dunk his head into the plastic dish to take a drink. Not too fast, Marcus bit his lip to keep from saying this as he just knew the equine would give him a 'look' for saying something so dumb, as though the stallion couldn't take care of himself. It actually bewildered Marcus about just how much he was coming to want to ensure the other's health and welfare as he listened to the quiet plops of J.B.'s tongue slurping at the somewhat cool water. Just two and a half days ago any such talk of him catering to a horse inside of his own house like a lover would have been completely lunacy to the human, but now Marcus was trying to remember just how much water a stallion was supposed to have as designation by health standards related to equines.

Wasn't it something like only half a gallon before the start of any strenuous exercise, or was it supposed to be less than that? The subtle noise of J.B. plopping his tongue into the bowl soon turned to gulping when the anthro equine tipped the bowl up and then swallowed heavily at the liquid. And Marcus looked like he was going to have a small heart attack as he watched water ooze down the sides of J.B.'s muzzle across the sweat soaked lines of the other's chest.

When J.B. was done he pulled the bowl down from his face and then whinnied contently as he turned to regard his keeper. A hearty burp oozed from out of the Mustang's muzzle and thankfully J.B. turned his head in time to blast the excess air away from Marcus' face.

"Sorry slick," J.B. chuckled and then pulled his head back around and then down so that he could flutter his lips at the side of his human's neck. "I guess I was hungrier than I first thought. Thanks for breakfast." Marcus simply shook his head as he reached up to rub along the equine's moist snout before nuzzling his cheek into J.B.'s face.

"For now on," The human began with more than a drop of seriousness in his voice. "no starting work without something in you first. And by that I mean real food, not liquid protein." Marcus glared as he watched how J.B. smiled abashedly at him, but only after clicking his teeth to stop what the human knew would be coming from out of the horse's mouth. "You're wellbeing is my responsibility J.B. and I'm not going to have you sabotage your own health if I can help it." Marcus looked into the stallion's eyes as he tried to impress this fact home as much as he could. Whether the two of them knew it or not Marcus was doing what many handlers did when it came to their equine companions: the human was falling in love with J.B. The fact that this love was returned in kind on many of the same levels, be they both intimate and otherwise, only sweetened the pot for both horse and man.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I just," J.B. pulled back and then gave a snort while shaking his head. Putting his thoughts into actual words was much harder than he thought they should be. "I really wanted to get out and do something today. While I don't mind being cooped up in here, I..." A hand pressed itself out in front of his muzzle and soon the Mustang found his words stilling as his keeper hushed him.

"I know. After I finished eating both of us will set out so that we can do this farming thing right. Don't forget that this is my home just the same as yours now, meaning that I have to do my part the same as you." Marcus said while puffing his chest up with pride. J.B. didn't not want to tell his keeper that he looked like one of those blowfish things that he had seen on TV once before as he snickered behind a grunt.

"R-right...heh..." Marcus pursed his lips as he glowered at the stud. "Anywho, I think your stuffs done." The human took a sniff and then swore as he realized that he was burning the bacon he had set into the oven as he rushed to head back to the kitchen. J.B. could only shake his head as he watched how silly his human could be sometimes.

Maybe this really won't be so bad after all, the anthromorph toned bemusedly inside of his head.

An hour later both J.B and Marcus were outside working together to till the rest of the ground. J.B., having decided that he would rather work with the plough than take turns driving the tractor, something Marcus was slightly confused about when the stallion neighed at him in annoyance while offering up the keys to the machine, as the stallion set about grinding up the dirt on the right side of the field while Marcus drove the tractor over onto the left. The two spent the next three hours working together, albeit separately from one another as the tractor was able to get more distance for bear compared to the old fashioned plow, the two tore through the earth to slowly, but steadily as they made ready for planting their crops. Once that was done, both stud and man returned their tools into the shed and then went back to have something more to eat for the day, J.B. drinking more water while Marcus tried to figure out if he should offer the stallion any hay or not. In the end the human just came out and asked,

"Do you eat hay?" Marcus was ready for a roll of the stallion's eyes at the question as he watched the other settle himself onto the floor of their living room while ducking his face into the bowl he had claimed as his own. But what got instead thought was...

"Yep," J.B. whickered after pulling his snout up from his drink. "Although unlike quadrupeds I don't mess around with grass, if I can help it, but hay I eat just fine."

"Ok, so those bales I brought and stored earlier won't go to waste then. Do you want me to go out and bring one to the front of the house or..."

"I'll go and get it, slick. Just tell me where you keep it." J.B. pulled himself up from his place on the floor, moving his bowl over to the front table so that the rest of the water wouldn't spill, and then stretched himself out fully while touching his fingertips against the ceiling. A grunting yawn followed as the Mustang popped some of the bones of his backside into place at.

"I put some of the bales up onto the top of the walk area in the barn while the rest I stored in a bin back behind the fourth stable on the left. It should be right next to the feeder bags and halters." Marcus cocked his head as he shut his eyes while visualizing where the hay was kept at.

"Gotcha." J.B. was already on his way out of the house when Marcus voice stopped him, one of the horses ears flicked back behind his head as he listened to what his keeper had to say next.

"Hey J.B., are you really going to eat out of one of those feeder bags? I mean, like for real?" Marcus had to scratch his head as he tried to image the sentient horse with a feeding satchel over his face. The mental portrait didn't come out too well. J.B.'s sudden chuckle didn't help things either as the stallion raised one of his gargantuan arms up to the top of the open doorway and then leaned himself to the side so that he could just give a 'look' to his owner.

"You really have no idea what to do with me, do you?" The stallion whickered coyly.

"I can think of some things right off the bat, most of them having to do with you and racetrack, but when it comes to keeping you fed I get at a slight loss." Marcus quipped as he crossed his arms over his shoulder. Brown eyes narrowed some as the human actually started to wonder what the Mustang would look like with a satchel and rider placed securely onto his back. He soon found the image of a rider, other than himself, up on top of the stud horse somewhat uncomfortable as a wash of envy colored the man's vision.

"Ohhh, want to put me out onto the track and let me run circles around the feral breeds?" J.B. stuck his tongue out at the human on that one.

"Either than, or take you somewhere and let five year old try to climb on your backside to see if they can 'ride the big pony'." Marcus teased as he smirked at the stud horse.

"If so much as one hair of a little anklebiter gets near me I'll kick the tiny varmint into the next county." A clomp of a hoof showed that J.B. might not have been kidding on that one.

"Awww, don't you like children? The small joys of other people's lives?"

"Sure do. At a hundred paces away from me, mind you." Marcus tsked as he shook his head at the bigger male.

"I take it that you've had a bad experience with children before?" J.B. just snorted.

"Trust me, you don't want to know." The anthro stud shivered as he recalled that one time when some of the kids down south had found him too 'awesome' for words and wanted to try out some things on him. While J.B. would have been fine with the brushing and stroking and petting, the Mustang was not about to let anyone stick anything up his rectum as per what some of the teenagers back at his old ranch wanted to do to/with him. Why in the hell would someone other than a vet want to stick a hand up his rump anyway?

"J.B., don't you want me to settle down and raise a few kids so that you'll be able to have someone to play with when I get too old and crabby to work anymore?" Marcus' words pierced the veil of J.B.'s thoughts. The look on the other's face having made him somewhat concerned so he had to ask. Not to mention that he had to get his will changed so that everything went to the anthro in case of his untimely demise. Anthros can own property right, Marcus asked himself silently, but soon brushed the inquiry aside when J.B. began to speak again.

"Slick, we both know that the only pussy you'll ever be getting close to will be the kind that's short, furry and foot long." J.B. huffed as he rushed the fingers of his left hand through his mane, as though exasperated by what his human was trying to delude himself into. The anthro stallion completely brushed aside Marcus' words about having a family, after all, technically, he already had one. But Marcus didn't need to be brought down by the fact that J.B. would never see them again.

"Really? Didn't know they made that kind on women these days." The mockingly sincere look on Marcus' face made the Mustang grunt in vexation. Well a threesome is out; Marcus snickered mentally, at least with another woman. Wonder how he'd take it if I asked Thomas and Nate to get under the covers with us? Marcus had a feeling J.B. would still be possessive over him and probably would find a way to kick both of the other men across the room if they so much as tried to breathe on him.

"I'm serious, slick. If I catch you're dick near a woman's snatch then me, you and her are going to have some words." J.B. lowered his arm from the doorframe and then walked over to his keeper to look the other straight into the eye. "You belong to me, so unless you figure out a way to knock me up, or get knocked up by me, then the only pussy you'll see will be in your dreams. And even then I better not find out about it or else I'll plant this horsedick in your ass so far that you'll guzzle my seed out from your ears." A heavy blast of hot air across his face let Marcus know that J.B. was not kidding about this. Holding up his hands in surrender Marcus realized that he had crossed a big landmine with this conversation and chose instead to admit defeat rather than incite the horse into doing something they both might come to regret later.

"Alright. Alright. Calm down. I'll admit that my ass belongs to you, but the same goes, that yours belongs to me. I'm not going to have you go off breeding with any of the fillies that live on some of the farms around here, even if one of the other ranchers asks you to have me breed." Marcus immediately slapped his hand over his mouth after he realized what he had just said.

J.B. had to blink as he found himself turning his head to flick his ears at his keeper. "Slick, are you worried that I might actually leave you for somebody or rather something else?" The stallion could hardly believe what he had just heard and was wondering if he was hearing things. Hadn't he just admitted to his keeper how much he needed him and didn't want anybody else? How did things end up here all of a sudden?

"S-sorry. I guess I still have some things to work out in my head," Marcus lowered his face down to the floor and let his eyes roam over the white hooves of the anthro equine's feet. This was not where and how he was planning for this conversation to go, but somehow or another 'things' had just taken on a life of their own. A hand reached out to take the human's chin in between meaty black fingers and upon raising the other's face up Marcus jerked slightly as equine lips graced his own much smaller, but still quite full mouth.

The kiss between the two lasted for several seconds and once J.B. finally pulled himself away he neighed quietly inside of his keeper's ears to let him know that everything would be alright. "Hey, Marcus, I'm not going anywhere so don't let an impossible future get to you. You're mine and I'm yours. There's nothing more to it than that." J.B. blinked as he looked into watery eyes. Apparently the other man had some problems with either commitment or being committed to that he needed to deal with on his own time.

"I...know that, but I still get a little scared that you might get a piece of tail better than me and go off somewhere." Marcus coughed and shook his head. "You're really the best 'person' I could ask for in my life J.B., whether you realize that or not. And while I know that you 'need' me, I hope that you never stop 'wanting' me."

"Oh man," J.B. didn't think as he grasped his owner into the bulk of the inner folds of his arms and then hugged the human tightly into his much more muscular chest. Beefy biceps closed themselves securely around Marcus' slimmer frame and without coming to realize what he was doing the other found himself reciprocating the stallion's embrace with much of the same conviction. "Hey, don't get all insecure on me. While I might not be a for you in much the same way I would one of my own foals. Or maybe a little bit better than that since our relationship is vastly different from that of father and son. Slick, look at me." J.B. waited as he felt his human sigh and then shiver before tipping his face up to gaze into his face. "Don't. Worry. You're mine. And if I have to tattoo that onto your head just so that you can see it every day just to be sure, then I will. The same goes with me: I'm yours. I can get this all down in paperwork, but I don't think the state would let us marry one another. Not unless you know a very liberal judge and crooked reverend that doesn't mind working around the law in new and fundamental ways." That got a laugh out of Marcus and J.B. was happy to hear his keeper's voice ringing up at him as the man buried his face into his sweat soaked chest.

Still ripe with the smell of the day's work J.B. didn't bother to do anything when he felt Marcus kissing a line across his pecs and then on down in between his two hard squares of muscle. Just like how some of the earlier anthros were back at Chimera the Mustang realized that humans too needed physical and mental reassurances to keep themselves together. He just never thought that things would end up like this however.

"Yeah, you're right." Marcus said after licking his tongue over and across his lips. The taste of his horse doing so much to calm his restless nerves down and soon the human pulled himself back enough so that he could look up into J.B's face. "I'm sorry; I don't know where that came from. I guess...maybe I feel a little needy?" J.B. said nothing as he shook his head down at his owner.

"It's fine." And then the equine was pulling back so that he could go and get the hay from the barn. His original mission somewhat forgotten, until his stomach grumbled lightly in complaint. "You mind if I bring a bale to the front so we can eat together?" J.B. didn't think a human's neck could whip back and forth so quick as Marcus shook his head up at him. A chuckle came from the stallion as he looked to his owner one more time before turning and then shaking his tail and rump at Marcus before heading out of the door. The tang of horse musk lasted for sometime after J.B. took his leave and Marcus had no problem reaching down to palm at the rising tent of his crotch as he gave into his inhibitions this time. That was, right before his house phone ran, ruining the little fantasy the other was trying to have.

A savage snarl cut from out of Marcus throat, the likes of which might have scared the living crap out of J.B. had he heard it, as the human went to grab his landline. "Hello?" Marcus didn't pretend that he was happy as he spoke roughly into the phone's receiver.

"Marcus?" An older woman said on the other end and the man had to think hard about who he was speaking before a light went on a second later,


"Honey..." And thus begun what would be a really long conversation between mother and child.

Meanwhile J.B. was busy humming to himself while carrying a large bale of hay over and across his shoulder while playing with the straps of a feeder bag perched in his right hand. The anthro stud was completely remiss on anything other than eating and his keeper at the moment so when he got to the front of the house J.B. set the bale down onto the front porch and then stepped inside, utterly clueless that something was wrong in the world, that is, until he took in the scent and sound of his keeper's frustration and shouting voice, respectively.

"It's my life, alright!? You don't have to like it, but you will respect it!" Whoever the human was on the phone with had certainly stirred up a hornet's nest inside of the dark skinned man as Marcus was literally going into the other person with no intent on letting up. "The hell with you!" Marcus barked, but then stopped and took a long, shuddering breath. "You know what, I don't how you got this number, but please lose it until you act like you've got some common sense...or better can just go to hell...whichever would make you feel better..." And then the human slammed the phone down into its place on the wall.

A sudden yell broke free of Marcus' throat and J.B. took several steps back as fear surged throughout his gut. The 'click-clomp' of his hooves meeting the floor must have pierced through Marcus anger because the human quickly snapped his head to the side to look at the anthro stallion. Upon seeing the furious glint inside of the other's eyes J.B.'s back went rigid as he stared deep into his owner's eyes. Again, the barely two hundred pound human suddenly seemed to gain almost a monstrous presence about himself as anger literally seethed from out of the dark skinned man's pores. The urge to RUN LIKE HELL shot through J.B. and it took everything to stallion had not to bolt back outside and into the barn. He hoped vehemently that he'd never see his human like 'this' ever again...right before he whickered dangerously into his head as he wished he could offer the head of the bastard that had angered his keeper up on a silver platter for the other man. Protective instincts clashed with the need to preserve his own safety as J.B. watched Marcus work himself down from his height of fury.

"I'm not mad at you, but I am mad. Do yourself a favor and stay away for about ten minutes, ok?" The Mustang was quick to nod his head as he backed himself out of the house and into the safety of the front yard as his hunger was suddenly forgotten about.

Ten minutes later to the second J.B. cautiously popped his head back into the doorframe. "Is everything ok now?" The stallion really didn't want be the one to step on an emotional grenade as he didn't know what kind of mood his keeper might be in. Who knew someone could go through so many emotions in less than an hour?

"Yep, just give me and minute and then we can have lunch out on the porch." Marcus replied, his face impassive as he turned to nod at J.B.

The equine stud merely smiled nervously in turn as he pulled himself back into the safety of the outside world. Going to sit on the front porch J.B. tried to concentrate on the bale of hay in front of him, but his mind refused to do so as he wondered who had put Marcus was in such a foul mood. The anthro horse didn't think that the man had enemies; he just seemed too...polite...for that. Having lived with some of the worst scum in the world, well at least in the south anyway, J.B. knew quickly how to spot someone who was an asshole or a good-for-nothing trouble maker, and thankfully his human wasn't either of those types. Yet the stallion was still a touch set off by the anger the other had been radiating as he suddenly ended his conversation with...whoever he had been conversing with. A short, but attentive ear flipped upwards just in time to hear Marcus come out onto the porch and J.B. turned his head to regard his keeper with bewilderment shining in his onyx eyes, wanting to ask, but not exactly sure how wise it would be to pry into affairs not his own. Unknowing of what to say to the other the Mustang simply let the man come to him, with his steaming plate place securely into one hand, before scooting over some to let Marcus to sit down next to him.

A large bowl of water was placed down next to J.B., and consequently in between the horse and his human. J.B., not feeling like beating around the bush as the tentative feelings of his own fear and uncertainty made him almost edgy around his owner, the anthro stud just decided to come out and ask, "Slick, no, Marcus...what was that about?" The Mustang listened as his keeper breathed steadily for a few minutes before coughing some and then blinking rapidly. Without warning the other man started to let tears flow free from his eyes and instantly J.B. was wrapping and arm around the other in order to place the dark skinned man close into to his chest. Minding the steaming plate of food that the other kept perched into his lap, the stallion nickered softly while nuzzling his snout into the top of Marcus' skull. Shudders ran up through the man's frame and without thinking J.B. grabbed hold of the human and then bodily drew him into his lap. Wrapping both of his arms around the other now the stallion licked the back of Marcus' neck while murmuring quietly to him as though the human were one of his foals.

"He always manages to do this to me, but then again I always blow up at him." Marcus said and J.B. held off from licking the other as he listened intently to what was being said. "It's stick really, but that's just how much I both hate and love him." Marcus started to say even around his tears. "My brother can always do this and even though I'm several thousand miles from him we still can get into these little spats. Why did mom have to give him the phone?" Marcus seemed to be talking to himself more than J.B. so the anthro horse wisely kept his muzzle shut so that his owner could let out all of his feelings before he would offer his formulating opinion. "The worst part though, the worst part is that it's always over something trivial. I didn't even have to mention you to set him going off, what started all of this was me talking about Thomas. I don't know why he doesn't like him, but Reyes has always been intimidated by Thomas. All I have to do is mention him and suddenly he's up in arms. God! What are we...teenagers again arguing about what a so-called 'normal' relationship is supposed to be?" Marcus ranted for another ten minutes and already J.B. was feeling as though he didn't like this Reyes person. Not one little bit if the dangerous whicker coming from the stud horse was anything to go by as his keeper mentioned the other man over and over again.

It took Marcus almost another ten minutes for him to calm down, but once he was through the other seemed to all but deflate as he leaned himself back into J.B.'s black muscled chest while sighing up at the azure sky above. Fluffy white clouds rolled on through like cotton balls throughout the blue waterless ocean up above and Marcus couldn't help from smiling as he chuckled tiredly.

"Do I even want to know, slick?" J.B. asks as he looks down directly into the face of his human. Marcus can only shake his head at him. The day was too wonderful after all to mess around with any more family nonsense...for right now anyway.

"Just let me lay here in your warm embrace, ok?" At that J.B. whickers and squeezes his keeper's body a little more tightly into his own.

Somewhere up above a bunch of geese were honking as they made their way north.


J.B. was a happy horse. And why shouldn't he have been? He had everything that a stallion could ask for, plus more as he watched his keeper order food for himself while staring up at the buxom waitress that was serving the lot of them. His human was...

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Part 2 to: []( Don't let anybody fool you, there's no greater joy in life than to have half a half ton stallion saunter around your farm, doing whatever it wants while looking at...

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Part 2 to: []( The process of transmogrification is not, as movies and television would have people believe, an outwardly painful process all the time. Sometimes the change from...

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