
Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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#3 of Ouroburos

Part 2 of Toumal's request... After the show, when the illusion are over and one with, what's left?

Part 2 to:

The process of transmogrification is not, as movies and television would have people believe, an outwardly painful process all the time. Sometimes the change from one form to another is as simple as shedding one's clothing, or in reptilian cases one's skin. However, though this was sometimes true that didn't mean that it was an absolute as the fact of the matter was dependent heavily upon the subject being transformed, what they were transforming into and how aware the individual was of their own physiological makeup. One of the more tricky parts when dealing with magic is that usually if someone was going to alter their physical makeup then they were going to do so of their own accord with full awareness of the task and trail ahead of them. The churning process of bones, flesh, tendons and inner organs all moving and shifting around wasn't so simple as to be done on a mere whim, after all. The necessary aether needed to empower the spirit in order to make such a change often came at a taxing price the first time someone attempted to take on another shape, but grew steadily easier over longer periods of time as the body and spirit grew used to the strenuous ordeal. However, being slightly unconscious and having your physical makeup change because of a sudden addition of magical energy given by outside spiritual forces often tended to be something of a...less than comfortable circumstance...if not all out painful.

And so with Najiri's luck, the naga had the utter delight in watching as the human named Kenny, well Jeremy now since the cobra had, had the good idea to rename his soon-to-be-pet, as the human squirmed across the table he was lying naked on while undergoing a transformation the human wasn't truly prepared to deal with at the moment. However, Najiri was dead set on undertaking the duty of watching after his new charge/pet as the brown skinned human he had enthralled earlier now writhed and groaned on the seven foot long table in front of the green and white scaled naga. Hood open fully with green slit eyes narrowed slightly in expectation the cobra had to fight with himself to calm down as anxious anticipation began to eat away at his nerves all of a sudden. A magician by trade, at least to the better known part of society, Najiri had seen many things in his time while working arcane arts, as well as lesser known magical practices, while mastering his own innate mystical nature. Being descended from a highborn clan of spirit mediators and aetheric crafting practitioners Najiri had been privy to much of the more strange, if not fantastic happenings that went hand-in-hand with the power known as magic. And yet, some circumstances and situations still managed to fascinate the relatively young serpent as green slit eyes thinned ito almost invisible lines as Najiri took full stock of what was happening to the unconscious human.

Hands, feet and face were sometimes the first extremities to change for a transformee as the body tried to reconfigure itself on the outside more quickly than on the inside as this gave the shape shifter's inner organs time to expand and grow while supplying the much needed blood and energy throughout the person's internal system. The brown skin youth's fingers and toes twitched madly as he groaned uneasily along the hard wood table while his eyes shifted frantically underneath his lids as his mind was being racked by thousands upon thousands of small changes, the likes of which should had driven anyone else insane. Lips forming into a snarl of displeasure Najiri watched as the young man's nose, lips and chin slowly began to meld together and then curve downwards as the first formation of what was to become a beak pushed itself free from the human's face. Considering the spiritual matter that the youth had been infused with it only made since that his upper face, and thusly the higher energy conduits in his head and brow, were changed first by the more forgiving of the etheric essences that permeated the man-child's metaphysical system.

A quiet squawk came from the other as the youth's body suddenly jumped up onto the table nearly a foot before settling down with a hard thump, or would have had the cobra not caught the shivering lycanthrope with both of his muscular arms. Green and white scales nearly started to sizzle from touching the changeling as Najiri felt the human's body temperature elevate to nearly boiling levels. One of the costs of transforming in such a way for the first time: the body began to radiate with physical heat as the spirit swelled and then pulsed in an attempt to release the built up aether crackling underneath the skin.

Murmuring a few words of prayer into the shuddering youth's ear Najiri breathed a cool stream of breath onto the other's skin, subsequently lowering the youth's body temperature away from the dangerous point of exploding. Back behind himself the naga could hear his audience grumbling and then gasping as some of them could see what was happening while other could not. His next decision was one that the cobra was sure he might hear about later from his agent but Najiri wasn't of the mind to care at the time as his full focus was on that of his suffering pet. When next the naga turned his head around to regard the people below the stage everyone quickly went silent as he hissed at them menacingly.

Everybody , the serpent shouted mentally, get out!

The wave of thought that Najiri sent across the auditorium had an immediate effect as the gathered humans slowly began to rise up out of their seats, many with somewhat confused looks upon their faces, before turning to head out of the double doors of the building. The men working up top on the stage lights, which they thought had broken for some reason or another without finding out the reason of why or how come, were not spared from the naga's mental roar as they too soon began to feel both lightheaded and dizzy and hurried beat feet out of the stage area to leave Najiri and his charge in peace. Once everyone was gone the cobra let himself hiss menacingly before sighing as he turned his head back around to look down upon the steaming form of the shape shifter in his embrace. His scales nearly bubbling from holding so tightly onto the groaning youth Najiri knew that he had to put the human down before he caused injury to himself. Hissing disapprovingly, the green and white scaled naga slowly set his charge down and then uncoiled the lower length of his body from around the table, something he had done earlier, on instinct, in an effort to shield the human's nakedness before backing away some to give the young man's lengthening body some room to maneuver.

While before the human's body had been able to lie somewhat uncomfortably onto the low standing table, the shifting and growing mass that the changeling was becoming now showed itself to be slipping slowly off from the edges of the wood as centimeter after centimeter of height was added to the other. Moving himself down to ease the brown skinned youth's lower body from off of its makeshift bedding Najiri marveled in awe as he could literally feel the muscles and bones underneath the changeling's skin bulk with extra weight as the body in front of him expanded externally. The growing beak that had been at the shape shifter's face now stood out prominently with deadly ferocity as the changeling's jaw protruded almost a foot from his head. Najiri wasn't sure of it, since his charge's new maw was shut closed -- the youth's moans and growing groans having changed to barely discernable chatters soon after the crowd had left -- but the naga had a feeling that the changeling's tongue and teeth had altered themselves so as to fit more comfortably inside of the human's mouth. Not sure if a bird actually needed teeth Najiri wasn't going to chance messing around with the transformation process to open the, still somewhat, human's new beak to find out. There was no rush anyway as the cobra was aware that he'd have all the time in the world to play 'doctor' on his pet once the youth had finished his metamorphosis.

A twitch, followed by a slight kick at his lower body, had Najiri slowly, but gently releasing the changeling's legs and thighs from within his unfailing hold. The cobra hadn't let go sooner because of his fascination with the young human's upmost extremity, but now the naga felt it prudent to slither back and let nature take its place, especially since the force of the shape shifter's sudden jerk had narrowed itself too close to his genital slit for Najiri's comfort. The naga was just in time too as green eyes caught the sight of the human's somewhat wide feet twitching and then sticking straight out all of a sudden before slumping down to rest almost a half of a foot from off of the stage floor.

A warbling shriek from the beaked creature a second afterwards and the cobra found himself marveling at the changeling's twin appendages when the toes suddenly angled themselves down to point straight at the ground before the youth's feet began to swell outwards. The big toe and pinky on both left and right foot seemed to be getting a heavy workout as Najiri noted the four individual toes curving slightly while the nail at the head of either digit slowly widened to the point where miniature claws were popping free from the fleshy nubs. Curling his own talons into his palms without thinking, Najiri stared motionless as he noted how the forming white claws slowly began to turn yellowish in color, looking almost sickly at their place along the still pink skin, before they completely darkened into a jet black hue. If that sudden change wasn't odd enough then what happened next was a real sight to see as the changeling's toes slowly began to meld together as though someone were gluing each digit into each other. On both left and right foot the large toe and pinky began to swell in size as they each absorbed the mass of toe next to them while the middle toe bulked and distended on its own. It took almost thirty seconds for this phase to finally be over with, but once done, where five toes had been before there now stood two large, paw-like clawed feet now taking up residence at the ends of shape shifter's ankles.

Of course, the changes didn't stop there. Being a talented magic practitioner as he was Najiri would never admit to how floored he felt right then as his green slit eyes watched while the youth's three toed paw-like feet lengthened and then bulked before raising back slightly to let the balls of both of the changeling's feet rest onto the heated stage floor. The sounds of bones suddenly contorting, something Najiri was not too thrilled at hearing at the moment, resounded quietly throughout the naga's ear holes as the changeling's ankle pulled further and further back, giving the shape shifter extra leverage with which to walk on his new heel with. Once that was done the upper portion of the shape shifter's twin feet now resembled more digitigrade-like appendages instead of the plantigrade ones human were all born with. This new change set a measure of awe throughout the cobra as Najiri lowered his upper body somewhat so that he could see just how well these new additions, so ferocious and deadly looking in their own right, had come into place.

Upon seeing the changeling's new feet however, curiosity egged the naga on to touch and feel them and Najiri didn't try to stop himself as he reached out and then lifted one of the shape shifter's soles so that he could analyze the full brunt of the once-human's foot. A slightly musky smell coming from the youth's foot paws had Najiri flicking his tongue so that he could taste the full extent of scent coming from off of the changeling's foot. Forked tongue moving wildly across the plains of the pink skin the naga didn't realize it until seconds afterwards that his muzzle had lifted itself up into a smile, a pleasurable response to tasting and smelling the masculine aroma that had become part of the former human's being. A sudden hope flared throughout Najiri as the cobra found himself desiring to taste more of his new pet, but only after the rest of the human had changed into...whatever it was changing into.

With his eyes narrowed at half-mast from the inspection of the other, what Najiri saw next made the naga throw open both his green slit orbs and his fanged mouth in wonder as the changes continued throughout the appendage he was holding. Where once there stood pinkish skin along the shape shifter's sole and heel, smoothed out from years of walking in socks and shoes, there now blossomed bulging folds, reminiscent of calluses, bubbling up along the bottom of the balls of the changeling's foot, not to mention along the bottoms of his three toes. Bringing his snout down further so that he could take a closer look Najiri had to hold off the instinct to flick his forked tongue out along the darkening paw pads, as he was sure that was what he was seeing growing onto the underside of his charge's foot, as his senses growled at him to not interfere with what was happening. Instead the naga simply watched in silence, marveling at such a curious transformation occurring right there before him, especially when the pads darkened to a pearl black color and small tufts of hair, no fur, began to grow out before the pores of the changeling's skin. Understanding hit the cobra suddenly as his mind finally processed just exactly what his little pet-to-be was turning into. A coy laugh slipped out from the naga's lips as he set the youth's leg down so that he could view the rest of the changes and confirm his speculations.

Eyes going up and over to where the shape shifter's fingers were still twitching slightly as the young creature's arms hung limply against the sides of the worktable, Najiri found himself nodding in understanding as he gazed upon those five fingered hands flexing and then wriggling as the boney appendages increase in size and width while at the same time growing longer and more pronounced, the same as what happened with the youth's feet. However, unlike how the lower extremities had transformed themselves into something mammalian in construct the shape shifter's fingers were becoming more bird-like in definition as the skin along the digits grew tough and tight as they stretched taught against the bone. The nails along the changeling's fingertips soon narrowed and then curled forward before pulling away from the young creature's fingertips until they finally finished shaping themselves into finely sharpened talons. Gleaming in the darkness of the stage like well polished knives, Najiri just then noted how the prone form of his pet was giving off a dim radiance that was growing brighter the longer the youth spent in his transformative slumber. The spiritual energy radiating from the inside out of the changeling must have been seeping out of the young creature's pores since there was no other way that the other should have been glowing as such. Not that it matter mattered to the naga since Najiri could see in almost pitch black darkness anyway. Shaking his head and getting back on point of this never-to-be-repeated manifestation, the cobra hissed softly as he focused his attention back onto the bird claws that his charge now supported.

The dark skin along the youth's new hands didn't start to grow fur though, something that made the naga purse his scaled lips at in slight confusion, as instead the skin of the changeling's arms began to tighten and stretch all the way up until the point where the shape shifter's elbow connected with his upper arm before gradually coming to a halt. Upon looking at the changed portion of the young creature's body Najiri felt his lips thin and then narrow as a dark smirk painted itself across the naga's face. Hood opened wide while green slit eyes danced with joy the cobra flicked his tongue out rapidly across the above his charge, tasting the mixed scent of human, avian and leonine all mixing together into one. Grunting as he felt his delight rise to almost fanatical levels Najiri had to forcibly calm himself down as he continued to watch the changeling's transformation spread out further and further along his body.

Arms, legs and half of his face now changed into their proper forms, although lacking the right definition in mass to support the twisting form of the youth, Najiri backed himself away from the changeling when suddenly the other began to yowl and squawk shrilly as light pulsed from across the young male's form. Eyes still slammed shut as they were the cobra wasn't sure what was going on inside of the youth's head as any attempt to reach out to the other mentally only served to make the naga recoil in pain. Thoughts and memories, both instinctual and learned were going at it hot and heavy inside of the changeling's mind as the young shape shifter's brain sparked with new synapses growing in and overtaking older and more unused circuitry. Giving a shake of his head Najiri tried to calm down his racing heart as he watched the amalgam in front of him twist, turn and then roll himself over until the changeling suddenly dropped himself off onto the floor. Landing with a thump the cobra felt his instincts scream at him to go and help the other back up but before he could do so the youth was systematically picking himself up from off of the ground to stand on all fours with his chocolate brown rump pointing at the naga.

Quieting his own instincts down and pulling back himself back from the desperate need to be there for his little pet, Najiri continued his vigil watching of the other, while at the same time he tried not to let his serpentine shaft push out from his genital slit at the sight of such a tempting morsel waving in front of him. A quick flick of his tongue had Najiri hissing in pleasure as he tasted the, not quite virginal, recesses of the shape shifter's heated depths as a strong and heated musk wafted out from the forming organs, such as an small internal sac filled with liquid pheromones, taking up space inside of the youth's nethers. Ass lifting higher and higher, the naga got a sweet treat as he watched his pet's bubble shaped mounds slowly broadened and grow shapelier just as a thickened nub began to press out from the nub of the former human's tailbone.

Another keening cry rent the air from out of the shuddering changeling's mouth and soon that small, but growing bulge of bone began to magnify in length as the young creature's spinal column extended itself outwards from his back. Flesh accompanying the growing fifth appendage Najiri found himself sighing gratefully that the new bones didn't just explode from his charge's backside in a horrible display of blood, muscles and tendons. That would have ruined such a beautiful sight after all as the youth's incoming tail snaked freely across the globes of his darkening ass which gave Najiri something to moan in bliss about in turn as the cobra stared at those firm cheeks growing dense and compact with muscles. The sudden image of him gripping those firm glutes as he pressed himself flush against his pet's backside while the two of them laid out together along a grassy knoll had Najiri slowly starting to pant in desire as his forked tongue lolled heavily from between his green and white scaled lips. The next visual showed the naga spreading himself out onto his full length while resting his arms back across the edge of a steaming pool of water while the changeling adhered to him as the bird-like creature rubbed his beaky muzzle along the lines of the cobra's chest, right up under Najiri's neck, while a firm green and while scaled hand delved two slim fingers into the puckered hole of the youth's body. Eyes darkening with lust, the naga hissed loudly as he fought to control himself just long enough so that he could finish seeing changeling's tail reach its full length of some four and a half feet from his body. Curling up into the air and waving around confusedly Najiri felt a laugh rise up out of the pit of his stomach as he noted the long and sensual appendage suddenly lower itself and then point at him almost as if sensing his presence. Then again, maybe the other did unconsciously realize that he was there, even in the throes of his transformation. Talons scraping the floor as the new nerves began to flex and shift in response to whatever new commands were being instilled inside of the youth's brain Najiri wondered what next would happen with his charge, and then smiled in a completely predatory fashion when he got his answer.

Rump still raised into the air Najiri could plainly see how the changeling's body was still filling itself out with newfound muscle as the young creature grew past its former lanky body weight into something more befitting of the beast he was becoming. Where the fat and tissue and muscles were coming from Najiri wasn't sure, though the naga could have guessed that the etheric energy crackling from inside of the former human was supplying the organs and bones inside with enough fuel to supplement the necessary growth. At least, that was one theory the cobra dreamed up as he watched the sharpening torso, legs and arms belonging to the shape shifter growing thicker and sleeker with every second that passed. Clawed hands gripping hard into the floor, so deep that large furrows were left behind as the bird-feline hybrid scratched at the ground, while quaking full bodily as though the youth was having a minor seizure, Najiri almost couldn't believe his sense when they relayed back to him that the youth was actually grown older as well as bigger to encompass his new changes.

More squawks flowed freely from out of the changeling's beak but soon they grew deeper in tone as vocals began to condense inside of the aging youth's throat. Within the next minute, where once familiar cries had been cawing out into the air, almost playfully cute in their distress, now an adult keen screamed out from the growing shifter's throat nearly deafening Najiri. Head suddenly coming up to shout out loud Najiri felt his own bones rattle beneath his scales as he listened to the grandiose sound ripping throughout the auditorium. The sound had to have deepened by several octaves as the noise level rattled the floor slightly underneath the cobra's coil, and yet the echoing cries were so majestic in their depth and rhythm that the naga could fell his heart going out to his pet in comprehensive understanding of the other's distress. However, it wasn't just the beast's voice that had deepened as Najiri pulled himself closer to the beastly form kneeling in front of him and then tipped his head down to note a strange happening coming from the bird-like creature's midsection. Green slit eyes narrowed in contemplation as Najiri looked over heavy set pectorals popping free from the top of the creature's chest, expanding so large that they nearly touched the cold linoleum as the birdman's head and shoulders lowered themselves back to touch the floor. Stomach muscles flexing and rolling as fat and muscles fought for dominance within the changeling's body Najiri didn't know what to do or think as he looked back over the shape shifter's entire form, only to see the same happening across the beast's entire body.

Rolling his head against the ground with eyes still shut tightly closed, beak scraping across the floor almost too noisily for its own good, Najiri was paying so much attention to his charge's development that he almost missed the backdoor of the auditorium creaking open as someone stepped into the backstage. Mind quickly going through several possible outcomes of having another human see what was going on, as only a fool would have been able to believe that this was just a magic trick -- what with the way the creature moaning and warbling against the ground while hunching against the floor while its body throbbing and glowing with an ethereal -- the cobra made a quick decision to spare the both of them the trouble of being seen and conjured up the last of his power to shift the world around in an attempt to whisk the both of them back to the Najiri's home. The gods must have been with him on this day because just as soon as the curtain began to flutter to the side with the onset of someone trying to push their way through both the naga and changeling flashed themselves out of sight. Of course that wasn't to say that the gods weren't without their own brand of humor. For just as soon as Najiri and his charge disappeared to someplace else a brilliant red furry head popped itself from behind the curtain which left a certain confused fox anthromorph wondering where his godson had gone off to. Unfamiliar with the deeper workings of magic, despite having been in the know about Najiri's powers earlier on, the vulpine businessman could only cocked his head to the side as he wondered to where the cobra had gotten off to.

By the time the world righted itself Najiri was all but struggling to keep his upper body held upright as he gasped and panted for air while at the same time keeping a strong focus on where he wanted to be firmly planted inside of his mind. A spacious living room set itself out before the world around the cobra and once the naga could blink through the film covering his eyes he then discerned that this was exactly where he wanted to be. Clear on the other side of the city, in the anthro district no less, the naga was thankful that his agent had managed to secure such a large and capacious hotel room for him to settle his coils down in after his show as the cobra now needed every last foot of space. One of the bad things about teleportation was that it ended up taking you where 'you' as the caster wanted to be safely, however, when traveling it others...things tended to get complicated. With his new pet carried in toe with him Najiri hadn't thought about where the other would land as he had only made the living room area of the hotel ready for himself. However, luck was with the naga - just as it seemed to be for the greater part of the day -- as Najiri looked down to find the changeling spread out several feet in front of him, just missing the sofa the no longer squawking creature kneeling next to by inches. But thankfully that was a moot point as Najiri made his way over to where the changeling was still bracing himself up from off of the floor with both his hands and feet and then smiled appreciatively to himself that he hadn't accidently managed to get the other injured. That would have been a bad way to start off their relationship, especially since the birdman was still growing and changing.

Incredibly enough, despite the excess amount of aether that had been used to 'jump' Najiri and his pet almost half way across town, the changeling's transformation hadn't stopped. Rather, it seemed as though the shape shifter's metamorphosis was growing faster as the cobra watched his pet's torso and waist expand and then narrow, respectively, before small wisps of fur started to push out from the creature's body. Curiosity got the better of the naga once again as Najiri slithered over to the side of the changeling's left side so that he could look under the other's body once more. Where before the muscles and flesh had been shifting around almost lewdly there now stood a fully formed set of pectoral muscles with small strands of jet black hair trailing down all the way towards the beast's abdomen muscles. And if that wasn't remarkable enough after counting the eight squared folds, twice no less to be sure that he wasn't see things that weren't there, the cobra shivered as he thought that he could actually feel the raw strength within those tight muscles emanating outwards. Pure and unadulterated power dripped like sweat from across the inner sanctum of the changeling's midriff and upon snaking his tongue out to taste the heated air oozing from off of his charge Najiri chuckled mischievously as he envisioned what the coming days would be like as he took mastery over his pet's body, both inside and out. Their nights would be spent with him curling the length of his tail around the width of his beloved avian's waist as he crooned into the furry folds of the shape shifter's ears while pressing the bulk of the changeling's upper torso against his own green and white mottled chest. And yet during their days Najiri could see himself spending hours trailing his claws deliciously along the shapely lines of his pet's muscular form after binding the birdman's arms and legs to their bed. In his mind's eye the naga could see his beautiful beast staring up at him in adoration as he tattooed various marks along the beast's chest, abds and legs with permanent furpaint, readying said flesh for many long hours of tender, but rough loving.

The thoughts alone were nearly enough to make the cobra want this long and arduous process to be done with, but Najiri was more than well aware that it would end when it ended. He would have to wait until then, however; wait and be patient until his pet was fully developed and able to stand upright with his own might to look at his new owner. But once the beast was able to do as such Najiri promised himself that he would spend every waking moment, when not finding ways to pay the rent, making the other get on his knees to serve him willingly in every way the cobra's deviant mind could dream up. A sudden growl had the naga whipping his head to the side. Apparently while he had been daydreaming the changeling had lifted his head and neck again so that he could give his creaking shoulders the necessary room in which to spread themselves out as bones grew denser with the onset of new bones bulging around underneath the shape shifter's nearly still brown skin. As Najiri watch this new and twisted enlargement of tendons and skeletal structure the cobra flared his hood as he noted how the darkening flesh along the length of the changeling's back was twitching and straining as though something was trying to find its way out. Moans of pain came from the beast next as the bones continued to grow while still being hampered by the tightening flesh that was trying to keep the ligaments trapped within. Realization hit Najiri hard as to what was going on and when next the cobra moved there was no hesitation within the other's actions. Reaching out with one of his clawed hands the naga dug his sharpened claws into the skin of the beast's upper back hard enough that blood oozed out of the puckering wounds.

Without batting an eye Najiri then tore five sharp lines down the birdman's back and then closed his inner ear canals as much as he could as a visceral scream rented the air of his apartment. Instantly a large and completely feathered wing snapped itself out from the open wound of the shifter's back, bloody and slightly small in comparison to the rest of the growing creature, Najiri paid the sixth of his pet's new appendage's little mind as he pulled his clawed hand out from the avian's lower back only to move it over and then repeat his previous action along the opposing side of the beast's fleshy backside. Another echoing scream followed the first and then there was a second sudden birth of bones and feathers. When silence reigned throughout the house Najiri watched as the shape shifter in front of him had two, slightly emasculated looking wings dripping with crimson wine along the flat of his back. They say that birth is no easy process and the naga could wholeheartedly agree as he watched how his pet panted and huffed while slumping down somewhat onto the plush carpet beneath his hands and feet until his knees were the only thing that kept the avian up from being laid out flat. Removing his bloodstained talons from the beast's back for a second time Najiri brought the brightly lit and slightly wet clawtips up to the front of his face and then looked at the ichor that belonged to his pet. Green slit eyes narrowing into nearly invisible lines Najiri didn't resist the temptation to take a taste of the other as he flicked his tongue rapidly out along the sharpened points of his claws. The flavor was both smooth and fiery in texture, but not wholly disturbing for the naga to savor as the cobra memorized every fine detail of the changeling's taste onto his palate.

Drinking the last of the ambrosia-like droplets Najiri found his eyes moving over to the lines he had drawn upon his pet's backside and cocked an eyebrow, or rather an eye ridge, as he noted the wounds closing in an attempt to heal around the changeling's new wings. It took a minute to do, much of the glowing energy around the shape shifter having to pull in inwards in order to staunch and then seal the fines so that they wouldn't become infected later, but once it was done two beautifully black and brown and white feathered wings were fluttering slowly against the avian's brownish-black skinned back. The plumage of each feather looked as though it had been finely crafted by a master artisan, in the cobra's opinion anyway, however, that fact soon became a vague afterthought as Najiri watched the colors and designs of the plume grow in both size and magnificence with each breath the changeling took to become even more majestic. Of course this only made sense as the beast humbled onto the ground before the naga would never have been able to fly with those itty bitty things on its back, and despite not consciously knowing how he knew Najiri was certain this his new pet was going to be able to fly for him soon. Like magic, ironic but true, the dual set appendages spread horizontally more and more across the avian's backside, growing fuller and more powerful with every flap, until they finally covered nearly both sides of the room at a width of some fifteen feet. Najiri's eyes widened immensely as he found his hand, the unstained one, reaching out to run slim green scaled fingers along the grooves of the big birdman's wings.

Just merely touching the grandiose appendages made a fine shiver run through both Najiri and his pet as the two reveled in the feel of the other. For the cobra some internal, if not primitive sense, was going wild inside of the naga's head as he heard a grumble of prey...bird...defenseless...devour shout inside of his head as the unadulterated need to have his pet, more carnally than anything else, filled Najiri's mind to the breaking point. So captivating was the changeling that the naga wondered just how much more impressive could the beast become before the changes were finished, the cobra didn't think he could take too much more as everything he was seeing, from neck on down to tail tip, stunned him to no end. On the shape shifter's side of thing the avian creature was lost into his own growing world of physical, mental and emotional sensations. His -- the cobra's? -hand running along the length of the other's back had the changeling's mind cracking as his thoughts all began to center around the serpentine scent that was wafting from off of the sweat slick naga's green and white scaled hide. Eyes still closed, the transformation making it so that even the slightest splinter of light caused the beast intense pain, the shape shifter ground his claws in to the carpet along the floor, trying to get his limbs to respond and help him to ease into a fetal position, yet the traitorous limbs refused his direction. Too weak to move and yet too strong to stop himself from at least trying the avian creature was stuck in a whirlpool of pain and bliss, the likes of which were making him go insane. And yet, when everything seemed to be spiraling further and further out of his control, the pain portion of his transformation suddenly came to a stop, even as the hand stroking him continued to run across his wings.

The changeling had to be about eight feet tall now, his body having not stopped lengthening itself forward at no time earlier, not even while teleporting across town with Najiri, with a mass of about four hundred and fifty odd pounds of muscles packed tightly along his masculine frame. A growling warble resounded from the beaky muzzle, a sure sign that something was going right with the other if ever the cobra had heard it. Najiri couldn't help the whimsical smile that slowly covered his face as he felt the growls of the shape shifter's echoing vibrations travel their way all throughout his own spine. Continuing to he stroke the downy soft feathers belonging to his pet, from the curve of the beast's arched upper wing folds which danced along the birdman's shoulder blades, all the way down to the fluffy tips of the rounded waves of the other's wingtips, Najiri had to admit that he was falling in love with the changeling's regal feathery appendages. The cobra could just imagine what it would be like to hug himself up to those fluffy wings during a cold winter night -- his serpentine body having always shut itself down when the temperature reached a certain level -- Najiri just knew that the warm-looking limbs would keep him comfortable and heated the whole winter months through. A please murr ghosted free from the mutated looking face of the creature's head, which was still a mix of human and avian features, as though the beast could sense its owner's pleasure and was feeding off of it in turn. All along the changeling's, now pure black form, the finest pelt of fur was just starting to push free from out of the pores of the shape shifter's body. Suddenly wondering about something, that would only have made sense logically, Najiri lifted his head away from the visage of power in front of him and then turned his hooded head down south so that he could see the first beginnings of a lion-like puff poofing out from the rounded end of the avian's tail. The cobra took an odd second to wonder what next would change about his new pet when his answer came from a sudden gasp from the front of the shifter's body.

Najiri's green slit eyes flew quickly over the larger male's form, trying to find out what was metamorphosing next along the already impressive body of the avian, but upon finding nothing substantial, other than a few hodgepodge of muscles thickening here and there along the other's backside and thighs, the cobra found himself somewhat confused as to what was going on. That was until his tongue flicked out from between his green scaled lips and Najiri caught the taste of male hormones suddenly flooding the air. A perverted smirk crossed the cobra's muzzle as Najiri slid himself down the line of the changeling's body until he finally stopped at the point where the muscular beast's pelvis connected the shape shifter's upper body to his two legs. After finding his way here however, the naga rolled his upper body to the left and then bent himself down in half until he was able to lock his full gaze onto the changing male anatomy twisting and shuddering itself in-between his pet's legs. Because so much of the shape shifter's body was feline like in construct, or growing to be so anyway, Najiri was slightly worried as to what would happen to his pet's already diminutive looking sexual organs. His fears were quickly laid to rest though as the naga watched as the mushroom-like head of the former human's cock tapered itself down into a neat and meaty point while the whole organ grew fat and shiny as an unfamiliar wetness began to coat the length of the beast's sex. The smell of testosterone and male musk and sweat filled the air between the avian's legs to the point of ridiculousness as the heady scent wafted out and onto Najiri's tongue and subsequently into his olfactory organs. His sense of smell, being somewhat blunted by his unshapely nostrils, forced the cobra to rely on his tongue to taste and scent the world around him, and from what he was smelling/tasting at the moment the Najiri thought that he had died and gone to seventh heaven as he drunk down the intoxication that was becoming his pet's new scent.

While the musk along the avian's paw-like feet had been wonderful to slither his tongue across before back at the auditorium, this new scent made the naga mad with lust as he flicked his forked tongue desperately against the air separating his snout from the avian's groin. It didn't help the naga's plight when his pet's already full testicles began to swell to double, then triple, to finally quadruple the size of the former human's original ball size, providing more musk and scent for Najiri to taste as greedy eyes watched the transformation come to a slow end. Because of the changeling's faintly humping motions, the beast was probably feeling all of the excess male hormones flooding throughout his system making him ready to rut, the fat orbs between the other's knees slowly began to sway in time with the changeling's shuddering movements as the shape shifter quivered while keeping his rump stuck high up off the carpeted floor.

Delighted in the changing texture of the former human odor into a aroma, as it was much more befit of the beast he was becoming, Najiri didn't pause to think about what he was doing next as he reached a scaled hand between the avian's legs to grip and squeeze at the plump nuts belonging to the other male. Like fruit off of the fine Najiri found his mouth watering at the prospect of sampling such a divine treat, the flavor and feel alone were probably just as sumptuous as anything the cobra had, had before. Images of himself with his face buried into his pet's legs during afternoons when he was bored assaulted the cobra's thoughts like crazy before the naga ferociously shoved them away. A moaning keen slipped out from the changeling's beak as the beast lifted his face up into the air before rocking his hips purposely forward so that the naga could feel the strength within the weighty thighs belonging to the avian, while at the same time subsequently trying to get that hand teasing his nuts to play with him harder. A gentle stroke of the fat balls answered the changeling's unspoken prayer as the avian keened loudly before sighing in relief.

The cobra enjoyed his pet's fine balls for a few minutes longer before he decided that enough was enough and moved his fingers upwards so that he could stroke and touch the broadening organ that now surpassed twelve inches in length. A slightly sticky feeling made Najiri blanch as he curled his clawed fingers around his pet's sharpening cock only to be wiped away as the birdman stridently started to coo at him. Singing the same as his wild cousins did outside the walls of the hotel room, the changeling humped his hips harder into his master's fist pumps, unconsciously trying time it so that the tightening ball growing inside of his stomach burst just as his owner gripped his hand hard around the base of his sex. Green and white scaled hand moving with quick, but steady strokes Najiri was well aware of what was going on as he flicked his forked tongue in the air while at the same time he watched subtle lines of tension dance along his pet's cheeks. The naga knew that it wouldn't be long before his pet came and in the spirit of amusement Najiri timed himself with the avian's humps just so that he could see how long it was going take before the other lost himself onto the floor. Thankfully, well more for the naga than shape shifter, Najiri was able to get his timing just perfect in tuned with his mental counter as he pulled his hand back seconds before the beast was ready to come. A squawk of indignation rented the air, but the cobra only laughed as he looked down at the other who slowly began to moan in agony from the pent up seed churning around inside of his twin orbs.

Pulling himself up to note the extent of the damage done to his hand, Najiri found himself slightly pleased to find that the musky fluid dripping in his scaled palm was both smooth and flavorful as he licked the precum and other unnamed juice out from out the cup of his hand. When the teasing licks finally got the better of his patience the cobra tipped his head back and the dumped the rest of the plentiful load into his throat and then hissing pleasurably as a warm flush began to cover his cheeks; it would seem that the changeling had a kind of aphrodisiac quality blended into his precum. That was something that Najiri planned to explore with his pet later on, after the other was properly initiated into his services with a nice and creamy gift of naga cum planted right between his furry rump cheeks. A groan from the naga in the seconds to follow and Najiri could just see how his pet would look with his body spread out along the floor, wings splayed beside the avian in two gorgeous black, brown and white arcs, while ribbon after ribbon of cum lay splattered along the length of the changeling's sweat soaked and panting form. With eyes shadowed from his master's sight, Najiri could see himself leaning over the beast's prone body, smirking wickedly as his own serpentine cock jutted straight between his genital slit while dribbling with the last traces of cum from out of the hole of his rock hard maleness. Because of his particular virility Najiri would soon be ready to go again after seeing the avian raise both of his legs up over his chest, presenting the naga with his beaten up and well used hole that constantly ran with a ceaseless trail of cobra seed, and thus would begin another round of hard and wanton fucking, the likes of which Najiri would make his pet beg for.

Shaking his head to sweep those thoughts aside, Najiri blinked his eyes rapidly and then slithered back away from his pet's gasping form in a desperate attempt to try and keep from ducking back under the other's body to finish what he started. The scent of the avian mixed with the taste of him was testing the limits of the naga's willpower but the cobra was anything, if not patient in his endeavors. Shaking his head one more time Najiri decided to toy with his pet for just a little bit and made his way up the avain's bowed form so that he could whisper something into the beast's ear. The sudden low utterance into his earfold from the naga's breath had the avian hissing when Najiri slid himself over so that he could tease his charge's ears with the tip of his forked tongue. A sudden sharp look at the changeling's face had the cobra frowning though as he pulled himself back to wonder why his pet was still so...human looking right there at his more integral features.

Head still looking too much like a human's for Najiri's comfort the naga watched as that fact quickly altered itself to fit something more agreeable to the cobra's sensibilities when the avian's face and cheeks suddenly narrowed into a 'v-like' point with the changeling's beak taking center point at the end of the beast's features. Another shrieking cry later and the shape shifter's ears were pulling in onto the side of his skull, disappearing completely to leave the beast deafened from the noise of his own sorrowful wail, only to reform seconds after onto the top of the bird creature's scalp complete with a light dusting of golden brown fur. With the furry folds stretched out to rounded points, which casually flopped back and forth at catch the slightest hisses coming from the naga onside of him, the avian creature turned its naked head towards its caretaker and then opened brilliant hazel orbs that stared pointedly at the naga. In those colorless orbs Najiri could see both confusion and uncertainty -- the likes of which he was ready to give every answer possible in response to -- if only when his charge felt like asking them. But to his incredulity however, the birdman didn't open his muzzle to speak so much as he keened directly into the cobra's face, asking without words as to what he was more than why he was. A reassuring touch of a green and white scaled hand along the beast's muzzle ended that bit of confusion as the mists of doubt gave way to clear-cut understand when the birdman nuzzled his beak into his master's cold palm.

Still not quite finish with his changes, despite everything that had happened, the avian pulled himself back from the naga's firm, yet caring touch and then wobbly raised himself up so that he could stand at his full height before Najiri. The cobra stopped himself from reaching out to assist his pet as this would be like a baby bird's first time at taking flight; something that the changeling needed to do all on his own, regardless of the consequences that might befall him. It took several attempts at doing, the beast's body was still glowing with a fiery energy that hadn't exactly been ready to return to his core just yet however, perseverance triumphed over the physical fatigue and soon the mighty avian was standing proud in front of cobra owner. It might have been because of his sudden display of raw willpower but upon settling himself comfortably up onto his new digitigrade feet the fur that had been growing along the changeling's black frame surged outwards in thick waves as a thick black and wiry pelt covered the birdman from neck down to the tip of his toes. Shielding the changeling's body from sight, even though it would have been hard to see the creature's flesh anyway because of the matching color of fur, Najiri could say that he was immensely satisfied with this new development, especially as the naga's green slit eyes looked up to watch small patchworks of white feathers growing steadily out from along the avian's head. Of course this little moment of intrigue quickly came to an end when Najiri noticed his pet reaching up to the side of his face and then subsequently starting to rip his own plumage out from around his beaky face. Shaking his head and then gently reaching up to grip the sides of the shape shifter's growing mane Najiri stopped his pet from maiming himself just as the avian was starting to claw harder at his plumage; the tickling sensation dancing across the birdman's head becoming maddening to the shape shifter.

With a few quiet hisses into the newly formed gryphon's ears, compliments of rearing up onto his already extensive serpentine body, Najiri was able to calm the other down until his pet finally stopped plucking himself, though sadly enough not without some casualties scattered out along the ground as the changeling had gotten himself good with his recently grown talons. The magic pulsing surrounding the avian soon amended that fact however, as wherever the gryphon had torn at himself new feathers were already sprouting their way into place to take up for their fallen comrades. Wordless mutterings became the next phase of bewilderment for Najiri as the cobra listened to a maelstrom of questions going throughout his pet's mind, only to become verbal utterances as new instincts and ideologies made their way into the forefront of the avian's mind. Looking into the former human's mind, Najiri swiftly realizing that it now no longer hurt to wade through the darkness of the beast's thoughts, the naga sighed comfortably as he made his home inside of the recently emptied void that had been the changeling's psyche. Like a beacon in the night, a small dewdrop of conscious thought drew the naga's attention towards the center of his pet's mind and upon getting himself situated the cobra had to stop and hiss in awe at what he was both hearing and feeling.

Where once there might have been something akin to human moralities and other nonsensical fragments of the former human's psyche lying around, now there stood only a vast and deep ocean of black that resonated with confused and unsure thought forms. Because of his experience with the mind and its systematic approach to handling certain circumstance Najiri was able to concentrate and congeal a small orb of white hot thoughts together from out of his own consciousness and then drop said ball into the depths of the sea of black. Instantly the changeling's mind went to assault this strange and foreign object, but upon trying to do so the gryphon got a sudden surprise as his unfocused mind simply reverberated off of the orbs like someone poking a piece of rubber. Forcing the orb to give but not able to break it Najiri watched as his pet went to work trying to figure out the puzzle before him, tirelessly going at the ball of thought from every angle, seeking out a weakness and finding none, before finally growing tired and having to give up. It was only after surrendering the fight that the cobra hissed in joy as he watched the orb slowly crack and then flood with wordless whispers and feelings into the ocean beneath his coils. Like a drop of wine being dropped into a cup of water the formation of thoughts seeped out and transmogrified everything it touched, turning the black ocean into a bright sea of understanding. Acceptance would only come after Najiri made it clear to the gryphon just who was in charge between them and why the avian was going to like his place at the cobra's lower coils.

A sudden stream of wordless mutters soon began to filter in and Najiri hissed gratification as listened to the muscle winged behemoth's try to come to accept his sudden place amongst the new order of things, though wonderfully enough without much hesitation mucking up the process.

"M-master?? Do I have a master??" This thought in particular was the loudest of them all and Najiri had no problem relieving his pet of the burden of trying to think over this deliberation as he sunk himself deep into the depths of the gryphon's mind before answering the other.

"Yes pet. Yes you do," Instantly the gryphon was on guard as his mental walls tried to come up and separate himself from the naga. A useless attempt as the newly transformed creature was unsteady in his own conviction in himself and made for an easy victim of the cobra's greater will. Slipping through the paper thin barriers, Najiri swam through the churning ocean of progressing thoughts until he was finally able to get a where his little nest egg had split itself into pieces inside of the gryphon's mind. Taking some of the shards and casting them up so that they floated away and into the more conscious part of the beast's thoughts, Najiri continued to speak to his pet in slow and even tones all the while curling up and settling himself fully into his new home away from home.

"You are mine. You belong to me. And now I am here to claim you as mine now that you are as you should be." The words were simple enough that the changeling's conforming mind wasn't able to latch onto any ambiguities within the claim that would give the gryphon reason to run away or fight the naga out of his psyche. Feeling the faltering doubts fading into puddles of liquid acceptance Najiri pressed on for several minutes, hissing words of comfort and submission into the gryphon's awareness until finally, almost ten minutes later, the other was a large ball of pool mental fluff that comfortably settled itself around the cobra's incorporeal body. Outwardly the gryphon stood rigid in front of the cobra, like a primitive bird trapped within the hypnotic gaze of a viper, the beast was helpless to resist the soothing utterance that Najiri repeated to him over and over. And consequently, the longer the cobra kept up his mutterings the more the changeling seemed fall into the dark chasm of submission, down comfortably into the naga's spiritual arms, until he no longer wanted to try and reach his hands up to free himself from the trap Najiri had sprung.

"Mine; can you say that for me, pet?" Najiri asked simply enough once he pulled himself back from out of his pet's mindscape. The cobra knew full well that the last thing he needed to do was to get the gryphon to assume his place underneath him verbally, and thus mentally and emotionally, before the other would be his in both body and soul.

"Yours?" The gryphon said slowly, the word coming out in whisper and as a question. Najiri wasn't pleased with the inquiry to his order and sought to ease his pet's mind just a little more so that the declaration would come more steadily next time.

"Yes, but don't think about. Just let the word roll off of your tongue." The beast nodded his head imploringly as the cobra in front of him before speaking again.

"Yours." The word came easier as it was no longer thought over.

"Again, but louder this time." The claim had to be stronger than that or it would break under duress.

"Yours!" The gryphon's body seemed to radiate brighter as he continued to speak, his spirit igniting with a new life as he laid himself out for his master's approval.

"Again!" Najiri hissed vehemently.



"YOURS!!!" A sudden flap of massive wings and the gryphon was growling into the face of the serpent that was enthralling him with acquiescence over aggression, though not in any way that the muscular male would ever find scorn in accepting later on down the road. Especially not as the bird's body literally shown with his deference to the naga as the words he was saying engraved themselves visibly upon his soul.


"YOURS!!!!!!!!" A keening squawk from the beast and Najiri smiled satisfactorily as he watched the changeling's mind contort around that truth until it became the only thing he would ever believe. This also happened, coincidentally, just in time for the radiance coming from off of the gryphon to explode outwardly in a brilliant flare of light and aether as millions of tiny starlights danced around Najiri and his pet before fading from existence as though they had never been. Inside of the beast's mind Najiri planted another small egg into the contours of the avian's head, the black ocean now more of a clam blue sea that spread for miles upon miles as far as the cobra could see, a present from him that would always shine with the proof of his ownership over the changeling if ever the gryphon got lost throughout for some reason or another. This new ball of thought forms, feelings and instincts gently bobbed across the bright azure surface of the gryphon's psyche before floating up into the darkening sky and then becoming a sun to which would light up the beast's mind until the end of time.

The only consequence of this however, would be that the naga's will would be reinforced inside of the gryphon's mind, both training and controlling the avian more and more time went the months and years rolled by. Yet somehow, Najiri didn't think his pet would mind that so much.

"Good, now come with me, Jeremy," The naga spoke the former human's name for the first time while holding out a hand to the bigger, though much more docile male, to which the 'Jeremy' accepted without pause. "I think we need to call this day to a close, don't you?"

"Yes sir," There was no resistance in the gryphon's acclamation as the avian titan lifted his shoulders proudly while following his master through the hotel room. The feather along his nape lifting up in an obvious sign of joy at following the cobra's command and Najiri felt like a nagaling at the end of the year holiday as he flicked the end of his tail happily while hissing quietly down the side of Jeremy's shoulder. The other smiled joyfully at feeling his master touching him in such a way, even if his black fur was getting tickled in the process, and so it was it any surprise that the gryphon's cock soon began to grow hard between his legs after having his keeper doting over him in such a pleasant way? Whether it was or wasn't didn't matter because halfway to the back room, the hotel had given Najiri a sweet, the muscle bound avian's sheath, which had formed from the surrounding flesh around Jeremy's transforming cock pushing back and then widening so as to encircle the beast's lower cock base, twitched and then expanded with the onslaught of the gryphon's sizeable maleness slipping out into the world. Wet with a clear musky fluid, the likes of which Najiri was able to taste on his tongue, the avian behemoth chuckled heartily as a hand reached down to fondle his swaying balls while slim and scaled fingers teased at his leaking base of his cock.

Swishing his long leonine tail behind his muscular back as he clasped his yellow taloned hands tighter around his master's own cool green and white mottled palm, Jeremy unconsciously began to stroke a finger along the scaled hand belonging to Najiri as he let the presence of his master literally trickle into the back of his calmed and collected thoughts. Everything was now right in the world, Jeremy thought, completely forgetting about Kenny and everything that the human had come to know and love as those faded memories became nothing more than distant dreams drifting away from the shores of his mind to drown into the black abyss of oblivion. Hazel eyes blinking away the last of the unimportant thoughts away, the gryphon suddenly felt that there was something important that he should have been doing later on today. Something that had to do with a female related to him? But then he forgot about it as Najiri grasped his clawed scaled hand around his cock and then started to pump it leisurely while curling his tail against the gryphon's posterior. Whatever the thought had been it wasn't more important that being fondled by his wonderful affectionate master.

Finding himself becoming slightly numb with excitement as he felt the hand palming over the fullness of his exposed cock, sending lightning bolts of fire directly up his spine and then down into the inside of his stomach, Jeremy began to pant openly while flapping his wings behind him at a steadily increasing pace, airing out the hallway without actually meaning. Turning to regard his master just as the two of them made their way into the plush looking bedroom the naga was renting, the gryphon didn't bother to think long as he stepped himself from his master, easing the cobra's wet hand from off of his leaking sex, and then hurried himself up along the length of nine foot tall bed onto all fours before spreading himself out wide for Najiri's approval. Wings folded contently behind his back as he lifted his tail for the cobra, Jeremy couldn't have asked for more than this as he waited patiently for whatever Najiri would do with him next.

"Beautifully done my pet, simply beautiful." And then the naga was slithering over to the avian, twin green slit eyes burning huskily into the opposing hazel sharp orbs that looked back at him imploringly.


Part 3 to: []( Kneeling there as he was Jeremy was on the nine foot long bed, head raised slightly while wings were falling down on side of his body, the gryphon was caught by...

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When it comes to using magic there is little thought in the application of the power's execution. Magic is. It doesn't actually need to be consciously controlled so much as the focus of the intent must be made clear and precise when charging, directing...

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At thirty-two years old Marcus had finally fulfilling his dream of having his own prized farmland out in the middle of the great American west. And despite the hurdles that the man had gone though in order to accomplish his lifelong goal Marcus could...

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