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#2 of Summer Camp


By BunnyBoy

This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy

Warning the story contains a romantic relationship between a number of young furry males. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

That first night, the sweet little mouse had a bizarre rush of dreams as his mind tried to make sense of everything that had happened. He struggled with the memory of being taken by counselor Glen, but also remembering that deep down, an odd pleasure had come with it. Then the feeling of Todd's lips on his cock and the wonderful warm feeling that it had left in his belly. It wasn't the most restful night for the boy. Any other night, he might toss and turn, but the strong arms of his tent-mate held him still. Early the next morning, just as day was breaking he gradually awoke, to something nibbling on his shoulder. Hot breath on the nape of his neck startled the boy, and he tried to scramble free as strong arms gripped him tight. For a moment poor Sammy didn't remember where he was. But realization soon set in and he slumped back into the fox boy even as Todd prepared to work his morning wood out on the boy.

"I see you've woken up Sammy," whispers the fox into the cute little ear of the younger mouse, "That's good, 'cause I'd hate for you to miss out on this." Though the fox had slept with his cock planted deep inside the mouse, the boy was still not ready as he was rolled onto his belly. The fox hunches forward, grinding his cock into that still tight ass, panting loudly as he settles into a hard fast pace, just wanting to get off this morning, to sate that lust for the moment.

Sammy screws up his eyes fighting back tears. It still hurts but Todd isn't as big as his father and now he feels that warmth in his belly again. It's just a touch, but he can feel it deep down, and he kind of likes it. The pretty little 11-year-old mouse boy whimpers, his blonde hair matted with sweat and other fluids. "Please don't," he sobs, "Why are you doing this to me?" The tears are flowing down his face again streaming down that gray furred muzzle.

"Aww Sammy, it's for your own good really," says the older fox with a loud groan. He quickens the pace a bit, his teeth nipping at the little mouse's ears as his knot starts to swell. "If I didn't make sure you were used to being fucked then the rest of your day would be much harder. I know most boys aren't as lucky as me." The fox licks one of the mouse boy's cheeks before leaning back, his tongue lolling out as he savors the feeling of such a tight ass. "I know most boys aren't trained to the cock at a young age. You need some time to get used to it. But it feels good doesn't it? Besides I'd never pass up a chance to get sloppy seconds on a sweet little ass like yours, Sammy."

The little mouse had never heard anyone talk like that before. Still crying he blushed deep red, embarrassed by the dirty talk, and by the fact that even now he had the older boys shaft wedged between his cheeks, and that it felt nice to know someone wanted him. The fox's thrusts were getting harder and harder as he tried to tie his little bitch. The young boy yipped in pain as the fat knot tried to stretch him even wider.

Noticing the resistance the fox leaned down and gently nipped along the shoulder as he pulled back as far as he could. With a wild howl the fox slammed into the tiny little mouse, shoving his knot into the boy in one hard jackhammer thrust. The mouse boy cried out, the searing pain from his rear almost blinding him but that last thrust also drove the fox cock into the mouse's prostate. The pleasure created as the intruding fox cock pummeled that oh so sensitive organ all but drove the pain from the boys mind as the fox flooded his bowels with a fresh coat of seed.

Todd slumps forward spent, his body covering the mouse like a blanket. "Oh Sammy," whispers the teen, "If I thought I could, I'd keep you for myself. You're one of the prettiest boys we have this summer and I'd love to teach you everything you need." The fox sighs. "But I can't. Still, you'll have a good time this summer and if you ever need anything don't hesitate to look for me." The boy rolls off his tent mate, his semi-softened knot causing the mouse to yip in pain as it pulls free with a wet, slurping noise. "Hmm, first things first though," says Todd shifting to a more businesslike tone of voice. "Don't bother getting dressed this morning, you'll get your uniform later and that's all you're allowed to wear all summer, unless a counselor has something special for you. This morning you have to head straight over to the nurse's station. He needs to look you over to make sure everything is all right and that you are well enough to play all summer long." The teenaged fox helped the boy to his feet and sent him on his way with a playful swat to that sore little ass.

Still crying, the mouse makes his way through the cluster of tents. The normal morning sounds of bird songs, and insect chirps mingled with the camps morning routine. From what seemed like every tent the mouse boy could hear the wet organic sounds of lust. The grunts and groans of pleasure from the rutting boys mixed with the whimpers and sobs from their still scared and fearful partners. Sammy grips his tail in both paws hugging it close. He notices around a few tents there are deep claw marks in the dirt, where the occasional cub had tried to scramble away in the night only to be dragged back into submission.

As the mouse walks up, he notices he's not alone standing outside the nurse's station. Already there waiting for the doors to open is a skunk boy. They don't speak as the mouse takes his place in line behind the skunk. He can feel the fresh seed slowly seeping from his rear and running down his legs as he waits. Sammy casually looks the other boy over, observing that his black and white fur is matted, his fluffy tail held low to hide what has been done to him. The skunk doesn't turn to look at Sammy so the mouse can't tell if he's been crying but the occasional deep sniff seems to suggest he is fighting back tears. Soon after, a third boy joined the line, a reddish brown bunny that had cried so much on waking up he was now hiccupping through the tears. Soon the door to the nurse's office opened up. A long, slender black furred paw points to the skunk. "You there," says a feline voice fairly purring out love for his work, "You first. Come in and I'll take care of you." The skunk looks around worried, terrified of what fresh abuses might come, but evidently more frightened of what might happen if he refuses. Reluctantly the skunk vanishes through the doors. It seems like hours but it can't have been more then 15 minutes before the skunk boy comes out, smiling happily. It's odd to think that the situation could have changed so fast.

That same black paw arched out of the doorway, the voice still purring but oddly it didn't seem as threatening as before even as it singled out Sammy. He stepped into the rather brightly lit room and Sammy looked around. The walls were covered with happy posters in the sort of simple styles that you might see in any school or nurses office. All were cheerfully educating the reader the need to stay fit and eat healthy. The mouse wasn't paying attention, or he might have noticed a crucial difference. While these posters mimicked the familiar designs, the cubs in them were all nude and engaged in a perverted version of the bright and happy slogans. The poor mouse boy finally turned his attention to the one who called him in here. The nurse was a tall black panther, with a slight build. He was also nude accept for a nametag around his neck that read Simons Probwhell. In one paw he held a clipboard that he was studying intently. The frightened mouse's eyes went straight to the man's groin, knowing full well what his fate would most likely be. The sheath was filled out fairly well, the cock it hid only half-erect but a tiny bit of pink showing at the tip. The mouse gulped softly and whimpered.

"Ahh, Sammy I see." The big cat made a mark on his clipboard. "Well son it's time for your examination. So up on the table please, and lay on your belly."

The mouse scrambled onto the table, lying down, his already sore rear terribly exposed; he let his tail drop down to cover it. He whimpers loudly as he feels his tail lifted up knowing what is going to happen next. The boy squeezes his eyes shut, paws clenching at the tables covering.

"Oh, dear me," tuts the nurse, as his gentle fingers exploring the tender area of the mouse's abused pucker. "Glen and Todd certainly didn't go easy on you did they hon?" sighs the big cat. He leans down to take a better look at the damage, licking gently at the tender area. The mouse tightens up at the soft wet lick, shuddering for a moment but it did feel good. After a few more gentle tastes the nurse sighs and reaches back for something. He carefully spreads some cold, soothing ointment on the boy's sore little bottom. "Now little one, please roll over on your back." As the cub obeys the big cat checks the rest of him over. "I've just got to make sure you're able to play this summer." He uses a pen light to check the boy's mouth, probes with his fingers along the mouse's chest and belly, grinning as he finds a ticklish spot, one paw slides down, fondling the little mouse's sheath, rolling the boys sack in his paw. "Hmmm," says the nurse to the now blushing boy, "I think you'll be in great shape for all the games and camp fun this summer. The first night is always the hardest, Sammy, but don't worry... you'll grow to love it here." He turns away from the boy for a moment, checking a shelf full of little spray bottles. He takes down a small green one and with his back to the boy, sprays a small bit on himself. When he turns back to Sammy, he has a happy grin on his face. The mouse boy can't help but notice that the nurses cock has slipped free of his sheath. "Now since you've been such a good boy Sammy, it's time for your treat. Usually you'd get a lollipop but here you'll have to settle for my lolly." The tip of the feline's member bobs just inches from the little cub's face. "Go on Sammy. You can trust me, its best you try it now. Some of the counselors might not ask so nicely."

As the mouse leans forward his nose picks up an odd scent. It's coming from the nurse's groin. It's a sweet sort of smell that's really familiar. Daintily he takes a light lick across the head of the big cat's shaft, drawing a loud purr from the nurse. Sammy is shocked by what he tastes. The nurse tastes like sour apple candy. Puzzled the mouse looks up at the nurse who shakes the little bottle at him. "They won't let me have real candies hon, so I figure a little sweet taste might help you boys get used to things here." He gestures for the mouse to keep going, so Sammy slowly laps along the nurse's shaft, gathering up every bit of that sweet taste, but slowly it's replaced by something else. Something musky, and salty, it's not a bad taste but it's different. The big cat's purrs grow louder as he scritches between the mouse's ears. "Ohh, now open your mouth son, and suck on it like a soda." The cat's moans mingle with his purrs as he rocks a bit, he hisses briefly and gently taps Sammy's head, "Mind your teeth hon." He moans louder as Sammy's lovely lips suckle like a staved babe. With a loud groan he climaxes, filling the young mouse's muzzle with his hot cream.

Shocked at first, Sammy chokes on the nurse's load, sputtering and coughing. He can still taste the cat's jizz though, that thick, salty flavor sticks to his tongue. It's not too bad, but it surprised the boy. He looks up at the nurse wondering if he's in trouble.

Nurse Probwhell leans down producing a damp cloth and smiles as he cleans up the boy's muzzle. "Ooh you're a cute one Sammy; you're going to be very popular." He finishes cleaning up the little mouse's face and oddly Sammy feels a bit better. The cat is weird but he's a nice man. Sammy smiles up at the nurse. "It might be hard the first few days hon but if you ever need something, want to talk, or need a hug and a cuddle, or even if you just want another lolly my door is always open. Now you had better run along to the showers little one. Get nice and clean and then you'll get your uniform."

The nurse watches the mouse boy scamper off out the door with a happy sigh. He pats his sheath as he says with a grin, "Oh well, no rest for the wicked I suppose." Simon opens the door and fixes his gaze on the tearful bunny waiting in line. "You there, young bunny. It's your turn. Hop lively!"

The Games We Play

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