Truth or Dare Chapter 7: Tails and Scales

Story by Bloodfalcon on SoFurry

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#7 of Truth or Dare

Standard legal stuff, if you are not of age to be exposed to adult themed material for your area then please do what you must. All characters are mine, please do not use without permission. Criticism is always welcome.

Truth or Dare

Chapter 7: Tails and Scales

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Fleet Commander Ross sat across from an Emerald Green male dragon who was wearing a Navy Fleet Officer's Uniform that was standard for Drackinalis; the dark blue color clashed with the emerald dragons own skin tone but made him look that much more unsettling. The mass of ribbons on the left side of his chest indicated that he was a seasoned Officer, some of the ribbons even she recognized from clashes between the two powers. She glared at the dragon as he went through the ships manifest asking questions about every one of the crew members. Most of the crew of the Revalon had been moved from the ship and to a nearby Space Station, leaving only a skeleton crew and the medical staff. The Officers of the ship had been moved to the Dallion II, while any civilians had remained secured to the Revalon.

"Your flight records show that you were contacted on 306.77.34.2009," the emerald dragon stated crisply, "and spoke to a Rear Admiral . . . . Frendenberg?"

"If dat whas de na'me gifen den yes," Ross answered coldly.

"We have no record of this individual," the emerald dragon stated.

"Ehmangen dat."

"Sarcasm will not get anywhere ma'am that is your one warning."

"Chu do not bohther me hatchelingh."

"Ma'am insults will not help you, now your cooperation with this report and investigation."

"Den spehk wit my heed Enfhorcer he es royal blhood."

"He is nothing to us Space Born! Now you have approached Imperium space with a Dreadnaught under no flag of peace or truce. Since you are the highest ranking officer on board the ship you had access to what your mission is. Is your mission to start a war or insurrection? These are questions that if you answer honestly and proptly, will directly affect what happens to you, your officers, and the non officers and civilians. So what can you tell me about your mission Fleet Commander Ross?"

"Let Meh Spehk chu a high'r rhakning person den chu."

"Not going to happen."

"Den I sit 'er ahn wait."

* * *

Katlin woke up feeling well rested. Remaining on her stomach she looked to her left and saw a small clock that sat was on the bed side. The time on the display read that it was early morning planet side. Yawning she rolled over to her back the smooth silk sheet stimulated her nipples in a pleasing manner as it ran over them. Her eyes widening in shock as she looked up and saw herself looking back, above her was a full length mirror reflecting the entire bed back at her. But what was more unsettling though was that she was naked under the sheets. What caught her attention next was that the Star Drive was no longer running.

Sitting up slowly with one hand holding the sheet to her chest Katlin looked about the room in confusion. The corner still had the large black Enforcer jacket that distinctly belonged to Deamos. The room was definitely better lit then it had been when she had first opened her eyes. Slowly looking about the room she saw that it was rather Spartan in appearance. The opposite corner of the room was a standard ship table and on it she saw his pistol as well as an unfamiliar one. The second pistol was smaller and had a light red tint to it, vice the all black that was standard of Deamos. The sound of a door opening brought Katlin's attention to where the sound had come from.

A cloud of steam coming from the door that was presumably the room's bathroom. Holding onto the sheet even tighter Katlin could feel her heart rate jump and thump against her chest. Half expecting to see Sykon enter into the room, she let out a relieved sigh when she saw that it was Marcus that came into view. Thankfully this time she had on a bathrobe and was using a towel to dry her head fur off.

"Well look who decided to wake up," Marcus said with a toothy yet strained grin, "we were not sure if he had got you back in time."

"B-b-b-back?" Katlin asked still clutching the bed sheets.

"Yeah, your brain was in a mental blender," Marcus replied, "I have never seen Deamos work that hard to pull someone back."

"A-a-a-am I in his . . . ," Katlin began to say.

"Oh this is not his room," Marcus replied, rubbing the towel through her head fur, "this is my room."

"Oh, I . . . thought it was his . . ."

Marcus looked up at Katlin with a sly grin, "I can go get him if you want?"

"NO!" Katlin shouted in surprise her hands going up in protest.

"So you do have a thing for him," Marcuse said deliciously, "I can't believe it."

"I-I-I don't!" Katlin demanded, "after what he did to me . . . he can rot in the darkest deepest hole I can find."

"You keep your eyes closed like that," began Marcus, dropping the robe from her shoulders but keeping the towel on her head, "you are going to fall hard."

"Do you have to do that?" Katlin demanded covering her eyes.

"Says the nude vixen in my bed," Marcus replied smiling.

Katlin sat there with her mouth open and eyes wide open. "W-why AM I like this?" Katlin stuttered angrily.

"You are just realizing that you are naked?" asked Marcus as she ran the towel down her legs, before looking up, "a little slow on the up take?"

Katlin could feel her cheeks burning hotly and was positive that the insides of her ears were bright red. But it still did not explain or rectify her current situation of being in another female's room naked and in their bed.

"Don't worry so much," Marcus said with a wink, "besides I think you are great to cuddle up against nude."

"Come again?" asked Katlin angrily, here eyebrow raised with suspicion.

"Your not tha-

Large clawed, black scaled hands followed by a larger head and body burst through the wall behind Katlin causing both females to scream; one in terror the other in anger. Muscled arms rippling with strength wrapped around Katlin pulling her to its scaled chest, when she looked up she recognized the black dragon that she had seen before. Shocked realization washed over Katlin in a sobering instant, she was still falling. With a bone jarring jerk the black dragon snapped his wings open completely and backed stroked them rapidly slowing their decent to a stop. As they came to a stop the imagery before them seemed to freeze like a sheet of ice before shattering with a nerve twisting skin shriveling angry roar of rage. "Sykon does not like to lose," the black dragon said in a strained and exhausted voice. Katlin's eyes shut and her grip tightened on the arms holding her when she felt the steady beat of the wings stutter causing them to fall for several moments before regaining the slow upward assent.

When she opened her eyes again she was no longer with the dragon, instead she realized that she was in a bed. After gathering herself for a few moments she sat up, not before checking if she was clothed; to her surprise she found she was in fact dressed, but not in hospital regalia. She lifted the sheet and saw she was wearing a shirt that was too big for her, she could tell she was not wearing anything else under the shirt but at least it was a shirt. Looking slowly about the room she could see that it was fairly large but the current low lighting left it hard to make out much more. Sighing in frustration she brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs waiting for either reality or a continued attack from Sykon.

_ _ _

Opening her eyes slowly Diana first realized she was not in a standard hospital. Everything was out of place and did not feel right. The room she was in felt to sterile and alien to her. Moving her head slowly from left to right she winced as pain shot up and down her spine as her head settled to the left she saw a small window that showed that it was night. She frowned as she continued looking out the window, the sky was to dark and the stars were too bright. Turning her head to look back up at the ceiling she became aware of a presence that was nearby. Frowning she went to sit up and instantly regretted it. Her eyes went wide and throat tightened and she went to scream as fire erupted through her entire abdomen. Fighting and choking down the scream, her hands went to her stomach and encountered cloth instead of fur. This was odd for her due that she had always slept in the buff, looking down she saw that she was wearing standard hospital issue clothing, at the same time she realized there was someone else in the room.

Looking up she saw that, the someone, was actually a rather handsome looking red and gold dragon wearing a doctors white over coat. At the moment she saw that he was busy looking over some document on his touch pad. Diana took the time to really look the dragon over she was surprised that he had black hair that ran down his neck in a mane fashion. It was long enough that he had it braided but it was not past his shoulders. What also surprised her was the lack of horns or spines on his face. As she continued looking the doctor over, she was surprised when he looked over at her and locked his green eyes with her blue ones.

"Ah so glad you are awake," the dragon said, a small smirk formed on his face, "I am glad that your libido does not seem to have been affected by the trauma."

"Trauma?" Diana asked blinking her eyes quickly as she felt an uncommon blush go to her cheeks, "I don't . . ."

"Oh I am sure it will come back to you," the dragon replied in a chilly tone.

Shivering as the awkward moment quickly evaporated, Diana frowned slightly and looked to the left side of the dragon's lab coat. She spotted the name tag but to her surprise it was blank, where some form of photo was supposed to be that too was blank. Looking back up at the doctor she let out a startled gasp as she watched with disbelief as he seemed to slowly become corporeal and then vanish like a wisp of cloud: but not before she heard his voice one more time in her head speak in a soul chilling tone, "I will be keeping in touch with you."

When her eyes snapped open Diana realized that she had either been asleep and had dreamt up the dragon apparition, or it had been real. Letting out a shuddering breath she looked around half expecting to see that monster of a blue dragon reappear before her wanting to work on her some more. With that memory she felt her stomach tense up painfully, drawing a small moan of pain from her. Taking a slow breath as the pain subsided she heard a small electronic beep followed by a numbing wave go down her arm before spreading through her body effectively killing the pain. Blinking her eyes she jumped in surprise when a rabbit with brown fur and in a medic's uniform, that she was able to recognize as military, came into view.

"Ah good Miss Stryker you are awake," the medic said in a calm voice, "try not to move too much, I will attempt to bring you up on where you are and what has happened to you."

* * *

Deamos stood before a mirror looking over the uniform he was now wearing. Contrary to popular belief Enforcers had more than one uniform. The general public rarely saw one out of their standard dress of black jacket and clothing. The green glasses they wore were part of every uniform, being that the glasses were part of the intricate data system that allowed every enforcer wearing them to access any 'grid' and gather information, monitor activities, link in to any device on the network, or order take out. Deamos had only worn his dress uniform twice in his career, one on his initial retirement from the Enforcer ranks and at the funeral of a fellow Enforcer. Now, he was fidgeting with the various devices and medals that he had acquired over the many years of service. Swearing under his breath he hated that he was being requested by the High Queen herself, even more so it being requested of him to appear in full dress.

Stepping back from the mirror to get a better look at himself he nodded in satisfaction at what he was seeing. Not three seconds later the door to his residence opened and two large green dragons wearing battle armor, that was platted in gold and platinum of the royal house colors, flanked the entrance bringing their riffles up in salute as a much older silver dragon also dressed in similar military regalia entered with his hands clasped behind his back. Looking about the residence he was entering, the silver dragon said nothing as he stopped near Deamos.

"Can't even ring the fucking bell?" Deamos asked dryly.

"You are a guest," the silver dragon replied brining his right hand close to his face, examining the finely manicured claw tips, "don't forget that Demthoiousen."

"My ass, General," retorted Deamos, "my mother is not exactly welcoming me with open arms and well my father," Deamos snorted angrily smoke clearly coming from his nose, "he is not opening any doors for me."

"I would remind you to refer to the Queen at minimum as your Highness," The silver dragon stated, brining his hand behind him once more, "and to not mention that traitor even if he is your father. Your blood relationship to the queen is the only reason your ship was not blown to dust."

"Not my ship, and it was my mother at the controls," Deamos corrected, "or do you so soon forget Dilleion?"

"That is General Dilleion," he corrected in annoyance, "we do have a time line to keep, so if you would please follow me now."

"Don't want to be late?"

"We wont, I anticipated this resistance of yours so I arrive an hour before we need to be there."

"Things never change," sighed Deamos, "but before we leave, anything in here is my property which means it belongs to the 'Family'. I would not take kindly to anything . . . being altered . . . or turn up missing. We are clear on this General?"

"No troubles from you and I can assure you this."

"Right," Deamos replied with a raised eye ridge looking over at Dilleion.

"Now if you would," General Dilleion said, turning and walking towards the door.

'Flipping dog and pony shows', Deamos thought to himself following after the General.

It was the sound of a door closing that woke Katlin up out of the light sleep she had fallen into. With her ears raised she listened for any further sounds with anticipation and dread. When no further sounds followed she relaxed and slowly and stiffly got off the bed she had been on. When her feet touched carpet she froze for a moment, realizing she was not on a ship anymore. Blinking her eyes she sat on the edge of the bed and collectively gathered her own wits. She did not know how long it had been or where she was beyond her present location. It smelled to much like a set up by Sykon yet she could also smell 'real' smells and those smells reeked of single male domicile. Standing back up she braced herself the best she could mentally for a blow that did not land. Taking several tentative steps from the bed her ears detected a quiet 'snick' of a switch that made her freeze.

Eyes wide, she looked about trying to locate any threats in the dimly lit room. When the lights slowly turned up illuminating the room to a comfortable level of lighting allowing her eyes time to adjust. The room itself was very Spartan in appearance. Besides the bed the only other furniture was a small dresser and end table with a lamp. Letting out her breath she was startled when a portion of the wall above the end table lit up, she recognized it as a vid screen and a nice one at that. What came on screen first was a commercial for some generic food stuff the representative being an overly attractive female otter holding up the package and saying how good it was. Along the bottom of the screen was a ticker for the local planetary economy indicating the up and down prices of various goods. It resembled something she would have been watching at home until the local show came back on, it was a news program and it caught Katlin dead in her tracks as the green female dragoness anchor began to speak.

"Good morning Subjects of Drackinalis," she began in a way to perky and chipper tone, "as you know last night the Crown Prince Demthoiousen Falchion returned after his self imposed exile. The Royal Family has not put forth a statement and it is yet unclear as to why the Prince has returned. We do know that he is to be appearing at the Capitol with General Dilleion to appear before The High Inquisitor as to why he arrived in a Warship of the Empire. More answers to these questions we will have shortly."

The screen cut to a commercial and it left Katlin slack jawed and bug-eyed. "He's a fucking Prince," Katlin managed to wheeze out when she got her mouth working again.

* * *

The ride took nearly an hour and it had passed in relative silence with General Dilleion sitting across from Deamos, glaring at him, and Deamos ignoring him. When the vehicle came to a stop the two escorts or guards that had also been seated with them quickly exited the vehicle and took up positions, one holding the door open and the other standing at attention next to the door. Without a word General Dilleion exited the vehicle and was greeted by cheers and applause from the collection of media and regular citizens that had came to see the spectacle. From where he was sitting Deamos could see the back of the General and could tell by his movements, much to the crowds pleasure, that he was waving.

"Sheeple," Deamos muttered under his breath, as he made his way out of the vehicle, "nothing but sheeple."

As Deamos exited the vehicle the guards took up position behind him, the one holding the door falling in last. Deamos ignored all of that as he looked back at the sizable crowd that had gathered at the building they had stopped at. The cheering had died down with the appearance of Deamos and had been replaced by startled rumblings from the crowd. Many of the citizens both fured and scaled where now openly staring and pointing as Deamos and the General passed and made their way up the stairs in front of the building.

"You coming back has created a security risk," General Dilleion stated as he walked, "it would have been better if you had not returned."

"Who was the one that leaked I was back?" Deamos asked in an amused tone, "I would say the internal Security had a few leaks General . . . oh that's right you control that."

"Watch that tongue of yours," General Dilleion snarled in a low tone, "your status will only protect you for as long as the Family welcomes you. And you already walking on eggshells, crack one and I will have you are you friends locked up in the deepest, darkest hole I can find."

"You have always handled diplomatic issues with a velvet touch General."

General Dilleion could only utter a low growl as the two entered the building. The Floor was made up of a rich wood that had been polished to an excessive sheen. The walls had ornate frescos depicting various moments in time of the Imperium's vast life. The vaulted ceiling was impossibly high and gave the illusion of going on forever. As the moved deeper into the building they came to a set of double doors that led to the main chamber, the doors were being held open by Royal Guards. As they entered the main chamber Deamos began to take notice of who exactly was present. He recognized the War Minister, the ancient grey dragon being surrounded by his many orderlies, assistants and concubines. The much younger Defense minister he did not recognize, he noted was an emerald scaled dragon. As the group continued forward he saw that most of the Imperium's government was present. To include his mother, a gold dragon, and his father a larger red dragon. Both were standing on a raised dais both in elaborate military dress uniforms. Neither looked happy.

Coming to a halt some dozen steps from the dais General Dilleion bowed deep before speaking, "High Matriarch and High Overlord I present Command Enforcer Deamos."

Deamos felt his left eye ridge twitch; the slight from the general did not go unnoticed. By not addressing him by title he was setting the tone for all this.

"General," the red dragon growled in a heavy tone, "why is it that you have brought this bastard before us?"

"I would like to know as well General," the gold dragon second.

"Why to bring the whole family together mother and father," a third voice chimed in.

Deamos spun around when he heard that voice, all his nerves heightened and the scales around his jaw and down his neck and back raised up slightly. Sykon's voice was very hard to miss in the flesh. It had a quicksilver like quality to it, smooth and flowing but toxic if you let it touch you.

"We all want to have a wonderful visit," Sykon continued saying, his hands spread as he walked towards the dais his boots clicking on the wood with each step, "We all want to be happy and know why you came home in ship of war."

"A ship of war?" Deamos asked, "you mean that ship flying under a banner of diplomacy and neutrality set forth by the Imperium's own law on diplomacy. The same laws you had ratified?"

With an annoyed wave Sykon walked past Deamos and up the Dais, standing next to his father. It was times like these Deamos could not understand they were related.

"Yes dance around the issue," Sykon countered with a serpentine smile, "and there is no record of this ship requesting a neutral status. But what is harder to explain is why you came in a Dreadnaught of the Empire. I do believe it is a Dreadnaught," he continued raising his voice, "and that it is the Revalon that is held in Dry-dock above our own home world. So why come home in such a notorious ship of war?" This caused several others inside the chambers to murmur in agreement..

"You know perfectly well why you second born shit!" Deamos spat taking a step towards Sykon only to be blocked by the guards that were placed around the dais. Ignoring the riffles drawn on him Deamos shot the guards a soul burning glare that made them flinch but not lower their weapons. Instead they walked backwards instep with Deamos, much to Sykon's alarm, "you can't play your little mind fuck games here brother but I can let everyone know who controls the Ligh-"

"Enough!" the large red dragon roared his wings flaring out behind him, "this is not why we called this bastard into this meeting."

Sykon bowed slightly in acknowledgement while Deamos could only glare at the red dragon.

"While it is well known that you are first born," the red dragon stated pointing an accusatory claw at Deamos, "you are not the next in line. Bastards such as you should have been killed at their hatching how your mother hid you from me I will never know but I will not have . . . this stain of a dragon insult this family."

Looking over at his mother, the gold dragon only looked away, Deamos could only bottle his anger before speaking. "Then why am I here then? High Overlord?"

* * *

Katlin sat watching the wall screen as news continued to scroll across it. She did not know how long she had been watching but she now wanted to eat at one of the local dinners and she did not know why she also kept humming the commercials song. The whole time she had been up she had not left the room having been too scared to do so and not really knowing if she even could. The sound of a door opening caught her attention long enough to look away from the screen as the current anchor droned on about current events.

Slowly she let her feet drop to the floor and carefully padded over to the rooms door. Opening the door ajar her eyes went wide when she saw the interior of the building. To say it was lavish would be the same as comparing flawless diamond to a glass costume piece. Oddly she felt like she had seen similar decorating style before but she could not place where. Twitching both her ears forward she could just make out two voices one male the other female. Other then what sounded like the two were arguing she could not understand the conversation. When the males voice grew distinctly louder and much clearer she recognized it belonging to Deamos the females voice she pieced was Marcus. Opening her door wider she now saw that her room was actually in a hall which would account for the muffled voices. Opening the door wider she stuck her head out and looked to wear the two were talking from, as she did so she realized what she had thought to be the main interior was in fact a hall or reception area. Slipping completely out of the room she closed the door behind her and quietly crept towards the two with her ears cocked forward.

" . . . it was a fucking ambush Sonjia! I was called in for nothing more than to be made a spectacle of."

"Calm down Deamos, you should have anticipated this. When was the last time you were ever called for an audience?"

"I had hopes that it would be for something other than a crucifixion in front of the entire governing body."

"Ok it was a slap but at least you know where Sykon is and we can act on that."

"And do WHAT! The scaled fuck had doubled what security he has around him by now and I am not exactly well liked by the Palace Guard."

"Then why did you break his arm?"

"You know exactly why Sonjia!"

"He should not have touched you but you did over react."

"Bah, for fuck sake he nearly killed two others."

"Can you prove that to anyone outside the ship."

"Not helping."

"How about this we go out get smashed, get in a few fights, get you laid should not be to hard being part of the family, get you more smashed and hopefully get up in your home and not jail. Sound good to you? Blow some steam off?"

"I can do all those here . . . and by myself at that."

"Gross, don't be such a stick in the mud at least can we go eat, the only reason I can move freely is because of you and your position as Command Enforcer."

"If it will shut you up fine, I need to change anyway. I have to get that stink of family off of me."

Katlin pressed herself hard between a large dresser and the corner it was near in an attempt to hide in the shadow. It apparently worked for her because when Deamos passed her he did not glance over at her or acknowledge she was there. From the way smoke was streaming from his nose she was glad he had not looked over at her. She continued watching him walk down the hall until he disappear into an unseen side room. Letting her breath out she stayed put wondering if she should make it known to Marcus that she was awake and out and about, when she saw Deamos reappear from the side room with just a towel over his shoulder and nothing else. He walked up the hall a few steps before turning into another side room this time the distinct sound of water running told her it was a bathroom.

Walking around the corner Katlin walked into the area that Marcus and Deamos had both been occupying only moments earlier. As she rounded the corner she saw that the room had a center island to it which Marcus was leaning against it with her hands folded under her chin and looking directly at her with the largest grin on her face.

"See anything you like?" Marcus asked inocently, "or do the insides of your ears always glow and your nipples stand out."

"W-w-what?" Katlin stammered her hands going to cover her chest as she looked down at her breast, "what are you talking about?"

"Oh come on now we are both adults here," Marcus continued teasing, "the peep show, since he did not yell out, he was still distracted enough to not have noticed you. Also your tail looks like a bottle brush so I know you were at least startled."

Looking back at her tail she saw that it was not poofed out, Katlin cursed herself for being fooled so easily. Looking back up she saw that Marcus had a large wolfish grin.

"So now that the Kat is out of the bag," Marcus began, still smiling, "I think you will be going with us and have a good time."

"I . . . but . . . you," Katlin stammered over herself, "no clothes," she managed to spit out while pointing to her present state.

"Well that is jumping ahead of ourselves," replied Marcus while examining the tips of her nails, "but I like your train of thought."

"I m-m-m-m-meant I d-d-don't have any clothing here to wear."

"Oh don't worry about that little thing. Now that I know what I know I am going to see to it that you accompany us this evening instead of hiding out like you did at your apartment every night for the past three years. And yes we kept track of who came and went in that building, had to make sure the Commander was safe."

"I went out sometimes,' Katlin argued, dropping one arm to her side while the other stayed across her chest, hand grabbing above her elbow, looking down at the floor, "I just was not as active as Diana was."

"You were not active at all," Marcus replied stretching her arms above her head, "now follow me I need to change and get you dressed."

* * *

"So that fucker is dead?" Diana asked with a slight tremble to her voice, "I mean really dead?"

"From what I have learned Miss Stryker," the Enforcer sitting across from her said calmly, "the one known as AJ was killed by the Enforcer Commander himself. There are pictures if you wish to see them I can have them brought up."

"No . . . no that won't be necessary," Diana stated with a shudder, "just as long as he is dead. What happened to the female that was with him?"

"Currently in custody Ma'am."

"What is going to happen to that bitch?" venom dripping from her question.

"She was already wanted on multiple crimes against the Empire. What happened to you, unfortunate as it was, will be added to the list of crimes. I am sorry if that does not help. Now, the debrief has been concluded, you will have to stay here on the ship until we are released from dry-dock. The Imperium has not been as welcoming as we had anticipated. Do you have any questions before I go?"

"Is Katlin alright? I know she came in while those too were still there."

"Miss Redtail is currently with the Commander and Enforcer Marcus."

"But is she alright? Did that sick fuck do anything to her before he was killed?"

The Enforcer hesitated before answering, his ear twitched in a manner that betrayed him and did not go unnoticed by Diana.

"What happened to her?" Diana asked in a bristling tone.

The Enforcer swallowed nervously, "just some bumps and bruises nothing bad."

"Look you little twerp," Diana growled standing up and leaning over the table in front of her, "I will take that nice fluffy white tail of yours and use it as a scarf if you do not come clean."

"She's fine Miss Stryker," the Enforcer said raising his hands defensively, "we can arrange a meeting tomorrow so that you can see her."

"Damn skippy you will," Diana growled, her tail lashing behind her angrily.

"I will make sure it happens," the Enforcer said, backing out the room, "if you have any other issues or problems while you are onboard rout it through the medical staff and it will get to any Enforcer on the ship."

"Yeah I have a request," Diana began, causing the Enforcer to stop right at the door a questioning look on his face, "be honest now . . . does this medical smock make my breast look small? I am sure it is making me look smaller."

The Enforcer stammered in response, taken off guard by the question and struggling to answer as diplomatically as possible. Before he could answer Diana had crossed the room and placed a single hand on his chest. With a light nudge she pushed the enforcer out of her room and closed the door laughing as it shut.

Charlie blinked in shock as the door closed with a quite swoosh, mere inches from his muzzle. He was sure Diana could tell he was blushing under his white fur, he could tell for that matter. 'She was not kidding about her.'

* * *

The place they had gone to eat appeared to be an upscale club or restaurant with a dance floor whichever the case Katlin could not tell. The music was not too loud, though the bass could be felt through her spine. Looking down at the table she could make out her reflection on its surface. The face staring back at her she did not recognize. Marcus had been rather generous with the application of beauty products and other enhancers for those with fur. She had been put into a blue long sleeved blouse with a low cut neck line. The skirt was a basic one being dark blue and stopping just above her knees. Tapping the tips of her claws on the table she looked over at Marcus who was dressed in a similar manner though the neck of the dress she wore was much lower than Diana's. The dark blue dress did look good on her Katlin admitted to herself. She herself could no pull off the low V cut thigh high slit dress with her more moderate figure.

What surprised her the most though was how Marcus had changed from this rather uptight, by the book Enforcer to someone that seemed more like Diana both in appearance and from what she was seeing personality. She had lost count of how many times Marcus had gained her attention every time something with fur, feathers or scales that had a pair and looked halfway decent walked into the establishment. Taking a deep sigh Katlin looked back up and towards where others were dancing to the music and flashing of the light. She saw Marcus was now dancing with a rather tall and stout equine fellow who seemed intent that he could swallow her face, while trying to have sex with her through her dress.

Shaking her head Katlin still could not believe she was even here on another planet let alone the current establishment. Interplanetary travel was not foreign to her but it had been out of her reach financially. Had she joined the military she most likely would have traveled but it would be in cramped living quarters horrible pay and worse hours. So know she was in a high end Club being escorted on Drackinalis, not by choice, by a high ranking Enforcer nit because she was a diplomat but because she had a latent ability to read, scan and pick up ones thoughts. It still had not been explained to her even after the attack from the one named Sykon. A shudder went down her spine at the memory of having that conciseness touching hers in the most disgustingly intimate of ways. A server appeared at the table with a drink she did not order, frowning slightly she looked up at the female squirrel with a raised eyebrow. Without missing a beat she smiled and pointed over to the bar where a dark furred wolf in a light tan suit was looking over at her with a raised glass of his own.

'How cliché,' Katlin thought with a forced smile and a polite wave she took the drink from the server. When the wolf saw her take the drink he left the bar and headed over to her. Groaning inwardly she prepared herself for his visit.

As he drew closer she watched the way he was carrying himself and the way he was walking; Katlin could clearly read 'player' all over him. 'Travel clear across the Empire and into Imperium space and you still find assholes that try the same crap,' she thought still smiling politely even as he stopped at the table she was at.

"I saw you and your friend enter together yet I see you are all alone," the wolf said in a friendly voice, "my names is Rick, I didn't catch yours."

"That's because I didn't throw it out," Katlin replied in a dry tone, "n-now I suggest you walk away before my friend gets back."

"That is cold coming from one as beautiful as you," continued the wolf unphased by what Katlin said, "mind if I sit? I know it won't bother you if I do but I just can't help it, you are new here right? You have off world written all over you, and that makes you an interesting person."

"And you have dick all over you," Katlin growled in an icy tone, "please leave me alone."

"Now if you are an off worlder, where within the Imperium are you from?" the wolf asked lacing his fingers together.

Katlin both swallowed and shifted nervously in her seat. She did not want to disclose that she was on the Revalon but she had no way of saying she was from the Imperium. Judging by how the wolf was dressed: expensive suit, excessive gold jewelry, one his left had several rings with a large rock one of them the wolf was excessively rich and had connections. Narrowing her eyes she glared at the wolf who in turn was unphased and smiling. . . "wolfishly"

"I-I-I am g-going to use small words so t-t-that you will not be confused."

"I can't place the accent," the wolf stated suddenly in a charming tone, "I have been to most worlds of note within the Imperium but I can't place that accent. I would like to guess who you are . . . ran away to make daddy angry so you came to the big city? Am I close? Your dressed like you have been sheltered, I mean you came in here with that hot bitch over there . . . college friend? Everyone has one at one point but eventually you go through the 'phase'. You are wearing about the exact opposite of what I would expect someone that had friends such as that."

"Y-y-y-you are making a point of pissing me off."

"Oh don't be afraid," he said sliding his chair closer, "I am something you lack right now. A chance, excitement, a different life. But you are a text book case for one who goes through life but can't live it."

Katlin felt her lip curl slightly at the last remark. She had been with a few partners and the last one was similar to how this wolf was acting just like it. She was about to speak when she felt a bright pain stab through her thoughts causing her to fall out of her chair, for just that brief moment before hitting the ground she saw herself from Rick's point of view. She was wearing something much closer to what Diana would have been wearing and in a different place. She was being held up by the front of her dress and she could tell she was crying.

Gasping hard she found herself on her knees next to the table with Marcus snapping her fingers in her face. Shaking hard she saw Marcus mouth 'Sykon', shaking her head she looked up and saw that the large horse that Marcus had been dancing with had Ricks face firmly planted to the tables surface and one of his arms twisted at an awkward angle. Oddly enough Katlin could see no security approaching, nor had the music stopped playing.

"Get your damn hands off me you fuck," Rick was shouting, "you know who I am? I am going to see you all jailed."

"Fah chan at dat," the horse replied, "Sonyah you whan meh to tak ca'r oft dis fuhk?"

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Rick was now yelling and struggling with the hand holding his head to the table, "no Spacer will hold down one from the Blackburn family."

Flinching but not releasing his grip the horse looked over at Marcus for guidance.

"Ignore his bawling Dmitri," Marcus instructed in a firm voice, "push his head down harder, I want to know what he slipped her."

"I didn't give the bitch anything!" Rick protested, "dumb thing just fell over."

"I will be the judge of that?" Marcus snapped looking into Katlin's eyes which were staring off in the distance but responsive.

"You have about three seconds to unhand me," Rick continued growling.

"I cahn shut hes mou'th," Dmitri offered, "mi'ht breek hes jaw en dee process."

The music stopped suddenly to be replaced by the sound of multiple pairs of heavy boots. As the boots drew closer Marcus saw Rick's smile getting wider. When he made eye contact with her he winked causing her to bristle.

"Told you," Rick said in a snide voice, "General Dilleion, I want these off worlders to be arrested!"

Marcus blinked in shock when she saw that it was General Dilleion, once he had drawn close enough.

"The Royal family does not recognize one who is not of it," General Dilleion stated as he stopped at the table, eyeing the scene, "I also placed strict guidelines on where the Enforcer Corps was allowed to move while they were guest. And I see that much like your Commander none of you follow orders very well."

"Sihr if I meh?" Dmitri began, not letting up on Rick.

"Silence Space Born!" General Dilleion roared, casting a withering glance at the horse, "I will not have my hearing assaulted by one of your station. Speak again and I will remove your tongue, continue to be a problem for me and I remove your head." For emphasize he drew a large knife from his belt and slammed it into the table close to Rick's nose causing the wolf to swallow. "Now this whole cluster fuck has two seconds to explain itself and I do not want to hear a damn thing but breathing come from that thing."

"General," Marcus started, raising to her feet, "this was a simple misunderstanding between-" Marcus saw more than felt when General Dilleion struck her. It was no slap, but a solid right hook that dropped her to one knee and left her with eyes wide in shock and the left side of her jaw throbbing.

"I know your Commander is supposed to be with you if you were to leave the quarter designated for you. So why do I find you without your Commander let alone thinking one such as you could speak to me while standing."

Katlin had regained enough of her thoughts to realize what was going on when she saw Marcus drop to the floor. Struggling to regain more of her faculties she attempted to move toward Marcus only to be stopped when a sword blade presented itself in front of her face.

"Going somewhere?" General Dilleion asked in a manner that did not require answering, "the three of you will be placed under arrest and held until I deem you are to be released. Duke Blackburn, and I use that title loosely, I would advise you not visit places for the common citizen without security. I cannot afford to have my men running off every time some member of the council gets their tail in a bind. Now get these outsiders in binders and in lockup now."

The four other guards that had accompanied General Dilleion moved with practiced precision pulling both Marcus and Katlin to their feet while the other two moved to secure Dmitri, both with weapons raised.

"Mines bigger," Deamos stated, causing General Dilleion to turn around with his sword still drawn only to be confronted with the barrel of an Enforcer pistol, "I would like to know why I can't go take a piss without those under MY protection being harassed by this planets security force."

"Don't try to play with me boy!" General Dilleion snapped, "you are related to the High Matriarch but that is where any implied privilege ends. There are no cameras or media to shield you from-"

"Shield me?" Deamos asked with a grin while stepping in close to General Dilleion bringing his snout inches from the General and the side of his pistol against the General's chest, "they were not there to shield me; they were there to protect you. Doesn't look good if the Planetary Defense Minister gets his ass kicked along with his security detail up and down the street by the bastard of the family. So what's it going to be General?" Deamos asked, no longer smiling, "walk out or be carried out?"

General Dilleion glared at Deamos; rage was seething behind the older dragons eyes. He had been put on the spot and he knew Deamos knew it as well. He could hold the three for assaulting a member of the royal family, non scaled, but still a member. But he knew that if he did that Deamos would make his life difficult. "Easy to make demands when you have a gun pointed at their head," General Dilleion growled."

"Let's not split hairs General, we both know that my gun is not for you but to keep your men in check so that they didn't do anything stupid. Now if you would be so kind as to have your officers release mine, I will be able to refrain from killing you."

"You would not dare to do something so stupid," General Dilleion sneered, "now stand down before I have you arrested as well."

"General, I broke my brother's arm in open session and he is family. What do you think I can do to you?"

For several tense moments neither dragon moved. It was a radio that finally broke the silence causing everyone to jump minus the General and Deamos.

"General," one of the officers by Dmitri spoke up, "we have a situation that requires your presence."

"It can wait."

"Not this one sir."

"Did I stutter?"

"It's a Diamond alert."

Deamos smiled, "yes run home to daddy."

"You are on thin ice," General Dilleion stated taking a step back and re-sheathing his sword, "any other mistakes and I will deal with you personally."

"Of course you will."

Without saying anything further General Dilleion signaled the four officers to follow him. Once he had left it seemed like the place came back to life, the other patrons that had been watching went back to dancing, eating or drinking as if nothing had happened. Katlin was shocked by how quickly the place seemed to go back to business as usual. Looking back at Deamos she felt her cheeks flush, he was wearing a rather simple dark blue vest made out of what appeared to be high end silk, it was a open face vest and he was wearing nothing else under it. With every change of the lighting she was able to see what was not covered. The pants he was wearing were loose fitting, dark blue and made from a high end fabric she could not place. She was surprised when she saw that he was not wearing boots. cursing herself for being so easily distracted, she got back to her feet using the table for balance.

"Well now that the bitch can stand you going to let me go?" Rick asked angrily

"Oh that's right," Deamos said with a laugh, bringing himself to a knee so he was looking Rick in the face, "I forgot you were still here. You know who I am? You would if you had been in session today."

Rick's eyes had gone wide when he finally saw who had been talking to the General, nodding As best he could he kept his mouth shut.

"Good," Deamos replied, "as for you two," he rumbled smoke coming from his nostrils as he stood and looking between Marcus and Dmitri, "I fucking gave you strict instructions on doctrine of this place. We are not in the Empire this is the Imperium as far as everyone is concerned no scales or connection to the family it means you are a second class citizen. Dmitri, I hate doing this but due to your accent and how easily it is identified you are confined to the ship until we depart or further notice."

"That's not-" Marcus began before getting cut off by a withering glare from Deamos.

"This is a hostile place if you have not figured it out yet. It may look normal due to this," said Deamos, waving his hand around, "but this place will eat you alive and keep the bones as souvenirs. Fleet Commander Ross is getting treated like crap and has been detained since we made port just because of her Space Born status, they do know who she is within the Empire but bigotry runs deep within the Imperium. I briefed you on this before planet fall. In the morning Dmitri you take the first lift back to the Revalon or I will skin you myself. Duke Blackburn you may take your leave, I don't want to see you or your pack of security idiots anywhere near my Enforcers, understood?"

"Only because you put it so eloquently," the wolf replied tersely.

"Dmitri let the Duke up. Marcus Escort Dmitri back and see to it that you both stay out of trouble. Once arriving you are both confined to quarters until sunrise. I do not think I can save your ass twice in one night understood?"

Marcus nodded in acknowledgement, her face remaining blank but the insides of her ears were taking on a red hue. Without further instruction Dmitri let go of the Dukes head allowing the wolf to stand up and straighten out the suit he was wearing. Marcus walked over to Dmitri and grabbed his elbow and 'escorted' him out. Duke Blackburn cast an angry look toward Deamos, once Marcus and Dmitri left, to witch Deamos made a shooing motion with his pistol. Snorting once the Duke walked off to some other corner of the establishment. Once he was out of sight Deamos holstered his pistol in a shoulder holster that he had under his vest. Letting out an agitated sigh Deamos sat down at the table and waved at Katlin to sit as well. When she did sit Deamos ran a hand over his face before speaking.

"Mind telling me what the fuck happened?"

"Can I get something to d-d-d-drink first," Katlin replied eyeing Deamos wearily.

"Looks like you all ready have one," stated Deamos, pointing to the untouched drink already on the table.

"I-I-I never touched it, that . . . Duke bought it."

"Good not to touch it then."

Waiving the server over Deamos placed an order for two drinks; he used what sounded like the native tongue of Drackinalis. The server looked at Deamos with a raised eyebrow then looked over at Katlin who had a confused look on her face. Saying something else Deamos emphasized a something to which the server responded to with a bow before quickly walking off.

"I swear," Deamos began, "ask for something they are not familiar with and they act as if you are speaking gibberish."

"What d-d-d-did you order?" Katlin asked angrily.

"Something to calm you down that does not have alcohol, and I asked for scotch and told them to bring the bottle and if they brought I would break their neck."

"P-p-p-planning on d-drugging me again," she asked angrily.

"Not tonight Ka . . Miss Redtail," Deamos replied in a dry tone, "Now why was a Duke face first on the table?"

Katlin looked down and studied her fingers for several moments before speaking, "I scanned him unintentionally . . . it was brief . . . and I think it was more of a premonition."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah . . . with what I saw I think he is an a-a-a-abusive fuck."

"So why all of the ruckus?"

"It made me fall down and I think . . ."

"You fell down? What exactly did you see before it happened?"

"A . . . a bright flash . . ."


"P-p-pain, it felt l-l-like someone was driving a spike through my brain."

"Fuck," Deamos said simply as the drinks arrived, he waited for the server to leave before continuing, "you unconsciously fended off a physic attack, now whoever did it knows you are hear and to some degree."

"What?" Katlin asked nervously while eyeing the drink Deamos had gotten for her. The amber colored liquid had a slight mint smell to it but she could not place it, "should I be s-s-scared?"

"At that no," answered Deamos, pointing to her glass, "as long as you drink it slowly, concerned that someone tried to break into your mind, yes. You should know that Sykon in on this Planet and I ran into him earlier today."

"Did you kill him!?" she asked in alarm, both of her ears sitting straight up.

"He is my brother so I can't kill him here, he has too much of a power base to allow it."

"But, but he is a terrorist," Katlin managed to stammer out before apparently throwing caution to the wind and drinking her drink down in quick gulps. Wincing Deamos raised a hand to stop her but she downed it too quickly, "How can you let him still walk about."

"He is only wanted within the Empire," replied Deamos taking Katlin's glass and pouring a fingers worth of scotch into it before sliding it back, "sip that and don't chug it . . . within the Imperium he is still hailed as a hero for action during as brief but bloody Civil War. During that time was also when he formed the beginnings of the Lightning Fist."

"But . . . he attacked us," Katlin argued, "does that not count for anything? He attacked you, I would think that would bear some sort of consequence." Taking the glass she downed the contents without much reaction to which Deamos raised an eyeridge.

"My situation is . . . unique, Miss Redtail."

"How so?" she tapped her glass on the table indicating more. He obliged again only pouring about a fingers worth.

"It mainly has to do with my mother," Deamos was quiet for a few moments tapping a claw on the table, "I am the first born heir to the Imperium technically. Unfortunately many do not see it as such due to what transpired between my mother and birth father."

"I'm still confused," stated Katlin as she raised her glass again, not downing it in one go this time, "mommy and daddy had a kid what is the problem."

"My father is not the current High Warlord of the Imperium, though the current High Warlord was married to my mother at the time."

"Mommy getting some on the side then," Katlin said with a giggle.

"No, not quite like that. During one of the many campaigns that the Imperium was going through, it took over an area of space that was controlled by a more primitive dragon race," Taking the bottle he took several long pulls before continuing, "The fighting was so bad that the Imperium was never able to control that sector so they instead grew around it and contained it within its space. My mother had been captured and decided that one of the clan leaders was a better mate then her current one. She was rescued and a short period latter I came along, huge scandal."

"Why such a bigah deal?"

"Bigotry and genetic superiority is the Imperium's montra and my mother rather publicly pissed all over that. That is one of the many reasons I was sent to the Empire as a 'peace' offering . . . and I think you have had enough to drink Miss Redtail," Deamos was watching Katlin with a critical eye as she took the bottle and filled her glass nearly to the brim.

"Bullsssshit," Katlin growled, stetting the bottle down angrily, "you dracked me across the Empire against my will. You took me hothtige and beat the hell out of me. You morp or less tell me I am at the tipy top of the Lighnnning Fist's persons of interest. You and your little bad of Enfercers used me as bat and got my best friend nearly killed only to yank me up in nothing but my fur and again whisk me across the Empire into Impr . . . Immy . . . Earpre . . . this place. I think I deserf to get flipping blasted."

"That is all true," Deamos began, taking the bottle back and having another drink, "but you only weigh about 120 pounds and what your drinking is-"

"Smooth as hell," Katlin interrupted after downing half her glass, "why so surprised I can drink? You haft everythinnng else on me."

"Miss Redtail you cannot keep drinking like that, your body will turn on you."

"Stop calling me that, that's what they call my mom. And I am not my mom. And secondly my body does not have me turned on. It wont be turned on becush I hate you, you know that. Nearly killing meh den trying to be fresh."

"I understand your extream-"

"Shud up!" Katlin snapped, slamming her now empty glass down, "I wanted your pants since yov seen meh. Using the excuses to get coffee to ged me in your home, smooth, cause you think your sooo smooth. Walking naked in your home lehk you didn't know I wath therrr in da hall."

Deamos almost spit out what he had in his mouth but managed to fight the reflex and swallow what he had been drinking. Surprised he stared at Katlin in disbelief; he had not know she was in the hall, if he had know he would have at least thrown on a towel. Taking a breath he regained his composure.

"Ok that was something I could have gone with not knowing. I do think you have had enough and it is time to get you in bed before you pass out."

"See all malths are the same. They jug want me in bed. Is this what you want huh?" Katlin stood up, swaying slightly, and pushed her breast together, "you been trying to gef them since day one. Well you got meh all lit so you you going to fuk meh."

Frowning Deamos stood up and stepped around the table and grabbed Katlin's wrist and headed for the nearest exit. Katlin, eyes wide with surprise, let out a startled yelp and tried to drag her heels but found herself stumbling as she went. Getting mad she started to hit Deamos and call out for help, to her surprise again, no one got up or stopped dancing. What scared her more was the few that did look her way only laughed and went back to what they were doing. Once outside the cold air cleared her head enough to give her a moment of clarity.

"Shtop! STOP!" Katlin shouted, pulling her hand free, "I'm good."

Turning Deamos looked at her, "you done being as a jackass?"

Rubbing her arm Katlin looked down at the ground, her ears flat, "I'm . . . I'm . . . not fe-," eyes going wide and hands going to her knees, she promptly threw up.

Truth or Dare Chapter 8:Timing is Everything

Standard legal stuff, if you are not of age to be exposed to adult themed material for your area then please do what you must. All characters are mine, please do not use without permission. Criticism is always welcome. Truth or Dare _Chapter 8:...

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Truth or Dare Chapter 6: One Reason or Another

Standard legal stuff, if you are not of age to be exposed to adult themed material for your area then please do what you must. All characters are mine, please do not use without permission. Criticism is always welcome. Truth or Dare Chapter 6:...

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Truth or Dare Chapter 5: Red all Over

Standard legal stuff, if you are not of age to be exposed to adult themed material for your area then please do what you must. All characters are mine, please do not use without permission. Criticism is always welcome. Truth or Dare Chapter 5:...

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