Truth or Dare Chapter 6: One Reason or Another

Story by Bloodfalcon on SoFurry

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#6 of Truth or Dare

Standard legal stuff, if you are not of age to be exposed to adult themed material for your area then please do what you must. All characters are mine, please do not use without permission. Criticism is always welcome.

Truth or Dare

Chapter 6: One Reason or Another

Katlin stared at Diana through the window of the ICU. She could not help the tears that slowly fell from her eyes and dripped from her muzzle. She did not know what to expect when she saw Diana and when seeing her in the flesh and being briefed by head Doctor she had not stopped crying. The blue dragon who she now knew had been named AJ had been one sadistic fuck. The doctors had not gone into great detail about what had happened to Diana, instead they just assured her that she would recover and to give her time.

Letting out a sigh Katlin rested her forehead against the glass. While the doctors had been vague, Marcus had been quite detailed in what happened to Diana. Four cracked ribs on her left side, a four inch by four inch square of flesh had been removed exposing bone, her small intestines had been perforated in several places and twisted back on itself, there was trauma to her anus her 'O' ring having been torn, there were lacerations and burns all along the inside of her colon that which had required extensive surgery. There had been extensive trauma to her entire reproductive track, her uterus having been nearly turned inside out, how that dragon had managed to do that only made Katlin shudder when she thought about it. The doctors and surgeons had been able to repair everything but they did not know if Diana would ever bear children of her own.

"This is all my fault," Katlin said to herself, lightly banging her head against the glass, "none of this would have happened if I had just stayed in the apartment instead of storming out of there and . . . fuck."

"They still would have found you," Marcus pointed out, "being Sympathetic is not something you can hide. Granted they would have found you later, how much later? Who knows? Just be glad it was us that found you."

"Why?" Katlin snarled in anger, whipping around to glare at Marcus, "how do I know I am on the right side? So far I have been abducted, threatened with imprisonment, beaten to an inch of my life and now this, my best friend is fighting for her life. How am I to know that the Separatist would not have been the better choice?!"

"You don't," Marcus replied calmly, waving her hand in a dismissive manner, "it is possible that you could have avoided all of this if they had found you. But what I do know is that if they had found you, you would have been locked in a cell assaulted by other Sypathetics until you mind was no longer yours, you would be a shell, a weapon that they could program and place anywhere until triggered. This is what they have done time after time. The Separatist could give two shits about how talented you are. All they would do would use your ability until you burned out, and with how strong you are currently the burn out could be catastrophic to you and those around you."

"And the Empire would not do the same? Use me until I burned out?"

"You would have the freedom of choice, vice being a mindless zombie."

"But I would still be a slave! And that does not work for me!"

"It is too late to argue semantics over this. You can hate all you want, but the truth of the matter is that you are what you are, be glad in the fact that it was an agent of the Empire that found you and not some Separatist thug like that blue dragon. You now work for the empire from the moment you were found, you can embrace that or fight it, your choice."

"You make it sound like I can become dangerous! How the hell could I?! Look at me I have not combat skills, I worked behind a desk for fuck sake!"

"You still have much to learn about being Sympathetic," Marcus stated, turning to walk away, "once properly trained you would be surprised on what one can accomplish."

Katlin was not sure what the female wolf meant by properly trained but it did not sound good and she did not like it.

* * *

Fleet Commander Ross read the data tablet in her hand, the aggravated flicking of her stripped tail was the only outward indication of her mood. They were still one week out from Imperium Space and had yet to be contacted by any representative from Drackinalis. They were also running low on the fuel used in the Star Drive, Dreadnaughts being the only fleet ship that required an expendable fuel source. Running on full burn for the last two weeks ate up more than what the engineers had calculated for the Star Drive. Granted if they did run out of fuel they had a fission reactor that could power the ship but at a reduced speed and power output, and a even higher risk of a critical event.

Putting the current tablet she held, on to her desk she weighed the options of slowing the ship or continuing at their current speed. Slowing the ship meant adding an additional two weeks of space travel and enough fuel to make it to Drackinalis, but that also meant two weeks without fleet support and open to Separatist attack; a Dreadnought was powerful but it had its limitations. Continuing at current speed put them at the boarder of Imperium space in a matter of days; baring none of the many things that can go wrong with any large military craft did not happen. A duel tone ring at her door indicated that someone wanted to speak to her.

"En'er," Ross stated, the door to her ready room opened and Charlie walked in, "what es it cho wa'nt?"

"I had a few questions Ma'am," Charlie stated, the white fox looking a bit nervous, "it is about Katlin Redtail."

"Well ou' wit it," demanded Ross, "I 'av oth'r tings dat need to be do'n"

"You wanted me to start her on the simple steps but she refuses to even participate. What it is that I can and can't do? You told me nothing physical, I cannot enter her mind and plant ideas because there is nothing for me to latch onto."

"Et is yo'r proahblem," Ross replied simply, "Ah ordered chu to tra'n her. You neeed to fin'd 'er mohtivater. Talk wit Demthoiousen he dah one who fond her. He had dah most tim' wit her."

"Yes Ma'am," Charlie replied snapping a crisp salute, to which Ross waved her hand in annoyance. Turning about smartly he walked to the door but was stopped by Ross.

"One mohr ting," Ross began saying in a calm voice that came out almost a pur, "De necht tim' chu try to geht into my head, ah will skihn chu alive an' use yo skihn as my floor ruhg, coppy?"

All the fur around Charlie's neck was on end giving him a puffed snowball look. He managed to nod sheepishly before exiting the Commander's ready room. 'Fuck me, she knew I was probing her mind and was able to keep speaking like everything was normal. I knew space born furs had that trait but damn she was stalking me as I was testing her mind. At least she is sticking to the training.' Smiling to himself Charlie got an idea on how to get Katlin to start the training she would need to survive.

* * *

Striking the punching bag hard Deamos let out a small grunt from the exertion. Marcus on the other hand slid backwards as she tried to hold the bag in place. The standard punching bag was filled with sawdust; the punching bag that Deamos used was filled with steel ball bearings. Striking the bag in rapid succession with a flurry of kicks and punches before finishing off with a massive head butt, causing the chains holding the bag from the steel beam to snap. Marcus let out a startled yelp and managed to jump out of the way as the bag flew several feet back, striking and denting the wall behind it.

"What the FUCK!"Marcus yelled loud enough to cause several other crewmembers that were in the ships gym to look over at the two, "The next time you want me to spot for you fucking tell me when you are going to do some shit like that."

"Noted," was all Deamos said, walking over to the punching bag and examining the chain.

Raising and eye brow the female wolf looked at the black dragon with a critical eye. Over the past few weeks Deamos had gotten moodier and moodier the closer they got to Drackinalis. She had coaxed him to the ships gym with the intention getting him to blow off some steam and trying to get him to talk. Unfortunately the three hours they had spent in the gym he had said a grand total of three words, two being grunts. Letting out and agitated sigh Marcus picked up her towel from where she had left it and wrapped it about her neck holding the ends in her hands.

"Ok Deamos I don't know what is bothering you," Marcus began, "but you will need to find a new work out partner if you are going to be like this."

When she saw she was not going to get a response from Deamos she let out a frustrated growl and walked towards the back of the gym where the area was marked as showers as well as the standard markers for male and female sides. Going to her locker she grabbed the towel she kept in there and tossed in on the knee high bench that ran between the rows of lockers. Taking off the sports bra, sweat shorts and spandex shorts she wore while working out off she picked up her towel and shamelessly walked to the sauna. Entering it Marcus saw that it was not empty. Katlin was seated on the far side of the sauna, unlike Marcus; Katlin had her towel wrapped around herself, and was looking up with her eyes closed.

"Tough day?" Asked Marcus casually.

"You have no idea," began Katlin, still looking up, "I don't know what is more annoying, you all treating me like glass or having Charlie come by every fifteen minutes stumbling over himself when he talks to me and-gah! Do you have to be like that?"

"Like what," Marcus asked coyly and with a smile.

"You could wrap yourself up!" Katlin groused crossing her arms and looking away, "we are not all so fortunate to have a body such as yours."

""What?" Marcus asked, her hands going to her breast and lifting them, "there is nothing wrong with them, so why hide them."

"That is not what I meant," Katlin replied looking back towards the steam obscured ceiling.

"What did you mean then?" Marcus asked leaning forward with interest.

"You being a wolf," Katlin replied, as if that simple answer explained everything.


"Already athletic, and . . . well built."

"Jealous?" Marcus asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, it is just easier for your kind to look good."

"Ah, someone a wanting to look good for a certain fox?"

"No!" Katlin yelled, her voice becoming very high, "that is not what I meant."

"So why so squeamish?"

Katlin was about to reply when the door to the sauna opened and a Leopard tiger hybrid walked in with her towel over her shoulder. Dark striped accented her forearms and calf's and the last part of her tail. A large patch of dark orange fur ran from her groin straight up her belly and stopping right at the base of her neck. The rest of her fur was a odd orange/tan color. Her eyes were a piercing dark blue and her pupils were circular. As she walked in she looked at Katlin then at Marcus before walking to an open spot on the bench.

"Private conversation?" Lehlani asked casually, "I could always come back," she stated crossing her legs.

"Nah, Miss Redtail was just saying how much she likes my body," Marcus replied coyly while leaning back and pushing her chest out, "what do you think?"

"W-w-w-w-what?!" Katlin squeaked, the fur on her tail standing on end despite the humidity, while the insides of her ears turned a dark red.

"Cute," Lehlani stated simply, "but I would be careful Miss red tail, that one will leave you wanting for more."

"That was one time," Marcus said in a defensive tone, "and if I recall you were the one to initiate that encounter."

"While true," Lehlani countered in an even tone, "you were the cuddle bug that night."

"It was cold."

"I n-n-n-n-n-eed to go," Katlin suddenly interjected, standing quickly one hand holding the towel to her body.

"You were right about this one," Lehlani quipped with a smirk.

Before she could hear anything else Katlin left the sauna, closing the door slightly harder then she had intended. The sound of laughter managed to leak through the door making her blush. Katlin could not understand how other females were able to be so . . . open about their sex life or even joke about it. She had thought that living with Diana would have desensitized her to when other females talked about what they did or implied they had been doing. Thinking about Diana brought a lump to her throat; her friend was still in the medical ward of the ship in the ICU and still unconscious. Making it to her own locker she grabbed her shower supplies and made her way over to the showers.

The water running down her head and down her back brought a more relaxed feeling than the sauna had. She had hoped that the sauna would have cleared her mind but she had felt the constant presence of someone trying to break into her thoughts. She was fairly certain it was Charlie as he had been tasked with conditioning her mental abilities. She had thought it was a joke when he had approached her with the idea considering how he normally acted but he surprised her. When he was not around her, her world was constantly shifting and swirling and she had a difficult time keeping her grasp on reality. While he warped her perceptions he still could not get into her mind. She had asked him how she would know and he had said she would realize when someone had actually 'invaded' her mind. Until then she had to maintain her own grasp on reality.

Letting the water continue to run down her body Katlin let herself relax. She had found that being under or around water had degraded Charlie's ability to reach her. Lathering herself up she let the subtle hints of cinnamon and lavender surround her thoughts. For the time she let her world slip and enjoy the odd tries of Charlie to break through entertain her. His current attempt was a simple field that went on forever accented by the occasional flower and or butterfly. As she passed by them she could hear whispers on the wind. She knew if she tried to actually listen to them it would allow Charlie to 'break through' she did not know why or how she knew this but it felt like a second nature such as breathing or blinking. It was not real but it helped her forget that she was on a ship in space.

Looking down at herself she stopped and barked out a laugh. She was going to have a chat with Charlie about his own thoughts. She was wearing some sort of animal skin two piece garment, with sliver bracers and ankle jewelry. Shaking her head she knew it was an attempt on his part to react, which was another way to gain access. He had tried something a little more exotic once and only once, she had managed to send a mental feedback shock back at him that had left him curled up on the ground holding his head and bleeding from his ears. Had she been more trained she would have killed him. From that time on he had kept it tame most of the time. She knew she should allow him to be a little bolder for her own sake but she did not like the idea of one who was protecting her to be able to see her as anything more.

Turning in the shower she rinsed off completely and shut the water off. Making her way to the full body dryer she leaned against the far wall and waited for it to kick on. As the air whorled about her, lifting her coat so that the under coat would be dried just as quickly, she realized that Charlie was no longer engaging in his usual mind games. Tilting her head to one side in thought Katlin wondered what was going on but found the lull in his mindless 'hacking' of her mind to be refreshing. Once her fur was dry she wrapped her towel around herself and started to make her way back to her locker when her mind was assaulted. The force struck so quickly and precisely it knocked her on her back, when her head struck the tiled floor her mind seemed to be torn apart and scattered to the four winds. Screaming in pain and terror Katlin tried to grab a hold of something real. With her hands flailing she could only feel the cold tile. When she realized she could feel the tile her mind seemed to fold in on itself and she was now on an ice flow wearing nothing. What felt more exposed was her mind, when a second attack happened, it felt like someone was digging through her brain, plucking and tearing her thoughts apart like one plucks grapes from the vine.

A brief mental image tore through her thoughts of a red and gold Dragon with green eyes wearing a black suite. When she made the briefest of eye contact with the dragon rampaging through her mind it felt as if her very being had been sucked from her body. For what felt like an eternity her very being was wrought, wrung and torn asunder. She lost who she was and began to doubt her own sanity as it felt like her very mind was ripped open and spread wide. Nothing she had experienced had ever left her feeling so completely and utterly exposed in every sense of the matter. This dragon had ripped through the mental barriers she could bring to bear as easily as rock would pass through wet tissue paper. Katlin found the more she tried to fight off the attacks the more intense they became.

She found herself fighting a shadow of herself that had no real form yet it could grab and claw at her and she could feel every blow and strike from the shadow. It knocked her to the ground and when it grabbed her throat and started to squeeze she was able to grab the hands at her throat. At the moment she made contact the apparition dissolved allowing her to sit up. Rubbing her throat Katlin blinked in surprise as she now found herself back in the gym locker room. Incredibly shaken by what had just happened Katlin got to her feet and managed to walk to her locker on unsteady legs. Letting out a shuddering breath she opened her locker and grabbed her clothes. Getting dressed she stopped as she finished putting on her bra and listened, the locker room was too quiet. 'They are still fucking with my head!'

"Get her back Charlie!" Marcus snarled as she held Katlin's head to keep it from banging against the tile.

"I'm fucking trying," Charlie snarled, he had his hand on Katlin's forehead, "this fucker is good."

"While try harder little man," Lehlani snapped, she was holding Katlin's shoulders down while trying to keep the towel she was wrapped in, on.

"FUCK! It's a damn mine field!"

"You lose her and I will take your balls off through your ass," Marcus snarled.

"Stop staring at my tits while you are at it too," Lehlani stated, her towel having fallen about her waist.

"GRAHHHHHHHH!" Charlie screamed suddenly both of his hands going to his temples as he fell backward and began to thrash about on the ground, "HEEEEEEESSSSSS IINN MMYY-" going silent Charlie still grimaced in a silent scream; his back arching violently as he continued to thrash.

"Where is the Commander?" Marcus asked in a strained tone looking back and forth from Charlie and Katlin., "where the fuck is she?!"

Katlin whipped around when she heard the clapping. Not ten feet from her was the red and gold dragon. What she had thought was a black suit was more of a military uniform topped off with knee high black boots. It had a high collar that stopped three inches up his neck, with a fist and lightning bolt insignia on the left side of his collar. He had his hands clasped behind himself and his wings slightly spread. His tail was relaxed against the back of his legs with the end of it wrapped casually around the front of his right boot. His green eyes were locked on to Katlin the same way one inspected an interesting bug.

"Dre niedds ke dech femm 'Redtail' gen deshen."


Rolling his eyes in annoyance he repeated himself, "You are the female called Redtail the pleasantry is mine," frowning when Katlin did not reply, "no need to act as such, this is just a formality until we come to collect one such as you."


"Yes, formality. I know I did not stutter, for one who has such a remarkable mind you are a very stupid individual."

"Fuck you!" Katlin snarled her fur bristling as she momentarily forgot where she was. A moment later Katlin found herself across the room and against the wall, her back felt like it was on fire as she realized she had been thrown across the room. Blinking her eyes she tried to clear her mind but she found that it had been tied in knots and left in a muddied mess of incomprehension.

"Know if you are not going to be a pleasant bitch for me I can make your life a living hell. Just nod your head if you understand what I just said."

Katlin managed to nod dumbly, her mind scrambled and muted.

The red and gold dragon smiled, "good, good you can be taught."

"Fook, I know dat mine'd," Fleet Commander Ross growled pulling her hand from Katlin's forehead, "I 'ad hoped dat we wood habed been closed to Drackinalis dat dah Light'in Feest wou'd not hab trah'd dis crhap."

"Sykon?" Marcus asked with trepidation.

"Dah," was all Ross offered.

"FUCK!" Charlie suddenly shouted causing everyone to jump. The arctic fox rolled to his hands and knees and vomited, coughing twice he looked up, "it's Sy . . . ko . . . you already know that. He has become stronger that is for sure, and I could not even reach her."

"I have been ordered to hold onto you," the red and gold dragon explained, "so get comfortable until we arrive, though it would be much better for you if you just stopped fighting."

"Eat shit scale head!" Katlin snarled, "this is my head, you managed to surprise me but now I get to play," shock replaced Katlin's anger when she found that she could not move. A slight smirk had formed on the dragons face sending a cold shiver through her.

"I do hate repeating myself but," the red and gold dragon said looking down at the claws on his right hand. "I will do so, for one who has such a remarkable mind you are a very stupid individual. I have entered your mind and shut down everything about you. If I wanted you to get up I can make you get up. If I wanted you to fuck your sister I can make it happen."

Closing her eyes and squeezing her eyes as tight as she could she screamed.

Lehlani and Marcus both let out startled yelps as Katlin sat up suddenly throwing the two of them off her. Charlie began to say something but stopped as he was distracted by what he saw. Marcus was the first to get back up and had grabbed a hold of Katlin's arm, when she saw that Charlie was only staring at Katlin she drew a hand back to smack him until she too saw what he was staring at.

Surprisingly it was not her breast as she had thought; he had been sniffing around Katlin's door on more than one occasion both she and Marcus knew he had it bad for her but he was too much of a . . . well she did not know what because wimp or nerd was not it. As much as he could come off as this stumbling tech, which looked every part of a ten pound brain but could slit your throat without an ounce of sympathy if told to. But in any case he had been drooling after her since she had set paw on the ship. To see that he was not staring at Katlin's now, rather nice, exposed breast came as a shock that spared him from getting smacked. Katlin's eyes where both rolled up so that nothing but the whites were showing, had they been rolled up any further she would have been looking at her brain.

"What the hell is going on?" Marcus demanded, "she's not breathing, look her chest is not moving, what the hell is going on with Charlie he is . . . blood is coming from his ears!" Scrambling to her feet Marcus ran to the nearest com unit while Ross moved in next to Charlie placing a hand on his forehead.

The moment her hand touched Charlie's head Commander Ross locked up, her own eyes rolling back.

"My, my," the red and gold dragon said with an ugly smile, "Alexies Ross, so nice to see you joined this small gathering. As you can see I am taking one of your operatives with me once we have entered Imperium space. I would take you with me but you have that unique trait of being Space Born."

"Geht oft my ship an out oft de mhinds of these two," Ross demanded crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes, "we both know dat you cant touch meh an I cant touch you. But I weel protehct mhin crew ahn dos dat are on my ship."

"Silly Silly kitty, you are strong , we both know that, but I know more about this world then any of those that you have labeled so cheekily as Sympathetic. When this female can be so much more then you would allow. Is that what you Space Born fear? That those born planet side and born with your latent biological trait would recognize their true potential. And those born with that ability so they can pick up manipulate bend thoughts and matter . . . . oh you have not told her about that part have you? You know she is a Class 2 Meta with an overall rating of 9.5." the last part the red and gold dragon said with extreme venom and hate. "I know all about the Empires rating system and your pet Enforcers and what their job is. Why oh why you keep such talent under lock and key, especially my Brother."

"Dat es enough Sykon," Ross snarled with enough force to make the dragon flinch, "You haft hab your fuhn, release them or I will."

"You will what?" Sykon asked smugly, "you are not fast enough to save them both. So which will it be oh mighty Tigress of the Empire. Your operative or my new toy and the next threat to you?"

"Chu may want to retink that idea, your ahbilities are not ahs powerful as chu wahnt me to beliehve. I know dat you can't hold thoo minds let ahlone three."

"Really?" Sykon replied with a raised eye ridge, "the last time we met was thirty years ago and I have been a few places beyond the Outer Reach."

Ross narrowed her eyes as she stared Sykon, "chu have not ch-," Ross's eyes went wide with shock as she watched Sykon seem to dematerialize before her. It was like a light wind blowing fog clear of an area. His laughter seemed to come from everywhere at once.

'Tell me Fleet Commander have you ever been beyond the Outer Reach? Ever tasted the power of the stars as they formed? I have danced through the minds of the ancients and I can bring forth those I want. So Commander am I even one the ship? Are you? Tell me Woman how far can your mind reach? I am limited to Drackinalis space but that is clear. Oh you forgot how far the reach of the Imperium is. So do you still think you can take me?'

"Tah'k you?" Commander Ross said unphased by the bravado, "no I cannot 'tah'k you', boot I just need to destracht cho and I geet my crew bah'k."

Charlie fell over and shook briefly before opening his eyes a dull red was throbbing around his vision but he ignored the slight irritation. He saw that the female locker room had become crowded. Next to him was a rabbit wearing a medic's uniform. And was asking him in rapid fire succession questions on how he felt. Ignoring him Charlie sat up and looked around the room. Marcus and Lehlani were both wearing black short sleeved shirts and pants with standard combat boots of the Enforcer uniform. They too were being looked over by medics. Commander Ross was sitting off to the side holding her head her fur looked very much disheveled and the medic hovering over did not seem to be helping much. Blinking his eyes he tried t make the red leve his vision, it took him several more moments to figure out that it was the ships status lights that where throbbing and not his eyes.

Looking lastly over to where Katlin still sat now wrapped in a blanket, her eyes still rolled up, a thin trail of drool running from the corner of her mouth, he could tell that she was still in what private hell Sykon was putting her through. The fact that she was not sweating profusely was a good sign but it did little to make him feel better. Slowly getting to his feet and pushing the medic away Charlie walked over to where the commander was sitting.

"He on the ship?" Charlie asked, sitting down next to Ross


"Do we know where the fucker is."

"Nich, dat. Eh is 'till ah sahlipery one."

"And her?"

"He has 'er wrahp'd up liahk a bow."

"How the hell did he get past the shielding? As well as the decoy amplifiers we sent out?"

"Dat sec'ond ohprateev oft his es on boahrd. She no dohbt achted like a beechon. Geet a crew down and tak ought de trahsh, Copy?"

"Yes ma'am," Charlie replied Getting to his feet.

Falling to her knees Katlin's scream tapered off into a wail and then nothing. She took in a shuddering breath and began to cry and moan in misery. The Red and black dragon hand left her for the time being. She could feel his presence but she did not see or hear him. For the briefest of moments she had felt a second presence pushing hard against the barrier that had been erected around her. But then it was gone so fast it had caused her to step back to brace herself from the force unleashed. Wrapping her arms around herself she rocked her body and tried to figure out a away to free herself. Everything that Charlie had taught her had done absolutely nothing for her except cause the dragon to laugh a few times.

"How do you expect to get me off the ship!" Screamed Katlin, her ears splayed back and fur around her eyes matted from tears, "you expect me to just walk off the ship and no one will stop me!?"

"Why yes my sweet piece of candy," Sykon replied in a singsong voice, he reappeared only a few meters from Katlin, "When we are closer to the space I wish to depart at we will leave and you will enter the new world, or space."


"Wa-wa-wa-wa-wwwwhhhhyyyy," Sykon mocked in a pleading, whining tone, "because the Lightning Fist is all that will be. The Empire and Imperium will bow before our might once I have completed creating my army. Your abilities will allow me to go where none could before, the level of untapped talent that you have is simply amazing," Sykon leaned in close enough that Katlin could feel his breath on her face, causing her to recoil slightly from the smell, "the best part about all this is that you have no one here to help you."

"Why can't you just leave me alone? I am a tech analyst, a nobody."

"We know exactly who you are Miss Redtail, hide from it all you want but as some would say I have my claws out and you wrapped around each of my fingers so dance my puppet dance when I tell you too, fight if you want but all it will do is injure you."

With her ears lowering and shoulders following suit Katlin felt everything go from her. This was an enemy that she should know how to handle yet there was a missing part that kept everything as is. This horrid dreamscape every shifting and melting before her. She had seen friends and family from long times past get devoured by packs of piranha-wolfs some of the most fucked up things she had ever seen and she had maintained her sanity. But now she was at her breaking point as her mentality and sanity left like fog blown by wind. "And now I die? . . ."

"Oh no you are not going to die Candy Pie . . . you are merely going to go insane, bwahahahahahah . . . sorry I know that is very cliché for these moments but the mighty Enforcer's once more fail to protect, bwhahahah..aha..ahh.ah...hemm, but just so you know I will be keeping 'you' with me to play with."

" . . . en . . . .for . . . cers?" Katlin mumbled with wide eyes ignoring the continued cackling of Sykon, they had found her so they should find her again right? Deep in her mind Katlin had felt the urge to cry out but she had not known or had chosen to not want to call out.

"De . . . amos," Katlin whispered.

"Of all the minds on this ship you reach for him?" Sykon mocked, "He is no more a user then an old windup toy, fun at first but have little actual use and then break. Buy call way to him I'll help." Sitting next to Katlin Sykon pressed himself against her side so that she could feel the heat radiating off the Dragon. "Just so you know I am never gentle with my toys and I am one to keep going," he said with his mouth close to her ear. His hot breath and flicking tongue making her right ear twitch and her body involuntarily shuder. "Deamos! Come and play I know you are on this ship and I do so much wish to visit my brother once more! Don't make me beg. Tell you what I will fuck this little toy here until she is useless how does that sound?"

No answer

"Please . . . "Katlin cried, "you did it before . . . "

"D-E-A-M-O-S, save this bitch from all of us," Sykon chanted.

"He . . . he does not hear?"

"No I am sorry candy he cannot. Despite what you may have thought he is, he is not a powerful Sympathetic. In fact he is nothing more than a guide, no mental powers beyond that of a light beacon in the dark. Me, well let us just say genetics helped me while he got the brawn."

Katlin stared ahead wide eyed as she tried to figure out who it was that had saved her.

"Oh don't worry your little head about who saved whom," Sykon stated, as he ran his hand down the side of her face, "in a few hours we will be together and what is so much better . . . they have no idea that we are going to hit them."

_ _ _

Deamos looked at his watch again and frowned, it had been several hours since his last update. No messages had been passed and the internal com had been silenced. Last word he had received had been that there was an incident at the ships main gym and that everyone had moved to battle stations. He had thrown on his standard uniform when the alarms had sounded. Removing his coat and letting it drop to the ground he marched down to the main gym. When he arrived he saw that the entrance had been blocked off by the ships security. On his approach he could see that two furs were nervous, they quickly moved out of his way after he directed a withering glare towards each of them. Continuing his march towards the back locker room he was stopped by Marcus.

"The Commander is back there," Marcus said raising her hands, "we both know what happens when the two of you are in the same room."

"Move," Deamos stated, "There is only one reason why she does not want me back there this close to the border."

Marcus lowered her hands to her sides and her ears to her head. Looking down at her feet, she raised one hand to her other arm before speaking, "if you are right you know what is going to happen."

"If I am right I will help get things back on track and flay the mind of an individual."

"Really?" Marcus asked her ears perking up, "there is not another reason why you are going in?"

Deamos froze, "if there was another reason I would be bringing my sidearm." Walking past her Deamos continued on his way. As soon as he entered the main locker room Commander Ross was on her feet and quickly moving towards him. The elder tiger looked worn down and in a foul mood.

"We ar' too clohse to de bohrd'r," Ross snapped, "tuh'n back bef'or-"

"Sykon," Deamos growled, his nostrils flaring with tendrils of smoke trailing from both of them, "how long have you known?"

"Lohg enough," Ross growled back just as angrily, "Dat is wh'y you were left ah's is."

Deamos looked at Ross angrily, "you have been dealing with him for twelve hours and you have not let me know?"

"Mhy call. Plhus he has ah hostahge ahnd I don't need chu blhundering in dere."

"Who does he have?"

"Ouhr guest."

Without saying anything Deamos moved past Ross, nearly knocking the Tiger over, "I am guessing that you tried to confront him," he said angrily over his shoulder, "even after what had happened last time! None of you are even on the same level as he is!" Still moving briskly Deamos stopped in front of the comatose Katlin; he cast an angry glare at both Charlie and Lehlani, "why would you try to fight him?"

"We were not fighting him," Lehlani stated, "he already had her and Charlie was trying to get her back before she fell too deep. He did catch her but it caused him some problems."

"He was caught himself was he not?" Deamos demanded. "Do I need to pull him out as well or do I just leave him?"

"I am good Deamos" Charlie replied, Looking Deamos in the eyes, his own expression just as angry, "he managed to snag me for a period but I got away from him, check me if you need to."

Deamos removed his glasses and stared at Charlie. The White Fox met the stair without flinching. Several intense moments passed before a whirring sound caused Charlie to jump. Once the servos stopped adjusting in Deamos's right eye he spoke up, "you're clean, but you may not be so lucky next time you engage his mind. But next time, if there is a next time, DO NOT duel with him."

"Even if it means one of us falls in?" Lehlani asked hesitantly.

"I can get you out if he grabs you," Deamos stated looking over at Lehlani, "I cannot offer the same if you go after him."

Katlin sat on the ground with her arms wrapped around her legs and her muzzle on her knees. She did not know how much time had passed since Sykon had paid he a visit but the longer he was away the better. The Red and Gold dragon had brought her to the edge of sanity and then left her there. He did not bring her back from the brink he had simply left her there on the narrow ledge of sanity and had giggled evilly as he left her there.

She felt as if he had left her on some distant shore or cliff overlooking the ocean and a storm was fast approaching. She could see the black clouds around her or had it been smoke she was not sure what exactly the current environment Sykon had left her in. at times she had thought she had heard wings flapping but she knew that the things that he had left flying around in her mind were not pleasant to look at.

She looked up slightly when a slight breeze brought the sound of crunching gravel to her ears. At first she ignored the sound until her mind pieced the sound as a four legged large creature aproaching. Turning her head to look behind her she nearly jumped to her feet before her mind wrote off what she saw as another image generated by Sykon.

"Even hear he has a strong grip on your mind," the black dragon said, whips of smoke puffing from his nostrils as he spoke, "you see me yet there is no fear?"

"You do not exist," Katlin replied.

"That is an unfortunate answer little one," the black dragon stated, laying down causing a small amount of the dirt around them to get stirred up, "if you fear you realize the truth."

"That you are another construct created by you?"

"And who is it that you mean when you say 'you?' little one."


"Oh I am not him; in fact this actually makes it better for me."

"What does that mean?" Katlin puffed

"You see me as a figment, when we have met before only during times of extreme stress and fear. If you fear me I can find you"

"So, Sykon has proven he can access my mind!" Katlin snarled angrily, "why would he not choose some memory that he can use."

"Can you recall what I look like?"

Katlin sat there for a moment before looking over at the black dragon, "What does it matter you sick twisted fuck."

"So how far did I make it after you before you woke?"

"What does that mean?"

"Oh quite a bit little one, I must say I take no pleasure in what I am about to do."

"Rape me? I was wondering when you would get to that Sykon."

The reaction Katlin saw from the Black Dragon surprised her. He looked hurt or shocked by her statement.

"You have slipped far down this rabbit hole little one. It is time to wake up from this nightmare." Lunging forward the black dragon swiped at Katlin, causing her to jump back. Her movements were hampered by the fact she was sitting down.

Looking at the black dragon in shock Katlin tried to reason what had just happened. The actions of the dragon were out of place even for Sykon and his twisted thoughts, before she could reason anything more the dragon lunged at her again taking a swiping at her and missing. Scrambling to her feet she only made a few steps before feeling burning pain run down her arm as she was spun on her feet when the dragon lunged again. As she went to scream another impact to the same arm caused her to stumble back and over a cliff face that had not been there. It was at that point she felt the fear of death coming to collect her and she screamed.

Screaming Katlin sat up sharply and found herself in an unexpected place. White sheets had pooled around her waist. The room she was in was plain, with sparse furnishings. Hugging herself she found that she was nude and that she had a bandage on her right arm. Some blood had soaked through which she found odd. She was also noticing the slight hum and vibration of a ship's Star Drive; which did not add up because if she was on a ship she would not be bleeding. Looking around the room again she felt her skin freeze as every hair on her body stood on end and her tail poofed up even under the sheet. In the corner she had missed the first time because of shadows was a black coat, the size of it said what she feared.

* * *

Ross stared ahead at the view screen. Her features were tense the twitching of her tail was the only thing that truly expressed her feelings. On the view screen was another ship, a much larger ship that had them out gunned. They had arrived at the border and Commander Ross was unsure if this would be a friendly encounter or they would be dead in the next five minutes.

"When did they contact us?" Deamos asked, he was leaning against the bulkhead of the ship, a board look on his face.

"One hour ago," Commander Ross responded crisply, "you recognize the ship by chance?"

"I believe it is the Dallion II," Deamos replied, "a planet killer."

"Should we be nervous?" Commander Ross asked.

Before Deamos could reply the main view screen came to life and a Gold Dragon was staring back at them with cold red eyes. They were wearing standard military uniform regalia of a Drackinalis Officer, its dark green color sharply contrasting her gold scales.

"Why has the Empire sent a sip of war to Imperium space?" The Dragon asked angrily, "you have been tracked for over a week. Do no deny that you have been approaching our space."

"We have approached under the permission of the royal family," Commander Ross replied.

"Your approach has been denied," the dragon stated, "if you continue your approach you will be fired upon."

Deamos moved up from where he had been standing so that he was visible, "hello mother, I'm on my way home."

Truth or Dare Chapter 7: Tails and Scales

Standard legal stuff, if you are not of age to be exposed to adult themed material for your area then please do what you must. All characters are mine, please do not use without permission. Criticism is always welcome. Truth or Dare _Chapter 7:...

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Truth or Dare Chapter 5: Red all Over

Standard legal stuff, if you are not of age to be exposed to adult themed material for your area then please do what you must. All characters are mine, please do not use without permission. Criticism is always welcome. Truth or Dare Chapter 5:...

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Truth or Dare Chapter 4: Dare

Standard legal stuff, if you are not of age to be exposed to adult themed material for your area then please do what you must. All characters are mine, please do not use without permission. Criticism is always welcome. Truth or Dare Chapter 4:...

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