Its lonely in space ch. 7

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#7 of Its lonely in space

The plot reveals its self! in space!

Its lonely in space ch 7

Heres yet an other chapter, this one shows what Garth is doing and forshadows the plot of the story. Please comment I appreciate constructive criticism so I can learn to do better. I ended up editing this shortly after posting it adding a few more paragraphs near the end cause I thought it ended weirdly at first. Happy reading!

Garth sat alone in his room, tonight had been a bust. The dragon couldn't figure out what was up with Jared. He had planned for them to have a lovely evening together, eat dinner, see a movie, make out, and probably have sex. But the human never showed up for their date. Garth spent a lot of them before the two met looking at earth things and studying the humans. Having been stood up like that would mean that Jared didn't want to be with him afterall. Though now that Garth was thinking about it it was probably for the best.

Garth was effectively a higher life form and even in his own culture homosexual relations were taboo. Though with the expansion into the galactic republic his people had become more liberal. Still as much as Garth could come up with reasons to not like Jared he couldn't stop the feeling in his stomach that he liked the human. The human was just so cute and sexy to Garth he couldn't help but want to pound that human all day. And the smells, that human smelled so awesome it drove him wild. Just thinking of the smell of Jared made his cock start to poke out of its slit.

Jared pulled off his jumpsuit and sat at the edge of his bed. His cock poking out of his slit as he couldn't stop thinking about the sexy human. Jared put his palm over his slit and started rubbing at his slit and cock moaning as his cock twitched, pushing out of his body. Garth squirmed rubbing at his slit more making his cock poke out enough so he could grip it properly.

Once Garth could grip his cock properly he started to stroke it feeling the pleasure shoot up his spine. Garth smiled looking down at his shaft, he was rather well endowed even for a dragon. His red cock being in large contrast to his black scales as he moans from the pleasure his cock was giving him.

Garth poked and pulled at the small ridges near the head of his large member as he moved his tail up and started to wrap it around his cock.

Garth loved jerking him self off this way, often when he was younger and going through his form of puberty he couldn't go 10 minutes without touching him self with his tail. The tip of his tail was often just as sensative as his cock is. Making him love the feeling of having it stroke his shaft.

Garth moaned heavily feeling his body clench from the feel of having his tail stroke him self off. He leaned back on the bed moaning loudly as he jerked off. Garth's knot started to swell up and press against the rough scales of his tail. "ooh Jared, Jared go faster." Garth moaned with his body layed against his bed his eyes closed as he started to fantasise about Jared.

In his fantasy Jared had climbed up on top of him straddling his waist. Garth stuck his tongue up into the air as he fake kissed the human who started to pull the dragon's tongue into his mouth and started sucking on his long organ. Jared moans as he presses down onto the dragon's raging erection. The human's bum clenching down around the dragon's long member. Garth's barbs scrape against the insides of the human's ass as the human lowers him self all the way onto garth's cock.

Garth wraps his wings around the fantasy of the sexy human. "Harder! Ride my cock harder Jared!" Garth moaned out as he imagined Jared riding on his cock. Garth twitched and moaned on his bed as his cock exploded, shooting huge loads all over his tail and chest . Garth lay there panting heavily, basking in his warm afterglow. Garth lied there enjoying his afterglow from his fantasy. He couldnt help but want to pound that human's bum again.

Meanwhile, far away an incoming spaceship heads towards the rendezvous point for the cruise liner. The ship's captain stands to attention looking at one of the panels. The capitain is a black bear anthro, the rest of his crew consists of a lot of various furs. "How long till we reach the other ship?"

"it should be nine days captain" a female wolf answered the question before typing stuff into a computer console.

"Excellent, keep us on course, I will head to my room." The captain stepped out of the cockpit and headed down to his room. Inside of his room he brought up his personal computer pad and frowned. 'Thats the ship with my personal investment on it' he thought to him self. The Bear grinned as he thought about what was to come. His gigantic cock tenting his pants heavily.

The captain bear went down to the secret bowls of his ship and grinned as he looked at his current inventory. The piles of flesh mutated people were organized but were often crammed togeather. The new ship will make a much better place to keep his holdings.

The bear walked over to the closest cage, the creature inside of it resembled a fox but its tail had been replaced with some cock sucking tube By the looks of it the fox has about 10 different tenticle cocks protruding from its body, its main cock was left untouched as it would stand permently erect just begging to be touched. The tentacle cocks would stroke and rub each other, an other one inside his tail cocktube as it sucked his own tentacle cock. None of the tentacles were able to touch his own main cock for some reason.

The bear reached over and gripped at the fox's main shaft gropping it and strooking it a few times. All of the fox's unused tentacles wrap and stroke at the bear's arm as it reached the fox's main shaft. The shaft when finally stroked explodes making the fox moan out terribly as every one of his tentacle cocks cum at once. "Gotta pleasure them sometimes otherwise they go insaine." The bear says to him self as he strokes the fox a few more times each stroke making the fox cum.

The bear walks along the cages occasionally pleasureing the trapped furs in one way or an other. The ones he doesnt pleasure whine pitifully just begging to cum as they watch others orgasm. "this load is small and unfinished once I get that cruiseliner I will be able to make a lot more money selling these sex slaves."

Its lonely in space ch. 8

Its lonely in space ch. 8 _Heres the next chapter, thanks for all the feedback guys its really nice. Please remember to comment and watch me! This chapter concludes the teasing I have been giving you guys recently I hope you like it. Happy...

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Its lonely in space ch. 6

Its lonely in space ch.6 _Here's the next chapter, took me longer than usual to write and its a bit shorter than the others. Trying to put some plot into the story so its not -just- yiff. This chapter isnt as hot as the other ones but it forshadows...

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Its lonely in space ch 5

Its lonely in space ch.5 _Here is yet another chapter, there is a neat surprise for Jared in the end. Jared shows some more personality and Garth tells Jared more about his people. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please comment, I love to know if...

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