Its lonely in space ch 5

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#5 of Its lonely in space

Jared gets a nice suprise from Garth as they make plans to have a nice evening.

Its lonely in space ch.5

Here is yet another chapter, there is a neat surprise for Jared in the end. Jared shows some more personality and Garth tells Jared more about his people. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please comment, I love to know if I am doing good or not or juts would like to hear from you folk. Happy Reading!

Jared and Garth got out of the shower and huge burst of air shot down out of the ceiling to dry them off quickly with surgical precision. Jared chuckled at the blow dryer. Garth grabs Jared's hand in his own and leads the human to the bedroom. The dragon lounges on the couch and turns on the high tech TV to some earth channel.

"You would be amazed at the reception we get on this thing. I figured you would appreciate some earth TV." Garth said as he patted the bed for Jared to join him. Jared smiled and snuggled up next to the dragon.

"So how come this ship is so huge? It couldn't possibly be ment for one person." Jared asked Garth as the dragon wrapped his wings around the human's chest.

"Well this ship was originally designed to be what you would call a cruise liner, it would take people on luxury trips across the galaxy to unique and exotic places. But the Galactic police ended up impounding it because it was being used as a sex slave ship. That's why the ship's med bay was able to reverse most of your mutations. The police repurposed it after it was taken and now I use it to moniter the sector earth is in. Though that also means there are a few places on the bottom of the ship that are rather... kinky" Garth blushes as he explains to Jared.

"Oh? I wouldn't mind checking those out with you at some point." Jared responded. He giggled as Garth snuck his tail between Jared's bum cheeks playfully. "Hay there frisky boy, let's just lay down and watch some movie or something first ok hun? I know your apparently a horn dog, dragon heh but I think we should try doing some things that couples do ok?"

Garth frowned before nodding. "Sorry, you just smell sooo good, and when a member of my species wants to claim a mate they usually just try to wrap their tails together, if the female accecpts the male's offer then they go mate with each other. Due to low birth rates among my people we tend to be a bit more open with sexual partners. Females tend to rule over our society because males have to take care of the young. Gay relationships tend to be very taboo amongst our society because people want to promote having more young.

Though as you can tell we can get pretty frisky and horny. You should feel lucky, I wouldn't of even thought of being with another male let alone a human one before I met you." Garth reached around and groped Jared's balls, even though they had had sex multiple times in the last few hours he was really frisky and the musk the human was giving off was driving him absolutely crazy.

Jared squirmed as he was groped and turned to face the dragon. "Look, as much as I want to lay with you and have your huge cock up my ass I would much rather wait a bit, perhaps you could show me around the ship or something? Let's wait till later tonight and I will let you pound me raw ok?"

Garth smirked at the proposition and sat up. "Well a guy can hardly resist a proposition like that can he?" Garth got up off the bed and motioned for Jared to fallow him about. The two of them wondered about the ship as Garth showed his human mate various parts of the ship. As the two of them walked about Jared asked "Does the ship have a name? or the ship's AI?"

Garth thought about it a moment before answering. "The ship's name roughly translated is the queen's rest cruise liner. The AI doesn't have a name, we installed a new one when we took over this ship for me to use. I never decided to name it, my people are not super into naming things like you guys are."

Jared smirked then decided he should name the ship's AI. "Well then I will call her sally."

"Why sally?"

"Because sally is a nice name, and because she sounds female."

"Huh never thought of the AI as a she before, she does have an effemenent voice but its just a computer."

"Well I like sally" Jared said as he strode forward shaking his bum back and forth teasing the dragon.

"Well fine, sally it is. Computer, you will now respond to Sally ok?"

"Confirmed, new designation name is Sally" Said the ever present computer AI.

After spending some time playing around with some of the entertainment of the ship, Garth leaving Jared to have fun so Garth can go back to the cockpit (pun) to work on some of the ship's stuff. It wasn't until late that night, Jared had figured out how tell time in the ship with Sally's help, that a yellow band of light lit up on the floor from the room he was in. Jared figured that he was supposed to fallow it.

Jared walked through the ship and found himself at the fancy room he and Garth were in earlier. When the door opened as Jared walked close to it Jared gasped at the sight he saw inside. There was the sexy beast he had come to start to have feelings for, sprawled out on the bed on his side his legs open seductively showing off the dragon's twelve inch long cock. Surrounding the dragon were red flower petals in the shape of a heart. Garth had put up another set of pillows on his bed and on the new set of pillows Garth had written out the name Jared in the flower petals practically inviting Jared to sleep in the same bed with him with just that act. On the floor two lines of petals made up a path strait to the bed just for Jared to walk to.

Jared couldn't believe his eyes, nothing like this had ever been done for him before. Jared started to cry and fall to his knees, the very act of Garth being so romantic with their relationship made Jared weep. Seeing Jared crying Garth gasped and jumped off the bed and ran across the large room to hug Jared, wrapping his wings around the sobbing human. "What's wrong? I thought humans liked doing this sort of thing?" Garth asked as he tried to comfort Jared who couldn't stop his self from crying.

Jared in response pressed his lips against Garth's muzzle pressing against the dragon as he was flooded with emotions. The kiss was the most passionate one that both men had ever experienced. Jared doing everything he knew to make it more passionate and sensual. He sucked on the dragon's long tongue playing with it in his mouth pressing his lips against the muzzle of his lover. Jared pushed Garth onto the dragon's back straddling the pointy dragonhood of Garth's with his bum pressing the cockhead against his hole.

Jared felt soo much love from the act that he couldn't help his self he wanted to ride that huge dragon cock and make his partner so happy. Jared pressed his bum onto the large cock of his lover and moaned out as pleasure shot up his spine. He liked to be topped quite a bit but never before had being penetrated felt so amazing to Jared. His insides were pressed open like rubber as the long cock penetrated him deeply, the knot at the base of the dragon's cock pressing up against his bum.

Garth humped into Jared moaning as he was ridden the human's insides were so tight and clamped around his cock perfectly like his ass was built just for him. Garth humped against his human lover quickly and hard trying to push his growing knot into the man. Jared moaned out and grabbed ahold of Garth, he was having trouble keeping his body under control so he just held on to Garth for dear life.

Garth pressed down on Jared's shoulders as he humped up, forcing his knot into the human making both of them yell out in pleasure. Garth rolled the two of them over, positioning their entwined body's so he could hump into the human easier. Jared moaned out feeling the knot of the dragon's cock press against his prostate, his own cock being sandwiched between the two of them spewed precum soaking their lower belly's in his cum.

"Harder! Pound me harder!" Jared yelled out making Garth smirk evilly, and started to pound Jared's ass even harder grunting with each mighty thrust. Garth's balls slapped against Jared's butcheeks with a loud slap with every thrust Garth made into the needy bum of his mate.

Jared couldn't take it any more as pleasure shot up his spine like every thrust into him was like a full blown orgasm. Jared's cock twitched and started pumping seed coating both of their fronts in loads of cum. As Jared orgasmed his insides started to pulsate as a flush of incredibly warm liquid ran through his anal cannals. The heat and pressure on Garth's member made the dragon cum himself. Garth's cock spasmed and started shooting load after load of cum into Jared's insides. His orgasm lasted a full minute of his cock twitching and spewing his seed into the human.

Jared collapsed against the floor as both of their orgasm's subsided; Jared panted heavily his body dreanched in sweat as he smiled stupidly in his afterglow. Garth smiled and picked up his human lover, wrapping his wings around the human and carried him over to the bed and laid down letting Jared rest ontop of him. The two of them shared a long long kiss before both passing out still entwined with each other.

Its lonely in space ch. 6

Its lonely in space ch.6 _Here's the next chapter, took me longer than usual to write and its a bit shorter than the others. Trying to put some plot into the story so its not -just- yiff. This chapter isnt as hot as the other ones but it forshadows...

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Its lonely in space ch 4

Its Lonely in Space ch.4 _Here's the next chapter for you guys, thanks for all the words of encouragement, they really do get me into a writing mood. This chapter contains some character development and some oral sex again as well as some explanation...

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Its lonely in space ch 3

Chapter 3 Jacob gently rubbed Garth's tummy as he rolled over on top of the dragon and started to kiss the alien's muzzle. Garth pushed back for a moment but gave in letting the human kiss at his lips. Garth made a purring like sound and he gave into...

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