Its lonely in space ch 1

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#1 of Its lonely in space

A man finds him self an adorable dragon who sucks him off after he is kidnapped. In space.

Edited by avatar?user=14984&character=0&clevel=2 trailstoride

It's lonely in Space ch1.

This is my first -ever- story I wrote so please be nice. There will be some spelling mistakes but please feel free to comment. I will probably add to this story, but more chapters will come if more interest is shown in the series. Also, this story contains mentions of rape, prostitution, oral sex and space aliens. Most of the sex stuff is gay, so if you don't like this kind of stuff or shouldn't or it is illegal to read this, then do not continue reading it. Also this story is mine, no copying it or posting it elsewhere without my permission. If you want to post it elsewhere just pm me and I'll usually either do it myself or give you the Ok to do it. Happy reading.

Jared ran down the dark street in the red light district of the city. He looked behind him as he panted heavily, the three thugs were still chasing after him. Jared quickly turned a corner into an alley way,Normally he thought that he had a good idea of the layout of the town he so often worked in but, apparently he had missed a few landmarks. He ran into the dark alley way and into a brick wall, apparently the alley was a dead end. "Damn it!" He cursed to himself as he turned around to face the three thugs.

"Well lookie here, guess there's no more runnin' away for you eh? We got you right where we want you." The biggest thug in the middle said with a sneer on his face as he stepped forward threateningly. "I say we have some fun with the little slut before we bring him to our boss, whatta think boys?" The other two thugs nodded and grinned devilishly. Jared could see large bulges forming in their pants as they talked about raping him.

This wasn't a surprising thing for Jared to hear, three big guys talk about raping him; in short, Jared was a prostitute, and a male one at that. He was very successful at his job, and spent all his free time at the gym making himself look more attractive, before going out on the streets at night to solicit customers. He was very popular and had many regular customers. This sort of thing is very common for him, a lot of the top mob bosses and gangsters offer him towork as their concubines and personal whores. Jared would often turn a lot of straight guys gay, it was a personal joy of his to walk over to some random guy and talk him into doing him. He was often beable to make guys gay for him, and only him.The guys he turned would go right back to their lives afterwards, and go back to being womanizing jerks. The guys he often turned or did business with were usually druggies or your basically unpleasant folks like gangsters and muggers.

Jared leaned back against the brick wall as the men advanced on him, his heart racing as he was scared for his life. The thugs belonged to a group that is known this sort of thing, beingthe main reason being Jared didn't want to do their boss. Jared gulped as the men reached for him, Jared closed his eyes and clenched his bum in fear.

The next thing Jared felt was not the firm grip of the thugs about to rape him but it was a feeling of lightheadedness. He first thought that he had probably died or somehow the thug had broken his neck. He opened his eyes and looked out, and a blue light at first blinded his light sensitive eyes, he shut his eyes again for a bit before looking down blinking. He gasped and yelled out in fright as he saw the city he knew so well far below him. He was floating over the city in the air, being carried weightlessly by the blue light. He looked back up and the blue light blinded him again as he passed out.

Jared was never sure how much time passed after he passed out, he could only remember a few things from that time. He only recalled a few images of strange looking creatures, and what looked like a hospital bed with some lizard with a doctor's mask on. Even though his memory was fuzzy there was always one memory that stood out to him, one of undeniable pleasure.

"What are we going to do with him; we cannot return him to earth... you know what the regulations say... Look, I will have to take him to HQ first and I am already running low on sedatives, you have to... Well fine! Just don't get mad if this goes horribly wrong... fine. I am sorry I got mad, it's just... it will be about two months before I can get back to HQ, so I will see you then."

Jared heard the conversation while his head was still fuzzy and he seemed to be coming around just like when he came out of surgery. He discovered that he was in some super comfy bed, as he squirmed around a bit loving the feeling of the cloth under him. He soon discovered that he was tied down to the bed. He quickly opened his eyes and struggled against the soft bindings. Jared lifted his head up to look down at his body he saw that he was in what looked like a hospital gown and bed. Had he been nearly killed and taken to the hospital? It sure looked like that's what happened.

Jared's head was starting to clear up a bit, usually he would have been freaking out, but he didn't feel like he was, it must be the drugs he must be on. He looked around for a call nurse button but couldn't find anything. Jared figured he was in a hospital so he thought it would have been in bad taste to scream. He felt unusually calm anyway. Jared put his head back down on the awesome pillow he was sleeping on and looked up at the ceiling. He looked up again realizing that something felt off about where he was.

Jared looked over at the sound of a sliding door opening with a cliché swoosh that reminded him of a spaceship door sliding open from sci-fi movies. Outside of the door to his room, a seven foot tall lean looking black dragon walked into the room. The dragon looked humanoid with a muzzle and a small pair of wings on its back and a smooth tapered tail sticking out of the dragon's jumpsuit. The dragon was dressed up in a skin tight space jumpsuit that looked like it belonged on a spaceship. Jared remembered that he would normally be freaked out by an anthropomorphic dragon walking into a room where he was tied down but instead he noticed that he was getting a stiffy in his hospital gown that was starting to stick up lewdly.

The Dragon was looking down at what looked like an ipad looking at it like a doctor would a chart. The dragon muttered something to himself in some language that sounded sort of like Russian but more guttural. The dragon looked up a Jared and gasped a bit seeing that Jared was awake. The Dragon's gaze looked down to the erection Jared was sporting and Jared could swear that the dragon was starting to blush. The dragon started to stutter a bit as he looked embarrassed before talking to Jared.

"I-I s-see you are a-awake, please try not to struggle or uhm... be scared, I am not going to hurt you or eat you. My name is Gartharzan, but you should call me Garth" Garth, the dragon took a deep breath before continuing as he regained his composure. "You must have a lot of questions and are probably wondering where you are." Jared looked blankly at Garth as he spoke just taking things in. "I should probably start from the beginning, I work for the intergalactic police, we gotravel through the universe and make sure people follow the laws set by the United Universe. You were kidnapped off your planet by a group of slavers. They took you and well..." Garth trailed off as he blushed again and continued talking like most people do when they are nervous. "They used you as a sex slave. They even mutated you so they could get you past checkpoints and so you could well service them better. You were in a much worse state when we found you. The ships computer here fixed a lot of the mutations but you will likely experience a lot of lasting after effects. I have to take you back to HQ at the galactic fleet but the flight will take us about two months. I am the only person on the ship other than you and the computer's AI. You can talk to her any time you want by speaking towards the ceiling. sheShe is advanced enough to know whether you are talking to her or not. Uhm... do you have any questions?"

Jared put his head back on the pillow as he digested this information and looked back up at Garth who was once again blushing while staring at the human's erection, the dragons cheeks on his muzzle began turning a dark pink under his black scales. Jared had a lot of questions for the dragon but the biggest and first one that came to his mind was. "How do you know English?" The dragon looked up from Jared's erection and then chuckled at the question.

"Oh that's simple, I usually patrol around the sector Earth belongs to, the ship's AI came up with a translation to your language and I learned it. Most agents usually use a translator device but they can get annoying and well I have a lot of free time, most people don't bother with Earth, and space can get lonely I mean, uhm boring." Garth blushed again.

Jared smiled a bit thinking that the dragon was adorably cute with how nervous he was getting. He wondered if it was part of the mutations he was told about but he thought Garth looked adorably cute especially in the skintight jumpsuit the dragon was sporting. "Well can you let me out of these bindings? They are rather uncomfortable."

Garth jumped a little looking flustered catching himself staring at the tent in Jared's hospital gown. "o-oh right! Here let me undo these for you". Garth undid the bindings on Jared's hands and feet and reached for the binding on Jared's waist speaking as he did so. "Sorry for these, the ship's AI said they would be good in case you woke up and startstarted shouting and going frantic, I didn't need you running about making a mess of things." Garth rambled on a bit still blushing as his hand, which Jared saw washas claws though they looked to be dull, Garth's hand accidentally brushed Jared's cock as he was undoing the waist wrap. Jared moaned loudly as he felt a spark of pleasure shoot up his spine. Jared's cock felt super sensitive for some reason and now that he could sit up he could see that it was a lot bigger and thicker than before.

Garth blushed as he touched Jared's erect cock and stammered "s-sorry it's just... so big..." Garth blushed more as he took a huge wiff of the air in the room. Jared took a sniff too and smelled something within the sterilized smell of the room. Jared smelt musk, a heavy musk that smelt amazing and smelled vaguely like his own. He could see that it hadwas having a big effect on Garth who was practically drooling as he looked at Jared's erection, his hand half reaching for it.

"As part of your medical checkup I should see if you have any swelling anywhere." Garth stammered a bit as he lifted up the hospital gown. Jared smirked thinking that this was his normal charm he had on people. And as he thought about it he was unsure of what gender the dragon was, if dragons had similar genders like humans. But those thoughts were soon washed away as the dragon gripped his mushroom head between two claws. The human's uncut cock flexed and a glob of pre oozed out of his erect penis.

Jared was far too aroused to be grossed out about being abused by an alien or like this. Also he was used to this sort of thing from his job, and he took the treatment in stride. Garth stared intently at Jared's cock before looking up at Jared "May I?" The question surprised the human, no one had actually asked him that before, most people assumed he was ok with being groped sucked fucked and touched. The shock of how polite the dragon was and because he was incredibly horny and aroused made Jared nod.

Garth blushed very deeply and grabbed Jared's cock in his hand, Jared guessed his cock had grown to eight inches long and three inches thick. Jared moaned heavily again as more pleasure shot up his spine. Garth jerked his hand up and down Jared's cock making Jared spurt out more precum. Garth's huge tapering tongue lolled out of his mouth and licked at the drooling cock. Jared couldn't help squirming as the dragon started to lick at his cockhead. Garth pushed more of his tongue out of his mouth, the long wet organ reaching about a foot and a half out of his mouth and started to wrap it around Jared's super sensitive shaft. Jared moaned loudly as he bucked his hips against the tongue, moaning happily with a dumb grin on his face. Garth lowered his head down pulling the human's shaft into his mouth keeping his tongue wrapped around it.

Because the dragon had a muzzle, he was able to easily fit the big cock in his mouth as he sucked on it fiercely. A part of Jared's lust addled mind took into context as to what was happening. He was in some spaceship after having been kidnapped from earth having his cock, which was now much bigger and super sensitive, being sucked on by some intergalactic dragon. His cock being so sensitive and receiving a particularly amazing blowjob by a muzzle couldn't take much more and he felt some cool liquid drip out of his clenched bum as his cock exploded into the dragon's mouth. As he orgasmed Jared yelled out as he came in the dragon's mouth. His orgasm lasted a full minute as he shot out burst after burst of cum into Garth's mouth. Garth drank the cum down eagerly and was able to keep all of it in his mouth. He let Jared's cock slip from his mouth and lapped at his muzzle just like he had just had an exceptionally good meal. He blinked and looked down at Jared who had fallen back in the bed smiling contently. Garth blushed feeling horridly embarrassed and shuddered a little before standing all the way up and turning to leave the room quickly. The last thing Jared saw as he basked in the afterglow from his massive orgasm was Garth's jumpsuit tenting upwards infrom the dragon's groin or where his groin would be for a human. Jared chuckled and pulled down his gown and pulled up his blanket to take a nice after sex nap.

Its lonely in space ch 2

Chapter 2 Garth ran to the helm of the ship, his mind was wracked with all kinds of thoughts, mainly "What in the name of the grand god alabaster did I just do?" He said aloud as he leaned against the pilot's seat. The taste of the human's cum was...

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