De-Evolution - NaNo Day 28

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#68 of De-Evolution

So anyway, masteraaran and I are hard at work on our NaNo story for this year.

Day 28: 3,150 words written, two pages.

Goal: 100,000 words between two authors for the month


DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depected in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

After the water was poured he drank himself a glass of it, then went back to eating the fruit. He finished his bowl and took it up, washed it and put it aside to dry, then came back and sat down to just wait for the others to finish so that they could head up to bed. She was right, tomorrow was going to be a big day for all of them.

Tisha ate her fruit, snuggled against Marco, her body resting completely against his side, fitting easily under his arm after he came back to the table. Across from the two of them, Black Elk finished his fruit and picked up his plate, bowl and utensils and took them to the sink to wash, dry and put away. Finally, Tisha got up and took her bowl to the sink to wash out. After she was done washing, drying and putting it away, she walked back over to Marco, slipping her hands over his shoulders. "You two ready to call it a night so we can get things going early tomorrow?"

Marco looked up at her as her hands went over his shoulders. He smiled and nodded at her gently, "I'm ready for sure." He pushed his chair back and then stood up slowly, coming around it to slip his arm around her waist. Soon...very soon, they could be together, hopefully. He kissed her forehead, though it was more of a lick, and then bid Black Elk goodnight when he said that he was going to hit the hay as well. The Indian went to lock the doors, then came after them as Marco guided Tisha toward the stairs.

Tisha snuggled against Marco's side, going upstairs with him as Black Elk locked the doors. They were nearly to their room when Black Elk headed up to his own room. Going into the room, she headed to the bedside, and stripped down to her bra and panties. She waited for Marco to get himself ready as she slipped into the bed, then snuggled against him. Looking up at him from the bed, that soft innocence exuding from her - the very innocence that he was trying so hard to protect in her.

Marco smiled as he watched her undress, and thought that perhaps, very soon, they would be naked and laying beside one another instead of separated by even that little bit of clothing. He stripped down to his boxers and slipped into the bed on the other side and waited, then once she climbed into it he snuggled up with her. He looked back down at her and smiled warmly, then licked her nose and her lips and sighed, "Good night, precious..."

"Good night, my love," she whispered up to him, kissing his muzzle softly. She lay her head on his shoulder and her hand rested on his chest, her fingers stroking through his fur as she closed her eyes, falling asleep quickly on his shoulder. Once she was asleep, her body shifted as she slept, the only evidence of her lingering disturbing nightmares of her rape.

Day 6 After Power Outage

Marco woke first the next morning, his eyes fluttering open and his ears twitching. He realized they had kicked the sheets off during the night and were laying out in the open air. The sky was just turning a soft pink color, and he knew that the sun would be rising soon enough into that majestic sight. He smiled down at her body, curled against his as it was, and he sighed out, thinking how much he loved her and wanted to make sure she was safe and protected and cared for. He nuzzled the top of her head and then licked it, whispering, "I love you," before gently pulling away from her to stand up and find himself a set of clothing for the day.

Tisha stirred as Marco moved from the bed, murmuring a denial against the loss of his warmth, then blinked a few times, looking out the window at the soft pink hues and striations in the sky. Sitting up in the bed, she watched Marco for a few moments as he looked for clothes for the day. "You might want to lay out something nice for this afternoon. We'll break for lunch before the tribe gets here, and you can change to meet the chief. I'm going to do the same after the women get here. Black Elk's mother usually keeps my tribal clothes with her."

She stretched, then rose from the bed, going to the closet to pull out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, along with her trademark hoodie. After getting dressed and waiting for Marco to finish, she headed downstairs to start the coffee going on the wood stove before they went out to watch the rest of the sunrise.

He wasn't sure what he had in the way of 'nice' with him, but he pulled out a pair of black jeans and a clean shirt that was white grey. He laid them out on the bed after having finished pulling on work clothes for the morning. He followed her down to the kitchen and said, "What sort of tribal clothes do the women wear?" He tilted his head to the side, imagining all sorts of outlandish things. He headed over to grab a clean bucket, "Be right back."

Tisha grinned at him as he asked, watching him head directly for a bucket to get clean water to make coffee. "I'll tell you when you get back," she said as she pulled out some wood and fed the wood stove, using a fresh match to light the wood and let the fire build up as she prepared the coffee pot for their morning drink. She just needed the water to add to it when he got back in.

Going over to the cabinets, she pulled out a couple cans of Spam and opened them, dumping the canned, pressed meat onto the cutting board. Cutting them into thin chunks, she planned out their breakfast. Pulling out the cast iron frying pan, she set it on the stove and set some of the meat into the pan, letting it cook up slowly while she pulled out some cans of fruit. For now, that would be their breakfast.

He jogged down to the stream and filled up the bucket of water, then carried it back and straight into the kitchen. He took the coffee pot and filled it up, then put it back on the stove to start heating, while he put the bucket down near it, "So, enlighten me as to the style of dress for the tribal that I don't get undue fantasies about what you're going to be wearing around me." He grinned.

Tisha grinned at him as he asked again about the native dress. "Well, for the most part, I'm gonna be wearing my jeans, t-shirts and hoodies. But for important things, like the first day we meet up with the tribe and weddings and things like that, I wear a doeskin dress that the chief's wife made. And she has another one waiting for me for when I get married. Honestly, she makes the most beautiful clothing from the skins."

As she spoke, she took the cooked slices of meat out of the frying pan and added more, then waited for the coffee to brew to pour them both their cups so they could go stand on the porch and watch the rest of the sunrise together.

He nodded and smiled, "Well, now that I have that set straight, I won't expect you to be walking around in loincloths or something." He stuck his tongue out and laughed, his eyes twinkling and ears twitching a bit. His tail was wagging as well. He smiled at her and crossed his arms over his chest, tapping his fingers along his arm as they waited for the coffee. This morning ritual of going out to see the sun was something he hoped they could continue.

Tisha giggled at his words, her own eyes twinkling at the thought. "A hundred, hundred and fifty years ago, you might have seen the tribal women walking around during the summer in loincloths or just skirts in the summer. But come winter, the women's clothes changed to long sleeved dresses and pants under them. The men wore loincloths around the village, loincloths, pants and shirts on hunts and war parties." The coffee pot steamed, and the scent of coffee rose in the kitchen, and she lifted it, pouring their cups full of their morning wake up brew. "And some of the outfits were dyed for special occasions, like marriages and celebrations. Those outfits are also embellished by the women with beadwork and quills to signify the occasion and the person's rank wearing them."

He hadn't really thought that the Indian tribes would still go around wearing so little, he had only been joking with her. Nodding, he came over to take his cup of coffee from her, "Well alright, I suppose I can live with all that." He smiled warmly and slipped his arm around her, turning her toward the outside door and guiding her along. He pushed it open when they got there, permitting her to leave the house first, and then he walked over to the railing to lean on it while they watched the sun come up.

Tisha snuggled against him once they were at the railing. "Nowadays, they were more circumspect clothing, though the males tend to wear the deerskin leggings and loincloths with modern shirts. Black Elk's father is one of the more traditional of the tribe, sticking with as much deerskin clothes as possible. But most of the younger ones will wear jeans and 'white man' shirts, as you've seen with Black Elk here the last few days. But once the tribe gets here, he'll be wearing more deerskin clothes. Theron, Brielle's fiance, wears deerskin while he's with the tribe, though he's done the same as Black Elk when he's stayed at the stables with Aunt Melanie and Brielle, wearing the more modern looking clothes."

He slipped his arm further around her and drew her close against his side. His free hand held his cup of coffee and he sipped it slowly, "I figured that most of them would be edging toward the modern, I mean, it's a long time since they were considered savages..." He chuckled, nuzzling the side of her head for a moment. His tail brushed around her legs and backside as they stood and spoke with one another.

She snuggled against him, the smile hovering over her lips as she looked up at him. "True, but it seems life is trying to go back that way, with the power going out like it did. And I think it's the city people who are savages. Think about it. All crammed into a tiny area, fighting over food and supplies. Once we get the supplies we'll need, we'll be set up here, and we can hunt and make fresh clothes from the skins of the animals we kill and eat."

"That's why when we go down there I want you to be careful, baby." He nuzzled the side of her head again, gently rubbing his nose over her temple and her ear, "I don't want anything to happen to you, at all. In fact, I might prefer it if you stayed up here." He bit his lip, then shook his head, ruefully, "Not that I expect you to."

Tisha grinned and nodded. "Good idea not expecting me to stay up here while you go get everything from the city. Cause that's just not gonna happen. But I know that it will be more than just you and me going down there. Black Elk, Theron and Brielle will most likely make the trip down as well." She looked up at him, a mischievous smile on her lips. "But I promise I will stay close to you at all times, so that you can see that no one's attacking me."

He smirked back and shook his head, "Like I said, I just don't want you getting hurt. It could get hairy down there and I would never forgive myself if you did." He nuzzled her again and then sighed softly, "Not that you need to be glued to my side, especially if I'm doing something dangerous, but I guess keeping you close will be one way to make sure you're safe. you think we'll be married before we go down?"

Tisha lifted her lips towards his muzzle and kissed him fully as the sun fully broke over the horizon, bathing the two young lovers in a golden glow. "That depends on your talk with Black Elk's father. As well as his talk with him, and my own talk with him. If everything works out well, then we might be able to. Otherwise, we'll have to wait until we get back. Or if the women need to get more prepared for the ceremony, we'll have to wait. There are a few variables, and I'll see what I can get done with the women when I talk to the chief's wife and the rest of them before I talk to the chief."

He nodded, "I guess if we have to wait, we have to wait." He was hoping they didn't have to, but if it came down to that, they would do what they needed to do in order to make sure they could get married at all. He rubbed her shoulder and back with his paw as they stood there in one another's arms. He pressed his lips back to hers and they kissed for another moment or two, their lips meeting, his tongue licking over hers gently.

Tisha leaned against Marco as they spent the rest of their private morning moments together, seeing the sun rise and set the valley around them into the warm golden glow they'd seen every morning. After a few more minutes alone, she looked up at him, a smile forming on her lips as she looked up at the husky that she had fallen in love with in the short amount of time that they had known each other. "Let's go have breakfast and get our day started so that we'll be ready when the tribe gets here," she murmured up to him.

He smiled and nodded, sipping down the last of his coffee and licking his lips. He kept his arm around her waist as they turned and headed back into the house. Black Elk came into the kitchen as they did, and said good morning, then stretched and yawned. Marco chuckled and said, "Spam and fruit for breakfast. I guess it's too much to hope that we'll ever have biscuits, gravy and sausage ever again."

"You get me flour from the stores, Marco, and I can make biscuits. But for the rest, we need herd animals to raise for meat. Animals like pigs, goats, cows, sheep, even those pesky chickens," Tisha chuckled as she gave a wave to Black Elk. She quickly served up the spam onto three plates and put the fruit into three bowls, handing both males their food before bringing her own to the table, then getting the utensils out for them to eat. Sitting down at the table, she looked at both of them, saying, "This morning, I just want to get the garden watered and we'll pull any weeds we see growing. After that, we'll get some of the deer meat cut off and brought into the house. I'll get it ready for the arrival of the women, and you two can get ready to talk to the chief."

Marco laughed, "They were always my favorite breakfast food. My mother used to make them for us and they were delicious." He fell silent a moment and sighed out deeply, then turned to start eating the food that she had laid out for the three of them. He picked up his fork and cut some of the meat, then popped a bite into his mouth, "Sounds like a plan." He said softly, nodding to her words about what they should do for the day.

Tisha looked at Marco, slipping her arms around the closest of his, hugging him to her. "You know, Marco, this is the first mention you've made of your family. I know that you've been trying to help me hold up with the loss of my parents and the MIA status of my brothers right now, but what about your family? Your parents and siblings? Cousins, aunts and uncles? Where are they?"

He wasn't the type of man that really broadcast his feelings, except maybe to Tisha now. Hence, when being so focused over her, he hadn't even brought up his family. It was like he had pushed them to the back of his mind and blocked them off, so that he wouldn't think of it. He felt her pulling him close and he said, "I have two sisters and a brother, plus Mom and Dad." He trailed off for a moment, "I'm the eldest, they all still live with my parents. They live south of here, Bradburn. Not in the city, but on the outskirts. Dad always was the kind of guy that hated crowds. He was a cop and I followed his footsteps. That's how I started with the swat team." He looked down and put his fork to the side, "I...I have to hope they're ok. I don't know that there's any chance that we'll ever get down there."

Tisha snuggled against Marco, turning her head to look up into his eyes. "How about we go find your family after we get into the city to get supplies? We can bring up the supplies and leave the wagon here, then head back down with just the horses to see if we can find them and bring them up here. If we're getting married, I'd love to have your family up here with us too."

De-Evolution - NaNo Day 29

His eyes flicked back and forth for a moment, not really looking at anything, considering what she had suggested. He wanted to accept her offer but it was going to take them long enough, and they would have enough danger just getting down and through...

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De-Evolution - NaNo Day 24

He chuckled softly and looked back at her with his own wide smile, giving her a small nod. "We'll get plenty of time after we get married, I think," he said with a smile and then a lick on the side of her cheek. He was going to stick with her wherever...

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De-Evolution - NaNo Day 23

"I've always liked mashed potatoes," he said softly, his paws rubbing up and down on her shoulders, gently caressing her upper arms as she turned and planted a kiss on his nose. "You know that I'm always here for you, baby," he whispered, leaning down...

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