De-Evolution - NaNo Day 24

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#67 of De-Evolution

So anyway, masteraaran and I are hard at work on our NaNo story for this year.

Day 24: 1,310 words written, two pages.

Goal: 100,000 words between two authors for the month


DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depected in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

He chuckled softly and looked back at her with his own wide smile, giving her a small nod. "We'll get plenty of time after we get married, I think," he said with a smile and then a lick on the side of her cheek. He was going to stick with her wherever he could once they got here. He wanted to make sure she didn't have any trouble with anyone, or that she didn't freak out unnecessarily.

Tisha smiled up at Marco, then leaned against him as she looked back at Black Elk, not wanting to make him feel left out again. "So when the tribe gets here, you're going to take Marco to speak with your father, right? I figured that while you were doing that, I'd be with the women, planning the feast for all, but if you want me to go with you to talk to your father, I can. I.. I doubt I'd have those issues with him the way I did with you. It's just the ones that hurt me and caused this issue in me were closer to our age than your father's age."

Black Elk nodded as he chewed down a bite of the meat in his mouth. He swallowed and then nodded, "I will take him to see Father. We will discuss his being brought into the tribe, and his desire to marry you, then I'm sure Father will want to speak to you, about how you met him and what you feel for him." He smiled at her, "Should be rather simple actually."

Tisha nodded, knowing the process of marriage within the tribe, especially since Theron had to go through it for Brielle, though not with the chief. Theron had had to ask Brielle's father, who lived with the tribe and roamed around while Brielle and her mother ran the stable on the edge of the city. Tisha finished her meal and picked up her plate to take to the sink to wash it. "Then I'll work with the women to get the dinner feast set up until you come get me, Black Elk."

The Indian nodded his head, "That sounds good. It's best you stay with the women for a while." He glanced at Marco and they exchanged a moment's look, before he went back to eating. Marco did as well, though he had one arm around her and was holding her softly while they ate. He was prepared to tell the chief of his love for her, though it was, naturally, a bit of a nervous feeling that settled in his stomach when he thought about it.

Tisha looked up at Marco as he held her, and put her plate back down while the two males finished their food. She nuzzled against Marco's arm as he ate. "You guys want some fruit for dessert tonight?" She knew the topic was a heavy one that they'd been talking about, and she felt that things should be a little lighter and was trying to ease the tension building from the heavy topic about the adoption of Marco into the tribe and their hopefully approved marriage.

Marco and Black Elk both recognized her efforts and nodded, the husky grinning, "Fruit sounds great, Darling." He gave her a wink and a squeeze then let her up by moving his arm away from her side. He finished off the food that was on his plate in short order, and then leaned back for a moment and stretched in his chair, then sighed and came forward once again.

Tisha rose from her seat with her plate and took it to the sink, giving the guys a grin over her shoulder. "Tonight we're all washing our own dishes," she called to them, since she was going to be getting the fruit into bowls for them to eat after washing her own plate and utensils. "Marco, we need some fresh water for the dishes, unless you have some left from doing the clothes."

"Nope, that was pretty disgusting anyway. I tossed it out. I'll just run and get you some more while you dish out the fruit." He pushed back and got up, heading out the back door and picking up a bucket, then jogging off toward the stream. He filled it and came back a few minutes later, then set it down to be poured into the sinks. "Oh, and doing our own dishes is fine by me."

While Marco was getting the fresh water for dishes, Tisha pulled down some cans of fruit and started opening them. She had mixed fruit for each of them and pulled out the bowls to dish them into. Marco got back as she started to dish the fruit into the bowls and she smirked at him. "You get to wash mine since we didn't have the water in here and I'm busy dishing up dessert, Marco." Stretching up on her toes, she licked his nose playfully.

He laughed and shook his head, then gave her a playful 'I'll get you for that' look, before filling up the sinks and getting down and 'dirty'. It didn't take long to wash up her dishes, and then his own. Black Elk could take care of his own. He figured it was no problem to wash up the fruit bowls once they were done with them.

Tisha grinned and laughed at Marco's look, then finished filling up the bowls for their dessert. "Once we have flour and sugar and stuff, I can make some pies for dessert, a little change of pace from just this canned fruit all the time." She had plenty of canned peaches to make peach pie, and hoped they could get more cans of other fruit for other kinds of pies.

Who knew what sort of stuff they would find down in the city. It was impossible to even start thinking about it. There had probably been looting after they left, with the panic spreading people would have gone out and tried to get what they could. It was not a pleasant thing to think of, but many were probably dead in their homes, from disease, hunger and all manner of other things. He pushed thoughts of the carnage and riots and chaos that probably ruled out of his mind, and then moved to sit back at the table once their dishes were done. "Sounds good to me."

Tisha smiled up at Marco and carried the bowls of fruit over to the table for Marco and Black Elk, then went back and got her bowl, bringing it to the table before sitting down and setting her fruit in front of her. She started eating her own fruit, then gave a wry chuckle. "And here we've been working all day without much to drink, Marco. Wanna grab some glasses, and I'll pour the water that we made sure was purified this morning?"

He chuckled and got up, heading over and grabbing three glasses down and placing them in front of them all. She was right, they hadn't drank much, and that could be dangerous considering the work they had done. They would have to be more careful so that they didn't get dehydrated or anything. He took a bite of the fruit while he waited for her to pour them the water.

Tisha got up and went to the pitcher that was on the counter, filled with the water they'd purified that morning, and carried it over, pouring them all a fresh glass of water. She set the pitcher down in the middle of the table so they could all pour more if they needed it, then sat back down to eat her fruit. Their bedtime was coming for the night, and she wanted to have everything situated before they headed off to bed. Tomorrow would be a big day.

De-Evolution - NaNo Day 23

"I've always liked mashed potatoes," he said softly, his paws rubbing up and down on her shoulders, gently caressing her upper arms as she turned and planted a kiss on his nose. "You know that I'm always here for you, baby," he whispered, leaning down...

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De-Evolution - NaNo Day 21

Tisha grinned as she heard Marco join her at the riverbank. "Hurry up. We don't have much sunlight left to swim and get cleaned up. We'll need to do laundry again tonight for the clothes that we wore today. Or at least soak them out here before heading...

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De-Evolution - NaNo Day 20

The tall husky nodded, his fur rippling around a bit as he did so, "Right, ok, let me get the buckets." He jogged away back up toward the house, and grabbed two, then returned to the stream and filled those two buckets up with water, one for the...

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