De-Evolution - NaNo Day 21

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#65 of De-Evolution

So anyway, masteraaran and I are hard at work on our NaNo story for this year.

Day 21: 3,491 words written, five pages.

Goal: 100,000 words between two authors for the month


DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depected in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

Tisha grinned as she heard Marco join her at the riverbank. "Hurry up. We don't have much sunlight left to swim and get cleaned up. We'll need to do laundry again tonight for the clothes that we wore today. Or at least soak them out here before heading up to get the meat for dinner and wash them tomorrow. After we clean up ourselves, we'll run up to the house and get into new clothes, then get the meat for dinner."

He removed his shoes and then unbuckled his pants and pushed them away as well. Once he was down to just his underwear, he came toward the water. He had other pairs up at the house to wear since these would be wet. He stepped into the water and then proceeded to start washing himself, making sure that he paid special attention to his arms where they were in the brains. He grinned over at her and gave her a playful wink as he splashed water in her direction.

Tisha squealed as he splashed her, and she took the offensive, splashing him back before diving back under the water and swimming up on him. Coming up behind him, she grabbed his tail and playfully tugged it before propelling herself up into the air and slipping her arms around his shoulders. "Can't splash me now," she whispered as she nuzzled into his neck.

He let out a yelp as she swam around past him and grabbed his tail. He was about to turn and retaliate, but then she threw her arms around his shoulders from behind and he felt her lips against the back of his neck. He shivered a bit and then said, "No, I suppose not." He smiled back at her and his paws came up to caress her hands as she held onto him.

Tisha held onto Marco as he caressed her arms and hands, and she slipped around to face him. She kissed him, then slipped one hand up to rub at a spot on his muzzle. "You missed a spot when you cleaned up. At least your paws and arms are clean," she giggled, then cleaned his muzzle some more. Her other hand stroked his shoulder as she held onto him, her feet treading water without kicking him while they were pressed so closely together.

Marco had his paws wrapped around her anyway, so that she wouldn't fall away. Once she had come around to face him he had wrapped them about her middle. He hummed when she cleaned his muzzle off, and his arms rubbed her softly around the middle under the water. This was a perfect moment. He chuckled softly, "Right..." He waited for her to finish cleaning his muzzle, where he had somehow managed to slop gunk on himself.

Tisha was losing herself to the look in Marco's eyes as she cleaned off his muzzle, the gentle brush of his fur around her waist recalling the moments after her rape when he held her close. It was the love she saw in his eyes that kept her from falling into a state of shock again. Something in her told her that if her eyes moved from his, her mind would flashback to that office where the five had taken her, and she would rather stay in the here and now with Marco. She slid her hand into his ruff of fur around the base of his neck, pulling his head down to hers as she kissed his nose, then his lips.

He willingly let her hold onto him and touch around his head and neck. It was a gentle thing that she did, and he was gentle in return. Neither said anything because neither needed to, their eyes spoke for them as she stared into his face, and he into hers. His paws kept touching her gently about the waist, not touching her in any way that could be called inappropriate, but holding her with what could only be called attraction and love. He leaned down then, she kissed him, he stuck his tongue out to lick her chin when she kissed his nose, then he kissed her fully.

For a moment, the world seemed to still, then Tisha's eyes closed as she leaned into Marco for the kiss, her first real kiss. While she was in high school, she'd been too focused on her studies to really date, though she did party. But when you had a dad and two older brothers, it wasn't like you were going to get a lot of kisses. Especially when all three could not just kick your ass, but kill you and get away with it. So she just took what life had given her before, leaving her to explore Marco's maw with her own tongue as she felt his sliding against it and flicking against her inner cheeks. Her other hand slid around, tangling in his neck ruff with her first hand as she felt passion flaring to life in her. After what seemed like forever, but also just a mere few seconds, her lips parted from his and she panted from the intensity of their kiss. "Oh my.." she panted, her cheek sliding against hers before she lay her forehead against his neck and her other cheek on his shoulder. She was so ready for the next step, but she was also trying to hold off until they got married by Black Elk's father.

Marco hadn't ever experienced something like he had with Tisha. He hadn't really ever found a girl that he had felt close enough to that he would kiss her, and never like that. This was nearly magical. When they say in stories and poems that time seemed to stand still...well, it was true. When you truly loved someone, time did stand still, things seemed frozen around them, and all that he could think of was her and him, the way that her body laid in against his, how her hands gripped onto his furred form, the way her thin waist felt with his arms wrapped around it. He sighed into her lips as their mouths danced a moment, passionately meshing with one another. When she pulled away he panted, unable to help himself as his ears twitched and his tail thrashed beneath the water. He felt her lay her head down on him and he softly nuzzled her neck, rubbing her back and sides with his paws, "Oh My..." he repeated softly.

Tisha shyly smiled into Marco's eyes as she looked into them, her heart in her eyes. She knew Marco would always make sure she was safe, would protect her from any future problems with other people or anthros. Subconsciously, she knew things were moving quite fast, but she really didn't care. She needed Marco, and she sensed that he needed her as well. How someone as strong and self-possessed could need her, she wasn't sure, but she sensed that he did. Maybe it was to teach him about being more spontaneous, but he had no problem being so spontaneous the other day. The smile on her lips turned slightly devilish as she slipped from his arms and slid under the water, swimming off in the water before diving deep under the water and swimming up behind him again. She tapped a leg, then swam off, coming up for air after a couple feet. That intensely passionate moment was now a more playful moment for her, and she was pulling him into her playfulness.

Hard times like this could bring out the best or the worst in people. In Marco it brought out the best, at least in his feelings for Tisha. He could get as hard as he needed to, but for her he was a protector, and guide and soon a lover. Perhaps things were moving quickly, but when bad things could happen at any moment, why wait to be close to the one you love? They were relatively safe up here on the mountain, depending on what threat you were fighting against, but that didn't mean they were completely safe. He just didn't see any reason to wait for the wedding once the tribe arrived. He would respect her wishes and not do anything with her until after they were married, but that was no reason not to show their love now. He grinned as she dove under the water and he laughed, turning and following her down the stream, chasing her.

Tisha grinned as she looked over her shoulder to see Marco swimming after her. She put on a small burst of speed to keep up the playful chase, then dove back under, flipping under the water to swim back up below Marco, her feet kicking up just at the tip of his tail to let him know the direction changed. She came up for air after she pulled away from him and started stroking strongly upstream again. She grinned again as she made it to the spot where they'd gotten into the water at, then grabbed their clothes and pulled them into the water to start rinsing the blood and brains off their clothes.

He was swimming at the surface but he felt her pass below him and flick his tail. He halted and spun around, laughing as he chased her back up the stream to where they got in at. He stood up, baring himself to his waist and shaking off, his fur sticking out all over the place as he did so. He laughed and shook off again, then pulled his own clothing in and started washing it to get the gunk off. "One of these days, I'll catch you and tickle you," he laughed.

Tisha laughed, her eyes lighting up, since she knew that he was faster than she was, but she was slippery and tricky once she got in the water. It was one reason she was so adapted to living at the cabin. As long as she had the stream and watering hole, she was happy. "You can try. I grew up here, every summer. I know the ins and outs of the stream and the watering hole. Where the currents are stronger and where they're weaker. Not even Black Elk has caught me once I'm in the water, but then again, I think he's just not into catching me the way you are."

He laughed and nodded, "I imagine that he isn't. He doesn't love you the way I do. After we're married, I intend to catch you and hold on and never let go." He winked at her and then sighed and grinned, "Still, you might escape until we get back to our room or teepee or whatever at night, then I'll get you." He stuck his tongue out and his ears flicked, and he laughed softly, shaking his head.

Tisha grinned, then stuck her own tongue out at him. "Not if I get you first, Marco," she teased back. While she was eager for their marriage, and the security it would give her, she was also a little scared of what would be expected of her in the marriage bed. Especially after what had just happened to her days before. But she was not too scared yet. She nuzzled into his neck and then crouched in the stream, finishing up the cleaning of her clothes, at least the basic clean up. The rest would wait until after they got the clothes off at the cabin again.

He grinned and shook his head. "We'll see," he said. he knew that when the time came, there may be more than just the simple 'newlyweds in bed' type of thing. She might not be able to handle it right away. He would never force her into doing anything she didn't want to do, but he hoped there wouldn't be any problems like that. He was already pent up and if she refused him because of something like that, he would do his level best to understand and care, but he might also get a bit frustrated.

Tisha smiled at him, then scooped up some fresh, clean water and splashed him. Grabbing up her clothes, she ran out of the stream, her sopping clothes leaving a trail of water behind her as she carried them to the cabin. She looked at them critically to see if there was anything else that needed to be cleaned from them before hanging them up, then dropped them into the wash bin. She wanted to get them really clean after dealing with shit and brains all day in them. Heading upstairs, she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her, drying off.

He smiled back at her and after thrashing out his own clothing in the water and scrubbing them as best he could, he climbed out after her, only in his underwear. He jogged up to the house and dropped his clothes off where she had put hers, then he shook dry and followed her inside. He headed up, stripped off his underwear, pulled on a clean pair and then headed to get a towel of his own and dry off, "Well, at least the dirty work is done for today... I wonder what Black Elk's gotten."

"Dirty work's not done yet, Marco. Go grab the dirty buckets and dump out the water, as well as any remaining brains into the stream, then get clean water upstream of the dump site. We'll need to wash the clothes tonight. I'll go cut off some venison for us for dinner." She stripped out of her wet bra and panties, pulling on clean underthings, then got dressed in fully clean clothes. She picked up a different knife that she had in the bedroom, the blade a little different than the one she used to scrape off hair and guts from the deerskin earlier.

He sighed and shrugged, as if saying 'oh well' and headed to pull on some other dry clothes. Once he had, he headed back out to follow her instructions, taking the dirty buckets and dumping them, rinsing them and putting them up near the house to dry, and in the sun where it would kill germs. Then he got a clean bucket and took it back to the stream to get some more fresh water and bring it back. He came into the kitchen and put his hands on his hips, "Done now?"

Tisha went down to the smokehouse and cut off three steak sized chunks of venison, the meat smoked slightly but not yet fully cooked. Taking them back up to the main house, she set them into the largest frying pan she had and set it on the stove, cooking the meat. Going into the cabinets, she pulled down a few cans, choosing some green beans to go with the meat for dinner. She also pulled down cans of cut potatoes to make mashed potatoes with them. When Marco arrived back with the clean water, she grinned. "Nope. You get to wash the clothes since I'm cooking dinner. But we'll have venison steaks, green beans and mashed potatoes for dinner tonight."

"I suppose the dinner will make up for washing clothes. Next time I get to hunt and Black Elk can muck brains and wash clothes. I feel like a squaw." He stuck his tongue out, but held up his hand to forestall any comment, "But I'm not complaining. I wouldn't want to do too much cooking, though I make passable meals." He grinned and turned to pick up the wash basin, "I'll wash these out on the porch."

Tisha nodded. "You can keep an eye out for Black Elk returning as well. He might have some news for us as well." She used the handheld can opener to open the potatoes and pour them into a large pot with some of the water from the bucket. "You'll need more water to wash the clothes, then hang them out to dry out there," she called. "Oh, and grab some of the soap that we brought with us to make sure they're clean of all that muck and grime!"

He nodded and smiled back at her before he headed out onto the porch with the bucket of dirty clothes, and set it down, then he came back inside to head to the bathroom and rummage around for a bar of soap. He found one, and took it back out the way he had come, giving her a rub on one shoulder as he passed, and a flick of the tail too. He knew that their connection was almost necessary for survival. If either of them were alone, well... if she was anyway, in her state of mind, he wondered how she would have been doing. Marco certainly could have handled himself, but the mental and emotional strain of being alone would have eventually gotten to him too.

He headed out the back door and picked up the last bucket to carry it quickly to the stream, refill it, and bring it back. He dumped half into the wash basin and knelt, using the soap to start scrubbing their dirty laundry. At least the soap would get him clean too.

Tisha started the potatoes cooking, tossing more wood into the stove so the heat would cook the steaks at the same time. She wanted to try to get the food all done close to the same time, so they could just sit down and eat together, without having to wait on half the food. Turning her back on the stove, she opened the green beans can, emptying it into a smaller pot and putting it on the stove as well. She heard Marco moving around outside, and smiled to herself, knowing she would not have made it to this point on her own. Not after what happened to her. If it hadn't been for him, she would still be getting raped by those thugs, her body used for their pleasure. A shudder ran through her, and she started to drift into fear of what might have happened. The scent of cooking venison slowly drew her back from her fear, though it still remained there, buried just under the surface.

They needed each other, as unlikely a pair as they might have been. It didn't matter any more. After all, there wasn't anyone really that could tell them to stay apart. He knew the only reason they hadn't already been together was because of her people and the traditions. He shook his head to send a few drops of sweat away as he kept working the clothes into the soapy water. When the water had turned dark and disgusting, he picked up the bucket of clothes, carried it down to the stream and dumped it, then brought it back, filled it again, and kept working. Her clothes got done first, then his own, and when at last he finished, and with the smell of steaks wafting out to him, he picked up the clothing and went to lay it over the railing for the time being.

As Marco came into the house from washing the clothes, Tisha was still only half with it while cooking. Her mind was on the food, but tension rode every line of her body, letting Marco know she'd been thinking about what had happened to her in the past. Her head snapped up, and only the fact that she knew his form, even in this state of mind, kept her from screaming in fear. She was ready to snap again. She flipped the venison over to cook the other side, then pulled the potatoes off the stove, grabbing out the tool, venting her fear on the hapless potatoes, mashing them with a vengeance, as if they had been the ones who hurt her in the first place.

He saw the haunted look in her eyes the moment he came into the kitchen and she looked at him. Every line in her body was tense, every muscle seemed ready to strike out if provoked. He sighed and walked slowly over to her, watching as she proceeded to pound the potatoes into a literal pulp. He smirked at that, but didn't laugh, then put his hands on her shoulders and said, "I don't think those potatoes did anything wrong... "

Tisha sighed and leaned back against Marco, the feel of his paws on her shoulders relaxing her. "Are they still edible as mashed potatoes? I got lost in some bad thoughts, and I'm hoping that they stay gone for the rest of the night. Though I might need your help in keeping them from returning tonight to haunt me further. Just remind me that I'm not with them. Please." She looked up at him, her eyes looking at his jaw before she stretched up and placed a light kiss on it.

De-Evolution - NaNo Day 20

The tall husky nodded, his fur rippling around a bit as he did so, "Right, ok, let me get the buckets." He jogged away back up toward the house, and grabbed two, then returned to the stream and filled those two buckets up with water, one for the...

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De-Evolution - NaNo Day 19

"One of these nights we will see the stars Darling...just you and me together." He gave her a squeeze, "I didn't even know beauty like this, or like you, existed until a few days ago." He sighed out, "Now I don't think life would be the same without...

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De-Evolution - NaNo Day 18

Tisha still worried, since her brother was supposed to be back in time for two big family events that night. Brielle's wedding and her graduation party. "Not the night before the power went out, Marco. The night it did. He was supposed to give Brielle...

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