Off The Field: Chapter Seven

Story by Cyan Argent on SoFurry

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#7 of Off The Field Story Series

Well here's the completely revised long-awaited Chapter 7 of the Off The field Series. I made several changes so hopefully it's for the best. As always, comment, rate, fave, and enjoy!

It's a shitty day for football. Now I'm usually not the one to complain about any kind of day of football but this day really blows. It's raining, the wind is blowing hard, the temperature has dropped down to the thirties, and the nice Newville field has turned into a mud bath. I do my best to wipe the mud from my paws, my legs, my arms, and...well, pretty much everywhere else. Really doesn't help me though as it just spreads it around and creates an even bigger mess. Ah, fuck it. Time for the play.

I line up and take my position. Water drips off of my helmet and I do my best to keep my head tilted down so it doesn't drip onto my face. My entire face and muzzle is splattered with mud and I can feel it start to mix in with my fur. I dig my cleats into the soggy field and try to find some traction in the mud. I shout out the next play but it seems drowned out by the rushing wind. Guess my team heard it though as the center snaps the ball. I take off in a dead sprint as soon as the ball meets my paws. My feet slip in the mud and I struggle to keep my balance as I do my best to dodge an oncoming linemen. I make it about ten yards before I'm taken down in what seems to be the muddiest part of the field. A stream of curses gets lost in the wind as I stand up and wipe the mud from my helmet and eyes.

Next play, I launch the ball forty yards down the field to Simmons, who to my dismay slips in the mud and misses the catch by inches. I clutch my head as I glance up at the scoreboard. Three minutes left in the last quarter and we're down by eleven, Newville in the lead. I look at the next fifty yards to the end zone. I can do this. We can do this.

Next play we show pass. I drop back and end up running the ball to the right. I sprint the fifty yards as fast as I could and was awarded with the view of my feet planting firmly in the end zone. The crowd goes wild. I glance up at the stands and my eyes lock onto a familiar spot. Rhy is sitting with a few of his friends, huddled up in a winter coat and a poncho. Despite the miserable weather, he's smiling widely. I smile back.

About two minutes left. Newville has the ball. Their quarterback, a freshman wolf with a strong arm, launches the ball about fifty yards down the field. I swear, my muzzle must have dropped to the ground when I saw the pass. I mean, I heard the kid was good, but I didn't know he had the ability to throw such a pass.

Newville's cornerback, a swift fox, easily catches the ball and takes off down the field. I curse in frustration from the sidelines. Coach is cursing up a storm and my teammates are shouting as loud as I am. Dev suddenly seems to come out of nowhere and slams into the fox, launching him a few feet into the air. My heart seems to stop as I watch the football slip from the fox's paws. Dev sees the fumble and throws himself onto it. Unable to contain my excitement, I jump in the air with my arms raised. My teammates and the stands go wild.

Less than two minutes. My heart is hammering in my chest as I jog out onto the field. I give Dev a congratulating pat on the butt as I pass him. He shoots me a goofy look and sticks out his tongue.

I yell out the play and try to run the ball up through the middle, but I'm immediately stopped by the two biggest linemen of Newsville and find myself face down in the mud. Second play I throw the ball to Simmons, who makes it about nine yards before he's brought down. Second down. I tighten my fists in anger. This is not working. Nothing is working.

Third play I launch the ball to Simmons, who catches it at the fifty yard line. He manages to run about ten yards before he's taken down. I exhale and stare at the remaining forty yards. Twenty seconds left on the clock, and we're down by five points. If we make this touchdown, we're off to the playoffs. If I fuck up this next play, we lose it all. I glance up at Rhy in the stands. I can tell that he's apprehensive too, the way he's holding his tail and how his paws are trembling slightly betrays his usual calmness. The reassuring look he gives me though gives me enough confidence to take a deep breath and take my position behind the center. I run through all of the plays in my head. Should I run it up through the middle? No, the defensive line is too tight. Pass it off to Simmons? He's good, but there's no way he can forty yards without being brought down. My eyes suddenly fall on our cornerback, a freshman wolf named Chase. I've only talked to the wolf a few times during practice, but I do know that he's fast as hell and can catch any pass I throw at him.

Time's up. I shout the play, grab the ball, and immediately look for Chase. The wolf is open, so I launch the ball down the field. Times seems to slow as I watch the ball spiral through the air and into the open arms of the wolf. He catches it with the expertise of a professional receiver and takes off running.

The crowd is now on their feet and going absolutely wild. I count off the remaining yards in my head. Twenty...fifteen...ten...five! I hold my breath. Chase launches himself into the end zone.

Touchdown! Fucking Touchdown!

The game buzzer blares but is drowned out by the roar of the crowd. I roar in excitement along with the rest of the team. We all run out onto the field and surround Chase. Congratulatory slaps on the helmets and backs are exchanged, along with the shouts and whoops of joy. Dev and another lineman grabs the cooler of water and empties the contents of it all over our coach. The band plays a victorious tune and the cheerleaders cartwheel and flip out onto the field. Through all of the excitement and chaos, I look up at the stands. Rhy stands there, smiling as wide as I am.

We're going to playoffs.

I don't think I've ever been happier to get to the locker room. I throw off my mud-caked pads and jersey and throw them to the floor. I'm completely soaked from head to tail and my fur is caked with mud. I'm also bleeding from some unknown cut that I acquired on my arm sometime during the game, but I can't even remember how I got it. I quickly strip down to nothing and head towards the showers, acknowledging my teammate's congratulatory remarks and smiles. I step into the hot water and sigh in relief as I feel the mud and grime leave my fur. I rinse in the water for a good five minutes, and then step out to allow the next guy have a turn.

I'm slipping into a pair of jeans when Connor strolls up to me.

"Hey Kale, there's someone outside of the locker room waiting for you."

"Really? Who is he?" I ask as my ears go forward.

"I don't know. He's an arctic fox."

My heart leaps in my chest and seems to get stuck in my throat.

"Okay, thanks." I reply as calmly as I can.

I frantically throw everything into my gym bag and push past the remaining players in the locker room. My heart stops as I exit the room and my eyes fall on Rhy. The arctic fox, my arctic fox, is pressed up against the wall, surrounded by three of my teammates. Simmons is one of them.

"What kind of business could you possibly have with Kale?" I hear one of the defensive linemen, a bull named Collin, snort as he crosses his massive arms.

"I just told you. I'm just a friend of Kale's and I was just waiting for him to come out. If you didn't have such thick head, you would've got that the first time." Rhy snapped back.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Simmons growls as he takes a step forward.

"Hey! Cut it out! All of you, back off!" I shout as I approach the circle.

Rhy's ears are folded back against his head but they perk up at the sound of my voice. I see the fear in his eyes and it causes my heart to ache. He quickly hides it up though with his usual sly smirk.

"This fox here was asking about you Kale." Simmons says as he glares at Rhy. "We were just looking out for you."

"Thanks, but that's not necessary this time. He's a good friend of mine, so back off." I growl as I step between them.

The three step back with puzzled looks on their faces. They finally shrug and walk off, quietly talking amongst themselves.

"Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, did they?" I whisper to Rhy after they leave.

"Those dumb jocks? Please Kale, I can handle myself." Rhy replies with a twitch of his ears.

"Listen Rhy, you can't hang outside of the locker room like that anymore." I say sternly as we begin our walk back to the dorms.

"I can handle myself." Rhy mutters as he looks at the ground.

"I mean it Rhy. Don't-"

"I said, I can handle myself."

I can feel the beginning of an argument start to boil, so I shut my mouth and try to think of something to talk about. Unfortunately, Rhy is not ready to change the subject.

"I don't see what's wrong about waiting for you. The cheerleaders do it." Rhy protests.

He's obviously not going to let this go until he wins the argument, which I have a feeling he will.

"That's because they're girls." I reply, hoping to end the argument before it really gets fired up.


"So are you a girl? Last time I checked, I'm pretty sure you are a male. It's just unusual for guys to wait outside the locker room for another guy."

"What if I was just a friend?"

"Well you're not just a friend. You're my boyfriend."

Rhy smirks at me before I realize what I had just said. Strange how easy it was for me to say that.

"Well, whatever." Rhy shrugs. "What are we doing tonight?"

"Well, I had a really nice restaurant in mind. It's in town and Dev said we could use his car." I reply, happy that he didn't take the argument any further.

"Sounds good." Rhy replies back.

"Good? Is that it?"

"Well what else do you want me to say? Superb? Fantastic?" Rhy sighs as he glances at me.

"Well I was hoping you'd show more excitement. This is seriously a top notch place. Really expensive too." I reply.

"Oh, now it's nice and expensive? Did you think adding the word 'expensive' on there would further impress me?" Rhy says with a teasing grin.

"Well what would you expect from a five-star restaurant?"

Rhy sighs. "I just don't like you spending all of this money on me."

"Trust me, you're worth it." I smile as I brush my paw against his.

Rhy finally gives me a genuine smile as his paw brushes mine. "Really now? Well I'll just order the most expensive thing off the-"

"Don't push it." I grin as I poke him in the ribs, eliciting a giggle from him.

"Okay, okay. I'll just order the second most expensive entrée."

I roll my eyes as we approach Dev's car.

Damn foxes.

The dinner is just as I had hoped for. The atmosphere is warm and comforting, with classical music flowing through the air. We eat our meals over candlelight and a lavish bottle of Moscato wine, Rhy's favorite. I ordered a big steak while Rhy ordered the orange chicken with crisp vegetables and some special sauce.

"So how did I do tonight?" I ask Rhy between bites of my steak.

Rhy glances up from his plate. "The game? You did good."

There he goes with the "goods" again.

"Okay, what did I do wrong this time?" I sigh as I lean back in my chair and cross my arms against my chest.

"You're sloppy when you line up." Rhy shrugs as he chews on a piece of his chicken.

"What does that have to do with my performance?"

"Not performance, appearance. First impression. You know there were scouts at tonight's game?" Rhy comments as he chews.

"Really? From what team?" I ask.

"Rhy shrugs. "I dunno. I was too far away to see."

I plant my elbows on the table and rest my head in my paws. "Okay coach, anything else?"

"You got kind of lazy with your footwork in the last quarter. You could've easily dodged that cougar and gained another ten yards maybe."

"So? I was fucking tired. And we still won." I protest.

Rhy chuckles as he leans back and takes a delicate sip of wine from the crystal glass. "Oh please dear, I know what those muscles of yours can do. I've experienced them on multiple occasions."

I smirk at him.

"Anyways," He continues. "If you really want to impress those scouts, I suggest you pick up the pace a little."

"Okay, okay. I get it." I groan as I roll my eyes. "How's your psychology classes going?"

"Average." Rhy replies as he dabs his muzzle with a napkin. "All of the tests and homework is getting a little tiring though."

"Hard?" I ask.

"More like repetitive. Almost every test reviews the last few chapters we already learned."

"I nod my head as I finish the last piece of my steak. "How about that play you're in? How's that?"

Rhy sighs as he sets his fork down. "Also irritating. Half of the cast is not even suited to play some of the characters that the play requires. Some can't even remember more than two lines at a time."

"Awww come on. It can't be that bad." I say with a smirk.

Rhy looks at me amusingly. "And what do you know about acting Mr. Football Star?"

"Acting? I'm a pro at it. I do it every day." I chuckle.

"Really now?"

I nod as I stare into his glimmering blue eyes. "I have to act like I'm not completely and madly in love with you."

Rhy's eyes shimmer even brighter in the candlelight as he leans towards me. "I love you, you know that?" Rhy asks with a whisper.

"I had an idea that you do." I whisper back to him.

I feel Rhy's paw shift under the table and feel his soft touch rub the front of my pants. I begin to feel my sheathe stir and I start to grow hot.

"We should get back to our room now." Rhy whispers softly as he continues teasing me through my pants.

I quickly nod and throw the tip onto the table. We're walking out of the restaurant (me having a difficult time with a boner) when I suddenly turn a corner and almost run into Chase. The wolf is dressed in a pair of black dress pants and a white dress shirt. A female wolf in a beautiful red dress has her arm around his.

"Kale? Funny seeing you here." Chase says as he gives me a smile.

"Er..." Is all I can get out as my mind races for an excuse of why I'm here, most importantly why I'm here with another guy.

"Is this your friend?" Chase asks as he motions towards Rhy.

"Yes, I'm one of his very good friends." Rhy says as he puts a slight emphasis on the "very".

"Ah. Well very nice to meet you..."

"Rhy." Rhy finishes.

Chase smiles at Rhy and then turns his attention back to me.

"Pretty expensive place." He comments casually, but I know exactly what he's really thinking. He's wondering why the fuck would I bring a friend here to eat. This is a kind of place where one would bring their date, not just their friend.

"Well...I paid no expense." I reply sheepishly.

Chase nods with a smile. "Well you're a great guy Kale. See you at practice tomorrow?"

"Definitely." I reply as I relax.

Chase waves us goodbye as he and his date enter the restaurant. I breathe a sigh of relief as I walk down the sidewalk with Rhy.

"He was nice." Rhy comments as his tail swishes against mine.

"Yes, yes he is." I reply. "So what do you have in mind for tonight?"

Rhy just gives me a sly grin. "Well, let's just wait until we get back to our room. Then I'll show you."

We barely make it back into our dorm before Rhy pulls me in for a kiss. My eyes light up in surprise but then relax and close as I feel his tongue prod my muzzle open. I growl and take control, wrestling over his tongue and exploring his muzzle. He may be the dominant one in witty wordplay but I'm the dominant one when it comes to sex.

Rhy lets out a quiet moan as I continue the kiss and lead him to my bed. He breaks the kiss as he sits down and begins to unbutton my pants.

"Your fingers are magic when it comes to this." I pant with a smile as the fox tugs my pants and boxers down.

"It's a fox thing." Rhy says smoothly as he tickles my erect member with his fingertips.

I can't help but shudder and squirm under his touch. He gently cups my balls in his paw and gives the tip of my member a lick. I whimper slightly.

"Poor puppy." Rhy purrs as he places his paw around my shaft.

This is when I have to brace myself against the bed. Rhy takes my whole entire length into his muzzle. I arch my head back in pure pleasure as he runs his tongue and muzzle up my member and begins to suck the tip. His tongue is pure magic as it swirls around and pleasures me in all the right places. My tail thumps against the bed as pleasure radiates throughout my entire body. I whimper again. I can't help it.

His one paw begins to work on my balls as his other paw grips my shaft. I rub between his pointy ears as he continues to suck me off. I suddenly remember that Rhy is doing all the work and that his throbbing member is currently unattended. I make sure to change that as I reach down and fumble Rhy's pants off. My vision is blurry but I manage to find his cock and wrap my paw around the throbbing base. A small squeak of pleasure escapes Rhy as I begin to stroke him. We move in unison as I jack Rhy off and he sucks me off. We're both panting now, our breath coming out hot and heavy against each other. We're both making our own moans and whines of pleasure.

I'm always the first one to get off. I claw at the sheets as I feel the familiar pressure start to build up in my member. I try to warn Rhy but I can only gasp as he suddenly gives the knot on my member a hard squeeze. I do manage to squeeze his shoulder, seconds before my seed spurts from the tip of my member and coats his tongue and muzzle in the musky warmth. Rhy closes his eyes and gasps as he also reaches his climax. His seed shoots straight up and coats my paw and both of our chests as I jack him off. Our orgasms taper off and we're left panting in the afterglow.

"Thanks for that." Rhy grins as he licks his lips.

"Don't mention it." I groan as I sit up, making sure to not set my sticky paw on the bed.

"You gonna clean up?" Rhy asks as he stands up and stretches his naked body.

"Yeah. Give me a second though."

"Okay. I'll start the water." Rhy replies as he walks to the shower, his tail wagging behind him.

I stare at his perfectly toned ass and find myself wishing that my member was in that tight warm place. We already fucked last night though, and Rhy is often sore for about a day.

My cell phone suddenly rings, and I leap up to get it. It takes me a few seconds to answer it with only one available paw.


"Hey man. It's Dev."

"Oh hey. What's up dude?" I ask as I cradle the phone to my ear.

"Nothing much. Hey, you may want to be careful with Rhy out in public. Some teammates are getting a little suspicious about you two."

My heart begins to hammer in my chest.

"What do you mean? You didn't tell anyone, did you?" I ask as I try to hide the fear in my voice.

"What? Fuck no! They just thought it was weird how you stood up for Rhy outside of the locker room. And then Chase saw you and Rhy leaving the restaurant and he spread that around. I'm just giving you a heads up."

I close my eyes and silently curse myself for being so foolish.

"You said that they're just suspicious?" I ask.

"Yeah. That's it. I'd just keep your relationship low for a few days or something like that." Dev replies.

"Okay, thanks man. I'll let Rhy know." I sigh as I glance over at the bathroom.

"Okay man. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you." I reply, then end the call.

Rhy steps out of the bathroom just as I throw my phone onto the bed.

"Who was that?" He asks.

"Dev." I reply as I try not to stare at his naked body.

"Oh. You coming?" He asks as he leans against the doorframe.

"Um, maybe." I reply.

"Maybe?" Rhy asks as he raises his eyebrow curiously. "Okay stud, what's bothering you?"

I sigh as I shuffle my feet. I really don't feel like getting in an argument with Rhy tonight, especially since we just fooled around.

"It's nothing. Just stupid shit." I sigh as I walk over to him.

Rhy examines me up and down. "You want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"You sure?"

"Yes. Just get in the shower."

Rhy crosses his arms. "Since when are you in a bad mood after I suck you off?"

"Listen, can we just let this go tonight? I'll tell you tomorrow morning." I sigh.

For a minute, Rhy looks at me as if he's not going to let this go. To my surprise though, he shrugs.

"Okay, but don't even try to pass it off tomorrow."

"I promise, I won't." I say with a forced grin.

Rhy smiles and tugs on my arm. "Well come on stud. The water's perfect.

I'm lying awake, just staring at the ceiling. Rhy has his arms wrapped around my chest, his naked body pressed up against mine. The fox fell asleep an hour ago, and I wish that I could've done the same, but Dev's warning keeps on repeating itself inside my head. I'm obviously going to have to be more careful about what I do with Rhy out in public, but what will Rhy think about that? Our last big argument still lingers in my mind, and if I tell him that we need to stay low for awhile, that's just going to rekindle it again. I really don't want to go through that mess again.

So what the fuck should I do? Should I tell Rhy that everything's fine, continue to go out with him in public, and risk my biggest secret ever just to make him happy? Or should I try talking to him, explain what's at risk here and what we need to do, and also risk another big argument? My mind swarms with ideas, but none of them seem to have a happy ending. This would be so much easier if my football career wasn't on the line. I know that I will have to come out sooner or later but I don't want to come out now, not when so much is at stake.

What's more important? My career, or relationship? My mind shouts career, but my heart whispers relationship. I glance over at Rhy and stare at his chest as it slowly rises and falls with every breath. I deeply inhale his fur and savor his scent. Never once in my life did I ever think about falling in love with another guy. It seems almost unreal to me if I think about it for too long, but the breathing fox next to me, the one who makes my heart beat with joy but also ache at the same time, reminds me of how real this really is.

Before Rhy, I had always dreamed about finding the perfect girl. A girl who had a great sense of humor, someone who was there to support me, someone who had a sweet and caring personality. Now as I try and think about a perfect girl, no one comes to mind, no one except Rhy. Rhy is the perfect one for me. Just thinking about how we found each other really blows my mind. It's all about the little things. We're like a puzzle. Everyone has their own pieces that match, and fitting them together so they stay is absolutely wonderful. Rhy is the puzzle piece that fits perfectly in my life.

I stare at the sleeping fox in the darkness. There's no way that I can let Rhy go. My life would be empty without him, and truthfully, I really don't know how I'd be able to go on without him. The memory of how he ignored me during our argument brings back this aching pain of abandonment. I never want to feel that again.

With a sigh, I roll over and close my eyes.

I've made my decision.

I shake the rain from my fur as I throw my helmet off and take a drink of water. Coach is busy yelling at Simmons for something, and the rest of the team is either listening to coach, or fucking around in the mud puddles on the practice field. I suddenly notice Chase walking up to me, and I try to avoid eye contact with him. To my dismay, he walks right up to me.

"Kale, how are you doing today?" He asks with a smile.

"Fine, I guess." I reply as I take another sip of water.

He nods as he stands next to me and looks out at the field. It's kinda awkward, and I try to think of an excuse to leave.

"Well, I better get back to coach." I say as I pick up my helmet.

"Oh, um, wait Kale. I-I want to ask you something." Chase says.

I stop in my tracks and refuse to turn around to face the wolf.

"Um, last night, when I saw you leaving the restaurant...who were you with?" Chase asks.

"I told you, he was just a good friend." I reply.

"Oh, well because...I kinda saw you guys leave the coffee shop once, and I saw you brush muzzles...and well...I thought he might be...your boyfriend."

My heart seems to stop in my chest. My muscles tighten and it becomes hard to breathe. Several answers rush through my mind. Just tell him that it wasn't me, tell him that it was a family member or something. But then I remember the decision I had made last night.

With a deep breath, I turn around to face the wolf.

"I uh-yes...he boyfriend." I stammer.

Time seems to freeze as I wait for Chase's reaction. I'm expecting him to laugh, to point and insult me, to sneer in disgust and tell me to get away. Instead, he smiles.

"I kinda thought so." He whispers quietly. "I'm so relieved to hear that."

"Um...what?" I ask in disbelief.

"I thought I was the only one." Chaser replies sheepishly.

It takes me a few seconds for my mind to register what he had just said.

"Wait, you're gay too?"

Chase nods.

"I thought you were with your girlfriend last night!"

"What? Oh no, that wasn't my girlfriend." Chase chuckles. "That was my sister."

I stare in disbelief at the wolf. Did he really just come out to me? Did I really just come out to him?

"I won't tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me." Chase says as he folds his arms.

"Uh...okay. Um, so is yours." I stammer.

Chase replies with a nod.

"Great. Well, thanks for trusting me Kale. Maybe we can talk sometime? I'd love to meet Rhy."

"Oh yeah. Sure." I reply as I slip my helmet back on.

Chase gives me a wink, then runs back onto the field.

I exhale deeply. I feel like as my heart is about to explode. I'm suddenly giddy with excitement and I feel like jumping up and down. My first thought is to tell Rhy about what just happened, but that will have to wait until practice is over. His play is tonight. Maybe I should tell him then.

With a lighter spirit, I run back onto the field, the rain just adding to the vigorous feeling that's coursing through my body.

Off The Field: Chapter Eight

There is an early cold October wind sweeping through the town of Xavier. The Leaves have turned wonderful shades of red, yellow, and orange. It's pretty, I will admit, but the cold wind and dropping temperatures really reminds me of the approaching...

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Off Guard: Chapter Two

Jarik raised his head at the creak of the prison door being opened. He squint his eyes at the sudden harsh light that filled the dark cell, where only a lit torch provided the only light throughout the day. He felt relief wash over him as he...

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Off Guard: Chapter One

_This is the revised version of my story series. I pretty much completely changed the plot and everything but kept the character's names. I personally like how this story is going so far and I hope you all will like it...

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