Off Guard: Chapter One

Story by Cyan Argent on SoFurry

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#1 of Off Guard Story Series

This is the revised version of my story series. I pretty much completely changed the plot and everything but kept the character's names. I personally like how this story is going so far and I hope you all will like it too.

The Tails End was a well-known pub, known for its sturdy mead and tempting prostitutes, both equally strong and alluring to the common traveler passing through the small town of Carvall. However, the black cougar and gray wolf sitting at one of the worn wooden tables was not there to enjoy the mead or any company in bed that night.

"Look at him. That's his fifth tankard of mead within the past hour." The wolf muttered as he leaned his head up against his paw. "I say we just lead him outside and jump him there. He's obviously too drunk to even suspect what we're doing."

"Patience Orren." The black cougar replied as he shifted his yellow eyes over to his friend. "You know we can't be spotted even talking to the fox."

"Everyone here is too drunk to even notice us." Orren protested as he scratched a claw into the wooden surface of the table.

"Like I said, it's too risky. Better play it safe."

"You're the only one who plays it safe Jarik."

Jarik smiled slightly in amusement. "The art of thieving requires a great deal of being alert and cautious. Playing safe is quite important."

Orren snorted as he downed the last bit of mead and set the tankard down with a dull thump. Jarik fumbled with the silver buttons that adjourned his royal purple tunic. The crest of the Cougar Lord was stitched into the sleeves of the tunic with golden thread, letting anyone know that Jarik belonged to the line of lords and nobles of the Cougar Family. Orren was clad in the same tunic, minus the golden crest. Instead, the crest of the city guard was woven into the fabric.

Jarik stopped fumbling with his tunic and glanced up at the fox who they had been spying on for most of the night. The fox was engaged in drunken conversations with an otter and two prostitutes, both female. Jarik assumed that the fox had no intention of leaving anytime soon, and his assumptions were soon confirmed as the fox ordered another round of mead.

"This is completely ridiculous. Who would even want to spend their evening in a shoddy tavern like this anyways?" Orren grumbled as he drummed his fingers on the table.

"I recall you spending countless nights at the tavern back home after your guard shift." Jarik smirked as he took a sip of his own mead.

Orren glared at him. "I just want to get those documents and then get home. I haven't been able to get a goodnight's sleep in days."

"Calm down. Once we grab the documents and get our pay, you won't be so grumpy." Jarik commented.

"I'm not grumpy, I'm just tired of doing all of these pickpocketing jobs. Why can't we do something more exciting?"

"Because we're the best at espionage and Flick only trusts us to do these jobs."

"Flick is a fool. We're much better at other-"

Orren stopped talking as the fox suddenly stood up from his seat.

"Here he goes." Jarik whispered as he watched the red fox hobble across the room to the exit.

"About time." Orren mumbled as he shifted his legs.

Jarik inconspicuously watched the fox stroll out of the tavern. By the way he was walking, the tankards of mead had definitely done its job on the fox. As soon as the door to the tavern shut, the two both stood up in unison and casually made their way to the exit. The sounds of music and hearty laughter faded away as Jarik stepped out into the cool night.

"You know the routine." Jarik whispered as he began to follow the hobbling figure down the dirt road.

Orren nodded in reply. Jarik picked up his pace to catch up with the drunken fox. Orren followed closely behind. When he was just a few steps away from the fox, Jarik made his move. With a large leap, he bumped hard into the fox from behind.

"Pardon me traveler!" Jarik slurred, trying his best to sound as drunk as the fox was.

"Watch what...w-where you're going!" The fox mumbled as he struggled to regain his balance.

Jarik clasped his muscular arm around the thin frame of the fox and shook him slightly, causing the fox to become slightly disoriented.

"Hey you know what? You seem oddly familiar! Have we met before fox?" Jarik continued with his fake drunken conversation. He watched Orren quietly approach the fox on his other side and slip a paw into the fox's loose tunic. "I think we have met before! Do you happen to know a wolf named Jonas?"

"No! I don't know you! Now get offa' me!" The fox grunted angrily.

Jarik gave the fox another shake so he would not notice the paw fishing around in his pockets. Orren's paw came free with some papers clutched tightly in it.

"Oh! M'mistake sir. Have a good rest of the night!" Jarik let go of the fox and pushed him forward one more time.

The fox stumbled forward, cursed at them, and then continued on his drunken way.

"Nice job." Orren whispered as he looked the papers over.

"Are those the right papers?" Jarik asked eagerly as he peered at them.

"Seem to be. Papers on new weapon shipments coming into Jerhall?"

"That's them. Let's get these back to Flick."

The journey from Carvall to the city of Jerhall was a short one, and it was still dark by the time Jarik and Orren reached the city gates. The guards let them in without any questions, let alone even looking at them. Jarik couldn't help but feel fortunate to belong to such a family with a high status.

"Flick had better not be sleeping." Orren said as they approached a two-story stone building.

"Since when does Flick sleep?" Jarik asked with a smile as he knocked twice on the wooden door.

There was the muffled sound of claws ticking on the other side of the door before the sound of the door being unlocked met Jarik's ears. The door cracked open and a russet muzzle poked out cautiously.

"Back so soon?" The fox quipped as he recognized Jarik and Orren.

"Should we have taken longer?" Jarik asked with a grin as Flick opened the door wider.

"No, not at all. You're just in time for some cider."

Jarik sniffed the air as he closed the door behind him. The room was warm and smelled of meat and bread and cider. The fireplace in the corner of the room was crackling softly, making the atmosphere even more warm and comfortable.

"Make yourselves at home. I'll go fetch some cider for each of you." Flick said as he tossed another log onto the fire.

"Actually Flick, I'd rather receive my payment and get back home." Orren commented as he folded his arms against his broad chest.

"Of course wolf. We'll do the trade then?" Flick replied, his tail twitching slightly.

Orren reached into his tunic and pulled out the documents.

"Ahh perfect. Just what the noble wanted. These will help us out greatly." Flick smiled as he scanned over the documents.

"So how much do I get?" Orren sighed impatiently.

"Calm down wolf. You're not going to leave without gold in your pocket."

Jarik watched as the fox strolled over to his desk and unlocked the lockbox that sat underneath it. His ears flicked at the sound of coins clinking together.

"Here you go Orren. Twenty gold pieces. Buy yourself something nice. Maybe a nice woman?"

Orren snorted as he pocketed the gold. "I'll see you at the palace tomorrow."

"Likewise." Jarik said as he nodded to the wolf. He waited until the door closed before he turned to face Flick.

"Now that he's gone..." Flick smiled as he walked over to Jarik and slipped a paw down the front of his pants. "Would you like to follow me to the bedroom?"

"Now? Flick, I'm exhausted." Jarik sighed, despite feeling his sheath twitch slightly at the thought of what the fox wanted to do.

"I'll add four more gold pieces to your pay." Flick bargained with a grin.

"Make it five."

"Five, if you suck me off."

Jarik looked up thoughtfully as he weighed his options. "Fine, five it is."

"Well let's not waste any more time." Flick replied with a wink.

Jarik followed the fox back to the bedroom, his sheath beginning to stir in his cloth pants. Flick wasted no time in getting undressed. Jarik watched as he slipped out of his cloth shirt and then went to work on undoing the string in front of his pants.

"Let me get that for you." Jarik said as he knelt down in front of the fox.

With careful fingers, he loosened the string and slid the cloth pants down. The white sheath sprung free and Jarik was happy to see pink poking out of the entrance. He gently grasped the furry sheath in his paw and rubbed it against his black pads. Flick moaned at the touch as his sheath started to pull back, allowing more of his pink member to slip out. The muskiness of the fox entered his nostrils and only helped heighten the arousal Jarik started to feel. He cupped the furry sac of the fox with his other paw as he continued working the throbbing member. Flick moaned and squirmed as sensations of pleasure overtook him. Jarik began to feel his own member start to slip out of his sheath, and he fought the urge to turn his attention to his own arousal. Flick was now fully erect, his pink member bobbing in front of Jarik's muzzle. Jarik opened his muzzle and gave the tip a slight lick, eliciting a squeak of pleasure from the fox. He gave a few more licks on the tip, and then decided that he was done teasing the fox and began to run his tongue up and down the entire length. Flick rested his paw on Jarik's shoulder as he shuddered in pleasure. He took the fox's member into his muzzle and began to bob his head, allowing his tongue to swirl across every inch he could fit. The taste of Flick was sweet and musky and he enjoyed every second of it. He cupped the fox's white sac as he sucked on the entire length. From the small growls and yips Flick produced, Jarik was definitely sure that the fox was enjoying this. He felt Flick's paw on his head as the fox began to drive forward with his hips. Jarik stopped moving his head and allowed the fox to take control. He wrapped his tongue tighter around the engorged member as he felt the knot start to grow at the base. Flick was thrusting faster now, his breath coming out in short gasps as his climax grew near. With one final thrust, the fox came, causing the warmth to splash across Jarik's tongue. The muskiness of the fox's seed was overpowering as Jarik took the entire load in his muzzle. When his climax ended, Flick pulled his sticky member free of Jarik's muzzle.

"Thanks for that cat." Flick gasped happily as he struggled to catch his breath.

Jarik grinned as he licked his lips and stood up. Flick took his pants and fished around in the pockets until he found the gold coins.

"Here you go cat. Twenty-five gold pieces. Don't spend it all at one place."

Jarik smiled as he pocketed the money. "Nice doing business with you."

"As always." Flick replied with a tired smile.

Jarik bid the fox farewell and exited the house. It was almost dawn by the time he made it to the palace gates. The guards bowed to him as he passed through and began his ascend up the steps to the palace. Only servants and the cooks were up at this hour, so he was able to make his way up to his chambers without having to explain himself and why he smelled like sex at such an early hour of the morning. He quietly closed the wooden door behind him and stripped out of his clothes. He sniffed himself, considered taking a bath, then decided against it. He could always take a bath tomorrow before he met with Orren. Suddenly feeling exhausted, he collapsed onto his bed, grateful for the coolness of the sheets against his fur. He felt his eyes grow heavy within seconds, and soon sleep overtook him.

And so was the life of Jarik. When he wasn't busy practicing swordplay or reading in the library, he was out with Orren doing jobs for Flick that increased the fox's weapon-dealing business. The better his business did, the more gold Jarik received. And all he had to do was steal some blueprints here, or pickpocket some documents there that would put the other dealers out of business. Still, the question of who paid Flick often lingered in his mind. He had worked with the fox for four years, and yet he had never told him who he worked for. Still, it didn't bother him as long as he was getting paid.

Jarik awoke to the sound of knocking on his door. He buried his head in the pillow and tried to ignore the intrusion, but found it impossible when the knocking persisted. Groggily, he slid out of bed and grabbed his robe and did his best to slip it on before he opened the door.

"Yes?" Jarik mumbled as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"We've got a problem." Orren said as he pushed his way inside the room. The wolf was clad in the city guard armor.

"Aren't you supposed to be on duty? And what is the problem?" Jarik asked as he yawned and closed the door.

"It's the fox Jarik! The one who we stole the documents from! He's here in this city!" Orren hissed.

Jarik suddenly felt more awake now.

"What? Are you sure?" Jarik asked.

"Of course I'm sure! I saw him this morning out in the market! He looked directly at me!"

"He didn't recognize you, right?" Jarik asked, starting to feel panic surge up inside of him.

"No, I don't think so."

"Then why are you so worried?"

Orren's ears twitched. "Because he reported the theft to the city guard! Those were confidential documents we stole, and we made the mistake of not checking to see where the fox was staying the night! They have guards out looking right now!"

"Well it's a good thing you work in the guard." Jarik replied calmly.

"I can't clear a crime like this though!" Orren snapped, causing his armor to clink. "The city guard knows about Flick and his offenses. The first place they will check is Flick's house!"

Jarik bit his lip. Orren was right. The first place the guards would investigate would be Flick's house. Then to save his own tail, he would give the names of the thieves and bribe the guards to not arrest him. The guards would find him and Orren, and they would be arrested and put in prison for theft and espionage. They might even hang for the crimes.

"So what do you suggest we do?" Jarik asked.

"We leave." Orren said as he paced back and forth. "We stop at Flick's first, grab any money we can, and leave the city."

"And go where?"

"Fellglow. We'll definitely be safe there. You have family there."

Jarik weighed his options. If he stayed here, he would surely be caught and dragged off to prison. At least if they left the city, there would be a better chance of not getting caught.

"Okay. I'll pack some things and pay a visit to Flick. Do your best to stall the guards."

"I will. Be careful." Orren said as he nodded.

The two touched muzzles before they separated. Jarik quickly threw on some clothes and stuffed another pair into a satchel. He grabbed his coin purse and cinched it securely to his belt. He eyed his sword that was set in his weapons rack, but he decided against bringing it as it might make the guards suspicious if they saw a cougar noble walking the streets armed. Instead he grabbed a short dagger and threw it in the satchel with his clothing.

He left the palace without even saying goodbye to anyone. He quickly made his way out of the palace gates and lowered his head when he passed the guards. Fortunately the market was bustling with activity and he was able to make his way through the crowds without running directly into any guards. His heart was pounding and he was sweating by the time he reached Flick's house. Jarik pounded on the door twice, waited, and then pounded on it again. No answer. He gazed around him to make sure no one was around, and then brought his leg up and gave the door a swift kick. The impact jarred his leg and caused pain to shoot up through it. Jarik held back a steady stream of curses as he noticed that the door didn't even weaken. He looked for an alternative way in and spied the second-story bedroom window. With ease, he placed his feet and paws into the side of the building and began to climb the rock that jutted from the walls. Twice he almost slipped, but he finally pulled himself into the window. Panting, he stood up in Flick's bedroom, the room that he had been in dozens of times. The fox's scent was overpowering but he was nowhere to be seen. Cautiously, Jarik made his way out of the bedroom and into the study. The fireplace was filled with smoldering coals, which was a good sign that the fox was out. Still, he remained silent as he crept towards the lockbox underneath the desk. He assumed that it was locked, but to his surprise the metal box opened up. Jarik slipped his paw inside the container. He felt only the cold metal bottom. No coins or anything. The box was empty.

"I'm afraid you won't find anything of value in there."

Jarik jumped and whirled around to find Flick standing in the middle of the room. The fox looked flustered, his usual sly grin replaced with a scowl.

"How stupid do you think I am?" Flick snarled as he glared at Jarik. "You think that I'd just leave my money for you to take?"

Jarik's heart started to thump in his chest. "Flick, did you-"

"Did I what? Report the two thieves that stole some precious documents? Of course I did."

Jarik felt his mouth go dry at Flick's response. "W-why...y-you won't get away with this-"

"I'm certain that I will!" Flick interrupted with a growl. "You see, I've been clean of any offenses for six years. According to the deal I've made with Lord Maren, I haven't gone back to the thieving business ever since I arrived here in this city."

Jarik swallowed. "There's evidence. They will find it."

"Of course they will find it, but it wasn't me who obtained it. It was the thief and his accomplice. And what a coincidence of me finding you breaking in my home and stealing my money. I might as well just say that you planted those documents here too." Flick smiled, but it was a sad smile as he took a step towards Jarik.

Jarik stepped back. He eyed the documents that were set on the desk in plain view. He knew that any other incriminating blueprints and papers were either hidden away somewhere else or destroyed. He knew Flick all too well.

"So you have a choice." Flick said as he clasped his paws together behind his back. "There are guards waiting outside my house. You can both go with them peacefully and admit to your crimes, or you can try to prove your innocence and make a scene. Either way you choose, you and your friend Orren will still be going to prison, I'm afraid."

"I don't understand this Flick. Why would you betray us after so many years of working together?" Jarik asked, hoping to stall the fox a little longer.

Flick paused, a slight flash of sympathy crossed his eyes. "You two screwed up. I can't afford for me to go down like this, especially when so much is at stake."

Jarik wondered how fast he could reach for the dagger in his satchel. He silently cursed himself for not bringing his sword.

Flick sighed. "I'm sorry Jarik. I really did like you, but I love my country more."

The fox pulled out some rope from behind his back and began to walk towards Jarik. Jarik stepped back, his paws clenched into fists.

"The hard way, hm?" Flick sighed. "Very well then."

The fox lunged at Jarik, causing the cougar to stumble back. His foot caught on one of the legs of the desk and he felt himself falling over. He felt the fox's grasp on his wrists, the roughness of the rope as it tried to clasp his wrists together. In panic, he kicked the fox off of him. Flick fell back, allowing Jarik to scramble to his feet. The fox lunged at him again, but Jarik was ready for him this time. He drove his elbow into the fox's chest, hard. The fox hit the wall. Slowly, he dropped to the floor. He put a paw to his chest, muzzle open in shock.

Jarik backed away, watching with wide eyes. "Flick?"

"You..." Flick's gaze was fixed on him. "Jarik..."

Jarik watched as the fox fell forward, clutching his chest with one paw while the other supported him. Jarik rushed to him as he fell to the floor. The fox's eyes were not full of anger now. They were frightened and pleading. "Can't...breathe..."

Jarik's paws held onto the slender frame of the fox. He sat there, helpless, not knowing what to do as the fox struggled to pull air into his lungs. He knew that he should run and get help, but he didn't want to leave Flick alone. He sat there for three more agonizing minutes, until the light went out of the fox's amber eyes and his slender frame went still.

Shocked and terrified, Jarik let the fox's body fall to the floor. His heart was hammering in his chest and he felt sick to his stomach.

"What's going on in there?! We're coming in!" Voices shouted from outside of the house.

Jarik felt numb as he stared at the lifeless body of what used to be his friend. The eyes stared blankly back at him. He wasn't even aware of the crash when the doors were kicked in, or the heavy footsteps of the guards that approached him.

He was still numb as he was pulled to his feet, and had his paws tied behind his back with rope. The guards led him out into the street, where a crowd had gathered at the commotion. He ignored the stares and murmurs as he was ushered by the guards through the town and to the prison. Only when he heard the clang of the iron door of the prison cell he was placed in swing shut did Jarik snap out of his trance. He sank to the cold stone floor and brought his knees up to his chest. Flick was dead. Orren was missing. He was a thief and a murderer now, and he would be hung in the town square. With a raspy sigh of despair, Jarik closed his eyes and waited for his fate.

Off Guard: Chapter Two

Jarik raised his head at the creak of the prison door being opened. He squint his eyes at the sudden harsh light that filled the dark cell, where only a lit torch provided the only light throughout the day. He felt relief wash over him as he...

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Off The Field: Chapter 6

The alarm blares noisily and sends a screeching wave of pain through my head. I wince as I roll over and blindly try to shut the damn thing off. My head is killing me from last night and I know that I'm going to have to go to class hung over. "Aw fuck...

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Off The Field: Chapter 5

The stadium is packed. Despite the cold temperatures, thousands braved the weather to watch the first game of the Xavier Gryphons. The opponents: The unlucky Union Raptors. Don't get me wrong, the Raptors are an okay team, but they really don't stand...

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