Thrown Back: Chapter 9

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#9 of Thrown Back

Calina tries to accept her life and what it means for her and Kitch. In the midst of it, the seasons have changed and she finds out that there is a subgroup of squirrels that belong to no season. A group that reminds her of the military she once worked for.

Fall. Autumn and all of its colors erupted around Calina as she perched on the edge of a root and tried not to get in the way of the people that were bustling and running past her. Autumn had come so quickly that it nearly stole her breath away. One day she had been out beneath the emerald foliage that had nearly blocked out the sky, and another day it had turned all the vibrant colors of autumn. Red and gold, tan and orange, with small peeps of green still struggling to hold on against the tide that changed the seasons. The wind that tickled the back of her fur was a brush of cold that made her instinctively fluff herself up. That in and of itself was a wonder. Her fur had grown thicker and heavier in the last few weeks with a fine undercoat that helped keep the cold at bay.

A flash of black made her look up to see two squirrels the color of ebony dashing between the trees with heavy baskets strapped to their back. A trail of red ran around their necks and dappled their shoulders. The Pa-Sabon was getting ready to take over their duties of the autumn and Hatcha was prepared to relinquish her care of the village to other paws. At least, that's what she'd been told when she'd been sent on a hundred fetch and carry missions for herbs that would season the feast. Even thinking about it made her back ache and she straightened up enough that she could crack it. The hard work for her sabon had come to an end finally, it was time for another group to come forward and prepare for the feast.

Calina's lips twitched slightly as she realized these people had an intricate set up created that matched any other she had seen. The summer sabon had worked hard last week and it had been nearly brutal. She had been pushed to her limits of learning and energy as Banich had trusted her enough on her own to go out towards the farther edges of the woods. By the time she was ready to pass out, the pa-sabon had slipped in and began to take more of the load. Now they were doing all the work and she could look forward to the feast. She never thought that she'd be so happy to see the golden leaves and the warm scents of the changing season.

"Nature's first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold.." She murmured to herself, her ears lowering at the half remembered poem of her youth.

"That is lovely." Kitch stirred from his place beside her and cracked open one of his eyes bright eyes. "I thought you were sleeping."

"No, just watching them get ready." She flashed an apologetic smile towards her friend. "I want to sleep, but I haven't seen half of these people before."

"That's because you haven't been paying attention." Kitch yawned and gave a stretch that drew Calina's gaze to the slender muscled build of his chest.

A flush reached her cheek as she realized she was staring, "I've been paying a bit of attention, but I suppose not as much as I should have been."

"Ah, well it is not all of that." Kitch moved and swung his legs down so that he could sit next to her. "The Pa-Sabon Illyia takes her sabon out to the edges of the forest when Hatcha is in charge."

"Does the Pa-Sabon dislike my sabon?" Calina watched another squirrel, this time a pale grey one, follow in the path of the two before her.

"No, nothing like that. Illyia goes out to relax. She loves the summer and she keeps her sabon with her as they retreat to houses kept towards the edges of the village. They love the forest more then most of us, I suppose, because they do not stay cramped with us often. When fall comes they swell our ranks with their numbers as they take up their duty." Kitch tilted his head towards her and gave a shy smile. "If you like, I would be honored to show you where they live. It is beautiful in the autumn."

"I.. I would like that." Calina felt her chest tightening as she spoke and she turned her head away in an attempt to keep herself from showing her embarrassment.

The day with Kitch in the baths had changed her and at times she wasn't quite sure that she recognized herself. He was no longer just her friend. He wasn't anything so light as a friend. The sight of him could send her heart racing to her throat, the feel of his paw on her own made her flush. And she craved them. The small moments that he drew near to her made her feel a tumble of emotions that she savored like nothing else she had ever experienced. Not even the crushes and casual flings she had had as a human prepared her for the strange tumbled emotions she felt when he was near. And she enjoyed that sensation, even as it confused her, she enjoyed the way he made her feel.

The evening after their time in the baths, Kitch hadn't tried to press her to come to his room or enter her own. He had been kind and let her go, only the regret in his eyes made her realize that he was only trying to behave. To be fair to her. It made her think better of him that he hadn't tried to force his attention on her or make her feel trapped. If he had tried to pull her into his room, she might have gone, but she would have also been nervous about what they'd done together and what it meant. Instead, she'd waited until late in the night and left her home as she had many other times. Her heart had been beating so fast that it felt like a bird was fluttering in her chest. And she finally understood the term 'butterflies in my stomach'. She'd slipped into Kitch's house to find him working on a new bow. And after he had looked up to see her... A tremor ran down her spine at the memory.

"You're not cold are you?" Kitch frowned slightly and Calina offered a slightly nervous smile.

"No, only thinking that it will get colder." She evaded and stood up with a bit of a stretch. "When does the festival start anyway?"

"When it's dark. Then Hatcha and Illyia will summon their sabons and they'll change over." Kitch tilted his head slightly. "You have time to sleep if you are tired."

Calina lowered her lids and felt the familiar heat run through her. Part of her knew that she was falling under the spell of what she'd become, but even that part didn't care. She drew in a breath and tasted the warm vanilla scent of her Kitch before opening her eyes to smile. She ducked her head shyly and held out her hand to him.

"I would like company, ifyouwouldbesokind." The last words tumbled out in a rush, she got them out before her embarrassment could stop them.

Kitch's ears went up and a beatific smile pulled at his lips as he straightened. "I would be honored. I would enjoy sleep as well."

His paw slipped into her own with a familiar electric prickle of having him touch her. Two weeks, and she still felt fascinated by him and overwhelmed with the emotions he stirred inside of her.

I act like a school girl with a crush. He must think me a fool. She squeezed his paw as she wondered, not for the first time, what he thought of her and the situation. Was he only doing this because his society forced him to? Or was it pity?

A step of Kitch's body brushed his red side against her darker grey one so she felt the warmth of him resting against her. His hand drew her in so she was nearly pulled beneath his arm. It was close enough that she could feel the faint tremble of his own body when he dropped his head and brushed against her shoulder. It was such a feather light touch, a gentle caress that happened in an eye blink, but it was enough for her to feel his tongue lick her lightly and see him draw in a deeper breath of her scent. The look in his eyes wasn't embarrassed, unsure or pitying. It was a look that made her stomach tighten and her breath catch in her throat.

"We really should sleep." She managed to get the words out without them trembling too terribly much.

"We will.." Kitch's voice lowered, as close to a purr as a squirrel could get, "Eventually."

~ ~ * ~ ~

When Calina awoke, it was to the warm sweet scent of Kitch and the sound of drums so loud that they felt as if they were rocking the bed beneath her. She tried to open up one eye, but gave up when Kitch shifted and one of his arms slipped along the bare curve of her hip and puller her back against him. His larger form curled around her with a sleepy mumble that let her know that he was likely still off in dreams, not listening to the drums. It was tempting to do the same thing. He was so warm against her back and his tail had curled to cover her legs and lower body like a blanket. His hand moved to rest against her stomach and she let out a shivering sigh. It wasn't the first time she'd woken up with him, but it still made her muscles relax and teased her with the idea of sleeping until she couldn't possibly sleep anymore. Except, she had a feeling she knew what the drums were for.

"Kitch.." She shifted and his paw tightened against her belly before she rolled over and moved a paw up to brush along his cheek fur.

The red squirrel blinked his eyes open and looked confused for a moment, but then he focused on her and a slow smile spread on his features. It was a smile she was starting to know and enjoy. That surprised delighted smile at finding her still there where he could hold her. It warmed her in ways a cover could never manage. But the smile slipped away as he pushed an elbow beneath him and turned his head to catch the sound of the drums.

"Feh, we are going to be late. We must run, or you must run. It is your sabon who is being relieved." Kitch shifted the covers off them and sat up with the fur on his head tussled slightly. "There is no time to bath."

"We probably should have just slept." She shifted on the bed as the blankets fell away from her chest and hips.

Calina's ears darkened at her own nudity. She used to look down with shock and dismay at the state of her body. It was something that she couldn't quite believe and her mind wasn't ready to see. It had been just a part of her day to look down and feel her stomach drop as she saw the soft pale furred breasts and the spread of her hips. But as she looked down, she felt a touch of embarrassment, but she found it harder to remember what she had looked like before. The thought should have bothered her, but it didn't. For some reason the sight of herself and the warm scent of Kitch that clung to her fur soothed the fear as she stood up and dug around for her clothes.

They had reached his room and it had dissolved into something that was hard to really remember, at least at first. It was as if touching him made her mind stop thinking and simply enjoy the sensations of his fingers and tongue on her body. Her tail twitched a little and she found her makeshift top and managed to wiggle into it. No matter how she accepted herself, she just couldn't see herself prancing around without a top. The loose woven breeches that she preferred were harder to find and Kitch finally had to dig beneath the low hanging cot to dig them out. That's when she remembered how he'd had her down on the bed and peeled them away. He'd kissed every bit of skin she had found until she'd made eager little sounds.

"Thank you." She swallowed and took her breeches and wiggled herself into them. Kitch was still nude, still comfortably nude, and he watched her with bright eyes. "Stop watching me, I will be even more late."

Kitch grinned and ducked his head, but she couldn't make herself frown when she had said the last. Her own lips twitched in a grin that she tried to hide. And she knew her own eyes were wandering. With a snort she wiggled into the breeches and dropped her tail down so Kitch could help her button the material over the top of her tail. At least she'd be able to make it on time without the embarrassment of everyone knowing what she was doing with Kitch. Banich knew, and Hatcha, but she didn't know how she felt about everyone knowing.

_Too many questions, and not enough answers. _ She sighed and gave her tail a flick to make sure that the buttons were securely fastened before turning her eyes towards the door. Sometimes she didn't know if she should be asking them at all. Sometimes she felt as if she should accept and enjoy what she'd been given.

"I'll follow behind. It is not my sabon so I shall have time to bathe." Kitch clicked his teeth at her lightly and his grin grew a bit wider at her uneasy expression. "I promise, I'll be there before anything starts. You need to be up there early so you can talk to Hatcha about what will be required. Find Banich, she'll get you through the crowd."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Kitch hadn't been lying about the crowd. The upper trees were covered in squirrels of every size, shape and color, while the floor was filled in with two separate groups. The pa-sabon stood at the north end with their bright colored markings blending in so she got the idea that they were dappled looking and the il-sabon, her own, at the south where she was pushed in beside Banich and a few of the other females that she recognized. As she sidled in Banich moved to tug her in close and the older squirrel grinned and wrinkled her nose slightly.

"So that's where you were. I suppose being newly mated means that you can be excused." Her mentor spoke in a low tone that made Calina blush hotly.

"What's going on?" It was useless to lie to Banich, the older squirrel had a keen ear for when she was trying to protest something.

"We're getting ready for the ceremony. Hatcha has been in a mood because afterwards the shamans want to forestall the party for their own purposes." Banich turned her head and Calina followed her look to where the sleek muscular Sabon was twitching her tail back and forth wildly.

"Is that bad?" She whispered back while the drums stopped their constant rolling and the silence fell over the village.

"Not truly, only unexpected. We have brought the kits out to see the ceremony and they will become restless. And Illyia will be in an off mood because of it. See?" Banich touched her arm lightly and dipped her head to where a small black squirrel was standing with the Pa-Sabon. "That is her son, he is very young yet and the ceremony will become long enough she might be forced to leave him with others. She is protective of her first born, all new mothers are, that is why they so often retreat from their duties for a time. I was the same way with my kit, though I'm sure that you'll find that out soon enough."

The twinkle in the herbalists eyes didn't stop the cold burst in Calina's stomach. Kits? She'd find out? The time she had spent with Kitch intimately had been enjoyable, frightening, erotic and wonderful, but she hadn't thought about what the act exactly was made for. She had only concentrated on the strange feelings that were growing ever stronger between the pair of them. She had only felt the rightness of her paws caressing the strength of his wiry form and the soft sounds he made when he was coming close to her peak. But the act wasn't just for pleasure, not even among humans, it was created to make life.

The thought made panic rise up through her stomach as she stood stiff and still beside Banich. She didn't hear the speech that Hatcha was making, her mind was running around in circles as she tried to figure out what it would mean. How many times had she been with Kitch? More than ten, she could admit to herself. Two weeks they had found secret moments together, although they hadn't always ended in the proper position that would get her pregnant. Kitch seemed more then delighted to do other things and she had found erotic spots on herself she had never dreamed. The base of her tail, for one. The thought sent a sensual shiver running down her back as she recalled a few hours earlier and the way Kitch's teeth had gently teased the thinner fur there.

_That's what got you into this! Stop thinking about that! _ She nearly snarled the words to herself and glanced at Banich who seemed to concentrate on Hatcha's words.

Calina tried to concentrate, but it was ruined by the realization that she didn't know how she could even tell if they had managed to do something irreparable. She hadn't wanted kids when she'd been a man and the woman would have been carrying them, she wasn't sure she could handle them now. As she fretted she missed whatever was being said between the two Sabons. She only came to herself as the squirrels around her started to push and nudge so that she was forced to go along with them. Banich reached down and caught her paw so that she was pulled up tight and had no choice but to move with the rest.

"Stop looking like a fish on land, girl." The older squirrel hissed the words with a mixture of exasperation and amusement. "Stop worrying so! It's not the season for kits, so you're safe enough."

"Was it that obvious?" Calina ducked her head and felt light headed with relief. "I just hadn't really thought about it."

"Perhaps you should, your mate is." The old squirrel looked ahead, "Now hush, we pass on our duties to the pa-sabon."

"Come, my children, we have worked the long summer and have begun to show our weariness. The crisp cold air has held for many days without a break. The grass is rimmed with frost when the sun rises and we have to accede that autumn is here." Hatcha turned and made a gesture with one of her paws towards the squirrels opposite them. "Illyia is eager to take up her duties and relieve me of the mantle of leadership. It is my honor and privilege to declare our summer over! Come, greet our autumn brethren and wish them well! As each of us are a part of a sabon, we are all a part of something larger, our village. Let us not forget that we are all the same, no matter which the season."

The large muscular female stepped forward to the gleaming black one that stood with a grin on her mobile features. They looked rather striking as they came together in a rough embrace and exchanged a few words. Hatcha's dark russet colored fur stood out against the dark background while Illyia's thickly furred tail twitched around and partially curled itself around the curved haunches. It was a signal, or at least Celina assumed it was one, because as soon as they embraced the two sabons came together. They flowed around their leaders and mingled in a brush of furred forms and twitching tails.

It should have been a solemn occasion. She was used to quiet occasions with serious faces and quiet words that had been rehearsed, but not so with the squirrels. Faces grinned at one another as they embraced and called each other by name. Banich was soon taken away from her as a young looking male snatched her up and pulled her off her foot paws with a bark of laughter. The old herbalist laughed and gave him a shove as she was spun around and Celina was left standing alone and staring at the pairs and groups. For the first time in a long time she felt alone, slightly lost and an outsider when she was faced with the strangers. Her ears flicked back and she nervously licked her lips before attempting to place a smile on her face.

She looked around desperately to see if she could see Kitch, but he was no where to be seen. She mentally cursed to herself. Of course he wouldn't be here, this wasn't his sabon, nor was he in the pa-sabon. He belonged to the winter. Bereft of Hatcha and Banich she tried to stand to one side and strove not to call attention to herself. It proved to be a futile effort when a small dark shape suddenly appeared in front of her and a young face was peering up at him. She blinked as the little black kit stared solemnly and his tail started to twitch back and forth. If Banich hadn't pointed him out, she wouldn't have known who it was.

"Umm.. Hi there." She ventured and kept her ears back against her head. She'd never been around kids, what was she supposed to do?

"Yer the new 'un, aintcha?" The lad tilted his head and looked her up and down. "Kitch's gel?"

"I'm Calina." It was a force of will not to sound annoyed. "You're Ilyia's son aren't you? What's your name?"

"Edan." The boy grinned and showed white buck teeth. "I heard all 'bout ya! Momma says yer workin' with Banich."

"Yup I am." She relaxed slightly and crouched down in front of the boy with a smile. "I'm in Hatcha's sabon, and you're in your mothers right?"

"Yup! I'm gonna be Pa-Sabon some day!" Edan nearly squirmed in place with happiness. "'Less I end up in the baraen! They're gonna call them today! I hope I get in."

"The baraen? And what's that?" She had to press her knee against the ground so she was on a level with him. "Is it better then being Pa-Sabon."

"Lots better! Kitch was gonna be in it, but not no more." Edan squirmed again and squinted up at her. "You're nice to him right? You ain't bein' mean?"

"She's being very nice." Kitch's warm male voice came from behind her, but it didn't surprise her. She had caught the faint scent of him on the air, more then what was still lingering on her own fur.

"You know Edan?" She turned a little and wrinkled her nose up. "He decided to introduce himself to me since Banich got snatched away."

"Aren't you supposed to be next to your mother, Edan?" Kitch stopped just behind her and clicked his teeth together. "Instead of running to see my lady?"

"I wanted ta see." The boy crinkled his nose up. "Momma said that she was different an' you weren't goin' into the baraen anymore because of it."

Kitch's features went smooth and still, though the smile remained. The smile was fixed as he stared at the youngster and let out a breath. "There are other things in life, Edan, then being in the baraen. Sometimes you find a life that is better and embrace it."

"Not fer me! M'names gonna get called!" Edan sucked in a breath so that his chest was puffed up with pride.

"Off with you, scamp! Your mother is looking for you and the shamans are getting ready to make the announcement." Kitch stepped forward until he was nearly pressed against her side.

"Okay, 'bye Celina, 'bye Kitch!" Edan turned about and scampered away with a flick of an incredibly puffy tail.

"I'm sorry I was late." Kitch moved again and his body brushed against her hip and side. She stood up and the move rubbed her against him. "I did not realize that this would go so swiftly."

"What are the baraen?" She turned her head as she asked and noticed that the crowd was moving towards the base of the trees.

Kitch caught her hand and gave a slight pull so that she was pulled with him. The warm feel of his body made her relax and she felt the urge to snuggle in against him. She wanted to press against him and draw his arms around her so that she was snugged in close against her chest. She didn't, she was still nervous of her own bodies reactions to him, let alone the way he roused her emotions. Especially the feel of relief that welled up inside of her. She felt more solid, more grounded, with him beside her. The sense of being alone in the tide of greeting squirrels was left behind as his arm wrapped around her waist and he lowered his head so he could whisper in her ear.

"The baraen are the elite of our kind. We are peaceful people, but even we must have warriors, guards and sentinels." His breath tickled her ear fur. "They are trained for eight full seasons before they are allowed to start their duties, and spend years to become adept at their practices. It is an honorable profession and those who are accepted into the ranks are honored. They have no sabon, they are only baraen."

"You were one of them?" She whispered back, even as she kept her eyes riveted on Illyia and Hatcha. They had stepped to either side of the open space to allow for two lines of squirrels that flowed from the foliage.

"I was. I was chosen eight seasons ago to join their ranks." His hand remained on her waist while he spoke and his fingers smoothed against her fur. "I chose to leave them before I became fully inducted in their group."

Calina turned her head towards him, to ask why he had left, but her attention turned back to the group of males that had formed a large square in the middle of the village. They were enough to catch anyone's eye. They were every color that could be imagined, but it wasn't the pattern of the fur that had her watching them. They were older and heavily muscled. They reminded her of the male that had caught them in the woods. Their fur was freshly brushed and gleamed in the light so that it rippled over their hind quarters. Their tail fur had been trimmed down so that they were less full, but it gave them a uniform appearance. They didn't move, didn't glance at each other, and didn't acknowledge those watching at all. They simply came to a halt.

They reminded her of the soldiers that she had worked with so very long ago. They had the same stances, the same look in their eyes, though she had never imagined she would see that in a squirrel. The ones on the outside of the square were larger, older and obviously the ones that had been in the baraen the longest. The ones in the middle were younger, more like Kitch's age, but they were just as silent and steady. They still had the same alert look on their faces as the shaman she had met the night she'd been changed came with a tall lean looking black squirrel that had nearly gone white with age. Though elderly, he still gave an appearance of strength in his thin frame. The Shaman was slower and bent with his age, not this new person.

"That is Bara Chane, he is the leader and teacher of the baraen. You know our Shaman, Lonsha." Kitch whispered and moved so he was standing behind her and his arms wrapped over her stomach.

Celina stiffened slightly and glanced to one side at the people that surrounded them. They weren't paying attention to the fact that he was holding her. She felt an odd lurch in her stomach, but not an unpleasant one. He didn't tighten his hold, in fact he lightened it as if he were ready to let her walk out of his arms so that he wasn't holding her so tightly. She didn't want him to let go of her. The scent of him behind her, the warm scent that still lingered in her fur, it was... comforting. With a flush she moved her hands up to rest over his own and leaned backwards to let him take some of her weight. She caught a startled smile on his face when she tilted her head back.

"Why did you leave them?" She whispered softly and Kitch made a soft shushing sound as Lonsha took a step in front of the gathered baeran warriors.

"Every fall we come to know that our young children are ready to be accepted into their sabons to learn their work. It is a time of celebration and all will come together today to welcome them with open arms." The white squirrel looked around, "But some of our youngsters are not chosen by a season to serve, they are chosen to serve us all. They are chosen to protect and keep us safe, they are chosen to learn to defend themselves and those who cannot defend them. Those males are elevated away from their sabons and become one of the baraen. Chane, you have watched them from afar.."

The lean squirrel narrowed his eyes and cast them about over the gathered squirrels. "I have watched, as I have watched for decades. I have seen the birth of your sons and been present at their achievements. My baraen have watched and noted those who are agile, quick and clever. They have watched the ones that might walk away from village life to join their brothers. They must be strong of heart and mind, as well as body. They must recognize that there is no place in our ranks for courting females, there is no place for a winter-born or summer-born, only baraen-born. They must live away from our village so that their eyes can be keen and sharp..."

Kitch sighed softly and his paws rubbed up along the curve of her belly. "I left because they are.. strict in their discipline. There is little chance for humor or change within their ranks."

"Was it because of me?" Celina blinked as Chane continued to outline the duties of the baraen.

"No, I had left already." Kitch shifted his muzzle to touch her neck gingerly and sighed. "I did not enjoy what they were doing and what they are. They are our protectors, but they do not change. They do not participate in our lives, they do not know us. From the time that they are chosen as young males they are surrounded by only others of their own caste. They forget the ones here in the village. They do their jobs, but they lose.. something."

Kitch's voice turned sad as he spoke and the fingers started to flex against her belly. Calina turned her head to see him staring at Chane who called forth four males who barked out names one after another to the cheers of the crowd. Kitch, with his easy smile and gentle ways, had been chosen to be one of these frowning determined looking males? She couldn't see it, not when she had seen his shy head ducking and peaceful manner.

"I am glad you left them, then." Calina murmured softly and twitched her ears back. Glad? She was more than glad, she was relieved.

"I am as well.." Kitch sighed and stiffened slightly. She glanced back towards the crowd to see one of the male's that were calling out names glaring in their direction. The dark eyes were narrowed as he barked out another name. It was an aggressive look that slipped away as the male turned to one side and let the next one step forward to call out a name.

"EDAN!" A sleek looking grey male to the side of the aggressive one called out to a cheer that erupted from among their groups.

Thrown Back: Chapter 10

Calina shivered, despite the heavy cloak that she wore, and tried her best to put on an extra burst of speed up the tree to where a glow told her that Kitch had already started to warm their home up. Their home. Such a foreign word to her mind, but one...

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Seeking Justice: Chapter 6

Erin didn't know if she had any part of her left that could feel shame anymore. Or at least, any humiliation that was left to her that could rouse her into outrage. Her life was a hellish series of events that were recorded with loving detail and she...

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Kalan's Mistake: Part 2

The sound of music echoed and vibrated the floor of an office that looked as if it would have been at home in some stately plantation house, not hiding above a club in the midst of one of the largest party neighborhoods in the world. The walls were...

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