Warrior's Pride

Story by FakeMan on SoFurry

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A warrior finds a pride to take pride in.

Rougher than my usual works. Certainly not morally savory, but certainly appealing in other ways. It is an experiment in having a multitude of bodies all suspended in a story.

Let me know what you think! Comments, criticism, and odd-ball quotes are all very much appreciated.

Disclaimer - This is trashy violent pornography involving Lions, Transformation, Lions, Rough Sex, and Lions. Please don't read this if any of these things offend you, especially the lions (TLDR- This is crazy porn, don't read if it is not legal for you to do so.)

Warrior's Pride

It had finally come down to this. After all of these years of fighting he had broken the first rule of being a mercenary: always pick the winning side. It seemed like a pretty easy job, protect the aptly named village of Trade from the pride of rampaging beasts that sacked it on a near annual basis. He had been informed that it wasn't exactly wild animals that he had to deal with, but nothing could have prepare him for the wave of measured death that swept over those short sandstone embankments.

There was only around twenty five of the things, but each one was a godless killing machine in a way he could only wish he was. The only weapon each carried was a single sharpened wood javelin that they could hurl like a ballista, strapped to their back on a simple leather harness. They were more animal than man, looking like upright lions with proud brown manes and blunt but vaguely human paw-hands. Their bone shaking roars still rang in his ears as he couldn't stop replaying the last terrible minute in his mind.

No alarm had been sounded. It was good that all of the women, children, and non-combatants had evacuated the previous day, but they were not even near ready. It was so abrupt, silence, and then the air was filled with snarling roars and javelins taking people through the chest from seventy yards away.

The front lines might well not have existed for all the time they held. Wicked claws and and inhuman ferocity tore through them instantly.

He had withdrawn to a more defensible alley, hatchet drawn and held at the ready, but before there was even time to muster any fear, one of these terrible feline things bounded around the corner, death in its eyes as it lunged at him. It swiped at him with an enormous paw, faster than any human could hope to. Leaning into the blow and hoping his pauldron would save him, he swung in a great crescent ark towards the beast's exposed neck.

Its eyes widened in surprise, unused to creatures fighting back in such a measured way. He could smell its musty animal odor in the infinite time as the claw hung in the air before crashing into him. His shoulder guard was torn off, and his skin deeply gouged by those terrible talons, but the lion found itself with a neck full of axe, pawing at the wrapped handle ineffectually before toppling forward onto the sandy ground with a thump. Wincing, he grabbed his shoulder, squeezing to help staunch the bleeding as he leaned in to retrieve his hatchet. Suddenly, shadows caught his eye and he spun around, panicking.

There were three of them, he turned and bolted, only getting two steps before he realized that another group of five was blocking the opposite side of the alley-way. The sounds of fighting had disappeared, and the silence rung in his ears as the lions advanced imperiously. They could have killed him in an instant . . . Seeing no way out, he spread his hands, holding them over his head in the universal gesture of surrender. He had no clue if any of these tawny furred beasts had any conception of honor, but he prayed as they padded towards him, staring with cold golden eyes.

One of the larger beasts, mane almost black, stood directly before him, eyes tracing from his bleeding shoulder wound to the hatchet lodged in his fallen comrade. The man inadvertently yelped as the beast lashed out faster than any human could hope to, knocking him to the ground with a savage backhand. He shook his head, spitting out dust as he marveled that he was still alive, those claws could have ripped his head from his shoulders if the animal had so chosen.

Lips curling up savagely, a few of the lions growled to each other, descending on him as their brethren stripped the well worn leather harness from the fallen beast's still bleeding corpse, leaving the hatchet firmly embedded. Grasping claws searched his body, tearing the dagger from his boot and the knife in his sleeve out before shredding the remains of his clothes, leaving him prostrate on the ground, stark naked, alive, but still bleeding.

Two burly felines grabbed his arms and hoisted him to his feet, dragging him between them as he tried to keep up. That blow from the big one must have been harder than he thought, he could hardly keep his feet under himself as he stumbled after them through the carnage. There were corpses of all of the faceless village men and cheap mercenaries he was fighting with, but not a single bestial corpse among them. As they met up with the rest of the animalistic group he saw that a few were casually licking shallow wounds, but . . . surely their small group couldn't have taken a fortified village with only one casualty . . .

Forming a ring, the lions pushed him into the center, as one of them approached him, holing that same leather harness that had been stripped from his dead opponent between its massive paws. They all wore an identical one, leather straining over their muscled chests. The man didn't protest as it walked towards him, held up his arms as if he were a child, and slipped the far too large straps over his shoulders. It was all joined by an iron ring on the chest side, that dangled loose against him as he considered his position. They would probably take him as a slave, try to sell him off on the markets. But, why only him? Was this a symbolic way of replacing their fallen brother?

A few of the lions closed in on him, being so close he noticed that their bodies were all very similar, but not exactly the same: Cat-like faces with sharp fangs and pinkish noses at the ends of their muzzles. Most of their forms were covered in short straw colored fur except for their variation in shaggy brownish manes that pulled all the way down their chests to their bellies, drawing his attention lower. In the heat of combat he hadn't really noticed, but between each of the thing's legs was an animal package, balls pulled back under their tails and furry sheaths between their muscled thighs.

He waited for something to happen as the alien faces of the stoic lions surveyed his form. Suddenly, he flinched as one of them sniffed at the wound on his shoulder from behind him. He groaned in pain as the thing's broad rough tongue scraped across the gashes, raspily tugging at the already drying blood. Two strong paws grabbed his arms and held him in place as he jerked in agony with every nerve wracking lap. The wound bled freely, and some of his crimson life's blood painted the monster's muzzle. Soon though, the deep gouges felt funny, bleeding slowing down as the face licked its chops noisily behind him.

The iron grip of the paws forced him down onto his knees as another one of the lions approached him. It huffed as it looked down on his form as if it were tasting the air. Huge paws wrapped around the sides of the man's head and pulled his face in hard against its bestial crotch. The smell was overwhelming, he tried to pull back but he might as well been struggling against iron chains. It was an odoriferous blend of animal musk, and a sandy masculine smell that tickled his nose. At first he wanted to vomit, but then, he inhaled again, somehow curious for more of the bizarre sensation.

His struggles jostled the flesh of the thing's package until a pink prick poked out of the loose sheath, throbbing longer. The man considered biting the jiggling skin, but at least he was still alive for now. He didn't want to change that yet. And so he just closed his eyes, grimacing as he was pressed hard against soft furry maleness. Another of the strong lions stepped in behind him and he felt the warm weight of the thing's heavy balls press against his back. Perhaps he should have just gone down fighting . . .

Leaning down, the muscled beast in front of him hooked a clawed finger under his chin and pulled his head up, muzzle sniffing at him as its whiskers twitched. It opened its pink maw wide, flashing its white fangs before lapping at the man's surprised and unwilling lips, tongue slowly slipping into his mouth. The sensation was indescribable, harsh roughness of the broad animal tongue leaving tingling patches of rawness in his mouth as it scraped over them. He wanted to pull back but the solid furry wall of the lion behind him held him firmly in place.

With his eyes screwed shut he couldn't see the patch of tawny fur begin to sprout on his visibly healed shoulder, but the invading tongue was beginning to taste different, fiery and rich; he hated to admit it, but almost good. Their bodies were so strong, tight muscles under their loose animal hides and the sandy scent of the dense fur as they pressed against him. The beast rumbled as he lapped into the dazed man's agape mouth before sliding back with a wicked grin. His blunt padded paws rubbed up against the man's small nipples, causing the loose harness to swing before the man felt the lion behind him grab hold of his hips, toppling him forward with a yank.

Whiskers and hot panting feline breath puffed against his ass as the beast sniffed around his exposed backside. Paws grasped his rounded rump, claws dimpling his tanned flesh as they spread him wide. There was a deep bass rumbling as he could hear the sloppy noise of the monster licking its chops. A pink hot rasp of flesh ground against his exposed anus, making him grit his teeth, eyes widening. The rough tongue was too much, millions of pin pricks over his private sensitive flesh. He tried to pull away, but those claws tensed, threatening more than pin pricks if he attemped it.

As the ravening tongue lashed his rear passage, a larger lion bent down in front of him, animal ass exposed, tail swishing about maliciously as its appraising eyes looked back at him. Recoiling, he tried to pull away, but strong paws grasped his now uneven shoulders and thrust him roughly forward again. His chin pressed into the soft warm flesh of the thing's ass as the tail wagged against his face. An iron hand-paw shoved at the back of head head, squashing his face against the disgusting animal's package between the strong muscles of its ass. Wanting to scream, he drew in a breath and paused. That scent . . . so powerful. Masculine. Soon he didn't even realize the hands no longer held him there as he inhaled lustily at the base of the virile lion's tail.

Behind him the tongue paused, pressed against his now scrubbed anus, feeling his flesh clench and tighten in pulses before it slid sinuously into his protesting hole. It was like a warm liquid sliding into him, malleable and hot, but he screamed in sensation as it drew out, tongue pulling at his insides. As it quickly shoved back in he moaned, bucking his hips, the sensation lighting him up with unexpected pleasure as it roughly invaded his clenching ass.

The skin around his rear began to loosen as a dusting of sandy fur grew in around it, progressing in waves every time the tongue pumped into him. While the rough lapping pulled, the pliant flesh just above his asshole stretched upwards and then settled, pulling looser and more animal as a nub of flesh was scraped out of him. It pulled this way and that, sprouting a tuft of light brown at the end as it formed into a developing feline tail. The clenched hands on either side of his rump rubbed small tense circles against him as the flesh grew stronger, skin looser, tail jerking longer, whole body becoming less weak and more animal.

His nose twitched as the scent of male pungency lit up his whole body. Almost of its own accord, his mouth fell open, and his tongue fell against the the hot twitching flesh of the lion's ass: So musty, quivering in pleasure, begging for more. As if pulled by and unseen force, he lapped out again, stroking all the way up from the thing's tight balls to the base of its tail. Each flick tugged out longer and further, dragging his tongue as he could feel it flattening, starting to comb through the bushy hair of the tail like a strong feline tongue is meant to.

Quivering, his anus stretched, widening as his tail tugged out longer, fur feathering out slightly at the base as the coarse tongue lapped over it. The powerful paws pulled his ass cheeks further apart as his hips creaked into a new, more bestial form, exposing the flesh around his taint as it started sprouting a downy covering of tawny fuzz. In one last writhing stroke, the pink rasp slid inside of him and twisted about before slowly grinding out, scraping all the way down to his balls in one long broad stroke.

His mouth was shifting, cracking out into a muzzle as a bass rumble built up in his chest. Licking his chops, he could feel his growing fangs and the powerful stretch of his changing jaws. Suggestive paws firmly pressed his head forward again, and he teased the quivering pink flesh of the lion's ass, grinning as he heard the beast begin to purr. Planting his head so that his nose was against the masculine scent of the thing's tail base, he tensed his tongue with a new-found strength, amazed as he sank into the musty tunnel of flesh that wrapped and squeezed around him needfully. The animal roared as he pulled out with a scrape, it was so satisfying to have such control that he had to do it again; sliding his hot tongue into that tight feline ass and writhing around, pumping just to make the beast squirm.

Behind him two sinewy lions were leaning in from the sides as the one positioned at his rear began to ravish his clenched testes in rough strokes, making the man's breath catch at the sudden apparition. The two beasts flanking him leaned under his form, their wiry manes and soft ears flickering against his pathetic man-flesh as they began to sandwich his half hard member in rough synchronized catty licks as it throbbed harder and harder. His balls began to swell, more rounded as they pressed out against his tightening scrotum. Slowly, in halting tugs with the pulling tongue, his testes were jerked haltingly back towards his soft feline anus.

With one last relishing lap into and around the taut feline pucker, the changing man growled low and deep as he felt the animals behind him slavering across his pulsing package. His pink nose broadened, becoming wet, but leathery as the top was coated in a velvet fuzz. It rubbed against the pliant masculine taint in front of him as he inhaled against the soft heft of the lion's rounded orbs, smelling the start of his own fiery aroma amongst its musky arousing cat heat. Lapping out sideways, his twisting feline tongue scrapped across the delicate flesh, and he could feel the skin tense at the contact, testes churning inside their taut animal home while he lathered the balls in demanding affection.

Great maw widening, the broad lion behind him opened its hot pink mouth and enveloped his balls, sucking and pulling as they swelled, tugging until they were positioned right under his anus, like a true lion's should be. Letting the wet full sack slide from its mouth, the beast grinned, smelling his work as his brothers continued. Two hungry maws lapped at the base of his erection as a roll of sandy furred flesh formed there, new sheath damp with fragrant lion spittle. His member jerked, leaking out sweet pre as it began to twist and warp. The bulbous head tapered down into a point, a virile weapon to show his dominance. While the roughness of the tongues tickled it, small hairlike spines formed along the top, much like the texture of the lapping rasps. The interaction between the two was mind rending, making the man let out a coughing half-roar as they hooked against each other. The skin on his whole member slicked down into a fleshy pink, flavor becoming electric to the two suckling mouths that took turns sliding across his new tapered lion-hood.

His tongue kept on lapping of its own accord as the fleshy lion in front of him stood up, and his hips kept bucking as those behind him arose as well. He was going to rise too when suddenly he felt a myriad of strong paws press firmly against his back and flanks, rubbing in long hard strokes over his still human skin. He saw the forest of strong tawny legs around him from his grounded vantage point, standing on the balls of their proud leonine hind-paws. Bracing himself, he felt paws stretch his skin in every direction. Under his armpits, around his back, up his sides, under his belly, even grasping around his almost complete muzzle, wrapping around to scratch under his chin as he purred. His skin became slightly slack, vigorous rubbing feeling more and more intense as dirty yellow fur began to emerge amid the bizarre massage.

A few adventurous rough padded paws grabbed his ass, tickling through forming fur with sharp claws. Fingers found his still moist asshole and pressed tightly against it, just enough to make him tense and quiver, but not enough to actually enter him, even if he rocked back into them. Strong hands cupped his taut balls, jostling them against each other and squeezing each individually, making the man shift his weight from knee to knee in pleasure. One even grabbed the sheath of his feline pride and rubbed it between rough fingers until it drooled long beads of pre onto the sand below him.

The leather harness felt tighter and tighter as some of the feline lot bent down and rubbed underneath him with their warm animal mitts. His muscles rippled as paws from either side of his prostrate form tweaked his nipples, which grew slightly smaller, flesh becoming like brown suede. Other teasing digits pinched the flesh below them on his tightening chest. Rolling the skin tightly as another set of vestigial feline nipples formed. Silken waves of soft fur welled out from around his new nubs of flesh as a pair of mismatched paws pinched and squeezed out a third and final pair of pleasured nipples.

All at once the uncountable paws slid from his changed form, brushing through his thick coat and teasing away from his throbbing prick and balls. Heavy hands grabbed his still human arms and dragged him dazedly upwards. Throbbing barbed pink rose from every fuzzy sheath as he got a brief glimpse of the whole pride watching him. One of the largest lions, the one with the dark mane, stood before him, whiskers twitching in anticipation as two broad chested beasts knelt behind him, forming a sort of living table with their strong backs side to side, tails wagging eagerly, asses exposed for all to see. They laid him on his back, on top of the furred warmth of the purring beasts below him. His own tail was swishing side to side, tugging the muscles around his rear passage as the large male looked down at him. Its rough tongue flicked past its thin black lips hungrily.

He leaned his head back, looking at the world upside down as another handsome male approached his head. Leaning back further, he nuzzled his whiskered face against the thing's beautiful package, feeling a cool trail of peppery pre smear through his soft fur as he smelled the male musk of the thing's testes. From either end, the dominant figures grabbed his still pathetic arms and legs respectively, pulling themselves into position as hot throbbing lion flesh lined up with his anus and teased his thin lipped mouth.

Without a warning, both lions thrust forward savagely. The once man yowled in pleasure as they wasted no time mating the new addition to their pride. There was no gentleness here, only a thrumming animal lust as they crashed against him in quick body rocking shoves. The barbs of the cock pulled at the new supple flesh of his ass while the prick between his fangs tasted of a raw masculine power that was indefinably perfect as it hooked against his rough lapping tongue. Soft tight testes slapped against the base of his flickering tail as his own balls were rammed repeatedly by the soft fur of the thing's hard abs. Other lions gather around to fuck the waiting asses of the prostrate beasts under him, making the whole experience a wild jostling orgy that was only steadied by the males pressing into him grabbing his arms and legs in a firm steely grip.

Fur raced down his rapidly swelling arms and legs as they gained wiry muscles and thick skin amongst the lightning sensation of the ripping hammering from both ends. His pink huffing nose was pressed into the tightening balls of the beast fucking his muzzle, and he could feel them clench and writhe as both beasts let out a bellowing roar, shoving forward as their members erupted white hot gouts of pure male essence. He let out a gargling scream of bliss around the needfully jerking member in his maw as he lapped across it, suckling down every last drop as it jolted raw passion. His tightening ass milked the prick in his passage mercilessly as it continued to squeeze more into him.

As they both hit roaring orgasm, his hands and feet swelled as the wild lions pulled and squeezed at them; digits shortening as light fur grew over them and new tough leather pads formed. His feet clenched as they stretched out into a lithe animalistic form, balls of his feet swelling as they became thick pads to support his whole masculine body. As his member shook in need, not a single soul even brushed against it. He tried to pull his paws back to give himself relief but he was held in the panicked steel grip of a strong male in the throes of ecstasy. As he struggled, clenching claws pressed out of the furry tips of his blunt paws, extending and retracting as the strong males fucked him desperately while their climaxes tapered off.

The strong lithe bodies of the lions under him began to stir as he was pulled to his taut new animal paw-feet. His body was broad and powerful like theirs, but he lacked the distinction of a bushy mane like all the others. Cock still throbbing, it leaked pearls of pre down its length. His tail twitched as he could remember the grinding warmth of another male inside of him. As his slitted amber eyes watched, the one lion that had so thoroughly stuffed him bent over, looking back over its shoulder. Its tail made lazy seductive arcs as its unseeded anus stretched and pulsed enticingly.

With a roar, the once human grabbed the straps of the sexy lion's harness in his rough hand and pulled the beast back towards him. Another unseen lion sniffed around his ass smelling the powerful scent of male seed mixing with the new lion's own musk. As his hips began to hammer, prick poking at the monster's soft taint and fuzzed balls, the being behind him grabbed his hips, pressing his muzzle in and lapping across his tightly clenched abused tail-hole. With a rough shove the pink rasp forced its way inside of him, making him yowl in pleasure. The tongue twisted with every clench of his anus as he wildly strove to breed the ass in front of him.

With one amazing thrust, he hilted himself into the taut pliant flesh of the big lion's rear, making him growl a deep throaty rumble. Sliding in was smooth and satisfying, but sliding out grated against his senses in bliss, spines being grasped and tugged by clenching walls. The tongue behind him slid out of his clenched ass with a final wrenching lap, and the thing's huffing rose up his back, nuzzling his neck as it grabbed his shoulders tightly. He was so focused on fucking the needy animal under him that he let out a yowl of sensory overload as the lion behind him sank his barbed member into his well used and slickened behind, tugging at his strong tail in one paw and ramming in as the man's slick passage quivered in pure overloaded sensation.

Swollen balls tensing, writhing, churning as they slapped against those of the growling lion under him, he gritted his fangs as he felt his pleasure rise to an unstoppable crescendo. A ruff of thick brown burst into existence around his neck as he roared for the first time, member forcing out hot waves of feline jizzum into the clenching heat of the male in his clutches. His anus clenched in waves with his body wide contractions, crushing against the member of the beast inside of him as it jerked and the hot maleness flowed into him again as the lion buried its huffing muzzle in his thick mane. Roaring on, his orgasm raged longer as his mane flowed down his tight chest, blossoming behind the straps of the leather harness that he wore with pride as he loosed every last ounce of his pleasure into the mewling cat in front of him while milking his unseen lovers cock for all it was worth. Powerful feline bodies joined all around him, fucking each other in an ocean of musky maleness.

He jilted his last virile stream of seed into the fellow lion's twitching ass before yanking out with a final huff of bliss. Surrounding him were the members of his pride; warriors without equal. They all prepared themselves, helping each other clean off the last of the seed soaked into their thick fur and hooking simple wooden javelins to the backs of their identical harnesses. At a speed faster than any human could hope to match, they dashed through the desert, not hoping to find something so shallow as riches or fame. They sought the thrill of the hunt and the elation of honorable combat. The former man clenched his broad paws, feeling his corded muscles. This was his pride.

Leap of Faith

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