Mail Order Bliss

Story by FakeMan on SoFurry

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This is my half of a trade done for the very talented Latex (go check out her page, some of the pictures go pretty well with the story 0_<

It involves a set of miraculous mail order mitts, transformation and gender swapping, and a night or hot steamy romance.

Please feel free to comment or criticize at your leisure, lemme know what you think.

Disclaimer- This story is bad for you. No amount of vitamins, self-help books, or exercise will ever return you to the person you were before you read this. Please consider what all of the transformation and kinky sex will do to your mind's lithe figure. Then again, your mind's figure could use a little fattening up . . . (This is pornographic in nature, don't read if you are under the age of 18).

Mail Order Bliss

She held the box steady as his trembling hands carefully snipped through the packaging tape with the old pair of lime green safety scissors. As a couple they had always been looking for new ways to spice up their sex lives and this month's experiment had just arrived in the mail.

"Hmmmm, doesn't seem like all that much does it?" Taylor asked with an appraising smirk, setting aside the scissors that were comically small in his large hands. The inside of the battered cardboard box contained what look like a few scraps of thick shiny brown material, a small plastic bottle full of clear liquid, and a cheaply printed piece of yellowing paper bearing an old time-y advert.

Dr. Bronswick's Miraculous Pleasure Mitts!

Looking for a night you won't forget?

Let Dr. Bronswick help!

These sensuous spreading mitts will bring you pleasure unbound,

Complete with that tingling sensation that lets you know the best is yet to come.

Just follow the simple instructions below!*

*Dr. Bronswick and Co. are under no legal or financial obligation for mishaps incurred using our fine wares. Side effects may include dizziness, cotton mouth, increased libido, change in appetite, lycanthropy, heterochromia, sneezing, demonic possession, non-demonic possession, physical alteration, desire to break out into song, inexplicable orgasm, explicable orgasm, temporary immortality, synesthesia, ability to make crepes, happiness, green thumb, telescopic vision, and desire to make puns about Charlie Chaplin. If you have any questions about your product, or are dissatisfied please write a self addressed envelope to our customer service at the return address and we will get back to you in 6-8 business weeks.

"Well, the instructions look simple enough," chimed in Ashley, snatching up the scrappy piece of paper before he could get to the fine print. She pointed to the pictures reminiscent of those airline safety manuals that no one ever reads. "Looks like you just 'lubricate' your hands and then slip those glove looking things on over them, and there are ones for your feet too. . . I dunno, seems pretty gimmicky," she tapped against her teeth with her fingernail pensively.

"Well, it was on sale, and the last one they had in stock," he shrugged. Reaching into the box he took up a limp glove between his fingers. The brown thing was thicker and heavier than a standard latex glove deep brown on the outside, but creamy off white on the fingers and palm. It felt kind of like a cross between vinyl and shark skin, pliant, but not too rubbery. He gave it a sniff with a puzzled expression, it had that bitter tang of rubber, and a deeper mustier scent that he couldn't place. "You still wanna try it?"

"Oh heck yeah I do," she planted a mischievous kiss on his cheek. "I'll meet you in the bedroom at naked o'clock." With that she plucked the glove from his grasp, tossed it back in the box, picked up the whole thing and sashayed down the hall into the big bedroom.

Taylor smiled as he stepped into his own little room and peeled off his shirt and jeans. Naked o'clock was his favorite time. Smiling, he stepped into his customary pre-coitus shower. It just always felt good to go into a night of lovely debauchery freshly scrubbed.

Ashley walked around the room naked, waving her stove lighter as if she were some kind of god bringing life to the cheap scented candles that she had positioned around the room. There were candles in glasses, candles on old brass dishes, even candles in a ceramic Garfeild candle holder that she'd never let Taylor get rid of. She lit them all before turning off the light to let the room flicker in wavering candle-light. It was never really about the physical act to her, but more about about making it special each and every time.

He rapped at the door theatrically, leaning against the frame as she opened it. She was the epitome of beauty; dark hair cascading down her olive skin, stray locks falling over her dark nipples. She looked up at his ridiculous movie star grin as he leaned at the door. "May I come in?" he rumbled in his best Humphry Bogart.

"Oh, get in here you goof!" she yanked his arm, tossing him onto the bed. Her eyes wandered down his body, shaggy brown hair over his rounded face, bare light skinned chest and abs leading down to his strong hairy legs. Ick. She wished she could get away with having a miniature forest on her legs. She plopped down on the bed so that the box was in-between them.

"So, do we put the stuff in the gloves first, or . . . ?" he puzzled picking up the strange garments again. The "socks" were heavy too, and had a slightly thicker sole. This was gonna feel weird.

"I guess," she flicked open the lid of the plastic bottle as he held a glove open. It was a clear viscous substance with a strange chemical odor, and she dribbled about a quarter of it into the mouth of the glove. "Make sure you squish it around so it gets in all the fingers though," she said as she began filling up the other glove.

Taylor rolled the glove in-between his hands, listening to it squelch and shlorp before holding it up like a surgeon before a major surgery. "And now for the moment of truth!" he dramatically slid the glove over his outstretched hand. It was odd, fitting . . . like a glove; but better than that, like it was made to be on him. Immediately he could feel the still air in the room against the outside of it, it was a little cool at first, but it quickly warmed up.

"Stunned into silence eh?" she grinned as she mashed the other glove in her hands noisily.

"Mmmmmhmmm," he grinned as she helped slide the other glove over his left hand.

"So, any good?" Ashley inquired as she grabbed one of his fingers and rubbed it curiously. It was actually quite smooth, and did leave her skin feeling a little tingly, then again, she might just be getting excited.

"It's weird." he flexed his hands, listening to the latex-like material creak. "I thought with that slippery stuff in em they were going to keep sliding off, but man; these things are like a second skin. I can feel everything though them," he eyed her with a comically malicious grin. "Everything!" he shouted like a bad horror movie narration, pouncing onto her, rubbing the ponderously smooth material all over her as she giggled.

"Oh get off of me you lout!" she laughed as he tickled her ribs, hands creeping up to her breasts. "We still have to do your feet!" her hand fished around in the box and came out with the two limp objects that looked like swimmer's caps for feet. Like the gloves the soles were slightly off white, while the rest was a deep mahogany color.

The terrible tickling ceased as he sat back up on the edge of the bed. "Alright. Let's suit me up then," he leaned in and picked up the half empty bottle. As she held open the odd socks, he squeezed the last of the substance into them carefully. Amid the gurgling slurps as they each kneaded one of the strange foot coverings he looked up at her in mock seriousness. "I was on the varsity Sock Squelching team at university."

"Hah! And did you win the championship?" her hair was tossed to the side as she turned her head to look him in the eyes.

"Those Yale bastards cheated!" his lips trembled as he tried to look like a valedictorian while being seconds from bursting out laughing.

Doubling over, her laughter rang out though the room. Some of the lubricant slipped out of her sock and on to her fingers as she panted. "How do you cheat at this!?"

"That's what the judges said too!" he was laughing as well at this point. They leaned in together and shared a kiss seasoned with their own unique humor before she slipped off the side of the bed. Her fingers felt warm where the stuff had got on her, it felt a lot like some of the mentholated things they had used before. Absentmindedly her fingers rubbed through her bush, wiping off the slick substance, brushing against her clit, she was already getting wet.

"What are you doing down there?" Taylor asked, wiping his eyes as he caught his breath.

"Shoeing a reluctant horse," she lifted his foot and slid the long rubbery sock over it, feeling as his toes popped into place at the end of it. It had vaguely more definition than a sock, looking like some kind of strange slipper. He wriggled his feet as he felt the same cool/warm feeling as the gloves wash into his legs while he handed her the other sock and she slipped it over his left foot. Coyly, she tickled his feet, sliding her fingers around the faint impressions of his toes.

Letting out a guffaw of laughter, he fell back on the bed, feet kicking feebly, as she started licking at the now incredibly sensitive flesh of his toes, encased in the tight rubber like material. The material tasted strange as well, but not entirely unpleasant. "Oh! S-stop it. Hah! Heeeeee," he kicked and grinned as she stood up before him.

"Well, Mr. Mitts," Ashley began, hands on her hips, "are you ready to bring me pleasure unbound?" she posed in front of him seductively, watching as his member began to stiffen, bobbing slowly to attention.

"You know it!" he grinned, the mitts actually did feel really good. At this point he couldn't even feel where they started and his flesh began. "Come 'ere you wriggling waif!" he growled in a piratey bass as he grasped her hips and pulled her onto his lap.

"Ohh, you know, they do feel warm," she ground into him, feeling his erection pressed between her buttocks and his belly. Her flesh nearly lit up where his now silky hands touched her, those gloves felt oddly slick, but kind of cloying. Not like the way they had felt when she touched them in the box at all.

"Well, if you think that was warm, do I have something for you," he guided her up as he arranged himself under her. "Ready?"

"When am I not ready? . . . Ohhhh," she moaned as she slid down onto him. Her inner walls clenched at the sudden hot apparition, and she felt his hips buck and cock spasm as she let herself down, enveloping him completely. His hands creeped around her sides and teased her breasts, palming them and jostling the soft flesh in gentle circles, darker skinned nipples pinched delicately between the strangely smooth white fingers of those hot gloves.

Breath catching in his throat as she began to rock her hips, he felt the velvet heat grinding up and down along his length, all the while the balmy feeling from his hands and feet felt like it was creeping up, radiating into him. It felt amazing, like being hugged all over his body at once, warm and tight, taut and supple.

Ashley gasped as one of his white fingered hands moved down from her breast, sliding past her tender belly and sifting his fingers through her brush. "Ohh, God! Yeeeessss," she groaned as his indescribably tingly and smooth hand made contact with her pulsing clit atop her stretching labia. The feeling was amazing, like a lance of pleasure shooting though her body. But his hand felt somehow different, maybe he had just finally trimmed his nails down like she asked . . .

This is amazing he thought as he continued thrusting his hips, rocking in time with her as they jostled together. He buried his head in her dark lustrous hair and inhaled. She always smelled so nice, but he swore that she smelled better than usual, rich and feminine, with a strange hint of something more, a peppery undertone. His arms felt so sinuous, warmth stretching all the way up to his shoulders. As he flexed his legs he swore that he could feel his toes and feet stretching and straining in an amazingly sensual way. It was all so good, but he wanted more.

Leaning her head back, she let her hand rest on the smooth hairless surface of his glove as he ran a finger along the the outside of her taut slick feminine folds, and then returned to the lightning rod of pleasure that was her clit. "That's niiiiice," she crooned as she felt the weird texture of the gloves, smooth and slightly rubbery. "Honey, are you . . . panting? Tired already!?" she teased.

"Naw," he huffed into the back of her head. "But you smell so fine . . . MmmmmmMMMmm," she could feel the cold on her scalp as he inhaled. Flickering out, his tongue lapped at the nape of her neck with an animal carelessness.

"Ahhh!" the sudden apparition of warmth followed by the coldness of moist spittle made her giggle. "You're frisky tonight. The oven mitts must be working." She glanced down at the fingers lightly pinching her clit. "Huh . . . Your hands look weird . . ." she panted as she rocked her hips. She didn't remember his hands being quite so graceful. They were long and dexterous, the thin white slick fingers making her gasp every time they brushed against her femininity.

"It must be a Gnnnngh, perk," he gritted as she clenched around him. "These things are so warm. Tight! I can feel it all over," he groaned. And he could, the slick warmth was creeping up his neck and hips, he felt so flexible and alive. A dun colored sheet of substance was stretching out unbeknownst all over his body, flowing up his thighs and over his shoulders. As the seeping warmness reached his balls he yelled out in pleasure, it was like he was being fondled, something clenching and pulling at him in the most wonderful way imaginable.

Moaning, she felt his cock tug inside of her. It was getting intense, his whole body felt hot against her, and his panting was getting louder. Her arms clenched as her clitoris was circled by a playful thumb while he thrust into her with renewed vigor. She just felt so sensitive, the warmth seemed to be sinking into her through where she had rubber her fingers earlier.

His chest felt like it was on fire in the best of ways as the heat spread all over it. Suddenly, he could feel her back rubbing against his pectorals with relentless acuity. He looked down and his eyes widened at what he saw. A lighter brown sheen of the same rubbery looking substance that made up those gloves was running down his chest, and had already traveled all the was down his arms. It was a fainter shade on his chest than his sides, a tan color like fresh hardwood. It made him look sleek, and slender, this must just be what the gloves were supposed to do. He wasn't going to complain, it felt amazing.

The relentless warmth clenched tighter around his testes and he felt it tighten, pulling his orbs taut against his body, and squeezing harder, painlessly pressing inwards. Torrid shiny blackness began to creep up his member and Ashley drew in a breath. Suddenly the pole ramming into her lit up with a new slickness, feeling hotter, and more and more intense.

The grinding of her body against his own was growing more and more mind shattering, his nipples, or the nipples of the . . . suit? started swelling with pulsing throbs, areolas pulling out wider and darker, sleek black skinned nipples standing taut as the flesh under them pressed out, mashed against her back as he developed pert breasts. Her clenching walls felt like they were squeezing impossibly hard, and his member felt so hot as it was encased by the strange substance of the gloves, pulsing, pliant as she crushed in around him.

Soon the brownish substance covered almost all of him, his chest faded to a lighter color while the rest darkened slightly into a smooth ashy earth tone. The place where the glove used to rest on his hands and feet remained a darker hue, nearly black, contrasting with his white fingers and soles as his hands and feet clenched, twisting while they became slightly longer, delicate, but also deceptively strong. His thrusts were becoming almost desperate his mind lost in a haze of pleasure as the slick substance crawled up and began covering his face.

Jaws opening, his lips stretched and darkened as his face began to push out with a deliciously slow pressure. He could feel his entire body swelling and warping as his face pulled out, as if sculpted by unseen hands into a vaguely canine muzzle. Haltingly, his nose pressed out into a moist black panting thing at the end of the elongated face crawling slowly into his vision as the warmth creeped into his scalp. Tongue lolling out as it panted longer and flatter, the hair on his head darkened slightly into a deep russet color as it to grew longer, falling against his heaving shoulders. Under the wave of soft hair, his ears pulled and stretched, flicking as they became more properly canine.

Ashley's own tongue lolled out as she rocked against his fevered humping. Something was wrong, but she didn't even want to know what. Her clit exploded with pleasure, being roughly teased as she felt herself clamping down harder than she imagined possible. It was like her body wished to squeeze so hard that there would no longer be any distinction between her own flesh and the sweltering member drilling into her.

Taylor's entire body clenched, and he pulled her closer towards himself as his bucking slowed, becoming hard, deliberate, body wrenching shoves that drew him closer to that precipice that he so desperately wanted to fling himself off of. His Anus clenched as his balls were pulled harder, sinking into his taut flesh slightly, he could smell her peppery passion radiating off of her in a very tangible sense.

She sucked in a sharp breath, surprised as something cold and sniffing buried itself in the nape of her neck. It threw her over the edge as she yelled, and her body was assaulted by clenching waves of pleasure as she ground against his member inside of her.

Howling, his body shook as everything seemed to happen at once. His member jerked and pulsed as it was ruthlessly squeezed, jettisoning waves of his seed inside of her. With each spurt, his balls were clenched tighter and tighter, making his orgasm only increase in mind numbing intensity. Ass clenching, a nub of a wriggling tail pressed out from his tail bone in halting tugs, wagging, and then thumping longer and longer against the bed with every gut-wrenching wave of pleasure. Her walls were squeezing him so tightly, constricting in such a way that it felt like she was molding him inside of her.

With each jetting wave of warmth into her she let out a moan of pleasure. It was as if her clit was throbbing more sensitive with each jet of warmth, like there was more of it to feel as his lithe finger stroked it.. She gritted her teeth as she could feel herself crushing in on him, but it was just getting hotter and hotter with intense tightness.

With one last squeeze, his balls were pulled completely inside of his smooth rubbery crotch and his member made its last jolt inside of her as his tail floofed out into an oddly fluffy thing that flapped against the covers. But it was so strange, it still felt so good, rubbing against her, he never had to pull out or anything. It was a feeling deep inside himself, an oddly new pleasure that lanced through him post-orgasm, resting inside of his loins like it never had before.

With a deep huff of finality, both of them rolled to the side, making the springs of the bed creak as they caught their breaths and came to their senses.

Taylor ran his smooth hands over his new form, it was so sleek, graceful, his pink dog-like tongue lolled to the side as he squeezed one of his now full breasts. His other hand dragged over his ever so smooth belly as it slid between his legs, making him moan as his long hite fingers found the edges of his black and slick new femininity.

"Ohhh, that was," Ashely began. "Taylor? TAYLOR!?" a hard edge of panic crept into her voice. "What the fuck is this!?" she rolled over, gesturing to her crotch. Her clit had grown out and thickened while any suggestion of her feminine lips had faded, leaving her with a cock that bobbed as she stared at it in horror. But that was before she had even lifted her gaze up to see what had become of her boyfriend.

"Ahhh, that's innnteresting," Taylor growled back lustily, his voice dripping out of him like honey, sultry, seductive. The edges of his new canine lips turned up in a smile as he saw her perplexed eyes wander over his beautiful sleek brown form, perked up triangular ears peeking trough his long silky hair, as his fluffy flag of a tail wagged sensuouly.

"My god!" her hand shot up reaching for him but then stopping. "This isn't right! We have to call the hospital or something, we don't know like . . . it might kill you or something," she finished lamely as his lithe form shifted around and leaned towards her.

"You don't need to worry about me honey," his long pink tongue licked across his smooth chops. "I feel good. Nice. Right." he moaned as he fondled one of his hard wide dark fleshed nipples. On hands and knees he leaned forward until she could feel his hot panting breath on her skin. "It looks like you need some help though. Let me help you," he finished breathily as his firm slender hands guided her so that her legs hung off of the side of the bed.

"But, wait," her mind raced as his pliant flesh rubbed against her. He slid off the bed with fluid motions that she didn't remember him possessing. "Shouldn't we . . . this can't . . ." his cascading hair brushed against her thighs as he leaned in, spreading her legs. That dog-like tongue flicked out and glanced wetly across the mushroom headed throbbing member that arose from her, and her world exploded into sensation.

His brown ears twitched as he leaned in, sandwiching the twitching shaft between his breasts and her smooth belly. "Just enjoy it," he panted as he leaned in over her, mashing his oddly conforming breasts against each other, around her new member which throbbed uncontrollably.

Leaning back, her hands grasped around his ears and she moaned as he bobbed down, nibbling at the head of the cock as it glided against his tongue into his canine muzzle. He growled in pleasure as she moaned above him, bobbing his head down against the delightfully entrapped member.

Her fingers held tightly against the smooth poreless skin of his head. She wasn't sure if she wanted to push him away or pull him down tighter. It felt sooo good. Breath coming out in rough pants, she felt one of his hands slide off and move below her member, teasing the faint indentation where her femininity used to reside. His breasts seemed to swell larger, rubbing against her member even without both of his hands pressing them there as the loose flesh jostled.

Taylor's hand prodded and squeezed the flesh below her shaft with nimble fingers. The smooth flesh bunched up, beginning to contract and pulse, tightening and loosening while he kneaded against it under the rock hard penis. Soon his tongue could taste the beads of pre that welled out from the hot tip of her member while his feminine hand squeezed gently, tugging at a pair of developing testes as they swelled up, beginning to boil and seethe larger as they settled into loose sack that was cleverly mashed by his rubbery fingers.

Something was rising inside of her. Bucking her hips, Ashley groaned out, rubbing small circles against Taylor's oddly fuzzy dog like ears. Her whole body felt warm, and electric tingles of pleasure shot through her whenever her new member rubbed against the hot ridged palette inside of his doggy mouth. Her teeth gritted as she moaned, it was so intense, she wanted, no needed release, and she could feel it rising, body clenching in anticipation.

As he tasted the passion boiling in her he gave her new balls one last squeeze and lapped up off of the member, tongue lolling out, panting as her member twitched angrily, unable to reach fruition.

"Unnngh, I . . . I, Tay. I need . . ." she gasped. Her body felt incomplete, as if she had been just about to finish a marathon only to be yanked back to the starting line.

He stood up before her in a long drawn out sinuous motion. "I know," he purred, as he leaned his head in for a kiss. His lips felt so strange against her, warm and pliant as their tongues writhed together. She could feel his cool moist nose rest against hers, but it no longer bothered her while she leaned into the kiss. The flavor was an odd sultry musk that made her rumble in pleasure before they broke apart.

Ashley's arms reached forward and slid down his body, moving past his smooth shoulders, pausing to squeeze his pert breasts and then rubbing down past his ribs. The sleek gray-brown flesh was oddly supple, pliant under her hands as they came to rest on his luscious hips. Her body knew what she wanted, and she licked her lips in anticipation.

Taylor's long sinewy arms reached forward as he embraced her, beatific grin on his face as he licked her nose cutely with his warm canine tongue. His tail wagged in anticipation as he hoisted himself up, feeling the hot wetness between his thighs ache as he wrapped his long legs around her warm body. The moist warm cock was sandwiched between their bodies, smearing slick pre against his rubbery skin, its grinding against his new sensitive nub of a clitoris.

"Ready?" his voice was a throaty growl as they looked each other in the eyes, baring their souls to one another. Even though his body was so different, she could still see the same warmth in his gold-brown eyes, and so she nodded as he lifted his body up and slid his seeping heat down onto her.

Immediately she screamed in pleasure as he let out something between a moan and a howl. The sensation was immense, overbearing. He could feel every jerking pull of the member inside of him, and she experienced every contracting throb his hot insides made around her. She bucked her hips as he rocked, and they pushed together tighter and harder in a synchronized dance of bliss.

Gripping so tightly that her fingers were leaving little divots in the rubbery flesh of his hips, she leaned forward, into that attractive wolf-like face and their lips met again, somewhat clumsily with their passionate rocking. They both desperately lapped at each other, his long canine tongue playing across her lips, ticking her gums and sliding off across her face leaving a warm then suddenly cool streak before lapping against her again and again. Her thrusts were driving her cock deeper and deeper, every rocking shove bringing new highs of ecstasy.

As he pulled himself closer against her his chest mashed against hers. Almost unnoticed amongst the merciless love making, her own breasts began to recede, shrinking back as his own dusty colored mounds mashed against them. Skin stretching taut, she was left with a flat strong set of pectorals with tiny nipples standing erect, dwarfed against his own large smooth black ones.

Beating a pleasured tattoo against the side of the bed, his tail whapped frantically, arcing up and slapping down as he clenched around the hot shaft plunging into him. He pulled himself closer and closer, flexibility knowing no bounds as his arms and legs clenched tight, crushing his brownish pliant flesh against her hot strong body. Their mouths pressed hard together as their tongues entwined. His left arm held on harder as his right snaked down between their hot rocking bodies.

His fingers could feel his nether lips stretching around her girth, taut and pulsing. Taking a deep breath he rubbed his clit with his slick middle finger while his others ran around the outside of his moist labia. Ashley gritted her teeth as she could feel the rubbing of his fingers though his mailable flesh, it was maddening, everything happening at once. The hot clenching insides, smooth breasts mashing against her, heavy rocking motions, long feckless tongue sweeping though her mouth, amazingly flexible legs tightly wrapped around behind her, and those tense massaging fingers.

It started with the tip of his tail, which stood straight up as his eyes dilated and he howled a moaning ululation. His ears folded back and his arms and legs pulled even tighter around her as his pussy began to spasm, pulling and jerking, leaking out a hot femininity as he felt the member inside of him tighten and arc up as well.

Her eyes squeezed shut as she felt her balls clench suddenly. Her hands dug into him as her throbbing cock began jerking fitfully before jettisoning hot jolting waves of seed into him.

Her hands pulled at his supple flesh as she tugged him down tighter over her jerking member. Taylor's tongue pushed into the back of her throat, wriggling fitfully as her hips bucked up harder of their own volition. Clenching, his thighs tightened around her, pulling them impossibly close as his he drew his hand back and hugged her with both strong enveloping arms. She moaned with every body wrenching squeeze as his tender walls grasped, writhing as they milked her for all she was worth, continuing to elicit more and more spasms of body wide pleasure until they both were completely and utterly spent.

Rolling off to the side, they both lay panting in a hazy afterglow of flickering candle light; warm bodies next to each other on the bed.

"Fuck, that was amazing . . . I never new that men felt so . . . ummph." Ashely panted, masculine chest heaving.

"Oh god, I know." Taylor gasped back, seductive body sprawled haphazardly across the sheets. "I never knew that it would be so amazing for girls," he reminisced, basking in his new form.

"But really, we should get that thing off of you, it might be toxic or something," she waved a hand absentmindedly.

"You sure you don't wanna try that again first?" he pouted with a coy smile, dark and light hand resting on her hip tenderly as his ears twitched quizzically.

"Well . . . let's keep tomorrow morning free," she snuggled up against his new sleek warm body. She had to admit, this was weird, but sexy as fuck. "Then we'll see," she smiled as they both drifted off to an exhausted sleep, bodies changed, but still more comfortable with each other than anywhere else in the world.

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