The Major Households of Tarsis

Story by Faustus723 on SoFurry

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As it states, this is a listing of the Major Houses of Tarsis. The quotes are the Families' words or motto. This is simply meant to be a guide in case you get lost when it comes to certain characters and their importance or their ties to other characters. Should be used in tangent with the Tarsis Holdings Map. Don't know whether or not I'll do one for Agia as the lupine's government is pretty... bland really. Not nearly as volatile or intriguing as the human's of Tarsis'. They're much more like a traditional tribe/monarchy based government. yawn

The Major Households of Tarsis

House Azlef:"Noble Glory." - High King Aaron Azlef - Tarsis Ruling Family - Oversees Tarsis & Pinnacle

House Aster:"Family is All." - High Councilor Sanguin Aster - Oversees the Marble Keep in Pinnacle

House Starling:"Justice and Honor." - Count Robert Starling - Oversees Fairwood & Boray

House Goldrun:"Bloodline Immortal." - Count Beryn Goldrun - Oversees Goldwater Falls & Greatwood

House Trent:"We are the storm." - Countess Lylia Trent - Oversees Trenning & Spire Coast

House Swampgate:"Watchers of the West." - Count Serran Swampgate - Oversees Blingaston & Swampwood

House Conkin:"Red-Gold Pride." - Count Victor Conkin - Oversees Ambley & East River Valley

House Venden:"Everlasting Loyalty." - Count Miken Venden - Oversees Sutmere & West River valley

House Sigurd:"Northern Fury." - General Robert Sigurd - Oversees Fort White, Whitehearth, & Whitewood

CH9 Servitude

Author's Note The sad part is that this isn't even long... It's only about 4k words. Oh well. It's finally out and I can move on! Next chapter will most likely come quicker, but take that with a grain of salt. Without further ado, CH9 in it's full...

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CH1 Smoke from the Ashes

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CH8 The Long Road Ahead...

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