Half-Toon pt.2

Story by Kiluke on SoFurry

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Hey again so here is part two, I put it under adult because of mentioning some nether regions but that's pretty much it.

"Are you sure? I mean I know it's a lot to take in."

"Mom... I'll be fine."

"Alright..." With that Chester's mother unlocked the door and opened it to reveal.... nothing.

"What the?" Just then Chester felt a hand on his shoulder and he heard.

"Hi there, son"

Chester jumped and yelled "Son of a!" But he was cut off as his head slammed into the ceiling and flattening him like a pancake. A second later and he popped off and slowly drifted to the ground and then puffed back to normal albiet with a group of tiny birds fluttering around his head. The figure that was behind him burst into laughter and promptly fell off the couch with a soft thud. Chester shook his head trying to clear it and waved away one pesky bird before looking at the man...err rabbit rolling on the ground in laughter. It looked similar to himself although he seemed slightly shorter and more pudgy the himself. The rabbit was wearing two pieces of clothing, one was a vibrant blue vest that was unbuttoned showing off his fur and the other is a pair of dark blue slacks that only reached down just past his knees. Quite possibly the feature that stuck out to Chester the most was the rabbit's stark white fur that covered it's body that looked suspiciously like his own.

"Oh Simon would you knock it off? It wasn't that funny." His mother said with a half-hearted angry tone.

The hare took a second to calm himself and sitting up he replied. "Hehe, sorry Jessica dear. You know that was the perfect set up and I couldn't resist."

"Yes, but he's your son. You could have scared him half to death."

This time Simon stood up and brushed himself off. "Oh I doubt that, right Chester my boy?"

Chester didn't say anything, in fact he was frozen to the spot. He tried looking for words but couldn't find any and started to fumble for anything. The older rabbit looked at him curiously. "Son? You alright?"

After fumbling some more he finally slapped himself out of his stupor (literally). "Ummm.. kind of yeah, just alot to take in ya know." He gave a slight smile before mentally slapping himself for sounding so stupid. Simon on the other hand just gave a hearty chuckle before patting his son on the back gently.

"It's alright I understand, here how about you go upstairs and go to bed and we can start this all over tomorrow morning? Sound like a deal?"

"Y..yeah that's probably the best idea..." Chester mumble as he got up from the couch and started to head for the stairs. Just as he got there he turned back to the two cartoon rabbit's and gave a slight smile. "Good night mom, good night...dad." And then he disappeared upstairs.

"Do you think he'll be alright Simon?" Jessica asked.

"Don't worry honey, if he's anything like me he'll bounce back."

Jessica gave a knowing look to him.

"What?" He asked.

Jessica just rolled her eyes as she made her way upstairs as well and replied. "You and your dumb rabbit puns."

"Oh come on, you know that was funny!" He said as he hurried after her.

"Whatever you say dear."

. . .

Chester groaned as sunlight shown into his bedroom and directly into his face, with a huff he rose up and then stopped dead in his tracks as memories of the night before ran through his head. Freaking out he looked at his hands and found them to be... normal. He let out a sigh of relief and got out of his bed. 'Must have been a dream.'

Making his way downstairs in his gray sweat pants and t-shirt he reached the kitchen doorway turned and nearly tripped over his feet at what he saw. What he was expecting was to see his mother in her usual blouse, skirt and apron making some sort of breakfast. But in reality what was in her place completely threw his thought process out of whack. There standing in front of the stove was the same chocolate brown cartoon she-rabbit from last night, but what she was wearing really messed with him. The blouse and skirt were the same (although the colors were more vibrant and the skirt was slightly shorter than usual.) but instead of the same old drabby brown apron it was replace with a bright red and pink one. She turned and revealed that it was even in the shape of a heart. Jessica gave a wide affectionate smile before saying. "Hey there sleepyhead how are you?"

Chester mumbled something about rabbit's and cartoons before passing out.

. . .

"Is he alright Simon?"

"I don't know let me check."

Chester felt something cool and hard press against his bare chest. 'Wait "bare" chest?' He slowly opened his eyes to the scene before him. The two hare's from last night were there beside him one was standing while the other kneeled next to him, the one that was nearest to him was dressed like a doctor with a stethoscope and everything, and next to him was the female one dressed up in a sexy nurses outfit.

"Yep I've gone off the deep end and now I'm seeing things." Chester muttered.

"What are you talking about dear, don't you remember last night?" Jessica asked curiously.

"Vaguely but I thought that was all a dream."

"Well does this look like a dream?" This time it was Simon who spoke.

"No and I'm honestly surprised I'm not flipping out at this point."

Simon laughed before patting his son on his chest, already back in his normal clothes. "Well, isn't that a good thing then. Come on, you don't need to be so serious."

Chester just gave a nervous smile and replied. "Yeah, of course it is. Wait weren't you just dressed like a doctor?"

"Why I don't know what you mean, I've been dressed like this." Just after Simon said this there was a loud *WHACK* and he was laid out on the ground with Jessica standing over him also back to normal with her arms folded and a large rolling pin in one hand.

"Oh come now Simon you don't need to tease him, he's obviously still trying to understand what's going on without you messing with his logic."

Chester chuckled at the sight of his dad on the floor with his eyes spinning and little rolling pins floating around his head.

"Now if the two of you will excuse me, I need to finish making breakfast." And with that she left the room. Chester decided after a few seconds to help his dad up.

"So...dad, I wanted to ask you something..."

"I take it you want to know why I haven't come to visit?" Simon replied as he dusted himself off.

"Yeah, the whole being a cartoon character just doesn't sound like a good excuse to me."

"Hmph, really and why's that?" Simon asked with a smile.

"Oh come on, you know that most kids would think that their dad being a cartoon character would be awesome." Chester replied.

"Maybe, but it could also be a horrible experience for that same kid."

"So that's why you didn't visit?"

"Well that's part of it, I was worried that I would end up influencing you in the wrong way. Wait thats sounds odd, What I mean is you may be part toon, but your also part human and if you lost that through my influence you would lose one of your best features." He said solemnly.

Chester stopped for a moment as he mulled over what his father had just said before responding with. "Hmmm, I can see why you would think that... I guess then I should thank you... Well now that that's out of way I something else to ask you."

Simon blinked several times in confusion. "Seriously? Just like that, you're going to accept my reason?"

"Yeah, I mean I still have some resentment about that whole ordeal. But mom always taught me to let certain things go, and she constantly said you had a good reason."

"Wow. I love your mother you know that..."

"Anyways, my other question is, what's your name?" Chester inquired.

"What do you mean, I thought you knew it was Simon."

"Duh, I mean what's your full name? I know Tanner is mom's maiden name."

Simon stood up with a air of confidence around him. "Oh well that's easy, It's Simon T. Wizzit."

"Wizzit?" Chester asked in confusion.

"Yep, why? Do you have a problem with that?"

"What? No of course not, it's just an odd last name that's all."

Simon raised and eyebrow at Chester. "Really, I'm a cartoon rabbit and you only think my last name is weird?"

The thought ran through Chester's head for a second before he burst into laughter. Simon just chuckled. "See that's more of the reaction I would expect."

It took a minute before Chester got his laughter under control. "So... back on subject. What do you do?"

"You mean what kind of job do I have?"


"Well, not to boast mind you. But I'm mayor of a town." Simon said with pride.


"Yep, granted it's small but I'm still mayor."

"No way my dad's a mayor! What's the town called?" A wide smile was plastered on Chester's face.

"It's called Springston, it's not that big but the toons that live their are pretty nice."

"Awesome, hey do you think I could go there sometime?"

Simon chuckled a bit before replying with. "Now hold on there, your still in school. But maybe during winter break I could take you there. That is if your mother will let you."

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Chester paused for a moment. "Wait, I kinda have a problem."

"And what's that my boy?"


Simon raised a brow at him. "Who's Belle?"

"She's my best friend, we've known each other since the second grade and I couldn't just leave her during winter break."

"Hmmm, well now that could be a problem and I wouldn't want to take you away from your friend. But I'm not sure what to do about it."

Just then a someone knocked at the front door. Chester immediately turned towards it then back to his dad. With a wink Simon dashed upstairs to hide as Chester headed for the door. Upon opening it he found Belle, she was wearing a dark purple hoodie, skinny jeans and matching purple sneakers.

"Hey buddy how's it going?" She said with a smile.

Returning it he answered. "Pretty good, how about you?"

"Oh same old same old, hey do you think I could come in? It's kinda chilly out here."

With a small chuckle Chester led her inside and they both sat down on the couch, Belle had her back to the kitchen doorway when she said. "So is your dad here yet?"

"Uh, yeah but he had to step out real quick. It's no big deal."

"No big deal eh? Sounds like your trying to hide something from me..."

Chester instantly broke out in a cold sweat, his mind racing to find an answer. "Hide something? What could I possibly want to hide?" He chuckled nervously.

Belle raised a eyebrow at his last comment. "You sure your okay Chester, you seem kinda off right now?"

"Oh yeah, duh of course I'm fine. I've never felt better in my life!"

"O..okay, now your kinda creeping me out dude." The comment hit him like a ton of bricks and he hung his head in shame.

"Is that Belle I hear? How are you dear?" Jessica asked from behind them. Belle was first to answer as she spun in her seat towards her.

"Pretty good Miss Tanner, how about y...." She froze mid sentence, curious Chester looked up as to why and nearly fell over in surprise as he let out. "Ah damn it mom!"

Confused Jessica look downward and found that apparently she had forgotten that she was still in her toon form, her ears drooped as she let out a soft sigh. "Oh dear."

"Wh...what the hell?!?" Belle nearly screamed as she scrambled backward and promptly bashed into Chester. "What's going on here?"

Jessica repeatedly fumbled with her words trying to figure out just what to say. "It's alright Belle it's just my mom..." She looked over at Chester, a look of gloom had appeared on his face.

Belle sputtered for a couple of seconds before blurting out. "But she's a rabbit!"

The gloomy expression deepened and Jessica was starting to feel horrible for what she had done. "That's partially right, she's actually a toon rabbit." He paused for a moment. "Hey dad! You can come out now, the secret's blown." Chester called upstairs.

"What?!?" Simon yelled back, several soft thumps were heard as he bounded down the hall only to trip at the top of the stairs and he was sent tumbling down them ending up at Jessica's feet. A look of horror encompassed Belle's face and she promptly fainted on the spot.

"Huh, wasn't expecting that reaction." Mumbled Chester.

"Oh I'm so sorry Chester, I completely forgot that I was still a toon and..."

"It's okay mom, I was trying to figure out a way to tell her anyways so." He looked up at her with a warm smile. "I guess it was a good thing."

"Oh Chester..." Cooed Jessica as she embraced him in a hug.

A chuckle escaped his lips before he stood up and lifted Belle onto his back. "Okay mom you can stop now, I gotta get her upstairs and on a bed...." Jessica gave him a sly look and he paused for a moment. "Wait that sounds weird, but you know what I mean..."

"Sure I do Chester..." Jessica said with the same sly smile.

"Oh knock it off mom!" Retorted Chester.

. . .

A soft groan emanated from Belle as her eyelids fluttered open before she slowly sat up in the bed, wait why was she in a bed? Suddenly her eyes widened with renewed fear as she franticly looked about the room for any sign of those weird rabbit things she saw.

"You okay?"

She paused for a moment then turned toward the voice, beside her sat Chester with his usual half-hearted smile. Belle noticed something just out of her eyesight that he was holding, glancing downward she spied a rather cartoonish pair of gloves. They only had three plump fingers plus the thumb, and then there were also the familiar three black lines on the tops.

"Wh...what are those?" She asked hesitantly.

"Oh these." He said holding them up in plain sight. "They were a birthday gift that I got last night... Listen Belle, I have to tell you something."

"It's about those rabbit things isn't it?"

"Well yeah sort of..." He let out a long sight before continuing. "Okay I guess there isn't anyway around this and mind you I just found out about this last night so this is still new to me to and things have been really weird and...."

"Just get on with it man!" She interrupted.

"Right sorry, anyways those rabbit "things" as you called them are my parents..."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Tell me about it." Mumbled Chester as he bowed his head a little.

"Okay then... so what are they?"

"Their toons..."


"You know, like those old school cartoon characters like the Looney Toons and stuff. And actually my dad is a toon, my mom is half-toon." He explained

"So wait, your telling me that your mom and dad are cartoon characters?"

"Yeah, and... well, so am I..."

"Okay now you have to be joking, I mean seriously I've know you since the second grade you can't be a cartoon." She replied almost sarcastically.

"I'm serious Belle, I turned into a toon last night and trust me it was weird."

"Alright then, prove it..."


"You heard me, prove it."

Chester was almost taken aback by the request. "I...it's not like I can just turn it on or off at will. I'm still new at this! I mean..." As Chester continued on Belle stopped listening when she caught sight of his ears, it looked as though they were stretching upwards. She continued to watch as they reached up past his head, then at that time they started to shift up as well until they rested neatly on top of his head if she had to guess they must have been at least a foot long. During this entire time he didn't even notice what was going on until his left ear flopped over into his field of vision. "Wait what are you looking a... Holy crap!" He yelped and nearly fell over.

"Ch...Chester what's ha...happening to you?" Belle asked nervously while scooting away from him on the bed.

"I...I don't know, well actually I do know but I don't know why now..." That familiar tingling from the night before appeared this time in full force throughout his body at first centering on his hands as his middle and ring finger melded together before puffing up and was quickly joined by his two other fingers and thumb on both hands. Belle looked at Chester like he was turning into a monster as she got off the bed and backed up to the wall. His arms stretched out longer and thinned slightly, rubbery white fur blossomed on the back of his hands and then quickly consumed the rest except for the tips which had brown fur instead. Ten small pops were heard as soft pink paw pads appeared on his palms and fingers.

"Okay, dude you can stop now. I get it you can turn into a cartoon character." Mutter Belle nervously.

"Umm Belle, I don't think I can stop it. Although I don't know what you worried about."

The fur raced down his arms and pooled under his shirts which puffed up slightly, annoyed slightly at this he quickly pulled it off to reveal that the fur had already covered his upper body leaving it white with a brown belly. Chester giggled slightly when his stomach bubbled up a little bit, just then a small rip then pop sounded heralding the appearance of his tear drop shaped tail. He felt his legs elongated slightly, knowing what was coming next Chester groaned when he realized that he still had his socks on. 'Great there goes another pair.' Sure enough he looked down and felt his toes molding together like they were made of clay causing the socks to shift about oddly before the fronts started to expand rapidly and burst revealing the rubbery brown furred toes sticking out of the fronts complete with short blunt claws. It didn't take much longer before the rest of the feet bloated outward ripping apart the rest of the socks except for a little bit which hung around his ankles. A small feeling of discomfort arose in his face as it suddenly pushed forward into a small rabbit like muzzle, and his nose shifting into a pink button rabbit version. The final part came as he shut his eyes and the rest of his head pulled and pushed before coming to rest in a state that more befitted a toon rabbit then a human. After a second to let the feeling pass he reopened his now larger green eyes.

"Is that still you Chester?" Belle asked still just as nervous as before.

"Of course it's still me, though I do feel a bit more peppy. Now are you going to stop hiding over there like I'm some sort of evil creature." He said with a sly smirk knowing full well the Belle was defiantly afraid.

"Oh yeah, well how do I know it is really you and you weren't taken over by some weird ass toon rabbit."

"Really? Your going to pull that move on me, I've been you friend for what feels like forever. Beside if what you say is true, wouldn't the evil toon have access to all my memories and be able to fake it anyways." Retorted Chester as her rolled his eyes and pull on the his gloves.

There was a moment of silence as a small grin spread over Belle's face. "And with that kind of logic I know for a fact that you really are Chester."

He blinked several times at her in a slight shock. "Really? That's how you know I'm me..."

"Well yeah, I mean only you would think to answer that way" She retorted back at him. "Anyways that doesn't matter right now, what in the world happened to you?"

"Well as I was explaining just a minute ago, my dad is a real life toon. Apparently there's a whole toon dimension the borders our and from time to time either toons or human can pass between them, although it's somehow easier for a toon to do it instead of a human or something like that. Anyways a couple years before I was born my dad had decided to visit our dimension for some reason or another and ended up meeting my mom, you can probably see were I'm going with this from here." Chester explained with his arms crossed.

"Okay I get that's how you came about, but why is you mom half-toon as well?"

A bright red blush formed beneath Chester's fur.

"Oh, well I'd rather not go any further into that rabbit hole..." Belle immediately responded.

The blush immediately disappeared as he suddenly burst into laughter. "Oh my god... Hahaha, do you even realize what you just said!"

"What? All I said was I'd rather not go any further into that rabbi... Oh damn it! God I hate puns..." Belle let out with a huff.

It took at least a full two minutes before Chester was finally able to control his laughter once more. "Oh man, I'm sorry I didn't mean to lose it like that it just sort of happened that way."

"Whatever, that probably happens a lot since you're a toon now..."

"Well I'm not permanently like this, actually techniquely I am but I'm not stuck in this form."

"That's good to know, now if your all done I think I'm ready not to meet your dad."

Chester gave a soft smile as he lead her out of the room and downstairs.

. . .

Meanwhile on the opposite side of town there was an old looking mansion that sat silently on top of a hill near the edge of the town. Inside everything was covered in cobwebs and the place was in a general state of disrepair, underneath this lay a fully functioning laboratory that looked like it came straight out of a old school horror flick. This is were an unfortunate young man finds himself waking up in.

. . .

My eyelids fluttered open slowly as I regained my bearings, the last thing I remember was an older looking man walking up to me just after I had left work and asking if I would like to talk part in some sort of experiment. Naturally I wasn't that stupid and left or at least I tried to as in that next moment I felt something large and blunt connect with the back of my head and I blacked out after that. Now that I was awake I could tell I was inside some sort of weird laboratory, shifting about I realized that I was bound to the table I was laying on and completely naked.

"Oh thank god your awake!" Sounded a voice from my left, it was defiantly female but the voice itself was young and yet still it had a twinge of sex appeal in it. At first I tried turning towards it only to find my arms and legs tied up and spread apart, after fidgeting with the cords a bit I gave up and just turned my head. The sight before me nearly made me faint, there strapped to a table next to mine was a cartoon skunk girl stark naked except for the traditional toonish gloves, she had a rather nice and curvy body and surprisingly large breasts for her. Her fur was a immensely deep black with contrasting white for her belly, feet, and the two long stripes that ran down her back and along her tail. The only feature that made her different from any other skunk was a tuft of hair on her head that was dyed a bright rich blue.

"Please you have to help me! I don't know what this guy's up to but he's totally off his rocker." She exclaimed eyes wide with fear.

"Off my rocker eh?" A new voice interrupted this time from my right. Turning again I was greeted with the sight of the man from before, this time he traded out a trench coat for a mad scientist outfit. "Off my rocker for trying to bring about a new age in science that would allow our dimensions to come together in unity.

"Okay what the hell is going on?" I blurted out suddenly as my mind raced to catch up with the situation at hand.

"Well wouldn't you like to know." He grinned menacingly then again the science behind all of this is far to complicated for one such as you to understand... it would be easier to just show you." And with that he turned and pulled a switch on the wall he stood next to. The sounds of machines springing to life filled the air as various parts turned and ground on each other above us.

"Hey get that thing away from me!" Turning back to my left I watched as the skunk girl desperately tried to pull free from her bonds as a large clear tubular object slowly lowered from the ceiling towards her. With a horrible slurping sound it fastened itself onto her stomach and she started to giggle uncontrollably.

"He...hey what's, hehe going on hehehe here?" She was too wrapped up in her giggle fit to notice the sound of a vacuum kicking on and what looked like blue-black paint drips being pulled up the clear tubing.

"What are you doing to her!" I shouted at the mad scientist, but his only response was the ever widening grin that he wore. With growing horror I watched as more and more of the "paint" be pulled up into the tube, wait was she getting smaller? Looking closely I confirmed my fears when I identified that the paint substance was indeed the skunk girl being pulled up into the machine.

"Well then, enough of the theatrics it's time to get to business." With that the scientist threw forward another switch and the once low and barely audible sound of the vacuum kicked into overdrive.

"What the..." She tried to say but she was cut off and barely a second later she was rapidly sucked up into the tube unable to produce another sound.

"Holy shit!" I yelled in panic and immediately I tried with all my might to pull free.

"Tsk tsk tsk, now we wouldn't want you to get away that easily now would we?" The mad scientist said with that awful grin. "And now for part two." With another flick of a switch and pull of a lever the machines above my roared. A long mechanical arm that ended in a sharp needle lowered next to me as the same blue-black paint filled a tube connected to it. Just what the hell was this guy thinking, and how am I going to get out of this? "Ready? Begin!" He cackled and pain filled my arm as the needle punctured my skin. Without warning the paint began to pump into my body at a rapid rate. I thrashed about as more of the stuff pooled inside me and strange sensations began to bubble up within myself. Less than a minute later the machine was finished and it pulled away, and without warning I found myself being thrown onto the hard stone floor on my hands and knees with a heavy thud. I felt nauseous and I wanted nothing more to throw up in hopes of getting rid of these feelings. Alas that would never come as my tail bone started to throb slowly.

"So Joshua, how are you feeling?"

"Wh...what the? How do you know my name?" I groaned as it felt like something was pushing out of me ever so carefully.

He cackle some before replying with. "Why Joshua, I know many things that would make you seem like a complete imbecile, but we should set that aside for right now as I did ask you a question."

I wanted to say go to hell asshole, but I could only moan in pain as the pressure in my tail bone reached a breaking point and a loud popping sound filled the room. Looking back I saw I was now the owner of a massive fluffy skunk tail. Soon after that a new pressure appear this time focused on my ass, but this felt slightly different than from before. The pressure filled much more rapidly this time around and just as it release I heard someone inside my head yell. 'Eat this you jerk!' A thick green cloud filled the air behind me enveloping the mad scientist in the process and before I could tell what had just happen I heard the voice again telling me to run, not needing to be told twice I quickly picked myself up and ran for the closest exit leaving the scientist sputtering and coughing up a storm in the foul gas.

"Damn it! Get back here!" He yelled after me followed by several more coughs and hacks though I didn't really care as I found a staircase leading up but not before spying my clothes and I made a mad dash to grab them before returning to my original course. Following the staircase upward I found myself in a large entry room and I booked it for the door I sighed in relief when I felt the cool night air hit my bare skin as I took off on foot.

Sometime later, I manage to find myself in a back alleyway behind an old movie theater. I leaned against the wall as feelings from before began to well up inside me. Turning my gaze downward I caught sight of some strange sort of black painted fur covering my waist and hips. As it encased my crotch I gasped in surprise when I felt like my equipment pulled up inside of me, reaching down I felt around for it and to my disbelief I only found a slightly puffy slit where it should have been. When I pulled away in fright the changes seemed to speed up as my hips flared outward and my waistline pull in. The fur eagerly spread up and across my chest and back leaving my belly a white color while the rest was black, and before I knew what was happening two large and soft breasts ballooned out. I squealed in surprise and then stumbled backwards and fell against the wall landing on my tail. Fur raced up my arms and hands as the took on a more feminine appearance, I watched as my middle and ring fingers fuse into a single digit. When the fur was finished with my hands it decided to move down across my legs slimming them as it headed toward my feet. Once there my feet puffed up a bit and stretched longer, the toes warped and merged together leaving three round ones in their place. Soft paw pads appeared underneath each toe and on the ball of each foot and gave the final touch to my new paws. I couldn't take it anymore and shut my eyes tight praying that this was a horrible dream and that it would go away, the fur advance up my neck and was slowly encompassing my face as it pull out into a short muzzle, and my ears rounded and stretched large as they moved up on top of my head.

The pulling and stretching sensations were fading now but I could still feel something happening, it almost felt like I was slowly losing control of my body. They only way could possibly describe this feeling is that it felt like I was numb but at the same time I could still feel everything around me.

"What's going on?"

I mentally froze, that wasn't my voice but it came from my mouth. 'What the hell?' I said, well mentally anyway as my mouth didn't move. I felt my body tense up and that feeling of pressure in my ass returned.

"Wh..who's there? I'm warning you, I'm armed so don't mess with me." Wait I recognize that voice, it was the skunk girl from the lab.

"I have a name you know, and where the hell are you?" What the? She can read my mind? But how and what is she doing with my body?

"What do you mean "your" body, it looks like mine to me."

Her body, but I was just... and with that it dawned on me, it's that asshole's machine. Some how after she got pulled up inside it, he managed to force her inside of me, but why did I become her? And how is she here now?

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on there cowboy. Your telling me that the weird guy put me inside of you, and now your me?"

It's something like that although I think it's more along the lines of he merged us together, but we're still separate people but then why did I become you?

'Hmmm, that is kinda weird but it's awesome for me!' This time she talked directly to me instead of saying it out loud.

'Duh, I didn't want to seem like a idiot for talking to myself.'

'Okay this whole situation is messed up, all I want to do is go home fall asleep and forget this whole thing.'

'Sounds good to me, though I doubt I can get back home right now. Umm do you think it's alright if I stay at your place?' She asked meekly.

'I...guess it's alright, I mean it's not like your breaking in to my place if I'm with you, right?'

'Nope, so what's your name? I have a feeling we're going to be hanging out a lot so that would probably be helpful.'

'It's Joshua, but everyone calls me Josh except my students who call me Mr. Knels.'

'Mr. Nels huh, so you're a teacher?'

'Yes I am, and it's spelled with a silent K at the start.'

'Oh sorry.'

'Don't worry about it everybody gets it wrong anyway.' I replied with a mental laugh.

'Oh okay, I'm Vanessa but most of my friends call my Nessa for short.'

'It's nice to meet you Vanessa.'

'Same to you Joshy.'

'Joshy?' I asked baffled by the nickname.

'Oh sorry, I just kinda do that I hope you don't mind.'

'It's alright, I was just caught off guard that's all. Anyways we should probably head to my place and get some rest.'

'Sounds like a plan.' With that she reached down and snatched up my pants. 'So what's the way to your place?'

To be continued...

Half-Toon pt.3

The rest of the weekend seem to go like a blur for Chester as things settled down a bit, though being a half-toon was defiantly harder than his parents initially let on, as he soon found himself randomly "tooning out" as he like to call it at odd...

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Half-Toon pt.1

"Charles! Wake up it's time for school!" Chester groaned as his mother's voice passed through his room. "Thanks mom I'll be down in a second!" He called back. "Why does she have to use that name?" Chester grumble to himself as he climbed out of...

, , ,

Blue Moon

"Oh man how do I get out of here?" Dereck whispered to himself. Somehow he had managed to sneak into to women's restroom at the movies, now his only problem now was how was to get himself out? Several long moments passed as he nervously looked...

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