Blue Moon

Story by Kiluke on SoFurry

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Hey all here's another one of my stories from over on FA that's also the start to another series, hope you all like it.

"Oh man how do I get out of here?" Dereck whispered to himself.

Somehow he had managed to sneak into to women's restroom at the movies, now his only problem now was how was to get himself out? Several long moments passed as he nervously looked around the small stall waiting for any indication that he wouldn't imediately be caught if he stepped outside.

"*sigh* Damn it why did I even think to do this in the first place?... Oh yeah for a cheap thrill..."

Thats when the restroom door quickly opened then shut and Dereck heard the faint click of a lock. 'What the? There's locks in here?' A moan came from the other side of the door.


There was another moan from the woman as the stall door to the left of his rapidly swung open then closed with a slam. More moaning and grunts could be heard and as a small thud sounded from the wall that the two stalls shared. Even though Dereck was now thoroughly terrified his natural curiosity got the better of him as he layed low to the ground to peak under.

All that he was able to see was the women's feet and part of her legs. She wore a pair of high heel sandals and what was either sheer black stockings or pantyhose. Another moan sounded from above and he watched as her feet visibly throbbed inside her tight heels.

""The woman growled.

One of her feet suddenly lifted from the ground and a moment later the shoe came clattering to the floor as she set her nylon clad foot back down, and repeated the proccess with the other. Dereck listened as the woman grunted and the sound of tearing fabric filled the small restroom.

"What the hell?" he whispered to himself.

Dereck watched as the woman's toes curled and spread like she was trying to get rid of and unknown pain. He was amazed as he watched her feet start to enlarge slowly spreading out along the tile.

"Ugh... damn!" She praticly yelled, moments later more tearing could be heard before a ruined maroon suit jacket fell to the ground torn in two. "oh god!" She moaned before stepping back against the opposite wall and sliding down into a seated position, sticking he feet strainght into Dereck's stall.

He took a step back and watched as the small petite feet started to rapidly expand in all directions straining against the nylon before bursting through the front. It didnt take him long to understand why as inch long black claws jutted from her toes. Dereck started to freak out as he watched the woman's feet continue to pulse and grow, her skin started to change color as well changing from a creamy white to rich light blue. Her thighs bulked up with muscle yet somehow stayed feminine and toned. Once again his gaze drifted to her feet as they thickened now at least twice as large as his size eleven and tearing through the heel of one of her stockings. Dereck turned away thinking he was going to die here, shutting his eyes and mumbling something about being an idiot. Opening his eyes once again just as thick blue fur started to grow from the top of her feet up her legs before dissapearing on the other side of the wall.

Several more grunts were heard from the other side before a loud roar echoed through the restroom, Dereck looked down to the feet to see that they had stopped their growth and were now gently flexing.

"Uhhh...Thank god for these soundproof walls." The voice was similiar to before but now it was deeper and rough, but almost in a sexy way.

Dereck shook his head trying to dismiss the thought, this was definately not the time.

"Wait a sec... Who's in here?"

His breath caught in his chest, how the hell did she know he was here?

"I know your there."

The massive feet then moved back under the stall wall, it sounded like she was standing up before the familiar creak was heard signaling she opened the stall door. Not knowing what else to do Dereck rushed over to the stall door and locked it with a faint click.

"Come on out I'm not gonna hurt you..."

"Bullshit, thats always what somebody says before they kill sombody." He retorted clearly frightened.

"What the? Are you a guy? What are you doing in the woman's bathroom?"

"Tha..thats none of your buisness...."

Dereck heard a chuckle come from the other side of the door. "Is that right? Well seeing as I am a woman I think it is my buisness, now open up. Or am I going to have to bust this door down?"

" wouldn't!"

"Try me..." With that the doors frame creaked like something was pushing against it.

"Wait! Wait, alright I'll come out. Just don't eat me please."

Slowly Dereck made his way to the door and unlocked it, and gently he nudged open the door. On the other side leaning against the wall was a huge she-beast. She had to be at least eight feet tall, her skin was a light blue color. Shaggy dark blue fur covered most of her body leaving only the palms of her hands, the soles of her feet, and face uncovered. Casting his gaze upwards he temporaraly stopped at her breasts, they were huge at least a DDD cup and fur enveloped them except for her nipples which were so dark in color that they looked black. Not wanting to cause any trouble he looked higher directly into her face, it was still soft and feminine but her eyes were a brilliant amber and shone with an inner light. The only part of her face that was mildly disturbing was that fact that it seemed to have pulled out into a wolfen muzzle and there were the two sharp white fangs that suck out past her lips. She gave wide smile revealing more of her sharp teeth.

"So care to explain why your in the women's bathroom?" She whispered as she leaned in close to him.

Dereck stuttered and fumbled with words trying to stand up for himself, to say anything really. But his fear consumed his mind and he passed out.

. . .

The next time he opened them the scene around him had changed, gone was the pale walls and bathroom stalls of the women's restroom and in it's stead was a warm and inviting living room.

"So I see your awake, sorry for the whole scaring you thing..."

Dereck turned towards the voice, there sitting across from where he was in a large red reclining chair was a young woman not much older then himself. She had fair skin and rich auburn hair the literaly flowed down to the small of her back. She was wear a tube top and hot pants that complimented her young look.

"Wh...who are you?" He asked half in shock of where he was at and and half trying not to get lost in her looks.

She gave a gentle smile. "Name's Sandra, nice to meet you. Oh and sorry for the whole kidnapping thing." She chuckled nervously.

"It's no problem I guess... where are we anyway?"

"Sorry for not telling you, it's my house."

Dereck chuckled at her. "Wow you sure do say sorry a lot don't you?"

"Really? Sorry I.. Oh damn it, there I go again..." She turned away blushing profusely.

"Hehe, you know your kind of cute when you act nervous, what happened to all that confidence from early?"

"The same could be said for you... only in reverse I guess. But in all honesty it's easier to be confident when your a eight foot tall beast."

Dereck gave her a wide smile. "Yeah I guess you would be right... so what was that about anyway?" he questioned.

"Sorry about that, usually I can control when I shift, but if I don't do it for awhile it just kinda comes out anyway..." Sandra replied meekly.

"Okay but that doesn't tell me what it's about, I mean why does it even happen in the first place?"

"Well to put a long story short, it's kinda like a curse... you see awhile back, geez it must have been like three years ago now. Anyway I was wandering around a local carnival when something caught my eye..."

. . .

I had been wandering for what seemed like hours, when I noticed out of the corner of my eye a sign. This sign was posted in front of a small tent way in the back of the carnival in a out of the way place, and out of sheer luck I found it. It read that this gypsie woman inside could grant me one wish. Even though I thought it was total rubbish at the time I still couldn't help myself and went inside anyway. The inside was small as to be expected there was only one table with two chairs and nothing else.

"I knew you would come..." I nearly screamed when I heard the voice. Out from the shadows came a old looking lady, I can't remember exactly what she was wearing but it certainly looked like a real gypsie woman.

"What do you mean, you knew?"

"Well to be honest deary, I know lots of things, but I can also at times see into the future and I can clearly remember seeing you enter my tent."

"Okay that sounds all sorts of creepy so I think I'll get right to the point, what does that sign mean by you can grant me a wish?" I inquiried.

"Exactly what it says, though the wish might not always be what you expect. Are you willing to take a chance?"

I stopped for a moment, thinking over what she had just said. Maybe there would be consequences for making a wish, then again I couldn't just pass this up.

"Alright." I said "How much is a wish?"

A wide smile crept over the woman's face. "For you my dear, it's free. All I ask is that you try to do some good with it."

"Okay then, I wish...."

"Oh no need for that deary, just take this chew it up and swallow it. In three days your wish will come true." She handed me something small and wrapped up. Unraveling it it revealed a piece of hard candy.

"Go on, chew it up and on the night of the third day your wish will come true."

Figuring I had nothing to lose I happily popped it in my mouth and was on my way.

Nothing happened for the next few days until it was the night of the third day and I had just gotten home from the office that I worked at, after entering my house I kicked off my high heels and made my way to the couch to relax, the soft carpet felt wonderful on my nylon covered feet and wasting no time I flopped on the couch and leaned back on a pillow while undoing my suit jacket. I slipped off my blouse and skirt next and laid down in nothing but my lingerie. Several minutes passed with me just laying there expecting something to happen... but still nothing changed.

"Hmph, stupid wish. Nothing happened at all."

It was then that a odd sensation filled my body almost like it was tingling, though I thought nothing of it and stood up from the couch and made my way towards the bathroom to clean myself up for bed. As I entered the sensation spiked for a second before disappearing altogether. Turning to the mirror my breath caught in my throat. Unbeknownst to me a mark had formed on my person. It was no larger than an inch in both height and width and it looked like some sort of black colored rune sitting directly in the middle of my chest just above my breasts, it consisted of five dashes starting out wide at the bottom and tapered upwards in a tear shape with the overall pattern looking like a fan. All five tops pointed to a smaller dot slightly above the middle dash, I just stared at the strange marking.

"What the hell? I don't remember getting a tattoo?"

Just after I said this the rune began to glow blue in slow pulses. As it began to pick up pace I felt pure heat rush through my arms. Lifting them so I could see them clearly I watched as my hands and arms throbbed repeatedly, panicking now another rush of heat coursed through my chest and beneath the black lace bra I wore my breasts began to grow slowly expanding larger as my nipples stiffened in response. I couldn't think of what else to do besides hugging my chest and running to my bedroom, inside I checked my hands again and found they were thicker than before and my manicured nails were pushing out into points. My mouth clenched involuntarily as my teeth sharpen inside and my top canines pulled out into large fangs. Beyond afraid now I looked down my body to find this strange change had kicked into high gear as my underwear started to pull tightly against my growing body. I could feel my stockings staring to run and tear as my legs grew new muscles and became thicker, still feminine but defiantly thicker. A new sensation arose as soft, almost plush fur started to sprout from my body in patches and I groaned and hunched over as my face began to push out into a wolf snout.

"I...I'm turning into a werewolf? Wa..wait a second..." That's when I noticed the color of the fur. "Blue?" Before I could say anything else the pressure that had been rising in my chest finally release as my bra buckled and burst letting my huge breasts bounce free. Unable to help myself I quickly grabbed them and began to knead and massage them trying to curb my growing arousal. A few seconds later my tailbone started to throb and grow pulling away from the rest of my body and as fur consumed it I realized that I now was in possesion of a tail. I growled in pleasure as my growing frame snapped my panties in two. I fell back onto the bed as my toe claws tore threw the front of my stockings and fur enveloped the rest of my body leaving only my face, my nipples, all but the top of my hands, and soles and toes of my feet untouched. Sucking in my breath I felt one last surge of growth building inside me, then just seconds later I howled in pure ecstasy as I orgasmed right there on the spot.

Coming down from my high, I looked over my body. I was much larger than before, my previous height being only four foot six I now had to be at least over eight feet tall. Besides the rich dark blue fur that covered my body, I saw that my exposed skin was now also a light shade of blue. And beneath the fur and skin I could feel my powerful muscles I now had. Standing up I walked quickly over to my standing mirror, Perhaps what caught me most by surprise were my eyes. My sclera had turned black and the usual hazel irises were gone, replacing them was a feral amber color that possessed an inner glow to them. Stopping for a second I realized that this entire time I should have been freaking out, but instead I felt nothing but confidence in myself. Then the thought dawned on me.

"That bitch... I wished for confidence and she turns me into a she-wolf?"

. . .

"So what happened after that?" Dereck asked excitedly.

"Well nothing much, after I ended up turning back and I made my way to the old ladies tent."

"And let me guess, when you got there her tent was gone?"

"Pretty much, although I did find a note laying on the ground."

Dereck got excited again. "What did it say?"

"It just said "Your welcome" signed Madam Jewel." Sandra shrugged.

"And you didn't look for her?"

"I figured what was the point? It wasn't like I turned into a bloodthirsty monster, and I certainly felt more confident in myself."

"Wow, you know you probably got off lucky."

"Yeah I guess, but now I have a question for you." She raised an eyebrow at him, making Dereck feel extremely nervous.

"If it's about the whole bathroom thing please don't ask, I don't know why I did it anyways..."

"Actually it wasn't about that, One I never did get catch your name and two I was going to ask if you had some special story or something."

Dereck's head drooped in response. "Sorry about that my name is Dereck and not really. I'm really just a normal guy with normal problems, although I'm currently homeless so yeah...."

"What do you mean your homeless!?!" Sandra practically yelled in surprise.

"It's nothing really, my ex-girlfriend broke up with me just a couple days ago and kicked me out. I wasn't too worried about it, my parents send me money every month so I could probably find some place around here hopefully."

"You still get money from your parents?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm not proud about it and I even tried to get them to stop but they wouldn't have it and continued anyways."


"I honestly don't know, I even asked them that once and they just changed the subject on me."

"Wow, that's kinda weird but awesome at the same time. By the way if you want, you can stay here for now. I wouldn't mind the company and you can look for a job since there's several small businesses just down the way." She suggested with a wide smile.

"Are you sure? I mean we met like twenty minutes ago."

"Actually you were out for several hours, it's night out right now."

"Wait, seriously?" A glance towards the window confirmed this. "I guess I have no choice then do I?" he said as half smile crossed his face.

"Nope not really." laughed Sandra.

"Well alright then it's a deal." Dereck said as offered a handshake.

"Awesome." She responded and accepted the offer. "Now why don't I show you to your room?"

"You have an extra room?" He said with a smirk.

"Yeah, I inherited this place from my grandparents. Well I guess inherited isn't the right word, it's more like they just gave it to me."

"So wait, are know?"

"Dead? Nope they're alive and doing great last time I checked, they're doing a tour of the world."

"Oh that's good I guess." Just about that time the two had reached a dark oak door.

"And here we are!" she said with a cheerful tone.

"Oh crap I just realized something!"

"What's up?"

"My bag with all the clothes I could grab, it's still at the theater!" Dereck exclaimed.

A small smile crept across Sandra's lips. "How about you just look inside?" With that she push the door open, as it swung inside he caught sight of his duffel bag sitting on the bed inside the room.

"But how did you know?"

"Umm it was there in the stall right behind you, don't you remember?"

Dereck stood there with a blank expression for a couple of seconds before bringing his hand to his face in defeat. "Right duh."

Sandra just giggled before leading him inside. "So you can stay here until pretty much whenever you decide to leave I guess, the bathroom is just down the hall on the left and I believe you know how to get back to the living room, just past that is the dinning room and through there is the kitchen. The one thing I ask besides just having some common courtesy is that you never go into my room without permission got it?"

"I believe that fits into the courtesy part anyway but I got it. Thanks for all this, you didn't have to you know."

"It's no problem really plus I feel bad about scaring you so much back at the theater, although I should be thanking you."


She leaned in close and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek causing Dereck to blush intensely. "Because your the first person who I've been able to share my secret with." With that Sandra bid him goodnight and left the room closing the door behind her. Not knowing what else to do he flopped down on the bed grateful to actually be able to sleep in one again and thought about what had happen today before eventually getting undressed and falling asleep.

Ch. 2

I looked down the dark school hallway for any signs of life before turning back and checking the other way. How did I even get here? Last thing I remember was this girl, man was she beautiful and so sweet it felt like she could have been the perfect girl. Hell I didn't even mind the fact that she sometimes turned into a giant blue she-wolf. Maybe I should... wait what was that?

A sound echoed down the hallway towards me, it sounded like foot steps but who could it be? Maybe it's Sandra that would be nice.

"Oh little princess, where are you?"

That voice, I know that voice but from where it feels like my mind is trying to withhold my own memories from me but why.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

It's getting closer know, damn it why can't I remember what it is about that voice. It sounds strong and definitely male, deep and husky but what about it made my bones freeze and my whole body ache. Then I saw him just as he stepped out from the shadows.

"There you are, now why don't we play a game?"

I was frozen to the spot, his body was huge at least two to three feet taller than my own and packed with lean muscle. I turned my head up to see his face and my blood ran cold through my veins. I remember that face now and how it brings me shear terror every time I see it, his thick manly beard covering most of his face and wild black hair. His bright emerald eyes bored into my skull as my mind screamed at my body to run. A wide tooth filled grin spread across his shaggy face a began to reach toward me.

"Come now don't be scared, I promise this time it won't hurt."

All I could do was scream before the world turned black.

. . .

"Dereck, Dereck! Wake up!"

Sandra shook him awake, she heard him yelling from down the hall and came to investigate only to find him flailing wildly around on the bed.

"Come on Dereck wake up, it's only a nightmare!" She was frantic now and had accidentally shifted forms in the process, without warning his eyes snapped open filled with absolute terror like she had never seen.

"Dereck what's wrong?"

"Where is he?" He responded gasping for breath.

"Where's who? There's nobody here but me and you."

"What but he..." Dereck franticly search the room for anything, any sign that he wasn't crazy. "But, but he..."

"It's okay Dereck, there's nothing here that would hurt you." As she said this she hugged him tightly trying to dispel his fears, before realizing what she had done and quickly pulled away. "Oh...umm...sorry about that." Sandra was blushing hard now.

"It''s alright, I guess I freaked out over nothing..."

"What happen?"

"N...nothing, just a nightmare. Sorry I disturbed you."

"Bull..." But Sandra stopped herself when she saw the solem look that had overtaken Dereck's face. "It's okay, just try to get some sleep I guess."

"Yeah, will do." With that he turned over on the bed and covered himself up. Sandra took one last look at him before turning to leave the room.

"Good night." She said before closing the door, looking down the hallway she spied the ruined remains of her pajamas. "*sigh* Damn it, not again."

. . .

Morning sunlight poured into the dinning room through the large window at the far end lighting up the entire room and making it feel warm and inviting. Dereck sat at the end closest to the window twiddling his thumbs a bit before calling into the kitchen. "You know, you didn't have to make me breakfast or anything."

"Nonsense, it's a morning ritual with me anyway so it's no problem." Sandra called back in a cheerful tone.

He didn't say anything back and went back to twiddling his thumbs. "Are you sure there's nothing I can help with?"

"Nope, now just relax breakfast is almost done."

Not even a minute later she arrived carrying two plates one with sausages mixed with eggs with cheese on top and the other similar but with at least three times the sausages. "Thank you it looks fantastic." Dereck said.

"And thank you for saying that, it's been awhile since anyone has had any of my cooking." She handed him the one with less meat and sat down herself. "So Dereck?"


"What happened last night, I mean it didn't just seem like any old nightmare." Dereck fell completely silent. "I'm sorry I know I shouldn't be prying into your life."

"No, it's alright I guess. I mean I know about your big secret so I guess it's only fair."

"But I know it doesn't work that way, don't worry if you don't want to talk about it you don't have to."

"But if I don't talk about this eventually it'll probably eat me up inside, and you have been so nice to me that I think I can finally talk about it." He said solemnly. There was a pause before he continued. "I can still remember it so clearly, and yet it happened a very long time ago."

. . .

It was back in the third grade, I had just transferred to a new school because my parents like to move around a lot and I was terrified of going. After lots of prodding from them I finally relented and went. The school it's self wasn't that bad and in fact it was one of the better ones I had gone to, the other kids were great and the teacher's were really nice. Yeah everything seemed to be going just fine, that is until I met Rick.

When I first met him I didn't think much about it, he was only two and a half years older than me and was probably the nicest person I had ever known. Unfortunately things weren't what they seemed. Rick had already invited me over to his house several times before to play on his Nintendo but I thought that this time seemed different, I was right.

Just after we had gone inside he immediately shut and locked the door behind us, before I could ask I found myself laid out on the couch with him saying that we were going to play a game...

. . .

"Oh my god... did know?" General concern laden Sandra's voice.

"Rape me? No not really thank god, but it was still enough to scar me... After that day I avoided Rick for the rest of the year, thankfully nothing else happen and I moved away again. That is until several years later we moved back to the area and I started going to high school, to my surprise and later torment Rick was there."

"Did he try anything?" she questioned.

"Yeah, but before it went to far I actually stepped up for myself and told him to back off. But being the way that he is he just got pissed off and beat me." Dereck continued.

"Someone must haven't noticed? Nobody's that blind."

"My best friend at the time found me just outside the school grounds and brought me back to the nurse's office. I explained everything, well everything but the part in third grade. The next day the school expelled him and he was sent to juvie." Sorrow filled his eyes as he finished.

"So everything turned out alright, right?"

"I guess, but as you found out last night it's hard for me to let those memories go."

Without any hesitation Sandra got up and hugged him tightly, causing him to blush. "Wha...what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry..."

"For what? It's not like you did it."

"No, but I'm sorry that you even had to go through that. It's just not right what some people do sometimes."

If Dereck could have seen her face he would have found that she had started to cry as tears streamed down her face. "Ar...are you crying?" he asked because he could feel the tears drip onto his shoulder.

She pulled away and wiped her face with a sniffle. "Yeah, sorry I just sometimes get emotional when I hear about people who have to go through things like that."

A half smile crossed his face. "Thanks for your concern, you were the first person I told the whole story to."

"Your welcome..."

Not wanting her to get more upset about his past Dereck quickly spoke up. "Hey, lets stop talking about depressing stuff. I already had to deal with enough of that with my ex."

Sandra gave a slight chuckle before responding. "*sniff* Deal, by the way do you know what time it is?"

"Uh I think it's like eight twenty five why?"

"Oh shit! I gotta get ready for work" She exclaimed before running off to her bedroom.

After seeing her book it down the hallway Dereck couldn't help but chuckle at how odd she was sometimes. Glancing down he saw the two empty dishes so he casually picked them up and went to the kitchen.

Just as he finished he turned and was left speechless, he found Sandra had returned but she looked absolutely stunning in her business attire. The blouse and maroon jacket hugged her frame just right to make her seem slim yet not thin. And her skirt showed of her toned legs encased in sheer black nylon. He had caught her just as she finished putting on her open toe heels which detail her petite feet and clear polished toenails.

"What's up?" She asked snapping him out of his stupor.

"Oh uh nothing, just you look nice that's all."

"Hehe, thanks. But I gotta get going sorry about this."

"No problem."

With that she turned and left, and after about a minute he could hear a car start then drive away. As soon as he was sure she was gone he let out a sigh of relief. 'Come on Dereck, get a hold of yourself. Yeah she's cute and sweet and funny... OH DAMN IT!'

. . .

Several hours into her work day Sandra was sitting around at her desk bored out of her mind. She had already finished most of her work for the day and decided that now would be a good time to relax. Suddenly the familiar pong sound of the intercom rang though her private office.

"Miss Connor you have a visitor, if you would please come to the front desk that would be swell." The crackling of the intercom faded out leaving the room silent once again.

'Visitor, I don't remember telling Dereck where I worked?' The thought ran through her head several more times as she approached the front desk. Turning the corner Sandra almost did a double-take at who her presumed visitor was the little old lady from the carnival three years ago.

"Why hello there deary." She said in a cheerful tone."

", what are you doing here."

"I think it's better if we talk in private..."

"Oh right of course." Sandra turned to the receptionist. "Hey Gwenavire could you hold my calls for like the next half an hour please?"

"Sure, I believe that can be arranged" The young woman replied with a smile.

Back in the office Sandra offered the lady a seat on the other side of her desk. After the pair took their seats Sandra was the first to start. "So what are you doing here?"

"Oh I was just coming to check on one of my greatest wishers."

"Wait what? what do you mean greatest wishers?"

"Well put simply my dear, I'm talking about you and other people who have made some of the greatest wishes I've seen to date." Madam Jewel said cheerfully

"Oookay? I think I understand, but about that wish."

"If you asking for a refund, that's a no can do young lady. I'm sure you understand."

"Umm no actually I wasn't going to ask that, I was going to ask why?" Sandra questioned.

"Why what? Why did I allow you a wish, why did I leave after the wish was fulfilled..."

"No, why did it turn me into a blue she-wolf?"

Madam Jewel burst into laughter startling Sandra in the process and nearly causing her to fall out of her chair. "What so funny!?!" She exclaim after recovering.

Steadying herself Madam Jewel finally responded with. "I'm sorry deary, it's just that I don't know how the wish works or what the effects are I just enact it."

Sandra didn't respond instead her head just hit the desk as she let out a groan in frustration.

"Is something wrong dear?" Madam Jewel asked still with her cheerful tone.

"It's just that I'm more confused now than I was before." Sandra replied, her voice muffled from still being buried in her arms.

"Oh don't worry about that, it happens to all of my clients."

After several seconds of silence Madam Jewel stood up and went for the door. "Well I see your doing just fine, and I do believe that we'll be seeing more of each other in the future dear. Oh and one last thing before I go, I "wish" you and Dereck the best of luck. Bye now."

"Thanks.... Wait What?!?" Exclaimed Sandra as she lifted her head, only to find that Madam Jewel had already left.

With a sigh she leaned back in her chair. "What does that mean?"

Moonlight Troubles

"Oh fuck...." Jamie breathed as he entered his apartment, the entire day his package had a perpetual hard on that just wouldn't seem to go down causing some serious discomfort. Now safe inside his apartment he stripped down but he accidentally left his...

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